HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-19, Page 6•Subseribers who do nos reeeive their Iaper
wee-MartywiRtaease uotify es at oeee.
Oa at the Office for advertisieg rates.
Aaie a s
Facts let a Feta' Linea.
The death it in Glasgew tee present is
shout 21 to We.
Maine faetories see, Z e250,000 werth ot
thee pegs in len.
There are 31)0 birds on one ostrieh. farm
he California.
Milk: is deerer than whisky in Reciessa,
The price is $3.75 a queer.
Eighty cooks are entployed in the kite
ohen of the Rotel Catel, London.
Aberdeen. Scotlaud. sends $60,000 worth
if cattle to London in 4 week.
In leeledurn no pereen an vote unless
he pays taxes to the amount of 40 francs a
There are less then 40 persone iu New
York city who have pereeits te carry
be average number of visitoretobe
Loon Museaneo =eienees and Art is
,001) a week.
At the Strozzalare h Ronate there is a.
boot made a marble, the leaeee being et
niters-ellen& thinuese
'rla.ere are 100(evoltuexes in the librury
at the British aitteetteix and rore than 89
miles of slaelving.
In the nfteenth century eeamen itbet
Spautelt navy receivea from le/ to ta) freace
*mouth for their services.
In Soxuerville, Ia women teacIters in
the primary and grenituae schools get less
ete,ges than were paid 2,5 years ago.
Anil root, in San Francisco bay, is to
be blown up by explotaves after the man-
ner a Ilell Gate, in New York harbor.
The highest prized American Coin Is the
Lord Baltimore farthing, a tiny piece, tor
wieleb as high as Vele has been paid.
Coal mined in Chine is being exported
eo California, and it is said. that in a few
Tease the Flowery Lend will supply tlee
whole Pacifie coati.
Befoxe 18$6 the average number a laber
staltes a au kluds in this ectuntry was
ateut MO a year. t-ence itbat date the
average hes been Leta).
If an Egyptian dies before noou,
funeral must take plave the sarae day.
Thaler no circumstances may the funeral
be delayed longer than 14 hours.
An experienced miner as aeserted that
there is a tear supply ca gold withizt three
feet a tbe sura'' ou a email estate in
Heracudbright, Santana.
The United. Suttee eonsul at Warsaw
tates that goods manufactured in Ger-
ay and stanipea Atueriean are beieg
•sant into Rasa:), hilarge mien:Ries.
The plumbers of Texae. Louislanaatliss-
asippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee,Ken-
lucky and Arkansas have formed a league
lo promote sanitary plumbing.
Christopher Colunibus who was an ad -
extra in ;he Spa,nieh nut y =the time he
eise.overed America, wee paid at the rate
a 1,600 francs a year, which was about
133:1 -
Women in Franee have juse been accord-
ed the right to be latea witnesses to the
registration of birthe.marriages and deaths
and to the eienature on legal documents.
It bas recently been claimed that iron
ships fitted with electric plants suffer rapid
deterioration of thee- pipes having direct
connection with the eat, due to electro-
lytic action.
Titers is a tobacco store in tbe Haymar-
ket, London, which lete been condueted In
the same building wit imut ehenge and by
the same family, son succeeding father,
since the reign of Cearlee II.
Tbere are at untuy cough medicines in
the market, Hest it le annetimes difficult
to telt which to buy ; but if we had a
cough, a, cold or any elletion of the throat
or lungs, We would try Bich:la's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup. Those who have
used it think it is far ahead of all other
preparations reconnit etied for such com-
plaints. The tittle mete like it as it is as
pleasant as syrup.
ranctuated and Preserved in
Pithy paragraalts for the Perusal oi
Practical People — Persottal, oittleai
and Proatable.
The coute estuaking mane
improvemente ou the western steaon oi
the eystent during the preesent year.
TetAxate Ante CoereeEneLe.
The price at Nal has aavanced 10 cents
per ton in New York.
Nearly all the American bleeuit cone -
patties are now under the management of
the National Biscuit Company, with a
capital emelt: of e25.000,000, and head-
quarters at Chicago.
BOStert As Stu under during the
recent heavy storm-. and hones died in
steins on the streets. The Hub was un-
Providetice, R.I.. is overevbelnied by
!tree feet of snow, which bas blown into
immense drifts. Trains are blocked in all
direet ions.
Family N.,mes.
It is generelly come -sled by English
speaking people that taites family names
as Smith, Baker, laneher and Armor,
arose from well knewn occupations of
some one of the early founders of the
families. It appears th this custom pre -
waled in the faraway past as well as in
modern times. The famous Latin orator,
Cicero, for instance, IA said to have de-
rived his name from :in ancestor who
was a famous grower of beans. rOicer"
is the Latin name for a, email bean called
lentil, which constituted a very large
portion of the food of those early people.
Some one of tbena appears to have been a
very famous grower of the lentils, or, as
they -would say, "ciceres." and. it is very
easy to see from this how Cicero was de-
rived.—eleehe,tils Monthly.
lineit's Liniment Cures LaGrippe.
Lewis Melltiowie, aeloutreal commer-
eta traveler, attempted to ceraniit sui-
cide, by cutting bis throe; at a Pert Rope
Ihorees L. Thompson. ex -United
States Minister to Brazil, eX-Ceil.•
gregsinall and editor, committed, sui-
cide at tient:), Rose, Cele by cutting his
THE la= ItE,C0110.
The Alternative.
,''he police justice had formerly been a
bartender. Be had gotta into politics and
had been elected by a big majority. This
was his first case. Mary McMannis was
up before him for drunkenness. The jute
tice looked at Iter for a minute, and then
said seemly:
"Well, what are you here for?"
"If yer please, ear Honor," said Mary,
"the copper beyant nulled me in, sayin'
1 was drunk. And' I don't drink, Yer
Nonor; I don't drink."
"All right," said the justice, his formals
bartender habit getting the best of him;
"SU eight; have a cigar."
The alentreal Herald (ace wast devil
aged to the resume of $10,000 by tire.
A number at besteess houses were
burned at Sterling, and the loss is $10,-
'rhe Citizens' Light &Power Company's
premises at Cote alt. Paul were destroyed
by lire. The loss is $100e000.
Chief Twists of Iterates has been ap-
pointed High Constable of Weutwortie
Jelin 13. Forme of South Elessley has
teen elect:aid warden of South Leeds and
Customs colleezious at Brantford for
;Tannery shove an increase of $5,2e6 over
POLITICS— 1,0111741 G.
Mr. Joseph Richardeon, Liberal, was
eleeeed to Parliament for the eoutheatst
division of Darbane, the seetanade vacant
by the death of Sir Henry Saveloek
A Veritable /Klondike.
Shortleigh—My uncle Frank. is a Teri-
eable Klondike. a
Longleigb,—Why, how's that?
Shortleigh—Plenty ot wealth, but eold
and distant.
Stereotype Company, died early Sunday
morning at hie residence in 'rorento
efter a llogerixig illness. roar years age
he weut to England to undergo an opera-
tion. and never regaluee his health, The
deceased, who was 46 year's of ego, was
born on the historio Chrysler Vann on
the banks of the St Lawrence.
CEIlidE AND tint Meta ALS,
All the evidence is now in in the Lnet-
gert trial ae Chicago, and the lawyers
will conthme talking for 4 'week.
The coroner's jary in tits Paul Fink
ease at Waterloo has returned *verdict
of death from uuknowu natural causes.
Vannes Nulty of Rawdon, Que., was
found guilty of the murder of three els
tors aria a brother, and sentenced to bang
on May 20.
A faxmer named Barg is under arrest
fat Cavell, Ireland, eharged with murder-
ing bis wife, his two childrets and his
William R. Foster, jr, tlse defaulting
attorney of the Gratuity Fuud ef the
New York Produce Exchange, sailed from
4/levee for the United States Saturday in
[eustody of detectives.
"Virginia Bill" Feeley. an 91d citizen
of Elliote county, Kentuoleer, aged 80
years,aud his wife, about 75' yeera ef age,
were murdered last night at their home
and robbed of $1.200, Nee clue.
Since James Allison has been executed
the Children's Aid Society will take defi-
nite steps to secure tbe rentainingetensou
chtlalreu. If the parents do not Want to
let them go the seeiety wfil seek to get
them by the aid of the laNt,
Edward Manta a fernier living near
goIntosit Mills, was instantly killedby a
load 0 wood overturniug on him.
Letest reports say that 20 persons were
tilled and 50 thjured as a result of the
recent earths:1140;e at Belikeer, ASia
ItTnot Batten of Hamilton wee struele
let the stomach by an iron bar at the
Canada Screw Works, and died from the
effeets of the blow.
Edward Nunn, a farmer, living near
Idcautosh ii11s Ont., was instantly
tilled Saturday morning by a load of
wood ovarturning on him.
The body of H. 0. Fitzgerald was
found in the Wellaud. Canal at St. Oath -
Vine& It is believed be tell through tise
Ice an bis way lame.
John Bryan, a workman on the now
bridge now under construction at Beleell
Station, fell oft the scaffolding into the
Riebelleu River and was drowned.
The Milligan, caretaker of the Model
Mittel at Madoe, lip,hteti a Are in his stove
with charcoal. The stove has no ohininey,
and the resuic was that John elelligan,
aged 21; Lee alilligeu, aged 15, and
Ethel Baker, aged le, were suffocated by
cliervaa gas,
Five Belleville citizens haveleft for the
'rho 'Vancouver Board of Trade hat
est:deleted an agency in Seattle, Wal,
to afford information of Vancou.vers
vnivagc over the United atates cities in
supplying outfits for the Klondike.
A teport conies from Salt Lake City of
trouble in the Yukon between the Ceuta
dien pollee and. the American relief ex-
pedition, and it is said the Mounted Pollee
at Lethbridge have received orders to hold
themselves in readiness to start Inc the
'cane at a raonsent's notice.
Lord tetrathcona has been gazetted hon.
lientenant-colonel of the Victoria Rifles
of Montreal.
The Marquis of Lorne has been gazetted
honorary lieutenant -colonel of the 15th
Argyle Light Infantry.
Notices are issued that all permanent
and city corps of militia are to keep a
stork of ammunition on band ready for
It is given out officially at Madrid that
the Cuban war has cost $248,000,000, be-
sides arrears due from the Cuban treasury
amounting to $40,000,000.
The financial statement of Nova Scotia
shows 3853,698 as tbe year's expenditure.
There is a deficit of $21,458.
The election of Mr. H. Leduc, M.P.
for Nicolet, has been contested, the neces-
sary deposit having been made.
On April 1 Ingersoll, 'which is at pres-
ent a castorns outport under Woodstoek,
will be raised to the dignity of thief port
of warehouseing.
Sir Wilfrid Laurier informed Mr. Fos-
ter that the bill ratifying the contract
with Mackenzie and Mann would be in-
troduced on Tuesday. Until then no de-
tails would be forthcoming.
It is denied at Quebec that Rome has
censured Bishop Labrecque of Chicoutimi
for issuing an edict against Le Soliel.
Two hundred and eighty-five dollars
and sixty cares after all expenses were
paid. were realized for the poor of King-
ston from the Grant -Lucas prohibition
Pretty Dad.
Ethel—What kind of a man is this Mr.
lenehington you speak of so often?
Jack—Well, he is what we men call a
good fellow.
Ethel—Mercy! As bad as that.
Another Solemn Truth.
"They sanit is unlucky to get engaged
during Lent"
"I know it; but sometimes if you don't
otetch a man when he's feeling depressed
end penitent you won't get him at
The W.C.T.U. of america has issued
an appeal to the Christian Church, the
Christian Endeavor Society, the epworth
League. the Baptist etonug People's
Social Union, the National Temperance
Society, the Good Templars, the Prohibi-
tion party and all other temperance, re-
ligious and philanthropic societies, to
help in the celebration of the birthday of
General Neal Dow, March 20th.
Mrs. Stuart, wife of the city treasurer
of Hamilton, is dead.
Mgr, McColgan, Vicar -General of Balti-
more, Md., died on Saturday.
Mrs. Ann Ready, , an old resident of
Montreal, is dead. She was a centenar-
In Boston, Masa, Thomas Mitchell
Bruce died. Be was a brother of F. R
Bruce of Hamilton.
The death is announced of Mr. Edwin
W. Lyman, who for among years lived in
Toronto. He was 55 years old, and was a
nephew of Henry Lyman of Lyman Bros.
& Co., Montreal.
Thomas Cook, a highly respected mem-
tier of McNals Street Presbyterein Church,
Hamilton, died last weekHe was 79
'years; old, and was bora in Soo land He
bad lived in Hamilton since 1835.
Ma Arthur W. °roil, president and
lisanaprol lhe National Electrotype and
'Pee schemer Charles A. Briggs, bound.
for Philadelphia front Portland, struck
on a reek ali Nahant, Mass., during the
sterna and is fast going to pieces. The
crew of Ave men were all lost. The body
of one unknown man was 'washed mime.
At Niagara Falls, N.Y., W. G. Cates.
general agent of the New York National
Building & Loan Association, Imo also
manager of the Niagara Falls Metal Sign
Company, was walking on the tracks and
had stepped aside to allow a freight train
to pess, When the Lehigh express struck
him and hurled him e5 feet, breaking his
neck and ribs.
The Story Told by a Justice or
the Peaoe,
Attaeked With ha Oripoo Willeit Left
Ulm Weak and 'Worn Out—Kidney
Trouble Added Its Complientious and
the Sufferer Was Inseouragedt
From the Journal, Sunenterside,
One of the best known men around
Bedique and vieinity is Ur, A lfred Solute-
tuan, who has recently remoeed. 10 Nord/
Carleton. Mr. Schurnian was born In
Balique about seventy ;rears ago. Some
twenty-five years ago he was sworn in as
a justice of the peace, and about twenty-
one years ago he was appointed clerk of
the county court, in beth of which °Zees
he has given every eetisfaetion. Mr.
Sehurman was also a farmer on a large
scale and like znost men eugaged In thet
eecupation led a I:my life, being cora-
pelled to attend strictly to business, but
less than a year ago be retired from
Wining anti 110w lives in a cosy cottage
Nerth Carleton, Before his retirement,
work Stieh as only a Man engaged in that
ocoupation knewe anything about, claimed
his attention. His inereaSing years made
the burden heavier and the spring week.
of 2893 wore blut completely out. This is
what he tolls abotte it, end how ha was
cured. In the spring of 1$93 the Me
Stant toil and drudgery e =elated with
the work of farming wore ints out COM-
pletely, wed the break down was thantora
complete because tbe results were coupled
with the bad effects left by an attaak
of, Is grippe. One et the results et la
grippe was a nasty cough, attother was
the complete lose of appetite. My epirita
wore greatly depressed. and I felt that X
had lived one my days. lalwaYsrolt
and connivently the stove and I were
great friends, but the eold effeeted more
especially my feet and caused me groat
aunoyauce. Added to Pith complication
was a serious kitluey trouble which
threatened, to prove the worst enemy of
alL I was tenable to do anr wort, bad no
ambition and less strength, and was not
a bit the bettee of all the doctor's mode.
clue 1 bad taken. It Was ray wife who
advised zoo at last to try Dr. Williams'
Plult Pills. I bought six boxes and began
taking. them. My hope revived because a
Change for the better was soon taking
place, and before they were done I was
cured. The six boxes brought back my
appetite, strougtit and ambition, en snort,
all that I had lost in the way of strength
and health. The next spring however my
health again gave way and 1 Imme-
diately began using the Pink Pills again
and I MU happy to say that they effected
that time a permanent oure and to -day
I am well and. hearty as if I were only
forty. I strongly reoommend Dr Wil-
liamsPink Pills to all who are suffer-
ing as I 'was."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure hy going
to the root of the disease. They renew
and build up the biome and al ui,then
the nerves, thus driving disease from the
system. Avoid imitations by insisting
that every box you purchase is enclosed
in a wrapping bearing the full trade
mark, Dr. Vietnams' Pink Pills for Pale
Grass is being cut in the parts of Lon-
There was another students' row at
A single tax club bas been Termed at
Another case of smallpox has developed
at Montreal.
The report that there is lattele diph-
theria in the camps of the Crow's Nest
Pass railway is officially- denied.
Mr. Lemieux is unxious to know what
steps the Government have taken to be
represented at tbe Paris Exhibition.
H. 0. Frick of Pittsburg, Pa., has pur-
chased at Paris, Pascal Dagnae-Bou-
aeret's taasterplece, "Blessing the Broad."
The number of deaths from the bu-
bonic plague for the last seven days is
927, against 881 for the previous corre-
sponding period.
Hamilton gardeners are talking of
organizing to start a canning factory.
They are already assured of 328,000
worth of business.
Gold has been discovered in large quan-
tities on the Hay, Buffalo and other
rivers tributary to the Mackenzie river,
near Great Slave lake.
It is reported at Pretoria that a Gov-
ernment inspector bas discovered a dia-
mond mine near Pretoria. The diamonds
are said to be similar to the Kimberley
t The request of the Bell Telepbone
Company for permission to increase their
rates in the leading cities of the Domin-
ion will shortly come up for a decision
by the Government.
The young white airl recently discovered
among a, band of Indians near Pierre,
South Dakota, has been identified by Mrs.
Turton of ,Canningtort Manor, Moose
Mountain, as her long -lost daughter.
Henceforth the recording of water
rights under the Irrigation Act will be
administered by the Northwest Territory
Department of Public Works at Regina,
instead of as heretofore in Calgary and
Word has beeps received at Ottawa that
a carload of reindeer, being sent to Van-
couver from Now York, has readied Pres-
cott. Out of a carload of 36 only six are
now alive. The cause of death is attrib-
sited to the change of climate.
Haldimand Conservatives.
Cartga, Ont., Feb. 7.—The Liberal -
Conservative Association of the County of
Haldimand met in convention Saturday
afternoon and unanimously nominated
Mr. Lalor of Dunnville. He accepted the
Italy Protecting Her Subjects.
Rome, Feb. 7.—A GoVernMentmeasure
has'been plablished authorising the Rank
of Naples to take charge of the savings
of Italian emigrants 10 North and South
America with a vieof securing them
against the rapacity of the so-called
"benkers" there.
James "Warnock ol Galt Is Dead.
Galt, Feb. 7. ---James Wartiock, proprie-
tor of the Galt Edge Tool and Axe Fac-
tory, died at his residence here about 8.15
o'clock Saturday evening, after an illness
of about two weeks' duration. Deceased,
who was widely known and highly
eeteenited by business men throughout
Canada, was born in Scotland 78 years
ago, and has beeb a resident of Galt and
vicinity for 65 years. Ma Warnock was
a publicespirited eitizen& widow, two
daughters and one on are left to mourn
his departur*.
No More to See.
A young fellow who drank much more
than was good for him was advised by
his friends to take the gold cure, but he
refused. "But," protested his friends,
"your physician says that if you keep on
drinteng you will surely soon go blind.
Now, the question is simply this, Do you
prefer being cured of the drink habit and.
retaining your sight, or do you prefer to
keep on drinking and. go blind?" The
young man paced the floor for some time,
and was in a brown study. Finally he
turned to his friends, and, with a resigned
expressiou of counteennee, replied, "Well,
I guess I've seen about everything."—
San Franoisco Argonaut.
Colic and Kidney Difficulty.—Mr. J. W.
Wilder, 3. P., Lafargeville, N. Y., writee
"I am sebject to severe attacks of Colic
and Kidney Difficnity, and find Parme-
lee's Pills afford me great relief, while
all other remedies have failed. They are
the best medicine I have ever used." In
fact so great is the power of this medicine
to cleanse and purify, that diseases of all
most everytuarne and nature are driven
from the body.
onsu tion
H' the thousands who to -day fiii untimely, graves could have seen the
end from the beginning, how many homes that today wear the badge
of mourning would be without the "'vacant chair"—Consumptioi .s
insidious in its inception—a slight cold—a little hacking cough—neg-
lected—then the full train of sad consequences which follow—cure
the cold—throw off the bad effects—tone up the system—clear the
lungs—insure a perfection circulation and you are proof against the
most deadly malady—Dr. Ransom's Hive Syrup and Tolu is com-
pounded from ingredients specially preventative and healing—a pa-
led lung tonic—thousands testify of a sure cui.e in most stubbotm
cases. I have used Dr, Ransom's klive Syrup and Tolu and found
it a perfect cure -'---I coughed for four months -1 spat blood lbr two
months -;–I was rapidly going into consumption—Thank God for your
medicine.—Mrs. Rena Gordon, Larchland. FRAC IS U. KAHLE,
Toronto. 25c. At all druggists and medicine dealers.
There never was, auct never will be, a
universal pauacea, in oue remedy, fee ali
ills te which flesh is beir—the very uature
et matte curatives being such that were
the germs, of other and differantly seated
diseases rooted its the seestein of the
patient—what would relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the other. We
have, however, iit quinine Wine, when
olattineble ia a hound unadulterated
state, a reinaly for matiy autigrevious
By Its gradual aud judieions use, the
frailest systems are led hitt) meek:Kauai
and strength, by the intlizenee which qui.
nine exerts tea Naeure'e own restarattves.
Ie relieves the drooping spirits of those
with wimp:), a chronic state of morbia des-
pondence- and leek, of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to soulict met refreshing bleep—
imparts vigor te the action of the blood,
whicb, beim; etimulated, annul through-
out the veins, atreugtheuxug the letalthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a necessary result,
strengthening the Jeanie, and giving life
to she digestive organs, which naeurally
demand Increestal substance—reeult, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toroeto, liave given to the publie their
superior Quitilne Wine attbe usual rate,
Audi gauged by tee opiuion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
auy in the market. AB druggists sell it.
Was It.
"Master has got eyes like these here rays
you read about."
"How's so, Delia?"
"I was standin' in the doorway when he
came up an' says, Delia, your back hair is
consin' down,' an' when I threw up both
me hauds he kissed me. Now, how did
he know my back hair was cousin' down?"
Minard's Liniment the best Hair Restorer.
Advance of Civilization.
Scotty—Yep; thar's ole Howling Ike.
Useter be the terms.of the camp.
Visitor from the atst—You don't say sot
ate looks quite civil and reseectableS rm
sure. Was he converted?
Seotty—You beteher life he wasl We
aected his old yeoman eher'f.
How to Cure Headache.—Some people
suffer untold misery day ,alter day with
Headache, There is rest neither day or
night until the nerves are all unstrung.
The caese is generally d disordered stom-
ach, and a care en n be effected by • using
Parmelee's Vegetable, Pills, contenting
Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay
Wark, Lysander, P. Q., writes: "I ,find
Parmelee's Pills a first-class article for
Bilious Headache." •
Shakespeare ve. Rums.
At the close ole lecture to the members
ot a certain literary society the following
dialegue beeween a. Scotehman and the
lecturer WAS overbeerd ;
"Ye Vault a fine lot o' Shakspeare, doe -
tor ?"
"I do, sir," was the emphatic reply.
"An' ye think be was male clever than
Robbie BurnsP'
"Why, there's no comparison between
"Maybe no; but ye tell us the nicht it
was Shakspeare wbo wrote 'Uneasy Iles
the head that wears a crown.' Now, Bale
that," never have written sio nonsense
"Nonsense, siel" thundered, the indig-
nant doctor.
"Ay, just nonsense. Robbie would hae
kent fine that it king, or a queen either,
disna gang to bed wi the crown on his
head. They hang it ower the batik of it
chair." The doctor's face dropped, for he
realized that his lecture had been given in
vain.—Scottish Nights.
Large Leaves.
The leaf of the cocoanut tree is nearly
80 feet long. A single leaf of the parasol
magnolia of Ceylon affords shade for 160?
20 persons.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any caSC of Catarrh teat menet be owed by
Hall's Cat:writ Cu re.
IS, J. CHR1IKY 41 CO., Preps., Toledo, O.
We tee undersigned, Wee known 04 -nay
for the last 18 years, and believe him pet feetly
honorable to all business. traesttetions ti.nd 11,i-
anelally able tu carry iest :my oidigatioe made
by their grin,
Witse & Tnsex, Wholesale DruggiatS,Telede,O.
WALDING, HANNAN & itlaitvn, 1., eolcsale Drug-
gists, Toledo, O.
Oaiarrli Cure is token hatirliunetiolyuss
, auert:
lag directly upon the blood andn
fates of the system. Pelee 78e. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists. Test intonials free.
A Whole .3Ieal it. the Coffee Pot.
It is not exactly the way to make the
coffee, but the way to take it after it is
is made. It is a valuable method to learn,
for it gives a condensed meal, which can
be taken in it short epees of time without
injury to the digestive organs, and it an-
swers the purpose of soup, meat, coffee
and dessert, all in one. This is the way to
do it: Dessert comes first in the prepara-
tion. First, six lumps of sugar in a large
coffee cup; break into this two raw eggs;
fill two-thirds full with hot milk; finally
add the coffee and there you are." This
wo ald be invaluable for quick lunchrooms
The oily objection is that the ingredients
ought to be first-class and quick lunch
room patrons object to first-class prices.—
New York Times.
Millard's Liniment for Rheumatism.
An Expert ifore,
Barthe, the French ilmnlatic authanwai
remarkable for Isis sclUstiness. He was so
completely wrappesl up in the conscious,
ness of his own importance as to be often
strangely insensible of the wants and wooe
of others. Calling upon a friend whose
opiniou be wishea to have regarding Ida
new comedy. he found bim dylug, hat,
notwithstanding, proposed, to read tie
"Cousider," said the mau, "I have nee
snore than an hear to live,"
"Ay," replied Barthe, "but this oo-
cupy only half that time."
' The Correct Word.
"So, son," said the greybeard, "you are
about to go forth to do battle with. the
"Yes, father," answered the young man.
"One of the first things you should learn
my boy," the old man continued, "is to
team to say 'no." .
"I think I understand."
"1 dunno whether you do or not. The
point I am trying to get at is that the
habit of saying 'new' and 'nit' was all
right while von were in college, but ain't
the correct thing for a business man."
The Congliing anti wheeziug of persoee
troubled with brouclatis or the asthma
li exceseively Intrassiag to themeelve*
and annoying totothere. Dr. Themes'
lielectrio 011 obviates all this entirely,
surely and speedily, mid is it /mingle
remedy for lameness, sores, inenries, piles,
Liduey stud spinal troubles.
etarrow Streets,
In Mainz, Germany, some of the street*
ere so narrow tbat wagous and bicyolelt
are not allowed su team. Speciel panels -
skin is to be given, however, tie physi-
eleus wIta use wheel*r to enter them, and
as policemen c411110t know a physician by
instinct these wheels have to bave a SIM-
ial mark and timelier.
Dear Sirs,—I have been a great
sufferer from rheumatism, and lately
have been confined to my bed. See-
advertised, I tried it and got immed-
iate relief, I ascribe my restoration to
health to the wonderful power of
your medicine.
Burin, Nfld. '
Didn't elm Names.
Officer—How is this, Murphy? The
mergeant complains that you call hit&
names. a
Private Murplie—Plaze, sun., I never
tatted him any n mos at all. All I said'
was, "Sergeant,' says I, "some of us
taught to be in a inenagerle."—London
The noursehold Uw,s.
"Let's See, you married Darlington's -
widow, didn't you?" '
"But you always seal attual never
marry a ready made wife."
"Well, I found out afterward that Vele
ono was made to order." Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
eene en:, ta tet
Put up in lead paeltages.
Also Japans and Hysons.
A. ex, ateNN ING• A: CO,, Wholesale Agents,
Donald O. Indutit di Go., registered patent
attorney, soliener of Canadian and foreign
patents and eounsellor and expert In patent
mere; Canada Life Building, 'I emits); booke
on patents and trade marks free ou applica-
tion. 180.
,For sale by all leading houses.
°meas. BOEORII as SONS, Manufacturers,
,..,.. BEST OIL
I owd,
0, WHITE .,..,
r OIL '-''''
r• o-
Made in Canada.
Good as the Am-
ican Water
"WE WANT you QuicK.-
Intelligent ladies and gentlemen can be sup.
plied with genteel and very PROFITABLI3
employment Industrv Is the essential NE0-
nssAtty to secure GOOD REMUNERATION.
Cam give the address of representative who has
just cleared 1118 in 21 DAYS. Make 15 right AT
your own HOME.
Cut this out. 88 Richmond West, Toronto.
** **
** et*
** • • • **
** **
** Makes the worth in Eddy's eeter
** Matchesaas e e ing 0 U r**
** name on the box begets ease
** cOnfidence. Lets of **
** other makes where **
** • •**
** you get more wood.**
** for your money—many **
**lc* imitations too, put up ****
** "like Eddy's" but they are **
** very different in. use. **
** **
** **
trk The E. B. Eddy Co. Ulnae(' ****
** Hull, an ad **
** **
T. N. U.
By attending the North, rn Businecs College, Own
Sound, Ont. If you want 'know what is taught in out
Business Coun,e1 d ting Lend 1;.r. Annual At-
nauncement. which sta :cc C rit:ming, Priv.%