HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-5, Page 5'ors t'a jlia• roy "ER ,000 ,000 sq., their at '7 yap cted 1- atS )P, pped ;inch i1R. �K We l.3icy- y, rs at TH. auth- L his ease. one- 3 sac - is a any rave lady- um adyum p - Blind D they with ales' d th 8 n t re - great. by es for joule, icon, of ., thumb mill.'. ps 111$ a sire, water. ,.a THE ezder u.mte js pnbiislied every Thursday Morning, at the Office, .MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. ---,By the ADVOCATE. PUBLISH 1 NG COMPANY TERMS O$ SUB$ORIPTION- Orie Dollar per annum if paid in Advance il'.ap if not so paid. es,.tawrt'imA eg ^ccatos ors .8.3?S+1ica•- for No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid. At3vertisem.ents without sIeerfie dieeotions will be published till forbid and ehergedaccordingly. ;Liberal disco-antinade for trantoient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description 0f JOB PAINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chegnes,moneyord. steam. for adveriteing•g abseriptions,etc.to ba made payable to Chas. H. 8a/tilers, EDITOR attn P1.1QP Professnoraa1 Cards. • H. KINSMAN. L. D. S&DP.,A.R. KINSMAN, L D. ;;., D D. S.. Honor gradnate of Toronto Cniversity. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any paid, or aey i>fal ()heats. Ofeee all kar.soxi's Meek, west side aloin Street, Exeter. _Ree honors• Otlraduato RofiheT onto Utea- reify and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without rain. All tackles of Drrtistry ep to date. Office OYdr Elliot ea Etliot's law vfflee--apposite gentrat Rotel-Exeter. 3iedieal EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel 10 Si to 85 Burley, - 3t to 35 Oats 35 to el Peas Si to u+3. Butter 14 to 15 Eggs , Potatoes porbag 45 to 10tv40 Onions,.. .. 40 Bed ()leverSoee per bushel ....,..,$L00 to 54.50 Hay per ton 7.o0tcif.Qo Dried Applesper ib Tui Leys Ducks Geese... ,,.. Chicken Wool per lb. r*tts. J A. WILLISS & T A, AttOS. ,iesi:lencee, same as formerly OFFI(;Fee„ `epanitman, building„ Main St. Dr, Rollins' otiico same a r formerly -north doer. Or. Amos' ()face, saruo building-soptb door. May 1st- Plea J. 4 Rollins, M. 1D. T. A. Amos. el. T-) R T.1'.._.. Mt LAA.1'(k814 . MEMBER. OF the College of Physicians rind Surgeons Oaterio. Physician, Surgeon and &coo-poli- o/tr. OBleo, Dashwood. Ont. Legal. 1 lis COLLINS, UA -IU iSTFdt,S(if.TCI'P- Conveyancer, Notary Public Ofaes-Aver O'ATetl's hank, liaeter,Outerio. 'tenet' to Leen. 1 dI,DICKSo:7,IlAliIiISTFrit SQLICITO% of Supreme Cu*ur, . i otery Palette, Con- •oYancer, t1antra dsyioner. t.'. dSouey to bion Of4oe--.Fansou'e Alaok,F.xeter r.LmT s: GLADMAN. BARRISTERS, Lean at • and 554 per cant, and Mono, to It, V. Er.t.ioz. F. W. G>etnseex, i311QWN, Winehebeie. IAiconsed rAnot- • i.oneertor the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, alio for the township oftlahorne Stiles prom ptly attended to and terms rea. eonbIlti.Seleserranzed at Post office. Wi n - < theism instevancc. E EIiLIOT, Innttr:tiie0 Agcut, Exeter St. 4 58 i7 Horrors of Dyspepsia Sour Stomach, Heart Palpita- tion, Nervous, Sleepless WANTED, IIELL P. Reliable man in every locality, local nr irivelling, to introduce a now discovery and keep our show canlstaokcd up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and eoantry. Steady eiuploy mtnt.clam mission or 'salary, 365 per death and expenses, and money tie- positea in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write" rho World Medical Electric (30„' London, Ont, Canada. a 03 How Attie to Do All the tlousework -What Cured Her. The excellent qualities of Hood's. Sarsaparilla, as a stomach tonic and Appetizer enable it to relieve and cure dyspepsia even when cure seems hope- less, Read Mrs. Willett's letters: "C. 1. Hood €e Co., Lowell, Mass.: cc Gentlemen: -I have been siele. for about six }earn with dys- Letter pepsin with 411 its horrible nightmares, such as our No. 1 stuuracll, flatulency, paypi. talion of the heart, insom- nia, etc., and all that time I have tried al host every kuown. remedy and the best doctors in the state, but nothing did the any good, I was very Weak and Nervous. About five months ago I commenced taking Hood's Sareaparilla, and after using five bottles I am able to do all my housework and feel betted' that I have in eev eral years. Also, my husband had pneumonia last win- ter and his blood got very bad; he Lad rheumatism and could scarcely walk. Ile commenced to take Rood's Sarsaparilla and in .a short time lie was better in every way, his rheulna- tistn has lett him and is in better health than fora long time." Mlts. W. 3. WuLL1 TT, lilt. holly, N. C. T A TLORING CHEAP sfs AND �XS NOBBY, T ,t The hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made," hand- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ? S NO STYLE, NO GOOD. Sal A tailor-made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain- to took right. AND WEAR- '- Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as titches. Bert. Knight. THE LATE DISASTER.: Details of the Eight in. India.. in Whir& the Yorkshire Regiment Suffered the eIeavy Losses. Calcutta, Feb. 1, --General Sir Power Panner (who succeeds. Sir William Lock - to make reprisals for the disaster to the Yorkshire regiment. Sir William Look - hart wili arrive here to -day. Further particulars of the disaster are to hand, from wbicir it appears that a combined movement was planned to cut off the retreat of a number of .fridts who had been driving their cattle to graze on the Kajurai Plain, west of Bara Fort, Two columns mamba), from Ali Muajib and Jeerud to block the way north; a third, column from Bara Marched westward over the plain toward the hiller; while a fourth, consisting of the York - .shire Regiinept of S'llchs, advanced from Mamaui with a view of getting to the rear of the Afridis and preventing their escape towards Bara Valley. The ilest three columns performed their allotted movements without loss, meeting with very few of the enemy, The fourth.ltnder Col. T. J. Seppings, left Mamaui early Saturday morning. ` The leading troops reached Shinkumer- Ilot tl at half -past 10, and, finding no opposition, Col. Roughton, with tho Sikhs, proceeded about a mile t0 search the caves. ' On the arrival of the main bpdy at Kobel it, was discovered that a cornptiriy Of Sikhs had somehow been withdrawn trent the high ridge on the west, the key of the position, which the enemy forth- with occupied. To retake this involved heavy losses. Lieut. Dowtiall was .killed, while charging nt the north of the pa`s. The enemy's lases were severe, as they charged to within thirty yards of the troops. About midday the troops began to re- turn to the camp. the ouemy harasint; the rear guerd. And, left rindttausing many 038811135. The rear 0018818 eleared the ease about 5 e'eloell with the assistance of Gen• lyestrtiacett, who came up with two guns and four hundred rifles on re- oeiving Col. Seppings' ie+essage that the force had become entangled. Tho retirement was conducted admir- ably, the officers speaking in the highest Orme of the gallantry of the troops. Lieut. -001. Houghton's body heti been re. covered and search parties have started for the others. The column has been rein- forced by 7:05 men trans Barri, and Col, Stuart with fifty infantry, two guns end a squadron of cavalry will move to the north of the pass. fi Around About Us.. Tuekersmith: Mr, Joseph Ward has gold Iris Wee on the 5th eoneession to Mr, William Dobie, of Egmoodville The price pafd was $5,000, hart in the chief colnmaraci) is preparing Clinton: W. J. Foster, son of John Fester., was chopping in a bush in Tue kersmith Wednesday, when he happen ed to cut his foot severely by a slip of the axe, Clinton: Mrs. Ann Brown, who has resided with an unmarried daughter for iIt Stlll Prsaya1rog Hood's. u C. I. Rood Co., Lowell, Mass.. cc1^Jear Sirs: --I am still praising 'load's Sarsaparilla for the Letter great benefit both myself and husband derived from No. 2 its use and I do not hesitate to say it is the best medicine we have ever need in our family." Mns. W. J. WILLnrs, Mt, holly, I . C. Sarsaparilla is True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $i; six for g5. IIs anti caro an Livor I Hood's Pills SIC headache. 2'dc. BIDES! HIDES!! HIDES!! ! Highest cash price p id for hides, calf, Iamb and sheep skins For first class beef. lallib, pork, poultry, sau- sage or bologna,call at the NEW,111JTCHER STOP.,... BEaIF: SOLD BY THE QUART.. I.it AT LOW EST CASH PRICE, , .FRESH. FISH.. . • One Door South of 1®�� ��a CENTRAL HOTEL, Ira ! t 1141AN. AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE ALzivertoua DisoeseteeFailing Medi• ory,Impoten e,Sloopleseneas,etc..caused by Abuse or other Excesses and' Intlie•' cretions Tleoy quickly and sumety restore, f,ost Vitality in old or young; and fit n manfor Study, bus,nese or marriage. Prevent' Insanity and Conium tion it en in time. Their use shows imniediato improae- ment aa8'';e5ecte a. 0' Jit8 where aU other .fail In - neat Upon having tree' geniis() Alai: Tablets. They have oared thousands arid willoureyou. Wo(dee aPos. Rive written'guaraateetoeffect-la cure kmore orefund the rPrice VY . ep rpacage; or,ent p$ges (full ieiis .i137Audi, in lain gra 1er, noon receiptobreCircular, two. AJAX REMEDY /, ID nrarLorn sG, 73o1Q in E7.eter, ll);," Lot*, l)rugtel t. To be happy and heehaw must 14.21 ow bo to take care of herself. In order to do this, all irregularities of menstruation must be corrooted, the or gapsrtrenothened and put in working order to perform their proper functions Asiatic Regulator Capsules aro Safe, Pleasant, Most Reliable and POSITIVilt the BEST REMEDY in the market to euro all irregularities, painful per; ods. and relieve al ,listressing pains Tho herbs ecmposing this famous rem- edy are found in the wilds of Asia Miner and Africa and im ported by us only. We give a guarantee that it will cure tht most obstinate eases, or money refunded a 51.50 per box or four boxes for 511.00. Sent 1. securely sealed. A trial wilt convii.e you. Address ORIENTAL MEDICAL CO. ' Detroit. Mick some t [ e passed away on Saturday-,. aged ?3 years, She was a quiet, un- obtrusive person, subiect to: lameness whieh kept ber in the house most of the time McGillivray: Mr. E..5 Mather; ;old. his 85 acre farm. to Mr, A, Kilbourn :tial will buy another elsewhere. Sir and Mrs, ,Dlathels' many frieuds will be sorry to lose them as they were geed l.eighbors. We wish them sileeess wherever thee may locate. Mr. E.il bourn takes possession about the 15th Marek. CAPTURED THREE ENGLISHMEN. The Tourmaline Wes Landing Stores an meerieh. Court and Got Cuu;lit. Tangier. Fob. 1, --The British steamer Tourmaline, i; is officially announced, while attempting to land nails and stores on the South Coast of Morocco, was inter. copted by she Sherlillan steamer Haesani, whereupon she opened Aro. The Bassani reciprocated and captured woof thesbip's beats with three Englishmen. Thu Moor- ish troops then demolished the villages favorable to foreigners, executing numbers of the inhabitants. The steamer City of Dulxth was wrecked off Ss. Joseph, Mich. The Presbyterian Church, of Chesney are having a new $4,500 Sabbath school erected. Mr. John McCann, a farmer of 13e1 committed suicide by mont Township, commy cutting his throat Thursday. If you feel weak, dull ard discourse,- ed iscouraged you will find a bottle of Hood's Sar- saparilla will do 3 ou wonderful good. J. H. Armstrong, of Kinloss, gave a cow a pound of pulverized saltpeter in mistake for salts. The animal died a few hours later. Fred Best, of. the Typograph works - Windsor, met with a painful accident Thursday: His band caught in a piece of'machinery and it was badly cut be- fore being released While driving a spirited 'team of horses, attached to a wagon, near Flor- ence village Wednesday, the two young. children of Edward Perry had a fright ful experience. The boy aged 11, and th'e girl 8, were thrown from the vehi. cle by the running aleav of the team, and the latter sustained wounds in the head which resulted fatally a, few hours. later.' • Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable, monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in •the hour and; time' of,need. Is prepared In tveo degrees of strength. • No. Z for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known. -sold by druggists, one' Dollar per boy.. No. 2 for special cases -to degrees stronger -Sold by druggists. One :box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No, r, or No. 2, mailed on receipt ,of price, and two 3 -cent stamps. Oi91C Company, C The err Ontario lads IT'S 01 u.7tt;Le? by .3. 9q. ,d rtlevniiai;,; A JEALOUS WOMAN'S CRIME. ""Made me a New Woman." T firs, Patrick Canavan Poisons Iter Twenty -Year -Old Sister. Woodstock, N.B., Feb. 1.-4 dreadful tragedy is reported from Tohnsviila, a village about 80 miles from here. 'There lived there Mr. and Mrs, Patrick Cana- van, Mrs, Canavan's mother and her sis- ter, Minnie Quaker. The wife became jealous of Minnie and decided to do away with her by poisoning, She went to Bris- tol, a village some ton miles from her home, and purchased some strychnine, which she said was to destroy foxes that were killing her chickens. Then site re- turned home, and patting it into a decoc- tion of tea, give it to her sister to drink. Minnie died in a few hours. An inquest resulted in a verdict of murder against Mrs. Canavan, and she has been arrested. She is to be arraigned. here before Magistrate Dibleo. The do - ceased was about 20 years old. Tho pri- soner has one child only. THE POWDER WAS STRYCHNINE. e Life of firs. lca,ste ©f Toronto, is Saved, A ase that Proved Too Difficult the Payslcana eids to the i oudcrous Yirtats of Paine's Celery Compound. for A Signal Victory for the Sing of Tdediciues. :Selancholy Mistake tirade by Mrs. C. W. Barrows of London. London, Ont., Feb. 1.-A very sad ac- cident happened at the residence of C. W. Barrows last evening, resulting in the death by poisoning of the little six-year- old adopted daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Barrows. The child had not been well for some days, and Mrs. Barrows gave her what she supposed was santonine. But the powder was strychnine. In a few minutes the child was in convulsions. Dr. Mackin was hurrriedly sent for and worked for half an hour without avail. Coroner Ferguson was notified, and what remained of the powder was shown to him. He recognized it as strychnine. An inquest will be held. Pains Banished, Eyesight quina Restored and a New Life Begun. Guelph, NOV. 23rd, 1897. The Sloan Medicine Co. Heteiltom Dear Sirs. For many years I was troubled with periodical sick headaches. being affected usually every Sunday, and used all the remedies that were ad- vertised as cures, anal was treated by almost eve,y doctor in Guelph but With. Put any relief. One doctor told me it was caused by +a weakstotnach, another Saki it ryas hereditary and incureable. f was induced by a neighbor to try Sloan's Iindian Tonic, and I am happy to say I did so. 4 few doses gave int. - mediate rel1ef, and one bottle and a half mads' a complete cum, This was three years ago and the ht-adeches have have neyer return- ed. 1 was elsctreaded with asthma and nothing hetpe l ole like your Sloan's Indian Tonic. I can heartily recommeed'it to all and WM he glad to give any particulars to any one a ssieted as T was. W. C. litoer. For sale at all dealers. or emereee the company at Haag: el GO per borne; f3 bottles for *14 QO. Christie's- COMMERCIAL LIQ first-pass Rigs and gorses Orders lett at Rawkshaw's Hotel, o* at the Livery Stable, bristie's old Staid Will receive prompt at- tention,. t.. , * rit+edephone Terme i Cone eerion cc Only one Girl in the World for 1e." So sa> s the popular FELLS & RICIlaRi,Soli Co GENTLEMEN; --Ten years ago I was attacked with neuralgia, azid though treated by stx doctor's, the disease grew worse and nearly drove me Wham. 1 was for 0116 summer an aut-door pat - tent at the hospital here, but only got temporary relief. 1 eas sleepless for nights, my diges- tion was had, and I would feel a pain in lay stomach every tilne I ate any- thing. Day after day 1 suffered the roost intents° agony, and I often won- der I didn't go crazy. I took endless rn dicioes given me by medical men, a1,d getting worse, I became utterly diishearttened. One day my deliverance came. A lady who had suffered just as I had told me that Paige's Celery Compound had cured her I used the Compound as a last resort, and it simply made a new woman of me. The gain vanish- ed; my eyesight, which was impaired, returned, and I felt myself growing wall, and I never felt happier in my life. I am new well and strong, and all my health and happiness are due to Prine's Celery Compound. I will al ways gratefully remember the medi• cine that cured me, and will speak a good word for it. MRS. Tilos. MCMASTER, 46 Cumberland St., Toronto. Dairy Products and Infected Places. Toronto,' Fob.' 1.-Dr.'P. H. Bryce has been notified' that in acertain dairy dis- trict in Perth County dairy products are being sent out from infected places. In one ease a family afflicted by diphtheria; is selling butter. The secretary of the Provincial Board of Health referred his correspondent to the law which provides for the seizure of such products and for the compensation' of the owners for their loss. A Big Combine. in Paper. Albany, N.Y., Feb. 1. -Tho Interna- tional Paper Company of Corinth, Sara- toga County, N.Y., a combination of all the big firms in the country, filed articles of incorporation yesterday with a-ceesital of $46,000,000. The coinpany is Mined to maintain, conduct and:uxanage, in the State of Now York and ' elsewhere, all kinds of: 'paper, and to purchase and hold merchandise in New York and other „elates of tho United States and Canada. Work Resumed in ltngiand. London,:' Feb. +1`. -- The, engineering works throughout the country wore re- opened yesterday, ; owing to the settle - inept of the great strike. About 25 per cent. of the mon . were employed. The others will be given' work gradually, as ilia machinery gats in lull swim,. ( f A. lltifisli Staiegmau" Dead. Feb,1.-.Baron Carlingford Marseilles, gford • amuol.Parl:inson Toltescuo1 adsterS hl h �ir»eily president of the British Board f Trade, Lord Fresident,of-the C7lnnclIt to., 10 dead. -Ile Was • bora in 182) anti vas ehief Secretary' for Troland -1864 66i ca Only One FIITR!turc Store ill TawnforMe,t, TI -IE ALAGE rh: ra.A. w atm. -..t -. a .�. • WARI'l DURAL On Friday last Mr. John Pickard, of Porters Hill, met with a bad accident. He was standing on the limb of a tree doing some pruning, when he slipped and fell to the ground, striking on his elbow. He had the misfortune to break his arm at the ,elbow and also at the wrist. Sylvan : Mr, H. English and his sis- ter Sadie while driving from London on Saturday night to visit their mother here met wi'h a serious accident at the Nairn corner of the 16th concession rhe road at this place is quite narrow and in the dark' they drove over the hank. Both horse and buggy turned over twice. Miss English escaped with a sprained arm and Mr. English with more serious injuries while the buggy was completely wrecked. aaaaa ,aaa- se-3993Switria. a! W SCROFULA.1 st 7 rasa the landlord wile wishes to bay every dollar expended to 118 fall duty. Everything in our establishment i>; marked at prices which will retain reg alar patrons s;ud induce occasional cus- tomer; to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeterapprccistc this method, Wo mate undertaking a. Specialty. It. N. ROWE S. GIDLBY & SOB, HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. t• One of America's most fa- int' (B mous physicians says: "Scrof- p$p,, ,ula is external consumption." t, Scrofulous children are often r 0 beautiful Children, but they W glack nerve force, strong bones, 6) stout muscles and power to w 11 resist disease. For delicate ;ti dchildren there is no remedy'; V equal to ,y, o` s id Scotts Emulsion i4 IITM1222===243111112119111 tot o r 0i1 with Hypo- 5 ": of Cod -lever P ,� t-,. phosphites of Lime and Soda. rla It fills out the skin by putting . good flesh beneath it. It makes elf 61, �,1 the cheeks red by skiing rich w. ah: blood. It creates an appetite u td: for food anal gives the body. w; tI5. power enough to digest it. ,Be v' q� s uget SCOTT'S Emul- w T .sure you (p :,ifOn, fs ru ilts. c.. • all �y ,', dad. iYsr ill::. oc i ... . s 0o T tits �emists. Y r 8 .0 9C0 TT BOWNE, �+cc .moi`` tee() t7r,. This season wo have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together Oddments raitChOddmentsrn 1Manry nr r e suitable for presentation. The assorement is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Chaico Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL 1Vo wish to call special attention to a line of Very Handsome IES) BOOM SETTS in ELK, OAK, and A81t ANT eons and C1tx:atONA finish. Alt are extremely tasteful in design and the priees aro m tali lower than it has heretofore been possible to quota for similar Rood.. IH)CKYNta CI(AIRS. In Foesis•r Gt inul, ANm1Q,uu OSx, Conte* Buten, and MMAnooder Firtxsh, from Sfe..4O np. t'ASCTi TABLES., A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly- low prices, Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs. Sec- retaries. Lounges, Fancy li,ockers, Music, Racks, Conches. Extension Tables, Picture Mouldein„s. Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Eto., Eto. ii1WDERTAK1l G and EMBALMING L\1 ALL ITS BRANCHES ... B. idley & a n. FARMERS! You will find at Bisset's W nrerooms the foildwing line of Agricultural Implemenp: Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. tt 1 T A man must consider hie purebe well these times, he must buy wkter be can do the best., Look at some of these flg*rea; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds 2•' Suits o.8O Overcoats $8;0111 ';lack Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12.08 • Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Conte and we for yourself, JAMBS II. GRIER SEWING MACHINES ETC. Biclyces I. Bicycles 1 i Bja iV lu� The celebrated Raymond sewing machine().... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. _ Gurney stoves and furnaces A 0 and The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a geol. wheel. We can furnish you any sill the best wheels made, at lowestprieap Musical. Do you want anything in 'tri* musical line. We have a choice at of Pianos and organs, call and Itri spect them before buying- elsewberts. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby est. riages, etc. etc, Perkins & lar "BILL " - THE CENTRAL 8814' STORE. Try t3INAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old nr young. Wo Manufacture -4 WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent 'remedy for ? Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Cora- dition Powders, still holds fist place ie. the market. Also Lotion for scratch ;s on horses and Condition Powder for same. Wanted -An antedAn deo Wfo mcaen m thing-topatent7 ro they ring you wealth.. Protect JOHN WEDDEBIIII;Ny& CO Ptent Atter. nays, Washington, ' D. C., for their 31,800 prize otter and list of two hundred inventions wonted Cromart"Y: ; Mr. Wm. L. McLaren has ptire lased Dor. Thomas Bell's farm, being east half' of lot 20, concession 1i Hibbert. ' This farm contains 50 acres: The farm adjbitus Mr. Neletren's pres- ent one; and this latest ,purchase will . of 99 gsi021 of 150 acres him in possession lace Pp i t e as good land as ie to be fetuld in b. toavn�h„. SOLE AGENTS won DIX LUNG SYRUP. Neminteneutrrarmtvesa C. LUTZ, DRUGGIST. FOR���G a Via. THE COOKS BEST F'RIFN LARGEs'!' SALE tat CAt.Al,'i:_