HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-5, Page 2, 8 ibseribers who do z{ot receive their Pape
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Call at the oilice for advertising rates.
TI DRSDA , FEl3RPARX 3. 1$98,
Here and There..
Faeces'. makesa fool seem wise,
i No dish I,1eaees all satiates alike,
One foot Le better than two crutehes.
No safe wading in an unknown water.
We ata as near Clad IT sea as by land.
You've got to get ue early it you want
to get the better of (teeth.
. '.. mom than.
One hair a woman draws
s team of oxen.
Wholesome and poi -intone herbs gnat+
In the tame garden.
The world knowsno hing o1 its, greater
then or their wives either, it seems.
Outsiders always thinktheyy earl metas'
things better than the people whose owa
tttzeiuess it is.
"'That was a close sbave," said he
debtor as he cane out of a barbershop
soil just escaped a creditor.
Patience is a flower that springs up in
every garden, but is sometimes mistaken
tora weed.
Compliments cost notbing, but women
don't know that, else they would not so
highly prize them,
A merciful man is merciful to his beast,
*specially a the beast is a big dog with
bite of itis owu.
The source of beauty is generally to be
found in the imagination & the observer,
Some a st expect payment of a 10 -cent
., nae1
hftcbt to gain, them a,3 in encyst.
Betweeeta life canal death there la l'i'e•
gtlelstly but the a a:tr. ees of a elm.
Modems' le a laueie nee cliela c•Co' v, that
%tease see ea ee tl Ase exist he senteilting
xer; 1;eat t,.at,+ a •a,.., a a.
now to Maas Maple( Prostin,;.
Ta1te tcea env'. of maple. sugar or two
and a b elf cul:_; of MITI, '- tp syrup, a cup
of water if time sugar- + uee,i, and the
whites of three eggs. Plitee tale" SWAT nail
water in i.=tewp.an anal it'll tonal the theme
will fall from the .emelt in threats. Beat
the white:;; cF the t,g,,..,ee
to a stiff froth.
Pour the hot crrulm into the eggs slowly,
beating vi=trously. When it becomes too
hard for the leeati'r. take a spoon and beat
it until it is thi,.% enough to spread.
Spread between eat; layer and on the top
and sides, Au excellent ithoeolate frosting
can be made by raiding; a tablespoonful of
the best chocolate to this mixture when
linard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc.
'runed,, Punctuated .and rreserved 1u
Pithy Paragraphs for the Perusal, of
Practical People rerapnal, %'olitigt►l
and Treatable,
The Imperial Raul: of Germany has re -
diced its rate of discount from, 5 to 4 per
Tug Aeleiculaventa14. WORLD.
The harvest in Austria-Elungury is
much shorter than was anticipated and
large Importations will he necessary.
F,?perta to America from North Ger-
many show a falling efts during the last
quarter of $3,231,513. The decrease was
principally in sugar,
THE 1tELIG10US 'WOlttap.
General William Booth, accompanied by
Commander Nicol and Colonel Lawley,
loft New York for Boston, en route to S.
John, N. B., where his Canadian tour
will begins
st taittEs.
John E. Walters, an eccentric black -
;smith of Stratford, tried to cutliisthroat.,
but was prevented.. lie is a bachelor,
aged about tae, acid bad been Acting
strangelg or late. Re will likely receiver.
Talk: DEAD.
Mr. Robert Rankin, chairman at the
Pacific Steani Navigation Company, is
dead at Liverpool, Eng.
James A. Ross, proprietor of the Rost
Rouse, East London, died on Sunday
after a long illness, leaving a grown-up
The Very Rev, Henry George. Liddell*
talo former dean at Christ Church, Ox-
ford, is dead. He 'was born in 1811, and
was at One time chaplain to the Prim*
DTIII: LAuolt w eettLD.
The Bakers' V7niou of Chicago has be-
gun a war against the Aanericaa Biscuit
Company and incidentally against all
employers of non-union bakers.
Former Attorney -General Morrison of
Newfoundland is likely to be raised to.
the Supreme Court bench shortly.
Mrs, Ballington Booth has been re-
moved from the Presbyterian Hospitat in
New York to her home at Mount Clare,
N.J. Her condition is much improved.
John 11r. Scott; exJustioe of the' SU -
promo Court of Iiilnois, di eclat Blooming-
ton. He was 75 years old. He was an
intimate friend of Abraham Zinooln and
David Davis..
It is said. that Stewart Paisley, who
claimed' he was as-saulteaand. robbed near
Monett Albert, atter being married, two
days, sort lase bride to her parents and
went to. the Northwest.
Thomas E. Griffin, colored porter, wlio
was an the train that plunged into the Hud-
son River at Garrison, 'N.Y., last Octo
Tier, and was instrumental in saving Lord
Doulgas of Hawick front death or serious
injury, and manfully stuck to, bis post,
has been presented by Elis Lordship with
a solid gold ,watch and chain inscribed;
"Presented to T, E, Griffin, in ree,ogni
Hon of bis manly conduct on October 24,
1897, by Douglas o1 Rawick,"
The Island of Jantaieit, bas been de-
cawed ft'ee front yellow fever -
Students' riots continue in Paris, but
so far there has been nothing more serious
than noise,
Joseph Folli at Kelly's Island, Ill., sold:
his two daughters for $.100 to satisfy a
debt which be had not the cash to pay,
The Surgeon -General •of the United
Stittes believes there aro many loofa eases
of leprosy in the greet republic than the
people know of.
It is that the estate of the late
Jautes G. Pair of San 'uu eisoo, instead
of being $30,000,000, Duly totals $12,228,-
838, according to itemized figures.
E, B. Soroggle of Montreal has eleven
reindeer in his park atEthekBivitr- They
have just arrived frola Lapland and will
be sent to the Rloudike in the spring.
The bread riets in Italy have bean
suppressed. Distress and hunger drove
the people to violence, and now the Gov-
ernment will clo something to relieve
Ex -President Clevelanu has bought 85
Acre, of land between Trenton end
The white /look Cotton hill at west. I'rineeton, N.J., which be intends con-
erly, I., lass abut dawn (acus to vertang Inco a game preeervo and sports
strike of 100 weevers and spiunera. The mans paradise.
riles was VAUSTtl by areduetion in wanes. Tho London StE' et Railway Co. is to
The sirs@ate in the New Ent;lanti coton ba sued for $5,090 damages for tho death
mills ctintlnt.ts with little, change in the of Wiliiauu Spice of \11ssouri, who was
sate;tion. Abet is a leeun , however,
Rifled Ileo. 17 list by a este b toktng down
that at Fall River a general strike is im- to x'+tttt�tbur.
pending. During the pas;: week the deaths from
e ltre:ul riots in Aneona, Ita.y. were the bnbanie plague in India numbered
1 h , 8 +1.
From all causes there worn 1,5•1Q
contintael yesterday. I (dice and troops
heti troublo in amtaintiining order. '1'he s[a3th t. The exodus is increasing and bus -
To be Formed by the Residents
of Bruce County.
Thousands of Lives Saved by Mr. Peva.
son's Rescuer Society to Preteet,
Lifeby leans of Dodd's $td-
ney Pills, Eei,th's Great-
est ?txediciue,
WI \GIiA if, Jan, %.- Particulars of tate
marvellous escape of Mr. A. T. Davison,
of Luoknow, have been react with inteuse
interest by our eitizeus, Mr. Davison is
well known here, and his scores of £dead;
are heartily congratulating hien on .his`
narrow escape. His story. as published A
few days ago, is startling in the extreme,
and has been the cause of a movement to
Protect our citizens from dangers such As
threatened hien
There are a good many people in Wing -
ham who have been rescued from similar
dangers and they are tho warmest supt.
porters o! the movement. Statistics have
been compiled showing that of every ten
deaths in this country nine are caused by
some form of Kidney Disease. Titin is all
to be changed,
Since the discovery of the famous cure
for Kidney Diseases the number of deaths
from these causes has been greatly reduc-
ed, This oureT-Doild's Sidney Pills -is
being used with time Most wonderful elle-
cess tltr'ougliout Canada. Is has the re-
cord of never having failed,
Who movement spoken of Is to form a
society to make known to victims at
Bright's Disease, Diabetes, and all other
forms of Kidney Disease, that there is a
positive, infallible cure for them In Do'ldni
Kidney fills. A. aueeting is to be held
shortly, when plans far working will bo
It is not to be wondered at that Iladd's
Kidney Phis are exciting such inteuse
terest. They are the greatest medicine on
earth beyond a doubt. They are the only
remedy that has ever cured Diabetes and
Bright's Disease, They have never once
failed to euro Rheumatism, Lumbago,.
Dropsrv, Heart Dlseatee, Paralysis, Bladder
Troubles, Blood leaptirities and Female
Dodd's Kiduey Pills are sold byall drug-
gists et fifty cents a box, six boxes $2,60,
or will be sent on receipt of price by The
Dodds Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto.
How Indian Relish is Tilade.
Chop fine a. etnall beam of cabbage, six
onions, also twelve green peppers and tis;
quarts green tomatoes. Sprinkle over e
cup of salt and let stand till next tiay,then
drain off all the lfqui.k and put the vege-
table in a kettle. Barely cover with vino-
r.ot Tis are Anarchists and Str i lists. The lne.s is t tet,",tt•utt, gar. Add half a cupful mustard seed, a
1 n to other tomtit. Crane: AND Cm as rums.
tcasl:.ouliful calm sail and belt cupful of
trouble is spreading r.
MRS Ia'AL 3I.41'Tt,it9. Fit. Clark, a grain shoveller of l3utfala, sugar, Boil live t aintitce Remove from
"oda has been elected Mayor of . tied his wife's hands null beat her to fir°:act l put into ;;l iti+ jars or in a stone
Der. 'ho
Aybeer, Quei tee. death 'vith a steonp-shovel on Tuesday jar. Ii you like this relish sweet
o l a
cupful of sugar. Aud finally table-
Pras ue is again tbre:ttem d with sera, night- spoonful English tunste d.
ouw disturbances and troops have le.un George Lawlor, a tramp, has been
Amazing Speed to be obtained by Using
Since the Turbinia's famous run on the
Solent, during the great. naval review of
June last, when she ol,tained the very re-
markable speed of forty miles an hour, she
leas been lying up at the Heaton works,
Newcastle -on -Tyne. In a few days the
Turbinia will go out on another trial, the
object of which will be to test the revers-
ing engines, with which she is now being
fitted. One of the great disadvantages of
the old Turbinia was her inability to be
put astern except at a very slow rate of
speed, three knots an hour being the ut-
most she could do. Now, however she
will be capable of steaming astern ten
knots an hour, a special :evening turbine
having been fitted into her since the naval
This extra turbine, it was explained,
does not add much to the weight of the
vessel, and the opinion was expressed that
ouch extraturbine will bave to be carried
In all ships of the future that carry rotary
instead of reciprocating engines.
In the engine room of the Turbinia there
are three rotary turbines, through which
the steam passes in turn and goes through
e. cycle of most complete expansion. The
enormous rate at which the turbines re-
volve necessitates three propeller shafts,
each fitted with three screws. These re-
volve at some 2,200 revolutious a minute,
and it would seem that this rapidity makes
the turbine specially applicable to ship'
propulsion, though it has hitherto proved
n disadvantage in the application of this
new system to dynamo driving, traction,,
Mr. Parsons. builder of the Turbinia,
stated that he did not intend to go M. for
ship -building. He will content himself
with constructing the turbines: It was
evident that we were on the brink of
new era in marine locomotion, for ons
heard on all sides of a state of uncertainty
.in shipping and marine circles, shipbuild-
ers hesitating before commencing the
construction of any more vessels of the old
type till they saw whether the new type
would really holdthe field. Questionedas
to the speed which it would be possible to
attain in rotary engined ships,Mr. Parsons
said it was merely a question of the size
of the turbine:: Speeds of forty, fifty,
sixty and even more miles an hour would,
he considered, not be impossible.
called out. eenienced to six mouths in the Central
Tho city health authorities offieh.11 Prison and twelve lashes; for criminally
J a
dtritlatrat that Montreal is completely clear ay'ttalliting little ;girl.
of smallpox.
Mayor-o1eet Prefontaine is credited with
having a "Greater Montreal" scheme in
view. The idea is to bring the whole of
Montreal Island under auo governmeut.
It is said that after an absence of al-
most four years from the avowed leader-
ship of Tammany Hall, Richard Croker
'hag reclaimed his own, and will be cltalr-
.man of the Finance Committee of the
There was. a $1,500 fire in Thompson';
tinsmithing shop, London, on Sunday.
Fire damaged the Metropolitan ear
sheds and rolling stock in Toronto on
Sunday night $15,000 worth.
Fire at Ionia, Mich., destroyed the
Webber block, the finest business block
in the city. Loss $75,000, insurance $35,-
Mr. Malcolm McFiggin, an old resident
of Colborne, died from apoplexy on Sun-
day, aged '75. He name to Canada in
164a and settled at Cobourg. He moved
from there to Colborne 24 years ago.
Two mischievous boys at Wheeling, W.
Va., tonched a match to a spray of coal
oil issuing from the Standard Oil Co.'a
pipe line from Sisterville. Nearly 2,000
barrels of oil was consumed before the
conflagration ended.
S OL1TI C5-1rO1tleIG,ltr.
Dr, MichahelIes, Councillor of the For-
eign Office, has been appointed German
Minister at Port au Prince, Hayti, in
succession to Count von Luxburg, placed
temporarily on the retired list.,
Senator Pinheiro, Senors Jose Mariano
and. Timotes Castro, members of the
Chamber of Deputies of Brazil, and two
civilians, all of whom were accused of
complicity in tbe recent plot to kill Presi-
dent Maraes and upset the existing Gov-
ernment, hltve been tried by the Extraor-
dinary Tribunal and set at liberty.
The French people are becoming greatly
agitated over the Dreyfus affair, There
was a heated discussion in the Chamber of
Deputies, the. Ministerialists defeudi,ng
themselves against charges from the Left-
ists and demanding a vote of confidence
on their military and general policy. The
Vote resulted for the Government by 310
to 252.
Solt MEN or " WAXt.
It is now stated that Spain's power in
Cuba rests on: her ability to suppress dis-
trder in Havana.:
Now Italy is about to send a warship
to Hayti to demand reparation for alleged
wrongs to subjects of King Humbert.
The Marquis of Lorne has accepted the
position of honorary colonel of the 15th
Battalion, Argyle Light Infantry, of Belle-
ville, Ont.
At Wilmington, Del., Capt.- Murphy
was tried in the United States District
Court, charged with filibustering in e'en
motion with the steamer Laurada. He
was declared not guilty.
There has been a responsible statement
that the Government has decided to add
7,000 mon to the navy, and that the first--
irst-class battleship Hannibal, now at Ports-
mouth, is to be put at once into commis-
sion. There is, however, no official in-
formation or confirmation in either case.
She Couldn't Understand.
, He was describing the game.
i"I thought I hada clear` field," he said,
"when snddenly ho tackled me."
"What do you inean by that?" she asked.
"Why, in this case he caught me around
the waltt`with both arms, and I couldn't
make him let go."
{ ''But why," she inquired, with a sigh,
"Why under those circumstances did yon
want to make hint let go?" Then she add-
ed after a pause, "You lien are queer
areaturcL "---Chicago Poet.
The greater part of camp No:, 10 ee at.
the Jucaro extremity of the military aro-
aa, in the province of Santa Clara,
Cuba, has been blown up with dynamite
by the insurgents. The barracks' were
destroyed and quite a number of lives
were lost, while many parsons were
wounded. Details of the disaster have not
been received. The Government troops
i1rs. Aueusla lack haat bean taken
trent New York to Auburn Prison, whore
she is to servo her sentence of 15 years
for her part in the murder of Gnldensuppo.
News roeeived at Quebec tells how a
band of Indians at Fort Hope Post, In
:,he Hudson Bay Co.'s territory, killed,
cut to pieces and burned one of their
William Booth of :silver Lake, Ont.,
convicted of housebreaking anal robbery,
has been sentenced by County Magistrate
Deacon of Lindsey to a year uiul a hal!
in the Central Prison.
The trial of Tom Nulty for the murder
of his sisters and brother in Bowdon,
Quebec, has been going on at Joliette for
three days. No new evidence of import-
ance has been brought out so far.
Hewitt 13ostook, M.P., has been com-
mitted at Victoria, B.C., to stand trial
on a charge of criminal libel upon Messrs.
Turner andPooley.All tour of the gentle-
men accused have now been committed
and will probably come up for trial at
the Spring Assizes.
Warden Monteith of Perth, and Wm.
Low, a Stratford milkman, were stopped
Saturday night by highwaymen about a
mile and a half from that city. They got
35 cents out of the Warden, who, with
Mr. Low, drove back andlodgedinforma-
tion with the Stratford police. There
were three of them.
William J. Hallam, a Detroit lineman.
was instantly. killed on Thursday by
touching a live wire while at work.
At London Flagman George Booth,
aged about 60, was struck by passenger
train No. 62, due in Toronto at 12.10,
and so badly injured that he died in two
Daniel Bowerman was found dead in
bis still near Piston with .marks of cogs
on the side of his head. He is supposed
to have been struck ;while fixing the ana-
W. W. Ashby, United States Consul,
Dr. Hafoman, Gorman Consul, Master
Mechanic Mottand four others, are sup-
posed to have been drowned at Colon,
Colombia; in a boating accident,
The Atlantic Coast Line train from
New York to Florida, and a local from
Charleston collided 80 miles west of
Charleston. Two men were killed and a
number injured.
The 8 -months -old r daughter . of Louis
Gauthier, a civil servant at Ottawa, was
choked' to death yesterday by a piece of
candy which .a little girl had given her in
Mats. Gauthier's absence.
August Hickerson, a sailor, died at
Port Townsend, Wash., . after living 11
days with a broken neck. Nickerson had
fallen from the inain yard through .a
hatch into the hold, a distance of 48 feet.
A St. Petersburg ,despatch says; Forty
persons were killed and 18 injured by' an
explosion of gas in one of the ' mines of
the Douetzgaer Company, in the Taganrog
district, on the north shore of the Sea of
Two Grand Trunk trains canietogether
at Stoney Creek while shunting and
caused considerable damage, but no toss
of life. The telegraph operator had, to
jump out of the back winclow to save
himself from injury. No one was hurt.
London, Ont., had a fierce blizzard
raging all Sunday. A number of telegraph
wires are reported down in this section.
The railway, lines connecting here;, al-
though having a hard time to keep their
tracks clear; report e11 trains on time, A
large two-story brl&k dwelling in the
course of erection on Xing street east,
the property of W. J.,, Thompson, carriage
lost 27 killed and 87 wounded in the re manufacturer, was partially demolished
sent engagement with the rebels. by the wind.
Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruff,
Is It Piles
'hat more obstinate? What more distressing? -014 the sufferer can,
say, Their very nature is aggravation in the interisest form., Do you
suffer from itching, bleeding or blind piles? Have you, tried a thousand
cures, and yet have the "troublesome things"' with you? Trask's Mag-
netic ointment is a boon to pile sufferers, and timely use of it has foiled
what was inevitably a case for the surgeon s knife or other drastic treat-
ment. One application will give instant relief, and three to six nights'
persistency cures most chronic cases. No harmful ingredients ---no in-
terferenee with daily occupationr=comfort, ease and a speedy cure
--testimony if you want it. Trask's Magnetic Ointment. FRANCIS U.
KAi1LE, Toronto, At all Druggists and Medicine Dealers.
Safe, Certain, Prompt, Economic --These
few adjectives apply with peculiar force
to Dr, Thomas' Eeleetric Oil: -a standard
external and interned remedy, adapted to
the relief and cure of coughs, sore throat,
hoarseness and all affections of the breath-
ing er,gans, kidney troubles, excoriations,
sores, lameness and physical pale.
Uad ale Other Qp;aortuniitiee.
She -Do you suppose a Bila eves told
the truth when he tolda woman she was
the only girl he had over laissetl F"
He --"a't'oll, I don't think Adaui lied
about it to Eve."
Glamor ef rave.
" Before we were married I used to eau
tt golden halo around my sweetheart's
"" Don't you see it now 2"
"No. It looks just like any other girl';
frizzy red hair," -Detroit Face Press.
Exercising Their Choice,
"If there were only shall boys in town
we wouldn't need sidewalks."
"Why Q,"
"They always walk in the gutters."
An Not last,
Ted ---She still loves ;nee.
Ned-IIow do you Phew?
Teel -When she returned my presents
she prepaid the ospra.ss chargee.
c are of Ointments for Ca
tarrh that Contain Mercury,
AN mercury will eenrelyy destrev the tfe,c6it of
smell and com ,,Ietety di:range the 'vii" .e sys
tent when entering it through the mucous sur-
faces. ,neh amcies eh. nit never be u9s'd ex-
ceept on proscriptions tr'na rduttahie Or/stelans,
es the damage they will 410 Is tee feta to the
fico$ you can pesslbty derive from them. Ball's
Catarrh Cure, inaninartnted by la J. Gheney
Co., Toledo, 0., c,,nt.t3i' net to er ury. twit is
taken Internally aet+n,t direetly ripen the bl„otl
anetmneous snrtaeua of On, system. In buying
Ball's Catarrh Cure 1!e sure you get the grit..
eine. It Is taken internally, and inadi' in To-
ledo, by P. J. chy em a. Co. Testimonials
t (Sold by Druggists, price 75e. per bottle.
B'ttliy Donned.
new to ltiake Styeetbren,i Saudwlehes ; A judge e in one Of the counties 'vas
Parboil a pair of sweetbreads. When
cold pick them apart and Chop rather fine
Season them with a tablespoonful of salt,
a dash of paprica and mix with theist u.
belf can of chopped mushrooms. Mx witb
mayonnaisse dressiug, spread on rounds of
bread, garnish with finely chopped celery.
There never was, and never will. be, a
universal panacea, in one remedy, for all
ills to which flesb is heir --the very nature
of many curatives being such that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the system of the
patient -what would relieve one i11 in
turn would aggravate the other, We
bave, however., in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in it sound unadulterated.
state, a remedy for manyand grevious ills.
By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which Qui-
nine exerts on Nature'vown restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chronie state of morbid des-
pondency and lack of interest in life is a
disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep -
imparts vigor to the action of the blood,
which, being stimulated, courses through-
out the veins, streugthening' the healthy
animal functions of the system, thereby
maling• activity ` a necessary result,
strengthening the frame, and giving- life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance -result, im-
proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of
Toronto, have given to the public their
superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate,
and, gauged by the opinion of scientists,
this wine approaches nearest perfection of
any in the market. All druggists seine '
Unknown Genius.
Warren's hall in Freeport, Me., has a
drop curtain which was' painted by an un-
known tramp. When the hall was being
built, a tramp applied to the proprietor for
something to "eat, and was set to do some
painting to pay for it. The owner wanted
some fancy decorating done,and the tramp
was allowed to try his hand at it, and sue-
ceeded so well that his work was accepted
and now remains as a testimony of the
skill of an unknown wandering genius.
Boston Herald.
Kinard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
God's Giving. .
God is the source of good. His nature'
it} to give. Outpouring, bestowing, mak-
ing better better and more blessed -that is
the way love, Ills being, expresses itself.
And he is the only source of good. 'Every
gift that is worth having, every true joy,
every uplifting influence, every helpful
position is ours, not through our earning,
but from His giving. =Rev.'C. Millar.
They Never Fail. -Mrs. S. M. Bough-
ter, Langton, writes : "For ' about two
years ]' was troubled with Inward Piles,
but by using Parmelee's Pills, I was com-
pletely. cured, and although four years
have elapsed since then they have not re-
turned." Parmelee's , Pills are anti
bilious and a specific for the cure o! Liver
and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia,. Cos-
tiveness, Headache, Piles, etc., and, will
regulate the secretions and remove all
bilious matter.
Decidedly Worse.
Mr. Monterey -Which are `worse, lline of
omission or sins of commission P" '-
Mr. Esplanade (a creditor of Mr. ' Mon-
tere'y's)-Sins of owe mission, of course.
charging a jury in a burglary case the
other day, and delivered the following in-
" The critic of burglary is divided into
two degrees -burglary in the firet degree
and burglary in the second degree. All
burglaries not of the first degree are of the
second degree, and vice versa, and, having
said so much, I leave the case in your
IsENT is oar Remedy for sore throat,
colds, and all ordinary ailments..
It never fails to relieve and cure
Port Mulgrave.
Failed to Itoturn.
Jones -Your husband has a very limited
r Mrs. Brown: Yes, he has had for some
time, ever , since you borrowed three
volumes of his dictionary.
Lame Back,
Eczema, ,
Salt Rheum,
Skin Eruptions,
Long Standing Sores
An Old -Fashioned ltetuedy for Baldness..
An old time but good remedy to prevent
the hair from falling out is a wash made.
by steeping three large onions in a, quart
of runt, or until the strength is drawn
from the vegetable, and applying 1t to the
scalp every second day. The odor of the
onion soon passes off, but if found dis-
agreeable, ten drops of lavender oil and
tett grains of atsbea gt fs will everco500 tat;
scent. ---tib omen's home Companion.
111eklo's Anti-OonsuraptiveSyrnpatands.
at the beats of the list for all diseases at
the throat and lungs, It acts like magic
in breaking up a cold, A cough le soon
subdued, tightness of the chest ie relieved,
even the worst case of consumption is re-
lieved. while in recent cases it may be
said never to tail. It is a medicine pre-
pared from the.aettve prluelples or virtues
of several medicinal berbs, and eau he de-
pended upon for all pulmonary com-
Very Thoughttui..
Chicago paper says that a man went
otne from business and found this uotioe
his wife's handwriting: in a conspiouota
n tbe front door: "Dear Fred, -I
ova gone over to mother's, and have laid-
den the key so tbat no one clan find it but
It is tender the left lower corner at
door -mat."
Bright's Disease,
Kidney Com-
plaints, All
g1 per bottle,
6 bottles, $5.o0
From your drug-
gist, or direct
The S. S. Ryckman
Med; Co., Limited,
Don't. Worry.
What docs your anxiety do? It does
Writ empty to -morrow. Brother, of its sor-
rtiw; but, ah! it empties to -day of iia
siren zth. It does not melee you esrepo
the evil; it makes you unlit to corn with,
it 'when it coaxes. It does not bets to-
'morrow, and it robs to•tbts'. For every
day has its ow''n btard'en. God OATS 11.9
power to bear all the sorrow of Itis mak-
ing, , which the umit ii tub"n of sot'roty nlost
assuredly is. -lata at,a };arc+tt.
No fancily living in ;i l,illotis country
should he without Parmelee'. Vegetable
Pills. :L few tale te. mason now and then
will keep the Liver acliv,, cleanse the
stomach and bowels from ell bilious mat-
ter, and prevent Ague. Mn J. L. Prise,
Shoals, alantin co.,,Ina., writes t "I have
tried a box of Parmelee's fills and find
them the heat medicine for Fever and
Ague. I bave ever used."
Rnow Where Re Was.
A little four-year-old occupied au upper
berth in a ship's cabin. Awakening once
in the middle of the night, his another
asked him if he knew where be was.
' "Tours° I do," he replied. " I'm in the
top drawer,"
Put up in lead packages.
Also Japans and Hysons.
A. 11. CANNING & CO., Wholesale Agents,
For sale by all Leading houses.
CHAS. BOECKH & SONS. Manufacturers,
FIVEDOLLARS this 118mnonth wrKite
We have a brand new 25e. article �i I • `s
that smart boys and girls from fourteen up-
wards can sell rapidly. It is instructive, in-
teresting edifying and fascinating. Send 25e.
for compglete outfit to NICHOLS & CO., 86 Biala
mond W., Toronto.
Hamilton, Ont.
Book' of Sworn testi-
monials free to any address.
The E. B. Eddy Co's
• Calendar for 1898
Will not be issued till March
• next at the earliest. We have
• been too busy to find time to
get up a bright and attractive
• calendar for our friends,Ifwantacop O youcopy in March, ♦i
• send a post card request now to ♦i
♦ The E. B. EDDY Co., Z'
r Limited,o
, Y ii:JLa.,, CANADA.. ♦NSONwltinase:dia0ti :stNrau ,
T. N. U.
Thoroughly at The Northern BusiaesaColiege,
g / Owen Sound, Ont., by expexiencod
teachers. Course includes Short,
,. hand,Typewriting,Penmanship and
Letter-writing••i'vstthe subjec(s
Retired by Shorthand writers in office work. UCo1lege
uncement fres. C. A.'FLEMING, Printlp�4