HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-2-5, Page 11 VENTRT YEAR. -547. EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY a,1898..
e t ORDER,
Our Lenses are true and will give comfort, They hellp.
*presery e the sight,
Ire make � G�eA,��r for testingyour eyes.
Graduate of the Ordinal institute. S. FITTON.
� N.
Our Clock and i�atch Department is Complete.
Drop iu and take A LOOK AT OUR GOODS
and see our prices; by so doing you
The undersigned has a. few good farms for
sate cheap. Money to loan on easy terms.
Joust steivemtee,
seerweil'a Il1oo1: Exeter.
Private funds to lend on improved farm
at five and rive, And a half part+0rrt,
Apply to
EwLtoT C: -t77 anllalf,.
Solicitors. etc,
net December, 1st,,. Esete
• I1F undersigned offers for sale Lot No. ;n
itb eent•vy, en. TrewUNhip of 1ireardine. '•
The farm consists of 51aere^s,n11 eleared; good
frame house and hart.; also two goo.1 omit-
atrirs, ascii a plentiful supply of water- Tho
andta; s tnat,.1 lx.1 toile. from the saugevn
line sad a• nolle, from the town of ICine,tr-
ding. Price $t,af e; Same down, the balance in
ten or twelve years a2' ver Cont. i'osness-
San mnv be Ira'i rte un k'orfn• char :artie-,
Olaraanrlyto mug. Tilos. ABB(rrr, Broad.
'way, Eincardino
7.ott;,eot,cession3, township of t:'sborne.
is offered for rent by the undersigned. It is
one or the beat farms in the, township, con-
taining one-1,nudre.l carts a„d has every
COnvenlenee. This feast will. be lot to a gond
tenant for terra of sears and puasession to
Plow will be 1 pix to immediately. Kh rA:�r,. Devon.
o ,
� axi, for Service.
ThefinderNigned will ktei,en Lot 3, Con-
-Isom I, L�ah•'rno, ono ;Ica? (lee 1 Chester
\Vit, Boar and a Thoroughbred Berkshire
Boar for service. Vz.11si turme.
deux 3t..s•.
Seed. slats,
The undersigned has a limited quantity of
Now Whits Siberian Seed fiats which he will
dispose olio quantities to snit purehaaer .
These aro the leading oats at the Gluelpl,
Experimental Farm and are without a doubt
the best on the market.
Jona diAr',
Osborne, i'.ondon Read,
Exeter P.O.
Liberal Conservative Meet Ex,*tea•scitool rlsonrtt ftantea.
ing. j JAI:UA1w SITTINGS. --Jan.' 9,--11Iaet
'- a;ne: held in the kiwi' Han. Absent, D.
Spicer. The following is the order of
business duly submitted and carried. --
Per resolution minutes of previous
meeting. Per H. Hustou and S .Senior,
that the Inspector's report, as read, be
A meeting of the Liberal Conservatives of
the Village of Euoter. will be held in. the
Town. Ball, Exeter, on the evening of Fri-
day. the 8th. tnetant, at the boar of 7.80, P.
ria. sharp,
Bu8utsssr-The work of organization for
and other important business oonn.C- " > ,
tion with, the coming Provincial Elm adopted Per J. Senior and P. 1e leans,
tion. .,
All Conservatives and supporters of Mr.
Eilber are cordially invited,
Dated this Ord. day of Pa bruary, l8 8.
J. A. Roaixas, Ai. EACRRETT,
President, L: f'. A. Secretary L. C.A.
that the Secretary furnish the teechera
of each departmeut with a copy of the
section of then report referring to their
work. Per P. Frayne, adjournment.
Jan. 9 -Adjourned session. Per W. J.
Carling end 13. Huston, that the min
utes of the previous session be adopted.
an th - o•
J .19 , luau ur
al meeting to of
Board held in thSe Town Hall, at 8 p.m.
Absent, D. Spicer. Order of business
submttted and duly carried. Signing
declaration of office by Messrs. R. N
Rowe, W. J. Carling, 13 E. Huston and
P, FIIIN30. Per H. Huston and J. Sen
lor, that P. Frayue be chairman. Per
3 Senior and W. J. Carling, that the
corporation of the Village of Exeter be
Treasurer. Per H. Huston and R. N
Rowe, that P. Frayne be the wood com
mittee. Per J. Senior and W. J. Carling
that R. N. Rowe and D Spicer be the
repairs committee. Per W. J. Carling
and H. Huston; that J. Senior be the
supplies committee. Per R. N. Rowe
and J. Seater, that W. J. Carling and
H. Huston, be the grounds and Sani.
tary committees. Per W. J. Carling
and J. Senior, that the last Monday of,
each month be the regular night elf
meeting; and that the hour be eight
o'clock. Per H. Huston and J. Senior,
that special visits of inspection be made
at the discretion of the chair who may
associate with him one or more mem-
bers of the Board for that purpose and
that visits of the different committees
be made for the due performance: of
their duties as may be deemed wise by
them, or as required by the chair. Per
W. J. Carling and R. N. Rowe, that J.
Grigg be Secretary. Per W. J. Car-
ling and H. Huston, that the following
accounts be paid: -S. Fanson, cleaning
chimneys, 50c.; E. J. Spackman & Co.,
sundries, 40e.:11.,Spackmate hardware
sundries, 95c.; Dyer & Howard, cup
board and shelving, 81,85. Per W. J.
Carling adjournment. Jan 61. -Meet-
ing held at she store of the 'chairman.
Absent, H. Huston.' Items carried. Per
resolution, 'minutes of previous meet-
ing. Per J. Senior and D. Spicer, that
the Secretary communicate with the.
council asking that the hall- be held;,, r
the use of the Board on the night's
pointed for its regular meeting. `I!et.
R. N. Rowe and D. Spicer; that the,�fol
lowing prepayment be con titmediY �5V:,
Coates, wood, 8157.50 e Per R. N. Retie
and W. J. Carling that the' Secretary
be hereby empowered to` renew " the
policy held in the Matchester Fire In
surance Company, for the sum of $1,500
expiring March 30th, 1898. Per W J.
Carling and D. Spicer, that in deference
to the request of the heeve and subject
to' the requirements of the Public Li
b,aries' Act of 1597. the following be
the appointees to the Free Library Board
which may
be formed: ---For e -
d For
the term of
one year, Dr. Amos; for the term of two
pease, Dr.. Lu tz ifor the term of ' three
`years, W. D. Weekes. Per` W. J Car-
ling adjournment.
J. GRIGG, Secretary.
Do not place your order un-
til we give you prices for
Vf A97S
Plaster Paris
Furnaces, etc.
ai6cNiic adt.aRr...d adirAnc2,ca a�
op &
Mr, H. L. Pelee sold his hotel to Mr.
Dan McCormicb a few days ago. --.Mr.
E. ?.eller has starsed a. hardware store
and has secured Mr. Albert Klein, from
Welesley, as Linstrlith,--Mr. G Holtz
man has moved onto the farm wbveh lie+
has rented from 1T, Bauer, etc the Blind
lithe.- Mr. 3. Pretor has moved lute Mr.
G. Holtzntan's house.
GRAIN CR{OP3 jNG,--Tuesdays, Wednes-
days ar.d Fridays. West of church serosa
A. Bo vsi.,ipGit
Death visited another home here last
week. Mr Russell, whet bad been vis-
iting hiedaughter, Mrs. Salton, of the
parsonage, died on Thureday, Jan 20th.
Ile had been a resident of New York,
for the past six years and cause here tie
a t.rsr,, with his wifa3,expectirtg to its
prove his health, but owrng to bis fee-
bienees he failed to recovered, Bis re
mains were tete red in the Fairfield.
cemetery ou the following Saturday.
ACCIDENTS, ---Mr. John Torrence of
the 14th con„ got a bed fell while at
tending' the Bursas' Anniversary Tates
day evening at West McGillivray, Elis
foot slipped en a elopieg plank arid
falling heavily was conoltlerebly hurt
and had to to be taken home, Consid.
ing his advanced years the ceose-
queuee may he rather serious -The
Dashwood stage also met with a. rath-
er batt accident on Tuesiley (teenier,.
Shortly after leaving Lirury when a
semi hurricane was blowing from the
east a sudden ;test caught the vehicle,
whieh was on wheels. ccmpterely over
turning it into the diItII. The ot•teu
pants. two young ladles ;Miss lt.itz oral
Mies Hatyee, -eseaj e4 very meets rrh ht-
enea, brewed but not seriowJy hurt.
TIiR$, were cared for at the post elilutr.
and after anotIn r-conveyanct• had been
procured went on their way,
The Y. P A. gave a. very interesting
program at their literary meeting last
1'bursday evening.. Several new mem
bers were admitted to the Order with
more to follow.-Severat nteembers of
K. O. T. M., of this place paid their
bretheru of Zurich Tent a frieudly
visit recently and report a pleastttlt
time. •-M. Y. McLeen, M. P. P , was In
town last week Inking after his in-
terests in respect to the corning elt ction
contest. Aso lir. H. Either, who is
aspiring for the title 1t.P,P.-4, Junior
Alliance has been organized in connect
tion with the Evangelical church of
this place. --Several of our citizens at-
tended the wedding of Mr, Morlock and
Miss Wuerth in Crediton last week. It
was an elaborate event. -The storm
now on will have the effect of blocked•
ing the roads to some extent. -The
Misses Kibler, of Zurich, spent Sunday
with friends in the village. --Mr. Geo.
Edigholfer has been nursing a felon on
his hand the past week.
Stephen Boiled Report
The following is a correct report cf
S. S. No. S, for the month of January
Names are in order of merit. IV. -
Geo. Sanders, Herman Beaver, Ida Jory
Clara Stanlake, Samuel Jory, Edwin
Beaver and Dan. Sanders even, Luther
Penhale James Sanders; Sr III=Clin-
ton Sweet, Arthur Glanville, Richard
Glanville; Jr III -Stella Penhale, Beat
rice Glanville, Charles Sanders, Lorena
Ford; Sr. IL -Frank Triebuor, Minnie
Triebner, Herbie Ford, Marshall Box,
Asa Penhale, Roy Parsons, Fred Dear-
ing,. Homer Bagshaw ;Jr. II -Vera San -
dere, Laura Jory, Sadie Willis, Hattie
Willis, Clara Beaver, Minnie Sanders,
Alonzo Ford, Willie Triebner, Fanny
Glanville, Viola Penhale Jennie San-
ders, Nelson Sanders; Part II-Herbie
Dearing, Edith. Parsons, Eddie Wills,
Thos. Glanville, Herbie Beaver, Mitch-
ell Willis; Sr. Part I -Lizzie Sanders,
Lillian Stanlake; Jr. Part I-aernet
Craig, Harry Parsons, Samuel Sta'lhlake
Average attendance 48. a
R. N Camel, Teacher.
It bas been truly said that '°in the
midst of life we are in death " which
has been truly manifested in this
neighborhood during the past two or
three months, three sad deaths having
taken place , in that . time. Mr. Eli
Heywood who was just in the prime of.
life, was the first to succumb, followed
by the death of Mrs. Campbell, daugh
ter of Mr. Robert Wilcox, and now the
death of Agnes Turnbull, betterknown
as Nellie, who passed away in the prime
of womanhood on Wednesday of last
week at the age of 26 years, 4 months
and 29 days. Deceased had been sick
nearly a year but was able to be up
and around within about two weeks of
her death, when she;took a sudden
change for the worse and passed away
as above stated. Three days previous
to her death she was unconscious at
times while the hist forty-eight hours
she knew no person. She bore her
sickness with Christian fortitude,. and
was beloved by all who had the -:pleas-
ure of her acuaintance,` and will be
greatly mihsed by her class mates and
teacher at Hae Suushire Sunday School.
The family have the heartfelt sympathy
of the co munity in'' •this their sad
bereaarenn nt.
brides. Tether, elivervett a basket, butter eethusiaatie mteeetutr of the West Wil
Once, more we have sleighing an
revervthiug is on the move =•.The Sun-
day school t:lassmates of Miss Ada Bea-
ver „ave beer a pleasant surprise party
on Saturday, Miss Beaver, who has
been an the sick list for some trme, is.
we are pleased to state, improving.m-
Mr. Charles Diedrich, who.was cmpiay
ed bg Mr. W. 13- ill entzel, es bleak
smith,. left for Hamburg Monday.---
elessrs, Cornell ;Led Geo Zwicker spent
( Sunday in Hensall.-Rev. Mr. Wilson
of Sarnia. occupied: the pulpit of the
Methodist ods t L'htirch on Sunday -Air. W.
Hertzel, who has been visiting Airier
the parental roof, returned to. Detroit
Mandav,--The Royal Tempters. of Teta
peraha:;e announce a spe•lliug match for
next meetin;g..-;Miss Beulah Beaver
intends taking a causes= in college it,
the near future, -Mr. Joint Trees thick
se»„ fills the positen of patlueaster
very acceptably. -There is rumor of a
weddleg in the near future. Particle -
tars later.
tPxoru another swami,
Mr. Edmund Bertrand, of Zurich,
apelat Sunday with his pa;entsr Mr and
Mrs. Leuls Bertrand, --'I"be lieesra Hills
of Elkton, Michigan, are visaing Mr
Charles Wolf, -Messrs. Meteor and
Feuer, of ZnriGh spent Sunday here with
Morrie.- Mrs• 5iorlock,ef Exeter, is the
guest of Mrs. , dist.- Mr. Ira Bice gave
thea tows% .'t tlyler, i tsit nn Friday.- ai
John Torrance, of Zurich, was in the
village on Monday on business. -.-it
reported that one of our citizens has
the !flondllte fever and inteedeto leave
in March in sehrvfe of gold. We wish
you 5necess slurry.
Bea ,Aceinaar,.-Alexauder Cat
letterer, while working' 41 the flax mid
:tt the brake+. ha.i the misfortue to felt
lute theta otos Led his hared tet: ib:y
rushed. Three fingers o4' the right
laarid had to bet amputa ed We vt leb
co a spetedy recovery
MGRI.oece:. �.1i it:tali.--Zion Ch�.rcb
was the eceus' of a very pretty n csf,lia•*
later Wednesday when Miss Carry,
tdaughier of Mr and Mrs. Freedeeriek
Veurth, Was united in th happy bonds.
of matrinlouy to M.r. Julie M.+rlock of
this place by the Rev. Mr. Schmidt
The bride was ae;.,isted by her Butes
I�iz ie,
and Miss Lewitt Mortnek. while
Ezra Feist and licentq F- Inner, assist-
ed the groom. M. F. Knight, of F.
°ter, played the wadding march which
he ably perforated. We wish the couple
a long and happy married Life.
bedroom Suite. and std bur:id, fr.'m the Parkhill: A largely attea-dt•d en
Awl cooler, butter entre, vette
r' kni.veS a,:>�1 eaves supporters of Mr. C C. fledgling
'spoons, .Jubilee Sous•euir, crystal frau was held in Shnp•5on's ldulf: the other
sett,l)resden china sett, china tt�a s.err, afternoon, pie politicians say that the
dinner sett. About midnight coffee! meetlug was the largest . Conservative
and viauds were again partaken of ' gatberiug in the his largest
of the town -
The merry company broke up shorty ;ship. After, a lengthy and eloquent
before a
efot3ri alight and' quiet ince niers address from Mr Hodglus,: the locating
fell on the .easeful :hainesrg td. 1 pro ed; d to 1-,usiuess find sleeted the
foilowng othrert;--R. Ilaskett. jun,,
aensait President; 3, ( lbert, l�t Vice Presldetit
^-T- J- Campbell. 21d Vice President? A. P.
Soi;n .aua' --On Friday last Nr Trott Knight, Secreta vy Treasurer -
Ss; at.
purchaseid the pho:ogt•apb Clinton: It was recently attno:�ntt ese of,�'i. r John froWn s ha It avt s tit Rei 'i't', '4' Hater, or British co.o-
sbnrtttr for Klondike. \St tc welcome C'
wawa, lbrotht�r of S'4 , $star, of iCtir:toll,
Mr. 'L` act ttr Derr midst. had patented an attachment for type-
9cerl�ti*; r.- p 1 1't id r as James 11c- writers, Ifes was ill N w 'orla lett-!
Arttaltr oras drtb ink autos a a;ailvert when he formed' a com p y
near Richard li"e;hh'a his .horse Suddee- Pan of ra itai•
type -
4' fell through as hob', breaking lets leeg. $20 to beadle she eruct«*,them pat and
The hor`;o ass ualuteel at O;a �`0-� cash for ar, iteteres-t in it, and
S` he is to superintend its tnauuf4cteire
ksseatnt.�:•---ttb Weetazesd.ty eige fors twelve motuhs, at $250 a tomb,,
tater the young people of l�len>aa,p hrlal, aitsrwitrtis'to trKce�tvt3 one tbu4 of the
all asarrtrhlyl In l (e'el �y as le :c R. T llt-n+- B prodta.. `3'hls is as good as a.er intrrth
wearte over l•;fi0 press nt .alar ell report I in the Ktoitiisk +. acrd tale old Huron
had a grand time- The flttr•p• frit'nde wlll be pleased to hear of hits
of of Londou, supplied the motile. good lttclt:
ta„` A ,AY.-- S1mttti.ty tti+ar.,ili„ axxt Wilbert; A sad death occurred at
b. AiTiiliatrl t was htti i eidence of Mr. !aria' d McLaughlin,
tt Sunday last, when his second dangh-
sr Mary, and wife of Mr. Jaynes Labia.
;tssrd over to the aileut majorityeirho. W aaijut in tbn prime of
. acing only 29 years of age, wan a:
p.:lrticttlarly lovable \coui:ae, and the
deepest sy mpathe of a large cireta of
fritendra. paws Rut to the bereaved taus
1?anel, who is left with a ft►ttrteera
ruonths'ttd cbf'd, to mourn etre loss of
a loving who and true helpmate. A1-
though coaly trontitaed to her lied on the
day of ber deeth she had treed a suffer
t>r from that. dread dietea,ct''t:e�-Iisumptiee
for about a year past.
Fran battling up
Mr driver it became ut,tleetraa;;abie alt
kinked, Tait cutter, breaking the alas
board and freeing itself tuktug with i
the shaa,fra, dashed down, Maio Street
land when oppotnte Sir. DDunutarn l.ohttl•.
r. tern it curt -it'd dow,t x aide street hitt
tabes e el its facilities turf fell tato the ditch
ai dis:slttee of about siat fret `rite horse
was i,adty tut about the leeks"
:Fuca:. --Mr. Alfred Kttt y. ef itotti-
neen. N 1)„ wee to town ieet wee'ese-
a Ed Riede:enea was it, Scaftaat teas Wed
weedily on baseless -. xas,;,'rinruel Ciskei-
! Ivy .u.d a e;,;; hw a of Cart t': sign'. N. Da
virettr,t Mrs 4 Srialeciacelse,at, !tittle
,44.v .!scale's liedgig:":, Reeve
,44 7:y' seen Tuw»sblp, t No3•Meda➢;.; a few
'days it, tent, uta la m. tt,e f+. --'ill and
Ares Jobe Mt ettleur returned lrewrie on
Moeda . front a tierwith's trip to the Is-
land of Beemuda. M, Wm.
and Mite,; Amy Moreno; att,ei.dt'd the
fvierriet ineeeUUng of the it Teal Tempters
held at. eioderech lost weeks -John
Coulter rsturtatsd boas on Wednesday
last from a trip to Stratford, Milv4'molt,
several niber cones. =taib. trick
tttatdca a shipment of cattle on `Thune
day.- Mr. Julie W. Swys°ter e 1 Detroit
is spending. a few dies here. ILO gueat
of `Thus FIuds.it.- Ira Leavy is tram
tug the engineering at Ceok Bias' mill
A large timelier from here Attended
the concert at Kippers on Friday last. --
Our carters visited l oudau sir Monday
nod prayed against b lnhro, iu Oroope
6, for the Ontario 'ranit:trd. They
were defeated... -•G. A. Fells, of Leman.
formers;; of this place, wets ht town 00
Friday last, -Virus. Ellwood net daugh-
ter, of Brineley, spurt lust week in town
with his brother, Matthew. -.-313s Hun
tor, of Teesewater is visiting at Ogle
Jobnston'a. _-Rev, Mr. Murray. of Kin.
cart nt will lrciare iuCar Carmel Church
neat Monday
eveuin,g-on "Woudera of
"allow Stone Park,"- Miss Gibson, of
Goderich, is visiting at Wm. 'Moir's.
lir. and Miss Ritchie, of Cranbrook,
spent several days beat weak at Thos.
Cameron's -Mr Wils.an,of Parkhill, was
in town over Sunday. -Messrs. Careen
and Ziricker, of Crediton, spent Sunday
in town. -We learn that the 12th of
July is to be celebrated in our village.
The Basket Social which was to have
been held at Wm. Lammit;'s on Monday
night was postponed until next Mou
day night on account of the stormy
weather. -Revival services are in pro
great at Fauustilie,-Mrs A. A. Goetz,
of the Commercial, is spending a few
days at Arthur, -Mr. and Mrs. Dent, of
Mitchell, are spending a few days here.
Cut in Wnlspnats. -That cupid has
scored anaatiter victory was plan:ly vis
ible, an V1edneeday of last week, when
in the country for shares of miles
a around were to be seen largo pleasure
vats, aeeampaliied by many cutters,
which were tilled to their utmost cepa
city, so mut li so, that on one, van, the
baritone bell was atteehed behind, whilst
on another wet a handsome easy chairs
The procession being so striking, that
tbo Zion school boll was rung in an
steer to the merry chimes of the bell,
the latter continuing its chimes to the
residence of Mr. Henry Squires, of this.
place, at whose home was tweeted a
seeue that results in Zion losing another
of its fair daughters and in whieh Zion
contributes to the happiness and com-
pleteness of another home Jsome few
miles distant, near Exeter; the contrac
ting parties being, Mr Thomas Harris,
of Bethesda, and Miss Mary J. Squires.
The parlor was tastily decorated and in
the bay -window was built an arch of
evergreens and°roses. While the Wed
ding March was being played by Miss
Cook, of Kinbarn, the bride came for
ward leaning on the arm of her brother
James, who conductedher to the horse-
shoe under the arch, under which, at
five o'clock, the Rev. Mr. Jewitt, of
Efimville, a'seisted by Mr. Kerr, of Hen -
call, tied the .nuptial knot which made
thehappycouple man and wife The
bra was handsomely costumed in
pink cashmere, trimmed with pearls,
cream silk lace and a sash of pink sat-
in, adorned with orange blossoms and
a bridal wreath, to which the veil was
attached; Miss Nellie Harris, sister of
the groom, assisted the bride and was
similiarly attired in a shaded brillian-
tine, exquisitely trimmed with cream
silts lace, passementerie and a sash.
while flowers also adorned her hair,
The groom was supported by Mr. Jas.
Squires, brother of the bride. The cere-
mony and usual congratulations over,
the guests repaired to the dining hall,
where the tables were laden with choice
provisions, in the centre of which stood
the bridecake, like a colossal white pyr
amid, with dazzling ornaments falling
down its sides, The bride and groom
were given the seats of honor and the
wedding dinner was then served to its
favored visitors. After dinner upwards.
of one hundred guests repaired to the
cozy parlors, whore' many; enjoyable,
hours were spent. several toasts were.
proposed and responded to by the guests
the same being interspersed with vocal
selections by Miss Cook, of Xinburn,
Mr. W. Keddy and Miss S. Reddy, of
Hurondale; Mr. and Mrs. T. Cann, of
Betheny, and appropriate recitations by
Mr. McKelvie, of Hensall, Miss Ida Fer
guson, of Exeter, and Miss L Harris.
The usual toasts were given by Rev.
W. McKelvie, Mr. J. Harris, father of
the groom and Mr. W. Keddy and were
heartily responded to by the bride and
groom and guests. The. bride was the
recipient of many valual�fe and useful
presents, including an extention table,
Our Clubbing Rates.
The 4tmsotaavu and
ti ty Ealapirn
Pommel Fireside
Farriers' Sun
" Olohe
e. Advertiser
" Free Prete'
14 Witness, Moutrea1
O Star, eS
u Farming
Daily News, Toronto
,t Star to
" World :t
$1 2f►
A+tapt'tite and Strength..
" Y have been a victim of indigceat-
ion, add I took lnediclee: without re,.
lief. I resolved to try Hood's Sereap-
arilla. After taking one bottle Ifounail
that my appetitq was better and I had
more strength. I cunt now ably to Nat
heartily without any distrese ;rfter-
ward" MRs. Gno. KrittereVretegy
Windsor, Nova Scotia.
floodlit Pills cure all
l •
ed for 25e. by C. I How. & Co., Lowell,
MAMMA lLi yi.
ARMS -Sulam -At sites -At the residence
of bride's perente, on Jan. 26th, be
the Rev. Mr. Jewitt, of Ellaville, as-
sisted by Rev. Mr. Kern of Benoit,
Me Thomas Harris, of Bethesda, to
Miss Mary J. eldest daughter of Mr.
Henry Squires, of Zion.
TW Nonni. ----Tu tisborne, on Jan. 26th,.
Agnes H. Turnbull, aged 26 years 4
months, 29 days.
R'ussasur..-On Jan. 20, at the Metho-
dist parsonage, Centralia. W. F. Rus -
Another carnival will be held in thesell, of New York, father -in law of
Hensall skating rink next Tut eley Rev. S. Salton, aged 78 scala.
St. Marys:_ Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cubbon
have the sincere sympathy of many
friends in the death of their little son
aged 15 months. Their other boy died
at the same age.
Co17RSBr'.-In l3iddutph, on' ;Ian. 22nd.
Roy Stanley, son of T: l:L and Isabella:
L. Conrsey, aged 11 years. 5 months
and 12 days.
BIROUMORB.-In St. Marys, on Jan. 22,
Eliza Birchmore, aged 40 'years and
1 month.
We take the opportunity of thanking our many
Customers and friends for the liberal patronage re-
ceived during the past year, and hope by 'fair deal-
ing and low prices to receive a continuance of the
same (luring 1898.
We be in to take stock. on Febr s
g ti��'y �. �,t, and
in order to reduce the sable as- T12uch as possible
will +.ffer
•SPS 1
OLS f:? .. S.TOC IS•C® PliETE.
Call 'and examine aid ' be t✓onvinced that we mean
• business
C a . Z icker, Crediton,....