HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-5, Page 8Illeeinedera Wanted. The undersigned would be pleased ilitittake a number of boardevs.—Ladies etc Gentlemen. First class aceowmoda then. Terme reasenable. Apply at the 'Irate.% opposite Commerical Hotel. Bitowineeteet IJ ROO & FEED ME To thelJousekeepers of Exeter and vicinity ADMIT FEBRUARY. Ut. the undersignawill open a Flour and Feed business 'n the store three doors south of the kost Office where FLOUR FEED POTATOES 9 AND OTHER VEGETABLES will be kept on hand ALL ORDERS DELIV.EltEil !MON Send the ADVOCATE to your friends One dollar% year. For cheap reading, read our club- bing rates iu this issue. The Exeter Hockey team (R. C. C's.) will play a game at Clinton neeiglat (Thurs). with the team of that place. A course of sermons on gambling be lereacned bv the Reo, ell, ea, Mania in the Presbyterian church, be. ginning' nen Sunday, February etle. The following returning, officers for the Ontario election have been appoint- ed for the three Hurons, viz . South, F. Fabler, Zurich; East, It G. Reynold, Goderieb; West, .A. eibsen, Goderieh, Remember that in attendiug the Band Carmen you will listen tell two of Caeada's most famous musicians, Mr. Isaac Lomas, Canada's greatest trom- bone solist awl Ben Harvey, Cauada'a greatest comedian, The Mail and Empire;—"Ilte Lomas' respectively solicit a share of your es- trombone solos were no opener cora- teemed patronage. ea„ pleted than the crowd ebemoured for • D. SPw.r-iu. more, and they were giveu with no uncertain sound. There are trombone players, bat Lomas is a lemmager of their order " He will appear here at the Baud Concert Feb, 9. To miss it ie to miss a treat. There is a, teat in store for the pub. I The all F lic at the Band Concert to take place to be foiled at Dr. 0 1.44tZ'S Drug Store. i BIG cAsH T on Wednesday eveuir,g, Feb. 9th, when Secure your spat at once. Plat) open i of Hall for Band Concert is I I W. Lomas, Cauada's • greatest side 9 a. m, Sat rdty morning. • trombone east will appear. Mr Lomas spakood Report. CASH is aeknowledged to be the best Mtn- Class .A Stella Gregory. .1,abel, OR PRODUCE STORE1 \• —Fehol O'Neil, May Arinstrong; e)—.- ONE PRICE TO ALL. Olive Hooper Martin flailson, Frank Bess, Ruesll'Frayue, No ou roll, 41; gm iv rm.' averag ,. attendanee 38. til i Sr. 4t1*.—Ceive Wright, Mabel )3rooks, PU II 1# 1ULL Flossie Snell, Cora McPettesoti, Dau • Randle, Frances Rovecliffe; Jr, 4th,—H, . . bone solist in Canada. Smith, Lillie Untop, Anna Martin- (b) rosier Concert. A parlor concert under the aus- pices of the Trivite Memorial Church will be given by Mrs. F, Enight and Mrs. B., Knight at the residence of the former ou Tuesday evening, Feb. Sth, commencing At 7,30 ololock. Re- freshments will be served and a choice program rendered A cordial tion is extended to all. Admission 15c, teatborn V. IR °retell*. That was a ease which came up for heariug before Chas. Snell, J. F., ou Friday lase The parties to the snit were Mr. Robert Leathern, of this place, aud Mr. Chas Morrish, of Stephen, The ease arose out of Mr. Morrish's cattle b ki into Mr. Leathorp's premises LOCAL JOTTINGS. Renew your subscription to vooaTu. Gale bills printed while you at the ADVOCATE Offiee, 13Hlid Coucert, Wed -nes - gay 90.), Feb,' 1898. No Odd how little a man dues be tikes to tell how he used to work, No man is too shiftless to feel a little bit romantic about his marriage. When we see a bicycle rider looking atraight ahead, we know he is a begin- ner, Delft fail to attend the Heed Concert if' yea wish to hear the popular music at the Day. A. man may wear extra sleeves over itis shirt, without necessarily Oleg any great amount of work. A number of our sports intend going 110 Seaforth on Friday evening next to attend a masquerade and racing Carel- the AD wait At the County meeting of the 141. 0. L. held here Tuesday, it was decided to celebrate the ItIth of July next iu Maier Anderson, of Sealorth, has hero appaletea deputy game warden for this Produce by the °uteri° Gov' erumeet. Mr. Hour,/ Doyle, cf Stephen, has 'been appointed Laceuse Commiesioner for South Hugon, Mr. Reba Spieer hay ing resigned, The disbauded Bell Ringers of the Trivia Memorial Church, accompanied by their wives, assembled at the reel deuce of Mr. A. Bowie on Thuretley eight last to speed a social eveaug. At 12o'cloek an oyster supper and a dainty bpread, was served, reflecting much credit on the hostess. The even iug wait very pleasantly spent. Dealers ell over Western Ontario are omplainiog of the scarcity of grain ears. At present, when prices are a little better than they have been for some time and grain dealers are anx- ious to move steelte, they are hem - pared very considerably by what ap- pears to be a blockade. The same con- dition prevails on both the G. T. R. and The R. C. C's aud Excelsior Hockey teams will play the limed of a aeries here Whell completed they will have one of the best equipped mills in Western Ontario All this comes of making good material, seal as the out put from thus mill hes been, Wise h better facili ties it is the intententlo of the firm to keep en improviligi if illitt be possible. and give the public at all times the best articles in. the market. All lead iug dealers are supplied with their pro- ducts. The London Free Press of Tuesday contained the following which speaks for itself:—" The Mayor is a member of the company which is asking for a charter from the Dominion Government for permission to build and operate an electric railway from London to Grand Bend, via Liman, Centralia, Crediton and other intervening points. The members of the company are all Lon- doners with the exception of Mr, M. G. Cameron, a son of M, C. Cameron, M P., of Goderieh, and a brotheran-law of Mayor Wilson. The citizens interested are Messrs. T. H. Smallman, John La- batt and C. B. Hunt. If we get the charter, the railway will be built at once'' the Mayor said yesterday. The construction of thisline would undoubt edly be a good thing for London as well as for the country that would be tapped. Freight as well as passengers wonld be carried, and farmers would find more frequent and convenient ac cede to the city than via the present available means. In summer it is in- tended, of course, to do a pleasure re- sort business from this city to the shor- es of Lake Huron, and in this way the Port Stanley Railway may be interfered with. Should. the charter be granted and this new railway built, it will pro bably lead to other similar lines shoot- ing out into other sections of the coun- try. In the City the Street Railway Company's by taw requires them to haul all cars delivered to them through Toronto, will conduct the services morn the city." ing and evening.. On the following Ladies: Monday evening a tea meeting will be If you want printed or blank canine head. cards, call at the ADVOCATE Office. "I- W. Lomas played the "Holy Attention! City "during the offertory and played In other columns of this iiegUe will be, it with such effect 'that the people found the advertisements of the Orient applauded when he finished. He is al Medical Co , of Detroit. Their pre - undoubted the greatest trombone solist parations are standard and all in need in Canada."—Hamilton Spectator. Mr. of such will make no mistake by pur Lomas will appear here at the Band chasing from them. Concert, Feb. Oth. amuse or Refuse supplies. "The House of Refuge committee met Some roischeyous youth rang the on Monday and considered tenders fire alarm on Sunday night about half kern for srpplies, re awarding contracts to past seven, but as only five or six the same parties as before, vizi—J. strokes were given, very few were King for bread, 5. W. Irwin for grocer - milled out-, This is a punishable offence les, and Couch & Wilson for meat."— and the perpetrator would do well to Clinton New Era. rea ng and doing considerable injury to the property, the latter elainalog damages. The Magistrate after hearing all the evid. lies gave juelgoneut faYor of the detendant. A Cold. Snap, Saturday night last was the em ruencement of a cold period. It is easy the severest of the season and the sharpest experienced for years, In Ex- eter the thermometer has gone as low as J.B degrees below zero; at Toronto 15, at Ottawa the record was 24 helow, at Montreal 20 below 41,114 at Quebec 24 below s Jennie Taylor, Arthur Suell, alden courier Sieetenta The annual county meetiog of the CreWgi; Jr. 2nel.—Willie Bissett, Clifford Gregory, Gerrie Dyer, Edna, Davidson, Bargains, Barr:Pains, Percy Reed le, Mary Treble, May Ciente. No ou roll 46; average atteedattee 40. Millie Martin, Lucretia Werry, Oliye Sr. ard.—Vere Snell Annie Joees, ALL yi Westcort Frank Taylor, equal, Jees.e Cameron; Jr 30i,— May Newton, Flossie Taster, May Snell, Mary Parsons, If Borrel, E 1101 Farmer No. on roll 49; average attendance 42. Sr 6rel —Annie Brtiumacombe, Ruby Treble, ee Carliug, Ruby David son, Beatrice Luker, Wilbert Martin; Jr. 3rd,— Gilbert Williams, Willie Beer, LilyWt+Ish, Geo.. Armstrong, Tommy jtettell, 0 Quance, on roll 55; average aiteudaime 41 Sr 2od —R Farmer, Martha Carling, Elmore. Sentare Eiloa Dow, 011ie Prior, Hazel Browning ; Jr. 2nd.—Roy Ford, Ralph O'Neil, Seldon Rollins, Flossie Sweet, Frank Brimactimb, Eddie Vos- per No. on roll 62; average attend- atiee 50 Sr 2nd. —Mud Fauson,M Nettie Moore Mary Murray, equal, south Huron L, O. Le was held she Spitekurn, Frayne, Frault Bate Lodge room here on Tuesday 14St' ,A large number 9f delegates from obffer- No. on roll 65; average atteedatiee 56. ent parts of the district were present Sr. 2u&—Fred Trevethielt, Caster hut the attendance was not as large es Willis, Genie Gould, Adelaide Willis, previous years, owing probably Ito the Viola Sutton, Charlie Leer, Frank extreme cold weather. It e as decided Klilght, equal; Jr. 20(1.—Eisle Wileex, ed to hold the next 12th ofJuly ceitibra• Alfred Wilcox. Florie Aoderson, While . Creech, Ida Cottle, Lee Blatchford. No on roll 68; average attendance K. den, Florence Kvdd, Vercy Witwer Hoe at 'lensed mid the next aunuai C,P. R., and is a decided detriment to . , . , the. meeting herr. alter usual routine both buyers and prodacers, of business the following officers were Mitehell AcIvoCate:—" We are sorry elected for the current year, vizi— to learn that Mr. Thos Hansoo, of Fut- e. lateen, met with another bad =Went ',Aunty Master, Robt. Searlett; Deputy Master, Anthony Nevin; Chaplaiu, Wm. kt" week. Whitt preparing te ge to Craig; Financial Secretary, Wm. An. Si. Marys he slipped on the ice in his e oerson; Rec. Secretary, Peter Cantelon; barnyard, fracturing tbe thigh boue of Teas, John Beacom; Dir. Ceramontes. the leg whieh was amputated some Francis Davis; Lecturer. John Bullard; thaw ago. We hope that no bad reSults Dep. Lecturers, James Cox and George will follow as Mr. Ilaason is a man who Deacon, would bee. great loss to the common visit ,orn. G. M. ty." Mr Hanson is a brother of Mr. The regular ineetiner of Lebanon D Mill, of this place. Forest; Lodge, No. 1311, A. P. fie A. M, Mr John Muir, of the Exeter Miami Friday night, partook of especial char Mills Co., has purehased from Mr. John aeer, the oceasiou being the annual in- Sweitzer the maehinery of the Crediton speetiou of the workiogs of the lodge Woollen Mills, and intends placing bv D. D. G. J. 13. 'fiernatia of Myth. the entire plant in the'Company's MIlls Besides the members of the lodge there were visitors from London and Killer ney, Man. After the workings of the lodge had beep, exemplified, the gather- ing adjourned to the Central Hotel din- ing room. where a taboo groaning with the good things of life including oysters was awaiting the attack of the breth- ren. Having clone justice in this line W, M., W. If. Lovett opened the toast Fiat, all responding heartily aud ably. This was followed by the Junior War den's toast and " God ;ewe the Queen after which the gathering broke up and repaired to their respective homes. Huron Medical Association, The quarterly meeting of the Huron County Medical Association was held held at the House of Refuge, Clinton, on 'Wednesday, 26th, Dr. Stanbury vice President, in the elle la Present, Drs. Shannon, Hunter and Taylor, Goderich; Bethune, Burrows and McGinnis, Sea - forth; McKenzie. Moukton; Armstrong., Brucefield; Agnew Londesboro; Ken nedy, Wingham; Deacon. Stratford; Gunn, Turubull and Shaw, Clinton. This bailee the annual meeting the election ofboilicers took place, when Dr. Stanbury, of Bayfield, was chosen Pres ident; Dr. MeKenzie, Vice President; Dr. Hunter, SeceTreas, An effort was made to have the Association include the county of Perth, and made a con joined association of medical men of the two counties. but the majority of the present members were in favor of leay ing it as purely a County Association, at. least until a further representation is present from Perth County to discuss the matter. Dr. Taylor, of Goderich, read an interesting. and instructive pa- per on "Ulcers of the stomach," which was discussed freely by the members, and Dr. Shannon gave one on "Catarrh of the stomach" Both papers were full of practical points and were much en joyed. Dr. Kennedy, Wingham, pave an account of and exhibited a specimen_ of cohiraction of the stomach. Other cases were shown to the members. of practice matches on Thursday eveulug next. No admission fee. Mr. Isaac Lomas Canada's favorite Irombone solist of Peels famous Baud has been secured. Also Mr. Bert Oar - Ivey leading Comedian of Toronto. Don's make any date for Wednesday evening, Feb. 9th, but go and hero I. W. Lomas, Canada's greatest slide trombone solist, at the Band Concert, Try Winan's cough balsam for coughs, colds and bronchial troubles. Sole agent for Dick's Lung Syrup. C. LUTZ, Druggist Mr. Jas. Gould, who has been supply- ing a portion of aur residents with milk for several months, has "thrown up the sponge," owing to the business not paying. The Henault Curling Club passed through here an Monday en route for London where they played a match with. theEmbro Club of chat City and were defeated, Dr. Garner, well known to several in Exeter, died at Lueknow Monday night at the age 78 years. The Dr. was a noted sportsman and was widely known throughout Western Ontario. Lord Aberdeen has approved of an order in Council allowing the law to take its course in the case of James Allison, condemned to be executed for the murder of Mrs. Orr, near Berlin. The third of a series of Assemblies was held in Gidley's Opera House on Friday evening last, and was well at- tended. The London Harpers furnish- ed the music and those participating in the mazy -whirl were highly delight- ed with the evening's enjoyment. The anniversary:services in connec tion with the Thames road Presbyter fan church will be held ou Sunday, February Etb. Rev. Dr Warden, of (Personal eteneion Mr. R. O'Neil visited in Luta Wed- lieeday. Dr Lutz was in Loudon ou business Tuesday. bliss Nellan, of Seaforth, is visiting the AliStieS KeUlp. Wilbert Cudinore is eoefieed to the house through ilitiese. John Gould, of Lotidon, Sundayed with his putties here. Miss Arabeila Rex, of Stephen, is at present dangerously id. Mr, L. II. Olckeen :Weeded Division Conn at Lucan no Tuesday. We are sorry to report the serious Moues of Mr. James Bissett, Huron Si Mr Fred Treble, of St. Marys, is spending a few days with his parents Mr. Henry Darnall, of Manitoba, was veining at Mr. Hugh Oke's ou Sun day last. Miss Ella Reward returned home from Loudon on Saturday last owing to ill health. Miss Maud flicks attended a party given by one of her friends in Clinton on Friday. Mr. Henry Eilber, *of Crediton, the will be M. P, P., on March 1st, was in town on Monday. Mr. Jas. Herbert and Miss F. Madis, of Mornington, lige visiting at Mr. Robt. Harney's, of 'Osborne. Miss Lizzie Inwood, of Loudon, spent a few days in towu this week, the guest of Miss Burial Myers. Miss M. Miner who has been visiting here for some time, returned to her home iu Point Edward Tuesday. Miss Edith Hawkshaw, who has been visitince at the Mansion Nouse, return- ed to her home in Lucan, Saturday. Mr. I. R Carling has successfully passed another law examination and in May will try for his final. We con- oTatulate Isaac on his success. Bargains! INTER GOODS BEING SACRIFICED. FURS, OVERCOATS, LADIES' FUR COATS, LAMES' JACKETS, BLANKETS, DRESS GOODS, AU Wing at Prices that will Astonish TOL Try a und of our Old 4overnment Java Coffee, the best that money can buy. Ground fresk every day, tore; close 4:3o =cent Wednesday and Saturday. J. A. STEWART. 300 PIECES OF NEW P INT. t4J note that the law is very severe in an offence of this kind. 11°64eY 'Ina' Races' ••A good smart game of hockey was While Mr. and Mrs. Northeott, of the played on the Exeter rink Thursday, ard concession of Hay, were returning night last between the first and second home from town on Monday night last teams of the town. After an hour's their horse became frightened tit the play the seeru steed. 3 3 The second train and after upsetting the occupants teem deserve great credit for their ex., into the ditch tao awaY The cellent playing and eousidbring that pants escaped injury while the cutter some of their number had never played acid harness was slightly damaged., in a game before, they did exceediegly council Proceeding. Cou,neil met pursuant to adjourn ment, at the Town Hall, Exeter, 28th San. All present. Minutes of previous meeting read and confirmed. The Clerks to procure suitable book for Treasurer. The decision of the solicitor to whom the agreement with the Waternos Co. re steam fire engine was submitted, was laid before the Council, and shoes that corporation is liable for payment of elaims under the agreement.—Chris tie—Harding, that the payment due 14th Dec, 1897. $300, be paid,—Carried. Bissett—Evans, orders as follows. Jas. Creech, 690. balance of salary 1897; and S. Handford $2 labor at snow.—Carried. A petition, numerously signed, pree ing the council to allow thearc lights to, remain as they are was read and filed for future reference, on motion' of' F. Christie, riecond'ed by J Evans.. leis. sett —Herding, that Mr. Tremaide and the ex Reeve and council be requested to meet this Council next Frklay even- ing with a view to explanation regerd- ing removal of are lights.—Carrled- Christie—Harding, that Mr. Meinnige account $3.60, for tile be.pahl.—Carried. The Council is not , responsible for , tile put in by private individuals. on eey streee unless by permission Of the,Coun- eil and under , the 'supervision of. the Road Commissioner , Christie—Biesett Hear what the Brantford Courier has .seele,. After the mitte,11 a race more tate bable thamswift took place between to say of L W. Lomas, the famous g J trd Alf. Walters which $th, at the Band Concert—In his trona- was a source of much a u ent to et tors It was however a draw Mr. and Mrs. T Hants, of Bethesda, spent Friday in town, the guests of Mrs Ferguson, prior to leaving for Kinkorn where they will visit for a few days. Mrs. Isaac Bawden, of Strathroy, is this week visiting her many friends in town. She leaves to.day (Thurs ) to yisit her daughter, Mrs Herd, at Blyth. • FAST COLOR. SEE THEM, ALL CRUMB'S PRINTS. THEY ARE THE BEST IN THE TRADE. E. J.SPAC PA Alt & CO., Samwell's Block, Exeter 104044.14..11.7.0141.111. 444,4 4- 4444444, GRE T F LL IN PRICE OF WINTER GOODS.,._ MET GO AT COST. Mrs. Hicks, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Elliott, and who recent- ly received severe injuries by a fall, is, we are pleased to announce T888- ing 4vorably. Liman; While crossing the yard Saturday morningeMrs. Judge bad t, misfortune to fall on the ice, breakiii, bee h bones in her right arm. Theinjured limb has been put in splints and, while, very painful, is, progressing favorably,: but it will be some time before the arm can be used. non, raB & I beg to state to the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that I am ready to deliver Flour and Feed to any part of the town at CLOSE PRICES. We handle �eiall s(Basilwooiriour Our Bran is warranted free, from smut and dust. • trombone solist, who will appear Feb. Afeesrs- a es WI add a general line " of SEEDS shortly, bone solo " Rocked in the 'Cradle of the the spe Deet0' I. W. Lomas demoneteated his and the contestants dedided to have MarVelloue with that, instrement auot ee race the following eveping M 8 M 1111111:111111MENCIIMMEMS1111=1111.11111.11111 474 Overcoats for men and boys. Suits for men and boys. Fur Coats, Caps and Robes. Fur Capes for Ladies. Ladle's Mantles. - Dress Goods and Mantles. Felt Boots and Overshoes. • Owing to the continued mild weather, we have ',:,more Winter Goods than we otherwise would hav,e had and we are determined not to carry them over untill next winter but to make a clean sweep if prices will do it. Don't pass us for a Bargain. note1 Exeter. e ng estiltinic adjoni.nriient'Until Friday next, Feb. t3310k core 4 „pposi e ood to a vociferous Ivkiell viaesf ittlgelitattts:7tilei r Chal!lors T;eve u „ • • • , ese s s ' , ; -4 s. 4 't Hawkshaw'S , 44 , ...e...''.eYeeee'seees.eeeee,"se..,'ee:,......se.e.S,'":•.,iee...seeee'ee•eS,.•,,e.:ee..:Seaseeeeeese'eeesees.'ete,.O.Ss Selene:tee,