HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-29, Page 8Moartters Wanted. " The undersigned would be pleased to take a, number of boarders.—Ladies or Gentlemen. First elass aceommoda tion. Terms reasonable. Apply at the House opposite Commerical Hotel.. H, Bueletel si Bet IOW ROlill &EEO STOE To the Housekeepers of Exeterandvicinity. ABOUT FEBI%T LRY the undersigned wilt open a Flour and Feed beehiees'n the store three doers south of the Bost Ofece where FLOUR, MO, POTATOES,, ARO OTHER VEGETABLES will be kept oa hand I respeetiyeiy solicit a Share of your es- teemed patroi:aec.. D. SPICER. LOCAL JOTTINGS. Iles-ew your subscription to the AD- tiroceem. County Commit meeting at Goderieh this week. Retails was returniug from seeing a You can tett the progress of the fruit patient near Shipka, the night being very dark, he accidently collided with another rig going in au opposite direc- tion, smashing his buggy badly, while the other rig was also badly damaged. Both occupants fortunately escaped without injury. White rose leaves instead cf ries are the lareet weddtug fashion. At that stage of the proceedings where rice is usually brought forward, baskets of white rose leaves are passed around, each guest appropriating a handful, The appearance of the bridal pair is the signal for the rose leaved to be sent fly - tug, and with picturesque and, approp- riate effect, The Daily American, published at Owosso, lILeh., contains the following which has refereuce to two former and well knowu residents of Exeter, viz: --- ,i Rav, E. W. Hunt at the armory last Thursday evening was preseuted with a five dollar gold piece by his Sunday school elass, Mrs. hunt at the sane tune was given a gold fountain pen and paper knife from the choir boys. She also received a five dollar gold piece from her Sunday school class. Such little tokens display the high esteem In which Mr. and Mrs, Hunt are held by those who associate more intimately with them," We are in receipt of a copy of the Renfrew Mercury which contains the following concerning a former Exeter ite, who is fast gaining photographic fame. The item epea',s for itself:—" A year ago, entertainm "nt goers in Ren- frew were treated to a bright, perform ante and drill by some of the young and budding citizens of the town, under the instruction of Miss Bella Eady. The spectacle became so popular that there was a d'mand For its repetition; and afterwards Mr. A. L, Handford photo- graphed the group, Tide photo in turn he enlarged, and made of it an excel lent wall ornament, It caught the eye of a travelling representative of the Globe; and he asked for permission to produce an illustration of the picture nheietmas Globe of 1897. Mr. Handford gave the permission. The Send the Anvoeaerz to your friends, One dollar a year. One day last week while Mr.. Geo. Oudmore was carrying some hot water to the stable he accideutally spilt a quantity of it on his foot, and having only a pair of slippers on, it was badly scalded. He has been unable to do but very little since. A Brueetield correspondent says:— Mr. Wm. Bawden has sold the beets 53 acres of the Grey farm, on the mill road, to Mr. Samuel Broadfoot for $t,700, It is a wood lot and is beside Mr. Broadfoot's farm and will make a nice addition to it. We wish to call attention to the fact that items announcing entertaiutnents, lee'tiri,s, ate., at which anadmission is charged, are published in the ADvoctTn at the regular advertising rates, except when bilis announcing• the same are printed at this office. When no admis Sloe is charged items will be given free. An order has been issued to conduc- tors on the G T. R that in future whet) their trains are approaching the Amer - i, ;n fretitier they must warn all pass- engers wearing or having in rlieir pos- session sealskin garments as to they stringent regulations affeetiug the im- portation of such articles into the United States. On Thursday night last while Dr season by the stains en the table cloth. Seaforth town council is dead -locked raver the eleetiou of a. high sehool trals• tee. When a man first gets converted, be won't even quote the ewearing of an- other. How a roan makes the telephone rat - tie when int gets mad, and what little good It does! The train from the North Tuesday evening wa,s clearly an hour late owing fie the storm. Bread as a daily article of food is used by only ones third of the popula• tion of the earth. The third of a series of assemblies will take place in Gidley's Opera Hall en Friday evening. HOW aevomxnndating some men are to their wives when asked to do some. thing they are dying to da anyway. The funeral of the late Geo. Pardon, of Centralia, passed through town Wed nes"Jay enroute to the Exeter cemetery, A few cords oz green soft wood and a few eorde of dry wood—hard or soft— wanted at the Avoca e Qfllee at once. The eltnister of Justice has fixed the trial of MMrs.:Stet-unman for the May As sizes, which will be held by Judge Re- bertsou. Mr. George 3leEweu, of Rensall, was elected Warden of the County at the meetiug of the County Council at God- erieh Tuesday. The average cost for each inmate of the House of Refuge is 42 cents per week, or six cents per day, or two cents per meal, This is indeed, cheap living, Geo O'Neil succeeded in capturing two first prizes at a carnival in Hen- sel! on Tuesday night, one i:t the tete mile race and the other iu the mile race. A :meeting of the directors of the Ag- rieultural Society was held in the town hall, on Saturday to discuss matters. pertaining to thts award 4f pertain priz- es Ian lair day. As will ie... Been among our marriage notices, Mrs. Fanny Wood, of the Lon- don Road, was united in marriage to Mr. Jas. Wilson in St. Marys, on Wed- nesday, Jan. 12th, In one item and notice referring to the marriage of Miss Richards we in- advertently made an error in the young gentleman's name. It should have been Gleed instead of Deen. The Government will place some 95,- 000,000 whitefish in Lakes Ontario, Erie, llurou and St, Clair next summer. The eggs are now being hatched in the Sandwich hatchery. Some sneak thieves broke into the Commercial hotel on Mouday evening and stole 33 bottles of ale and half a loaf of bread says the Seaforth Sun. What. on earth did they want with so much bread ? District Deputy Grand Master Tier- ney, of Blyth, will visit Lebanon Forest Lodge, No. 133, A. F. & A. M., Exeter, on Monday evening next. The mem bers are respectfully requested to be present. The entertainment in the Trivitt Memorial School Hall en Tuesday even- ing, was slimly attended owing to the very stormy weather. A program • was rendered and those present spent a pleasant evening. A petition addressed to the Hon. Wm Mulock, Postmaster General, is in eir culation in Stephen asking that a post - office be established in the store con- ducted by Wesley Mitchell at Crediton, opposite the grist mill, Business menrequiring printed sta tionery—nota or letter heads, bill heads, envelopes, etc.—should remember that THE ADVOCATE turns out neat, clean work at fair prices. Good printing is always effective. It is the kind we do. One of those howling and blinding North Western blizzards swept. over this section of the country about three o'clock Tuesday afternoon and was by far the worst storm of the season last- ing until about three o'clock Wednes- day morning, The annual Farmer's Institute meat ing was held in the Town Hall here, on Thursday. The afternoon session was fairly well attended while that of the evening was better. Able speeches were made by T. H, Mason, of Stafford. Ville, Alex. Mustard, of Brucefeld and others. In the evening the same gen- tlemen spoke and on the whole the meeting was a success. The musical concert took place in the evening and a good program was rendered. 111 lll.. v For cheap reading, read our club- bing rates in this .issue, Death of Joliu iloag. There died at the residence of Mr, Donald Taylor, on Thursday last, Mr, Doha Nogg., at the age of 63 years. The deceased had been ill about four months and during that time suffered intensely. He leaves to mourn his de mise one son and two daughters—Ru ben Mogg, of 13rantford;Mrs. Armstrong of Kincardine, rued Mrs, Eaby of Port Elgin—all of whom attended the fun- eral which took place to the Exeter cemetery Saturday. District Rectum.. The Huron District Council, Royal Tempters of Temperance, meet in the; Temperance Hall, Goderieh, to day (Thursday), commencing at 10 o'clock' a_ m„ District Solent Councillor Lewis' presiding. Delegates are expected from Exeter, l:lolmesville, Crediton, Varna, Wingham, Chiselhurst, Bruceficld and! Sodom, At the concert in the evening the local talent will be assisted by Wm McLeod, of Seaforth, in rendering a good program. flood Citizens, The best citizens of a plaee are thus. r, ho are constantly on the lookout for ways of helpiug it along and improv ing it, They buy their goods from the home merchants and never send a dollar out of the place which they can. spend in it. They take great interest in the home news paper and are always i ready to give the publisher items of interest, instead of furuishiug diem to'. papers of rival towns, and canvassed for priuting by outsiders they say "NW" with an emphasis which goes ringing into the solicitor's naiud and in dellbly impresses itself there, exidsoutee Number, The February issue of the Dellneaf:or is called the elidsvinter Number, and again thoroughly justifies its reputa- tion as woman's authority in fashions and literature, The latest winteriiiy'es are elaborately illustrated and accur- ately described. Prominent among the literary features is Emma Churchman Hewitt's article an household expenses. "Social Life In Engllsh Provincial Cit les," by Florence Fenwiek Miller, is a pleasing analysis of certaiu interesting, environmeuts, ete„ e:e. $1 per year, single copies, 15e. Delineator Pub. Co, 33 Richmond St., Toronto. lie Iteeaune Mentally lenbatanced. " Hamilton Polack, an employe at J. Tedford's became mentally unbalanced. Friday and possessed of the hafuciva tion that the town hell was being rung fully half an hour out of time and that the chronometers along Albert street also needed regulating. Saturday night his vagaries took a religious turn and at four o'clock next morning he ran up and down the streets, rapping at doors, rattliug windows and awaking eitirous only to greet them with his demented ery. Early in the forenoou the poor fel, low started to walk to his home in Exo ter. He is subject to epileptic fats, which have impaired his mind,"--Olin- ton News Record. Karon Presbytery. The regular meeting of thePresby- tery: of .Huron, woos held in Knox church Goderieh, on Tuesday,°i.?, 18th, the following members being present: Revs, Mr. McLean, Blyth; A. Stewart, Clinton Colin Fletcher The mels lined; R. Hen - Sale bilis-printed while you wait at the ADVOCATE nll1Ce. • A Hockey ruateh between the first and eeennd melee will be played to- night' (Thursday) on the rink: here, Teeebtn r eenee for 1SOS. High sehool and collegiate institutes and pnbllie and seperate schools in the cities, towns and incorporated villages have the following number of tea`ehiug days in 1898: Dates for opening and closing; Open 3rd Jan., close 7th April, re -open lath April, close 30th J nue; re open lst September, close 22nd Decent bor. Til January there are 21 tesaehing days; February, 20; March, 23; April, 15; May, 21; Jtitte, 22.—Total 122. In September 21. October 21, November 22, December ill. -80. Rural public and Separate Schools have the follmwing number of teacliiug day in 1898 Dates of opening end closing.—Open Brd Jan, close 7th April: re -open 15th April close 30'h Jnnii;• re open 15th of August; closed 22nd December,. In Jaunery there are 21 teaching days, February 20, March 23, Aprii 15, May 21, June 22,—Total 122. In August 13, Septem- ber 21, Oetober 21, November 22, Dee, 16. --Total 93 Allowanee.. iti marls; in the above statement for all holidays ex- cept public feasss o: thanksgiving day, or local nmuuieipal Holiday. cttaraeter Carnival. • The second carnival of the season in the Exeter slkating rink took place Monday' night. The costumes v;c=re varied and the character repreaenta tions were excellent Following is a list of the characters and prizes award- ed, vie: Little Bo Peep, Miss Edith. Beer; lfighlaud Lassie, Miss Rose Zin- ger; Lady of the Snows-, Miss Loraine Hooper; Lady Spain,. Mies 011ie Me.. Lau„ bile; Lady of Japan, Miss Ella .kieywood;,Uodess of Liberty, Miss Ger - rude hicks; Folly, Miss Maud Melts; Maple Leaf, Miss Vera H_aw'kshaw; `mummer, Alf. Davidson; Cauadaiu gill, Wes, Snell; Night, Percey Browning and John ,Spackman �; Commodore Val li,eyrie (III), W. Abbott; Rose of Eng land, 'bell: Westeott; Broadway dude, Fred Bissett; Euchre, Bert Gilley; Irish Goutry, Chas, Abbott; Montreal Stock Broker, If. Sazltinra, Red akin, Allen Myers; Block. foot Indian, Teed Moana.; Diver, Frank Bowden; Kion -1 dike, A Walsers; Castaway, Ie. Dennis; .Butcher, Water Bl'e'at ;Fighting teazel Fred I-1awkshiiw ; Chinatean, Czar Rot lies; Uncle Sam, Edgar 'Westcort; Mex, ieaa,13. Knight; Stars and Stripes, Uy - Gould; Irish characters, Russell .Uov ard, Frank Lutz, Frank Willis, Geo, Sanders; Sear and leader, A Spicer aril M. Vincent; Lieut., Ralph Mud - ford ; ud"ford; Sergeant, Frank Anderson; Drum Major, Frank Walters; Drummer, Nel. sou Shecre. The following prizes were awarded, viz; Lady's best character, Gerrie flicks; girl's best character, hllta Heywood; boy's best character, Allen \ly ers; Gent's best character, W. Ab bott; Irish character, Russell Howard; Egg race, Wm. Sheffer; 2 mile race, Geo, O'Neil Personal Mention L, Hardy was in 1'l inglxam on bust - tees Tuesday. Mr, Eli Snell, is reeovering front Lis reeeut t;eriaent, Miss Abbott, of Kincardine, is visit. ing her brothers here. M. Y. McLean, M. P. P, of Seaforth, '''as in town Snt„,..,".- derson, Auburn; J, S. flenderSoU an-" "..,°s' sall; J. A. Hamilton, Londesboro; J. A Mrs. `V, J. McKey, of Hansen, visited McDonald, Varna; Neil , .',law,Eginond- friends in town this week viii lie ;BW. M, lMartiu, Exeter; Walter Wesley Vale bas returned home from 0 Londou where he spent last. week. picture, reduced in size, duly appeared i uir rueetie ;re Acheson, Kippen; in The Globe, and now also with Mr. est. Graham, ? ayfield; Jas, A. Hamilton Handford's permission it appears in the auu Jams A Anderson, Goderieh and Mercury." elderf,, Walkingsbaw, Clinton and Rad - Ladies; 01.; ife' Lirkton. The ordinary routine Ifou want printed or blank calling g business was transacted after which. y call at the ADVOCATE Office.. Rev. Dr. Robinson, of Winnipeg, super- cards,intendent of the Presbyterian Missions House of Refuge Notes. in the Canadian Northwest, addressed Miss Cook, of Egmondville, formerly the meeting on " Home Mission." A of the Huron road, Goderieh township, program to be carried out at a special has taken the position formerly occu- meeting at Seaforth on the evening of pied by Miss Hodgens. A man named Monday, Jan. 24th, in commemoration Hammond, of Walton, was brought to of the 250th anniversary of tke West - the house last week, suffering with minister Standards, was read. Rev. gangrene in his foot. McVicar, of the Presbyterian College, Shipments. Montreal, and Revs. Musgrove, McLean Mr. P Curtain will ship a car load of and Anderson will deliver addresses. cattle from here to Montreal to•dav Ministers are expected to preach on (Thursday.)—Mr John Hall, of Dash some phase of the Standards on the Sun - wood, scar load of cattle to Toronto day preceeding or following this cele Monday.—A. J. Rollins, car of flour to bration. The next regular meeting Liverpool this week.—Mr Geo. Blatch-will be held at Clinton on the second ford shipped large quantities of hay to Tuesday in March. Montreal and Ottawa, and large ship Council Proeeediugs. ments of grain by our local buyers. Council met pursuant to adjourn- QuReturns. ment at the Town Hall, Exeter, 21st ien advertisement appeared in the Jan. All present. Minutes of previous u. ADVOCATE last week announcing a lost tation waited read and confirmed. A depee locket belonging to Mr, Hurdon, of the awa d a onr the explant re free library and after some explanations by Molson's Bank. The paper had been in Mr: Huston and Dr: Lutz it was moved circulation only a few hours when flee by W. G. Bissett; seconded by W. Hard lost article was restored to the owner. ing, that this council assume control of Mts. (Rev.) Bray having found it and the public library with a view of mak noticed the advertisement. Yet some ing it a free library. —Carried. Evans people will say advertising is no good. -_Harding, that the following gentle• Return of SIarrlat ee. igen be, with the Reeve, members of The clergymen of Ontario : are re- the Library hoard of Control, viz: Dr, quested to take notice that the circular Lutz, N. D. Hurdon and H. Bishop — recently sent out by the Registrar -Gen. Carried. Mr. Bishop, Dr, Ltitz and W. eral requesting them to send in their H. Parsons, on behalf of the Electric half yearly lists of marriages, states Light Power Co, asked the council to that such returns are to go to the di- strike; out the clause in the agreement vision registrar, who is the municipal re electric-lightinc, directing the arc clerk. They are not to be sent to the lamps to be placed over the middle of Registrar General as some have -under.,; the street, Bissett—Evans, that the. stood and are doing. '-matter be laid over until next meet An 111npteasant s!ipitl: iiig.—Carried. Bissett -Christie, that Avery unpleasant, accident happen• the: sum of, $10 be granted W. Westcott a expenses ed on the'4th concession of Stephento; assist in paying on p y funeral xp ses of- Friday night last It seems Mr, Thos Sweet, accompanied by his family and a number of other frieuds, drove over to Crediton to Spend the evening with relatives, acid when nearly opposite Mr• Geo. ;1Iirtzel s brick -yard on their re- turn home, the night being verse dark, the horses got off the road and running into ;a log upset the: sleigh and occu- pants into a large pond of water.A desperate struggle for life ensued and fortunately all emerged from their watery surroundings little the worse save abad scare and a disagreeable drenching. the late Thos. Daw.—Carried. Hardt- Jg Christie,'that Daniel Dyer's a .count $.1:55 for priuting. be paid.- -Carried. Tenders for ng we':e examiued, moved byf W.pri0. Btintsset'c, seconded by E. Christie that t p..DVOCAPE'S tender being the lowest. heie accepted.—Carried. Harding—evens, that the agreement to Fire'i1b'ine be submitted to 'solicitor ii* ikdvice:—Carried. Tho Chief En gineer to_meet the Council at the next meeting. The clerk to ask prices for lumber. Bissett—Harding, adjourn- ment until next Friday at 7.30 p m. M. EACRETT, ,Clerk. Miss L Hardy, who has been visiting in Brantford, returued home Friday. Russel Howard returned to St. Marys Tuesday to resume his duties as tailor "Mr. Harry VanEgmond, of Egmond- ville is visiting friends in Exeter."— Seaforth Sun, Loyd Glanville, of Pottersburg, is spending a few days with friends and relatives here. Miss Annie Brooks left Tuesday morning for Detroit where she will vis it for a few weeks. Mr. James McLean, of Kippen, visit- ed friends in town Saturday, the guest of Mr. G. A. K. McLeod. County Councillors, Rollins and Mc- Innes are attending a meeting of the Council at Goderich this week. Miss Eva Wilkinson, after a pleasant visit of a few days with Miss Annie Brooks, returned to her home in Strath- roy Friday. Mr. John Muir, who has been on a ten days' visit in Gowanda, N. Y. Buf- falo, N, Y., Niagra Falls, and elsewhere returned home Tuesday, W. W. Anderson, who has been visit ing friends and relatives in Stephen for some time, returned to Carsonville, Mich, Wednesday accompanied by his two cousins, Wilson and Miss Jennie Anderson. Mr. Reginald Elliott, Manager Molt sons Bank, Norwich, after a few de --- visit with his parents,r—.urned homeg Tues.iQ^ �^ »..;,, --. ompanied,by his two child -1 ren who have been visiting hero several days. iOr TE� BJG CASA STORK CASH ORPRODUCE ONE PRICE TO ALL. FURS, FURS, FURS !..' YES, runs AT $Af GAIN PRICES 1 only, Ladies Black Astrachan Fur Cape 30 inches long for $'200 $1.,35 for 75c; Ladies Fur Neck Ruffs, 760 worth $185c. clearing at . ..... ,. ,...... , . , , 2 only, Gent's Black Astrachan Fur Coats an tStl perfect color for. . , 5o 25 Uy, Gent's No. 1 Coon Coats, good dark .nit colors for.,... ..,.,. ....... 2 only, Gent's Black Wolf Fur Coats, beau- 17^ 60 ties going for 3 only Gent's Wana.batt Coats, good clean. 11.90. 10 only, Gent's Beaverized fur caps, regular 2.45alue �' X3,54, going for.. 1,4 only,heavyWool Knee Ru. s regular lolg price $2,C)4, clearing at , , . , . COME QUICK FOP. THE ABOVE SPECIAL BARGAINS. 'tore* close 45:30 except Wednesday and Saturday, 4e/ • STEWART. . o If you want to buy RESENTs_...amilsek LOBE TO US. ZXD GLOVES, in fanny Black, Biscuit, Cream. These are guaranteed Good OPPOSUII MUFFS that were $3.00 for CHILDREN'S LAMB BOAS, white at. , , . , . , . , , Pearl and s., •$L50 .25, 35: 50e. SJill!. Mon i Si!k 846 uu1 gess Goods. We eau sell you Jackets at prices to suit you, E. J. 8 P A C K A e l& 00 e, Samwell's Block, Exeter E JILL IN PRICE OF VVITEH GOOBL... MUST GO AT Huai.. 1!!!': & SE:D",, I beg to state to the citizens ,�f Exeter surrounding country ready to deliver Flour and khat I n part of the,town at Chi Feed to any We ,handle` JSEPRICES. 0 SaI 4 f!our :dS�Ni00g Our -Bran smut and doss: is warranted free from Will r Add a general line of SEEDS shortly, 'Charles Trevothiolc. Overcoats for men and oys... Suits for men ar�.� boys. Fur Coat- -4 , Caps and Robes'. Fr--ce Capes for Ladies. Ladle's Mantles. Dress Goods and Mantiesa vershoesa Felt Boots axed, Ca Owing to the Contineued 'mild weather, we ai J more t Goods than we'otherwise would have' had Alid we are Winter, *inter • them over untill ilext winter but to determined not to 'carry make a cle-an sweep if prices will do i.'t. Don't pass us for 'a Bargain. G. 0. Opposite [awkshaw's Hotel, xete