HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-26, Page 2eis Weir over DOINGS OF TEE WEEK Call at tee once for advertesina rate& THE EXETER ADVOCATE. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY •ZI., 1898, •WiveS,. 'Remember That be la jute es a1011ate get rich ate you are. Thet home ist mom then halt whee ye* 'amke That a Man likee neettnese in your ettlre et ell times, Thet he is not in love with ever- Vroulau be &awes at. Tbat there. are /atter sirep bexest ese tbe neerby cethers. Time. she who puts on the gloeee ehould know how to epe.r. That yen should not ran up bill* with, eat his lenewledge. That it le policy to let lam believe bet te olord and =nester." Thrit "a baby" in the imuettis. well- epring ot pleaeore. That lee does net get eleipy the mute moment thet you do. Viet your relationship tohine is °tow ibers to year enether- Tbat a prompe and 'pointedsinswer aotei oot tune 'aevey wrath. That /Xill Can't keep boos, end them le tee we of Temtrying. That you. simuld not expeet him to light the tire in the merning. Viet be expecte yea to leek your best when yoa go girt Willi hire. TWA 8 .in. is 60 inioutes past 7 °Week, etet It initiatee to 9.-13estext Suepshets artine. The Kele of jue a I:tithing hut a trial italeuce. The high churchmen usee candles ikud. the Baptist dips, When a man gets in a pickle it wilder* preserve* his temper. It is the elean tableeleth thee catches the sArly grease spoe. A. tree le covered with, hark, but a dog sumelly lieed with ie. It is eal4 thet coureshipeerries teiortipee, singer* Veep all the other ehip. ' Some men bite off more then they can &tow and some dogs ehew more then 'they can bite eft. It is a. pleasant task for a men to mill the weeds that grow upon A pretty witlow's honnet-sometimes. Kluardis Liniment Is the best. nen who Iki Thv wheels Go ettanie. The areof comee. many men in bu9I. floss pursuits who devoie themselves to single brae:elms of tonde, just AS there aro men who are devoted to eingle brenchca of ecienee. A. reporter who WAS seeking dctietite inforniatten eoneerning a certain ertiele or eounnon use vats told that So- end-eo ktiew allahout it, a itatement that COniirrned by another can who seid of So-unileettlett he was "as much baterest, ed" in his specialey "ste see reporter wash). Taere are plentt,, of sueh men theft the public never be. of.; men that devote :their lives to special lines of goeds, or it tnay be to special articlee, who are experts and men. of authority in their respootive businesses, aud very probably men of bigh *salary or cunsiderable income: men or energy, capacity and concentration, who mucceetl in what they untlertake, whose efforts' make the succeseful husinese house. -Ne vr York efun. ITEMS OF INTEREST FROM AROUND Ti -E WORLD Bruited, unctunteci and li.pasevvra rkthiY Varar„raplaa for the ILAerriacal of ktractical, r topic --- rersouel, Delitheal glad rrontabte. TUX ACICACRLTURAL WOULO. Excellent reins in Northern end Ceote rat India beve ensured secoossfut spries CtOptil. spice:ewe. Auanown young men oesnolitteel euleide at Jordan bytakitigoerbelie aciel, Ile bed on bis peeson envelopes contoin. ing a a.deltese UMW:. and it ie. sup - poetise he .canee 'from thee city. Ilea; AEI:wears wonir...p,„ Moody,. the nested evangelist, held two nuieange at Montreal lase Friday, nod loft to Pittsberg, Pa, An the -evening. At Trinity aletholise Church, Tamen.% on Stanley night the magnifimut sum. ot. ,745 was raised for the purpme pey- on the doeting debt. Ulf; nni.e. eteteOlete. The. Qutarie roiling mit% were burned Own at n»Ron en Sunday night, end SOO Men were thereby thrown oue of work. A eee,000 rim In New York deeteeyed the Atlantic Caelno„. the betel et Troy, formerly a loefeball piArer, the. quarters Of the Poo A.C., and E04roit Nunnner maga. The Royt 'building, a Urge Ave -storey iek etructere ae the northwest esenter o Bei* 4.4a. St. Clair *Irene, Cleeelond, ?led by stores an 'Various ttning concerns, was entirely eleetemeyed by re. Losia eatimated at taon,Qat-,,,, TUE SEASON AT HOME APID ABROAD. Tbe Riviem ist in cempleto. carnlvaL 'The battle of florrera at Cannes MI 'Thurs- day broeglie eut 25,000 people. Taere was a large centin.gent of tanelists, including the Date ai Dochess of CossitAngtm Too s dowers were throwe. The weether in Eugland coneinueeto be a the Illiid.est deeeriptien, end intim- Prit is we rite that it has redeed the deoth et 'lousier* Zo oalea per 1.aati, and. Anse' Mae& Mid tbe prim ef ate .gonrt up. hizea I alm he La yTereuee Rieekweadt dough lew ot the ;Margate of Dufferio nal ferment' hiles Florence lietvie. of Nevo tut, is emeng .the stutterer& TRAVE ANO COMMERCE. a•ZeWe leas. COMO 10 Edmonton Mae speeter hioody'it poliee pany crossed Pitice River l'ase. of the Rockies on ceenber 'rho Chairman at the Finenee Com. mime of hiontreel pmposes to Mon a hun ivJolet tery for tae purpose of pey. bog the citfe debt. Color and Aroma or Coffee. There are two things whieh people ire. nine are guides to the goodness of coffee Willett are really of no consequence what - seer. They are the color of the decoction and the aroma of the ceffee when ground, or when it escapes from the pot in draw- ing The color is due ahnost entirely to the roasting. This Is also true of tea. The* tinest coflees and teas when properly roast- ed and prepared to give out their finest flavors will color the water but little. The real essences which ;ewe the flavor have practically no color. Iind Attained Its l'ilajority. "That piece," said the young man who plays the piano by ear. -is a minor." "Is it possible?" exclaimed his acquaint - ante, "Couldn't you recognize it?" "Oh, yes, I recognietti itt My iropres- pion was that it was of age long ago." - Washington Star. The proprietors of Parmelee's Pills are constantly receiving letters similar to the followintawhich explains itself. Mr. John A. Ream, Waterloo, Ont., writes ; "I never used any medicine that can equal Parmelees Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver and Kidney Complaints. The relief ex- perien.ced after u.siug them was wonder- ful." As a safe family medicine Parma - lee's Vegetable Pills can be given in all eases requiring, a Cathartic. By the Way. The early bird gets* caught by the Nature begins fools and women finish them. Friendship is not so diffloult as admire. on of our friends' friends. It is a hard task to make an ezplanation to a person who doesn't intend to accept it. Home is that dear place where we are not afraid to break crackers into our oyster soup. too Tory-lanionist and demanding that, if he -was to be president of the commis- sioo, he should select his own assooiates. The Goveroment was aghast, but acqui- eseed. CLASSIEI The life iestirauce companies dolog basil -ease Moetreal are accenting risks on Kiondieers. The number it deaths in 13onabay front the plague were 1,134 daring the past week., and front all ceuses 2,067 • A by -Lew for the estealisameet of e.n, electvio light system for Beeton was voted on and, Carried by A Unanimous vote, BY the treaty with .A.bys.sinia Great Britain eeeuree another open door and the roost,fevoredeeatien treatment in respect to import* and local taxation. Fou ewe; OR WAR, Coosiclerable improveoneuts are to be effeeted at the Royal Military College. Tbe British second -elms cruiser Rain - hew, Captain Vernon A, Tisdall, bas arrived at Port Arthur. A third Chinese cruiser was /aunched at Stettin. She was christened Hai Shen by the Chineee Minister ae Bertha The United Statee Navy Department is investigating various grades of petroleum, with a. View to itallSe fee marineengines, and the experiinent will soon be tried in one et the new torpedo hoete. Two Itedien warships are expected at Port an Prince trona at. Tasonas to en- force pending cksims of the ItalianGove env -emit 141, ske anlOnnttlf 41,044,000. The fell of the ldiesistry is illitnillent4 Thellritieb warship °Metes*, wheat wise in collision en February 10 With the paasenger steamer Marbelle, has been floated. The Galatea's ram was deranged to the collision, bus io evlutt extent is not yet blown. lahosNierstE CU:WANGS. Ed. Fay, *be erainierer of MeGrattt Au TIRIVAII. is lodged in Since atm. P4won IS now 4e ted, ell Vim ntiners heiag aZ work en their admit, Vac Cleveleud had 930 toes et freight and 104 passengere She took up maehin- try for the Stikitee Railway, but no men for the line,. TWO more Kientelike, stoomers have tost lefe for ehe North. They were the Oity Of Seattle and the Clevelaod, Tbe Seattle bed 5$4 pagers. She hadto Absolutely declirie tti take up 2,10 doge for the Pierre be Ilunibert petty, days are very (kirk during the win- ter months, there being light only be- tween U end 1.50 o'elock melt day. NTotii- lig can be bought in the stores them. A. friend of Batumi, named Ileely, recently eecured A ton of petatees for $2,000. A report reached Jwlenu just before the Topeka left that five men were from to eath on the summie of Chilkoot, but no rnea Are Obtainable. Another report u1 lz het 1. 0. Sylvester, memhaut, 101, was accidentally shot In the eta rox.mes-cANantiate. The New Bruuswicic Legislature is in In the breach a promniSe CASO Of 4nn session. Jane Irwin vs. Tenn Senderson, as Orangeville, Judge McCarthy awarded the pletutlif 4160 damegest It Is asserted that a great cembinaton ef the spinners of fine counts of cotton 'lunging to the hisinehester district has been arrariged, *with a capital of about 40,000,U00. tzt1ixAND CR ISALS. A Kindly Nature. • "lam a tender-hearted man," said Col. "aod as a Tule I don't care much tole spoilt But there is one exception to aey mu1e 1 enjoy fishing." • "Doesn't it seem rather cruel to you?" • "No, sah. When I think of saving those areatutes from havimeg to pass a lifetime In all that watah I regard myself as a benefactor; sah, and a humanitarian. - 'Washington Star. • A Charitable Theory. "'Mamma, I guess know why Mr.Buns- ty sits in the front row at the theater." "Why, my dear?" "SO everybody can set that has ;tot a little heir left behind."--Clevelartd Plain Deelen A new trial is being applied for in the Luetgert murder Case in lableago. American &must service deteetaves are still at alontreel bunting for counterfeit with tbe aid a the local force. An investigation has been commented into the circumstances columned with the death of Oliver Dufour at S. jovice. A Paelatge of movioyconta1r1ng$70 Was a few nights ago teat in the sheltie at Smith's Falls, Out.and as a result of it two sonmloyes of 'alio. Dalllit11011 Express. Company are under suspicion. A Horoscope, , Blubbering 'Ionamy (who bas just been -whipped by him mother, to his little mister) esa pity your future husband. Whai) a tillother‘izt-law he will have! A human thigh was found floatieg in tho water at the foot ot Pacific! street, Brooklyn. It Is thought that it may have some connection vrith the dismembered trunk found in New York at the foot a liOis d011tirs, While expenditure for the Roosevelt street. month has deere.a.sed by a quarter of a RAILROAD Rueretr.INGS. mnillion. There is a probability of the Montreal On the recommendation of the Iron. Park arid Island Railway being consolie Peter Mitchell, the alinister of Marine dated with the Montreal Street Railway Company. China has consented to the British de- mand for a railway from Burma to Yunman, and she also agrees to indemnify he kidnapped Frenchman. M. Lvandet. It is understood thet negotiations are on foot which may result in the Wabash Railway using the Air Line instead a the main line of the G.T.R. for its through R. E. Hope hes reeelved his commie. sion as regietrar of Wentworth courttee The hfenitoba, Legislature will meet 00 Meech 10. The ecesion will prebably be short. Mr. Fitzpatrick introduced the Govern- ment bill to repeal the existieg Dominion francloise law raid substitute therefor tee provincial lists. The Goverureent has instituttel another investigation into elle affairs or the Montreal poste:dicta and it is understood tatte numerous dismissals will be made. Senator Scott made the important au- nouncement that after August 1 the pref- rential tariff would, be made to apply to the imparts from Groat liritale. and Brit- ish coloules only, Sir Richard Cartwright was to go to Washington on tionday in connection with the proposals. now pending in the Senate to restrict the bonding privileges In regard to the navigation of tho Stikine. The firtanolal, statement for the Inonth of Janeary shows the total revenue for the mouth as $3,512,000, an increase over the seine month last year of halt a mil. AN AURORA LETTER A Correspondent Approves Rev. F. Elliott, of Richmond Hill. P:iduczo' a- tilfelli err P4101:ka Ilia'HirunZall-t ClInert t - Every Case of Bright's Disease, Diabetes. RearDisease, Imint, hisso, 1,eMe Back and .ail Other Kidney Diseases, Aultonor Feb.14.-Dear artle published a few days ago* relatiug to the recovery of Rev. F. Elliott, of Richmond Hill, arts aeon diseuSSed at length in this Mien. It states fisete similar to these of many cases here, all of which are wen kncrisrnrfr:shuriengotful i°zeus. Ia such a prominent and respected olergymnu as Rev.itir. Elliott taking so pronouuced a step as be has done, irx publiele reeommetuling Doda's Kidney elie experience with chi* WOnderftli medicine is exactly similar to that of Aurora people. There is tio medicine to be procured thot can approath Dodds Kidoey Pals, welch, never fell 'to cure. terigiet's Disease and Diabetes, so long said to be incurable, are cured by Docla's Kidney Pills as easily as a puff of wind, blows oota candle thane, They have been used in this town by scores a people who wore given PP to die by their 40CtorS, and Wilti surprised and delighted their friends their rapid, and thorough reeetery After bating Used theee Heaven -eons pills. There is no medicOne on earth that can compare with Dodd's Kidney Ville for Rhearnatism, Lumbago, Lame Beelelleare Disease,Paralysis'%tut, Greetel, Stone10. Bladder, "Urinary Troubles, Biwa Import - ties, Ferflede Weakness and ell other Kid- Dieeswee. Tbe Pills are simply in. allible In these eilineuts. It is the duty a every Mart tO lighten the eufferinga a bis fellows as MOob as potsible, and ter thet reason I write ebbs to proclaim to ell victims of Bright's Dis- ease, Diaberes and any or the *thee Kidney Diseases I have mimed, that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills will cure there. as Certainly as eight follows day, if they Are given a ch4neL AUtrerera call get Dodd's Kid nor Pills any drug gore. They cese only fifty cents A box, six tioeet P.50. on retellot Or which price they will be seat by Time Doddi Medicine Co., Limited, Termite. Yours, QM, golaterrr. m bas for the present season eanotioned a general extension of the smelt fishery for a period of thirteen days, and fishing operations may, therefore, be carried on until the 28th instant inclusive. CASUALTIES. John Carney, a Tyendinaga farmer, was killed by being thrown off a load. of freight business. wood. John Warner, a farm laborer, et bis :death by being bitten by a bog at lax - The official returns from the Canadian bridge. roads show tbe earnings to be from Feb- motley let to 7th as follows: Grand Trunk, An ice jam at Blair, four miles from Galt,lias flooded the Elmira branch . of 1898, $395,785; 1897, $373,174, an increase the G. T.R. and stopped trafam of $22,611. The Canadian Pacific* Railway figures for the same time are in 1808, $385,000; 1897, $332,000, an increase of $53,000. TIM DEAD. Mr. G. M. Rose, the well-known To- ronto publisher, is dead, aged 69. Mr. J. A. Clyne of Walsingham Center was found dead in his bed at a London hotel. Mr. John Patterson, a prominent and successful sheep raiser of Kirkwall, died Thursday of heare failure. Washington Wilmot, ethe welhknown horseman, died suddenly at his, home in Watkins, N.Y., aged 62 years Justice George B. Maarlame, of the Missouri Supreme Court, is dead, as the result of an. operation for appendicitis. A well-known Buffalo physician, Dr. John Cronyn, died Friday night. He was bora in Ireloand in 1828, and wheu 12 years old settled in Toronto. He obtained the degree of M.D. from Toronto 'Uni- versity in 1852..„ Seven years later he took up his eesidence in Buffalo, He was an honorary member of the Ontario Medical Association premix PERSONAL. Sir William Dawson's condition is Jen - proving. He is now able to •move about. King Menelik of Abyssinia is preparing for a journey to the European capitals, and is mineable eta the objecte ot special • artistic interest in Aleyesinieo the most valnable of which he will take as gifts to the various rulers, His Majesty intends to be absent abeat eight months, and time Government of Abyssinia during that time will be entrusted to the Queen. The list of members of the Royal Com- mission to renresent Great Britain at the Paris Exhibition of 1900, as published by •the London Gazette laSt Week, was drawn up by the Prince of Wales, the Prince having rejeeted the Government's list on the groond that it was too clique), and Sunday at Pau, prance. )tlzedIluxtune. 4. =an is known by ehe tramper: he eeps. Never 100 a gift Ogee in your mouth. The leek of money is the root of ell evil. Where wisdom is blies 'tie telly to be ignorant, A Mitch to time $.7tvc4 the nine. Chain up a child and away be will go. Vil7t110 is SO ouly reward. The course of free love meter did run moth. A bird in the hand lays no eggs. All that a man bath will be give to We wife. Many bends like light work. It's a wise child that owes its own father. The rolling stone catehee the worm. Osculation is the thief of time. A. thirsty man will catch at a straw. Strome show whielt way the gin goes. "Heaven lies about US in our infancy," and this world lies about us a lieu we are grown up. It isnot good for man to give a loan. The wages of sin is debt. Every slogone must bates its dey.-Caro. lyn Wells in the Map -Beek. Alexander Brunt, a olerk in a Montreal house, was killed Sunday by imprudently taking bold of a live electric wire. Judge Snider fell down the stairs in the Hamilton Providenb and Loan build- ing. He was not seriously injured. Mr. E. Route of Holland Landing was dragged 20 or 30 feet with a horse on top of him. He was badly injured, but may recover. There is nothing like having a good healthy Manitoba constitution. The other day a Winnipeg youngeter swallowed a live mouse, and felt no discomfort. The discomfort was confined to the mouse. Wm. Evans and John Cunningham of Hazelton, Pa., were walking on the New Jersey Central Railroadenear Wabno tport. They etepped out of the way for one train directly in front of another, and were almost instantly killed. Ensign Joseph C. Rreokinridge, execu- tive officer of the II. S. torpedo boat Cuehbig, was washed overboard " and drowned during a stormy paseage from Key West to Havana. The body was sent by the Cushing to Key West. The Ifolland-knaerica steamer. Veen - dam, Captain Stenger; from Rotterdam for New York, wee lost at sea. The American liner St. Louis took off the passengers and crew Lind set fire to the • weeck. The Veenclam was formerly the 'White Star liner Baltic, While Stewart B. Genrley, an amateur photographer of Brooklyn, was taking a flashlight picture, an explosioh oc- curred, by whiob he lost four angers oft his left hand. George Johnson, a boy, was badly burned, and Mrs.. Mary Rine - land was hijured, probably fatally. Deathof a NOtisd Educator. -London, Feb. 14. -The Right Rev. John Richardson Selwyn, Master of Set. wyn College Cambridge, since 1893, died Cannot. 33e Beat. -Mr. D. Steittbach. Zurich, vreites:-"I lute used Dr. Thomas' Eelectrio Oil iu ny family for a number of years, and I can safely say that it tan - not be beat for the cure of croup, fresh cuts and spraius. My little boy bus bad attacks of croup several times, and one dose of Dr. Thome' Eclectric 011 WitS sufficient for a perfect cure. I take great pleasure in recommending it as a family medicine, and I would not be without a bottle in my house." A PLAQUE QF THE NIGHT. Oohing riles and Other Rectal Tioubles Email,' Cured by a Safe Method --A marltablo liunal4,er or Cures Made Truakoa Magnetic) Ointment, .A.bout one person in every four suffers frorp seine atm of rectal disease, The most ooninleu and Annoying is itclaing piles. indioated by Warmth, slight moos - tare and intense uncontrollable itching in the parte affected. The usual treatment has been sqsne simple (*lunette or suave, w loich woe- tirneOgives temporary relief, huG nothiug like a Permanent cure cell be expected from such superOciel treeteneut. The mile permsoient eure itching piles yet disteovered is Tease's Magnetic Ointment, mot may for itching piles, but for every other form of piles, blind, bleed- ing or protrudieg. The flioe application gives inetane relief and the conteaued uses for a seen time causes a permanent re- moval of the tumors or the small para- sites wlach cause the intense lolling awl discomfort of itching piles. Many physicians for a long time sup- posed time the remarkable relief afforded by Traskae Magnetic Oitstment WaS be, cense it was supposed to metal's cocaine, opium or similar drugs, bile sech is ;tot She ease. A resent careful ansaysie of the retnetly showed it to be 411R/11,1E0Y free -trent SOY coceine, opium er in feet any poisouons, islands/us drugs whatever. For title reaeta Task,'.. Magnetic Oint- ment is probably ehe (only pile cure exten- alvely regeralltended by phyeicieus, be - 11 ia 80 sate, so prompt he the relief afferded as so far as lemma the euly poei- two mire for piles exeepe a surgical oper- ation, If suffering from any form of piles ask your druggist, for a O. or 40ee package of Trask's Magnetic Ointment nod try )t to- night, FRANCIS EARLE, IV Bay street, Toront The Old Story. "How areyou?" cried the chrysanthe- mum to the palm at the other end of the ballroom after the donee. "Pretty love spirited. I heard to -night at least 75 declarations of everlasting lore." "Seventy-fivel Why, how many men were here to -night?" "About 25," answered the palm, sadly. A.nd the experienced chrysanthemum understood and whispered something to her leaves. How's This We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ease of Catarrh that millet be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. a. CHENEY & 00., Props., Toledo, 0. We the un dersigued, have known F. J, Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in ail business transactions and fin- ancially able to carry out any obligation made by their firm, WUST & Tiunt, Wholesale Druggists,Toledo,O. WALDING, 1neu.N & MARVIN, Wholesale Drug- gists, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh. Cure is taken internally, act- ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur- faces of the system. Prime 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. The AfritteA -1,,Zetive and lb* Locomotive, Seine intereStIng renuirke by the Mate- bede on the *team engine are reeorded by hir. Francis Cox, eat et the leading Visit- ors to Buluwayo. The lecoinotive Was thus described; IV is a huge animal be - hinging to the white man, It haseillyella eye (ths heed lamp). Is feeds on fire end luiteit work. When the white men pinup* 15 to Inuko it work is Reearcts. It comes :rota seruerithere, but PO One knows from 'whence. Of a steam traction tingle; seen when She driver was *ding It, the Matabele said thet "it WAS a huge althea which bed the fever very Nulty, because the white num poured In =divine 45 60 many parte of its body." TROd ern Maxims. • Timkins-Taose Kentucky colonels are evidently modeled after the ancient Spar- tans. Simkins -Why so? Thnking-The Spartans, you knovv,were never known to "take water." •••••••••=1••••••••••••••• Sieepleasneess due o net -vows excite-. Mena The delicately conatituted, the financier, she busiueee men, and thee* whose occupation »ecessitette great 111011. tla strain or worry, all suffer lessor more hem It. Sleep is the great rettorer of rt. worried brain, and to get sleep demise the atomech from ell impurities with a few doses of Parmelee's Nteeetnble Pine gala, tin* coated, coutaining no mercury, and are guaranteed to give satisfaction or the money will he refunded, • Dear Sirs, -1 have been a great sufferer from rheumatism, and lately have been confined to my bed. See- ing your MINARD'S LINIMENT advertised, I tried it and got immed- iate relief, I ascribe my restoration to health to the wonderful • power of your medicine. • LEWIS S. BUTLER. Burin, Nfld. The WO* Butterfly. King Solomon was one clay strolling outside the palace when be heard a but- terfly eity to his wife, "With one stroke of my wing I could knock down this entire palaee." Withont waiting to bear InOre King Solomon returned to the pea - Ace, and summoning his councillore and his officers of state he ordered the arrest of the butterfly at eoce, Pale mid treenbl. ing the buttettly was brought before the.. king. The king charged hira 'wan the treasonable remark. The butterfly plead. - ed guilty. "30t, 0 great king," wen' the butterfly, "you are a married num. yourself! Can you not guess, why 1 mid. 152 My -wife was unusually insubordinate this morning, and ie was IleCOSSarY.10. order to metintate any sere of disea line, that 1 prove to her how great wee my power. That is why 1 said it, great king, not from treasonable ntotivee, bee in order to inailltaio my marital aathorlry.”- Tim etory goes that the king dismissed the butterfly without even so much as & reproof. The story also goes that 'when the butteray returned to bis wife and slew asked, "Well, ancl what slid the Weer want?" be replied, "To beg me not to do It." F.xeltange. Napoleon's Plano. -Mutt certainly is one of the meet value able pianos in the world was made in ism by order of the Enquirer Napoleon Bona - puts, who presented it to the atanpress Joeophine. It was stolen during the seek- ing of the Tuileries, was efterwards sold at a public auction and is now in the pos- session of a great firm of pianoforte mak- ers, Messrs. Erard, Tho case is of the finest rosewood, ornamented with oronolu, while the keys ere made of =ether of Pearl and tortoise shell. Napoleon's military taste is shown by the fact thee ono of the five pedels works a drum and tatingle at- tachment. MInard's Liniment Cures LaGrippe, Ati Unfortunate. The =au wilo has nothing to do is un- fortunate. We were nuttle to work. For that reason there is a joy in achieving. Our reward is not measured bo the pay we receive. Our satisfaction is in the success we have in beholding the results of our en- deavors. In the chorea the same rule holds. Some good people are spoiling for want of good works. The spirit languishes unless it renews its strength in the service of the Lord. Spiritual achievement and spiritual vigor go hand in. hand. Where 14 It? If the landed surface of the globe were divided up and allotted in equal shwas to each of its hunum inhabitants, it 'would be. found that each would get a plot of 23,14 scree. • The Stamp Am Lady of the 'louse -Did you peet rop letter asl told you„ Bridget? Bridget -Sure, mune, I .dieleetput Iliad le weighed first melee it was dOrtlAdMdelt put another stamp on it. Lady -That's right; only I hope you didn't put the extra, stamp MOO that it would hide the addreee. Bridget -Indeed I ilideetenau.m-I ust. *tuck 15 00 top of the Other Stamp', MUM, SO este Save route There is danger x:1 neglecting a cold. Many who have died of consumption dated their troubles from exposure, followed by a cola which settled on their lungs, and in a short time they were beyond the skill of the best physician. Had they used Bickles Anti -Consumptive Syrup, before it was too late, their lives would have been spared. This MeCliCine has no equal for curing coughs,colds and all affections of the throat anclluugs. Wools 'blunt the best Hair Reston an step endeet Ceitictem. little girl eat geeing fixedly At tile new bonrotef One Of iser otetherai visitore, until the elder smilingly usited, "Po you like it, my deer r The eitild inueeently replied; "rets - do, Montilla mad AnnV.Milly mid it wee. o perfect fright, but it 'doesn't -frig/sten teue e, hit." -London Fun. At the Initiation. "Mortal," said the guide in a sepulchral voice to the blindfolded candidate whom he was conducting in a slow ancl solemn march around the darkened hall, "you are now approaching an ordeal that will test your fortitude to the utmost 1" "Go ahead," answered Mr. Meeker, apa- thetically. "I think I can stand it. It isn't anything to what na catch when I go home." Looked That Way, him. Brown -Does Mrs. Dome belong to Shesewing einebst think so. Vv. uotteed. atm her beamed (awes hie suspenders with et etring. Tine niserhateation. Ma If you don't lika him, why de. you nilow him to Ides you t Polly -I won't aware that I expressed any objeetion to kiesing.---Pitiladelphie- North American Are you a sufferer wish corms? If ye* ens 80115 bottle 0141.4,0o -eye' Core Cue.. It hae never been known to tail. Proved It. Authenticity. The use of the X rays has had a curious result in Paris. A painting, as to the authorship of which there was some doubt, was "radiographed," whereupon the artist's name -Albert Duxer-was dis- covered beneath the accumulated dirt of many years, thus establishing the anthem. ticity of the picture. -St. Jemess Budget. There can be a difference of opinion on Most subjects, but there is only ono opin- ion as to the reliability of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is safe, sure and effectual, Wby WAN the heed of Castries I. like tha coupon of a railway tielcetr Becalms It's no good when detached, • Reeeping the Air Cool. When Lawson Tait,the English surgeon, and his wife were driving throu.gh, the city of Montreal one hot amen:ear morning, Mrs. Tait, observing large blocks of * standing opposite each door, remarked, "See what a novel plan they have of keep- ing the air nice and cool by exposing smA icebergs opposite each dpor.” What He Wanted. • Harry -I was tempted and fell. , Oharlie-And now you wt to *sm. Rarry-The deuce I de. I wetat 114 bb imsPled sagas. • AGENTS WANTED TO SEM "ARMEDA. CEYLON TEA," rut up te lead pseksges. Also Japarss and Hysons. A, B. CA.NNINC.& CO., Wholesale Arants• 5/ PRONT Sr. Earn Tone:MO. PATIeNT BARRISTERS. • ftlritilleEte B. IIINIES-StlettESSOR tee TO- DouaId 0, nideta & Oa., registered patent, attorney, solicitor uf Canadian and foreign patents and counsellor Mid expert in patent causes; Canada 'sift Building, Toronto; nooks. en patents and trade marks free on applice- teem afte ASH YOUR DE.Af.ER FOR 130ECKWS BRUSHES and BROOMS. For Sale by all leading bowie& CHAS. ROECItH & SONS. Ifeaufeoturena TORONTO, ONT. WATER WHITE. Have a Good Light CHEAPER and BET.. TER than Water White American OIL Ask your dealer for Genn. The The Queen bity Oil Con. (Limited.) Santa Rogers, Pres., Toronto. "WE 'WANT you QUICK." Intelligent ladies and gentlemen, can be fume plied with genteel and very PROFITABLE. employment. Industrv is tile essential NED- ESSANY to secure GOOD REMUNERATION. Can give the address se representative who hag. just cleared tan in 21DAYS, Bake 55 right AT your own HOME. 1. L. NICHOLS & CO., Cut this out 58 Rienmond 'West, Toronto.. ********** ******************* ******************** ** 417** ' Reliability vAt ** ** teit et*• Makes the worth in Eddy's Yrif,_ ***** * Matches—seeing our name on theboxegets Iwntw le* ** confidence, Lots of ** on, other makes w ** **h • " ;at you get more wood ** **for your money--ne any ** ** imitations** **too, put ** et* "like Eddy's" but they are ** erk very different in use. ** ** _ ** et* Toni NAME GUARANTEES ** ** THE QUALITY. ** et* er* u* ** *:12 The E. B. Eddy Co. Limited * Bull, Canada• „** ** *************erk***** ***Orate*** T. N. 165 AiWITHERA, IS THE PLACE TO ATTEND if you want admire Buelness Education or a course in Shorthand. •' . THE BEST IN CANADA. Iliendeome Annual Announcement free. Mdresease C. A. IfIdiMiNG. Principal, Poem bug.