HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-19, Page 8Boarder waisted.
The undersigned would be pleased
to take a. number of boarders. ---Ladies
or Gentlemen. Firet class aeeommoda
tion. Terms reasonable. Apply at the
Bons opposite Commerical Hotel.
H. Illtrewettatteta
To the Housekeepers of Exeter andvicinitr.
the undersigned will Open Four and
beeiness'n the store three doors south
the ,Post Unice where
drill be kept on hand
:17.T. Oiti)ER$ 1)EI,IVEBEa
1 respectively solicit a share of your es•
teemed patronage.
Baud concert,
The Band Concert held. in Gidley's
Opera, House, on Wednesday night last
was well attended .and the program was
of a high order. Mr. L W. Lomas, the
famous trombone soloist demonstrated
marvelleous skill and has achieved
wonderful excellence oe that instru-
ment, Mr. Bert Harvey is a humorist
of rare abilities and ou every appear-
ance duh„htened his audiett4e, receiv
itig round after round of applause, - - flowing and many were unable toseraiu
The people of Exeter seldom have had eardtne, r isited friet1ds here raves' Sun• admittance. A large number of prom -
the privilege of listening, to trio such day. inent Reformers were on the platform
talented entertainers, truss Fratleetta Davis, who leaves besides the speakers. Mr. Geo, JLcEsveu,
Arrt $ted eq Snsonclon, next week to attend the millinery open of HOnsalt, presided over the meeting
A man bailing from Port 13uron was lugs et New e(wk.-.speer a few days iu in his usual happy* stale and the best
Miss Fieteria Bagshaw, of Stepbett,:Premier Hardy Visits Exeter.
is spendiug a short time with her sister,
Sirs S. Sample, at Fullerton Corners.
"Mr, John Jarrett has removed from
London to Exeter. Miss Jarrott was,
visit.lo, here last week." --Free Press.
Miss Prince, who, earl been visiting
her sister Mrs, Peterson, returned to
her house tit Hyde Park On Saturday.
Mrs. G. Avery :read two children, of
Petrolea, who was ort her way to Kitt -
A. very seeeeserui meeting is 1•uun
or Atten dnave. II ow G. 'i'.)tud3
Yalu to out la appearance.
The Reform rally in Gidley's Opera
House, ort Tuesday afternoou was well
attended, and the Reformers have every
reason to feel pleased with the meeting
in point of Attendance if sot other
visa, The hall was puttee to over
There are now SO inmates at the
House of Refuge.
The recent fall of snow has pawls
improved the sleighing.
Me Geo. Stu:el:mom he lost a valuable
stallion by desire oo Frith:3- uight last.
A man always feels like apologiziug
for wasting time svhetl hunting a sew-
ing girl,.
A woman is unhappy all slimmer be-
cause she etin't buy every pretty shirt
waist 8110 sees.
Some folks enjay nothing so much as
going around talking suspiciously experience that unquestioning faith
about their neighbors. f will cure physieai itxilrniity as well as
A few more Bald nights will enable 9 spiritual ti3 eakness.
the ice harvesters to commence the
awing of the summer supply.
arrested here Saturday by Detective
westeatt on the strength of a message
from the United States stating that he
was wanted. over there to answer to
the charge of murder, .lie was not
however, the guilty party but never
the -less a dangerous party to be at
large, having in his possession a com-
plete set of burglars tools. On these
being taken from him he was released
contrary to law. Such tools in hispos
session was sufficient to convict hint of
a breach of the law and hes should not
have been let ox so easily.
They Win Try Faith Cure.
:ills. Andrew Daueau and her son
William, of near ti erne, left a tow takrtu ill Inst week true catnprtied to
days ago for Chicago, where the tatter la n;f duty. Met tion with his Plc
will enter a Faith Couriiretitute, with setas erre- p
the hope and perhaps faith that a
twee, the guest of Mrs. Georzo ilea- of order was maintained throughout.
man. A large number expressed disappoint-
Mr. Wm. Balser, of St. Catbariees, metas ou learning that Hoa G. W. Ross
spout Sunday with his permits hire, was not among the list of speake:s,
and left again Monday evei;ing for his but owing to other engagements be was
home. ' able co be present • Between the speeches
fir, L. Bishop, of Wtlltige,g, 'filen,, the Laurier Quartette, of London, reit
after an absence of several mouths, re dered several very chntGe and well ro-
turned home on Thursday, looldita calved veerl selectfou5 which wore
�,mare enthusiastically applauded than
hale and hearty, the speakers• The chairman opened.
tlte. John Dew, who bas beers visit- the meeting shortly after one o:'eioek by
ing his parents, accompanied by his ;3 few appropriate retnerks and then
wife and family, returned to his house ealledon Mr. A. Bishop, followed by
in. Manitoba 'Tuesday, Mr W. H. Taylor, Mr. M. Y. McLean,
Harold Willoughby. who has been at- ,aed Hon A. S .lardy. Mr. hardy on
tending Huron College, Loudon, was rising to his feet was presented with
he following address
course will restore him to youlhfttl
health anti vigor. He is a bright boy
of seventeen years of age and partial
Miss Jennie Roy and gilt Jun g.,y,
of Logan. drove over to Exeter ort
\1or�dav and after speedieg a pleasant
ly paralyized as the result of tri juries evening among frfeuds, returned home
received a couple of years sitters while on Tuesday.' .' —.Mitchell Advocate.
helping to rause a barn with a jack, Zurich; Mr, Chariot Widmer erne
The medical men have not been able 41"''''"t4)""€'rice have Gatiti�
to bests fit him melt and it may be itis. in holy matrimony \\ a wish theyoung
coupler at, pleasant "journey: through life,
Cantor.: While loading horses Mon-
day for the Northwest, stir. R, Trotter
had the misfortune to Lusa a valuable
one on accotlut of it getting a leg hroke
w from .roe
dre r
m the
The County llu
Ontario Treasury last year, for the
general admittistraticu of ,justice, the
aura of $3.1$6
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Balkwill, John
street, entertained a number of their'
most intimate friends to a social hop on
Thursday eight last.
People who are always telling how
they never tin mean tricks, behind the
door, usually go behind the woodshed
and do meaner ones
Miss Ada Treble met with apainful
accident on Saturday. While cutting
meat, the knife slipped cutting a severe
gash in her hated.
Nominatious for the South riding of
Huron will be held in Coeworth a hall,
Hausall, oa Tuesday, Feb. 22nd. Mr. F.
Kebler, returning officer..
The Minister of Education bas an-
nounced that fifth claw work must be
taught in alt sections where there are
pupils: wha may require it.
Try Winan's cough balsam for
coughs, colds and bronchial troubles.
Sole agent for Dick's Lung Syrup.
C. LtiTz, Druggist
Another very successful carnival
was held in the Exeter Skating Rink
ou Monday eight last. The attendance
was good and the various events
were well represented. The two mite
race was the most interesting event of
the evening there being a number of
rioted skaters in the contest, among
whom was Geo. Baldwin, ofSeaforth,
who once held the f'.11ampionship of
Western Ontario, and. Geo • O'Neil, of
this place who seems to sweep every
thing before him, havie.g won first prize
in nearly every: race ho has gouts into.
There were about ten starters but only
three finished, O'Neil, Baldwin, and
Spackman. and at the end of the thirty*
laps O'Neil won quite easily by over a
lap Following are the prizes awarded
vizi—Two mile Jtace-1st, Geo. O'Neil a
one -mile race --1st, L. Canu; Jockey
race -1st, Allen Myers; Lady's best
character costume—let, Miss J. O'Neil.
(Mary Queen of Scot-); 2nd, Miss M.
Walters, (Sister of . harity); Flower
girl -1st, allies F. Rosvtelitt'e 2nd Miss
A. Cudmore; Negro Character—Lorne
Cann: Gents' best character—Wm. Ab-
bott, (Silver King.)
During the past week teams have
been busy hauling the machinery of
the Creditott"t`woollen mills to the wool-
len mills hetes and it is now beings set
in place,
ivir.'firm. Hodgert of this place and
Miss Louisa liodgins, of Centralia, will
join hands in matrimonial ties in Lon-
don today (Thursday). TheAnveeeee
exteuds congratulations.
Frim all aecounts thereis a " dark
horse " in the race for the Exeter post -
office and as is invariably the ease he
will be a winner. However, the anx-
iety of the office seekers will be set at
ease after March let.
One of the newest and latest enter
taining machines on the road today is
the animotiscope, an exhibition of
which was given in Gidiey's Opera
House last evening and will again be
given tonight (Thursday.)
Conductor Snider's many friends will
be pleased to hear that he has'fully re-
covered and has resumed duty on his
old route. Conductor Walmsley is i11
at his home in London, and his place
is being taken by relieving conductors.
Mr. Charles Smith, late manager of
the Centralia cheese factory, considers
that digging for gold is the quickest
way a than can get it, more so than
cheese making; and suiting the action
to the word, he started for the A1on-
.dyke on Saturday last.
The Verity Plow Co. of Brantford
have completed arrangements to re-
build in that city. The site will be that
known as Mohawk property, the Verity
people having an offer of 15 acres at
$200 an acres which has been accepted.
and they are now looking for a suit-
-able architect.
exetcr 1)t'vlsIon Court Sittings,
The following cases were disposed of
at the sittings of above court an Wed-
nesday of this week, with Judge Doyle
HARRIS vs MCDoNALD.--Action for.
wages. A jury trial. The plaintiff
was non suited. Dickson for plaintiff;
Collins for defendant.
ConnLEDiex vs. I3RoWentG. -Dis-
puted accounts. Action adjourned,
Collies for plaintiff; Dickson for defen-
SANDERS vs BRAuxD.—Judgement
summons. Adjourned till next court
when ordered to go. Dickson for plain-
ESSERX vs. MoFFATT.—Action on
aeconnt. Settled between parties. Col-
lins for plaintiff; Dickson for defendant
SIPPEL vs. MOLSovs BANK.—Action
by plaintiff for services rendered de-
fendants in connection with the arrest
of Wm. Becher on the charge of for
gery. Judgement reserved. Collins
for plaintiff; Gladman for defendants.
HICKS vs BLATcnroan.—Action for
wages. Judgemeut for plaintiff. Dick-
son for plaintiff; Collins for defendant.
SANDERS vs. Luultr.—Judgement
summons. Defendant consenting or-
der made. Dickson for plaintiff.
Michael Ellford, of Ilsborne, met with
a painfell accident one day last week.
He was engaged in loading logs in the'.
bush when a log, which had been load-
ed on the sleigh, rolled off and caught,
Mr. Ellford right above the hip, inflict-
ing a bad bruise He is at present con-
fined to his bed and from all indicat-
ions will have to remain there for some
A Serge sleighload from Seaforth
attended the Carnival here on Monday
night. On their return home their
sleigh broke down when opposite Mr.
Jos, Case's, London Road, having to
return hare and procure another sleigh
with which to continue their journey.
Their experience was rather a cold and
unpleasant one, not arriving home till
five o'clock In the morning.
Monday was St. Valentine's Day and
it may be opportune toepoint out that
St. Valentine was a Christian bishop,
who sufferedmartyrdom at. Rome in the
riegn of the Emperor Aurelian, about
A.D. 271, having been first beaten
with heavy clubs, and then beheaded,
Re is still honored by the Church of
Rome in having the 14 of February
apart as a festaval fir bis'petite bene -
Seaforth: Mr. John Darn had the
Misfortune a, few days ago to have the
top of one of his fingers taken off to a
ntaebine at Broadfoot , Rotes planing
Lucan: ; Allan O'Neil left on Satur-
day with 'Sir Allan" to attend the Ber-
lin ice races on Wednesday and Thurs.
day of this week. A number or others
from town will take in the races.
Clinton: The Commercial Hotelpro-
perty, together with the Curling Rink,
has hoop sold by ,Mr. chunk to J J. Me
Oaughev, of Blyth, far the acm of
$5,100. "The,purebaeer takes possession
on March 17th.
St. Marys : Dr. Giilrie, of Hamilton,
formerly of this place, received a. brok-
en collar bone in a game of haaket hall
at. Brautford Thursday night. while
playing with the Hamilton Y;.1\1.C.A,
team against Brantford.
Hullott; Mr Rich Sanderson, while
ad justiug some machinery in his barn.
had the misfortune to fail, part at the
iron work tippiug on him, 'breaking his
leg below the knee, but he IS on the
way to recovery again.
Clinton: James Steep, has sold his
farm, being lot 45, on the Bayfield eon„
to .Alex, Elliott, for somewhere in the
neighborhood of $4,300. There are 76
acres iu the lot and Elliott has had it
rented on shares for some time.
Exeter, Feb. rsth,
To the lion. Arthur S. nerdy,
Prunes ,Minister tafthe Province of Ontario,
Honored Sir :
On behalf of the loyal 1-iberats
of the electoral district of South Huron, we
beg leave to extend to you a cheerful greet-
ing and a most heerty welcome, here in
the fair village of Exeter, which is situates:
in the midst of this our garden home. The
major portion of us are stalwart aatd hardy
yo men, being farmers nurse he,, ud rise
yourself sons of tle_. tillers of the soil,
We have studied eour weer faotn youth
cul manhood when you left your father's
farm up to the present time, anti we have
been highly gratified with the nureerous
m nilestatiuus of the nobility of your char -
ane it affords us much pleasure in
es-uring you that we arc fully eonvitiesd'.
that all }°our actions, whether of a private ar
public nature, have been honorable an'l be
yond evert the semblance of weenie doine
Seaforth: 'ti'lrhile working at a saw
in Broadfoot's planing mill ou Wednes-
day, Mr. Alex. Scott, jr, wr18 unfortun-
ate enough to have his left hand come
in contact with the saw. The second
finger and thumb were badly cut.
Goderieh : A very interesting event
took place on Wednesday evening
at the home of Mrs. eicSween. when
her daughter, Rachel May, was united
in marriage by Rev. Jas. A. Anderson,
to Mr. Wm. Wallace, in the presence
of some sixty guests.
Goderieh: Elijah Curran, one of the
most widely known and popular men
of the town, after a long and painful
iliuess, died on Friday He had been
ailing for months with a stomach troub-
le, and for a long time his recovery
was not honed for.
Mitchell: Mrs. Richard Parnell. was
strtken down with a paralytic stroke
on Friday, which was followed by an-
other on Sunday, resulting in death on
Tuesday. She was 75 years of age,
and leaves a husband and three daugh-
ters to mourn her loss.
Personal alentioa
Mrs. R,H.aCollins is at presentaindis-
Wm. Hill visited Sr. Marys on Wed-
Mr. Will Kuntz spent Saturday in
London on business.
Mr. A. J. Rollins spent Tuesday in
London on 'business.
Mrs. Alf. Drew, of Loudon, is the
guest of Mr. Wm. Drew.
R. H. 'Collins was in Goderich Fri-
day and Saturday on business.
Miss Mary Shettler, of Dashwood, left
Tuesday for Los Angeles, California.
Mr.. T. H. ;McCallum left for Toronto
Tuesday to attend the Workman's con-
Mr. D. Jacques left Tuesday to attend
the Royal Templar convention in St..
Mr. Cordell and Albert Zwicker, of
Crediton, paid Exeter a flying visit
Mr. and Mrs. Harris, spent a• few days
last week with , Mies Lottie Cook, at
" Miss Holl nd of Exeter, is the guest.
a ,
this week of Mrs P. S. Armstrong."—
St. Marys Journal.
Misses Mary Anderson and Emma
Atkinson of Anderson,' spent a few
days visiting friends in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. McDonell, who
visited in town last week, returned to
their home in Heusall Monday.
Miss May Wyatt, after'a pleasant vis-
it at the home of Rev. Chas. Smith, has
returned to her home in London.
" Miss Speare, of Exeter, is spending
a few days in town with her brother,
Mr. Harry Speare."—Seaforth Sun.
When we cons der tut, uni ine znd•exalted
privileges which you. previous toym rbeeom-
ingPremier, had enjoyed dunng Inc many
years of sour intimate intercourse with Ware
io's" Grand 'Old Man" as :y a.ur chieftain and
tutor, the Great and GOA Sir Oliver Mowat,
we have expected and do still expect great
things from the Government of which you
era, the h,i.,oresl leader and we conarttulete
you, Sir, es well as the Province at large,
that the mantle of the wise and venerable
Sir Oliver Mowat should have fallen upon
one so experienced and capebte as yourself
to be his worthy successor,
.0.s a Liberal Government. for upwards of
a gttarnmof a century have favored u:i with
wise. just and promessive legit:let:on and
hare in every department esornomie,tily,
etlieiently ata honestly administered the
affairs of the Province,we therefore consider
it to be the duty of every true friend of On-
tarioto support thatttied, good and efficient
Government instead of running the risk in.
curred by changing, lest such a change
should prove to be much for the worse.
GEORGE 1ticEwuN, Tnos. GREGoaY,.
President. Secretary.
Hibbert: Wm. Ma afy is suilhring
front blood poisouing. It is feared the
arm in which the disease is located will
bo useless.
Parkhill: Alexander Watson, a farm-
er living near here died Sunday morn-
ing. Deceased was formerly a farmer
in Downie, removing near here some
twelve ,rears ago. He 'haa been ill
some time, suffering from epileptic fits.
The funeral took place Tuesday to the
Parkhill cemetery. 1
Nearly two hundred, ends of Union
and all wool - carpets. ----JUST THE
25e. For your choice of the Unions.... .
50c For your choice of the all wool.
.... If you -wad kst choice.
TRY ARE 11 S1E B1111011111-
money back jt they (Iola't please you when you
get thelfxi house.
stores close Otto except Wednesday and Saturday..
J . A. SI
East Williams: Mr. T. Campbell
met with an accident the other day by
the lever of the windmill falling and
cutting him above the eye.
Mitchell : James Keeler has passed
away to the great beyond after a long
illness and painful at many times.
Lung trouble was the cause and after
all that medicine and good care could
do for threat years, be had to give up
to the life destroyer. He had passed
his 34th year and leaves a wife and
child to mourn their loss, besides his
aged father, loving sisters and brothers.
He was buried on Sunday afternoon in
the Methodist cemetery.
St. Marys: A quiet but pleasant af-
fair took place at the residence of Mr
John Keen, on Tuesday evening, when
his daughter, Miss M. V. Keeu, was
united in marriage to Mr. W. D Spence
Principal of the St. Marys Public school.
The ceremony was performed by Rev.
W. J. Taylor in the presence of the im-
mediate relatives only. The services
of groomsman and bridesmaid were
dispensed with.' The bride has been a
successful teacher in the Public schools
of St. Marys, and for the past year and
a half has filled the position of Princi-
pal of the Milverton Public school.
Mooresville,: J. Bloomfield has com
pieced arrangements for the building
of a new store in the spring. It will
be a modern and up.to date building,
having •ail the latest conveniences and
a fine plate glass front. He expects
to have it finished some time in August
or the 1st of September.
Tuckersmith: There passed- away
on Saturday, January 29th, at the rest
deuce of her son-in•law, Mr. James Mc-
Kay, Mrs• Isabella McLeod, relict of the
late John Finlayson, in the 88th year
of her age. Her husband died twenty-
one years ago, She was the mother of
five children, two sons and three laughs
tors, of which there are two living.
She was a strong robust woman and
was confined to her bed but two weeks,
before she died.
Goderieh: Mr. Peter Fox, je, passed
away on, Monday, after an illness ex
tending over four weeks. About the
first of January he contracted a severe.
cold, which finally ended in the attack
of fever which caused his death. De-
ceased was born in 1858 on the lot
where, he died, and has always lived in
town. Ile leaves to mourn his loss a
father, sister,' his wife, two daughters
and a son, the last three being Under
10 years of age.
WE 6AN SNOW YOU,--'cw--
The best collection of Cottoi
Goods in Lateen blouse goods, Chintz, Zephyos,
Chambreys, Persian cashmeres and Wool Fixes.
Henriettas in all. about 525 pieces.
A Job Lot of New Prints that were
,mother Lot 12 yards for
c. now i 0e.
SiR V'V ■
We are Sole Agents for Briggs, Priestly 8c Sons' Dress
Fabrics. These goods are guaranteed All Wool, Shrink and
Fast Colors. .A11 wound on varnished boards and name
"Priestly" stamped on end of board. 45 pieces of these gaocls
rust in for spring trade. B u y no other a n d you
will always have a Good Dress.
A11 Silks are in for the Seasons' Trade.�..•.ode,
`'a5'ee our' 350. Silks for Blouses.
Clinton: The by-law relating to the
proposed loan of $25,000 to Messrs.
Doherty & Co. passed a the Council on
Monday evening, and will be voted on
by the electors on Monday, March 14,
the law requiring that it must be ad-
vertised four weeks before the vote
can be taken. Only property owners
will be entitled to vote --male and fe-
male—but persons may vote in as many
wards as theyhave property entitling
them to a vote. A majority for or
against the byelaw carries or defeats
it. The voting will take place in the
same places as used for the last muni•
cipal election.
run, raB & SDIAS
I beg to state to the: citizens of Exeter
and surrounding country that I am
ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any
part of the town at CLOSE `.PRICES.
We handle
N�gsa11 &Bstweo Fiollr
Our Bran is warranted free from
smut and dust.
Will acid a general line
of 'SEEDS shortly.
Charles TrevethA ck.
E. J. SPACK AN &. CO.,
Samvrell's BIock, Exeter
Overcoats for men and . boys.
Suits for men and• boys.
Fur Coats, Caps and Robes.
Fur Capes for Ladies.
Ladle's Mantles.
Dress Goods and Mantles.
Felt Boots and Overshoes.
Owing to the continued mild weather. we have more
Winter Goods than we otherwise would have had and Nye. are
determined not: to carry them over until]. next winter but to
make al. clean sweep if prices will do it.
Don tass us for 'a`' Bargain,„
p g
Hawkshaw's Hotel, Exeter.