HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-12, Page 8Aoalydees Wanted.
The undersigned would be ;pleatteel
to take a number of boarders.—Ladies,
or Gentlemen. First ,glass accoutmoda
>tion, TOrws reasonable. Apply at the
Souse opposite Commerical Hotel.
H. Bu iersiteuttealog Fiooft & FEED
To the glo cite..?.grsof Exeter and vicinity .
the endersi grtc1 wilt open a Flour aed Feed
buwineas`n the store three (lou:s south of
the Post Ofriee where
will br kept va band
.Ant, eti ti)EB%$ seVe eVEW D
I rest ea .} salkit a share of y-oer es-
teemed petru..a e.
1:11, SlICER.
THE it()N5. E . w, 140 is,.
Will &liver geIliti aIl meetings in
6rxDLEi 'S oetWelow B Its , F1 1.TER,
TrMR. Fite. VIM, tri, at 7t Otettoctep a
1431 are v-rr,v es4nlially tuvit0:1 to yttew.
Oh, n erch atat in your lift of *tee, m~
if on this p,.per you shoed cit:,
And would he buoy kept as bbb.
Remember thee with all the grata,
Propping t.p w3th chunks and staaaa,
„ , silenr 14: ? .;51 Rosi•[, she,
Your th:anke to tie would he g4rofasun,
If you will s ,gym to 4.+ and eau,
Our t"rtnt4r in% to ,,are the bluue,
So white *1:e n.st are e'atehia*g
'you treks. oar eouae:i° d y°au`re yyy,
Asad corns; straii4tway to adveatiii.
Renew N ur ettlerr iption to the Aar
Sale bills prod while you wait at
the :')lavas east••, t::AVM
A Iterheett h a:t:de ;.'ever -et stained
banei,aor v.'g..MBtttes.
A go, :I time. moult a bad habit, i'
when you ate our of auottey.
We are Ciahlee to h mast miseraablae,
expeetiteg tetra l et; tb*t ttever tome.
A lea from »ie remail g<latent a pleasant
evening et the Exeter rittk Friday
While we go to press the Baud Con-
vert is in progress. ,i1 Rall account
net tae;it.
Men who boast that they speak right
out, are nee only straightforward but
usually iuTsulting,
Mr. I:. A. Follicle's; delivery horse
took a short run down Main street on
Monday, hut not damage wags dorso
The price of coal ratty be advanced
25 cents on account of the 10 cent ad
Mance recently conceded the millers.
The Fxeter Hockey team drove to
Clinton ou Thursday last and played a
game with the team of that place and
were defeated.
Two large loads from here attended
the annivnrtaary tea of the Thames
Road Presbyteriau Church on Monday
evening an'i mon a good time,
A number from here attended a
basket social at Mr. Win. Lammie's,
near Hensel!, on Monday eight last
and report a very pleasant time.
Mitchell is about to have granolithie
sidewalks ou either side of the main
street, the property owners to pay one
half and the corporation the other.
A Reform meeting for the purpose
of organizing Committees was held in
the Town Mall Monday evening and
was well attended.
A large and enthusiastic Conserva-
tive meeting for the purpose of organ-
izing Committees and other general
business was held in the Town Hall,
Tuesday evening.
Geo. O'Neil distinguished himself at
t e races in Seaforth onF ri•
day night last, having won the first
prize in the three-mile race and second
in the one mile race.
Tbe Ladies' Aid of Coven Presbyter-
ian church intend holding a social at
Mrs. H. Samwell's residence, on Tues-
day evening, Feb'y 22nd, at 7.30. Ad-
mission 15 cents, oysters 10cents extra.
Mr. Hiram Davis, of the 4th conces-
sion of Usborne, has sold his fifty acre
farm to Mr. Thos. Dickson, of Bidd ulph;
Dr.. Davis has rented Mr. 94 I. Kelland's
farm on the 3rd concession of Usborne.
Mr. Geo. Webb, of the 20th conces-
sion of Stephen had a ewe whish gave
birth to a lamb over two weeks ago.
Such .au oecurrence is rare but the
little thing is doing well and is as live
ly as a cricket.
Mr. S. Baskerville has purchased
from Mr. Wm. Bawden, the property,
formerly owned by Mr. G. Bawden,
Main Street, and occupied by Mrs. Thos.
Newton, payiug the sum of $450 for it.
Mr. Baskerville will take possession 1st
Unless all signs fail we are going to
have a cold February. When Bruin
came out of his hole Wednesday, as he
always does on Feb. 2nd, he saw Ms
shadow plainly enough, and back he.
went for six weeks. Moral.—Fill up
your coal bin.
The chief 'game warden , of Ontario
writes: "The public, especially those
who profess to he sportsmen, are to a
large extent ignorant of the fact that
owls are protected by the Insectivorous
Birds' Act, and that it is unlawful to
kill or take them at any season, except
under premit, and then only for,, scien
tifrc,purposes, The insertion of this in
your paper may have the effect of keep-
ing some of your readers out pf troub-
Send the ADvodeaT to your friends
One dollar a year,
Extensive preparations in the build -
beg putt are Wog made fur the com-
ing steamier, and &sterol fine residen
ees are to be erected,
Mr: R. H Collins reeei,ved the sad it-
telligence on Weduesday of the death
of his :only Orae wrecentlyh r, ho ted d.
of typhoid fever 11) Australia. -WO WAS
principal of a high school trod leaves
to mourn his demise a wife and six
tahe?pkc ai ars ofte* find their supply
of goals hidden from, the public eye by
the frtst lining the inside of tbeir eriri
dew panes. Asitulele remedy for tilts.
Is a attar of gist:erine applied to the
glass. `isle ari,t preveut any moisture
forming thereon .end lists WOWS() mi*
dust collects on it as to make the, wit]
sow cloudy.
A team belonging to Mr. W. G.
Bissett orad driven by Ed. laerett made
a lively run while returning from tate
funeral on Wednesday afternoon lass
1'he driver stuck to his post like a brick
and bad it not been for his steady nerve
and pros' ee of mind in Z:eepiug them
plodding; through the deep sen the
result might have beer more serious.
However, he finally brought them to
a standstill after runuiug about a mile.
#auti boys, and men too, in driving
horses are unneceee drily cruet iu their
treatment of this cable animal There
is tan exenss for the brutal whipping
and lashing to whiett some horses aro
subjected by incompetent drivers who
make up for their lack of ltnowledge
by ventiug their anger on an inoffen•
sive brute who could be handled mush
more et%et'tveely by sensible means.
Cruelty to mantels is always objection.
able and should he stopped by the au
The home of Mr. and alas, William
Caine Seeders Street, has been sadden.
ed by the death of their little daughter,
i',lizabeth. Aun, who died on the -Kiev
last at the age= of 4 years, a mouths and
21, days. A, few weeks ago she was at-
tael:a°d with typhoid fever and from
the airs', her else aesaatned a serious as•
pest. tamales deevtelepttig late I-edamie.
tater of the lunge which eon ended her
sneering's. iia+r remains were interred
in he E eter cemetery on Wedneeday
The eet nij the of maws Meads will he
4ext<etad•ed to the peewees.
The l:i:strict meeting, of the Huron
Coua:ty Revel 'Deviant of Tempc'raaue e
watt hold on the thereperauce Ilton, (toile
ter*ch. icn 1 huteday, Jan. «Toth, a.bottt 00
tle'ieegtate s t eitig pre eent. lime are
401 loyal Templets dtt this Distrito,.
with Cunt ells tit i3€ettai^escillt>,Ctede±rieh,
S. haven, Exeter, Sodom, Bay field, Varna,
Ohisethurst, Iiensall, Creditou, tieaforth,
tfi higharn, Myth and Centralia. The
reports of the various committees were
read, wad other routine business trans
acted. The action of Tbe Templar on
the piaelxeecite gnesti e i was commended
and the members ur. ed, to support it as
far as possible. It et.is advised to have
this paper placed on tile in all the Me
chattiest Institutes, Thu following oa'i.
ears were e•1e e.ttd: Distriet Councillor,
John Muir, Exeter: vice, Mrs. E. A.
Campbell. Gederrich: Chaplain,B:ay. Sir.
Heudersrn, Bengali;;iec'y, D, Jacques,
Exeter; Treas., E. A. Waauless, Varna;
Here id. GeoMcTaggart. Chisel burst ;
Guard, S ytanlake, Jr., Sodom ;deputy
guard, Miss lllacgie McMurchy, Kippers;
Sentinel, Mr Rutledge, Holmesvilie;
representative to Grand Connell to be
held in St. Thomas on Feb. 15th, J. E.
Tom, Goderich, The next District
meeting will be held at Hensall in
If you want printed or blank calling
cards, call at tbe ADVOCATE Office.
Severe *,taste.
Mr. John `treble, Exeter North, met
with a painful accident ou Tuesday
last. He was engaged iu cutting wood
when the axe slipped and came in ;eon -
tact with the foot, cutting a severe
gash and severing the tendon. He
will be unable to do much for some
Returns in Marriages.
The clergymen of Ontario are re-
quested to take notice that the circul-
ar recently sent
out by the Registrar
General, requesting them to send in
their half yearly lists of marriages,
states that such returnsare to go to
the division resistrar, who is the. muni-
cipal clerk. They are not to be senteto
the Registrar General as some have
understood and are doing.
Rotel Change.
Mr Chas. Wilson, of Hensall, late of
Listowel, having' leased the Mansion
House here from Mr. Robt. Leathoru,
has purchased Mr RalpliO'Neil's entire
hotel furnisings and will take possess-
ion March 2nd. Mr. O'Neil has not yet
decided where he will locate but in
tends leaving town. Mr. O'Neil and
family have proved themselves worthy
citizens and made many warm friends
while here who will learn with regret
of their leaving town.
School Statirtties.
From the report of the 'Minister of
Eduei tion for 1897, we learn that the
school popiuetioo of Huron,exclusive'
of towns,was`16,378; this is not equalled
by any single county in the province.
Of this number 12,739 attended school.
In Clinton the school population' is
returned as 672, Goderich 1026, Seaforth
758 and Wirgham as691. The number
of rural teachers in Huron was 216, of
which 122 were males and 94' females.
In eunrber of teachers employed there,
are six counties that employ more than
Huron. The highest rural salary paid
in Huron is $700; the average for
males $374, for fem+ties $280. In Wel-
land and York as high as $800 is paid.
The total receipts for school purposes
in Huron were $135,271. and the total
expenditure, $100,624; this includes sal ,
cries, school buildings, rents, etc. There
are six eeparate aehoola in Huron, with
a total attendance of 401, ono fifth of
these being in Goderieb. Clinton, Sea.'
forth and Goderich are the only places
in Huron having Collegiate'Institutes
For eheap: reading, read our club
biug rates its this issue,
No tner.bai't in Exeter nor in any
otter town welcomes the periodical vis
les of the Weights and Measurers In
spector. The• have 00 fear of his tit.d
inti= their seals dishonest, bat they
have a serious eb,jeetiou to bis fees,
whsch they'
)1. are
upon them, instead of ou the country
at large. The Ottawa C1titea, in
speaking upon the subject says) ,. The
remitmerchanthas goal eau,e for ob
jectinag to the payment o€ $2 for evert
>,nspeetiou .of of hist weigh scales by the
inspector of weights and measurers.
The iospe,etiou of suttee is necessary in
the public interest, aid the public
ought to pay the same 10 full. No
good reason can be given why a mer-
chant whose scales are :correct ought
to be assess -d that fact He does his
full duty when be sees to it that his
tales give honest weight.
carnival or ;be ;9ea5oua
What promises to be the best and
mast interesting enrnival of the season
will take place in the Exeter Skating
Riede on Monday evening, Feb 14th,
when the following events will talus
place, vd4:--Married men's race; Fat
men's race; one ni:e race; two mile
race; Ladies' best e:laaraCior costume;
Flower girl; hest negro character;
Gent's hese character costume. The
band will he in attendaarce Everr-
becly cart eeitjpy at pie:abnut evening at
the rink that night.
Mum Street ate>theeti:e+t Charre!la.'
The above mentioned ehurch held .its
zegieler February quarterly meeting on
alondayy evening last. Amelig the
',MS of business transacted were:
Special revolution of *batiks to the
choir and to Mr H. Huston for sersdce
reordered. Mr, Joe. St-anew:elm was
eppointee4 as leader of one of the rot eg
people', classes. The board by a resp.
Innen placed on record its high esteem
of two of its late nsetnbers, both deceas
e+l, since, its last meeting and also ex
presst d its Sympathy with the bereaved
families The pastor. neer. Chas. Smith,
also received the unanimous ineit:ation
of the hoard to telltale their pastor for
another year,
A hors;i belonging ro Mr, John Alii
sent Tham» Road, %unde a lively rate
on Tw't;slty snornl1'h' nbteh ItimirSt re
` a•talted in the airsinaaal bole, its hire mei
is wonderful how it ever esen wd
ee'eene the least after breattIng frons
rhes c4atter, with tho ehafts attacheed,.
was going, at a breakeeeok spo?4 when
it enlist tela turned In at Mr, By 1xrs,ttitd ,
blacksmith shop. E^teeteer North, and ran,
up a steep inelino used for raising and
iowering rigs to and front the paint
shop. tie rentbite: the top it dashed
h^^'tidlong over unto a shed at the near.
but as there was co,asiderable snow
ou the building the animal luckily-
escaped without a scratch and eontin.
ued its run until finally captured.
tlonso et Itefoge'Notes,
Most of the inmates aro enjoaing
good health, though a few are on the
twdck last, Mrs. Melte„. who broke her.
thigh a year ago, ilia been bedfast ever
since, she has lost her petit.r of speech,
but otherwise seems well for an aged
person. The house is so crowded now
that some of the inmates have to sleep'
in the basement, a thing that was never'
intended at first. One night recently,
Mrs. McGuire, who is aged 05 years
and as lively* as n Cricket, got up in her
aleop, dress :ed herself, opened the base-
ment window and walked out into the
knelt night air, when she quickly real-
ized what she had dare, and called'
loudly to be let in; Mrs. French got up
and attended to her, eoutracting a se
vete eoldin so doing.
Connell Proceedings.
Council met pursuant to ad joitrn-
went at. the Town Hall, Exeter, Feb.
4th. All present. Miuutes of previous
meeting read and confirmed. Christie
Evans, that Mr Hurdon be appointed
for one year on the Library Board, Mr
Bishop for two years and Mr. Huston
for three years, iustead of the .appoint
went made 20th Jan., Dr, buts baring
resigned. -Carried. Chrissie—Harding
that the 1st engineer be paid $35 per
year; the Chief, of the Fire Department
$35 per
annum and the
Firemen n I
The chief engineer to act instead of
first engineer in case of necessity. -Car-
ried Bissett—Evans, that the Electric
Light and Power Co. be notified to re-
move arc lamps on Main Street to the
centre of the street at the direction el the
council, the removal to be made as soon
as practicable. -Carried. (Mr. Christie
voted nay.) Mr. Tremaine was hand-
ed a copy of the above motion. Evans
-Bissett, that orders be granted for the
following sums, viz:—S. Ilan dford, $4,
labor at snow; Jas. Creech, $3, wood for
Mrs. Mooresbead; the Express Co.,. 40e,,
charges on Treasurer's Book; Joseph
Senior, $8 service as auditor and Geo.
Bissett, y§5 do.—Carried. Harding—
Christie, that the $100; the amount
deducted from the price of the Stearn
Fire engine. be paid to the chief eiigi-
neer for distribution according to agree-
ment of the council for 1897. --Carried.'
Bissett -Harding. that the Auditor's re
port be received and abstract published
as formerly,—Carried. Evans—Bissett.
that the regular meetings of this coun-
cil be held on the lst and 3rd Fridays
of each month.—Carried. The Council
adjourned until the third Friday in
Feb.,' at 7,30 p.m.
M. tackier'', Clerk.
Per000al ]Mention
Miss Fulton, of Hensall, was in town
Mr Wm. Bawden left Tuesday for
Mr. Turner, of Brucefield, was in
town Monday.
Wm. Kuntz spent Monday in Hen-
sall on business.
Miss Emma Young left Thursday for
Detroit where she intends remaining.
Mr. T. J. Lockhart, -was unable to
fulfill” his duties as principal of the
school, on Wednesday of this week ow-
ing to illness. '
Miss Jessie Willis has gone to Loa
do a to secure a situation,
1rs. Gen. 1)a%le is spenditig this.
week with her parei*ts in i ndgerville.
,11r. acid Mrs. J Evans are speeding
a flew days visititig trieeds in London.
Mr, Tilos, Dart, of London, p id aur
town atie tt ng visit
part ofthe.
Miss ,Minta Isaac visited her sister,
Mrs (neo, Hendee a few days this
Mies Neelin, who has been visiting
the Misses hemp, has returned to her
hoose in Seafort h..
Fed Treble, after a few days' visit
with his parents here, returned to St
Magee elouday night,
We are plear:ed to learn that Mr.
Jas. Binger whohas beet). eery i11, is
showing marked signs of recovery*.
We are pleased to note that Mr Geo.
Lewis, who was dangerously in, has
quite reeoveted and able to be out
around again.
Several welted guests from here
atteuded the wedding of Mr. Wsn.
Winer to Miss Susie England, at Credi
.on no Tuesday
alisa M. A Tont is visiting relatives
Toronto, and before returnii g will
visit some of the large dressmaking
estabelishetents do that city.
Mr. M (leak, nate of our oldest resit
dents, hoe mated, hag and baggage, to
the Howe of Refuge where he pnrpoe-
euding his saes.
Mrs A. Dempsey, who has been vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs Daitry, of hu
cote, has returned home accompanied
by her grataddaughter, Murice i?altry,
W, E. Gunter, of itidgetown, was in.
town Saturday and retnaioCti here over
Sucd_,ar. Ile was o4 bnaittetis its con-
tention with the late Richard Pieelcard's
Miteehell; :lir. Alexander Tremeer,
of Fullerton, was in town no Monday,
rnaki['f arrangumentstohave the hods
of his son, William, forwarded to Miteb-
eell, the. young reran having been !thh'il
the lumber a teals to Manitoba, on
Friday last lie had not heard how j
the sweat -tit haute% d. '11 he young
man was -:ba rears of age.
$t. A reesp•'eet'd Citizen itr
the nae„ , of Mtg. '1u'es Fleaus, or.,
p:asa aI aw'ay' Blind ay The deueeaeeed
had not hats very well for a few weeds
and a f. ;:e day.; pre in -:re to her death
wase stricl;twn w'ath llzrnl. si a. The feat
were lernrnpi'. agaailieetd ,ss,d gather-,
ed from their res.pectiva houses to re-
main with her till the last. :etre and
her husband who survives her were
among the best known rc•.edernts of
5t, Marys: The end death tonk
place co Wednesday of the wife of Mr.
Archie B. t.ifined. foreman of the Jour-
nal naive. The deceased was in her
25th your and Sunday would have
hetet the seCand anniversary of her
wedding day. She was never ire the
enjoyment of very robuct health and
died from hemorrhage of the lungs.
She leaves a bright little dartghter,.
Lillian, of 18 months to battle with the
harasbips of this world, Mr. (Gifford
has the sincere sympathy of friends in
his sad bereavement,
Clin'ou: A sad death occurred in
town on Tuesday, by the demise of
Miss Annie Granger, daughter of Jas.
Granger, Brucelield. Deceased had
been employed in town as a domestic,
and on Friday last was in good health,
but later was liths up with an attack of
iufiammation of the bowels. Everything
possible was done for her recovery:, she
having the best of care and medical
attention, but death ended her suffering
on Tnstsday evening. The remains
were taken to Brucefield, and interred
in the Bayfield cemetery Thursday.
Clinton: Mr. Wm. Sperling of town
bas received the sad news of the death
of his oldest brother, Mr. George Spar
ling, of Portage La. Prairie, Man. Last
September the deceased had au attack
of pneumonia and although very low
he got better, but didn't, recover his.
strength. About Jan. 6th he took La
Grippe, then double pneumonia, and
the best of medical skill and traineded:
nurses could not save him. Mr. Spar -
hog left here .in 1881 and located at
the Portage where he remained until
his death. He leaves to mourn their.
loss a loving wife, three sons, three
sisters and three brothers.
Chiselhurst: Mr. Thomas C. Wren,
who resides near this place, met with a
very serious accident . one day last
week. It seems he bad bought in a
number of strange steers, and when
working around one of them the ani-
mal kicked with both feet, one foot
striking Mr. Wren on the side, fractur-
ing some of his ribs, and the other on.
the leg breaking it. Theinjuries are
serious and painful but not dangerous,'
and it will be several weeks, even un
der the most favorable circumstances,
before Mr. Wren' will be able to be
around again, The sincere sympathy
,of a large circle of friends will be ex-
tended to him on account of his misfor-
f60n�, PCB & SEC➢S
I beg to.etate to .the eitizens.:of Exeter
and surrounding country that I am
ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any
part of the town at CLOSE' PRICES.
We, handle
�eijs!1 Dasliwoog Flour
Our Bran is warranted free from
smut And dust.
Will add a general line
of SEEDS shortly.
Charles Treve,hic].
filti iST— OUB II1EftT C1EMJ(LU!11E
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains .►
&1 �1 g rrioes that will Astonish ,ish Tau.
Try a pound of our Old Government Java
Coffee, the best that mosey can. buy. Ground Creek
every day.
s close eteo except Wednesday and Saturday,
8 PAO K 14,1 A Al & C O ,, Samwall's Block, Bxeter
Overcoats for men and boys.
Suits for men and boys.
Fur Coats, Caps and Robes.
Capes for
Ladie's Mantles.
Dress Goods and Mantles.
e and Overshoes.
Owing to the continued mild weather, we have ,'more
Winter Goods than we otherwise would have had and we are
determined not to carry them over untill next winter but to
male a clean sweep if prices will do it. •
Don' pass us for a Bargain.
Opposite Ha wkshaw's Hotel, Exeter.