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Paragraphic Information.
An the Queeun dines::: table there is a
*operate servant for ete.h person.
Among the Wenner .;:habitants of Ger-
many the are oniy In who iave passed
their bundredth birthday.
.A, curiosity has been nrought to light in
East Friendship, eile -A luau wbo
kept a diary slum Jan. 1, MO, and never
missed a day.
The Princesa of Wales is buildlog
large riding school in Sandringbam, and.
wand ite extrenae circumference is to be
L cycling track.
An Teersuithe nun at Bulogne, whose
Ituudredtla birthday is to be celebrated,
entered her conveut eigety years ago aed
uever set foot out et it since.
Couutess Samuei Gyulay, ot Buda -
Pestle who was a Baroness Alice Beesly,
is to Cenapete with the Priracess de Chimay
by appearing at the Paris Olympic% in
t'pesee pleetiquee."
M. Casimir-Perier, it is said, baa heel
enoegh of retirenteut. Ho le preparieg
coutett agein bis old sea; for the clou
tif Negent-singSethe, we beceme vecent,
on bis election to the Preselency ef the
.Freticla republic,
Despepsiaann Imegestio W, Snow '
iseeniuse, te. e.„ ntvs "Plense
stead ite ff.% grOcSOf Pa:S• We a.e aelliefs
Mere Of Parmelee's inns than arty other
Pill we 'steep. They have .a greet repu-
tation for the cu•re of Dyspepeia and Liver
Complithst." Mr. Cietriee A. Smith, Lind-
. writes: "Parmelee's Pills are ell
excelleut neelicien My sister has lame
troubled with severe headacne, but these
hare eureil Ler "
Eton, 1,16 Put the Ittght Veer.
Waitrese-le your order taken 1
Weuld-le-Dieer-Yes; the other gi
It it Settle little time ago; init-er-X
r,get whether toid Ler it was for this
week or next.
LiEllUSIII Relieves Naata,
Cera-Wiay do yea %remelt like t
wear their hats at tiu, thinner ?
. :Merritt -So thin when the . venan gee,
to emit' the heroine, no elle (MU See tile;
hair steed on end.
Parents buy Mother Grates' Worm
selenium:or berause they know it is
rno -icine for t heir ie.:kid:ea and. an e
tun: expeller of worme.
Pruned, runctuated and E'reserved
Fithy Faranraplm for the Perusal of
Practical People - Personae.
an nrolitable.
Scores of people saw Alfred Q. Green-
leaf, a bookiteeper out a work in Chi -
1 ports to his Government at Washingten
Itime the mob was gieting even with tbe
:Americans rather than strilting at the
Autonomist policy. American eitieens bed
! to seek refuge th the th S. Consulate aud
Gen. Lee reports thet the situation is
serious. 'United States thterventien at
once VMS talked of.
The French Chamber of Deputies bas
restuneet its. sessions. M. Bon was re
elected President, ef the Hollst".
The last sesSi011 a the present Prussian
Diet waS opeueri at Berlin leet week. The
speech front elie throne ennoenced a
budget surplus.
d'ao. P.11111 frou the 16,ete nee's .r•Y or Lounet bee beeo. eleeted presnlent
Uasonie temPle there m '4"u"'217.' """ 01 4)6 Pianch Senate. Seburerlenstner,
by WAS reduced to pulp.
Tien. esAnon weilenta,
The .epereeivee of the New England
etton mills were paid for the tiret time
at the reduced rate an SaturcleT, and
i -
is fees -ea there, win be a strine, voMIllette- OVer tba St. Inwrence River from en.
lug to -day. The reduction 'automats to •j leaNgvellCe. Geunty. N.Y.
from :10 to 11 1-9 per cent. .and affeete. ee. bill has been reportealayorably from
he Co:unettee on Naval Affaire to Con -
Ines for the constructioa of $2030,000:
guithoet to patrol the greet lance in the
interests of the United Staten
wbo wae premineneiu dm Innythe affair,
was defeete 1 for elle vice-presidency.
The td, S. Ifouse Committee on Com-
merce has favorably reported a bill ex-
tendieg the time for building A bridge
over filen nulls. •
Fielegnex FZUSONAI.
ErailMegowan's divorce from Iiis
first wife has been •enstained. This is the
Trenton, N.J., men who =varied hire,.
Raret‘s, nee Itiddell of Termites,
,Tobta J. Overton .of Cherleston, West
Ta., 'aged. lea yee.rs, has just been mar-
ried to Mrs. Many J. Herelersen,:andthey
will at epee set up housekeeping.
South Renfrew Coeservativee bayi
S. J. Dempsey, the .,eounty
'warden, for the Assembly. ,
LieuteGarereer Chaplean prorogued
the Quebec,. Legislature on Saturdey and
assented te 109 hills Pa$5041 during the
eession. As bis sleitth was approaeltieg
the 'Parliament buildings it upsee end
Ilis Honor tumbled 011t but wasnoe hurt,
littn tenni ilECOnet,
•tnevelaud. Ohio, Jan. 17. -The' Mnsic
wbicla was built in 1Se5 at a vest
860,000. 'wee destroyed by fire.
During a be at Hamilton an excited
Chinamen.juumcd from an llrtitoir win-
• ce:Ay with a money bo itt bis arms.
it; the dark on Censtebie Veltr• ee
Tile Int estigation into the 'cause of the
Loustou, Eng., fire, sliewe thee the less
enelitheild. The 41187 toned that the
NOS the work 01 "E-On00 person o,r per- • •
• ;mown,"
TUE AfillICCIaL7UM. Ivonm).
The orange crop of Southern Cantered
•leeleg nerves -ten, is in prime mind
The report of' the Helaine Sea Claims
Conamissiell will as Congrees to Appro-
priate, to :satisfy the award. to British
sealers, about $4e0,090, principal and in-
terest, besitles S.30,000 in counsel fees, and
other .exreresee
Preeeidene. eituteni 1. Doh hes left
• • jionehtitt fee Washineten toconsole the
1. S. i itt4ott 0045 the :Annexe -
n of the islands eo the United etats.
O. (darter will alio be lit Weshinginet
to work against the antleXatielt treaty.
'rho Londou Morning. Poet expressee
opinion tbat President McKinley is
rifting berelessly and Treinn to sItltsfy
everybeely. The moth, k eays, is eitaos itt
the Republican vamp, aud the mph(
growth of lineenism. Ittfurtber seys. the
/Tingley tariff bee proved a tediettioue
1Taest has commenced in Cube, end
General Blaueo reperta to 3Iadrld thet
customs receipts have inereased.
Owing to the shortage in the hind
valleble for aseTiculture lu New South
Wars, the •GOveratinent ittwithdraNving
4410,000 acres leased to pentorale, and is
eing fieratera 1230.11t this land.
TUE ItUrie01010S 'WOULD.
His:mercies name less been the subject
of an elaborate ievestigation by a Dr.
Lange, who concludee t 444M it le a =tree -
tion of Bischefsmarit, and rejects the de-
rivation f:enu Rieni., the little river tbat
flews near the Bradenburg town, Bin.
For his Dew book entitled "Following
the equator" it is said that Mark Twain
will receive n40,000, the whole of which be
-will turn over to his creditors, to whom
be owes about $20,050 more. He has been
invited by an Euglish publishing house to
write his autobiography, and is said to be
considering the offer.
Ou Prince Bismarek's eightieth birthday
is sum of 2,000,000 marks NVIIS collected for
a statue of the "Founder of the German
ljuity," to be set up in trout of the new
Reichstag building. The jury on the
monument was informed that the Kaiser's
taste preferred Professor Begas's model
and made the WM* I in consequence.
Franz von Leubach tee painter, and Paul
Wane% architect of tue Reichstag build-
ing, refused to Vote with the jury.
Herr Liebknecht, the Social Democratic
leader in Germany, hai had the sentence
e four months' imprnonment for indirect
less majesty, inflicted uu him by a Bres-
lau court, confirmed uy the Supreme
Court at Leipsin A.Ituough he did not
mention the Kaiser the court held that
some of his words might seem to the
hearers aimed against him, and by the
doctrine of dolus oven.ualis it might be
held that in his thought s he was insult-
ing the ruler of,,Gerrnauy
Einard's Liniment Cures Danuruff.
Royal Reminiscence.
The following good story of Queen Vita
toria is timely:
A number of years ago Charles Knight,
&photographer at Newport, Isle of Wight,
secured a photograph which shows Her
Majesty not merely smiling but broadly
"How did it happen that such a likenesS
was obtained? In this way. The Queen
-was visiting Newport. The mayor of the
city was presentbag in a verbose and ful-
some speech a magnificent bouquet. He
had carefully committed the speech to
memory, but in his anxiety to make a
favorable inapression, with his courtly
manners, his ponap and splendor of royal
velvet and fur trimmed robe, medals,
cocked hat and cable chains Of gold, he
lost his place.
After some stammering and stuttering
he suddenly shouted, "I've forgotten the
rest," and stood gazing at the queen like si
stupid sohoolboy on yisitors' day. Then
Her Majesty laughed outright, and the
flustered and heartbroken mayor dropped
the bouquet and fled. While the queen
was laughing, Knight, the photographer,
took the picture. •
lainard's Liniment Cures Burns, eto.
Was He 'Unselfish.
A frail old farmer, ]aid aside from active
dutiesby rheumatics and advancing years,
Vas repeatedly warned by his son not to
ascend the ladder to the hayanoW. Being
anxious, however, to assist in some small
way in the work of the farm; he persisted
171 ascending to the hayloft, till one day he
fell frora the top of the ladder to the
ground. His son and some of the farra
eervante about, hearing the noise, rushed
to the old man's assigbance.. Lifting him
up they anxiously inquired if he was much
kart "Oh, ay, he groaned, "rm gey
saix.thirtech but I wouldha hae cared half
-sae muon about it had it been ony ither
body hut inysele"
A new Methodist eliureh WW1 Opened
Stone Ridge on the BrantIndlan rezer-
Sudermarm's religious play
Jeliannes." treating of the lite of John
e Baptist, was pi -valved Saturtlay ztliit
at Berlin, Stuttgart and Dresdeu, Ger-
many, and did not prove a SUMS&
Priacipal Grant lets accepted the rebel -
lenge of Rev. Dr, /AIMS to debate the
liquor questionthe latter to name tbe
•date, whielt must be before the end of
the montb. The wordy duel is to take
place itt Kingston.
THE 1/1:41.E.
Mayor Templeton at Tann:Inver died
suddenly from an apoplectio stroke,
Michael Quinn died in Kingston aged
83. For 1,'0 years he had been a night
Rodolph Herzog, a Jewthe leeding
drygoods retailer on the Aan'erleen plan
In Berlin, Germany, Is dead,
A private despatch from Thomasville,
Ga., states that Commissioner of Patents
Butterwortla died tbere.
Mr. David. 'Williamson, an old bachelor
and retired farmer, who, with hisbrother,
has been living in Watford Village for
many years, dropped dead of heart disease.
3. B. Moreau, a 'well-known farmer of
St. Lambert, Quebec, died on. SaturdaY,
aged 65 from pleurisy. His wife died on
Wednesday and the doctors say the cause
was a broken heart over the loss of her
It is said 800 persons were killed by an
earthquake at Amboyna, Mala.y Archi-
pelago, on Monday last.
.A. tornado at Fort Smith, Arkansas,
caused the loss of 20 lives and a million
dollars' worth of property.
• The inquest into the City Hall disaster
at London has resulted in a verdict that
the calamity was purely acoidental.
Two townships have been obliterated
and hundreds of settlers rendered home-
less by bush fire.s in Victoria, Australia.
l'he deaths from the plague at Bombay
during the past week /lumbered 450.
There were 1,807 deaths during the same
period from all causes.
Yesterday the section foreman of the
• C.P.R. found on the track one mile west
of Schaw- Station the dead body or *
nein who had evidently been struck and
killed by some train during the night
From, papers On his person it seems elms
he belonged to Tara or neighborhood
.A. despatch from the South of France
intimates that the Carlists , are very
active, and a rising may occur sooner than
expected.. •
Denmark is anxious to obtain from the
powers a guarantee of neutrality, but it
is said the same is not likely to be grant-
ed at present. •
Over 300 army oflicers in Havana will,
it is said, plead guilty to having had a
hand in the attack on the Havana news.
papers the other day.
It is reported that Captain -General
Blanco a Cuba has been threatened by
Havana mob and is mobilizing the loyal
forces to be ready for it
General Sir William Lockhart, the
Commander of the British forces on the
Indian frontier, has postponed his journey
homeward in the expectation of a settle
anent with the Afridis.
A tribal war is raging at Terme, in the
New Hebrides, according to advices from
Sydney, New South Wale& There hal
been considerable bloodshed and trader
have had Dinah trouble,
There was a fierce riot at Bavana ot
Wednesday and Consul-Generil Lee re
teettelet einD entente:ALS.
. The Jay ewe to reliever 15,870 fro.
LatiySyeee was continued as Inetlo
Youne Ailistim the umrdeier of hi es.
Orr, wiicenfeeeed bis crime the other
day, hue titter tented that he intendea ,te
hill Atitheny Orr also,
The Frenelt tleverantent has decided
pronnute M. Zola, the novelist, en w-
ont of his cenueetiou with the. Ester-
sv•Dreettis eraudal.
.A. lame Prealdent of the Slats
esiviuga Rink of Mummies was shot and
killstiitt itis AMC* ae Butte, The (Time
ruse to be the outelitie •Or litigtetinii. •
Alex. .Aliteen, father of the murderer
of 31te. Ore is in e preearious Ijtiun
of health, cetrtit'a to his vut, s reaterselini.
Mrs. Allistm 'still affirms the hey is inno-
Anthony' Renu% eged ni, watt fetidly
shot by Patrolman ti. .1. SentienitIC in
Detroit Monday 4itt iniditiO4. it is said
the endive bed been roughly handled he'
geng of Inutile ruilians before firing.
Fireman Charlie& Meyer eg, tee pritise
Siet.ttlittP :31017 :Aiming, anti a felieW fire,
nem named 'Watessit Mut it tight and the
latter was lest. everitoartl. Meyer wee ar,
rested on the VO -044 irettching New York.
linen Mel Wont ittld Itebertenatigootne
editor/ in Chiettgo and ordered the pro-
to hold up his hand% tiudgenn
did not comply :Ind was shoe tbronete the
head, dying Within an hour. No *nue to
the murderers.
Col. Plequalt, who le belleted •Wen
ineught the t•harges ,tgaitiet, t ',mut 10,ii.es.
hazy in Paris, 110.4 been ;varietal mud in-
teire,ereted in the fortress of elont Vali
ereau. Count Literhazy was tried by
ourtenarthe .and a/emitted.
W. C.. Nichol, formerly editee of the
Hamilton 1.1crald, lies been Gommitted for
trial at Vaucouver, B.O., for eriminal
libel. He is now editor of the Province,
Mr,. Stewart Bostoek's paper, anti wrote
some strong remarks about Mr. Temple-
man and others.
Brill \ kN S LIFE.
A I:, :1
Ho rails Am, Easy Victim to. Ruvuma,
tisui and Kluslred Troubles-.& Twee:tn.
Year' Saffever Tells HOW He Founa •
From the Riohibuete„ .N.B., Review,
Mr, Win. Murray of Cormiersville, k
N.' B., is AU old and et -spewed fames
and a, pioneer settier of the thriving, •
little village he now makes his home,
While Mr. Murray was yet a young
man, he, together With ifis father an.
brother, founded one of the beet mill
properties to be seen in those eaely •
days. The inlUs consisted of a sawmill
and gristle:till, and were operated and •
managed by the two brothers. Leber
saving appliances, being then compaine
tively unknown, the young melt were
exposed to dangers and 'difficulties al -
tram unknown to the present goner-
ation. Oue of the greatest evils in
commotioji with the business was Axe
pesure itO wet and coldwhich, thmigh
unheeded at -the time. have .erippied its
victim with rheumatism, In. alnte
eenversation regarding hie 41sease,
Murray told the following story of his
losses miseu and final cure by the 11S0
of Pr. NS illiam'e Pink 11118: "For
ovee twenty years 1 have been n. eds.
ferer from. rheumatism. I attribute
the cause et the discese to the time '
when as a ,young Mall 1 worked at our
mills, In the winter we would haul
logs on the pond where the alternate
thaws and frosee of early epring would,
imbed them in the ice and sluele
Whenthe tirtle eamik for steeting up
the mill 1 would go out en the pond
E,semetimee in water up to my knees
and work away from morning till
eight ebopping, logs ,out of the slush
and ice. -1 was generally wet twee
bead tn foot, and every second night of
the, week 1 would, with011t chaeging
.nty clothes. Stan up anti run the mai
tin daybreak, So sou see I was for
two deys at a iii110 ill a suit of par
elle wet clothee, end tide WOUld lest
'until the ice had meated itt the pond,
After n .few years rkeutuation fastened
011 has been struck at a depth of 545
feet at Point Edward One
Sir Julian Paunrefote hats celled upon
Vice -President Hobart, thus ending the
question of precedence in favor of the
Miss Helen Gould. of New York has
given a scholarship of $5,0011 to t taunt
Holyoke College, in memory of her nee-
ther, Mrs. jay Gould.
Edison has, it is said, discovered what
he believes to be a new metal, whit% will
do away -with the slow and costly process
of making malleable non.
Nine conductors and motormen of the
Quebec Electric Railway have been sus-
pended for allowing certain low charac-
ters to ride free on the cars.
Hon. Dr. Borden, in the Colonial In-
stitute in London, said the gold output
of Nova Scotia during 1897 was greater
than that of all British Columbia,
.The tempest -tossed steamer Gera, which
arrived at St. John's, Nfld., on Saturday,
used oil and soft soap to calm the water
and the desired effect was attained.
Prince Albert a Monaco has secured
from the shareholders of the Casino at
Monte Carlo his exorbitant price for re-
newal of the lease of the gambling rekort.
A. *theme is on foot in London, Eng.,
to extend the Thames embankment from
the open spaoe on the west side of the
Victoria Tower to Lambeth Bridge, open
up new streets, etc.
iteelf upon me as a reward for this in-
discretion. anti ever inereasieg iui itS
ulaliguity it, at last became NO bad.that
for weeks in bueression .1 could only go
e.beut with ttle aid Of crutchee. Ae
other drove 1 was able to hobble about
the house by the aid of two canes, and.
gain at other times it woulhl ease or
a attic and I was able to do a little
work. but could never genii it for
more than a voliple of limns at a time.
The leaet bit of walking in damp wee-
ther would overcome ine and I remem-
ber one stormy night when I tried to
etik from ewagne Bridge to my home,
a distance of tive mike., that I had to
tit dewn by the roadside six tunes to
ease the terrible pain that had seizet
my legs. Dutimie. all those years of
agony I think 1- tried all the extent
melitines I could got a holdof. but
they did me no good at, all. I consulted
doctors, hut my sufferings remained
undiminished. In the fall of 1893
went to a dower in Duetouche to see if
there, were any means by which I
at least be eased of my buffer-
ing. The dottier alti.1 frankly, "Mr.
"Matrray you eannot be cured, uothing
can cure you." 1 was not satisfied and
then I determined to try Dr.
Pink Pills, 1 proanred leaf a dozen
'boxes and began taking them at once.
I soon felt ft, change for the 'better and
after my supply had been finished I
get another half dozen boxes and con-
tinued. taking them according to direc-
tions. That dozen boxes was all I
took and you so me nOW. I am alive
and smart and can do any kind of
-work. .1 did my farming this spring
and could follow the ploup,h, for days
-without feeling any rhemnatic pains.
Yes Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did me a
-world of good and. I etrongly TCCOM-
Mend them for the cure of rheumatism."
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills create new
blood, build up the nerves and thus
drive disease from the system. In hun-
dreds of cases they have cured after
all other 'medicines have failed, thus
establishing the claim that they are a
marvel among the triumphs of modern
medical science. The genuine Pink
Pills are sold only in boxes, bearing
the full trade mark, "Dr, 'William's
Pink Pills for Pale People." Protect
yourself from imposition by refusing
any pill that does not bear the regis-
tered trade mark around the box.
„A. mail service between Vancouver, San
Francisco and Auckland, New Zealand,
has been arranged to begin April 1.
Steamers will leave every 14 clays.
T. R. Harrington disappeared from the
Walper House, Berlin. Ont., on Friday
night last and bis friends fear ho may
have suicided, as he was despondent at
The Aeohor Line, operating a line of
steamboats between SC Louis and Sou-
thern points, has made an assignment.
Assets are given at $98,000, but no state
anent as to liabilities is made.
IThe Board of Chiefs of the A.au.w
has adjusted claims of members • who
have paid more than the maximum
assessment. The claims amount to nearly
$250,000, and the available reserve is
The United. States Government relief
expedition for the Klondike will sail from
Portland, Oregon, on the 23rd 'mist
Dye.% and Skaguay, with 60 mon, 100
mules and 250 ions of supplie& They go
by steamer Oregon.
Mayor of Vancouver Dead.
Vancouver,Jan. 17. -Mayor Temple
man died at 2 o'clook Sunday of apoplexy
Or other itching, burning, stinging skin diseases—as salt rheum, scald
head, itch, ringworm, ulcers, blotches, piles, can be quickly relieved and
cured by Trash's Magnetic Ointment, Gives instant relief; has made
phenomenal cures. It has been tested where other remedies have failed,
has proved' all that is claimed for it. A remedy of merit-erecommended
by eminent physicians—try Trask's-2$e. "I was a great sufferer for
five years, The first application of Trask's Magnetic Ointment relieved
me, and one month's treatment cured me.—P. J. O'Connell, Geneva.
FRANCIS U. Kellen, Toronto, At all Druggists and Medicine Dealers.
THE Ih.lisON 0.S
Mother ruce County Victory
for Dodd's Kidney Pills.
m !dove Victory for ilio Greatest Nile; is
eines on Rorie; -abet Tide- or Cares
Sweep* steediay osteeNe Caaks or
1:40Eitt'a itiscaSe, Diabetes or
Aor Other teenier Deiease
Dna Withstand' natitt's
Mauer Dille*
Lueettrow. Jan, the Theme
00111Ity residents, whet hew been cured
of Kidney Diseases by Dodd's Kidney
Pills, were to organize a vials it would
have the largest inemberehlp of any
Winder body en the contineue Day
by day, he= by hour, the number of
oersons cured by this wonderful inedi-
:the increases.
Every form of Xidnes* Disease, no
natter how virulent ex- how stubborn,
yields speedily and infallibly to Dodd's
li.'itluey Pine,
T. Devisee. of Liteknow, Was
eured of Kidney Disease. reeently, by
a few boxes of Dorld's Kidney Pills,
His case was an eetreme one and no
other remedy did the slightest good.
Dodd's Kidney Pills win a victory
over Kidney Diseaee imam wee
eineette USED. They are the only
medicine on eartiithat has ever eured
Bright's Disease and Diabetes. These
diseases yield to them as surely and
inevitably as SOW melts before the
springtime sun.
The work of curing Kiduey Diseases
reneinbles that of a farmer who under-
takes to clear his land of thisiles. He
may try a dozen methods, but all fail,
till be hits On the right onee-one that
has been designed specially for the one
purpose, and for no other, Se With
Kidney Diseases. You may uae hun-
dreds of medicines, but none will cure
till you try Doders Kidney Pills. They
are made to our!) Kidney troubles, and
no ether. They always do cure them.
They .elways will.
Docld's Isidney Pills also cure Lum-
bago, Larne Back, Rheumatism, Heart
Disease, Paralysis, Female Weakness,
Gravel, Stone in Bladder, ell urinerY
troubles, Sciatica, Neuralgia, Dropsy,
Gout, and all impurities of the blood.
They are sold by all druggists at fifty
cents a box. six boxes for $2.5% or will
be sent onreceipt of prim. by the Dodd's
Medic:the Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont,
Some Oriental Saws.
A man may be known in three ways
by his purse, his voice and his anger.
Scandal injures three persons; he who
utters it, he who hears it, he of whom it is
A. penny in a jar makes a great noise.
The punishment of the liar is that no
one believes him, even when he speaks the
The world is like the buckets in a well,
the fidl one is soon empty, the empty one
soon full.
The exnulation of the wise le the life of
science. e
soraeone says, "I have studied and
learned nothing," believe him not. "If
another says, "I have learned but never
studied," neither believe him. Banff still
another says "I have studied and learn-
ed," he i4to be believed. •
• A sage once said, 1' I have learned much
from my teachers, more from my com-
panions, and most from my pupils."
Who is wise? Vie who gen learn froth
everyone. Who is etecmg? He who can
control his passions. Who is rich? He
who is satisfied with Ids lot. Who is
honorable? He Who honors others:
filinard's Liniment for sale everywhere.
You need not cough all night and dis-
turb your friends; there is no occasion tor
you. running the risk of contractiug in-
fiaruniation of the lungs or consumption,
while you can get, Bickle's Antl-Oen-
sumptive Syrup— This medicine cures
coughs, colds, inflammation of the lungs
and all throat and chest trouble& It pro-
motes a free and easy expectoration, which
immediately relieves the throat and lungs
from viscid phlegm.
Cured Insomattla.
Brown ---I'm afraid lay wife's conscience
trortbles her ; she never sleeps."
Rev. Fourthly -Ah 1 why doesn't she
come to church.
Beware of Ointments for Ca-
tarrh that Contain Mercury,
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and eompletely derange the whole sys-
tem witee entering it through the mucous sur-
faces. Such articles abould never be used ex-
cept on preseriptions from reputable pliVSlelalle,
as the damage they will do is ten fain to the
good you can possiblv derive from them. Hall's
Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. .1. Cheney &
Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is
taken internally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaees of the system. In buying
Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gen-
uine. It is taken internally, and made in To-
ledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Cu. Testimonials
ATSold by Druggists, price 75e. per bottle.
Insisted on Accuracy..
"Yoa are charged with being a pick-
pooket," said the magistrate to the pris-
"Then I can prove I'm not guilty, your
honor," replied the latter, "for the officer
says he saw me snatch the purse out of
the lady's hand 1"
The 'Vona gator rola Bmw,
.4. school inspector was examining a
class in grammar, aud ereing to elucidate
the complex relations of adjeetives aod
tteens by a telling example,
"Now, for instance," said he, "whet .am
That Was aneasy question, and all the
childreu shouted t
"A Mutt I" and then 100ked round
unaphantly, •
"Yes, hut, whet elee P. said tile
This was riot so easy, bun After a pause,
a boy ventured to suggese •
"A little man."
"Yes, but there is eouiethiog Mere time
This was a poser, but OS last an infant
pluntentenou alitleit leaped, from his Seat
ro his etigerness, and erica ;
, "Mimeo, eirs1 kuuw, sir -aa ugly little
men V*
Mr. T. 3. Haines, Columbus, Ohio,
writes: "I have been afflicted tor smne
time with Kiduey and Liver Complaint,
andfind Parmelee's Pills the best medi-
cine tor these diseases. These Pills do
not cause pain or griping, and should be
used when a cathartic is required. They
are Gelatine Coated, and rolled in the
Flour of Licorice to preserve there purity,
and give them a pleasant agreeatae taste
Simple "faith.
In the exercise of simple faith we shall
certainly find more comfort than in any
ingenious theory depending upon the con-
struction of words about which distress-
ing doubts will ever continue to assail us.
Better than all, we shall receive the end
of our faith. We trust God's word for our
own salvation. Wey not trust him for
the salvation of our loved ones, even
though we do not see it here
MENT is our remedy for sore throat,
colds, and all ordinary ailments
It never fails to relieve and cure
Port Mulgrave.
Sore Feet. -Mrs, E. 3. Neill, New Arm-
agh, P. Q., writes: "Far nearly six
:aunties I was troubled with hurniug
aches and pubis 301 toy feet to even au ex, -
tone thee I coeld »et sleep at night, mad
ae nay feet were teeny swollen I eould
not wear ray boots .10C weeks. At last X
gota bottle of Dr. Themes' Ecieetrio 011
atul resolved to try it mail to me asteuisbe
latent I gee almost instant relief, and the
oae bottle accompiletiee 8lierfeet. enre.
Africans at a Camp Eire,
The African strihes a bappy medium
with regard to beitilits derived from a
lire, He lies so CIOSet RS to get the utmos
beet end just escape the roasting point.;
hia thick bide will stand a lot of wastiug
-a degree of heat which would blister the
:Ain of a white man. On the coldeat
night, provided he has pletity of dry wood
be can keep bhuself comfortable outdoor
with the thermometer down to freezinte
point He builds a big fire, which, be
keep going all night, the Attention ap-
parently costing no sacrifice of Ida rest;
dnring the night lie shins Ids position
adapt lemself to the fire. Sleeping in
flannels, with an overcoat and three
blankets, I have failed, to keep warm ;
ba,ve bad a Chilled spot in the small of my
back, as if a block of ice were there. My
Men by their fires have been more com-
fortable; but it hes been very miserable
Lot them marching in the early morning,
with frost on the grass, with bars feet
loin -cloth.
Inexcusable Delay.
She -I told you that your old, aunt had;
s wie of her own.
He (tired of waiting) -Don't I know shei
sha, I wish he'd enable us to probate 11'
Mr. Charles Pollock, a nephew of Baron
Pollock of the British High Court of Judi-
cature, recently crossed the channel alone
In a balloon, going from Eastbourne to a
village near Abbeville in six hours and a
hale He was not the first to perform the
feat, however. •
Where can I get some of Holloway's
Corn Cure? X was entirely cured of my
corns by this remedy and I wish some
more of it for my friends. So writes MR.
J. W. Ilnowet, Chicago,
Put up in lead packages.
Also Japans and Hysons.
A.B. CANNING CO., Wholekkale Agents.
• For saIeby all leading. houses.
CHAS. BOECHH & SONS, Manufacturers,
this month write
1,Ve have a brand new 25c. article
- .
that smart boys and gins from fourteen up-
wards can sell. rapidly. It is instructive, in-
teresting, edifying and faseinatin,,... Send .25o.
for complete outfts to NICHOLS & c0., es Rich-
mond we Toronto.
nentesseentiesshoineene ....... •
• •
The E. B. Eddy Co's
Calendar for 1898
Win not be issued till March
next at the earliest. We have
• been too busy to find time to
• get up a bright and attractive
calendar for our friends.
If ioii want a copy in March,
send a post card request now to
4 •
• The E. B. EDDreo— 7
4., ,
Limited, , •
4 0
4 •
4 •
vvvvv v vvvvvvvv stente•••••••
T. N. U. 151
ttending the Northern 'Business College, 9W011
, Ont. If you want to know what to tituaht lit OW+
Course besides writing, send for Annual A*.
tttc8t which is sentfree. C. A. Fleming, NIA