HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-19, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR. -5 1. • EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1898. d C. H. SANDERS, EDITOR. DEEP YOUR EYES it IN . . WORKING ORDER, Our Leases are true and will give comfort. They help to preserve the sight, ' We make ITO O1-1IME for testi.n g° your oyes. rd. ���ta of ill r d e Optical Institute. S. ITTO . �) . Our Clock and Match Department is CamplciE. Drop in and take A LOOK AT OUR GOODS and see our prices; by so doing you SOLID GOLD WEDDING RINGS. ESTABLISHED i86?. T. FITTON. LIQUOR LICENSE ACT.. Take notice that I have applied to the Lie - ease Conrmissionees for South Buren, for the privilege of transferring my license to Charles Wilson, of the village of Hensall,' Any objections to said transfer meat be , made to the License Inspector witluu ten, Dated, from date. lith, iSe RALPH l?" CIL. ,i0NEY, Private funds to lend an improved farms, At fiye and Ave and a half per tent, tl },ply to 214.10T1.1 ito etc , 1st Docomber, is97. Exeter. Seed Oats. FARMS FOR SALE, MONEY TO LOAN, The undersigned laas it few good farms for sale oheap. .honey to loan on easy terrus. JOUN Srae listA :, Sam;veU'. Block Exeter. Boars for Service. The undersigned will beep en :Lat 9 Con- cession 1,1>'sborne, one„Imuorterl Chester White Boar and, a Thoroughbred Berkshire Boar for service. 1°st&il tonus, JOBS MAT. SOUTH HURON PUBLIC MEETINGS The Liberal Conservative Candidate, Mr. New White Siowing tine and places, electors at the fol- disposd`of in quantities to suit purelmeers,' r These aro the leading oats at the tiuolph : BANFIELD: Town Halt, Thursday, Feb 17. Experimental Farm and arewithout a doubt t3OI>1;�RIOII TOW.ISHIP: Curries Orange the best on the market. Hull, Friday, Feb"ls Jona MAT,I TUOICERSMITII: Kyles Sall, lion". Feb. al 0sborna, ,cndon Road, IIENSALL: 2r'ornination,Tuesday, Feb. 2:. Exoter.e.O, , ELIM VILLE - "Township Hall, Usberne, Wednesday, Yob. 29, All meetings to be addressed at 7:50 each, FARM FOR SALE. The nntlaraf ncd has a limited quantity" of I Eilber, will address rho ierian Seed Oats which he will ; e MBE undersigned offers for sale Lot No. li, 1 4th concession, Township of Kincardine. Tho farm consists of 50acros,all oleared;good frame house and barn; also two good orch- ards, and a plentiful supply of water. The lanais situated ilk miles from the Saugeen line and 4 miles from the town of Kincar- dine. Price ai,s:%t; $ 300 down, the balance in ten or twelve years at dy per cent. Possess- ion may be had at once. For partic- ulars apply to Mits. Taos, ABBOT r, Broad- way, Kincardine ARK you 11DILDING ? air mac xGF4 9 Do not place your order un- til we give you prices for NAILS LOCKS BUTTS GLASS OILS LEADS CEMENTS TROUGH Plaster Paris Furnaces, etc. •0•t!•` GIVE JS A CALL, IT WILLPAY YOU aficadczar-aric,1%. ,yam,,.aricaec AilEAFVow 7IF BiSitop, & 504. EXETER evening. F IC Y. McLean or any person in his behalf meetings will be announced later. invited to any or all of the above meetings. Sale Registers. Fn1 DAY, FEn.18.—Farm Stook, Implements Household effeeta, eta. the property of Thos. Fouls, Lot 1, Aux SaubletConcession, Step- hen. Sale at one o'clock, Ed. Bossenberry, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, Fen. 22.—Farm Stock and Imple- ments, the propperty of elm MoEwen, Lot 3, Concession 11, khhanshard. Sale at one o'clock H. Brown. Auctioneer. WEDxxsnAY,,Fr1i.23.—Farm Stook, Imple- ments, etc., the property of Samuel Basker- ville, at the late station hotel, Exeter. Sale at ono o'clock. H. Brown, Auctioneer. Stephen School Report Moray. Mr. Richard Sellars intends to leave on Wednesday, 23rd fust., for Manitoba, where he will reside in future. We join with his many friends in wishing him success in his western home. -Miss Effie Mather's, who has been ill for some months past, is now con fined, to her bed No hopes are entertained of her recov- ery, Rev. W. J. Wildon, of Kippen, will occupy the pulpit of the Mt. Pleasant Methodist church next Sunday morn ing in the interests of the missionary society. Olandeboye. Miss Clara Watt, who has been visit ing friends in Olaiedeboye and vicinity, left Monday for her home In London, Court Greenwood, 10. F•, will hold their annual oyster supper in Seller's Hall. Thursday evening, 17th inst. Mr. Jo. Mellbarguy has sold his trot ting mare, Bay Fly. to Mr. D. Shea, of Lucan, Price private. --Mr. George Lewis. of this place has already con- tracted to build five houses the com- ing summer ootingsummer the amount of building to be done in 1$38 seems to indicate that good times .ire at ham'. wt The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in S. S. No. 8, for the month of January. Names are in order of merit : Sr. IV, Bruce Bossenberry, Harmon Gill, Nelson Ra- velle; Jr. IV, Alma Bossonberry, Emma Zapfe, Ernest Mollard; III, Leo Dis- jardine, Maurice Brenner, Edna Wal - per; Sr. II, Emmery Carriere, Archie Webb, Victoria Gill; Jr. II, Rimmie Ravelie, Essery Disjardine, Arthur Baker; Sr. pt. II, Curtis Gratton, Ida Page, Frank Statton; Jr. pt. II, Willie Baker, Noah Tetreau, Paul Gratton; Sr. pt. 1, Roy Holt, Elgin Webb, Dave Tet- reau; Jr, pt. 1, Peter Ravelle, Emery Disjardine, Charley Page. VINETTA BANES, Teacher. Mt, Carmel School Report, The following is a correct report of the standing of the pupils in Separate School for the month of January. Only the names of the highest three in each class appear. V—James Quarrie; Sr. IV—Mary Cotter, Madeleine Coughlin, Mary Ryan; Jr. IV—Joseph Neville, Thos. Carey, John Ryan;. Sr. III—Alex. McDonald. Patrick Mahoney, John Me earthy; Jr. III—Malcolm McDonald, Martha Roberts, Therese Cotter; Sr. II Fred Cotter, Frank Ryan, Vincent Quarrie; Jr. II—Mollie Guainane, Celia Hall, Irene Hall; Pt. II -Patrick Glav in; Sr. I—Leo Hall; John Guainane, John O'Rourke; Jr I -Willie Barry, Thos. Barry, Mamie Hall. Average at- tendance for the month 49. Miss H. MoCuB, Teacher. Ailsa Cram Mr. Malcolm. McLean silence' on some ice on Sunda and broke several runs. --Much sympathy is expressed for Mr. and Mrs Wm. Atkinson in tine loss they hove sustained through the death of their second daughter. Gertrude Mary, She was a, bright and inrelligeut child and her illness was of short duration. —On Saturday while Mr. Duncan Mc- Eweu was going iota his house he step- ped on some ice an the step and fell to the ground with ouch force as to break his Ieg. He has been suffering severe, pain but we all hope for his speedy re- covery. Crediton Mr. George Zwicker was in London Thursday on business.—Miss Hannah Lewis, who has been visiting friends in Sarnia, returned home last week.— We are pleased to state that Mr. William Lewis, Division Court clerk, is able to be around again.—'lir. and Mrs Rivers, who have been visiting Dr. and Mrs. Rivers, returned to their home in Dros don on Friday. --Miss Louisa Young, of Grand Bend, is the guest of Miss Mary Bertrand.—Mr. Robert Margerson left for Stratford Wednesday.— Mr, Edward Bertrand` 6f T.tlricb; gpent Sunday -with his parents, Mr. and. Mrs, Lotus Bert. rand,—Mr, J. England was in the vil. Inge Mouthy —Word has been received from London that Mr. Samson Yelland, son of Rev. Yelland, is very ill with pleurisy. We wish him a speedy re- covery.—Miss Maggie Norris, of Stella, is visiting her many friends here, Greenway. The old Methodist church was sold by public auction by Rev. G. 11. Thom- son. ' The lamps, seats, stove, etc., brought about $200. The church was bought by W. J. Wilson for $46.—'.The Farmers' Institute meeting held. in Hu ron Hall, Tuesday brnary 8th, was well attended. The`atldresses were all interesting and drew uta lively and profitable discussion. r J. D. Drum- mond mond proved himself a most efficient chairman and capable nresident. There were `sowethinglover 26 subscrib- ers tothe institute sechred.- A number of ourleading farmers were pregent en c and said it was the bnt meeting they had 'attended.—Mr hos, Stinson aiid his daughter, of Bayli .ld, visited friends here last week.—Mr, a H. Wilson . put up nearly six' tons ofue ice last week. Biddulph The Farmers' Institute meeting held in Clandeboye on Saturday last, was well attended. Mr. Charlie Simmons, of Lobo, delivered a lecture on corn culture and how to feed ensilage; Mr. Auderspn on how to make farming a success' —Several weddings during the past week keeps the joy bells ringing. On Thursday Mr. Edward Sullivan was married to Miss M. Meagher, also Mr. J. Carrigan to Miss Sullivan, all of Bid- dulph.—We regret to hear that Mrs, Robert McFalls is laid up with a very severe cold. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT.—The members of Ctandeboy a Council, No '215, Cana- dian Order of Chosen Friends, take this means of acknowledge with thanks the very prompt manner iu which the ex ecutive council of that order paid the beneficiaries of our late friend, Mrs. Sarah Sutton, who death was only re corded two weeks since. Those who wish to avail themselves of the benefits of a good fraternal society can not do better than join the Chosen Friends. Clandeboye. Council has elected Mr. W. Revington as delegate to the grand Council held in Toronto in March next. Maguire Mr, Wm. Downing has returned from spending a few days with friends in Landon. ---John Meiilhargey is seriously i11 and Mrs. Thos. Hodgson is recover• ing from a severe cold, --T. Colter i suffering from an attack of rheumatism —J. H. Downing, who visited relatives and friends here. has returned to Lon- don,—The thaw which destroyed our sleighing has caught a cold and again assumed a winter appearance. .Heiman SrATIOhT NOTES. -000k Bros. reedy - ed a carload of corn on Saturday.— White Se Willis made a Targe shipment of hogs on Tuesday. --R. dell, Jr, ship ped attw mill outfit to London on Fri day.—Gib- Dick shipped a carload of cattle an Thursday.-'-Ceorge McEwen shippstt three ear11natls of galla last week. ACCIPENi --On. Saturday eight as Dr. Macdiarmid was on his way to see a patient in Hay he was met by three men corning from Zurich who collided with his rig upsetting him into the ditch. The horse broke loose from the rip and ran up the 2nd con, as tar as Robt. Jarrott's where it w is captured and brought back. The doctor had chair was taken by Dr. Macdiarrnid, of child Toni by a Dog, Hensall, The toast list was an elabor- ate oue, and the addresses in response Mount Forest, Fob 11, --Harold, the to the various toasts were exceedingly three-year old son of John Morrison, edifying and appropriate. Amongst 8th concession, Egremant, was badly the toasts given were: " Our Queen,” injured by a vicious dog. The animal responded to by chairman, Dr. Holmes; caught the little fellow by the right eye "Government of Canada," responded to and made an ugly gash from the eye by R, MeMordie; " Army and Navy," across the forehead to the scalp. The responded to by Dr, Holmes; "Our child was thrown downby the dog and Guest," by Warden McEwen; "Our tossed about in a terrible manner. Hai Country,"Rev. J. S. Henderson; "Coon- - his sereams nor attracted help there ix ty Council," by Couuty Councillars, J. little doubt that Harold would have Snell, J. McLean, and Reeve J. Shep- been killed. Medical aid wassum,non- hard;" Our Agricultural Interests." by ed, acct' it required fourteen stitches t. James Patterson and James Cooper;', close the wound, The dog was killed, " Our Municipalities," responded to by F Ri.bler. ex -Reeve, G. G. Petty and J. Corbett ; Her tnauy friends deeply- W. orwetu; "Our Labor Ropresenta- regret to hear of the serious illness of fives," J, H:Beckve Our Educational Iu- Mrs. C. Brothwick and wish her s, Wrests," J. C. Stoneman ; "The Ladies," s,pcedy recovery. The illness began, G. J. Sutherland; "Our Host" A, Goetz, with la grippe and developed, data ill* The speaker paid high tribute to our ; fiainm.atien of the lungs. Queen, Governmenta,Counrry,Agrieul ' Myth: Ott Thursday last Dr. Sloan tural and Educational Interests and and WmGray Mae for Torouta. eulogized Warden McEwen for bis tot where they will buy part of au outfit iegrity. and euterpriso and the i.ntereet for the Klondike, Tlaey will be joinee taken in public affairs; and looked for- by Angus McGregor and. J. W. Suel1. ward to the day when he would hold a Abraham eieexaudee, ee Lietowei, still higher and more honorable position Thursday, as a Legislator in the halls of Perlia- Blyth; lir. J. J, McCaughey, who ment. The musical part of the enter- has boon the obliging landlord at the t 1 well looked d b nit mee n t t was a oo a after y Mears. T. Murdock and Mr Trott.', Queen,s Hotel for the past three years, has disposed of his interest to Mr. Shoemaecher, of rake. Mr. McCaug- hey wiii go to C1IMOu, where he has purchased the Cooemereial hotel and: skating rink., The champs in propriet- ors will rake niece about the middle of lir. McNevin, of Dungannon, was the Viarcla guest of A. McPherson ictal work, Quite number from here attended Paul Rutledge, of Goderich t was iii a surprise party at Mr. Andy. ,L'ollocka Mitchell; This town was thrown in - town ou Tuesday ou busiuess,—lir at Boston an moony eveutng.---The to : state of exeitetaent on W'e:dueatlar Hick, of Denville, spent this wool: to, home of lir. Thomas Webb bas had morui;ntn.g on hearing drato t>~leti, Frazer, another addition by a bright baby girl. wbo bad moved frou1 hems to Dubl-an a Mother and babe are tieing well. -- chart time ago,had committed suicide. There was a party lwld at Mr. John Ravine; a large family, and being un- ar.le to obtain work, he was very des- pondout. Ile got out of bed about $ o'clock, and walking directly to a well, plunged in head first. When takers out life was extinct. Frazer was a steady, industrious man, highly respect- ed, and nothing about him which would suggest an unbalanced mind. His wid- ow and family are in great distress, mentally, and the sympathy of the en- tire community goes out to theta. the misfortune to have his left wrist rho lneeung broke up at a seasonable broken. If the culprits aro found out hour, all expressing their gratitude at it may be a dear job for them, the success of the eclair. Rodgerville Mr. Adam Dougall, of Turtle Mount- ain, Man , arrived home the other day in consequence of the severe illness of his mother who is still in a very weak and feeble condition.—Milton McTag- gert held a party at Mr. Geo. Low's ou Tuesday night last, where a good time was spent in dancing.—Mr. Thos, Bat lantyne, of Hensel], is negotiating for the purchase of Mr Adam . Whiteford's farm. DEATH OF MRS. GLNEN.—The death of Eliza Case. beloved wife of Mr. John Glenn will be learned ; by her many friends here with deep regret, which sad eventtook place at the family residence, Hibbert, early Wednesday morning of this week. The deceased has been a. patient sufferer from paral- ysis for over six years and bore her affliction with Christian fortitude. De- ceased was highly respected in Hibbert n also the' place of or birth d her andh r an death will be regretted by all, She leaves to mourn bet demise a sorrow- ing husband and four children, :who have the sympathy of a large circle of friends. The funeral takes place frotn � her late residence to morrow (Friday) at 2' o'clock. . Another smallpox case has deyeloprd at Montreal. • • NoTxS.---John Berry, of Len:know,' was in town ou business last week. --- Grand Band. our village —A large number from here attended the Hardy meeting in Exeter oil Tuesday,— D. Urquhart went to Goderich ou Tuesday for the par pose of assisting in auditing the. books of the county. --Miss Hemph'ill.returned to her home in Wroxeter on Tuesday after spending several weeks the guest of Rev, and Mrs. Kerr.—The animotts- cope spent Monday and. Tuesday nights in town and was well patronized.—W. Cook went to Clarkston, Mich., on Sat urday on business, --•-Mrs, H. Arnold is visiting friends in London. --Rev, W. J. V1'addell and wife spent Saturday in Exeter.—Rev" 0. L, Mills visited Exe ter on Saturday.—Mrs, A. Smailacombe spent Sunday with relatives in Exeter. --Miss' Minnie Sheffer visited friends in Shipka on Saturday.—Mrs. Reith mov- ed intoelie house recently vacated by ;Robs. Js ott on King street and John Reichert^has moved" itito the house just vacated by Mrs. Reith.—The Conserv- atives have opened up a committee morn in McC14's new block and are pre- paring to fight a vigorous campaign in our town.—W, R. Hodgins was in Lon- don lift week.—Mrs. Robert Fulton is at present confined to her room through illness.—Noble Carrothor, of London, is at present making collars at J. C. Clau- son's.--Albert•McBrine and F. R. Beat- tie spent Sunday iu Clinton.—George Zwicker, of Crediton, visited Hensall on Sunday.—Messrs. Ellis and Smalla combs will hold their carnival to -night (Thursday.)—Messrs. Westcott and Cud - more, of Exeter, were in town on Sun- day.—John O'Brien, wife and child, of Centralia, spent Sunday with A. Mc Pherson.—Rey. Jewitt, of Elimville, and Rev. W. E. Kerr exchanged pulpits on Sunday,—Rev. S. Atcheson, of Kippers, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodist Church on Sunday next.— Miss Kate Hodgins is visiting friends in Toronto. --Several from here attend ed the Exeter carnival on Monday night.—Chas. Ward and D. Boyd, of Seaforth, are at present working with J. C. Clauson, harness maker.—A large number of Hensallites attended the an- niversary services at Hilisgreen on Sunday and the tea meeting on Monday night. BANQUETED.—Mr. Geo. McEwen, the newly elected warden of Huron county, and one of the most enterprising citi- zens and business men of Hensel!, was banqueted at a supper given by his friends, at the Commercial hotel, Hen - sail, on Tuesday evening, Feb. 8th. No pains had been spared to make the of fair an enjoyable one, and by nine o'clock some 90 guests from various parts of the country had assembled to do honor to one who, by his enterprise, public spiritedness and geniality, is eminently deserving some recognition of esteem. Notwithstanding the limit- ed time for preparation, the citizens had arrangements perfect for the entertain- ment, and the protnptness with which replies were received from invited guests, fully sustained the prevailing opinion that Mr, McEwen is daily be- coming more popular with those with whom he comes in contact, at home and throughout the country. Telegrams and letters were read from Robert Mc Lean`and Philip Holt, of Goderich; F. Bess, Sr.; Zurich,' and Dr.Rollins, Exe ter, regretting exceedingly that they were unable to be present, expressing their hearty commendation and co-oper- ation in doing honor to the warden, who. is worthy of it. Some of those who were present from vation s points throughout hout the riding we notice the following: Dr. `"Holmes, County Treasurer and William Lane, County Clerk, Goderich; J. Snell; Londesboro; R. McMordie, K ip- pen ,J McLean Reeve, ShePhard• J. r ith Patterson and Jas. Cooper, y u n , mckers J. Fitzgerald and; Jas. Campbell, Ilib- bert; F. Kibler, Zurich; and J. LaPorte, Drysdale. The chair, was oceupied by Dr. Holmes, of Goderich, while the yico' Allister's ou Monday night and was well attended and no doubt all enjoved themselves. --Messrs Brenner and Bos- senberry are buoy this week getting up their supply of leo. They are tak- ing it off the lake and the quality is first class. —Mr. James and :John Pol- lock, of Indian Head, N. W. T., are leaving with their carload of stock and implements, The stook is registered excepting two span of horses, which are for work. Among some of the stocic. purchased were two beautiful cows with calf at their foot from Wm. Fulton, of Brewster, and will Ino doubt make for themselves and their breeders a re• cord amongZthe herds of the west. Deadly Draught. Kingsville, Out., Feb 1bth,---The 18. months' old child of Jay Kennedy drank the contents of a bottle containing a so- lution of strychnine which her father was using as a gargle ou Sunday after- noon, and expired a few minutes later. The mother knowitg the poisonous na- ture of the medicine, had carefully se- creted it behind some flower pots, but the child found the bottle and drank its contents before being observed. Killed By a flog. Uxbridge, Ont., Feb. 11.—John War ner, a farm laborer about 35 years of age, met his death by being bitten by a hog yesterday. Warner who was going to Manitoba, was staying with Walter Blanchard, in Scott township a few miles from here. Blanchard went away from home, atd cautioned Warner about the hog, as the animal was very vicious. Warner bad occasion to enter the pen, and was attacked by the ani mal, which bit him severely in the leg. severing an artery. As there was no one around nothing could be done to stop the flow of blood, and when assist- ance finally arrived Warner was un- conscious. He died last nig, ht. yk. For Sixteen`s ears. Mount Forest, Feb. 15th.—Word has just reached the family of the late Dr. Hazel Tanner, here, of the trial and conviction of his foul murderer, Town Marshal Wade, of Shawneetown, Ill. The doctor was born and lived here until a few years previous to his mur- der, when he graduated and started practice in Shawneetown, Ili. The doc- tor was the means of getting Wade the office of town Marshal, in order to put the fellow in a way to earu an honest and respectable living, but subsequent- ly Wade took up some petty difference between him and the doctor, and in or- der to gratify this openly and coolly put two bullets in the doctor's back in the presence of six other citizens. For this, he gets sixteen years. Drank Carbolic Acid. Jordan, Ont., Feb, 11.—A case of sup posed suicide occurred here to -day. A young man, between 20 and 23 years of ago, fair complexion, short statute, dressed in a suit slightly green iu color, abd:wearing a soft brown felt hat, ar- rived at the G. T. R. station about 11,50. On his arrival he was seen to go the station pump for a drink. About 12.80 he was found on the sidewalk in front of Richard Paluter shouse, suffer- ing r ing severely. He died a few minutes later. `On examining the station cup some kind of acid was found on it. Lat- er a bottle containing carbolic acid was found near the pump. It waslabelled ,r .St, Catharines," Theo Sweet, � Ca ha nes, A part; of all the fingers on the young man's left hand aro wanting. Just be- fore he died he said he lived in Toren to. Our Clubbing Rates. The ADVOCATES and Weekly Mall Empire. $1.4,6 " Farm and Fireside $1.46 ", Farmers' Sun $1.25 " Globe $150 " Advertiser $1$5 " Free Press $1,75 "" Witness, Montreal $1.60 " Star, ," $1.1i " Farming $1.70 Daily News, Toronto $1,76 Star " $2.00 World '" 18.00 Abscess 1 .is lranaed. "I had an abscess on one of my hips, It was lanced and never healed, Hos- pital treatment failed. The next win- ter I had three abscesses. I began. taking Hood's Sarsaparilla and soon found it was helping me. When I had taken about six bottles I was cured " MRS, FRANKLIN H. TEED, FREEPORT, NOVA SCOTIA. Hood's Pills are the best family cath- artic and liver tonic. Gentle, reliable, sure. BIRTHS MoRGAN—In Usborne, on Feb. 12th, the wife of John Morgan of a daugh- ter. R.ANNIE—In Hensall, on Jan. 10th, the wife of E. Rennie, of a daughter. REDDEN.—In Stephen, on Feb. 14th, the wife of Wesley Hedden, of a son. 211ARJUA6}ES. LAMMING—BOTTRILL—At the residence of Mrs. Wm. Clark, 16th con., McGil- livray, on Feb. 2nd, by Rev, L. W. Diehl, Mr. Wm. Lamming, to Alice Bottrill, both of McGillivray. SPENCE—BEEN—At - the residence of the bride's parents, on. Feb. Stb, by Rev. W. 3. Taylor, Wm. Spence, to Mary Kean, both of St. Marys. WILDFORD—JOI3NSON—At the Metho- diet Parsonage, St. Marys, on Feb. 9th, Mr. Joseph C. Wildford, of Wood- ham, to Miss- Maggie Johusou, of Galt. BossENBERRr—REA—At the residence of the bride's father, on Feb. 9th, by Rev. P. Musgrave, Mr. Wm. Henry Bossenberry, of. Zurich, to Miss Mar- garet Rea, of McKillop. LoGAN—HODG1NS--At residence of the bride's parents, Biddulph, on Feb: 9. byRev. F. W. Brownlee,' Walter Lo- gan, of London 'Township, to. Miss Annie, daughter of S. H. I3odgius t7EATIIM FRAZER—In Hibbert, on Feb. Oth, Alex, Frazer, aged 42 years. GLEnt—In Hibbert, on Feb. 16, 1 1i'za, CaseCasee beloved 0v ed wife ofG ohm 1 J enn aged 40 years and 1 month. PARNELL-In Mitr.hel!, on Fob_ 8th, , Mary, beloved wife of Ri ibartl ` Par- nell, aged 75 years, 3 months rind -26 days. ATKINSON-1d., Ailsa Cram, on Feb. 8,•- Gertrude Mary, second daughter of William E and 1farg;: •;or A.rkinson aged 2 *cars 10' menthe,} g J ,. 21 da)li•.