HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-5, Page 3*Ms 41, is the pan ?. to remember when buying Sarsaparilla, Dr, Ayr' s Sarsaparilla, has been caring people right along for nearly 50 y•ars, That is why it is acknowledged to be the sovereign Sarsaparilla. It is the original and the standard. The record of the remedy is without a rival, --a record that is written in the blood a thousands, purified by its power. "1 nureed a lady wbo was. suffering from blood poisoning and must have contracted the disease front her; for 1 had fear ierge soree, or incers. break eut on my person. I doctored for a long time, both by external application and with various blood medicines; but in spite of all tbat I ceuhl do, the sores would not heal. At last I purehased rsix bottlee Ahees Sarsaparilla, thinking I would give it a thormigh tem]. Before the iz bottlts had been taken, the ulcers were healed, the elan soued end nature', and my health better than it bed been Zr years. I here beeu well ever since. f had rather have elm bottle of Or. 3. C. ever's Saretpat ilia teen three of ally other kindet-'-eirs. A. P. Uwe; Englevale, N. Dek. Get Ayer's Sarczagwilla, ifff eat- -4fe teletet NO LOU ONO CREEK FOLKS, HOW HIRAM SPOONER AND ARE OS' G000 BOWED THE TOWN. They Offerefi to Svrop Jaekknive5 to Steel Thhiga aluttuain 1434 the Towel Wertt the rttige.-4. Tele of Two Very 'fialeated Proverleatore There wasn't nuthin pertioltier about Abraham Oegoodexcept that ne'd owned the seam umbrella for 42 years, and the only tbing Ilirara Spooner could brag *boot was his payin $7 fur a gravestun fur his fest tette. Tbey was sittin in Parker's oniony one talenteach with his jackknife Oat And Willit1111 away s Wbell Abratene looks over aud eays: "Illteen, it'sMighty. dull tame? tt Squee Creek jest about new." "hfighty replies Hiram. "Don't yo thinkwe ort er eet out and boom things a leetle?" "As to how?" "Waal, I've bin thialtin It all over, and =ebbe I'd swop jatinenives with yo to *tart tbinge hununin. I dunno, thougb, as thla Ituffe of mine is razor steel end cost a heap a money. "Tbett Can't Ilona Of 'OM beat that titer knife," says Hiram as he holds it out to view. "Them blades was made by band, and any one of 'ciu'll cut a ha'. Whar d'ye s'pose 1 got this kni(e?" "Bougbt her of a tin peddler probably." "Dou't be too nart, Abe Osgootil Used to knotv Uncle .13111y Peak? Weal, be went off to tbe Paoific in a wbalor, and one day when his boat bad killed a whale he found. this 'ere knife stlekin in tbe monater's side. Ito brung ft borne and gni it to me for luck, and I hadn't had it but one day when I tonna a dollar in the That was all a lie, and Abe Osgood knowed it, but be felt he Inust match it or be looked down on in Squan Creek, end so he loons at the knife and says: "Hiram, 1 don't doubt what yo say, 'cause I've Seen whales with jaokknives stickin into 'em with my own oyes, but it don't begin with my knife bore. When ray grandfather was crossin the plates to California, he bought this Lento of a fener for $20, and I wouldn't take $60 tbis min it." 'Ile must 'a' wanted it bad," siglis Hi- ram. "Ye bet be MI He had a peg In bis boot wbich was stiokin into, els bee], and he was jest about to run away from tile injuns. Ito wanted this knife to cut that peg out, and he laid down $20 quioker'n seat and saved his scalp. The day afore I The sheriff of a certaiu countyintereept- A got this knife tbe doctor said my ole wont- ed the following Jotter from a prisoner who T an couldn't git well of typhoid over, but was charged with murder: I hadn't carried it two bours when she Dalt Buz -Pleas kni the judge what's goin Was a heap bettor. I spoke about makin a ter try nip case. It's the only way I kin git a T to hey that whiter was ail hrehe up. TN preacher seen both men agna and advised 'eta to mop joenniliVeS even up and trest to the Lorl. to prop' Squat* Creek, but both was our necked. Then be preaehed a eowerful sennou one Sunday agan au everybetly knowea who be meant, and tele Squan(tree% Gazette came out and said that ie would movetlown to Barnegat If uotnethin 'warn done. Nutian was none, bowever, except to keep on quarrolin, and the prIce of real 'estate went down till . you could buy the vacant lot eext to the pastoffica for eeii. The day it was tole the tines caned an indite:eel:me Imetin awl itunnented Abe and Hiram to aPPealt They was given their choice -to either abet up or swap jackknives. It was a purty hard close to swatter, but Abe got em and steel: "I wanted to boom SquanCreek, and that's wbv I asked Hiram if be would swop jaetkialves. If be hadn't sneered at me, it would bee bin, all eight, I'm wUin to swop It he is." . I Then Havant got un, wall oilman) loot; on bis Zee and says: st "I'm for Squan Creek fuand last. If , site's bein hurt, I'm wUlin to do wind's rigbt. I'll swop jackknives veldt -Abe mill up and say no more about it" And they swopped rigbt name And ther, and pointer jackknife was wuth over a quarter of a dello, The meetirs broke up with 011etre, overybedy Wita lenient, and afore sunrise next mornin real estate had] bobbed up 100 per cents and folks whore winder panes had been broken out for! three years was around after glass and putty. M. ihnetre RelleatIons of * Bachelor. You pay your money and your wife takes her choice. A woman has no Idea what berhusband can do until he doesn't try. A man Is never really In lova with a Woman till he gets a horrible fear In his heart tbat some time no may not be. Glee a wonme her own way in notbing, T and she'll hate yon. Give her her OW11 way in everything, Etude:heal hate herself. It's a wise woman that can tell a enaine character by his aecktie and a wiser one d that eau tell a woman's at all. A. man spends bis time trying to get ev. f erything ha wants, and a woman spends t ber time trying to want everything she at can get. Probably a woman is never quite so t oomplettkly happy as "then she has got her S rubber plaeb in the bathtub and is spray- c Ing the leaves with an atomizer. -New o York Press. ENGLISH CAPTIVESMIRO. Detaiis of the Disaster to Major Maccionald in Africa, lifulinotts Soudenese, After Reing Re- pulsed, Took Refuge in a Fort aod, in Veld Wood, Killed Thurston, aVilean puSsed a restless night and there was a return of bis neeralgia. At the latest eell edof his physielau let was reported to have Dr. Donalcleon Smith, the American ex- plorer, Ur. Cavendish will take with him 400 armed mea and nber umof repidnire gime. The purpose ot the expa- ditioe is to out off the Freneli from reaching Fashoda, MR. GLADSTONE'S ILLN eSS. Passed a etastiees Nigbt, and Ifts Newel" la ifeetureed. Cannes, aan. 31. -Abe Gladstone has kept his bed the entire day Sunday. He and Scott, Whom allay lead natitur -Relief Going porwereb ore aliarebes -Cable News, Loudon, Jan. M. -The Daily Mail bee reeeivea a letter from Mega, .A,fricat Itee. 1, giving the latest; news of the disaster that befell the expechtz under the comnatud of Maier Mtleelan and Mr. Jeteetsoe. • Dispatches heve already told how t Soutienese mercenaries attaehea to t expedition revoltea and killed sixteen Brittsh. The Mains letter says that, addition to the 13ritisla, the neutheee killed. fifty Sikhs and Swahilis. The So eanese, after being finally repnised by t expedition, took refuge in 04 fort, wbe they murdered in cold blood three Eh linkman tebont they had eaptnreil. T victims name.s were Thurston, WM and Scot; Iteinforeemeats nushina porwere. The letter goes on to any OM the rebels aro now in a strong position in a geed tort on a peuinsule. Tliey have two Maxim guns. itlejar hinedonalti is illVelit• been much relieved. Peasants Feught Terkialt Troeps. Athens, Jan. 51.-Seyinpah PaShal ou 0 soldiers and twoguns, recently weet to the villege of Itazerina, tear Trethela, to enforce the payment of Mutt. he The peasants time the troops With A COs. be tained. fro, and a regular engagement ensiled. The next day the attack Was re- al newed, with results uot yet known here. re leattleship Vest Five million, Ile London, .Tan. 3L -The new battleship re Implaceable is to cost over$5,000,000, the largeAt sum over spent on tbebaUdug be of a inem-of-tvar. The arras, armor Plate% m on ahewill cost s7:30,000, and the guns nea1y as nineb. Ing the plums as best he een uutil the art rivet of relief, wideh was expeeted in two days. The reinforeemeuts consist Of a body of troops uraler counnaud of o1ikr named learrison, who, •SlAPO heard of the revolt, lute performed a liant series of fercea tunrehe:t front Mae akes, Seine bend:tette of txtiles seetileas Ile first reached Neouge, 'where Sir Harilloge, VOIlliaisq1011er and Cense Our Naval Militia, Leaden, Jail editerial in the ming Post conuneude in every wer suggestion that a teval be 1.11Zed Canada. Whet a Rerlin Paper Hoe Learned, Berlin, Jan. 30. -ib R T be Weft says is twee that Hanna; and Eng- tt Jana heve arrived at an agreement wberet a^ by Enehtua tete owl-ante:1 to eirop her deemed fir the opening of Te-Lien-Weu A. as free port, and Russia waives farther le opposition to Britlish control of tbe Geuerta for tbe Nut Africa Proteetera joinsWet pueheel on and litwed tbe post At Lake Nelvasha. wide Witti in dead)y peril from the revel Smetana:Jo. lie pext relieved El 'tout Ravine from a similar plight. The without resting, be pursued the =tem Intr. horde of rebels through Nommen, pore on h letorle :Nyanza, and et:peeled join Major Macdonald on Dee. 2 er The writer says It will then be posslb to put the finishing touches OA the rebe lion before the troops from Montba arrive, Rionebel PositStrong, The position a1110 rebels In the to is so strong that perhaps the investmen will be prolonged with theobjectof stare ing them out. They now receive most their supplies front the lake, but tbi source of supply will be partly out off b Major ataedonald, who will place Maxim gun on board a small stearner. The Deese expedition is anxious re glinting tbe fate of the garrisons on tb "lever° frontier, communieatIon wit Allah has been broken. It is not know whether the boutlanese on the frontier bar> rebelled or not. Such is the extent of reliable news re- garding the sitnation. What has banned Ince Dee. 1 is not known. te. Chinese sea customs. IV^ ted 5- te fact Whitt: has lilt impurtant bearing on a, political affear.s. le 1. sa of a CURRENT CARLEn. M. Jules Emile Pea,n, the eminent French surgeon, is dead at Paris. Lady Salisbury is still vete' feeble, a A SECRET DESPATCH. he Tstreg-1,1-Yatnen Has Issued One t Xiirak Oltinese Ofacials. London, Jain 81,-A despatcht thDaily Mall from Shangliai says a secre cepatch has been issued by the Tsung i-Yamen to certain high allele's, in orming them tbat Russia warned Chin hat if Eine-Chou were granted to Ger any Russia would demand either Ta len-Watt or Port Arthur. According t he same despatch, it is assorted a hangbal on good authority tbat Chin onsents to Russians being at the hen f her customs and railways. .&t the present cement, stile tbe Daily Mairs correspondent, there are 10,00 Russian troops in Ta-Lien-Wata and Por The Pope will celebrate mass at St. Peter's Cathedral on Feb. 12, the sixtletla anniversery of his Aram:we. The Supreme War Council of Spain wit!, sentence LieuteGeneral Weyler 10 two mouths' inn:mom:Gent, but the Gov- ernment will grant hint a pardon. Herbert Spencer is in exeeedingly feeble bealth from an affection of the heart, and bas removed from London to Brighton permanently. A. Londe; Eng, editor has been fined, 420 for offering 44100 for a correct esti mate of the number of births and, deatbs in London each Week, Ie had been mak- ing money fast by the fakes, but elle lot- tery law Was invoked and Ito was arrested and cone feted. QUEBEC MURDER TRIALS, A Witness Who Swore That on the Day of 1tor Arresb Mat. Peltier Was Advised to Confess, o St, Scholastaque, Quo., Jan. 81.-4. granttn number of witnesses were callea by e the defence Sat:Delay afternoon, but eta t one gave important evidence. Zinn Corbel', Corbel', farmer of St. Augustine, . stated that a month ago Coroner taig- a moth said that on the day of her arrest he said10 tbe prlsoner: "If you want to save your life it is better for you to con- e fosse' The Crown called other witnesses to t Prove that, there was no light On the a night of the murder, as stated by .Toeoph d ' Fortier of St. Sebolestique. The mart adjourned antil 2 o'olook on Monday and Justee Teschereate in the forenoore wIii o visit the scone of the murder. The trudge Was In His Way. rthur. Russian agents have been sent to ien-Tsin (the port of Pekin) mid t apan to purchase coal and food, and 60, 00 bags of wheat have been bought at len-Tsin. Another Reverse in India. Calcutta, Jan. 81.-Gon. Westmacott elegraphs from Camp Mammal that the urth brigade entangled in a gorge near hinkaraar Saturday and suffered serious sses. Lieut. -Col. Houghton'Lieuts. Sewing, owdall, Hughes ited Walker, together ith five men of the Yorkshire Light In- tttry, and three Sikhs, were killed; ajor Earle, Lieut. Hall and 17 men of e Yorkshires were wounded; Major arle severely; and 17 privates are report - 1 as missing. The receipt of the despatch has caused great sensation here, and further de- lls are anxiously awaited. A Corrected Test. The paragraph enutnerating the losses as first sent is slightly inaccurate. The mot list is as follows: Lieut. -Col. oughton, Lieuts. Sweing, Dowdall, ughes and Walker, together with fifteen en of the 'Yorkshire Ligbt Infauti7 and ree Sikhs were killed; Major Earle, cut Hall, thirty-one men of the York- ires and two Sikhs wounded: twelve orkshires are missing, including one who as wounded and captured by tbeeneray. ajor Earle's injuries are serious. THE NULTY CASE. o - Defence AD in and Rebuttal Testimony Introdneed-No New Points. Joliette, Que., Jan. 31. -The defence closed their case on Saturday, after tak- ing Dr. Lesage's testimony. The Crown then had another innings and began their rebuttal evidence. Janaes Mason, captain 88rd Regiment. sworn, said Tom Nulty had belonged, to bis compant, and turned out to be a good soldier. Saw the prisoner the day after the murder and asked Tom where he had spent the morning of the previous day. He received an evasive answer. In the . course of their conversation, Tom said: 1 "You surely don't suspect me?" Jules Grenier sled Tom Nulty bad ap- plied for work, in his lumber shanty on ; the afternoon of the day of the murders. 1 This witness' son also, testified that he had worked along with prisoner in the lumber camp and never heard. him corn- • plain of any sickness of any kind, or ' acted irrationally. • Octave Riopelle, who had known the family for 52 years, swore that he never knew that Tom's grandfather was a drunkard or that his grandmother died of a speeies of insanity. He also stated that prisoner's father had remarked that his son would surely be hangedfor the crime. Several other witnesses were heard, the substance of their evidence being tbat prisoner was generally regarded as a bright young man. awop with ye in order to booth Squan Creek and git bizness on the lump, but ye are so tarnal mean that I won't do it." That was the very beginnin of the affair, and it went on for three years. Arter about a month everybody in &plan Creek began to take sides and argy and git mad. The women was arawed into It as well as the men, and thar Wasn't no more lendin of quilt frames and flatirons and wash- boards. Bimeby the preacher felt called upon to interfere, 'cause it was van roll - gun, and he goes to Hiram Spooner and says: "Hiram, the Lord won't allow a liar to prosper. That jackknife of yours was tweet* found stickin in a whale, and I Want ye to own up that it wasn't and stop this quarrelin." Hiram said he'd own up if Abe would, but Abe's wife bad the only blue bordered tablecloth in Squat) Creek, and she felt SO stuck up over it that she wouldn't let .Abe take a drop. That kept the quarrel goin redhot and everybody on edge. Every few days Illram and A bo would meet at Par - leer's or in the poetefileo, an darter they had got out their jackknives and whittled up • three or four shingles apiece Abe would • lovingly say: . "I'm aeavoppin jackkeives with any- body as wants to, for the sake of bumpin bizness in Sqvum Creek, but I don't want 310 knife as was found stickin in a whale. I'm afeared it would make a Jotter of me." .And then all. the folks would look at Hiram and expect him to say soinethin, and purty soon the end of his nose would git reddish, end he'd answer back: "I'd like to see bizeess hump, too, but I ain't swoppin Iteives with )10 liar. A • teller as will lie about his own grandfa- ther will lie about a blind orphan." In the spring Abe Osgood went off in a (schooner and got wrecked and didn't git back for two years, and Hiram Spooner went down to North Caroliny and was goee about as long. Both got back the same day, mid as they found each other in the grocery, both whitain away in the etune old fashion, Abe feels called upon to say: "Hiram, mebbe ye was makin a voyage to the Pacific to find that 'ere whale and sharpen that krilfe agan his teeth?" And Hiram waited a minit to cough and spit on the stove afore be replied: "And, Abe, mebbe ye was out west buntin for that peg yer grandfather cut outer Ids boot with that $20 jaelaenife." Squan Creekhad got so quieted down that the Widder- Spofford was lendin her china sugar bowl to Mrs. Hastings when the latter had tornpany from Philadelphia, but tbe return of he men set everybody by the ears agin. hey pizened each oth- er's dogs and oat ‘ et licked each other's '' ebildren, and the obtain skule we was goin coutinurance weal would give rae time ter break out of jail. I've hearn tell of a good ninny people aein shot from Ambush. Find out if Ambush is in the judge's eirldt an if so locate titer an shoot hira with No. 8 buckshot. You will Grately oblige me, Bill, if aou will do this much fer me, wieh I will never fergit, but aiwais remember. Yours, Jett. P. S. -Give him both barrels, Bill. -Atlanta Clonstitution. And the Office Boy Suffers. First OfficeeBoy-Do you like your job! Second Office Boy -Naw! The type- writer is 35; the bookkeeper's sore 'cause he can't be a dude on $8 a week; tbe in- stallment company took the bead derk's bicycle away from tains last week 'cause he hadn't paid up on it, and the boss won't let me whistle anywhere. Somerville Journal. Followed Directions. Physician -Heavens, woman! What do you mean by giving Patsy a bath? With his pneumonia it niay pipe° fatal. Mrs. Miclhooley-Faith, your honor, an didn't yer paseriptain rade "To be taken In wather?"-Brooklyn Life. Not a Pessimist. Miss Wabash --Your friend who has just left us is something of a pessimist, I im- agine. Miss Halsted -Indeed be isn't. He's an optician, and be has the creaurof the West Bide trade. -Chicago Nays. • As a viatint. Mrs, laillusWity did you tell Mr. Ka - Jones. you suffered greatly from cold feet? Billns--,Whav v.eas the harm, Maria didn't explain to bint that ib was four 00 tb Li eh Britain's Policy Is Just. London, Jan. 81. --The Hon. Joseph ,Chamberlain, Secretary of State for the Colonies, speaking at Birmingham Satur- day evening, dwelt upati the efforts of the foreign 'lateens to conquer great colonial empires with the intention of converting them into exclusive trade preserves teem which British trade should forever be ex- cluded. This policy, he said, is now hang - g over Great Britain, like the sword of reocles, in West Africa and China. He- rding the latter country, Mr. Chamber. n. added, he was happy to believe there a general agreement of all the great nunercial powers that Great Britain's bey WW1 a just one. cold met 1 suflerocl from. -Chicago Trib10 - tine. Ito* Naughty' Chile. Yo' mammy doan't lab ye, no mo'..; Indeed she cloan't, for sho' an she'. Yo' jes' is seal a naughty chile. Yo' clothes yo' jes' dun gone an splle-, Yo' naughty chile. What masks yo' jes' go pesarin roun Whar all de badiess kin be foun? Jes' look'yo' ban's is black'rn mine. Down to de bad place you'll be gwine- Yo' naughty chile. Yo' mammy otter spank ye' too. Yo' w'ars her soul out, 'den yo' do,' Yo' little hen's, yo' tared up cilothes, An smudges on yo' sassy nose- • Ye' naughty chile. To' isn't my chile enny mita Yo's jes' a pickaninny shoe Elsa yo'l Dirty as yo' am? Wall, arter all, yo'se manntly's To' natightY. ga lal Wa CO po gag ,Piague Commissioner Murdered, • Calcutta, Jan. 31. -Early Sundaymorn- ing the body -Of the ohariman of the Plague Committhe was found in a field at Sinner, in the Nasi c district of this province, near the scene of the riots. The • commissioner wag murdered. Calvendish is Going Again. London4 Jan. 81. -Young Henry ' Cav- endish, a, distant relative of the ' Duke of Devonshlfre, is preparing to start again • for Equ torlal Africa, accompanied by Lama A drew, eight British officers and n, whit) was the oompanloa 01 ST. JEAN BA_PTISTE CHURCH - It Was Destroyed With chapel and Presby. • tery by Fire:. -Loss, sesoo,000. • Montreal, Que., Jan. 31. -St. Jean Baptiste Church, the ehapel adjoining, and the presbytery were totally destroyed by fire on Saturday. Tiaey were situated in the plot bounded by Drolet, Rachel and Sanguinet streets, in the northern Portion of the city. The loss, whieh will be between $150,000 and $200,000, is p,ir pareltiaollnyticao;cornedsbaigitnitIsuretalisogek .eTwhaesolathae- private property of Rev. Cure Magloire Andel; and was valued at $35,000. Http- pily the fire was unattended with loss of life. Tbe euro and his six curate, who reside in the presbytery, were maimed at the very Outset, and co-operated with the firemen and other willing workers in sav- ing property. The only deemed° feature was the alarm created by the seemingly long absence of Cure Auclair, who bad rushed Preen the street into his residence to secure valuable documents lying in hie library. Several firemen and a priest forced the cure to withdraw. BULLS AT .1A(913K. janeare ebeat in Chicago Sold. at *148 • A Strong. Market Without New Peotares Leval triees. Friday Blrealn, Jae. 28, l'eae are lel leaver In Liverpool. eeth wheat le Celeago 3e blehet at ;LW Liverpool wheAr %.41 to 34,40 higher for Mama ,aeci May. T145 wheat market Is inherently strong, widtotit arty strikingly new &ante.. it bus growing szrong steadUy fo•two eiel the itiviclea.e tiler ilevelep treat day to day Dare gradually forced tin,. ix:W- ere to realize it. 'late bulls are lit evatrel. The heath have aot hin sliceessful inialag in over a mouth. Viva prmes off lade, but fail to dislodge any large lino of leer. wawa and eaten they aave to sorer they theariably pay higller prices.frere Is no -leader to the beer eleineet. And HWY are offering a feebie wsietunce to the upward movement. The majority of die beat traders are bullish awl lona, awl It Is 4'^recleany lacewing apparent that hetterInectically coutrole the trade In Chi - cep) and at other points, Teere was g meteria/ changing arounti In the exportef wheat treat the heed -Jae coeutries during 1607. Tbe 'ports emu - Piled by die Dritiele Board of Trade show That Regaled's la/Parts of wbvat tronl aft -ale decreascd 1.3 per emit Prom the Dalube they deereased Go per ef qua Ar- e:a-Ilia, 20 per SenteaDalia, 7.:1 per sear.; eull, 40 Itt*I' oeat. Comparee wita 1811. thereases were from lanitea ete pee gaga awi Cattede. 33 per wit. Such ea extreerasnatey distributten from ex- : ling cone -tries brougat native growu weeat more freely. to market thee ever bef)re and et prices that yielded amne grewers more pomade sterling for flrM four atoetbs than for any twelve months. Mae, ifet incapacity of Southeastern RUeele to supply tlemende preelp tated refleetive of (la les 10 MIT, iteservee necuniteatee fell lutports from Awed= bate: been, sera °way impaireil. 44,44E44 Wheat Markets Followlag are the closing prices t inteertaut centres: tlay Case. Ch•eagO • • qr./ •• •'P •41 08 IV' 4. York , 1 Onset M., eankee...14..1:*IsKail'e'rh. 0 07 0 20:f, st. 1.eule .......... . • 214 0 00.74. 0 00# T4.1P40 *1,1 tir,1*• *f•dIfIltt•N, 0 lee -raft . ........ 0 itaai 0 Health. .. 0 t)i) , DU,Util, NO. 2 Nortnera. . 0 teen e'vete: T, mate, rL d . . . . ... 0 89 .... Toronto. No. .bar.a. 1 07 ,... reroute Great and Pred.uve. FLOUR -The flour market was quiet to dae, with floniand leas active. Sereigit roiwrs are quoted at Z.100 to al, Initiate tielear-arlie detuand Is good and Maas, ariate. Sales of red winter ero reported at Me west, and sluing at en: on etellaml, Goose waeat ent: 00 elidland. No, 1 Maul- tobe hard s quoted o $1.03 Midland arni at elea to elan North Bine itenneena-The menet is enlee with Na, quoted at 32s to 31e west, Ne. 3 extra at 2.94. to zee, anel feed at 270 west GA.TS--Tite market Is firm, with sales twat at 27c for whilte and tta Mid - laud at 2e; mixed 26e west. FDAS-The taarlset Is firm. with prices uoted at 53e to 510 north and wait. ItUCI<WIttesetlt-Tbe market rules steed'', with cars quoted at 32e weat and at 33o on Midland. ItYlt-Tile market Is firmer, with sales at 47e to 47nto west and 48e east. t'011 -N --The market is quiet and prices unthanged. Car lots quotea 81 28e to 2$1,ac wait for new Yeilow. BRAN ---The tiemtual Is fair, but offerlegs are limited. Bran Is quoted at $10 to *le 10 1)3(11» freights. OaTelleAL-The market Is Arm, with quotations tt3.80 la bags and e3.40 in barrels oa track. 1,11OVISIONS-Tratle le ulet. with Prices steady. Bacon, long clear, 8e to 8K.e. Brealttaat bacon, Ile to Mae, Roils, Van to 9c. Mese pork, 4;14.50 to 815.00 do., short cat, alli.50 to SI0.00i de., shoulder mese, $13.50. Hams, smoked, 101.zo to 120. Lard eteady at Gete for thaws, tle to 7e for tubs and TigiC for palls. Cuiapound, Rac to Go. euTATOF,b-The market 15 quiet, with ear lots quoted at 5.50 to Pe par bag on tra 110PS--Trade quiet, with choice qualities 00'M at 14c to 1(le. and old 80 to Oe. DRIED APPLES -Trade is quiet, with quantities quoted at 41ac to 50 per lb. Eveporeted, to 9c per lb. 14 lDDe-Tbe market Is quirt, witb prices nathanged. Cured are queted at tete to 10e. Dealers quote green at Oe for No. 1, tie for No. - and at' 7e for No. 3. Sbeep- skine, a1,05 to e1.15. Tailotv Me to 8c per lb. ler rendered. WOOL - Fleece Is nominal. ' Pulled supers le fair demand at 2040 to 210, and extras at 22c to 23e. Toronto st, Imavrenee Market. The receipts of grain to -day amounted to 2200 bushels all told, Wheat, GOO bushels sold as follows: White at 82Yee to 89e, red at 89c and goose 81e to 81%e per bush- el. Barley arm at 33c 10 850 for 500 bushels. Oats firm; 800 bushels soid at 30%e -to 31e. Pea; erre, with sales of 300 bushels at 57c to 58e. Hay $7.50 to e8.50 per ton tor 20 loads. Straw steady at $6 to $7 per ton for 3 loads. Dressed hogs Arne with fair deliveries. at $8.60 for light and $8.25 to $G.3.5 for heavy. Toronto Live Stock. The run of live sock at the Western Cat- tle Market to -day was large, 41 carloads, composed of 500 cattle, 100 sheep, 23 calves and 1000 hogs. Pat cattle were firm and fairly active'with offerings all sold, Ex- porters firm at $3.75 to $4.2i$ per cwt. Ex- port bulls sold at $3.25 to P.75. The trade In milk cowe was brisk in the morning, but closed wIth an easier feel- ing; LI sold at $25 to $40 each. Sheep and Calves -Prices unchanged, but firm. Good Teals wanted. Pieces were unchanged for hogs; market weak ,with prospects of lower prices nett week. British Markets. Liverpool -close -Wheat steady at Ts 9%d fee march, 7s 5ead for May and es 2efid for July. Maize quiet at as 8etd for Feb.. 3s 3d tor Hareh aud 3s 2rad for Hay and July. Londou-Close-Wheat on passage less ac- tive and 3d lower. Maize on passage quiet- er. Mark Lane--Englissh wheat Gd higher. Fleur in better demand and 8d higher. Paris -Close -Wheat firm at 282 70e for Jane. Flour firm at 611 050 for March. CANADIAN CADETS. Two Extra Commissions Granted by the • Imperial Government -A Case for Methodists -Ottawa News. Ottawa, Jan. 29.-1i despatch has been received from the Coloteal Secretary stat- ing that Her Majesty's Government bag been pleased to grant two extra commis- sions in the Royal Artillery to Gentlemen Cadets of the Royal aillitaz7 College at Kingston, in addition to the usual num- ber of commissions granted for 1293. The • tments will ae ie y de r'ght away, appom a a, instead of waiting for the .Tune examina- tions. • Personal and General. The Carleton County Council wants a Cheese Board. to be established in the City of Ottawa. Hon. David Mills, Minister ot Justice, delivered an interesting lecture in the Y. M.C.A. Hall la.st night on the South African problem, ' There was a good at- tendance. The name of Julius Scriver, M.P., is now ntentioned as Lieutenant -Governor of the Northwest Territory. Archie Stewart of Ottawa who was deprived of his Soulanges Canal contract by Mr. Blair, will enter suit for heavy damages against the Governinent. The London, Ont., Foundry Company Where 110 Is Safe.Vancouver, B. C., Jan. 29. --- Louis Shinned Mt' dozen wh°elbarr0W8 t* Van' lktoire, thenotoricius Seattle Outlaw, has °mixer, B.0., on Friday for the Ehnnlike . been eaptuAd and lodged in Westminster trade. inIE SITICl/AY SCRO01-4,, 4ESSON YI, FIRST QUARTER, INTER-, NATI0NAL SERIES, FEEL 6. Teat of the Leeson, Ueda 4444-enferee ory 'taxies. 35, 28 -Golden, Text. a Pet. v.7 - Ceumentary ay the Ref. 11A. Stearns. 24. "No Mall can serve two =stone either be- Will bate the one mid lea° t ether or else he will hold, to the one despise tbe other. Ye =mot serve G and. Mammon." Tn,ere are bee two Ite tors, Cinest ana eaten, God the Path Son mid Holy Spirit, whO 10 Christ IA manifested their inee foras and Steak 0 eternal vrelfare with all we need her0331 ante to ne, and devil, we° eontrols teorld anti tbe flesh and seene our eto rain, giving as 04 a batt some of the pleas urea of gin for a seaSoll. The child f t kiegdoue haying =Wired, the Lord...Tee Christ and being Made In Him a obi and. heir of God, Is eXPeetted, Blse ,AJ amp, to be looklag for the -city, and, 11 Mosee, to have respect neto the meet peese of the reeemel and be layleig treasure in hetteee arid not CM the IWt affectiou set on thangs above, aot o thins on the earth (Col. Oh 2), over see plesse llim wit° bath called us. 25. "Therefore I say mato yeu Taker thought for year Iffe„ what ye eieell eat what ye sballdrink, nor yet for your bed what ye shall put on. Is not the lite Me thall ItifMt, and the body thaU raiment? Thia wonderful "I Sey mute you" 10 t Testament equivalent of "Tlirsoit the Lord" and should carry with ... 'weight, tor there is in it all power, think you will find it 14 times in tlus ser mon, 20. "Behold the 1nrithi et the atr, they SOW net, neither do they reap, no getter 1810 barns, yet your Ileavenly F titer feetleth them Are ye pot much be ter thee they2 Are pot live sparrows sol tor 2 farthings, and not oneof them is to gotten beforeeod?" #1.mke Xii, Hanle gave life will tiot witbhola food for ta life, and Ile who made the body will sure ly supply raiment to elethe it Do petipl wno weary about these thirtere rauenebe that they bave a Father 10heaven wh spared, net Ms OUla SOP, bqldelis-enedUIx up for us all. Now shall lie net wit Him also freely give us all things? (Bora. 22.) 27. "Which of you, by taking thought can add age cubit ante his stature?" W can neither add oue inch to atir heigia nor a moment to our life bat by the wiR of God. We are wnolly dependent apo Him for everythieg, juet as much as the birds and beasts and fishes, Awe= an plants and tiees. He is the God in whos hand. our breath is, end whose aro all our ways. He opens His bud and satisnee the desire of every living thing, 28. "And teby take ye thought for rat meat? Conekler the lilies ef the field. bow they grow; they toil not, neither do the spin."' They are simply planted, and be- ing well rooted *they grow. Thus If w will but abide in quietness, and, like th plants, trust the luisinaubnense cue, }I will, see to it that our clothing shall do abn honor. Jest 10 lot thy Father da wlmt Be will, Test to Iniolv that Ho Is true mune still, Just to follow hoar by hour as Re leadeth, just to drew the moment's power as itneoleth. 29. "And yet 53t,r UAW YOU that even Solomon in all his glory was not arraye like one of these." His glory was all pti on, bue the lily's glory Is paet of itself. One Lord Ilintself is the true Lily 01 111 valley. His gecny was in Hint and shon at Oren& Him in all His words and eeds. We may put on that which to some nay seem very beautiful, but the Lord ooketh upon the heart, and the, thread o t t rhis whole sermon is reality, the reality at he heart that is eight with God. 80. "Where.fore if God so clothe the grass of the field, which today le and to aorrow east into the oven, shall Ho not r eanch more teethe you, 0 ye of little aith?" If He clothe the perisbable flow - es, how much. more will Ile clothe man, hone He has redeemed. by His precious loodt Ho has, by a sacrifice indeserib. bly great, provided redemption clothing or every' penitent sinner, just me when the dord God azade unto Adam and to his ife coats of skins and elotbed them (Gen. 21). How muCh more will He provide e temporary clothing needed by these bodies! 81. "Therefore take no thought, saying, Nirhab shall we eat, or what shall we drink, r wherewithal shall wo be °lethal?" orry not in your heart nor give utterance; • your thoughts. Fret not is a command ound three times in Ps, =evil, 1, 7, 8, ongside of "Trust in the Lord and do ood; so shalt thou dwell in the land, and ally thou shalt be fed." Tat Phil. iv, 6, is, "Be careful (or anxious) for noth- g." Dr. Weston says: "Anxiety' for the hinge of this life is tinnecessary and prof - les God knows, and God loves." He 'will provide, for His name is Jehovah - /Intl (Gen. =le, 14, margin). 82. (For after all these things do the utiles seek), for your Heavenly Father °teeth that ye have need of all these Inge." Leave all worry endear° to those ho have no leather in heaven, but trust on in God. It would grieve as if our children seemed worried and envious lest e might not fee ct and clothe them and still more so if they should go tot:there for ace things, for Which they should look to alone. 88. "But seek yefirst the kingdom of od and His righteousness, and all these te 50tings shall be added unto you." If un- erstand this, it means that having become heir of God through faith in Christ e are to make it our one great businesa hasten His kingdom and the tirae when e shall reign in righteousness by letting irn use us as He may please for any anner of service in the matter of making Him known to all the world. When in- vidual believers and churche,s and Sun - schools live not for their own benent, foe be and 04 es• ! ea, al. ads the 14 144 14 ett- Ina 111- K, h. i or 7 r re 10 14 *21 0 a ti r 1 14 a I 111 th 'Pa to al g it 10 it go kn th th th to nt di day but to obey the great commission of ath. Mark xvi, 16; x83.17, -17, than See Els exceeding' abundance of blessing in ovary. necessary - way. Make thou His service, thy delight. ,He'll 2).-.:ako thy wants Ms care. , 34. "Take therefore 510 thought for the, morrow, for the morrow shall takti, thought for the things of itself. Suflioi out unto the , day is the evil thereof." The thoughts of last lesson on living by the day are appropriate here also. We are not to say tomorrow we will do thus and so, but if the Lord will we shell live and do this or that (Jas. 15', 18-15). Neither are we to borrow tomorrow's cares, but just today live unto HIM "in quietness =4 in confidence" (Ise.. mot, 15), "Doing as. oc- casion serve thee, for God Is with thee" (I Sam. x, 7). Strength for today is all we need, for there r="1."11.113:erniarslitililimpberoaf"aiortmilbuortrilathaart:Wer. today, W1 t4. 410