HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-26, Page 9Its Arm Out tiff. s;
A young Englishman named Thnm'a Ili ATtt. "Thy; 17* elt " elirntmiel° the
Oke, aged 18, was the victim of a tear s1e ith of Mr Philip Rs•J;fermas:, of North
little accident Wetinsda} . Ile was °List Boundary, I.':shnrnrs Tp•, in ltie "
employ�ed on, the farm of Geo. 1:iddtll," <bth year, Mr, Itykeernxen was au old i
settler in his neQirhharhoe ei aced wad
reeve of �5 estminiater, and eti:►R work. . s
iug around a. cutting hos attached to a grs'atfY r:•allt'cterl let" ail n•hn l,aatrr ' =03
horse, power. Whiles fixing enmeshing'' hint• His inner:JOT; {oto I'ra4iz_ . eI'M'i t tr;;9>.. i 'UDritL for McLean 1111,
about th horse power his Hand he :, l= attended
dt 14""/"S'—fnIle
Lca tares.
y. u Na. rt eel's, SNIT1I•
entries caught in it and before they i►or
No. 1.....4. J'2it
No. 2.... — . 58
+eo. 3......... 59
No. 4......... 27
No. 5.... .134
€es could he stopped his whole term had j t'"1 stt,Y of 05'3 we' tt 3 1"Y happy,. Na• a..., .. • • • 1"
been drawn iu and terribly titaut;lEd ; evelat took piece a*. the resa<le•seet of No. 3.........12
The arta was twisted into ,i eiede awl Mrs George Moir. of this village. on : No. 4........ 124
;rye McLean ` 1i0
broken in four different rtlaces, the ` which ttsac,•tslon ht•r aia►n4;liteer, iJiws 1� <• <
'Tones protruding: from as rttuataY [siru.ts belga. wee utoite?d its t1 arrieg;. to fir
in the arm. lir, Nicli".1 ee 1;: esantiteia- : Robert l)aalrytupla, or Move Jays, ,berth :ti:tjaerit
ter, and Dr. Routledge, of Lambeth,' e`''"t Territory-, a prosperoue farmer
were summoned, and decided that an there, mei who formerly resided near No. 1..... fat
temputatiott was neeeesar; • hire, in the t<eee:ship i f 1 d'.14 No. ' 5
The marriage eerenneywas le:'rfornted O. . 51
Burned to Death. by the Rev. J. S. Hendersost anti wrist No. 4......... i'J
1 sI encu.
A Strafford viileeorro. pendent,.wtitt
A terrible crtteetrophe oeenr<ect about'
two miles north. west of thls village on
Sunday morning. Mrs. Thomas Mit-
chell, an :eged lady, was humeri to
death. Mrs Mitchell seas alone on the
previous e<vt.nitl. iter granddaugh-
ter, w11n usually stays with her, was
:away float home, ami during the night
the house Wnli burned. Nothing. but;
the charred retnaius were found in thee!
morning Cause of tire is unknown_'
Mrs. Mitchell lives about Ila or 20 rode
from the residence of her son. On Sun-
dry morning, when Mr. Mitchell went'
to the barn to attend to his chores, he
discovered the charred remaine of his'.
mother in the ruins of her home. Her
head, arms and legs were: burned, and
only the charred body retrained The
husband of the dead woman, who is
blind, liyes with his son, The deceased
leaves, besides her husband, one son,
Alex., and two daughters, Mrs. Isaac
.Atkin, of F roibe, and Mrs. Vincent, of
Bayhem. She was Seveuty•nine years
of Age.
There is no truth in the story sent
out from Ottawa that the House of
Commons would adjourn till after the
Ontario electious.
Seekers after gold are often disap-
pointed. Seekers after health take
Hood's Sarsaparilla and find it meets
every expectation
T 3. Robbins nf, Cottam, is being
prosecuted at Essex by Humane Officer
McEwan for driving a horse that was
dying of starvation.
The mail carrier, who carries the
mail between Oil Springs and Edy's.
mills, was waylaid and robbed of the
mail bag and contents,
Moray : Master George M. Durr fell
into the creek here on Saturday even
ing and narrowly escaped being drown
ed. When rescued he was almost ex
James: Hunter, an employe in the
furtnture factory of Watson & Malcolm.
Kincardine, Ont, had four fingers on his
left hand amputated by a jointing ma-
chine last Friday.
wi'uessew.l by (tele a few relatisaes of the :
contracting ptertiee, the happy temple
choosing to be very quietly wedded. 1Jttjority for•%'i*e*emitter
The Wide was oat• of our most rst1m-1 11X, rztt.
able youn ladies and will bemused Nn,. 1... 27
by a very"large etrelte of frie'tale anal No. '.... 25
relatives, Mr and Mrs Detre mph. will p No. 3 ..lit
very shortly leave for their home in No. 4 - ... 53
the Northwest, and the hest wishes of
their very many friends will follow
there. IMajorlty
tet welts
liouniCI„--On Feb. I2th, the wire of R.
Rourke, south boundary, Stephen, of
a son. •
JOUNi—In ELIOIvill e, on the llth inst.
the wife of Thos. Johns, of a son.
PNRKIN —In Tshorne, ou Feb. 111th the;
wifs of John Perkin, of a son.
HUF,RTON---Iu Exeter, on Feb. 20th, the
wife; of II. E. Hueston, of a daughter
BAm:ION —In Mount Forest, on Feb. 1lst,
the wife of Geo Baker, of a daugh-
elfAftIUtL(j ES.
I?AvIDsos—ELLzoTr—In Winghatn, an
Feb 15th, at the residence of the
bride, by the Rev. Wm. Lowe, Mrs
Ellen Elliott, to Mr. Frank Davidson.
TzusvrruIo1 .--NESTLE —In Stephen,
on the 23rd inst., by the Rev. J. G.
Yelland,Thomas Treyethick to Miss
Ann Restle, bath of Hay.
LONG.—At Ailsa Craig, on the 21st
inst., at the residence of her daugh-
ter, Mrs. Henry Long, aged 68 years.
A three year-old daughter of Wm.
Dadson, near St. Tbomas,'has died from
•eating canned salmon.
Zurich: A. S. Faust, our under-
taker, last Tuesday, buried his sister-
in-law, Mrs Broderick, north of Dash-
wood, in the Goshen Live Cemetery,
Official Returns.
The following is the correct official
returns for South Huron in 1894:-
or Weismiller
No. 1 ... 43 112
No. 2 ...... . 44 :ai?
No. 13 ... 69 lulu
No. 4 ... 05 '20
No.5 86 ?`e
No.6 ... 24 tit;
No. 7 ... 29 67
No. 8 ... 80 7.:
390 450
Majority for Weismiller 60
No. 1........ 58
No. 2......... 93 96
1 o. 8......... 74 109
No. 4......... 45 23
No. ,5......... 79 53
No. 6......... 41 90
No. 7......... 26 27
416 chit
Majority for Weismiller 3
No. 1......... 59 33
No. 2.... , .... 67 34
No 3 , . ..... 28 107
No. 4......... 19 55
No. 5......... 90 35
263 264
Alajority for Weismiller 1
No. 1..... ... 36 76
No. 2,., 21 67
No.3 20 40
77 183
Majority for Weismiller 106
No. 1.... 81 80'
Majority for Weismiller 49
Total vote polled for McLean 2335
” „ Weismiller 23L3
McLean's majority 22