HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-12, Page 4THE daces admire the SauctimoillOUS Mr, Dryden but will vote that it's time for (Szertgr aZ,..rtacette)a changa H. Sanders, Editor and Prop THURSDAY, FE33. 10, 1898 NOTES .AND COMMENTS, Mr. Adam Beck has been nominated as the Conservative Cfintlidate for the THE ONTARIO ELECTIONS. 1 city. of London in the agate,: Provin cial contest, We are DOW' ia the midst of the tur- Geo. Irvine., a tramp &filleted with email pox, as been retained at tbe police station, Viso. Itle ea me front Montreal and had beaten his way to that place. Moil aud etruggle following the disso- -altiee of the Prot 1110141 Legislature which has leeaw roakiug headquarters in Toronto. Two eandidates are before the eNetors of South iluron, Mr. M. Y. McLean, of Seaforth, and Mr, Henry Eiller f Cretitten. Avoiolittg all per - elides we intetel. to support Mr. Eil nd because we believe our rea• $ous are unelagetit aad orrect o3aes, We Ask the public to giye them a ed under, They were right theu, stud there is no reason to doubt that they attenticm, Mr. Felber is well keown to iibt ear seetioti el the r4Hug aud his ability -r- 4-1V. Ana worth need tio trnmeeting ou our As Rota George E. Fester remaiked held pineut positioes in a reeeut seeech, if there were eeven. part. 7.1e bee rotn awl acquiucd wansolt, wen. A man 0,, ateen reasons for a change in 1396, there r tweney.six reasoes itow It is t rely itatepotidenee, e uot °pluton of lio leSS an a ;:tie :orit; than he e Quid ee a mute follower of any !the flora Ma Longlev that it is evil eater, voter take to leave nos leery in power tco ler wcoden party for tire rewards wheel fall to the lot of-. He 138'41 this as an Itr^ulnelir the falthful eetvitor, lte,eseetitig self' 1*ms! PartY that was se".1ttee° intertst aud Imitber ale a tett a his een surely entnled to its liSit agalaet a par stittlents, nor the hozior hit country.lty that has been in power for over et my. mamall, a mirky, long, parne.lquarter of of a century ia the province • - of °Marie, noettiare- record, will not justtfy us in sayitg the mite. rie .Quis 11816 The agricultural societies in East Huron drew from the IMMO° trees y cilleS11011 and if the answer Yt's swat 'last year the following su'ips: lows the dm ated registers the vette:Si°, Grey, $81; Howlek, $0e; eloreritst* acoring high marks in the leveragel$110; Turnberry, .$37. The South tint . which rimy be testa hereafter for t r Iron soTties drew; flay. MI 'reciter 3`1-P"vn Ueborue, pe; sonal advaneement. In his career we is—ta.;11,1._,e7.,/, Seaforth hortitultural 411,11130t recall one thoughtful vote, onci$1.6. In West Buten, Ashfield aud useful critisistn ot leech dangerous leg esr Wawunoth, Sail; Hui -lea. $70: 'mien. After the election, whet) Mr•lieTlirnberrY* $.29; East Www.thosh, $93; hOrticqultural, $59; Godertch Eibe; we Itrau,satft:bra4111s bneameen.tiv,t.fget ain.1 trIbo-rntit-cati.nidtrai, totalof $20.00 117 ree rt legs. The commercial travelleee who feel the pulse of the coteraunity, deetare that throughout °mare, the universal opinion is that Ma Whitney will win. By our Weigle of the comraereial eom- ro unity the prediction, was made in 1896 that the Couservatives would be snow - t roars tn. Fewer at Ottawa Vtte are upon Our readers to five the reward fee - stewed, and Mr. McI.,eau'e services esU. mated at rarket value. In aidiug t defeat him we ere thus attiOng his isest frteude But the questiou is not one merely of choice tetween Messrs. Either nut/ elc- Lean It goes much deeper than that. It is ti proteet agaiteit the syetematie centralizing of power for 850 in keep- ing Warted ofticers its full potsession of their jobs, with the right of naming proper slit:cossets aceoreling, to the staudarkof party fealty aud not that of the greatest worth. We Anal call your etteutien to emu point only in ibis article, the $ehool question. Once edu- cation In Ontario WI:' eefrom Now it is not. Once it was possible to purchatm school books at something like their iutrinsie vallie. NOW it is not. A candidate the other day, (wbo knows whereof he speaks, for he has been a school inspectur) held up on cora- pariseu two books before a gathering of electors in Oatario and gave some illus. tautens which all thoughtful electors s should cousider. One bort was a cur- rent novel and the other a fourth rend- er used in the public schools, The novel was better hound, better printed and in every way a book or greater in- trinsic value than the reader. Yet how did they compare in price? The ;lord leas twenty-one (-vile, the school' book. forty fire. The novel had an uncertain market depending upon public popu larity aed its sale would last only for a year at most, which the schoel book has an absolute market and can have no rival among over two millions of pee. ple where children are obliged by law to go to school. and obliged by law to use this expensive book, not daring to substitute auother, This is the very principle, only more intensified, the violation of which caused the awful civil war ire England, overthrowing the monarchy and killing the King some two hundred and fifty years ago. King Charles .1. and his ministers demanded excessive subsidies, but demanded them for the very life of the state against a foreign foe, while Mr. Geo. Washing - ton Ross demands a subsidy of over 1000/0 above what a publication proves to be a legitimate profit; first for the honor of his crown as Minister of Edu- cation, and Second to father the para- sites which his abuse of responsible government has gathered about the de- • partment, miscalled education Elec- tors of Huron, will you vote for Mr. Mc- Lean and school book robbery, or Mr. Either and educatiooal economy? The Globe prints in big type Hon John Dryden's election boast, " I am still a farmer' Not so the thrifty Jolt -l.'s relatives. TWo uncles, two couns, (me brother, and one brother. in-law aie no lang(-r fartecrs, being, now sneg,ly stalled at the public crib. It pas Mr. Dryden to be "still a farm er," and as long as his relations and On- tario's purse bold out, we ex pee'. be will continue to yield to nobody IC+ bucolic ardtr. Yle no doubt stand: ready to sacrifice all his own and his wife's nutrierons tele tious or) the alter of public duty at 00 mueh and found The farmers who farm lands and not FORCED TO SHUT DOWN The Continental Binder Twine Works West Brantford, have been eleseddown en acceunt of the removal of the duty and the competition of prison labor. The machinery has all been placed 10 order for preservation during non.us- age, and the engine hari beau aliment - led. As far as present indications go4 the factory is likely to remain closed, aud some 70 hands in all will be thrown ou t of employment. This is another black eye for Brantford at the heeds of Reformers, Inclutilug:Fenatore and members of the Legielative Couecils, whieh exist in ennui of the provinces, we have in all 719 members of Parliament, or about one member to everv 7.000 of our pop. elation. These members draw every year as sessional allowances 031,140, besides mileage, which probable. am- oauts to utterly, if vot quite $100,000 more. The Cabinet ministers who draw .salaries number in all fifty, and receive yearly $217,300. If Great 13rit- aitt and Ireland had proportionately as many members of Parliament would uumber about 5,752 and tbe TJuited States Were proportionately governed, their Cabinet Miaisters and State offic- ers would number 756 and their sena. torsattd Representatives over $10,000. DOHERTY BAY GO TO LONDON. Provided terms can be arrived at the chances aro that the Doherty Orgau Company will move to London. The works were deetroyed by fire a few days ago at Clinton, and although the Town Council bave offered the firm a loan of $25,000 for twenty years with- out interest un conditiou of their re building, the firm have not accepted. It is uuderstood, instead, that they would greatly prefer removing to a more central location, such as is Lon. don. Mr. John F. Sherlock a repro, septative of the firm who resides in Londtn, says that the firm will rebuild somewhere at once, and on an exten- sive scale. At the time of the fire nearly 500 orders for organs remained unfilled. The firm employed 150 men and last year paid out in wages $50.- 000, The output is about 400 organs per month. Mr. Sherlock says that should the firm decide to move to Lon don they- would require about live acres of ground. VITAL STATISTICS. The report of births, marriages and deaths for the Province of Ontario, foi,4 1896, have just been issued. This re- port is always a year behind, due to the difficulty of getting returns, yet it contains some interesting facts. The following statements pertaining. to Huron are taken from its pages; bear in mind they all relate to 1896: -Popu- lation, 70,253;.births, 1,824, being an increase of 1116 over tlae previous year; marriages, 361; a decrease of 42; deaths 587, an increase of 54. The average death rate for ten years, per 1000 of po- pulation was 79; this is as low a 'death rate as occurs in any country in Ou tario, and much lower tban some oth- ers, thus showing that Huron is fairly healthy. Of the deaths pneumonia., phthises and old age carry off more than any other cense.OE the births, 153 occur in June, this being, the larg est number in any month, February being the smallest, with 73; 10 pair of twins were born; 685 maks and 639 fe- males were the sexes,refuting the idea that more girls than boys are born. The largest number of marriages took place in March, there being 40, while Je nuary„Tane, October, Novem her and December, each leturn 37. More Met hod ists were marl led t hat: any other denomination, there hclog 272, e Into the Presbyterians enme next. with 251 -our persons over 70 years were mar riedohat year; 1 mole under 20 and 45 fr males; there being 243 persons mar vied between the ages of 25 and 20. COUNTY COUNCIL lffEETS.1 • 2 Council resumed resumed according to 4(1.1 UNEXPECTED mantes or January Sesstou. lournment, The County Ceuuell of Ruron met in the cenne11 chamber at 3 pen , Tuesday Jan. 25th. All the members were pres eat. The clerk, asked that a wardea be eleeted. The following uarnes were submitted B. S. Qook, of Howik De. Rollies, of Exeter; and Geo. MeEwan, of flensall. Mr. Cook, with the consent ef his mov- er and seeonder, withdrew, and on a ballot beitig taken, Mr. elawert setter and elerk memoralize the Legal Legis ed 9 votes and Dr. Rollius 7, lature, to so arneud the eluuicipal Act, Ma McElwee was declared elected, that members et municipal couecile aud subscribed to the oath of offiee be, shalt be elected for A term of two years, ore Judge Masson. said election to take place at same time The following striking committee as elections foreouoty couneillors. Sent was elected:: Messrs.cook, Holt, Miller, to Executive corainittee. Rollins -Melones, that the clerk be hereby empowered to distribute county' property such as handcuffs, etc., only on the authority of a member of the county cottneil, and tiot on the author ity of the rooves and, deputy reeves as heretofore -Carried, Nictean-Itollins, that the new ems,. ty flag be used for county purposes only, and not lent to be used, for any other purpose.-Careieci. pereauee_meLeare that the warden • Torrauce and MeLean. Commit theu adjourned uutil Wed- nesday at 10 a.111. COrnaltillitatiens were read from am county of ',moult, respeeting amend - meets to Hiatt School net of 1896, am' front the Centaity of Bruce, asking co operation 10 p Itigning the Legislature to annetud tin; County Coilkicil3 act of 1896 Seut to Special Committee. Bleep- dIcLea a. (Tuckersraith), that P. Reit at W. Lane be anditers of criminal juetleest accounts. Carried. Jordan, Goderieli, Dr. Melones, Seteforthi alai Heavy Plumstead,thimoie were elected, to their respeetive Colleg- iate Itietittue boards. Messrs. Baird, of Stailleyt and A J. Moore,ef eiodetieb; were appointed members of tbe County Board Of etaill iners. Following are the standing commit- tees for the yeer 1698. Exemetive Committee- Relt, Moues' Elislop. Cox, Cook. Special Cenunittee.-Holt, eleotiey, Melee. Coe, Cook, Finance Coteeniteee•-Hollins, rorrance, St Imre J. 13 eleLean. Road neat Bridges Committee -Patter- son, Hays, R MaLesei, Meinnes, Snell. Edueatiou Committee -Rollins, elil lee, 'rorrauee, Stuart, J 13. Metean. County Property Coramittee-ePatter- Bass. B. McLean, McInnis'Stiell. Rquelizatiou Conituittee.-The whole Council. Warden's Committee -Miller, Tor reeve. 1 B :Vetereti, Holt. Home of Refuge Committee. -Pat- terson, Stuart, McInnis, The mat motion for a graut of $900 to the Apiculture! Societies was sent to Fetecutive Committee. The commit then adjourned io8 p.m. M. Connell resumed actording tu ad- journment. A motion to grant a sum of $10 for flowers around court house was sent to Executive Committee. After several mottoes were tnado and sent 10 committee, the council adjourn ed to 10 a.m. Thursday. THURSDAY Application of Juo. Burgess for the position ot Auditor, watt read. and laid ou the table, A. L. Gibson, registrar of Huron, waited on the Council, and explained the difficulty in keeping the Aim books in proper repair. Messrs. J, C. Morrison, of McKillop, and duo, Burgess, of Turnberry, were nornitieted for the position of auditor. On the vote being taken, Mr, Morrison was elected The Warden nominated D. Urq uhart of Rensall, as his auditor. Patterson -Stuart, that the county commissioner examine Dyer's bridge, between Hullett and Wawanosh, and have tenders placed before this council at June session. Sent to Road and Bridge Committee. Cook -Miller, that the County Clerk ascertain from the Provincial auditor. the probable cost of an audit of the at counts of this county for three years,by the Provincial auditor, and lay such information before the council at the June session. -Carried. elcteao-Snell, that a railing he put at each end of Bei -miller bridge, in the township of Colborne. -Carried. Holt -Hislop, that necessary repairs be made to the Port Albert bridge, un- der the direction. of the County Corn- missionea-Carried. The council then adjourned to Bpm. 9t. Council resumed according to ad. journment. Rollins -Snell, that to admit inmates to Rouse of Refuge, the card of admis- sion be countersigned by one county couneillor of the district, in addition to the signature of the reeve from the municipality from which the proposed inmate comes. Sent to Exeeutive Com mute& Rollins -Snell, that the Warden and House of Refuge Committee take steps to have Brindley, an inmate of the liouse, admitted to the .Asylura for idi- ots or to county jail. -Carried. McLean -Cox, that county property cammittee examine .the House of Re- fuge once a year same as all other county property. Lost. The couneil then acljonrned. 1111 10 a. m. Friday. The various by-laws were then pass ed and the council adjourned tto meet on the first Tuesday lo Juee. REPORTS GF commraEs, coin -roe PROPERTY COMMITTED Reported that they had examined the gaol and found it clean and in good order feud recommeuded. That the gaoler be allewed. to _filter the sanitary arrangements ef the gaol yard. That a press be purchased to hold maps in the registry office, aod that the Registrar be en -Tee -en -4 to employ a canto -tem person to bind stieh books as teed re binding. That the walk, of Judge elassou's ream be painted, and a enitable dee"; procured for his Mo. That a suitable raiUug be placed in Judgo Binyheie °Mee. "'bat the furnituee, asked for by the sheriff be procured and the wellof the office be painted. 1 hat a new Union Jeck of good qual- ity a bumbler be purchased. That all work recommended, in tide report he performed, under the super- visiou af the Conley Commissioner, the member of o 1. divielou and the War- den. That the different rooms in the eourt house had, been exam -hied and found lean and well kept, and that At. Me Creath appears to be a very efficieret man for the poeitiou. GAOLER'S REPORT, The Gaoler's report showed that 12 males and I, female were in tile gaol. the woman being insane, 1 man await - lug removal to the Central prison, and eleven being under sentence as vag- rants. ROAD AND BRIDGE. The committee recommended that the by law of the township of Gederich dosing road allowance be confirmed That piping he placed as guards' on the bridges at Clinton, Winghate and Saltford. Time TI1I refereuce to motion of Messrs. Patterson and. Stuart, re Dyers bridge, that the Cern miselonot» have said brulge re -built, if necessary. PINANCE COMMITTEE. The Faience committee, after recom- mending the payment of some 17 ae• eounte coneluded as follows; We have receive(' the treasurer's letter and fi. nand& statement. We find the state ment explicit and easily uuderatood. We recommend that the letter and statement be printed as usual io the minutes. From the bank statements submitted to us, we find that the treas- urer's deposits are more than the cash balance. SPECIAL. The Special Committee reported re- commending the couucil not to naemo- rialize the Legislature to attend the High School Act of 188C, or the County Conncil's Act of the same year. EDUCATION. The Education Committee reported that the School Inspector's reports had been exatnined, and recommended that they be printed in the minutes, ;with the exception of the visits to schools in the county Recomtnended that the examination centre in the township of Stephen for Entrance and P. S. L. examinations be changed from Grand Bend to Crediton, and that the County Clerk notify the Department of Education on the chauge. That in reference to the communica- tion of the Trustees' Association, ask- ing the council to send three delegates to their meeting in April, no action be taken. The Executive Committee recom- mended: ' That $10 be granted to the Prisoners Aid Association. That each member of the council be supplied' with a copy of the Munieipal World for 1898. That $300 be granted to the Agricult t ural and Hortie.u.itural societies. That $25 be granted to each Parro- t. Institute in the County. That $10 be expended in planting floceers araund Cour,t House. That $15 be paid to each Public Li- brary. That no grant be made to the Poul- try Association of the County. That F. Page, of Stephen, and J. Mc - FRIDAY. Kenny, of Hrick, be granted peddlars' Council resumed according to ad- lieenses free'of charge. ment. • That the lockup keepers be not paid Report of Counts, Property Commit- the sum of $10 per year. " tee was read, and clause 8, amended to That the tender of T. G. Tipling for read as follows. That tenders be tisk- groceries for the gaol, be accepted. ed for painting, Court House, for Plain 'That the tender of W. T. Murney for painting of brick work, tuck painted meats for the gaol, be accepted. Painting for briot work,.painting wood That the tender of D. Cantelou for work outside. The ebunty commission- bread for the gaol, be accepted. er to define the class of lend to be used. That the tender of F. G. Nselan, of Tenders to be placedbefme the council Sea torth, for connty printing be accept. in June next. ed, The work to be done to the satis- The following clause was added to faction of the Warden and Clerk. the report. That all properconuections That every order of committal to beteeeit the gaol and tbe.town. sewers, House of liefuge, be couetersigneci by be made as soon as possible The work any one connty councillor of the dis to be done neder the three:Hen of the triet or municipality, from which the 0e:101y commissioner and the Clerk inmate sent, resides The council then adjoureed till 2 p. That 827 be paid to the Clinton Co'm. - . Ice:late institute, tat- said ottna 1 avi.le COMPANY,_ ....stevee vellums Tame OU IIAVX AN, • • • , been deducted through an transpositiou of figures Teat the following sums be granted the Collegiate Institutes: Clinton $2093- 06i Seaton/1 82327 63; Goderich $1805., aud these same be paid by the treasurer. That the Warden and Clerk menaor, ialize the Local Legislature to so amend Municipal Act. that Municipal cottecits be elected for 41 term of two eears, Aid, that the Clerk find out the peva of type writiug machines, aud report at June meeting, 'eS`r 111.11,10N IN$PRAITORATE. Excerpts from Inspector J. E. Tonee reverts. Receipts 1696 1897 „ ....$11407 11 812618 tievernmeut grant .9135 07 3995 to Frain Assessment, 89329 91. 46041 84 From ether services 11273. 07 8392 14 Totals 54095 89 00817 117 Belauce ot 1898 ....$11290 48 Teachers and salaries 1896 1897 Male teachers unwise eel .058 58 Female " ,.73 75 Average salary Male.. 8379 8180 " '" Female.275 261 Certiketee 161,10 1607 -First Clus „ „ 2 13 &toad o .••••,..„•96 474 Third • go • • • —73 74 In 89 schools er departnivets, the; teachers have changed :duce 1896 3 During 1697 new schools were built at Dashwood, No 4 6. 13 Uehorne. No 15 Ashfield, and No, 12 Hay. teed all of them are a credit to the peeple of the seetious. The average echnel awe-et:ate, far 1896 was 4d01, for 1697, 4416, end the per ceutage of average mend:Leo, 58.8 and 597 respecthely. At the suidsumme r axandieuien 267 pupils wrote on Elamite pavers, of whom 176 passed, and 1.46 P, S. L., tf whom 76 succeeded. e ()laymen% neat" Should be your mud when you need a medicine Do not be induced to tato any substitute hen you call for Heed's Sarsaparilla, Fa perl•Zece has pm% ed it to be the best It is an Women med Wino, possessing actual end uneettalael merit. Bo wise and profit by the ex- perience of other people. Hoods Pills are the favorite family cathartic, ease^ to take, easy to operate. At the Victoria Wheel Works, Galt. John Tufeord, an employee, was caught by a knife attachment, lifted oil his feet and whirled around several times. .His iujuries may prove fatal. The McIntyre Block, of of the best business buildings in Wiunipog, Was destroyed by fire early Wednesday morning. The loss is 8400,000, and, several eastern firms are interested. The young white girl recently dis- covered among a band of Indians near Pierre, South. Dakota, has been idente fled by Mrs. 'rumen, of Cannington Mawr, Moose Mountain, as her long. lost, daughter. Division Court. The following .Division Court eases were tried iu Luean last week, Judge Edward Enlace presiding; Randford vs. Craveu was a jury ease and was for damages for the non deliv ery of a horse said to have been putt chased. After hearing the plaintiff's evidence the judge took the ease from the jury and gave judgment for the defendent Dickson, of Exeter, for plaintiff; MacDiarmid for defendent. Edwards vs. Lamport, aii action for damages for collision on concession 2, McGillivray. Verdict for plaintiff for $10 and costs. MacDiarmid for plaint iff; Dickson for defendent. Clerke vs. Kelly, action for price of wood and other goods left on premises when house was sold Defeodant claim ed a set off of five dollars for insurance not transferred, and deposited tive dol- lars in court for balance of account. Judgment for plaintiff for $2 50 in ad- dition to the $5 in court with costs. The alaintiff conducted his own case; Bayly foridefendent. Seen vs Bice, action for account for lumber and sawing logs. Defendant bad tendered $9 in settleinent of ac- count before action was entered, the pla,intift claiming $9 48. Judp.:Inetit for plaintiff for $7.60 without costs. Mac Diarmid for plaintiff; Dickson for de fendeut. ayto Take OXFORD RIVA 13ecauee it is thea the fire glowers $o quickly to a touch; it eau 1)9, bright, mica up: or shut down low at e-mernent's tunic() and se is always rea.'dy for em- ergensies, Ae4 there are never apl. failures in baiting 'with them. Unequalled, for SatisfamOoR Manufacttired by the GURNEY -90., LIMITED„ TORONTO. DEAVETT & JONES, AGENTS, EXETER The MoIrsons 'Bank. . (Ohertoree. hv IterlialOMMts 15550 ?aid up Capital..,....... $2,000,000 Rest Fund • • 1,500.000 Ibad ofOce -Montreal. .F. WOLFERSTAN TIIOMAS, Esq., OENERAL MANAGER Adono.vadvure•F4 400d Varraer's on their Jwtt aotes wz:L. one or more endorsers e,Z reroent per aaalalam Exeter Branch. ry newful Alag trout 10 it. ea.to 3 p .•Satordayti 110 m• to 1 p, re &genera I banking business transacted GURRENT RATES allowedfor mon- ey ea Depeat rtoeaios. tiavingS Batik at 0 per cent. N. D. HURDON Man f3PfM,IPAPROIRSIPOlfiSffal, REPAIR SHOP Having Opened out n well equipped Shop. I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing such as BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, LAWN MOWERS. In fact everything and anything. We make a specialty of remodelling Bicy- ele$ and sharpening LAWII Mowere at thie time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH. (Inc door north Mr. Stewart's store, PIO -Itiff,,ri:•7, from WeakIl fib eaueai hy youth., Gal Andiseretions should not p• rmit lite'si•looll to he:lapped away -by 1hea. In roux en is ono of inats's create ene- mies. NO MaiJ NhOUld enter into t be sa red hoods uf matrimony unless he is a man in every tiOlitiO of the word. Many moo have gone down to their grave through neglect I/1 this dreaded woody. it leaves behind in its track's Callaaal p - tion, Insanity, Aversion to Society. russ,Deafnes.c. worry and various other kindred diseases. Itan cure 'thyself with AsiaticRestorativeCapsules They aro pleasant, safe,rellable, and the only remedy that will give permanent re- lief. This remedy is fouud in the great wilds of Asia Minor and is imported by us solely $1.5a per box or four latV'eS for sre sent securely sealed. A. trial boale will convince. Atbiress it travrivii mr,D, vim CO., Detroit, MI Wk. 11111EMMILICIVIEMINIII=611112211111217EVi 41I Ting :111)131110 IgAltRISON Business and Shorthand Colleiie Car. Young and College SU., Toronto is an absolutely first-class Business School. Individual instruotion by experienced teach- ers holding highest qualifications. Good re - snits. Prospectus mailed free. Dater now. R. D. Ximmo Jas. 'garrison 1,rincipais Entril‘?erfsritvduatitnedoLT:loll.to Mr. J. J. Foy, Q. C., was nominated by the Conservative convention of South Toronto Saturday evening. Mr. W. J. Willoughby, Conservative, has withdrawn from the contest in East Latnbton, leaving Mr. Pettypiece, Lib - oral, and Mr. McCallum, P. P. A., in the field. * Mitchell: Mr. S. A. Hodge, druggist was married in Toronto on Tuesday to Miss Eugenie Tallman, sister of Mrs. T. S. Ford, of this town. After the wedding tour they will , take up their home here. Mitchell: Mrs. Pernall had a Para- lytic stroke on Friday night and anoth- er on Sunday which leaves little chance for recovery. Mrs. Parrott is also very U1 from cancer and cannot survive much longer. St. Marys: Richard Cubboia, who was teaming ice from Trout creek to J. D. Moore's refrigerator. met with • a mishap on Friday after.mon,, which nearly cost him the loss of a limb. While unloading ice from hi S sleigh On to the elevator which carries it to the top of the refrigerator, his foot slipped. in between the cog wheels. With great presence of mind he grabbed the ele- yator chain arid pulled his foot out, and although the member is badly jemmied the heavy rubber boot an41 two heavy pairs of socks that he had on saved the foot from being entirely crushed. He Was taken over to his home, where on arrival it was found necessary to cut , the hoot off, so badly had the foot swol- it asy to ,operf ate Are features peculiar • Hood's Pills. Small in size, tasteless, erneten , thorcrugh. As one man . • sakt: "You ver bame taken 8112 nver." 955. C. i'roprictorS, The only Pill lee, CA MOW you '11 it ic all 7:"4 41 ell "Nriss C'g 44:7'; 4 115 4 Ike with HOO1r2 "14 • For Infants and. Children. lo 58 ever