HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-26, Page 5b l0 ii e le ;k s. [e c E. a t. 1. v. n 0 S r at �.r 0., y e 10 THE zeter Aburrcate, I s published every Thursday Morning, at the. Office, MAIN• -STREET", - EXETER. the--- ADVODATa PUBLtSHINCA COMPANY TERiii$ OF SUBSCRIPTION'. One Dollar per annum, if paid in Advance 81,30 if not s4 paid. Is,d zrert+, ? ^ etes Dia, .a,2? Cd - t3, No P+Pexdisoo ntinixed until ella rreaxageiiR. eetrwillslout de ddixius l be pupihediforbid, awl shaageaaticorelingly. Liberal disooun ma e for transoientadvertiSements,inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB: PRINTING turned out in the (nest style, and • at moderate rates. Cheettes,mono 034':- ere,1lre, for advertising, subseriptions,ete.to Ise made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR. AN» P.110P t ofeseiouo1 Cairdss.. H. KINSMAN 143).S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L 1a. S., D. D, S., BenOr University. s•t graduate of TorontoUnz r t y, DENTISTS. Tenth extracted without any pain, or any lad effects, Office in Fenson's. Block, west site Main Street, Exeter. 4.7 ALTON ANDERSON,(D,D.S.,L.D.S.,) honors Graduate of Um Toronto 1:Pi- aszty and Royal College of Dental Sergeous at Ontario. Teeth extracted withoutate. All modoe of Dentistry up to date. over Elliot Ss lt)liot'e law °face-opposite Central gotel-Exeter. nett:teail Tam .r A. BOLLINS 84 T A. AAfQS. 1I itesidoneoe,same as formerly OFFICES,Spaolcmen,_ building, Main at. Br, Rollins' office: seam as formerly --north door. DDr. Amos' oMee, soma bailding--south May 1st, t8,3 9 'Jd , door, ollins. 3f. D. T. A. Amos, M.D te.T. P, MoIAUGR GIN, MEMBER OP' the Callege ofPlay ale hausand Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon, and Acoonoh- eur. Mee, Dashwood, Ont. l4egal. COI-LINS, BAREISTER,SOLIOIT- OR, Gonveyaaeer. Notary Public. -over O'Neil'a .flank, Exeter,Oatario. av' to Loan. L1;I.DIOESQN,BA.RRISTF..R,SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Cuurt.:iotery Pablto,Con- v0yeneer, Goritrniesioner. SC.e, Money to lean Oi$oe-.Eamon'. Block, Exeter LLIOT & GLAD1IAN, BARRISTERS, Lis Etc . Conveyancers, and Efonev to Lean ret 5 scud S?i, per cent. I3, V. ELI.sor. 3l'. W. GLAnxa:t. Auctioneers Ii BROWN,Winchelsea. Licensed Ataot- ionoerfor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborue Sales 'Promptly attended, to and terms raa- sanbslo,Saloa arranged at Post office. Win- chelses. Insurance. i,`t ELLIOT, InsaranooAgent, Main St. Excite WANTED, HELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or `travelling, to introduce a new discovery aud keep our show eardstaekea up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady ernployment,comnaission or salary, 463 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- tier:Mrs write" Cho World Medical Electric' Co.," London. Ont , Canada. 2-9 93 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. "The flung -dog Expression" . looks of a " ready made,"" Med. me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?S else• m - Sal NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor•made suit, cut, made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit' wear out quickest, Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as titches. Bert. Knight. RIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!! ! • Highest cash price paid for hides, calf, lamb and sheep skins For Arst class beet lamb, pork, poultry, .sau- sage or bologna, call at the NEW BTJTUBIER S11OE.. i .• B .`:,i'` sot, ) BY THE QUART- I]R AT LOWEST CASE; I'ISICC&.. rESH.. FISH. . One Door South of e 'CENTRAL ,HOTEL, {$.a DAY, ' 'ria M' ,DE MEA MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE 4i,LNarvouu .basoaaea-railing Mom cry,Zinpotency;Sleeplessness. etc. caused by. Abuse or other E'zoeaeeo and Indis- cretions 37aev qu..o7ay drat secro17J restore L` ost Vitality in old o+• young. and fit a man for studs business or marriage. Prevent 'Insanity ,and' Consumption it . en in time:. Their use shows miuliediato improve- ment and elteots a CURE where All other fail In: gist upon having the genuine .Alan: Tablets.- Titov have cured thousands and wil t cure Yon. we giro epos. ittve written guarantee to effect a sure ee f a fta in each case or refund the money. Price YO SO r aye per ptskage; orsix penes ,(fuli treatment) for $2,30. By Mail. in plain Bra Eor. upon ieceiptoleico, Circular free' AJ 'RMEDY CO 7lnoar[orn64'ileno; na. $Dtd i.t,'6aeter' by C. $inti, 11rnggist EXETEangedR every WNARKETdSIeedgy) SLASHING OF* RATES. LOSS OF THE MAINE. (Chedl Wheat per bushel $0 9e to 9i Barley Oats 30 to 31 Peas 55 to 60 Butter 14 to 15 Eggs 15ttoes perbag 7T5 to syper ton .00 to 8.90flay kyPpPor.5Tures Ducks 3, Geese .,. 6 Chicken Wool per lb. 18 .,;,. -ie to 41 .. Should .h { 0 A{{ Women Read d This Interesting Letter—"l was Nervous and Weak.." Life Changed from Misery to Joy by Hood's Sarsaparilla, Tbo terrible trials of the 44 gentler sex" are beyond description. How Hood's S'araallarilla. is adapted for them and how restores health b and Helps over the hard places, is well illustrated by Airs. Place's letter, 440. L Hood a 00., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: -In early life I suffered much from stowaeh trembles and spent a great del of money in doctoring. Ire- ceived temporary relief only to have it re- turn of sfeknees, and for the past five years life bee been u ade+ miserable: by constant Illness. During this period there have been six months that 1 was not oft Itiy bed, and for one year 1 suffered most severely. I was Nervous And Weak andlife a .'burden, 11 It happened that lay husband bought a battle of ilood'a Sarsaparilla and I comzuencad to take it in email draw, In a abort time it was evident that it waa helping ate. In two weeks I felt that I was being greatly oonetited. About Vette time oar youngest ten 1- e sag, h p ytsara of age, Gagen dawn with typhoid fever, ride passed on to hie reward, arid anon *there of the fslnjly were taken ill, until l; was the only one lett to care for them. 1 continued taking 1Tood's.Sarsaparilla, and to theeurprlseof myself and all the neighbors, I not only kept up and took care of the nick, but my Health Continued to Improve. For nearly three months this siege Gt typhoid fever held the family down. All this time, ae by a miracle, my health kept up and I grew atrong. At present I em feeling well and know that the bene- fit derived from Moodie Sareaparlila is permanent. Other members of the bowie - hold have since taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills with good effect." MRS. Rl,s$ccA;'traces, N. Sixth St., Coehen,]Ind. HoodlowSarsa- patina is the Best -In fact the Ono True Blood Purifer, Insist upon ;bones; take no substitute. aro prompt, eltictent told Hood's Pilis easy In effect. e5Gonta. 11 WOJllEI$ To be happy and beala.Ly must know bo to take care tattersall, In miler to do this, all irregularities of menstruation must be corrected, the ie. Bans atrongthened and put in working order to perform their proper fanetions Asiatic Regulator Capsules are Safe, Pleasant, Most Reliable and POSITIVELY the BEST REMEDY in the market to cure all irregularities, painful periods. and relieve all distressing pains. The herbs composing this famous rem- edy aro found in the wilds of Asia Minor and Africa and imported by us only. We give a guarantee that it will cure the most ob_ tin ate oases, or money refunded 51.50 per box or four boxes for $5.00. Sent securely sealed. A trial will convince you. Address ORIENTAL ,l1EDICAL CO. Detroit, Mich. McGillivery: Mr. Ed. Mathers ham bought a 110 acre farm on the 10th con. of London township from Mr. J. (` Hughes for $1.000. He will mov.o first week in March. Drysdale: On Thursday Mr. Thus Snowden lost a two-year-old steer. It was smothered to death in a straw stack -James B. Pollock has been laid up with a sore foot, being so unfortnn • ate as to give his foot a severe cut with an axe, while eugaged in cutting wood. . �•v aassaa9a 9: 9s: ;::fit Modern Treatment Treatment of 0 it).. OHS"!r l:!t!dei 6) The latest work on the u treatment of diseases, written t') i! by forty eminent Americang*t'•,' a, physicians, says: "Cod-liver w �I� oil has done more for the con- iv; i� ' stamptive than all other reme l; t dies prat together." It • also 0 says: "The hypophosphites ka `'1 •51 of lime and soda are regarded dlr +di by many English observers as u, specifics for consumption."tti it m Sco t. S' 49 Emtision ,s,, (�eartawsileczamziaossoznw \gyp /la ifr at• i, tt n6 contains the'best cod-liver oil !i\ dI its a partially digested form, iii comi fined with the L ypophvs a%') Pees 0/Lime and Soda. This ie ' remedy, a standard for a quarter of a century, •is in i"i'. z4r R+- exact accord with the latest t; views of Whetnedical profession. V 1. r youget SCOTT'S • BeeC)TT e �s �. Emulsion. fa • .. 06 All druggists , roc.and � 1 �a.oo. , ill di SOOST & BOWNE, Chcinists, Toronto. 't!' E*E eefid :c66C--4,SE*G E.: ieSEiS • GREAT REDUCTIONS ON THE CANA- DAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. Bessenger Weenie Change(} is Ontario At- xnost cat in Tea --bona. Toronto to 7tI ozstresi and Rotors for ¢8,35-4oadoa to Toronto for Only $i,QO-Otser Guts, Toronto, Feb. 22. -The Canadian Pa- cific aro into the rate war in earnest.. es rde_7 h X to tho made a big cut in the passenger rates between Toronto and the rrinot a1 cities. and towns in Ontario, mid educed the fare between Toronto and Montreal to less than one-half what it formerly was, In accordance with instruc- tions received from tbe Canadian Pacific bead. offices in Montreal, Mr, V. E. MoI'herson, the district passenger agent at Toronto, telegrephed the company's agents at Hamilton, Guelph, Galt, Wood- stock, Chatham, London, St. Catbnrines, Ingersoll, Harristen, Windsor, St, Thomas, Teterboro, Owen. Sound, Brampton and Detroit, authorizing them to soil tickets et the new rates, This telegram was Sent out at 5.30 last evening, and read as fol, laws: "In of set at once, the following rates from Toronto: Hamilton 50e, Niagara Falls, Ont,, $1.90; London, .Woodstock and Ingersoll; $i, Cltathanl 81.50, Wiud- aor $:3, Elora, Fergus, Preston and Iles- peler ?5c, Guelph Sue, Berlin, Waterloo, Brentlard and Paris $1,25, Sluices, via Goderdeh, Clinton, Fdueardino, Listowel end Walkerton, $2; Southampton $2.50, Sarnia $3, Montreal $ti, I3tookvillc and Prescott $3, Kingston and? vaparteo$2.50; rates not to be exceeded to intermediate points, Apply in both dlroetions. Sell from your station at rates given, basing on Toronto. Rauud trip rates use tariff No. 298. Limit of one week, Have local inserted as ;lard hews freta. Newspapers will be glad to get this Item. ai(Sfgued), C. 1!1. McPherson." To Montreal and Return for $8.55. 'rho tariff No. 20S, which is to be op - led, provides that the fare for a tuntrig shallequal onesiagio tare d 4tal . ao-thirds of a single faro, and, according title schedule, the return faro. front tree" to Toronto or from Toronto to areal is ;!3.35.. Tiokets sold at then reduced Pates are valid for seven days after issue,.during which, time the pur- chaser Must nave utilized his ticket and sed at the station on which tho ticket Was issued. A prominen.t Canadian 1'aelflc otlloird here stated that this eat inlocalratea had been made in retaliation upon the Grand Trunk for co•operating with the Western Amcrlean roads to fight the Canadian Paoiflo in tbo transcontinental buslnos s.. The Grand Tgn,uk's Side of It.. Montreal, Feb. J3,. -Mr, George B. Roovo, general trallc manager of the Orand Trunk, says that so far they have not done anything to meet the U.P.R. eat in rates, not will thoy do so until they have consulted tho Western Traffic Association and the Grand Trunk Dizoo- torato in London. The boycott Xs On. Chicago, Feb. 22. -Western roads have assumed the aggressive in tho war with the Canadian Paeiflo. They have thrown that road out of the Western iautnigrant oleariug'house. The effect of this action. -will be that the Canadian Pacific -will fro shut out from any participation in Immi- grant traffic arriving at Now York or Boston. Acting in harmony with this notion of the roads, the trans-Atlantic steamship linos, which aro parties to the immigrant agreement, with the western roads, have cabled to their agents not to sell tickets or prepare calling orders for tickets over the Canadian Pacific. These instructions apply to all immigrant busi- ness. The South Pacific road is also a party to the boycott. THE MAINE INVESTIGATION. The Divers Find the Magazine Thought to Have Exploded intact. Havana, Feb. 22. -The divers yesterday continued the work of trying to recover the bodies of the victims of the disaster to the battleship Maine. Incredible as it may seem, it is said that after a partial examination of the magazines of the Maine, the divers report ::oat the ono in which the explosion is supposed to have occurred, is intact. According to my information, tho con- teuts of this magazine are unharmed. Therefore, if this report bo true, an en- tirely different aspect is given to the terrific explosion which brought death and destruction to the Maine. This report reaching Key West; it is said, caused the mernbers of the court of inquiry to decide to proceed to Havana ate begin their investigation at once, in- stead of organizing the court here. At any rate, the lighthouse tender Mangrove, with the court of inquiry aboard, left for Havana. 'Upon arrival in Havana the court will make personal examination of the wreck and will then take testimony regarding the loss of the vessel. The Court of Enquiry. The board of enquiry into the Maine disaster loot on the lighthouse tender Mangrove at 10 o'clock yesterday,' with Captains Sampson and Chadwiok and Lieut. Commander Potter and Marix present. Captain Sampson presided and Lieut. -Commander 1Iarix, recently execu- tive officer of the Maine, acted as recorder. Captain Sigsbee, the commander of the Maine, was the first witness called. Bo was under examination until 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at which hour an adjourn ment was taken. The press was excluded. Spain Would Bo Blameless. Chicago, Feb. 22. -Robert T. Lincoln, Secretary of War under Presidents Garfield and Arthur, and former Minister to Eng- land, is positive that in case of accident, Or i i f the mine was os rlodSpanish w 1 ori by a fanatic, Spain . would not bo burdened with any legal responsibility. TELEGRAPHIC BRIEFS. The Czarina is suffering, from tr mild atteok of the measles. Charles William More, , fifth Earl of Mouutcashcll,' is dead. Ifo was born in 1826. Bryant's carriage shop and Morrison's harnessshop at Mount Forest wero'de- stroyed by Jiro. The North China Daily News says an unconfirmed report is current' that the Chinese loan has been settled at Pekin with Groat Britain. UNITED, STATES BATTLESF{IP BLOWN UP AT HAVANA. Two Hundred and I+1fty-Six Lives Loot,- The Explosion Due to An Accident,- Homages of &XWpathy:•„piab)io Funeral of the Victims. Havana, Feb. 16.. -Tho shattered and battered, bulk of the United States battle- ship Maine lies at the bottom of gamma Harbor, a tomb for at least 253 of her crew. She was blown up at 9.40 o'clock last Slight by anexplosion. well forward under the men's quarters. Her magazine is far- ther back between her coal hunkers, Some of the watch and a few of the (Aileen and crow who were on Shorn escaped, Tile Maine, at the time of the explo. Slog, was at anchor about 500 yards from the arsenal, and some 290 yards from the floating dock, Her steel upper deck forward has been eonipletely lifted and turned over on her starboard side, None of the big guns in the turrets are Visible. She is slightly listed to port and all forwatbl of her massive oranes for unloading sh p's boats have completely disappeared. The big funnels lie flat upon the twisted and gnarled iron braces and pieces of steel decks, From the funnels aft the ship seems to be. intact, She Inas settled until the Water has covered the top of her superstructure, and the stern searchlight and one rapid firing gun look over the Water just below them. It is reported that the disaster wits title to the explosion of the boiler of the elynaeno Inaehdne on board the hlaino. The first explosion is said to ;lave been sensed by over 600 pounds of glen cotton 1 anti the subsequent explosion is alleged to have been caused by shells and cartridges, The Spanish cruiser Alfonso which was anchored close to tho Melee, lowered her boats and saved 37 of the Brow of the .&Iuericen warship.. The Spanish erniser Alfonso XII. was for seine time after the explosion in great peril, and her mooring tackles were sleeked away and she was anchored at a great distance from. the burning warship. Silo thou lowered her beats and took part itt the work et rescue. Some of the serer:kego of the Maine fell cart board the City of Washington and knocked two holtie in hertleek. The chap- lain of the Maine, the Bev. J. 1'. Chad- wick, went on board the Alfonso XII. in order to administer to the wounded. A Spanislh naval enter said that Captain Sigsbee was the last man to abandon the sinking ship, rind he remained alongside the wreek 45 long as It was passible to do anything in the way of resew). Captain Sigsbee, itttervlowed this even- ing by the correspondent of the Assoel- atod Press, with reference to the cause of the explosion, said: "I cannot yet determine the cause, but competent investigators will decide whether the oxploeion was produced from an interior or exterior cause, Ieannotsay anything until aftersueh an Investigation has been anode. I will non and cannot conscientiously antieipato the decision, nor do lavish to make any unjust estim- ate of the reason for the disaster." Washington, Feb. 18. -The Govern- ment hes settled back into a waiting attitude iu respect to the terrible marine disaster in. Havana Harbor. The great shock caused by the news has given way to a calmer and more judiolal state of mind, and realizing front the events of the day that the court of inquiry is the sole deporaienco in the scareh for the cause of the Maine's loss. Tho naval officials aro now resigned to await the results of that inquiry by a court named yesterday by the Navy Department. There was little news to add to tite sum of in- formation as to the disaster during the forenoon. No telegrams cane, and all that could bo ;;leaned was a denial of some absurd story or other that had crept into print or became current gossip. All tho news of the day came in the late afternoon in Captain Slgsbeo's report of the authorization of the funeral of his dead sailors and General Lee's brief story of the struggle for life in the dark hull of the -Maine. Havana, Fob. 18. -The interment of the martyrs of the Maine took place yes- terday afternoon about 5 o'clock. Shortly before the hour an Havana was in move- ment. The flags on the public buildings were draped in mourning, All classes were represented in the throngsthat filled the streets along which the immense funeral procession passed to the cemetery. NAVAL COURT OF ENQUIRY - First Meeting Set for To -day -Capt. Sigs- bee on the State of the Wreck. Washington, Feb. 21. -The naval court 'of enquiry appointed to investigate the Maine disaster will begin its work to- day. This news came to the Navy Depart, - 'merit yesterday morning from Admiral Sicard at Key \Vest. He simply tele- graphed as follows: "The court of enquiry will sail, for Havana 20th by lighthouse steamer 'Man- grove." Capt. Sigsbee was heard froin late,last night, but the telegram was not delivered at the Navy Department until this morn- ing. His message goes to confirm the press reports of the events of yesterday in Havana harbor so far as they relate to the exploration of the wreck. It retails as follows: t'Only. most experienced workingdivers can do effective work on the Maine. ' In the upper works I can use service. divers. Did some work to -day, but with little success. Will do bettor to -morrow. Parts of the Maine, especially the superstructure and connections, aro'ono confused mass of metal." Vizcaya at New York. New York, Feb. 21. -The Spanish war vessel Vizcaya, in command of Captain Eulate, came through- the Narrows Sun- day afternoon and anchored off Tomp- kinsville, Staten Island, where she is closed guarded by heavy yard tugs and police patrol boats owing to public feeling, Six Years at Kingston. Toronto, Feb. 19. -Charles Findlay Lutz, the wholesale bicycle thief, forger and counterfeiter, from Berlin, pleaded guilty to two charges, and Magistrate Denison sent him to Kingston Peniten- tiary for six years. lamegert's Appeal Denied. Chicago, Feb. 21. -=Judge Mary denied the motion for a new trial in rLuetgert'a case and sentenced hide to life inaprlson went on Saturday. An appeal will be taken to the State Supremo Court. The Moan Medicine Ca. gamilt0S, Dear Sirs. For many years I was troubled with periodical sick beadeches,0 being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were ad- vertised as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in (uelph but with* eat any relief. One doctor told me it was caused by a w:eakstornaclt, another Raid it was hereditary and incnreable. T was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's lindian Tonle, and I stn Happy to. say I did so. A few doses gave Fns - mediate relief. and One bottle and a half made a complete cure. This waa three years ago and the headaches have have newer return- ed, I was also troubled with asthma and nothing helped me like your .Sloan s. Indian Tonic, d can heartily reconancrid it to all ani will lt3 gltsd to give , an t . a u' t a oneafflicted , Y } e as i was W. O. laden. Guelpia, Nov. 23rd,18117, ;real sale at ail dealers. or address the eoalpany at Htuu1Ltoa- *1,00 per bottle; 0 bottles gror ria 00. Cr'i' I h �s� COMMERCIAL LIVERY.1 First-olass and Horses Orders left at Hawkshaw's Hotel, or at the Livery Stable Chri tie's old Staaiid Will receive prompt at. tendon. . . liltane TermsReesonablo eGoionneetion " Only one Girl in the World for Ale," So ;Stye the popular song. <' Only One Fllrlj!tllr { IIT ToWn for' Near THE PALACE WAN DURAd. 1► IC CH— 1 P Says tbe landlord who wishes to have every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retain reg war patrons and induce occasional cus- tomers to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this method. We make undertaking a Specialty. R. N. ROWE inbuyto{tseeds"seamanly le extrarasnece," becausetheoo.t of cultivation rested on i,terlorsired, always largely exceeds the origlaal cost of the best and dearest seeds to be had, The beat la always the. cheapest. Pay aOgle =motor FERRY'S SEEDS and atwaya get your money's worth., Five cents par paper everywhere. Always the beat. Seed Annual tree. D.M,FERRY & CO.,Wledssr,OSt. -411111.1110. S. GIDDY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and eytbering together Choice Oddments in Earley lntrnitnre suitable for presentation. The assorement is now eompieta and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what vary reasonable prices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of Very Handsome BED ICOM SETTS in Ttin, OAx, and Asu ANTIQUE and CenitoNA finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are tnuoh lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. HOCKING CRAMS. In FOREST GREEN, ANTIQUE OAK,. CURLY Bxaen, and Kalil/GORYFinish,. fromVia:: }Aa up. FANCY' TABLES. A magnificent line bought ata seer;-• fico and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fanny !rockers, Music Ranks, Couches, Extension Tables, Picture Mouldeings. Curtain Polos, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Etc., Et.. CiNlDElRTARING and EMBALMING IN ALL ITS IBRANCIHES•... S. Giclley 8z, Son. ..FARRIERS! s 1 You will find at Bisset's NYarerooms the following line of Agricultural implements Deering Binders,, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince..... Knoll Washer and wringers. , STOVES._, Gurney stoves and furnaces A 0 and , G The ChathamWagon and a full- line h if the celebrated M Laugh]in buggies I+', Q,' ii !! BILL .htt T 1 A nvtzl must consider Ms purc1ias well there blues; he rutin buy 'wbere be can do the best. Look at some of thestr figure': Pouts made to order,. all wool ite:.ry tweeds $2.0.1 Suits t9480 Overcoats $$.09 Black Worsted suits a yet- is", 312,00 Our $20 blacks lxat all others at *23. Come and zee for yourselt, MDR. GRIEVE Biolyoes !, Bicycles IT Die Ise I l I Bicycle Pleasure.. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made. at lowest prie..e Musical Do ;von want nrtyrfiinr in Sew musical line. we havt' a choice teat of Pianos and organs, Cath and in spect them before btuyiisg elsewbe A full stele. Of sewing machines, baby Ca.r- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin ..=•1•111M111110.- THE 111ae THE CENTRAL DRUB STORE. 17 7 V Try > S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble ,in old or young. ,Wte llatiufactulre— WINER'S LINAMENT which is, an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pales, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and' Influenza. The Old _Reliable, Wittaa's Con- dltion Fowdiers, still holds fist place, in the market. Also Lotion for scratehls on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLE AGENTS FOR. Dix. LUNG SYRUP. C. LUTZ,:DRUGGIST. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEA. THE COOKS' BEST FRFN LARDt;:raT M* IN cAt.4, ,1.