HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-29, Page 5W 3 i�- iy 44 7 a ti • ,a. TIRE « xi t r Abucfrate, fa published every Thursday Morning, at the Offroe, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER. _ay the---. ADVOCATE PUBLISHIRO COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 61.50 if not so paid. Jessareeta.siag mates on.. -anapi ca tiicera No paper discontinued un til allarrearagos are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discountmade for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING} turner, out in the finest style, and at moderate rates• Cheques, money ord. • era, Ste. for advertising, subscriptions,oto,to be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Card B. H. KINSMAN L, D. S. & DR. ..... KINSMAN ', L D. S., 17. I). S., graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS,, Teetlr extracted without any pain, bad effects. Office in Fauson's Brook, aide burn Street, Exeter. A, R. Honor or any west L.D.s• ,) E'u- pain, (Alice ...... R.D ALTON ANDI RSO1',(D.D.S„ • honors Graduate. of the Toronto rsiv and Royal Collegeo ofDental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth oraeted without All modes of Dentistry up to date, over Elliot 4 I:Iliot's law office -opposite Qentral Rotel -Fixeter. - .... Iliedieal Drs. ' A.BOLLINS & T A. AMOS. llesidonees, salve as formerli OFFICES, Spackman, building, Dr, Rollins' ofLiee; Sit MO as forreerly-•north door, D. Amos' office, same building Aeon May 1st. J, A Rollins, lit. D. T. A, Attlee, Main St. --south 1833 M. B OF a.T.P., 3IcLAUGHLIN, MEMBER the College of li'hvsieians and Surgeons Ontario, Phrstciau, Surgeon and Amulet*. our, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. R 8, OOLLINS, BARRISTFR,SOLTOIT- i Mee -Over Q*Neil a Bank, zeter,FOntanio. .Money to Loan, 11I,AICD'iSQN,BABRSIITI;.R,SO1'4IQITQIi, Of Snppteme Oourt, Notary Public, Con-. veyauoer, tlontutiesiou'er, fto,Mouey to loan Qfeee-Fanson's jiloek,'I*xcter �ttl'.LLQ'+L' & GrI.ADMAIT, BARRISTERS, I'J Eto.. Conveyancers, and Money, to Loam at 5 and MS per cont. 1. V. ELLIOT, P. W. GLJ.nsae. t1,fICRioueers BROWN, Winchelsea. Licenced knot - Al.. ioniser for the Oounttea at' Porth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsboruo !galea promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbele.Sales arranged at Postofl;ee. Win- ehelsea. Insurance. E EL.LIQT, Incur&P.P.n A{tu' 1t, ,lain St. - Exeter WANTED, HELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce tt new discovery and keep our show cardstacked up on trees, &laces and bridges throughout town and country. Steady omplo,yinont, commission or salary, X65 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- '. tioulare write" rho World Medical Electric Qo.,"London. Ont,Canada. 2-2 9S , qp TAILORING I:HEAP Sy? AND i NOBBY. " The Hang -dog Expression looks of a " ready made," me -down " suit of clothes enough to disgust the Prince Slovens. NO FIT, ?S NO STYLE, NO GOOD. Sl c S " hand. is of 1 i c ( A tailor made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your t ' form is certain to look right, ' AND WEAR`-" Parts of machinery which i accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do 1 not fit wear out quickest. i Same with clothes. Choose .i your cloth and we do the rest. 1 Prices small as titches. Bert. Knight. RIDES! HIDES! HIDES! ! ! .. Highest cash price For hides, , calf, lamb cheep skins ! p id and 1 e sau- the s . r f , . . ,rose, jl For first class beef, lamb, pork, poultry, sage or bologna, can at NEW Bun) IEP SHOP... --t- w� 18E.piIV SOLD BY THE (KART. FM Wal. "AT 1.o 1V HST CASH L'ti1IC.E... .Ft ESH FISH. • 1E RALoor HOT L, ,j Dpi/.! Prop IENTRAL HOTEL, 1st DAY ern SAD E A MAN AJAX XETABLETS POSITIVELY LY Mem. 4Z.t..N'crcous 3').n uses -,'ailing Mem. ory,Impotency Sleeplessness, etc., caused by Abuse or. other Excesses and India. oretiona Whey 'gavcciety a.nd surely restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and fit a man for study, bueineea oreu marriage. inif ,Prevost Insanity and dration e. tiiko inP n dime. Their are Shows aloer improve- ment In. meat and olfects a CUIIE where all :other Tali In. exist upon having the genuine Ajax we ts. Thor have cured thousands and will cureyou, Wo •, s •ve a pas- itive written xtton aero !t dt h to effect a mire- I?,44& ss er each vaso or rofuxii.4he x,latioy. Price E ss ',ner enekai e; or six plows (full treatment) for e2,50. 'eer mail.inplain wr-n4cer.upon receipt rine. ('ir�.d'lor flea' AJAX PEMEDY COs, price. > t' Mold in Exeter by C Lutz, Druggist . EXETER .MARKETS. f (Changed every Wednesday) Whoa Per bushel $0 81 to 82 eyOats 25 to 27 25 to 25 Beater as 45 to 05 Eggs tt 14 to 15 Ptatoes perbag 45 to 150 Onions 40 Bed Clover Seed per bushel $4.00. to $4.50 Ray per ton T,00 to 8.00 Dried Apples per lb 4 Turkeys Docks Geese-,,, Chicken Wool per lb. 7 a 5 17 i f A Veteran's � ns � Voice Gives High Praise to Hood's for Health. Blood Purified -•Strength i3uiit up Tobacco Habit Cured. Many a veteran of the war, whole health was wrecked by wounds, ex- posure and privation, has found in Hood's Sarsaparilla just the tonic and blood reviving effects he needed. The following is one out of hundreds of of letters from G. A. R. boys prais- ing Hood's.Sarsaparilla for health re- stored u ed and strength ill e renewed ed in - de. dining years. "" 0.1. Hood d Co„ Lowen, Masa.; ""dear Sirs: On account of the great benefit Hood's Sarsaparilla bas been to me, 1 gladly write this, that others simi- larly afflicted nay learn of the success of the medicine in my ease and a positive cure for them. 1 had been A Physical Wreck Bineo itifi4, and had also been a constant smoker for 35 years. lliy wife pprohssed the first bottle of ,H'ood's Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it more to please her than anything else. One bottle after another was taken with increasing benefit. The effect was of a etrengheniug nature, toning up my whole syatew. After I had been taking the medicine a short time, I ,,aid away my pipe and /lave not had any desire for the use of tobacco ranee. Hood's Sarsaparilla has thoroughly purified lay blood and driven all poison out of my system. It has also done me A Power of Good physically, and I feel like a neer and free man, Previously, I bad tried a good many different times to stop smoking, and, to regain my health, but I was unable to ac- complish the farmer, so that my attains** for the latter was each time a failure, 1 am pleased to recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla as a blood purifier." J.B. Man x:awe, Ex -Commander Ness Post, No, 81, G. A. R., Dept, of Kansas, Brownsville, Wash. N. B. 1f you deoide to take Hood's Sar- saparilla do not be induced to boy any substitute; insist upon Hood's and only Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purfeer. Sold by al' druggists. Price, $1 per;lrottle; six for $6. act barmonfously ey1t1 Hoot's Pills Hood's Sarsaparilla. EW REPAIR SHOP. Having opened out a well equipped flop, I am now prepared to do all kinds f repairing such as (CYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, LAWN MOWERS. n fact everything and anything. We Hake a specialty of remodelling Bicy. les and sharpening Lawn Mowers at his time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH. ne door north Mr. Stewart's store. Goderich : The license commission rs for West Huron met at Clinton las vcolt, the following members being tresent: Inspector Paisley, Clinton; iamthel Sloan, Goderich; Hugh 1le- uarry, Blyth, and James Stevens, t f )linton. The following transfers wer• ranted: Commercial hotel, Clil.ton, rem Thos. Bell to Alexander Schrirse uburn hotel, from Jacob Kuntz to 1lex. Robinson, formerly the Colbori e louse. CAST R Tor Infants and Children. The fat. simile tigesture of is on crony c/ erraffss 4111. Staffa: Mrs. McMillan, who has been iving with her ,daughter, Mrs. Wm. McIntosh, at Constance, died on Sun- aydmorning, after a lingering illness, aused from a cancer on the face. Sho had reached the advanced age of 81 years, and was cheerful amidst all her uffering to the last day of her life. She was a consistent Christian and fully esigned to the Lord's. will. The re- mains were brought to Staffa Tuesday or interment. WOOD'S PHOFHODIN�. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently euro all forms of Nervous pWeakness, Entissions,Sperm- + atorrhea, Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or Excesses, ,'►.,'t' ' �': 117ental Worry, exocasine use o Tobacco op iunt or Stimu- Be ore andAter. f , f f Zants, wlticlt soon 'lead to In.. Amity, Insanity, Consumption and an ectrty grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of cases; is t Liable and Honest iirediefnc he cuff/ P,e known. Askdru istforWVood's ,'hos hodino• 1f 6B P he offers some worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in Letter, and wo will send by return man Price one package, Si; six, 55.One sea ,please, six xoiil cure. Pamphlets free to any address The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont., Canada. llts Sala las Exeter by .9: t'1'. Brown a:; lbrugneixst. DANGER LIES IN JAPAN. New Steamboat Line. if the Mikado 3.reaks Front Eestrasln Tlsere \rill 13e war. London, Jan. 24. --While events aro moving with somewhat dramatic, rapidity in the far East and complications may any day develop a situation fraught with momentous danger's, when the known facts and the position of affairs are analyzed there is really not much reason at the present moment to suppose that a solution of the crisis will be found in a resort to war. There is reason to believe that diplomatic circles do not fear that it will he necessary to appeal to arms, Listless (andthis is the dangerous feature of the situation) Japan breaks from her men- tors, So far as the European powers are concerned, the diplomats throughout are satisfied that the Chinese question will not break the peace of tbo world, but they have always fearer, that Japan will prove a firebrand. Japan is excited and does not know exactly what she wants, or what threatens her, but she has a gen- oral suspicion that unless she asserts her- self she will be deprived of any portion of the plunder. -Unless sho can be restrained from impetuous action, the departure of her fleet from Yokohama for Chinese waters may prove to be the striking of the snatch which may lead to a dreadful conflagration. o agration, t Goderich, Ont., Jan. 25.-A meeting of the citizens was held this evening to hear a proposition for the running of a line of first-class steamers the coming season from Windsor to Sault Ste, Marie, calling at all the ports along the route. There was a large attend. ance, and the agent of one of the prom inept lines addressed the meeting, and called upon prominent business men to ascertain what freights and passepgers ean,be got here, The ':"own Council met tonight and passed unanimously the report of the Finance Calnrnittee in favor of giyiug privileges to the elevator company to wards the construction of a half million bushel elevator at once, according to the provisions set forth in the prospect- us of the elevator company. FIGHTING LEGISLATORS. The Dreyfus AtFair Causes a Riot in the French. chambers - Paris, Jan, 240 --Owing to a free fight to the Chamber of Deputies Saturday the SO3Slon was suspended, The trouble re- sulted from the discussion of the inter- pellatton of the Government of ex.Minister Cavigneo, on the subject of the acini- eflicial cote issued on Jauulu'y 17, in Which the Government deolincd to drake public the confesaion made by ex -Captain .Alfred Dreyfus to Captain Lebrun -Ren- aud, the oliscer who had charge of him. when he was ceurt-martiallcd. The newspaper nen and public, pour- ing into the lobbies of the House, found tlleln occupied by armed troops, which had been summoned whon the disturb- ance began in the Chamber. On Iearuleg this, many of the deputies protested, 5. majority feared a renewal of the disorders and M. Brisson assured the responsibil- ity of deciding not to resume the sitting The spectators, who had in the mean- while esserabled in excited groups outside the Palace Bourbon, or Chamber of Deputies, were calmed by the anuounco- went of the decision, The British Arnty All Right. London, Jan. 21.. --General Lord Wolse- ley, field marahal and commander -in - Chief of the British. army, speaking at a banquet in London this evening, refuted What he called "pessimist remora current about the army." Lord Wolseloy asserted that :if England declared war to -morrow she could have one of the finest and most fully equipped army corps In readiness for any British port before ships could be prepared to embark them. Ho said furthermore that, if the men were bettor paid, there would bo no difficulty in obtaining recruits. The Daily Mall, commenting on the recent Ministerial speeches and the pro- posed additions to the army and navy, thinks "it all proves that Lord. Salisbury can be resolute when necessary." GIadstone Longs for ".[test.n Cannes, Jan. 24.-11fa:. and Mrs. Glad- stone drove out at noon Saturday. Mrs. Gladstone was helped from the steps into a carriage by a nurse and valet. Mr.. Gladstone wore a thick overcoat, with the collar turned up and a soft hat, only ex posing his checks and oyes. He descended the stops in the slowest manner, leaning heavily on a stick, and using the balus- trade, and was lifted into the carriage. Then he WaS wrapped in furs., The alarming rumors regarding 3!i,. Gladstone's health wore further con- firmed. He is extremely weak and so dejected as a result of neuralgic pains that he has expressed a desire that all. were over. Mr. Gladstone is Dotter. Cannes, Jan. 24. -Mr. Gladstone is feeling better and attended service Sun- day morning at the English Church. A telegram of inquiry as to his health was received from the Queen. Pay 11p That Little £28,000,000. Constantinople, Jan. 24. -Russia is about to present a note to Turkey de- manding payment for the whole balance of the indemnity of the Russo-Turkish War, amounting to £28,000,000, with a view of making the Sultan more docile in the settlement of the Cretan question. Sentence Reduced One -Halt. Toronto, Jan. 24. -Dr. Hamilton, who was sent to the penitentiary with Police- man William Bustard last May, on the charge of` attempting an abortion on Mary Jane McNally, will be released next June, when half of his sentence will have expired. This is at the direction of the Governor -General -in -Council. Killed on the Track. Barrie, Jan. 24. -Henry Creswick, aged 55, provleicial land surveyor, was walk- ing on the track between Allendale and this place when ho was struck by a train going south and instantly killed. Ro was a bachelor, and was a brother of ex -Mayor of Barrie, Alfred Creswick. A Glut in' the Labor Market. „Tacoma, Wash., Jan. 22. -There is at present a glut in the labor market at Juneau, Dyea and Skaguay. The French in Somaliland, Africa, have begun the construction of a railway to connect their possessions with Abys- sinia. In accordance with their original plans, Mrs. Henry Gladstone and Mr. George Armistead started from London for Can- e:se where Mr. Gladstone is. It was rumored on the London stock exchange that the.Rothschilcls' bank in Paris had been raided by a niob, but the report was afterwards denied. There worn renewed attempts yesterday in Paris at a students' demonstration in front of the newspaper offices and the, Military Club, but the police dispelled the crowd. M. Vervoort editorof o the Le Jour, and M. Adjalbert, a writer for the Les Droits de I'Hoinnse, fought a duel with'. swords in Pari on ri s, ecolznt of a dispute arising out of the Dn.:yfus case. M. Ver- voort sustained three flesh wounds and M. Adjalbert was wounder, in,tlhe forearm,' The seconds stopped the fighting. NOW A VER' HAPPY MAN, Mr. T. R. Baxter says: " After the Use of imp Bottles of Paine's Celery Compound I Was Perfectly Cured and Peel Young Again. ' The Great Medicine is Tri, urapha;ntly Victorious After Medical Men, Fail. This Almost miraculous Cure IIas Va$tily increased tine Faure of Pathe'e Celery Compound Is the maritltlte Erovfuccra. Assurance and Hope fox' the Nost Desperate Gases. • WELLS s & PICU RDSON,G O,,. pima s1Rs:--I desire to let you know about my wonderful cure by your precious medicine, Paine's Celery Compound, I was afflicted by three complaints that made my life a misery and a bur- den. I had erysipelas for forty years, bleeding piles for fifteen years, and sciatic rheumatism for over a year. I tried the doctors and all kinds of medicines, but no help or relief was of forded me, and 1 could not eat or sloop, I was then advised to use Paine's Cel- ery Compound, and, oh, what a mighty change ! The use of the first bottle en- abled me to eat and sleep, and after using seven bottles I was quite anotht r man -was perfectly cured, and felt young=again. All that I bate written can be proven by merchants, doctors, magistrates, and three ministers of the Gospel, and by scores of other people. I shall always thank you and your wonderful medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. 'Tilos. R. BARTER, Karsdale, N. S. I hereby certify that Paige's Celery Compound has made a well man of Thomas R. Baxter. JA11SEs II. THORNE, Justice of the Peace Brucefield: The first match of a ser ies of checkers between Clinton and Brucefield, was flayed last Tuesday evening, at William Grant's residence., Granton. The Brucefield boys managed ,o defeat the Clintonians, the score standing Brucefield, 13; Clinton, 9; drawn 8. Anderson: On Saturday, 15th inst., when assisting at the work of cutting straw on Mr Henry's farm, Wm. Fletch- er met with a serious and painful acci- dent. It appears that while the ma• chine was in motion he was attempt inn- to clear away some cut feed from underneath, when raising his left bared too high it came in contact with the outer corner of the knife. The result was that the fore finger was severed just above the first joint and the flesh was torn from the side of the second one and the bone of the arm broken below the wrist joint. SSC UA® One of America's most fa - m mous physicians says: "Scrof- uta is external consumption." ibt Scrofulous children are often • beautiful children, but they lack nerve force, strong bones, '0 stout muscles and power to resist disease. For delicate g children there is no remedy equal to Scott's Emulsion WA t of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo- phosphites of Lime and Soda. mIt fills out- the skin by putting good flesh beneath it. It makes the cheeks red by making rich. blood. It creates an appetite for food and gives the body it. ,Be iedigest OW er enough p gi sure you get SCOTT'S Emul Si011. 50e. and $i,00 ; all druggists. SCOTT & ;BOWNE;' Chemists, Toronto„ FHOII A LE.5DI1%(e CHATILA'',l Ila i I FA('1'L'Ii F1z, Maple City Cooperage, R. T.Pixil.ps,Prop, OhathereOct. 18,7807, Dear Sirs; -Some time ago I was treated by one of our best city doctors fo,r continued bleeding at the nose, and the treatment S' was subjected to weakened m y stomach so that nothing I could eat would agree with me, and T enuid retain: nothing but bread and milk, which was my chief diet. I tried a bottle of your Sboaxi's Indian Tosde. and at one began to improve, and it has made a permanent care in rtes case,. I can now rax tithe rrf'any food no matter how strong' and experience no distressafter eating. I have reoemmended it to several people, and in livery ease it has given grand results, and a bottle of it should be in evex:v household Yours, very truly, it. T. PHILLIPS. INDIGESTION I'ERtL teNle Tlil ii-' CURES). St. i3'ilixams,County Norfolk, Cot. 1:x,1507. Dear Sirs *-It gives me great pleasure to testify to the 'feet that.Sloan's Indi- an Tonle has caused a most remarkable.ehang iu n,y eou,iition. For two years oath sua fere: mfrom Indigestion and Weakness. and net finding re/if from any until your agent �ae here ore day and advisnee to try tioen'a Indian Tonlo. I did so and have used four bottles. it bha made a great change in my life, anal can now rest and sleep with ease And eolxafort. I believe Sloan's Indian Tonic is the best medicine in the world. I remain, yours truly, MRS. C. PRICE. For sale at all dealers. or adores.3 the Company' at Ilarnilten .SE 00 ,fere bottle 41 bottles roe sweet}. Christie's. PALACE WARM DURABLE CHEAP WTI -MG I 11 1 N G COMMERCIAL LIVERY.: First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left atHawk,sha s Hotel, or itt the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stand will receive prompt at- tention. Terms Reasonable Combo et or, ii Only one Girl in the World for I ie." So says the mailer song, ° Only One �rgilure Store T in Town. for Me." Says the landlord who wishes to haye every dollar expended to its full duty. Everytbine in our establishment i5 marked at prices which will retain reg mar patrons and induce occasional ens-, tomers to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciste this method. We make undertaking a Specialty.�� R. N. ROWE In buying weds "economy 1e eau. ayaaaace,'a because the cost or cultivation wasted on inferior seeds always largely exceeds the original cost of the best and dearest seeds to be had, The be 1s always the cheapest. rays trifle more for FERRY'S SEEDS and Always get your money's worth. Five cents per pager everywhere. Always the beet. Seed Annual tree. O.M.FERRY& COI,Windsor,Qnt. S. GIDLEY & SON. HiNTS FOR• XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together Choice Oddments to Farley h orniture suitable for presentation. The asserement is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prides Choice Furniture can be purchaser. for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of Very iltandborne BED BOOM SETTS in ELat, O.1:, and Asti ASTXQEE and Cxtatose finish. All are extremely tasteful in dostgn and the psicss are mneb lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. BOOKING CRAI BS. In CURLY' )317 oris,' and. •1Sia oeos,rAxTIQ� Fin sh, from S(2.4.0 up. EANCrti TABLE'S. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lo tinges, Fancy Mockers, Music Racks, Couches, Extension "fables, Picture Mouldeings, Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Eta„ Eta. UNDERTAKING and EMBALMING IN ALL ITS HRA101C11fil.S .. S.idleySon. ..FARMERS!.. You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Hall Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated. Raymond sewing machince. , .. Knoll Washer and q� wringers. Si W O S and Gurney stoves and furnaces, 13 U G I The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the ce';eill•stedMeLaughlin buggies "BILL." 111.14M141111•11161.1iNINIMinalgam.•••••••11.10. .011.10410•1•10... A man must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy where he can do the beat. Look at some of these figures; Pants glade to order, all wool heavy tweeds $S.00 Suits :9, 80 Overcoats $8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12,00 • Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Colne and. seg for yourself. JAMES H, GRIEVE Biclyces Bicycles 11 Bicyles 1 T 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any oil the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want .anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and in- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc, etc, Perkins & Martin. THE ORAL DR4 STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Alanufacture-. WINER'S. IINAMENT- which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winau'ts Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh :s on horses and Condition Powder for same. - SOLE AGENTS .FOIL DIX LUNG SYRUP. C.. LUTZ, DRumans. FOR T E TY.SEVF I YEARS. DUNN'S BAKI`': :,... WDER THECOOK S BEST T F Rii1� N . (eAfiggwr Ai,g les PiAlv:go-,'