HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-12, Page 5THE; Quer vo.cat.ei Is published every Thursday Morning, et the Moe, . MAIN -STREET, -.- EXETER. `` the--- rineii Advance s.coe speoifio and for of JOB style, 3, '•,' PROP _sy L...„. DYQCATg. PUf3L I SH a NO COMPANY PANY 'TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. one Dollar per annum if paid iu *1.40 if net lig paid, r rea g' t?raa ,s materat axe Resile 1'No,paper at se on -Omuta until all arrears;es are paid. Advertisements without eat ns will dsr to 11 be published till forbrd sliarged a000rdingly. Libeeal discountmade for tra)isoiont advertisements ineertod long periods, Every desoription PRINTING turned out in thee finest and at moderate rates. Cheque" moneyord' ers, Sue for advertising, subscriptQria,et(ate be made payable to Glias. H. Samir EDITOR .;(D .x...44,...-......,,_ 1'roi'eseional Cards.. t�TM_ II. KINSMAN., L. D. S. St D. A. R. *,S, /KINSMAN, ❑ D. S., D. D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth er,traote(i without any pain, or any bad etfeeteOffice in Fausoree Block, west eide Mein Street>Exeter. reR.D. Ar.tTON ANDBRSOX,(D•D.S.,L.D.S.,) -, hones (irradue, to orate Toronto t!ni- rsity and Royal College of Dente; Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. AD rooales of lleutietry etp to (tete. Office over Elliot as Flliet's, law office -opposite genteel hotel -Exeter. rIIedl+ei l ..... . . D"'1'""Zrs. J. A. ROLLINS `1' A, L31OS, F Heeideneea,eacne as formerly OFFICES, Speolem en, building, Mum St Pee ,Rollins' (deco; seine as formerly --north deer. Dr. Moe' aloe, earuo building --south door, 'lay 1St. t893 T. A Rollins. If. 1), T. A. Attlee, M. D rata%I': MOLAUMILIN, MEMBER OF sese the College of Plivsielansand Surgeons Ontario. Pieysiolan, Surgeon and A000uoli. oar. Office, :Masi#wood. Ont. i(etw %1. Rr U. COLLINS, 13A,IlitIS'fER.SOLICTT• t OR. Coaeveyencer, /eatery Palette Ma oe-Over O':.(ieil'a Bank, lrxeter,Ontaria. oney to Moan. .14 IL ICs SON,B RRISTER.SOLICITOE, • of Supreme ()Dort, Notary Public, Con- vesaneer, Commiaeioner. ase. 'Money to doezx Offioe-^Faiison'a Moak ,Fateter i►LLIOlb GismesaA1w. BARRISTERS, t Eae., Convev'ancrre, and kroner to Loin at 5 ent15%. per cent. H. V. lt/a -toe. F. W. Cilienneee ,,,• ,&.aationeere --e---------- nil BfOWN,Wineieeleea. Licensed Must - AA . Loneorfor the Counties of Portia ane Meldlesex, also for the township oft sbcrne Seine promptly attended to and terms roa. senbele.c,eles arranged at Poet office. WIn- OheleeA. Insurance. E IGILIOT, Insurance Agent, lfiu St, Exeter SPATTED, IIIELP. Reliable man in every locality, local travelling;, to Intree uee a new dtaeovervrtud keep our showease htatOlt 0 up on trees, and bri(1ges throughout town and country, Stetaly employment, eom mission or $65 ter month anal a npeuees, end money nostted in any bank when started. For leulare write'' he World Medical Electric c.,".faro7n•don,Oat ,�i^entele. TAILORING CHEAP J(. AND ?XS NOBBY, ,& "The IIang.do Expression looks of a"ready made,""heed. lee -down " suit of cl8thes enough to disgust the Prince Slovens. NO FIT, ?XIS NO STYLE NO GOOD. S A tailor-made suit, cut. and fitted to the contour of form is certain to look right. AND WEAR' Parts of machiuery accurately fats withstand vere .service and parts that not fit . wear out quickest, Same with clothes . Choose your' cloth and we do the rest. Prices ' small. as titclles. Bert. Knight. or fences salary. ale- " par- eel A3 • " Is of l made your n C which se- do t . is s� , BIDES! HIDES! HIDES! ! ! Highest cash price For hides, :calf ; lamb Sheep skins...... a ! P Q 4 n p, id and • g , wan.- the 0 ... Vii; (pi gi el t' +'6) 0) iii AAl 11 � 1 For first class beef lamb- pork , poultry-, ;age ' or bologna, 'call at 'KEW B€TTU1FEiv SHOP. BEEP iMs)7.ti) BY TILE tSICAetell'_ ?on AT,LOW 14/SIT CAS RI L'AtIkkE... •��jjE:S 1 ±35 . ane Door South of L ENTRAL HOTEL, p , ��V, 'Pr /it A �y �y MADE .. 1111E lisr U°,1Nv� it r'y AJAX 'TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE 4 e., •io•�- ..FFjjlsciu•ao-Failing Meer ?i) 1�, ,cry', impanne Sleeplessness, eta. caused eb ,5 ,7 aani o,.•. outer Excesses and utG u eo A -'> " reestore -vit . aty-i of a 3,0 sa . [Ma li ore Lea -vitality -in t ital , bas. old of young, and. fit a i�p for tvly, iru=zuass or marriage. �) •"� ,..Prom 'Yurat,at>' and C)onsumptionli 0) u en in time. Their tome hems tmraadiato improve- eh :tent and (Beets c (;Jh ( hero .all other fail In, 0g) let upon hay , c t},, Lvnne.:Pa Tabaletu, They 1 =removed the 1i 4.t ri)Ic u yo(; Fe [-lin) a peg- 'AS live written all r fou, So feDa cul::o �*�q, 5•1,T�p•�, i:, sell ease or-roipadih. a on.r '�'i^ia0tote laiie aper -el sol n e, or sl.. pie e ,3 (; 111 u1 t ramal for $5,5Q. By ., yr, Plflin Wrar, 1 tilm ,c, t.in •02 price. (ixpu1 w:` (6 reo An;id4..X. III -2,1.;,'h .,x ;r CO., 7"l'esgeenee• nl elircn,•o ta• in, old itt Exeter by C. Lutz, it9irualere.e; EXETER MARKETS.. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0 64 to 85 Barley 3l. to S5 Oats 25 to 27 Peas ul to 55 Butter gsL4 to 15 EI'ot toes perbag ' 45. to 50 Onions _ 40 Red Clover Seed per bushel $4.00 to $4,50 Hay per ton • 7,pato 8,Q5 Dried. Apples per ib ...... . . . .......... 4 Turkeys 7 Jencks Geese. , a Chicken Wool per lb. 17 Healthy Baby \When Born In Three Months Humor Spread Over Nis Forehead into His Eyes and All Over His Hands Ouch itching, sunning Torture How It Ended. When a child is cured of the itching torture and burning inflammation of eczema . or salt rheum, it is no wonder that words fail to express the joy of the grateful parents, told that they gladly tell in as strong terms as Dot- silale the plain story of suffering re- lieved and health restored. Many testimonials relate the wonderful suc- cess of Hood's Sarsaparilla in such cases, even after all other presoriptioue and medicines fail. Here is one: Sc 0,, I. Efood & Co., Lowell, Mass.; "Dear Sirs: --Cur boy IXarvey will re. member the good Hood's Sarsaparilla ale. ,sin) as long as bo lives. He was a healthy baby when he was horn, but before he was three months old a breaking out ap- peared on both sides of hie face. Physi- cians did bins little good and said hut for his strong constitution he could not have lived threuglz his dreadful suffering. The humor aprea.d aver ]ria forehead, into his eyes, and Game out on his hands, It was indeed pitiful to witness the poor child's aufrerings. It was very painful tor him to open or shut his eyes, and we had to do his little. bends to prevent hint. from s°retching the itching, burning skin. idy mother urged us to try Hood's Ser. apariila. Wo did so, anti a short time after he began to take this medialne we ler a change for the better. We con- tinued until we bad given him live .bot- tles, and then the eczema had entirely disappeared; and be has ever since been perfectly cured of this dreadful disease, Itis sufferings extended over two and a @all years. People tor miles around knew his dreadful condition and know that aood'a Sarsaparilla cured him. Bela now a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and has thofinest skin or any of my live children." 141es. L. Elette neral ., Collegeville, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug- gista. v.; six for t,5. Be sure to get l3ood's. To bo happy and healil:yn must know ho v to take caro of herself, In order to Co tbis, all irregularities of menstruation must bo corrected, the or taus strengthened and put in working order to perform their proper hamtlone. Asiatic Regulator Capsules ares Safe, Pleasant, Most Reliable and POSr'rr UlatY the BEST REMEDY in the market to cure all irregularities, painful periods. and relieve all distressing pain(. The herbs composing this famous rem- edy are found in the wilds of Asia. Minor and Africa and im ported by us only. We give a guarantee that it will aura the most obstinate cases, or maneyrefunded $1.50 per box or four boxes for $5.00. Sent securely sealed. A trial will oonviuce you. Address onIE VAL AiEUICAL Co. Detroft, :Bich. Mr, Andrew Pattulin was the unani- lous nominee of the Literals of North xford. Mr. John Loughrin is strain the laic° of the Liberals of Nipissing for to Legislative Assembly. Haldimand Conservatives have nom ated Mr. F. R. La1or, of Dunneille, as ear candidate for the Legislative As- lnbly. Pu ® rr t+ ..r THE CHINESE LOAN. THE MYSTERY; ENVELOPING IT HAS BEEN DEEPENED. $he Newspapers All at Sea on the Ques- tion -Salisbury Keeps Dlum•-England Cau Beat All Europe -A, Prominent Banker's Explanat on. New York, Feb. 7. -Mr, Ford, cabling to the Tribune from London regarding Bina affairs, says: "Forecasts of the Queen's speech are *ncertain on only one point; this is Anglo -Chinese finance. Otherwise there are no secrets in the sumn>;arieaofforeign affairs or the legislative programme of the session. The mystery enveloping the Chinese loan has been deepened by the anteenlinax of newspaperdiplozuaoy. The announcement that the Government would not persist in its demand that Ta - Lien -Wan should he opened as i, free port broke up the chorus of patriotic rejoicing over the resolute stand in defence of commercial freedom, and filled thepublfo mind with misgivings . respecting the possible surrender of British interests. The hot At which followed Sir Michael Hicks -Reach's dcolaration that England was ready to fight for the principle of commeroiad freedom in Chinese ports bas given way to a cold fit �ot appsenension lest there may not be anything left worth fighting for. savoury Eleeps "alum," ((Newspaper enterprise is one thing, and Lord Sallsbury's diplorilasy another. leo broads over foreign affairs in secret, and does net take any press diplomat into his connecnco. The leader writers aro not provided with cues, and draw large in- ferences from slight promises, This has been done in the Chinese negotiations. No Minister has proclaimed that Ta -Lieu - Wan must be wade a free port or else no money would be lent, and that British interests would. bo maintained, even at the risk of war. The press diplomats ]lave assumed tett the freedom of Ta•Lien- Wan was the main condition of the pro- posed loan, and that no European power woeld be allowed to gain exclusive poss- ession of any strategic point command- ing the approaelles to Poking. They did not know what was going on in the For. . taiga Office. Baglaud Can Beat All Europe. "My awn conviction is that the hest source of information respecting Anemia' diplomacy is Lombard. street. A Promin- ent and well informed English backer gives ine this explauation: " 'Salisbury will undoubtedly arraugo this loan for twelve trillions sterling. England will take it alone, end not In connection with any other power. This is the general opinion. among Loudon financiers. :Not Russia, nor Gormley, nor Franco, can lend money on the sauno terms. There will be an issue of consols, which: can be taken in 114 hours, owing to the demand of hanks, insurance com- panies and estates for permanent invest- ments, Twelve millions can bo had for lee per cont, and China will be required to pay 4 per cent. This leaves a margin for a sinking fund. and makes it a profit- able transaction for the Government, which can obtain full seourity for the payment of interest and prinoip:tl by con- trot of the roventltes and other sources of taxation in China. le may bo as brilliant a stroke of IInanco as the purchase of the Suez shares. Bankers have nothing to snake out of it, but the Government will have a good profit. John Chinaman needs money, aus will be shrewd enough to borrow on tho easiest terms. The British Goveeemont can outbid any European power. Tho loan will probably be an-. nounoed early in the session, possibly in tho Queen's speech.' "This forecast reflects the general opin • ion in financial circles." MR• BREDON'S APPOINTMENT. Ilio Is Made Deputy Inspector -General of Chinese Customs. London, Feb. 7. -The London corres- pondent of the Now York Evening Post gables his paper as follows: "One most significant fact, showing the success of England's firm stand in the interests of world-wide free trade, is this morning's news of the appointment by the `,sung-Li-Yamen of Mr. Robert Braden as Deputy Inspector -General of Customs, at the request of England's representative, Sir Robert Hart. This is the position which Russia has strained every nerve t0 control, for whoever con trot,, the Chinese customs can, in a, hundred ways, if inclined to a policy of exclusion, defeat the elaborate devices of statesmanship aS contained in treaties of commerce and the like. Those who should know, say that all the Chinese wiles and attempts to play off Russia against Eng- land, and, Germany against both, are not likely to result in any other way than an English loan to China, with England's conditions attached, but that if China dons gat the money elsewhere, England Will still insist on the°strength of her treaty rights, upon a China open to the, world's trade." sir Who would prescribe only p, tonics. andweak, `p bitters for a .weulc, lar puny child P Its muscles and y Ener ves are so thoroughly ex- 'i, hausted.that they cannot Be 4i whipped into activity. I'hc ('? child deeds food ; a blood-' q> making, nerve -strengthening .? and must, e- trig food. etio Scott's [mash i 4 of Cod L iver Oil Ls all of this, and yob. still have Z tonic i'r^; '1 the• 11 jypophosi. hites of lime ,iri ..4..-_ ..to `tl9 r '. act �� 11 the cod ,taor't thin andca"•,icor chlideet c a Y. • 1'v' fi 7i there is to re reds . sopes:for °4g to it in the,vo pct It i , a r. , SI,. � ~nca 1s G4� growth,. streng,rin? 13!1'1r.izlp.ze2s `; and conaf Or$ tC , ¢ 1,em, Be sure ,.,, ;,its SC ^�, you gni ��Cd � i •P� .> 1r'.!r1�;1S*Gtl� 4r .J o _19, c..'id S t .00 . 5 Y 4 , � T�I fi,,u ts. SCOTT & i3QWNE, • Che. ants• Toronto 6 d 4, S A.•r. Britishers for the Klondike. Southampton, Feb. 7, -The first large party of Klonclikers from this country, numbering 300 people, sailed from this port Saturday, on board the British steamer Tartar. They expect to reach. Vancouver in a month. The gold seekers were cheered by a crowd of their friends as they started. They carry a quantity of stores, provisions and a telegraphic <•ap - paratus. A. Record -,Freaking Steamship. London, Feb. 7. -The new White Star cargo. steamer Cymric has arrived at Liv- erpool iv erpool from the builders in Belfast. She is 600 feet long, 64 feet broad, 42 deep and 23,000 tons gross. Her twin propellers are driven be separate sots of quaclruplo.engines. She holds the cargo boat record for size,. and is` expected to win it for speed without difficulty. 11tr. Gladstone. Attended, Church. Carnes, Feb: 7. -Mr. Gladstone, :ac - col 7riniod by Mrs. Gladstone, drovii to char, h yesterday and received commun- ion. . lie was able to Walk without assist- ance. Tho Princess Dhulcep-Si. gh. London, 1+'eb. 7. -Queen Victoria Lias granted the now '1?rincess Dbuleeh Sinah (Lady Ann Coventry), precedence over all ]inglish duchesses. 1011LE ZOLA ON TRIAL GREAT INTEREST CENTERED IN THE CASE. An Exeiteble Day In. Paris-•Wit,tesses Ire fuse to Testify -411 Demonstrations Sup, pressed by tile Government --Nn i?reyfue Revision, to. Be Permitted. Paris, Feb. 8, -Tye trial of AL. Emile Zola, who is being prosecuted by the Qovermment an a result of theletterwhich he wrote last December to the Aurore,. strongly reflecting upon high officials con- st c ed with the Dreyfus ease, opened yes- terday. The crowds ieereased in number all the morning. The arrival of M. Homri Rochefort was the signal for shouts of "Vivo Rochefort!" and counter cries of "A las Reehefort." Turning in the direction of the hostile cries, M. Rotate.. fort shouted: "It would seem that, Svith four of you at five Prestos apleeo, the Dreyfus syndicate will not bo ruined-" M. Zola, who arrived in a carriage. shortly afterwards, was greeted with. vehement shouts of "Conspuez Zolal (spit upon Zola), To Stop All Demonstration, An individual who sbouted "Vire Zola," was promptly hustled and sup- pressed. The proceedings commenced n;, 1 p.m,, under the presidency of M. Delegorgue, who aunounced that the court would be cleared it there was any iie1uonetratiou. While the jury was being stleetc4 *L Zola entered the dock. He was pale, and a few Cries 0r "Vivo Zola!" wereprasnpt- ly suppressed by the vigorous protests of the majority of the audience. .After the reading of the indictment, the Advocate. General explained that the charge was Strictly )111110(1 to the pasaago in M. Zcla's letter .deuolineinq the Esterhazy courts uarthal, i)reyfiei Revision. 'i:lto Adro(:tte•lleneral said it was im- perative to prevent the proeeedings from wandering and "thus playing into the hands of the accused, whose sin► is to get a rev i ion of the Dreyfus affair by a cir- cuitous route." ht. Dolugorgue road a number of Letters of excuse, including a letter from tbo Minister of Justice, M. Darian, anlaonne• hag the Meister for War, Gen, Billet, had not received the authority of the Cabinet to testify. hG Delegorgue also read a letter from, ex -President Caslmir-Porler saying he couldno t testify, , CxCept as to facts sub. ■equont to his presidency. Gal, Paty du Clam was then called, and refused to testify. Mr, Labori) urged the importance of his testimony, adding that unless the court ordered the witness to testify, he might he compelled to demand an ati. journsnent until the next session, Coun- sel also said Ito was not prepared to op. pose a secret trial, if it was absolutely necessary. But, coutinued M. Laborle, the allegation that the matter they were discussing was connected with State secrets and the national defense was a mere joke, The-Advocate-Qonoral thereuponpro. tested against the national defense being called a joke, to which M. Labor,( iio'tly replied that be would permit no ono, not even the .advocate -General, to cast sus- picioe upon his patriotism, (Cheers.) • The 'beaming of tho case was adjourned at 5 pin. Zola Is Not Hopeful. London, Feb. S. -David Christie Mur- ray, the novelist and playwright, bad a column interview yesterday with Emile Zola, which is published to -day in the Daily News. Zola, it appears, was any. thing but hopeful of the outcome of his trial, and said: "Wo know everything concerning the Dreyfus case; but, it Is impossible to de- scribe the pressure to impose silence upon men who are able and ready to reveal the truth. Our documentary evidence is not even looked at, and our witnesses have refused to testify or have been ordered to bo silent. There is no room for doubt. There is no question or possibility of a question. The facts are clear and abso. lutely beyond denial; but, the authorities refuse to allow us to produce our, eel dance, and then hold up the feebleness of our cause to the derision of the public." Uncle Sans Turned Down. Ottawa, Feb. 8. -The Dominion Gov- ernment has advised the Washington authorities that the proposed expedition to be sent to Dawson City by the United Status for the relief of miners cannot bo accompanied by an armed body. The Canadian Government will escort the expedition over Canadian territory with an escort of tiny men from the Mounted Police. United States officials canremain in charge of the expedition. It is just probable that the expedition may be abandoned altogether. C. P. R. Tender Rejected. Montreal, Feb. 8. -The Canadian Pa- cific Railway has received word from Washington that Hon. Russell ;Alger, 'United States Secretary for War, has thrown out that company's tender: for transporting five hundred ".reindeer across the continent for the Government. The Pennsylvania Railway, although $1,400. higher, was awarded the eon -tenet. The Canadian :Pacififo •Bailway, being the low- est and most suitable route for the pur- pose, naturally expressed surprise, and it is believed the chief objection was the fact of its being a foreign company. One Store Railway Line. Victoria, Feb. S. -Application willbe niado at the next session of the British Columbia Legislature for a charter for a railway from Observatory Inlet to Glen - ore, to connect with the Toslin Lake Railway. This will give a route from the coast to Dawson all in Canadian territory, Over a hundred miners' licensesror the Yukon district were issued on Friday, and almost as many Saturday, by tbo collec- tor of customs. He has issued over fiftv daily since the licenses arrived.. Lieut Merck R idly Hurl, Kin Ston, Fob S. -Lieutenant March, "A'.' Battery, Suns the Berlin of a' run • away accident yesterday. His bead creme in contact with. . telo,,rapli ,Pole, and the Skull, it is feared, is fractured. Over Oue iluualred Rinks. Liberals of ;south ,Leeds. Delta Ont.,.z'eb'..7.-The libero;ls of South Leeds et in convention Dore on Saturday and nominated W. J. Webster of Westport to contest the ridilg. Winnipeg, Man., Feb. 8. -Over one hundred rinks are �CbtnP eting o in the grand bonspiel of the Manitoba branch of the t3.0.C.O. opened yesterday. Three rinks are bore from the $tater: The Sloan Medicine Co. p.Iaulilten. Dear Sirs. For many years lr was troubled with periodical sick beadat'hes, being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were ad-' vertisc(1 as cures, and was treated by almost every doctor to Guelph but with- out any relief. One doctor told the it was cause•l by e ?1eaksten)aeh, another said it was hereditary and; ilscureable, I was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's lindian Tonic, and 1 ani happy to say I did so. A few doses a:.ve im- mediate reicef, and one bottle and a half made a complete cure, This was three years ago and the headaches bane bate twee: return- ed. I was alsc. troubled wish asthma and clothing help(tale ?bre yetis Sloan's Indian Tonic. i can heartily recommend it to ail and will he :geld to give any 3 pa,riiendars to any one afflicted as 1< was - Wee, Icemels, Guelph, Nov. 23rd, 1597. Por sale at all dealers, or a4etre•eca the .4'nmpr-ny at lllaetiflton 81.00 Per 11Otte; 0 bottles /Or 1aS017. Christie's OOMMINCIAL LIVERY. irst,ela.ss Rigs and Horses Orders left atHaw kshaws Hotel, or at the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at-, tentikll, , . , . . d t. era a$Reesonable cc Only one G in the World for Me." So sage that popular song. Tclerhorte L Cupueeticn , THE PALACE "t Only One FllrMtvrg 5t0re in Town for lie." Says the 1audiord who wishes to have every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in our establishment is mtrrl:ed at prices which will retain reg war patrons and induce occasional cus- tomers to come again. The rapid inerestse in the volume. of our btusinehs is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this methal. We make undertaking a Specially. R. *. RO' Tho best seeds grown aro erry's. The best seeds sown are Ferry's. The best seeds known aro 8orry's. It pays to plant FERRY'S Famous Ses Ask the dealer for them. Send for FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL. and getail that's good and new -the latest and the best. 0. M. FERRY& CO. Windsor, Ont. mal( must consider his mallet! #11 these three: he must buy where span do the best. Look at some of there figures: Pants wetle tt1 Grlcr, all, wool heavy tweeds 82.00 Suits (49,80 88.09 Black Wozstell suita a qec- ial 812,00 • Our 820 blacks be,.t. all others at 823.�.'Gille and See l'or yourself. Overcoats • japes Bicycles Bi t! S. GIDLEY & SON. HINTS FOR XI ANO NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we Have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together a`liofe't, 0d(amen te alt t'•aaery rnrhItiIie, suitable for presentation. 'file aasnrement is now complete and everyLody is invited to view our stook if only for the sake of seeing wheat very reasonable prices Choice Furniture eau La purchase,, for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of Very Elaud,ome x±h3C) Stf)cevr $RTTre in ELnI. (1 st, nasi 1`--1 Axesece and Ciarnroxa finish, AR are extremely tasteful in dcstgn and the prices are much lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote fur eianiler goods. ROCKING CBUAltIrt4, In For:rsr (#alxex, A::'riQus Oar:,. CURLY 33 Di cu, anti Ma.no(.ouy Pinieh,. from 8.-1.4.4 up. FANCV 'PA Ci DES. A magnificent line bought :ata sacri- fice and marked at eorrespondiealy low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounge... kanoy itemizers , 1tTu:,ic Tracks, Couches, Extension ''ablest Piet -aro Moultleings, Curtain Yolea, Artists' Mater- ials, Eta., :Eta., Eta. haat IItT iliSIN4': ,trier EPSBALalleriG IN ALL, 5T4 nntalve::At 3 , . is ygz Son. It You wil find at Bisset's 1Y5rerooms the following 'ire of :1_gi kaitural implements . Deer l g Blinders, ;~overs, Roller and. Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Dise and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills, SEWING i ie i' ES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince, . Knoll Washer and wringers. A 0 N and ; i urney stoves and t, t 4 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek 'Ora a good wheel. We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest ptvit!ea MuSiCal. Do you sttaxzt anything- in the musical line. We have a choice los of Pianos oast organs, call .axed itc spect them ig-fore buyieg elsewhere, A fall stock Of sewing machines, baby ear - rimes, etc. etc. Perkins Mart TRE IBM. al Try WI1l''AN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Coles: and Bronchial trouble in old or young. 'We klanufuetnre- WINER'S L0l11AMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramns. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and, Influenza. The eld Reliable, Wiran's Con- dition ]Powders, stili holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehes.on horses and Condition Powder for same,` SIOLt.7 AtellniTS WOR DIX. LUNG SYRUP. 1 L U &f a DRl1iiYSlG@ST. unlaces i,.l�x�G,16,1,S6i/CstiNJ'�i0.�.,' "-s`35.i':I 1 1�41e5 .a"�. •; •', M`� 'Y"' y l' '1 Yt 2 FOR b„ 'a lr8 5 t to t G er The Chatham ty agon'aanti a full hole t. f i 1 .alit. G�;�U(Jl,yt!',.U.t,�iC;i�dllh+?`,Ilial bll � r'i q liECOGi( BEST F oeiF�1Q 1&a5 6 a LikRI;iKW1"