HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-19, Page 4THE 'sou iu a letter to the 'Globe of recent interests at this time in a manaergreat date says:-,- ly superior to a. government under Mr. et . c e t My eontetatiou in the Holum, trod 1 Hardy depehldent upon and in close al- shall not endeavor to ctubstautiate that fiance with staela, met. as '1Tatrte, Field- dalhas, . Saaadexe, Edatgx and T'rOp contention, was that the bookkeeping ing, $Iain and the worst eletnents of the of the, Coterie; Agricultural College is Liberal party at Ottawa, defective and inadequate tomeet ell the.ate—egettaseeteetee. rageirementsof . goverment expert ROBBING TE,hMUNICIP4LI ineutal station, I take this position T,14.3. after a careful evatnivation of the sys' THURSDAY, FF t 17,, 1895 THE ELECTIONS. One thing is very plain to the ordi- nary than who takes an interest £n the present election contest iu Ontario and that le the wonderful amount of vitality tlisplaz;r;ed by, the Opposition under the lead;•rsliip of Mr. Whitney. Re has his aturdidates in the field nod werleing rigorously iu advance of the minister- ial party, and everywhere awakes an enthusiasm markedly absent fromthe followers of lir, hardy. lie discovers tee weai*sess t;i his epvnnaeitts armour ai.d cuts into it with s rulers avid thrusts ;be full .effect of which the electors l~1ie.it.Iy see. He takes atrot:.s from the a. special bussu€•as l eperrtisr, ut under auiverof ebe Globe :, c1 sends theme the direction ofeVolum professor, oise right ie:to the Hardy =mil where they who is t seeds, bly conversant with the /male trhiskeet bottle& i:noele the blot ea:totemic value of the facts tied lees of ting peas o uranhadite'd ac.,CoUlt.ts, per. the seiettee of ; , rieniture, not Drily of forte asy :um pt:retteeee atel quiver in tater indi4'itiaill nature, but also tlt fernier Liberal maxims long since value in all t::+ssibleconabinatiotas, rif+atedota d for pre.c'ie. s es -rived in as- s:v 1 deet e ewe detirm', n the least m'`. tli- set ith:s net erened with i att ate " It d orae kit wort. the hest se -tette of iteeplug wriest ,' for aettaneteit the Glebe r4'per,te " tarot acceuuts; itt short he Shad be the a' peer awe 30 Whitney proves that ar.•isate•t;t t•r the farm for practical awl etas elhaugc.+ le Ontario 'e•nutt% ln';;uitis"-eQminerci:il purposes" provevetnt. a Keep garter Ministry in SuvIl is the critic's of a farmer Torten() free hone the ec•e•rol s'af Citta [needle to the goverment. He eon- wa," only a few years ago said :air 011 vera ;tad Mr. %Vhitties thinks with Tarte in fall coutrol thett would W :s xpiendid thlt.g to do nlld froau all are ° of A capable man to take eher?e, If a peas::awes the majority of vetet t think Conservative a xuenib r had spoken i> .* so Ino. No moxa i•- i,ahsentit►,,g , a axil Coxa- t blare malau+'r he would have been chair„ ed with factious opposition and a desire to dilute the institutiuu and destroy its taus itr which' Ilia "'lege and the farm The ,hardy-ii.o ss GQverntueut has. accounts are • kept especiatly as they re< . robot d the tnsznicipalities of ruiltions e ractit e orad sax arinsa*ureal of (lettere under the liquor license law, tate to the p p .Before 187a, the wholes of ths: money departiueuts. '' * at 1 siraoaxelx .coxt- Qained from i -►Dentes went to the Jana - tend the system of bookkeeping is l=ox riper tre }iter*. It was• a great help in ceunueneerate with the pubtic: require• relief of taxation. A glance at the iztentrs of earl iuStitution cutting large eoklectious reveals the value to the ty fear pi'C«teal Rsud targe+t+ izenz;tl Aur• Govexemeet• of this erferoaehment oa. poses," a , e ttatalaicipa t rtavenue : 1 urther .on la his letter :t 1r. diePh r- 1$737,--'i'otai license revenue $439,407 s an flays: Allowed to the nsnnieipelities 281,248 sal tirrraly maintain that there is ars ' Taken by the iloverailalent imceratit;e needof re orgauization with . for Its own use amt the paynaeus of its officials , . • 128,2:14 18 34 :,—Total neense novelette $5 :18,714 Allowed to the neneicipallties 283,6S9 Takeo lay the Governu ent for itself and Its ote;ials- 255,125 1859.90 —Total licensereveuue See0,560 Allowed to the muttieipelities 297,35B Taken by the Goverutxltint for itself and its officers.. ,,388.217 The Goverment horst gave the ziliTsti stip tlitWs $t4 QE 3 more than. la 1881.5 and allowed itself $128,082 more. 1892 8—Total license revenue 8684,169' deletes since of the Allowed to municipallt es. , ., wi9,9O( ,,e•inias th;l nsaeta,,, n ant tit t e the lot falters by the vote) 'un met n Odd feasor+ a or dsapat'ttneu r; t foriitself end its oilisters...874,17v Mtitittion and est:esfnr the appoaetsit+rit Here the Govertimezat took $tt5,4 00 Wier iu Canada, whether of the coin - petty or not, and is only for selling pur• pose. They will send the goods in tlia k "ikaoelr•dowu" stage to Ltverpool.t There a large factory will be run by the contkatty, and the perfected goods wi.il be placed ort the British markets. Everythieg in the furniture line will bedealt in, Thee Olinton News Record says, —rt The C.00sztrv.ati vea of South Huron are let, high fettle and fully coufideut of plaeiag the Biding in. the \l hltuey eraumtt for henest governmeet and the destruction of the Family Compact. But they will not allow their confidence to:1ossola :their exertiousw for sa Harry " Eilber, their Able, honest and popular s othdard. bearer, Tither will win, let his opponentssquanderas much of the littondhke boodle as the opportuuity of #ards. etitueney should liamivate iliinself to an office its the g i;t of the Government because he tet dower ills i,:dependtance l usefulness, Notwithstanding the fact was gone he being shortly a maMee; Haat there is a Minister of Agriculture \.. regiott�riitg sute81u ecelhrtoge fez' at its-' at 81.0h0 per year, a president drawing nig. This was the excellent theory of 82.000 per year, and astaff of prat's- a•I Ertlyard Maki' witt'ra in oppashio h. e toes, ie etructors, lectures, ete,, drawith;; emu:et mean the wane of a tingle Lila over she 000 mare per yxasr,tuemelNne; Brat member of the Ontario pnrliatnent, and ineempetcnce prevails and them. who,, hong defeated ire or retiring from is ,t an imperative need of reorgania Mien " and a " business professor," so says this practical farmer, legislator and friend of the Ontario government V�,030 per anutstn—the pricy of four and in too many eases the offices have 9 er five good hundred acre farms in the "been created to supply the steeds of the province --swallowed up 10 salaries of Asan. If Liberal Ari ieiples as enuuci- the minister and professors end still the s►ted by the ablest of Reform leaders aro affairs. of the college are inefficiently i iv hang the genius of the. art g Is it an wonder that there worth are t ., party y public lifts is z,ot now if liviug• or tine 'been if dewed, pen:;iotted by some posi time is ith a salary paid by the tax payers of Outarice Fituesecounts for nothing, eoaald make ;rave eb srges egotist the party leaders and in voting for 11r Whitt—weds :candidates bele line with the party when it was pure, but cidefty pure, because' it was in opposition and tintritd. tut chiefly has the Hardy government trtiled with the farmer,'. Nominally it gives him colleges where' his sons can be educated in the high Calling of Tillers of tbe ssi1, The object its aaatne is to people Ontario with skit led and educated men to adorn the greatest a€' our callings, to place the former in the forefront cf public late- ence, as he atreedy is in national 'wealth gathering power. We say this is the abject in name. What is it in fact? Bow many of the high class young fanners are making the rich soil of South Huron grow two blades of wheat or grass where one grew before? But we know where they are to be found. Bookkeepers, agents, dealerst starving in little shops tramping our highways. their knowledge for which the province pays its tens of thousands rendered useless by the fact that the Agricultur- al College at Guelph is filled with men having the instincts of the office seeker, and salary absorber of the offiee, and not that of the farmer. Mr, Thomas Shaw who now stands in the forefront .elf his profession in a foreign land told a;,few years ago a tale that the farmer taxpayer should lay to heart, Electors of South Huron, Mr. Either will change all that and Mr McLean continue it. For whom will you vote? Ask. Mr. Hodgins, candidate for East Middlesex, to tell yea his story of the old ram, sold because be was no good, and sold for but little, but bought by a good Liber- al and sold by him for a large stun, be- cause the said Liberal had a party claim and the Professor of rams at Guelph was either too ignorant or too corrupt to prevent the bargain going through. Time for a change. we should think it ts, and a thorough one too. N OTHER 6TUDYFOR Ole TA1UO FARME 1 S. is a continuous outcry against the fieel;- lesr•, tueapable way in which things are conducted in tho Agriculture Depart anent? Is it any wonder that the col- lege costs about 827,000 per year more than its revenue to run it; and the Farm ineluding the dairy, poultry ex- perimental plots and feeding, garden, orchard, lawn, etc,, about $28,000 more than its yearly revenue to keep it going: Surely the thing has arrived when Ontario's best interests demand a change. MR. MOIVAT IN 1886. Speaking at a meeting in Toronto on. the 18th of December 1886 just prior to the provincial elections of that year Sir Oliver Mowat is quoted in the Globe of the 20th as follows: -- "The occasion is one in which Con- servatives and Reformers should all unite in order that there may be here in Ontario a government independent of the government at Ottawa. Conserve tives may prefer, Iknow a great many of them do, Sir John Macdonald and his policy to Edward. Blake and his policy. I am sorry they do. If they had more light I. am sure they would not, and a great many Conservatives are discover ing that, and are acting accordie ly, but even those Conservatives who be- lieve in the policy of Sir John Macdon ald and prefer the present Dominion Government to any other, may still unite at this crime in supporting an iu- dependent Government here, because: there are great matters with which we have to deal which absolutely require, for the sake of Ontario's interests that the Provincial Government should be entirely independent of the govere- ment at Ottawa. Now there are a va riety of cases by which I might the illus- trate manner inner iu which the Domin' ion Government have dealt with the Provinces, and show the absolute ne cessity in the interests of this Province that there should be an independent Government here uuder no obligations to Sir John Macdonald and who have a. P. oliey entirely Provincial in regard to the territory and Provincial rights•" How does the above advice suit On tario Liberals to -day? i\'e comine:t 1. it to them and wotitd say further, if you prefer Sir Wilfred Laurier's l,ov- ernment to that of the Conservative party art r you may still unite in support ing an independent government at To ronto under Mr. Whitney's leadership. And farther y ou will find that such an administration will serve Ontario's bee` Mr. D. M. McPherson the Grit Patron member in the legislature for Glengar• ry found considerable fault with the. „goiernment of the Ontario Agricultur- al College and Farm during last session of the House. His remarks and those of others called forth a reply from Pres ident dills in which he says:— " I hope it does not follow from this that our bookkeeping is defective or that we have need of a special account- . t toput things in proper shape." 5 „To this s=pecial pleading Mr. McPhor- snore than it gave to the people. 1696.0—Total license revert tie 8615,290 Allowed to municipalities.. ,267,072 Taken by the Gavernnheet for itself and its officers , 54$.218 It will be observed that whereas in 1876 tha municipalities wore allowed $1.24,000 more than the province eeioed, its 1896 the Government took 871,000 snore than was. allowed to the, people. Much boasting is iudulged in by the members of the Ontario governhnvut over their alleged honesty in dealing with pubilc affairs, While no one eharges them with personal dishonesty or steatitic from the treasury to enrich thewselve$ every day sees charges made aigainat them of improper, wash' fel, and reckless oxpe»ditures of pub lie, monies, and of deceiving, the people by false statements of the financial pc. virion of the province. Lie that is un- faithful is small things would be un- faithful in large things likewise. Does anyone believe that air. Hardlis a whit more honest than J. Israel Tarte? A. minister who would go into a constit- uency during the heat of a political campaiga and make a speech calculat ed to bribe the entire electorate of the riding as Mr. Hardy did at Owen Sound a year ago is as corrupt as the man who buys a railway with govern- ment funds at many times its real val- ue, to put money into the pocket of a political friend to whom it is indebted for favors. If either of the offenders deserves to he more summarily dealt with and more severely punished it is the Premier of Ontario because he makes so much louder professions of honesty. The moral sense of the com- munity was rudely shocked by Mr. Hardy's flagrant speech. Mr. Hardy's political alliance with Mr. Tarte to run the coming elections in this province means rampant corrupt- ion and wholesale bribery. Already the wires are being laid and public works ars promised where the expendi- ture of money will do most good to government candidates. It bodes ill for Ontario when Tarte and Hardy hunt in couples.'. 'rile Latest News in Brief. The New Bruns:nick Legislatatte opened Thursday. Mr. Ca, M. Rose. the well -Immo To rotate pubiisher,died Thursday. aged 69. An elm growing on the farinof Long Bros , near Chepstow, nettle over 5,000 feet of lumber. Edward Sharp. ucadertakker, and fur vesture dealer, 4\ oodstock, has assigned to Jsines Harttilton, Miss Ann ginue Anderson, of East Wawanosh, bad her hand badly torn by at slog a few days ago. The British Government has invited tenders for tour first -eras armored cruisers of 21,000 horse-poweriir. S, Wilson, i\'iarton, sold a bull h""tWOOD 22. and 13 years old on '4'trt dues- rhty, which weighed 1.870 pouuds, The oliieial let ores of the manhood shirrs; is regitstration for the four rid inge of Toronto show a total of 9,792 fr. J. W, Beynon, Q.0, accepted the Conservative no; aination for feel, in place of Mr. Kenneth Cameron, retir- ed. While worlaing in the bub George Waodeoekk of Dutiega.l, had the misfor tune to get his arum cut at the elbow with an axe. The =talents of them who have been cured by Hood's Sareeparilla prove the great merit cf this reedietue. Get only .klood'aa, James '"a.ie, an employe of N. S. Lusty, Rodney, bad his leg broken while cutting lumber in the woods Pear that plaets en Wesley. Edward Maloney, or George Irvin, Windsor's smallpox patient, is metier ing from a severe attack of pneuntontn. which mortes his recovery leas Arab able, The entire family of Titus Roach, of Chatham, consirtiug of six children, nearly lost their lives from eating fresh cheese. The sytuptous were like those of Aniaatic cholera.. Master Richard Near, of ai'oul:ton. was in the aet of shooting a dog with a revolver He in some way got his heed in front of the gun and received a badly chattered finger. Mr. 1laria.tt, of Brantford, was walk ing along by St. Jude,s Church, carry - leg a heavy tool. box, when he fel], and the box was driven violently into his side. breaking two of his ribs. While felling trees in the wands, Jas Tale, of Rodney, itt ruunieg to escape a falling; tree, caught his foot in a root and fell, the treestrikittg his le;, break- ing the auleie and crushing his foot. While cleaning out a boiler at the Imperial Oil Co.'s refinery, Petrolea, the other day. gas ignited from a lamp and painfully injured Mr. Ed. Houston, burning him about the head, face and hands. • »..a•^.:; 4, Ltr%s:::'Ei.:'rc �.`tia'.iSi. :4k'iti;,;� ,1gatUµsitsgStilgtti,ry11ttt1i,yp,tNn, U tuat�uu,cu+,�a� re e(atblePreparrtictaforA siklli,.atinn the;foodanaRei'iltb- rk4 the Siom.:4 n 4;r4.33oweis of ti rr tE SEE THAT THE FAO -SIMILE SIGNATURE OF... yomf-le�Js'T��Digae�stion3 Ckeerrui fir's all i t:isa.,�.•onta a s neit1t Opluntiviol'pbti;E' Tao Mineral. ;T Iti,CDTItr. • . j7Cor'1O7r;t r.521•rZ1,1cl77' 164'44 szo. n. °sets',w eery for Cuns i a= tt'n. Sour Slorrrrach,:4iarrhoo. gret•s,Corivu ,iions,revris�tt- G2:as c,tndLos`.s o '5'3.ii+,Siar Ter Simile Zip -..litre o£ a r i0 W •" ORE. IS ON T * WRAPPER, OF EVERY BOTTT;IRo etettele la pet ep is cc .sits betties eely. It r.c.t •hd iu brims, llera't ;alae' anScos o earl oa.;luytaisr plea oa tbe•glca or potato dealt "jut as goad" and uili saawer every:sue ue -050i3aa stoat Sae pest G!a•9*T•Q-i:•1•I, 1 'gala• tie mtgra of ft at era7 srta;To LJNEXPECTEI3 9MPANY 6«t. P,(hatli0S WII13N or; trove er . , George IL Dewitt, who was sent to the penitentiary from Guelph le the spring of 1896, has been released ow ing to ilk health He is suffering from hemmorraage of the lungs, and it was feared that longer confinement would result iu his death. Mr. Gilbert Vine, of East Wawanosh, met with a painful accident on Friday. While in the act of cleaning out a well the ladder broke and he was precipit- ated into the water. One of his shout ders watt dislocated by striking the pump. 'Mrs. Livingston, formerly of the Do minion Lands Office at Winnipeg has been appointed by the Department of the Interior to take charge of the im migration of a superior class of domes- tic servants from Britain to Manitoba and the Territories Bob. dcEechnie, the Brantford hoe key player, injured his eye, at the bi cycle works on Wednesday. A steel' splinter became lodged in his eye, mak ing a painful and: dangerous wound. The particle has been removed and McKechnie will probably be all right in a day or so: Friday evening Mrs. Simon Ton- raneau, of Sandwich, heard a noise iu her hen coop. She took a lamp and went out to investigate, when she saw a man emerging from the coop with one of her fowls in his hand Seeing. thathe was discovered the man threw. the fowl at the lamp, knocking it out of Mrs. Tourangeau's hand and escap ed in the darkness. NOTES AND COMMENTS. The Manitoba Legislature will meet on march 10. The session will prop. ably be short. The Chairman of the nuance Com- mittee of Montreal proposes to start a huge civic lottery for the purpose of paying the city's debt. While nearly everybody is anxious to see a change the officeholders are hanging 00 and say it is not time for a change. Members of the Hardy Government with relatives still unprovided for are! still clamouring and saying that there is no sign of a change; But the change is bound to come. • i rom theP ublic accounts for 1837, the amounts paid by the province to the various libraries in Huroe, was as follows:— Blyth, 867; Dungannon $97: Brussels, $88; Clinton, $226: ,Goderieh,. $77; Exeter, S87;; Eieasall 830; Seaforth, $183; Wingham, $181; Wroxeter, $$150. Last week a petition was presented: to the Ontario Government asi:iug for an act iucorporating a company for the export of a big supply of furniture for the British market. The company will be composed of Messrs. Geo. McLagon and J. Orr, of Stratford; tbe Anthers Company, of Berlin; Bond Bros. of Platteville; Bell & Co., of Wingham, and J.:Beli, of Naranee. The company will buy furniture from any manufac ,..,� �.,..,. ,,...,....�,�... -•,...,,moo.. Constipation (reuses fully half the sickness in the world. It retains the digested food too long in the ;bnwoll and produces biliousness, torpid liver, indl• OXFORD RIVAL Because it is the the fire answers so flulckiy to a toucb; it eau be bright- ened up orshut down low at a moment's matte and so is always ready for em• •:,rgeneieS. And there are never any failures in baking with them, ... Unequalled, for Satisfactiou .. . Manufactured by the GURNEY CO, LtrtirnA, TORONTO. MUTT & JONES, AGENTS, EXETER �.r TICE ilt]IDIO & ail€e%tttixt'ectAtr ltustness aro: tlsortltarut College Cor. Young and College Sts., Toronto is an absolutely iirst.class Business School. Individual instruction by experienced teach- sls�llissrcudtp luMolest qualifications. Ener daw. s> :f;ti tooI Mi. Jas. Harrison f'aisrarlla:alN T'inaergraduateof Poronto' 'University and S. of 1. S A Dirty Slap, The Brant -Templars Ad'rcate of February 4. 1898, a prohibition paper, has a cartoon picture, representing Dr. Lucas, in the position of an taave drop per, Premier Laurier in the. attitude of receiving a.bsolutios:, Dr Grant itt the attitude of granting ahrulutioti, and Bishop Cleary placing rhe mitre nn Professor Grant's head. baviatg a smile on t is countenance \--hen we take into consideration the fact, that Dr. Grant gave his honest views on this Prohibition question as he had a perfect right to do, and his bigh position as Professor of a Theological institlttioo, and rhe feet that the. Church.. of Ramp has by far a greater number of adherents than any other church in Canada, that her Clergy are among the best edieated that many belonging to her church hold high and responsible positions in Canada, that our Dominion Premier is a member .of said'. church, I think such a cartoon entirely out of place, sehowing a total absenee of Christian sentiment and not at alI the outcome of civilization. It was not done for love, hence sinful. Such a cartoon is a digrace to hu- manity and as it comes in the Royal Templar paper, and is intended for Prohibition purposes, L contend that each Council of Tempters are. in duty to civilization and those interested to pass a vote of censure on, the manager of said paper. Twenty ..persons have attacked Dr. Grant in the said paper. C. Penury. gestiou, bad taste, coated• r tongue, -sick headache, in - aomnia ete. }food's Pi11s. '11 IS , < eters constipation and all its results, easily and thoroughly. ssc. All druggists, Prepared by C. I. Flood AC Co.. Lowell, Macs. fills only rills to who witla'Hood's Sarsaparilla, Shlpka : We are pleased to report that Michael Keough, who was taken iil very suddenly last weeds is improving under the skilful treatment of Dr. Fla- herty, of Mt. Carmel. Tuckersmith The remains of a young man named Truemner, a'broth- 'I 0 er of Mr. John Truemner, a7 f h 10th concession, wore brought from the Northwest last week for interment in Fullarton. It seems the young man was (,hopping in the bush and was struck by a limb, and killed instantly. His relatives livin the township of Fuliarton. CASTO RIA For Infants and Children. :ht 1►o. dtule O state 1444 WOW' ley The Molsons Bank. (GlsarteradbyParliament, 1155,] Paid up Capital . .... $2,000,000 Rest Fund,.,..,,.,,..,, 1,600,000 Broad (wilco Montreal. P. WOLFBBSTAN `i`I;tOMAS, Esq., uitu Gslt.a.n MANAGElt Money advanood sea aeuod Farmer's on their own notes-wIti. ono or re ore endorsers at 7 peroent par annum. Exeter Branch. )pun every lawful day from 10 a, m.to t3 p m., Saturdays 1<a a. m, to 1 p.m +tgeneralbanking business transacted. CUBBEPIT RATES allowedfor mon- ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8 per cent. N. D. EIIRDON Manager. E REPAIR SHOP. Having opened out a well equipped Shop, I am now prepared. to do all kinds of repairing such as BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, LAWN MOWERS. In fact everything and anything. We make a specialty of remodelling Bicy- cles and sharpening Lawn Mowers at this time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH. One door north Mr. Stewart's store. .'.ux,,,srM:.,R,,m,cvt-'N. - , .'u,,w• •r:,. -.n. 5. " Suffering from weakness caused by youth- ful indiscretions should not permit his life's blood to be. sapped away by disease. IMPOTENCE is one of man's : greatest ene- mies. No man should en terinto the sac- red bonds of matrimony unless he is a man in every sense of the word,' Many men haveDna, down to their grave through neglect of thea dreaded malady. It loaves bohtnd in its, tracks, Consum p - tion, Inaanity, Aversion to Society, Blind nest, Deafness, worry anll various. other kindred diseases. Man Mire thyself with Asiatic Restorati ue Capsules They are pleasant, safe, reliable, and the only remedy thatwill give permanentre- lief. This remedy is found in the great wilds of Asia Minor and is imported by us solely $1,5O per box or four boxes' for $5. sent securely sealed. A. trial 'bottle will convince. Address Olt.3) i TAIl..BAIEDIt)AL.lJO., RDetroit, N)licli. George Armbly, , a Swede, of Petrolea and who worked on the waterworks system there last spring was run down by a M. C. Tar traits Friday night be- tweenOil Cit • and Petrolea- unction. 3 ,l 1 -le way iti4't;atltlykilled.