HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-19, Page 5Pg. a�< THE Ozetttr EXETER MARKETS. (ChaneB_ cry Wediesday) -ox#i Wheat per bushel la published every Thursday Morning, et the Office, NLAIN-STREET, -- EXETER. --By the---- ADVQCATE PUBLISHING CQMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oats Peas Eggs Potatoes,perbag Onions $0 ,Si to a15. 31 to ae 20 to 27 51 to 55 Le to i5 15 45 to 50 Red Clover Seeepee bushel $4.00 to L50 Hay per ton toe t9 4 $•no Dollar Per aunuan if aid to AaDried Apples per ill*1.50 if not so paid. turkeys Ducks 3cl."xrert3c gg =Zatos ori .3 laiica►- 5 roof? Chicken . Wool perlb.. • 17 No leaver disoo?atinued until allarrearages aro paid. Advertisementx without apeeiao dlreetaons will lee published till forbid and 1111 cherged a0oordingly. Liberal diseouut made for traaxseient advertisements insetted for Lang periede. Every description of dOB PRINTING turned out in the flaestetyle, � � Face and at moderate rates. Chegdtes,moneyord- R^ ers, &a.far advertising, subscriptions ,eto.to r Lt be made payeble to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR exn PROP How Did She Professional <aeralte, le RI-NSA/AN, L.D.S. & Dd. A.B. KINSMAN. fe I). S., D. 1), 8., Honor gradnete of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without anv pain. or any bad c"ffects- ()thee in Fanson's dloett, west side Main Street, Exeter. ere it, D.AL Olt, ANISE lisnN,eft,a,fi.,L.D,S•.D f .fi honors ttra,iaato. of the Toronto l ni- 'alter att;l Royal ('odlege of Dentai Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. An motes of 'lentil -are- up to date. °dice over Elliot 4 Eidiot'x law ofliee-opposite ideattral Hotel -Exeter. .lIedirSl T ars. J A.11011,LIXS es, T A,. A\TOs. D J Residences, sane as formerly OrPTCFa,`+paokmA , building, 'gain at. Dr, Redline' sauce: same tea formerly -north door. ,Dr. Aiune' oelee. uaale building --south door. ¥si,Rollins, M. liT. A Araoe, k TN P. oleArei UN, lee -the Collegeitf Phv clans yta 1,'zB'urgea e Ontario. :1'hvsiesan, Stira;eou and Aceouela- our, Otl1ee. ilaahwocel, tint. 1aegai, I3e 11. COLLINS, 11AitRTSTER,SOLICIT- . ()It, Cnnveyaneer. Notary Public. (Mee -Over O'Neil's Bank. Eseter,0utrtrio, Money to Lean. T ILDIORSow,11;t,Ilitl:.Tl::R.S!•1T.TCITOit, 44. of Supreme Court, :eatery Public, Oaee ereye aeor, Cammleeionor, Fre. Xoney to loan Oldice-.Feason'a Idloak,l xoter _7((?T tG el LAI -MAN. BARRISTERS, Convt+vane,r.:. sand "tTonev to' ]seas at and ate per cent. B. V. Lae tole F. W. OT.A r?(IaiY. etIoncers tSL BROWN, iuchelec e. Mamma Allot - let. lancer for the Coalition of ;Perth and ealddlosezw, also for the township ofleehorao Sahel nronaptly nttondodtoand terms roe- a0fll la,Sales arranged at Post office. Win- oholsea. E E Main Xaai.alrAu _ +IOT,. Inuuranat) Agent, Exet WANTED, IIELP. Reliable man inevery locality, local nr travelling;, to .iutrodace a new discovery and keep our ehow ear+iataoked up on trees, fences auil bridges throughout town mini country, eteaa"ly ern pToymen't,eommision or salary, ra per month and expenses, and !Hung di, - posited In any bank whon started. For par - Venters write "•rbo World 2dcdiesal Electric Co.," Lendan, Ont , Canada. eel 93 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY.,onerso. 7fS 1 •0 The Hangdog Expression " looks of a " ready made," band. me -down " suit of clothes 18 enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?XS NO STYLE, NO GOOD. Sal A tailor.made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR'''INIEW- Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as titches. Bert. Knight. RIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!! ! Highest cash price paid for hides, calf, lamb and sheep skins For first cl;,ass beef, lamb, pork, poultry, sail - 'sage or bologna, call at the NEW BUTCHER, SHOP. . IEEE 5i 1JOLDBYTaEQUART- ER AT LO W EST. CASH Fatima.. ..FRESH FISH. •Ona Door South of, . L DAY ' Prop FR CEN AL HOTEL, ., 10,1 DE MEA MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE 4ZENcrvous Diseases -Failing hlem• oryLn potency, Sloe/deaoness. etc. caused , by Abuse or other lsxaossee-anti. Indio• crotions 27.oy quickly arid surely restore o Losta V tnl iL in Yold or younri and fit uman, for etudi business ormarriage. Prevent Insanity, and: Consumption• if t en in time. Their use shows immediate improve - 'meat and ettecta n, CT IEE where, era ate I other fail In, eiat anon having the genuine 'n ao x.Tablets. giveopo- have cured thousand oc, toe effect n•outo Wo give o pos- itive written guarantee to effect neuron 5Gi 6•a.I ;u each case or refund rho 'money. Price aCU . a per ` paokapel or six pluses (full. treatment) for mni2 � . rete lal ]n penin a91•apper, a pn aces" • p ,prof era c'lrca.lar �0• A LAX lfZEVIEDV CO:, 'Dc it :i• wast.. *old In Exeter by C. Lutz, !D'rnqet,irtt $$ That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful itchinBurning ErtTp tions Cured Sl11oot111, Soft, white Skin How. "tR. I. Faecal Co„ Lazvell, Mass: "Gentlemen; Oezr tittle daughter. Is now Ira= years old, When she was about, these months old, ehe had eruptions outer face aleich were very dela eeeable, and itehu3 eel much, especially at night, that it made her trouble to gnat deal ;versa. I wee, cheeped to keep her kende tied at night and it zvan neceeeary to wateh her during the day. She would screteh herself when- ever she had the chance, until her clothes Would Se Covered with Wend. Wo had a great many doctors to vee iter, put they did net help her In the least, It was a terrible task to care for her. When zva took, her away froth home, peepie would asks, 'How did that child burn he lace?'Wire wee completely covered with ilcaba for a lour time. She &utered every- thing, verything, .At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I land great faith in it, and after awhile we could see that silo was gettiagbetter. People veld she would certainly be left with scars on her face, brat she was not. Itis now a year since Rae vasa cured by Hooti'sa Sarsaparilla, and her taco is as Smooth and White and Soft as that of any child, I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the beat family mcdi- eine that can be obtained. I take it my- self for headache and that tired feeling, and. Ihave toured nothing to equal It. Ono ,pecullarit+y about Hood's 9araaparilla is that it is pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it. The doctors pronounced ray little girl's dive ase to bo eczema, or salt rheum," Mr.s.. WI xi= WELTS, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy any substitute. Be euro to get }clod's Sarsaparilla Tho host in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1; 51x for $5. cure Liver Ills; easy to I OOlei tS PILLS take, easy to operate. dec. if WOJJIII To be happy an.l heali,l ymastknowho s to tette care of herself, In Dreier to do this, all irregularities of menstruation must bo corrected, the err gens etrutsgthuned and put in working order to perform their proper function, Asiatic Regulator Capsules are Safe, Pleasant, Most ;Reliable and POSITIVELY the BEST REMEDY in the market to cure all irregularities, painful periods. and relieve all distressing pains. Tho herby composing this famous rem- edy are found in the wilds of Asia Uhler and Africa and imported by us only. We', give a guarantee that it will cure the most obstinate eases, or moneyrcfnnded $1,50 per box or four boxes for $5.00. Sent securely sealed. A trial will Convince, you. Address ORIENTAL MEDICAL CO. Detroit, Their John Kearney, a farther, who live in Tv iidiaaga, was killed near Belie vine, Thursday morning while dried op a load of wood to the city. Kearnee attempted to turn round to go back te the assistance of a load following him, which had upset. His team backed ui too far, and he and the team went ov, r the embankment to the river bed, a distance of 25 feet. Kearney fell under the load and death was instantaneous. General Debility rid Loss of Flesh Scott's Emulsion has been the standard remedy for nearly a quarter of a century. Physicians readily admit that they obtain re- sults from it that they cannot get from any other flesh -forming food. There are many other prepara- tions on the 'market that pretend to do wk at 8` O T' i tyill does, but they fail to perform its "Ile pure Norwegian Cod-liver Oil. made into a delightful cream, skill- fully- blended with the f yypaphos- phites of Lime and $.oda, which 1' are such v'altsable tonics, makes tills preParation an ideal one and ichecks the wasting en 4 to d Cil and the lye patient almost coined%ate-;; Iy commences ;to put on flesh and gain 'a strength'. which stirpris them. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emelt .n. See that the man and rash are on the Wrapper. .505. and. $r,00, all dru'rgets. GCOTT & BOWNE, Che.'sts, Toronto.. IMPERIAL COMMONS. THE CURRENCY QUESTION ANQ THE CHITRAL POLICY. • The Canadian Law Against. Gambllnb Grain Futures Satisfactory -Tito Bali Frontier Tronbles.-Four Cruisers to Built -Cable News. Glasgow, Feb. 10: -The British Go eminent has invited tenders for fo itrst-class armored cruisers of 91,00 horsepower, and slightly loss tonna thau the Posverful. The Powerful is 14,200 tons displecezueut, Loudon, Feb. 15. -Tete President the Board of Trade, Mr. 0. *T. Bitch. replying to Mr. William Field, Parnelli member for St, Patrick's Division Dublin, in the Llouse of Commons, yes terday, said the Canadian law forbidden gambling in grain futures was satisfaa tory, but added that the Government di not intend to introduce a bill ou th subject at Present. Replying to another" question as whether the .Government intended to co operate in promoting an intermationa conference to consider the currency ques tion, Mr. A . J. Bafour, First Lord o the `Treasury and Government leader, sal he was. happyro say the Governmeu would be very glad, to scean iutet'nationa agreement; r.,. •ar: ing curretl4y, but, ix continued, he bad nothing to add to th infornaation already in the Tgt. eesei:tn 0 the Howe The Indi;ut T''routierTraubles. The house leiter teas:gis. the .►nte.t,i silent of ,Tohit 'Aswan Walton, Libe a luember for south i.ereis, to the nildrr in reply to the ee eeh from the 'Mala"r and ,.rising the ilaacstion of the (1 av(:�rn ineut's Indian fronticrpnlley. Mr. Walto, criticized it from rt Liberal stentlpnine disapproving Of the ()emotion of Cbitra as being the source of the pre..i cert tree Wes. and urging the Governcwnt not to tamper with the independence of the frontier tribes. who, bo said, were "the natural bulwark of India." Lord George Hamilton, Secretary of State for India, replied. Ilse said it lel)); ziupossible to eraeuato Chitral withous iineairing the prcatigo of Groat 13r:t;ain and the tranquility of these tribes, The resent trouble, ho continued, prove.l at the eeeep:atlon of Chitral was wel- come, and be warmly repelled the Olaru• sheen's charges that the Govarnlueut hadbeen guilty of T'rtaeh of faith with the local tribes In continuing the occupation. The Right Hon. Sir Henry Hartle" Fowler, Liberal member for East Wolr-er- hamptan, and Secretary of State for India in tho list Liberal Cabinet, rebutted tho charge that the Liberal Government bad greed to a permanent occupation of the Chitral, The future, however, would be more important, he said, than rho past, which had been a costly 'blunder, and, the Liberals would resist the forward• tend- ency of the military party in India. Heurged that the Intim Council should have seine control of the expenditure, as greatest danger which. threatened the northwest frontier. was a "polies, of ag- gressive militarism." Gold In Circulation eta France. Perls, Fob, 1.-']'lir• .11luistry of France recently instituted au enquiry to learn the amount of gold in circulation. It has ascertained that there is e800,000,000 worth bearing the French stamp in circu- lation. It is ascorteinod that this is n record amount, and that the United States has $;:,'0,000,0110, Germany $680,- 000,000, and Great Britain and Russia $600,000,000 each. in an be v- ur 0 go of of ter tc Of G cl to 4 0 1 m Favorable to Zola. Paris, Feb. 15. -When the trial of AL Zola and Parrous was resumed at the Assize Court of the Seine yesterday, M. Jaures, the Socialist member of the Chamber of Deputies, was recalled. He reiterated his belief in the culpability of Major Esterhazy. Tho examination of M. Bertillon, the handwriting expert, was then resumed. Penally M. Bertillon, who persisted in not answering questions, left the witness stand amid considerable uproar, 14. La- borie remarking: "And that is the man upon whose evidence Dreyfus was con- victed." A Brave Ex -Minister. M. Yves Guyot. the former Minister of Pui lic Works, testified that the Ester - !nay court-martial was "a parody on j eaice." (Excitement. in court.) , The former Minister said the inner elecles of foreign Governments wore fully cc:eatizant of all that occurred at the Esterbazy court-martial, a statement which caused renewed excitement. Later M Yves Guyer expressed the opinion that the Government commis- sioner who prosecuted Major Esterhazy was far more like counsel for the defence than the prosecutor, adding: "I ant hap- py in the ballet that all the best senti- ment in France supports M. Zola." Caught in the Ice Melds. St. John's, Nfld., Fob. 15. -The, British. brigantine Phyllis, Captain Davies, 45 days from Turk's Island, arrived hero yesterday with her bulwarks gong, her lifeboats smashed and her sails &nil rig- ging carried away. For 12 days she was among the ice floes, and she had her sides nearly cut through. The whalers Terranova and Mastiff, from Glasgow, aro now overdue, and it is feared they have been caught in the ice fields off. the coast. Of Course They Couldn't Help It. Washington, Feb. 15. -The officials of the Treasury Department have received information, through Spanish sources, that the suspected filibuseerer Dauntless, has succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the Government officials at Savannah, and has passed out of the harbor to sea. Tho Dauntless is said to have a, cargo of 'arms, ammunition and other supplies in- tended for the Cuban insurgents. He Drowned Himself.: Dublin, Ont., Feb.,: 15; -An inquest wee hold here yesterday afternoon before erns ccer J. P. Rankin of Stratford to inquire into the cause of: the death of the late Duncan Alexander Fraser. The jury, utter deliberating for some time, brought: iu a verdict that deceased came to hie I cle al by his own hand by drowning. Bullet Located b Yflair.). Y Tor 011 0 Toronto; Feb.: 15 . -Robert iio beat Foster of Argus Was shot six years ago and the bullet has since remained in his right leg. I t did not bother n him. Until'tVt'O weeks. ago, whenit became very. painful: Il`e came -to the General Hospital and the bullet Way located by X rays yesterday. • SENOR CANALEJAS OF SPAIN Declares. That There 31ust Be War Be- tween lifts Country and the United States, -The De Louse Trouble, Madrid, Feb. 14. -Senor Cana,ejas, ex- Minister and editor of Heraldo, the lead Ing organ of Madrid, to wham was ad dressed the letter of Senor Dupuy De Ieme, which has caused a furore hotle t the United States and Spain, and has resulted in the resignation of the Spanis Minister, Mabee .ominous predietiees EI Heralds,. The announcement of D Heraldo is nothing less than that a cou blot between Spain and the United State is inevitable, Senor Canalejas says tha the situation is becolningintolerabie, and the Government is gravely preoceupied by prevailing Conditions. As regards the De Lohne incident Senor Canalejes dismisses it with a sP. x and insult added to these of De Lome.. He says that the Totter was produced by ldeKinley's message and that De Lome was very favorable to the American Pres- ident before then. In predicting a crisis El Hersldo says: "New and ruenaeing incidents tend to arise between Spain and the United States, resulting fsona the permanence of American warships at Havana, the dis- play of arras and ammunition by as yacht there and the proceedings of the Anzerl- czan Ceingrese,. This states of things iu- spirw alarm, and the Government is gravely- preoccupied by a situation which is becoming intolerable," The greeted activity eharaeterizes the naval work now in progress in the Span- ish yards. .Repairs and construction are being puehed under" tits greatest pressure, rand this display of energy en the part of the naval authorities toads to satisfy the prevailing public excitement. It is rort- i.denrly believed in many responsible quarters that the die has been oast between Spain and the United States and that an outbreak is Euro to occur, Senor Ile Lome's sa,Ceeaaor will he Senor Loelis Pelo Iirrnabe, soil of 'Vice= Admiral Polo, who formerly represontetl th Spain in e United. :states. Must Disav$itiwents. Wtasliingtoit, Feb, 14.•• -Spain must dis. avow the sentiinents expressed by Min- ister De Lonte in his letter to Caanaleies, or diplonatio relations with that vountay will cease. This is the deeisloureaehied. uta Saturday at the meeting et the Cabinet. Not only most Sprain disavow rho sauti- Itaents, but apalogizo as. well for the in- sult °Item' by its representative to the President. In case the Spaulab Cabinet to do this, Minister Woodford. WAS instrueted to withdraw from Ma- drid, thus severing diplomatic relations with that kingdom. n. h • s MAY REMAIN ANOTHER YEAR. Lord Aberdeen Will Not Ito 'Recalled if Ho ']'Fishes to 'imitate in Canada. Montreal, Feb. 2O.--(Speaial.)--Intini- ate friends of Lady ,Aberdeen la Montreal declare that If the Governor General de- sires to remain another year in Canada ho will not be recalled. It is said that the Countess Of Aberdeen has said as much to her acquaintances in their city. England Negotiating With China. Pekin, Feb. 14. -England is negotiat- ing with China to open Y ton-Chun-ru in the Province of Hu -Nan, as a treaty port, and is negotiating also on the subject of the navigation of inland waters, The Chinese Government has paid the agreed indouinity'of' 24,000 to TI. Lyaaudet, the Frenehniaan kidnapped by Tonquin pirates in 1805, Tho now year's audience for the foreign Ministers has been fixed for February 15, and Ube banquet by the 'Tsung•LI-Yamen will be given thefolIolyingday. Owing to the long delay the Ministers had declined an audionco, but the Tsung-Li-1'amen has now arranged the matter, Englishmen for the Klondike. London, Feb. 14.-A stern wheel steamer destined for the Yukon was suc- cessfully launched at Queen's Ferry on Thursday, and was named the Researcee She embodies the intentions and aspira- tions of what is probably the most capable and best equipped party that will leave England during the coming season to seek fortunes in the Klondike. She draws two feet six inches of water, has a speed of 10 knots and will carry stores enough for 15 months and most elaborate mining outfits. She has a commodious deckhouse, wherein 22 men expect to pass next win- ter comfortably. They are confident of success and had a specially designed bul• lion tank constructed. Our Trade With Britain. London, Feb. 10. -The Canadian tariff is seemingly beginning to affect Anglo - Canadian trade. During January imports from Canada increased «147,582, or 82 per cont., compared with January, 1897. The ohiof increases were: Animals £7,00Q, wheat £85,000, wheat. flour «4,000, bacon 24,000, butter ;28,000, cheese 4286,000, eggs £2,000 and fish «73,000 The ,decreases were: Wood «18,000 and hams 25,000. The exports to Canada increased nearly 7 per cent. Japan Keeps Wei -Hai -Wei. Paris, Feb. ll. -Oficial advicos received by the Foreign Oillce from Pekin say that Japan has notified China that shointends to keep Wei -Hai -Wei permanently. China, in notifying the Chinese Ministers abroad to this effect, directs them to notify the powersalso that, in view of this, no for- eign loan is required, as the purpose of the loan was solely to pay the Japanese war indemnity. Britain Will ,lave a Big Preponderance. London, Feb. 14. -Tho British war- ships now on their way to China are the first-class battleships Victorious, the first- class battleship Barfleur, the first-class. cruiser Gibraltar and the second-class cruiser Bonaventure. When they arrive, on March 5 or thereabouts, Groat Britain will have a preponderance of twenty-five thousand tons of warships over Russia and France combined in those waters. I Navvies From Newfoundland. St John's, Nfld.., Fob. 10. -The Cana- dian dian` Pacific' Railway Company has sent a representative heroto engage 1,500 proceed borers to r floceed to British -Columbia to work on the construction of the Crow's West Pass Railway. The wages offered are 1.50 r $ per day. The-Iianimond Trial. Toronto, Feb. 10. -The trial i r< of Ham- mond, nno❑d the accused murderer of Katie 'rough,' will bo held at the Assizes which open at Bracebridge on May 30, before Chief Justieo Meredith The Sloan Medicine Ct, Hamilton, Hear Sirs. For many years 1 was troubled with ,periodical sick headaches, being affected usually every Sunday, and used alt the remedies that were ad- vertised as d as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor in Guelph hut with, alit any relief. One doctor told me it was caused by ra weaks tomacii, another said it was hereditary and lzacureable. I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's liudian Tonic, and I am happy to say I did co. A few doses gave im- mediate relief, and one bottle and a half made a -complete cure. This Was three years ago and the headaches have have neyer return- ed, I was also troubled with asthma And nothing belpe I me lite your Sloatt's Indian Tonic, I can heartily recommend it to ail art i will beglad to give any particulars dei any one afflicted as I was. tf, C, Kgoo.fi, Guelph, Nov-. 28r1,189 soar sale ;at ail dealeras. or *duressts the Comet my at .1 1/ gt.o0 Icer bottle,- 11 battiest for *A.E?;e_ s s COMMERCIAL LWERY. First-Q1as Rigs �>?�,s and Horses Orders left atEfawkshaw s Hotel, or at the Livery a St.. b Ie,GiiristlesasldStand will receive prompt at- tention, . . P r t eruts lteasonaableCo- "in ,etior. 4r, Only one Girl hi the World for Ie." 80 gays the popular Song. "Only One FllrJlitllre Ston eleplione " F .THE PALACE ...---•-"M'-.-:--w--.,=die•r--.,�•..,r,..�.-.n-..,r.,,,k,.c iii Town for No." Says the landlord who wishes to have every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retain reg mar patrons and induce occasional cus- tomer,, to come again, The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeterappreci'te this method, We snake undertaking a Specially. R. N. ROWE a GIDI, Y & SON. HILTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering. together Cholera IDdalmeat010 Vaataay wurnitttre suitable for presentation. The assorement is now complete awl everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing whet very reasonable prices Choice Furniture' can be purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of Very Handsome RED 1/0015 Kfi".T"1':4 in SIM, (lax, and esu ANTsQUa: rand (btmzoxs finish, All are extrensely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote fur similar goods. ROCKING CHAIRS. FCURLY Btten, aST ndr�MAn,osics yL Fii0itsb, from $0?,40 up. FANCY TABII.E S, A magnificent lino bought at a saacri- floe and niarke,l at correspondingly ley., prices. Centro Tables, Fancy Chafes, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fanoy Bookers, itnsic Racks, Couches, Extension fables. Picture &ontaiclogs. Curtain Poles, Artists" Mater- ials, Etc.-, Etc., Ete. fiTAIDERTAI•UNCII :and Eli1i5ALMI`aO IN ALL ITIS Itit41NvIg3is .. . S. GidTey & Son. 9 R You will find at Bisset's _Wereroonls the following line of Agricultural lanpienients - Deering BindersMowers,Roller and Bail Bearings, Steel Sleepy Bakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, ,Plows, and Turnip Drills, SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVE°., A G 0 s and Gurney stoves and furnaces B U 5 The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies J. A. Turnbull, of Plena, met with serious accident last week. The team lee was working became frightened ad ran. dragging him about 30 rads.. ^Me>of the horses licked him iilthe h' a h, malars a severe flesh �' wouad: i3is back is also somewbut hurt. Chas. Knox, of bort Hope, a C-. T. R. 'araakemall, was killed Friday, near atellevi le,, ,' 1e was stepping from one ,+r In a lower one, trha" he n missed S . sed -` his. footing, and failing between the mov- ing cars was, 0111 toieces. He Was p F about,25 years of age and unmarried. A roan men consider his lrilrGllA8t1 well them tunes; he must rain' irilere be can do the best, Look at some of these Egldres; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits 9.80 Overcoats $8.09 Plock 'Worsted suits a spec- ial, 12.00 • Our we'20 Mucks beat all others at $23. Come and ace for yourself.. JAI:ES B. CIII E Blclyces Bicycles I . Bi jj iias . a 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Ric` ole pleasure if so, you should seek first a geed wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels Inside, at lor,•est prices, Musical. Do _sail want anything ire the musical line. We have a choice lot of Piaro:: and organs, call and its Arpcct ahem before busing elsezvbeie full stock Of sewing; machines, baby ear- riagcs, ate, etc. Perkins & krill. THE j%1 RAL STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for n Coldouorghyoung.s, Colds and Bronchial trouble Vre 1lanutacture--e WINER'S LINAPAENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. Tho Oita aiIt;eli icicnanbtA. li?a►a, s seWersinaa'q Cala- , still holds fist place in the market.'. Also Lotion for scrateh 18 on horses and Condition Powder for sante. • q Q p�qy 9 -A.-' a @R k. � � '. p•--..�., 'Yr •I�., N.:1\17.S. l 1 THE COOK'S.BEST FRIEND LARGEST STALE i Y CKN,q�_;,>