HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-12, Page 1ELEVENTH YEAR, -548. KEEP YOU EXETER, ONTARIO, TRU IN.. 4 ...esseereeeeessereseesese :SDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1898.137, flay School Report , The January monthly report of S. S. Nu, 2, is as follows. Nernes are in or der of merit. V -J. W Todd, A1. M. R * Russell, Maud Russell, IV-Sarahl J. .. , WORKIBG Nortbv.ott,%%. R, Dougall, W. H. 1Var- ee...-- e - - - - ren. Sen. 11I -H. F. Johnston, Aiict —,...-...,.... • a EYES' 4.. .. oRDER pougae, Gerrie Harvey. Jun, III. - W. L. O'Brien, E. J. Gould, Luella Minim Fart II -Cora Mule), R F Northcott, J. R. Mune. II Part -Willie Russell,13ertie Northcott Rif el Harvey. Fart 1 -Roy Todd, Wilfred Munn, Ear. 131Ackwood. The best speVers in the mouthlrepelling matches were -V- M. Russel; IV -S. Northcont Sen, III- A. Dougall;Juu. III- W. O'Brien; H- e. Munn; Part II -M. Dougall; Parc I W. Munn. Our Lenses are true and will give comfort.. They help to preserve the sight, We nialce ITO GEAR= for, testing' your eyes, Graduate of the Optical Instituto, S. FITTON • • Our Clock and Watch Department is Complete Usborne Conoil Couneil Rooms, Feb, 5th. Drop in and take A LOOK AT OUR GOODS * Council met today pursuant to ad- • journment. All present. Minutes of and see our prices; by so doing you January meeting read, approved and ME& sigEleribY Hee". Elunter---KeddY' ..._,.._.......:: that the Auditor's report as presented be adopted; that 150 copies of report be SOLID GOLD WEDDING RIMOS. printed for distributiou • rind. Oita the Auditors be paid 56 each'for their set, ESTABLISHED 1887, T. FITTON. It7.11ces.-Carried. Del bridge -Haile lu, at By -Laws No. 2 and 3 as now read a second and third time he passed, sign- 0, 11. SANDERS, 'EDITOR. Claudeboye. Miss Anderson of KinloeSt is visiting Mrs. Eli Biee.-Messrs. E. Hodgins and G. Lewis will shortly give lectures iu behelf of the Farmers' Institute. --1•1r. D.Shoff received a letter mailed at Vancouver, B. C. from Ws sons Ernest and Fred who start ee for Dawson City a Short time ago They were to sail for Dyna Feb 6. They report a pleasant journey so far.-Richai 4 Simpson is again attending to business after a often ilium. Mooresville Wbeat and politics are both in the ascendent this week. Canvassers are busy looking up the free Red mclepeed- ent eleetor of North MiddN'sex. Every Conservative will say Hodgins is sure to %in and every titit wd. tete levier 8 agfest. there PAW. Sue 18 ure I_ to. 0 F. purpose havinga banquet Se/.us Hall, Ciaodeboye, on .1.7tt. inst., ad the O. 0. C. F., a concert to their hell in 1,110411 on the 18th. Tick - eta, 25 cents --The rends were complete y blockaded here all last weer,. Up to Sunday it was impossible to go to i4looreaville.-Mr„ John Simpson, of Mc- Ilivray, has Opened up an opposition mill to Rollins & Williams in Moores- ' . MARIIZED.-A very pleasant affair lok place at t o residence of Mr S. H. Hodgins, of the 2nd cot:cession of Itid f his etch st daughter,' dulpb the other day. the occasion be ing the marriage o - Amite to :We. 'tt alter Logan, of Leedom township. The happy 1OUph WilI en•1 joy their holieyineou by taldu a trip to Niagara. Saratoga auti elseitherie Mare seeds his greetings in verse like - t..111s OW Annie. on her wielding date WiIheve good wishes talent; /ler goad man may Well bless the day Tic tall in love with .Annie. May she enjoy her married lii And :aim houtewife "nag awl got a !ovine, ware Tete da;: that he got Annie. For Annie she is fair to see; And has admirers inany; There's ant a neighbor in the place But wishes well to Annie. IQUOR LICENSE ACT. Take notice that I have applied to the Lie- rg:er (grirgsosiforga.sforrrilogu%r lituerouns,0 for Chaeles ;Wilson, of tblie Yillage of hensall. Any t'h.lectio::s to said transfer must be rondo to the LiCOPM3 InsPeeter within ten days leofis ltal.elt :10,41.• • , t r, • , • . MON gra 4. ...,-:•,,n- re.V4te gUtnAS to lend on im irovcd, farms, at five and ilvo aad a half per eclat. Apply to Z1,1,101' S; 1.11,AIMAN, SOlieitOra. ete , lat December. net. Estelle. FARMS FOR SA.LE. -15.101\my TO LOAN. Tho undersined has a few good farms for • sale elwa,/,, ,Ni,oney to Phial cat ease terms. I JOU:. SeaelutaX, Sarnwell's Meek Exeter. • --•, Boars for Service. , The undersigned will heels on Lot 9, 1, onlUH , on, Imparted eliester 1,‘"bite Muer and a 'rho:aural:bred Berkshire Boar ler serviee. te:rn1S• Jena . SOUTH HURON Seed Oats, PUBLIC MEETINGS The undersigned has a limited quantity e New 'White Siberian Stall Oats which he wi dispose of in quantities to bait purchaser. These are the leading oats at the (Snell: Experimental Earui and are without a (lout) %no beton the niarltet. JouN MAY, eshorne, Loudon Road., Exeter P.0 f The Liberal Conoryative Candidate, Mr. n Either. will address the eleetvri: at the fel- lowiag time and places: 1 GI k tEDITON: Town Eitill, Fridley, Feb's, 11, t (*RAND BEND: Saturday Feb'y 2. DAS WOOD Meser's Hall, Monday, Feb. i4 Z11.111014. Town Ball, Tuesday, Feb.15. VARNA.: Town Ilall, Wednesday, Feb, 16. , BAY PIELDa Town Hall, Thursday, .Fob 17. lidIDERICH TOWNSHIP: Currie's Orange Ball, Friday, .Feb.18 TUCHERSMITIlt s Hall, Mon.,Feb. 21 I HENSALL; Nomination, Tuesday, Feb. 22. ELIM VILLE. • Townehip Hall, Usberne, Weldnesday, Feb. 23. • All meetings to be addressed at 7130 each d evening - FAME FOR SALE. !TIDE undersigned Oilers for sale Lot No. 5 J. 4th concession, Township of Kincardine The farm consists of 50 attrOds eleared; goo ArTRO house and. barn; also two good omit rria,and a plentifulsupply of water. Th Fland is situated 11/4 miles from the Sauget) line and 4 miltss from the town of Kincar dine. Price $1,31,1; 8306 down, the balance i ten or twelve years at 4,1: per cent. Possess ion may be had et one* For further partie Wars apply to 51.1te. T110S, A.BBO r, Broad. - way, rd in e - Partner meetings will bo announced later. 0' M. Y. McLean or any person in his behalf n invited to any or alt of the above meetings. ABSTRACT. ARE YOU BUILBING? tAL, AIL zric Airc "tic.• .1F Mr Do not not place your order 'un- til we give you prices for NAILS LOCKS BUTTS GLASS OILS LEADS CEMENTS TROUGH Plaster Paris Furnaces, etc. Receipts and Expenditure, Assets and Liabilities of the Village of Exeter, for the year ending Stst December, 1897. RECEIPTS. . Balance from 1390, $ 2,725 97 Arrears of taxes 18911, 191. 54 Interest on arrears of taxes 1806 9.E'ilin;e6s'efo.ulat'eGrtMe. an ieipal purposes '07, m3222578:0 it7:1102 Legislature grant, for school Poll tax County grants Public; scool board License fund 5137 (5)05 81 35 Interest on investments and deposits 1255 2521 Rents of village proper ty Money borrowed on bills payable 2400 00 Miscellaneous 6 75 Dog tax (extra) Street watering, frontage tax 11072 0050 Total Receipts 15175 20 • EX.PENTATURE. County rate Streets, bridges, iarks, clrains, eet. Town Hall account Elea tioxi expenses Salaries and commissions Refund of taxes and errors Water supply and fire protection Charities Registration 926 63 1018 14 87 03 19 00 54886 6000 251 04. 7411 4505 Legal tees 685 Bills payable and redeemed Printing, stationery and postage 2400119 0092 Interestlother than debenture interest 50460 2050 Street lighting 601 00 Afisnellaneons 793 66 Town Hall " Railway debenture debt 325 00 Granolithic pavement debenture debt 129 50 Street watering account 127 09 Public school board•3255 26 Total expenditure 11552 52 ASSETS. Cash in Xreasureeklis,nds Dee,S1, '97 882268 Uneollected taxes 89 29 Parkland value, 1500 00 Town. Elan and furniture 6500 00 School property land and buildings 8250 00 One hand fire engine and appliances 600 00 one steam " 2800 00 Market building and weigh scales 100 00 Wind mill, water tanks and carts 750 00 Band instrument& and uniforms 400 00 Total Assets 24820 97 LIABILITIES. Railway debenture debt 8696 53 Town Hall •"' " 6500 00 Granolithio pavement debentureciebt 6(1 60 Steam fire engine debt.2400 00 Total Liabilities 18208 05 er, 3316SETT, • .70SSPH SENIOR, ARditOrS WinoheIsea School Report, The following Is a correct report of the standing orthe pupils in S No . . . G, Usborne, for the month of January: 5th, Ella Camm, Ethel Godbole; Sr. 4th, eitettete. Linda Hunter, Mary Delbridge, Dora Dalbridge; Jr,4th, May Hawking, Alice Berryhill, Chas. Miners; Sr. 3rd, Harvey Baynes, Toria Miners, Genie Miller; Jr. 3rd, Mabel Sawyer, Chas, Godbolt, Bertha Woods; Sr. 2, Breee Cooper, May Jones, Garnet Miners; Jr. 2nd, giver Jewitt, Cecil Caitn, lla Berryhill ; Sr. pt. 2, Flossie Fratici Olive Berry. ateseseeeseetteesetewerretasearstenewsesei hill; Jr. pt. 2, Wilfred Johns, Alden wed_t_' ,sear'17, f,........2tetddE0.22F2N=WerIg...-aw-10`..nr Johns, Nelson Coutes; S ), pt. 1, Lislie ' ----- Worden, Victor Sawyer, Beatrice Wil , Cox; Jr. pt. 1, Ivy Pull blank-, Luella Bayes, Jackson Woods. Rifinn 1flfl • ' PETER GIAIRDIN . , t ELLA E. ALLS 4, ' Teachers t,1 se. • t Tuckersmith: Mr. lie A a Ora h ac- cidentally cut his foot 'sk. cut ing EXETER . . wood on Monday. G-IVE US A CALL, IT WILL PAY YOU , • Steen, erts.4' ed by the, Reeve and the corporate seal attached .-Carried. Reddy- liunkite that the tender of the Exeter Times, to do the printing: usually required by the municivelity tor the year 1398, be aceepted.-Carried, liunkin-Hunter, teat the following accounts be paid and that the Reeve sign orders for the same: W. Turnbull, auditing accounts, $6i Joints, auditiug aecounte, Stl; al %York), six subseriptions triad blank forme, $10.00: Paul Coates, salary aS neastIter, 810; I . Morley, reeiatratton of births, marriages and deaths. $18; Eneter Times, printing coutracts and appeal notices, $19 25. -Carried. Del bridge -Kt -tidy, that Council adjeurn. 10 meet April 2nd, at 1. o'clock. 31oluatv, Clerk, Hay Colima Council met on Feb. 7th at 2 o'clock p m. All members present, The Auditors report was laid before the Council showing a balance of $632.71 in the Treasurer's hands et the 31st clay of Dec., 1897. The books were finally audited and signed by the reeve. Also a certificate of the audi- tors stating that they have examined the 'Treasurer's bonds and that they consider them satisfactory. In regard of petition of .Alex. Me - Ewen and others asking to have the dog -tax abolished according to Vic. 53 Chapt, 62, Sub section 2,, the pe. tetion was granted, and a byelaw ordered to be passed confirming the same. Re petition of David Mack and others, praying the Council to form a now school section out of Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 in the 1, 2, 3 and 4 concessions, the clerk was instructed to notify all parties concern- ed that the petition will be considered at next meeting of the council. -The Reeve was, on motiou, empowered to buy a quantity of cedar for culverts. -By-law No. 1, 1892 was duly passed after being read three times. -Checks were issued for the followiug amounts: Wm. Tinney, error in taxes $13 91; C. Troyer, postage $2; John Foster tile N. B. $3.90; J. Foster, C. R. 65; I Welton, acct. leackscnithing $L15; Mrs E. Wetzel, charity $10; Municipa World, 7 subscriptions, Assessment rol one pad $9.25; Brown Bros, Treas. cash book $3.40: T. Johnston, dug tax re- funded $1; Gavin Ross, gravel $7.34; G. Ross, damage $2; Alf Tiedeman, service re Board of Health during 1897 .75.; Wm. Trimner, bridge over each branch N. S. D. $6,75; Feed Signer auditors salary $5; Fred Hess' Sr. ser- vice re S. S. 12 $2 ; F. Hess Sr. re U. 3: S. Co. 16 $2 =Council will meet again ou Monday March 7th at 10 o'clock p. m., when pathmasters and other officers will be appointed. The Board of Health met on Jan 31.st at 2 o'clock, all • present. Dr Campbell Medical Health Officer, -Jos. Snell chairman, Jas. Bonthron Inspect. or eastern division, Hy. Zimmerman inspector western division, Alex. Mc- Ewen, David Spencer and Moses Gci. ger members. The inspectors were advised by the Board to make their Crediton MreWra. Dryer, who has bean visit- ing his parents here for sotbe time, re- turned to his home in North Dakota last, Wednestirts.-Mies Ida Winer, who has been visiting friends in New Hamburg for a few weeks, returned home last Friday. -sI, Y. McLean, M. P. P., was in the village on Friday. -Mr. Harry Sweet, of California, spent this week with his frieuds here. -Mr and Mrs f S Mr and i)Irs. George Motz.-Mr. and John Pewter, of Zurich, spent Sunday with Mr. and' ...a. Samuel Brown, - Mr. Phillip Fossil, of Exeter, spent Sun! day with friends here. -Mise, Beulah Beaver left for Alma College • emas on Thursday. We wish ledeg. et in her studies. -Mr. and .Mrs. Attars, of Dresden, are visiting Mr and Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers -The Public School Leaving and Entrance examinations will be held here at Crediton in future instead of at Grand Bend. -The wife of Ezra Heist presented her husband with a bouncing girl last week. No wonder Ezra is wearing such a bright smile, - The revival meetings are still cantina ing in the German church. -Mr. Wm. • Kuntz, of Exeter, was in the village • last week. -Mr. Hy. Eilber held a conw mittee meeting in the Town Hall, 11 Tuesday evening. His first public meeting will bo held here nt the Town Hall Friday evening, at 7:30 p.m. A full attendance is . requested -The town people and vicieity are requested to attend a mass meeting at the Town Hail on Thursday evening in order to ce, o t athetines, are the guests annual inspection of schools etc. etc., a bout the first ,week in June. Tho Board is desirous that the medical practioners should carry out the pro. visions of the Public Health Act re - gar 1ng con tagious diseases asestrietly as possible. • The Board to meet again at the Call of the chairinan. • FRED HESS Su., Cleek • Usl)orue WEDDING 13neee.-An event which is usually bailed with delight by the fairer sex took place at the residence of Mr. Wm, Earl, of the 7th concession, on Wednesday, Feb. 9th, the event being the marriage of his daughter, Kate Alice to Mr. John Thompson. The nupital knot was tied by the Rey, C. Fletcher in the presemee of about eighty guests. The presents were numerous, costly and useful. The •happy couple have the well -wishes of a large circle of friends, for a long, happy and prosperous married life, discus the advisibility of organizing a town band. HAPPILY fileenten.-The residence of Mr. Geo. Mantle was the scene of a 4. very happy and pleasant event on " Tuesday afternoon last, the occasion being the marriage of Miss SUSia Eng. land, daughter or Mrs. Mary England,e • to Mr. William Winer. The Rev. H. '" E. Bray, of the Trivia Memorial Church, Exeter, performed the ceremony in the presence of a large circle of invited friends and relatives. The groomsman and bridesmaid were dispensed with having only little Miss Myrtle Hirtzse as maid 01 honor. The bride was the TIE BOT •r•-••••• Hirm. the 1.1th.,Timoe, Montreal, Feb 5. -For the fourtit time in twelve yeare, the Herald e ing was badly damaged by Ate thie • moreiug Tile fire started in the thirt s gat, and quickly spread to the fourth, where ale job and bindery plants were legated. In half au hour the tire was drenched out,but the prerraisee were bad- ly soaked. The Linotype machine Berlin Feb. 4th.-,Taines AlliSou, 01 cold bloo4e0 boy murderer of Mrs. An tawny Orr In August lea, expiated hi crime on the seaffold here this morning There were not more than abont twee ty five persous present at the final scene in the tragedy, which included the Jail officials, representatives of the preew the riewspaper preea, befog in an ene oex, was untouched. The Herald will the murder's spiritual adviser, Rev R. Atkinson, and the surgton, Dr Bowlby. The execution took place it the woodshed. and the scaffold was $o arranged that wheu the trap was sprung the body was completely bidden from view as it dropped into a depart meat especially prepared for its recap. tion..Tlae trap was sprung at SQ. The procession to the- scaffold was eteumene- ea at 8 o'clock. Prisotteett arms were pinioned in the usual way, arid he walk- ed to his death with a firm tread, eud an apparently incomprehensive look upon hie face. Tice order of the pro cession was as follows; Jailer Cook, A Boomer, J. P„ of Linwood; Rev. Mr. Atkinsou, Turnkey Tracey, and Night Death VI atch Gastmeyer with_ the pies oner, Coroner Webb and Jail Surgeon Dr. Bowlby a. The pritionerse face was paled to an ashy hue, but his step was tirra, and st slight smile such as he always seemed to wear was oltservable. He mouuted the steps leading to the scaffold at.d made ea remarks hefore the. Week cep was adjusted. The drag was Itardle heard by the etwetatere,lAtiwiug to the scaffold being enclosoe. The betly was viewed at S.15 by Rad- cliffe, the eoroner and jell surgeon, Dr. 0. 11. Bawlhy, wha prenotatced deeth 'iodise:areal/Ft as the Dee; teas Itrassen A cortmer's juts. wets sub:wipe:4* empeuelled and an it quest wgi beheld The prieotter spent a very te Wert. aisle night and to i k breakfast as its- ual, His spiritual adviser was with Mw the greater portion of the eight and in the early hours this morning. Allison gave Governor Cook the fol lowing written Statement:-" I atn sorry for my crime 1 did it out of ill -will. 1 hope those who 1 injured mill forgive me, and that no one wilt turn this up to my people. My sentence is just and 1 hope Gnd will have mercy on me." (Signed) JAMES ALLISON The jury viewed the body at 8.35 and arrived at the following verdien- " That Jame e Allison came to kis death by the process of law." THE CRIME, The crime for which .Allison paid the death penalty was a most atrocious one and all developments since he was tak- en into custody have been watched with the deepest universal ieterest. The particulars of the crime Intelly were as Up, sis:-On the meriting of August 9 last. e was left on the Orr farm with Mrsk)rr and her two children. The husband bad left home at an early hour, leaving his wife milking the cows. IL was while performbag this ditty that Albison fired upon her from behind with a shotgun, and as she rolled off the stool wounded, he hurried to her, and picking up an axe, finished his fiendish deed by smashing in the poor woman's skull. He than hurriedly prepared a grave and buried the body where it was discovered a week later, in a badly decomposed .condition. In the mean- time the country had been scoured by searching parties. According to Alli- son's confession, he had intended to kill the whole family, and the grave in the swamp of which so much has been said was dug some three weeks before he killed Mrs. Orr for the reception of Tony her husband. Throughout the course. of the trial the murderer displayed the greatest nerve, even to the closing scene on the scaffold. , were disabled for the time beiegt /eat i be published in the Ofteette hUlkling• Loss abent ;10,000. A New Trial Granted. ..„ , 'reroute, Feb. S.. -The Dieistoeat eCeurt to dav heeded out judgment on. E. F. Johuston Inetion for a new' trial for W. J. Hatereetel, now iteriee 1Seotenee of death for the murder of his . wife, Rete Touglellaremoud, The new trot) will he granted, At Hanunotid's last trial -he hawing been already twice tried, the jury at the first trial disagreeiug-Justice 'Meredith, who tried the eaee, admitted as evidence the dispositions made by pelsonee at .the cortmer's itiqueet, after he bad been warned that be ueed net make any etatemt'ut. An appeal was taken against this evideuce. Tice court this .roorninee which consulted of Chaticellor Beyd eel Judaea Meredith land Robertson, decide6 that such evi (Iowa: should lave been admitted. Judge Meredith, bewever„ dissented, • lu ttet ileielereltott murder case 9610k (Witta%floCe Wats 1405 4.4eittlitted; ti lists Nap. anee ease it wee. Atwater ground of it:CIEVA,111 11•09. to the atimissibiiity ef dencs be,utriag on the var!ous attempts so preeuee iesterrieve low the priseeer. , All the juilettee atereed :het the . eel- deece sleeted he admitted. The new • trial. ;as tilerefeen, greeted on the first court wile, liknoratted was to have been hanged on Friday, Feb. 1.8. A Heartiess Monster. JaP. Stephenson, awell-to do brick and tile maker of Riecartline, has late. Iy earned for himself an unenvtahle &la- terite' as " a heartless ai:d inhume». mouster," to quote the Walkerton Tel- escope. He is a widower and only has . one daughter, a girl about 18 years of age. Ile forces the girl to help him in the brick yard, alit1 is very uiggardly itt the matter of buying clothes for her. Really in a, fit of &operation, She bought Same twenty dollars' worth of clothing, obtaining there on an order to which she signed her father's name. This was a serious offence in the eyes of the law. It was, indeed, forgery* pure and simple. Whnt most fathers would have done ender the circum- stances, would have been to have paid the bill and said nothingabout it. But James $tephensm wasn't built that way and he at out swore out an infor- mation against he. for forgery. A war- rant for her arrest was issued and she was lodged In tbe Walkerton jail. The clothing which she obtained on the forged order, had all been returned, and as she was too shabbily dressed to he presented before the judge, Consta • ble Pratt out of pity went down into his pocket and bought her a pair of shoes. She was advised to pIeadguilty which she did. The judge took a leni- ent view of the offence, and allowed. her to goon suspended sentence. • Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared by experienced pharmacists who know precisely the nature and quality of all ingredients used. Edward Nunn, a farmer, living near McIntosh Mills, about seven miles from here, was instantly killed Saturday or"' g by a load of wood overturning on nim. All details in connection with the ex ecution were carried out quietly, and he morbidly curious were afforded no opportunity of gratifying their curiosi y. Radcliffe did his gruesome duty well, and there was no hitch at any point. Rev. Mr. Atkinson read some passages from the Psalms, and, at the lu onesion of a short prayer Radcliffe pulled the lever, and as Allisou's body shot through tele trap an involuntary shudder passed through the little group about the scaffold, but they were mer- cifully spared the witnessing of the deatb,struggie of the condemned wretcl'. The enclosure was entered after a short • recipient of a large and varied array nterval and the body cut down. of presents, testifying to the esteem in which the 'worthy bride was held. We wish the happy coli'ple a long and happy married life, A number of business houses were burned at Sterling, Sunday, and the loss is $20,000. Grand Bend: Another pleasing event Goderich: Mr. and Mrs. J. T. O'Brien occurred in this neighborhood on Tues. d tl day, it being the marriage of Mr. Ed. man having opened a tailoring estab Gill, eldest son of Mr. Joseph Gill, to lishineut in that villa e • Miss Baker, daughter of Mr. PhilipBaker. Baker. • have remove to entre ia, le gentle. Think About Your Health. This io the Thne to Give Attention to VontPhytileal Condition. The warmer weather which will come with the approaching spring' months shoull find you strong and in robust health, you blood pure and you ;arpe- tite good. Otherwise you will be in danger of serious iliness Purify and enrich yotir blood with Hood's Sarsep mega, and thus a prepare for spring." This medicine makes rich, red blood and gives vigor and sita6ty. It will guard you against danger ffom the changes which tvill soon take place 11• World " Our Clubbing Rates. The ADVOCATE and Weekly Mail Empire $1.40 " Farm and Fireside $1.40 " Farmers' Sun • $1,25 " Globe $1. 50 " Advertiser 8135• Free Press 81.75 "• Witness, Montreal 31.60 " Star, "• $1.75 e Farm ill g $1.70 Daily News, Toronto 81.75 tar " •$2.00 $3.00 • STEWART.—Ill Exeter, on February 8th, the wife of Mr. Andrew Stewart, .. of a daughter. BIGNEY-lo Exeter, on February 5th, the wife of Mr, Wm Rigney, of a son. PASSMORD -In Usborne., on Feb. 4th, the wife of Thomas Passmore of a SOD. HA TST —ID Stephen, on Feb 3rd, the wife of Ezra Heist, of a son. PI ABUJA E WINER —ENGLAND,—A7 the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Geo. Man. • tle, Crediton, on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, if by the Rer. IL E. Bray, William • Zoer to Miss Susie England, daugh- ter of Mrs. Mary' England. TIIOILPSON -Eitat.--At the 13,Sidence of the bride's parents, on February 9, • by rho Rev. 0. Fletcher, Mr. John Thompson, of the boundary Usborne, to Miss Kate Alice, daughter of Mr. Wm. Earl, of Usborno. •0.0ATAIDS CANN. Exeter, on Feb. 7th, Eliza- - beth Ann, daughter of William and' Catherine S: Cann, aged 4 years, a months and 21 days. . GRANQ.It -In Clinton, on Feb.1, Aneje. Gra'lieer, daughter of Sas Granger Brucefield aged22 years. EVANS In St. Aarys, on Jan. 30th, Grace Grose, wile of Thos. Evans,' ' aged 73 years, 10 ntentlis, 16 days. Giro -1n St. Marys, on Feb. 2nd, Melissa Ann, beloved wife of Archi• e B. Gifford, aged 24 years, 7 months. etti . •