HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-29, Page 3ALLURING AS HONEY
The lieneybee and Tts Work--Tempta-
tiou That is Delicious and Attraettve,
butbamaginK aml Destriictive- Am-
hrei.in and. Nectar ter the Soul,
copyriglit 18$8, by American r refte
Wasbiagton, Jam 23,-1)r, Talmage
here starts evitli an oriental scene, from
which he tiraws praetieta lessons as to the
allurenteute which entrap the unwary,
and the discourse will put many on their
guard. Tiee text is 1. Samuel xiv, 43, "I
did but taete a little honey with, the end
of the rod that was 177, my loud, and, lo,
11717$6 die."
The honeybee is a attest ingenious
architect, a Christopher Wren among in-
sects, geometer drawing hexagons and
pentagons; a freebooter robbiug the fields
ot pollen and aroma, wondrous oreature
of God whose biography, written by Hu-
ber and tewanueerilam, is an enchant -
;nem for any lover of nature. Virgil cele-
brated the bee in his fable of Arietaeus,
and tLose' and Samuel and David and
Solomon and Jeremiah and Ezekiel aud
St. John used the delicacies of bee man-
ufacture as 0, Bible symbol, A. miracle of
formetion is the bee. leie eyes, two
talegOes, tbe outer liming sheath of
prowetion, lieirs on all Ades et its tiny
body to lirneh up the particles ot fieWer.9,
its Might so etraight thee all the world
knows of the bee line. 'I:he honeycomb is
a palace emit to no one but tied could,
plan and tbe honeybee construct; its Cells
itometimes a dorraltory and sometimes a
cemetery. Tiwse winged toilers ill'St make
eight strips et VAX and by their ituten-
nate whieh are to them hionmee and
chisel and sctuare and plinoh line, fashion
tbem for WO, Two and two dim werkers
shape tho wall. it zu . aeoldent bappens,
Uwe' put tfp buttresses of extra IMMO to
remedy the damage.
When about the year 1776 an bisect be-
fore unk,nown in the atightthee attaeke4
the beehives ell over Europe and the men
'who owntel them were iu an trylug to
plan sone:0)10g to le•ttep OUD the invaeer
that wee the terror a the beehives of the
continent, it WAS found that everywhere
the bees had arrauged for their OWn pro-
tection and built before their honeyeembe
an esperial wall of wax, with portholes
through whieh Elie bees might go to and
fro, but not large enough to Admit the
winget conthatani, called the Sphinx
Do yon know that the warming of the
bees is divinely direeted? The mother bee
Marts ler 4 new home, and beceuee of
the+ the oilier be of the hive get into
en exeltienent which raises the l'at of
the hive some four degrees, and they
must die unless they leave their leetted
apartments. and. they follow the leather
bee and alight on *ha braneh Or tree,
and cling to °auk other and hold on until
a 00141Mitteo et tWO or three hee.e. hes gee
telligent man or woman and. ask for.
list of books that will be strengthening'
to your mental and moral mu:dame
Life is so short and your time for liu
protement so abbreviated that you eau,
not afford to 1111 up with busks and
cinders and. debris, In the interstices of
businees that yoteng man is reading that
which will prepare him to be a inerchant
prince, and that young woman is tilling
ber mind with an intellie,euee that will
yet either make her the chief attraction
of a good man's home or give be an in-
dependence et elweeteter that will qualify
her to build her owe home and maintain it
in a happiness that requires no augmenta-
tion frtan any of our rougher sex. That
young man or young woman eau, by the
right literary and trioral iMprelrellimat of
the spare ten minutes here or there every
day, rise head and sloanders in prosperity
and character and influence above the
loungers who read nothing, or read, that
whieh hedwarfs. See all the forests et
good American literature dripping with
honey. Why piele up ehe honeycombs that
have in them the fiery bees widen Will
sting you with an eternal poison while
you taste it? One book may for you or
me decide everything for this evoidd and
the next. It was it ranting pointwith me
when in a bookstore in Sytneuse one day cards? Is there any harm in a game of
/a9keee up a ba,24 cool ., The Bmities whist t:r euchre?" Well, I know good
other etyle,s ot genies witheutiow wagers.
I had a friend who played cards with his
wife and ehildreu and then at rhe close
said, "Come, now, let us bave prayers,"
I will not juilge other metes conseiences,
but I tell you that cards are he ley mind
50 nseocieted with the tempered 44Ild
Spiritual rIlin eplendie young urea that
svould as soon say to my fetully,
"Come, let us bare a game ot cards," as
woUlti. go into a menagerie and me
"Come, let us have a wow:, of rattle -
world teelay there are busy hives of +Makes." or into a cemetery mei sitting
telligenee oeeupied. by authors and 414^ down by 4 In`trble s`q to the gr4"-
thorosses free: whose pens drip a diddle -gorget
diggers, "Come, let ns have g
Zion wideli is the very nectar of heaven, skaile," Censelentieue ronng ladieS are
awe soy 1.631 yen tarest your reel oe ailently eityleg, "Do you 0111114 Card play
wagers. It is abserd for those of 'us who
have never felt the faseination of the
wager to speak slightingly of the tempta-
tion. It has slain a multitude of intellect-
ual and moral giante, men and W0111011
stronger than you or I. Down tmder it$
power went glorions Oliver Goldsmith,
end Gibbon, the fainOus historian, and
Charles roX, the renowned statesman,
and. in olden times senators of theVnited
States, alto used to be as regularly at the
gambling house all night as they were in
the bells of logislittion by day. Oh, the
tragedies of thelaro table! I Intow per-
sona who began with a slight stake in a
ladies' parlor and elided with theseeelde'S
InStel at 'NOW* Carlo. They played with
the square pieces of bone with black,
marks on them, not knowbag that satan
WAS playing tor sa
tbeir bone at the nte
time. andwes:sure to sweep all the stakes
off on his side of the table. State legisla-
tare$ have again and again Sanctiened
tbe Might( evil ItY teeming 'awe in de-
fense of race tracks, and many young
men hey° lest all their wages at such se-
minal "meetings," Everyman who 'voted.
for such iafamous bills has on his heeds
and forehead the blood of these souls.
But in this eoneection someyoung eons
vexes say to me: "Le it right to play
of Raskin." It was only a book:: of ex- men who play whist and euchre end
treets, but it was all pure henee, and I
was not satisned until 1 purchased all bit
works, at thee time expensive beyond an
elsy capacity to own them, and with
what delight I went ehroligh reeding hii
"Seven Limes of Architecture" «And his
"Stories of Venice" it is impossible for
mero deicribe except by saying that it
gave me 4 nipture or good Woke end ext
everlasting disgust tor deereple or im-
moral books that will Met me while my
life !este All aremie the church and the
gelsvenese into the death1111 waccharine Ing will do Ally eerie?" Perhape not,
ef perditionbut hew will you Seel if in the greet dew
retemleatbw liquids also come alto tbe of eternity, when we are uslieel to give an
category of tenmettion deueerne, bet account of our influence, some Mal/should
deathful. You say, "1 centime bear the say " "1 was IMPL;Hineela to Pm" or
taste or iutoeteekeerkg liquar, mei bole any chance In the year 1SII3 ht your house,
num eau nee le Is to me an unutemeleuth, and I went on from 'Out sport to some.
welt, don, 110 (Ted TOR you Oleg more exeiteig, and went on dawn
tossed in this squall, but all outrode the
storm except one, re width Shelley and
hi* twee friends were sailing. That Lever ,
007710 Aden% but the bodies of two of the '
oompants were washed up en the beech,
one of them tbe poet. A funeral pyre was
bent oil the seashore by some classio
• friends, and the two bodies were con-
sumed. Poor Shelley! Ile would have no
God while he lived, and I fear had. no
God when he died. "The Lord knoweth
the way of the righteous, but the way a I
the ungodly shall perish." Beware of the 1
forbidden homy!. I
do llet take it. Do DOD 177,4g about year 11.130 last -WY inaSine-is, and lost my
total abittuence, because It la net iroin 3.4°1.415) 4041 lest luy soul, and these
ens primly% that you rota mccatonsal, chains that you see ou wriste and feet
bn4 for tit") reat;on hto you eau rasa" are the chains a a gamester's down, and
cort4du styles of tood—you shwa,. don't, WA Oil my way te a gambler's hell."
lUro tbe ilsta oe tbeut lent multitudes oi Roney at the start, eternal catastrophe at
people lutee a natural foutincee ftn.. all . tile 14.1t* ,
Midi of intoxicants. thee like It +39 StOtikMOGAling rtnite'i WO the ennle
that it makes them smack their lips to catalogue. It must he very exhilarating
knee at it. They are Are:Witt, and they , to go into the Meek nierizet and doposi-
31 to aid, digestion; or they are annoyed Mg a email euati of money rim the chance
by lusentnia, and they *eke it to produce of taking out fortWitt. Mane' men are
sleep; or they are trouleed, and they tate doing ;An holiest and safe huelnees in the
te morn them teeteerne; oe they real StOek. Market alai yea aro ignommus
happy, and thOY znui eiehrme ebeir if you, do moz know that it IS jilee as
mites. They begin Whitusintjtzlep Stalked legit haat° to deal in ',looks as it is to
through ewe errawe on the Long Branch tie in coffee wtgar But hearlY
pie= and end in the Meet. easing •from nil th° eut5hier?" wh° g° Ow" an a "au"
tug te neat. war Larose= eee east Wel eXeltrAlfill 10S4 all. 1110 old spiders
whieltey. They not may like it, bite it is eat up the unsuepe.tiest Ilia, I had as
• 1 11 vauttt*fling ItI011 of bed • meta friend, who put les bend ell his hip poo
plated the region and tested the hollow of mid sent. teed efter awhile harekilt and said tallre„ have bore it th07
a tree ur 'rook not far frelll A stream of will, though one Wino glir5S of it should. • the value uf teakettle" His home is to -
water, and they hero set up a new colony cost the temporal anti te weal deetruetiou day Denolleee. Whae Wai the Matter?
and. ply their armada induetriee end of themselvee and ail Weir famines aud ' Smelt gunbling. Of the vest majority
give theniselvee to the inattufaeture o bus whole hinaall raco. They would saY. who are victimized you hear uot one
the Saccharine edible. But who can tell "1 tun sorry it is going to cost me and wonl. One greac %PO; firm goes down
the chemistry of Out mixture of ewees. lay family awl all. the world's population and whole columns a newpapers discuss
ova part at it the life of the ileldsi lies, end now lee it roll over my parched lireseuted with their ft.:aerie end their
Plenty of this ltlecions produot was tongue anti down my heateil threat, the biography. But were 0,0e sleet internee
haeging in the woods of Butleiven dur. sweetest and most inspiring, the 'nest firm sinks 500 unknown men sink meth
Ing them. The greet steamer goes down aed
ehe time of Saul andJenathare Their dole:ions drat thet ever thrilled, a human
framo.'"ro oura the habit, before it comae all the little boats are swallowed in the
army was lu pursuit of an enemy that by
God's command must be extermuutted.
The soldiery were positively forbidden to
stop to eat inlything until the work was
done, If they disobeyed, they were ao.
cursed. Coining through tho woods they
found a piece where the bees had been
busy—a greet honey manufactory. Honey
gathered in *.he hollow of the trees until
It had overflowed upon. the ground in
great promilon of sweetness. All the
army obeyed orders and touched it not
save Jonathan, and he, not knowing the
military orders about+ abstinence, dipped
the end of a stick he had in his hand into
the candled liquid, and as yellow and
tempting it glowed on the end of the
stiok he put it to his mouth aud ate the
honey. Judgment fell upon him and but
for special intervention. he would. have
been slain. In my text Jonathan announ-
ces his awful mistake, "I did but taste a
little honey with the end of the rod that
was in my band, and, 1o, I must die."
.Alas, what multitudes of people in all
ages have been damaged by forbidden
honey, by which I mean temptation, de.
liolous and attractive, but damaging and
Corrupt literature, fascinating but
deathful, comes in this category. Where
one good, honest, healthful book is read
now there is a hundred made up of rhe-
torical trash constuned with avidity.
When the boys on the cars come through
with a pile of publications, look over the
titles and notice that nine out of ten of
the books are injurious. .A.Il the way
from here to Chicago or New Orleans
notice that objeotionrtble books dominate.
Taste for pure literature is poisoned by
this scum of the publishing house. E'Vezy
book in which Ian triumphs over -virtue,
or in evhich a glamour is thrown over
dissipation, or which leaves you at its
last line with less respect' for the mar-
riage institution and less abhorrence for
the paramour is a depression of your own
moral character. The bookbindery may
be attractive, and the plot dramatic and
startling, and the style of writing sweet
as the honey that Jenathan took- up with
his rod, but your best interest++ forbid it,
your moral safety forbids it, your God
forbids it, and one taste of it may lead
to such bad results that you may have to
say at the close of the experiment or at the
close of a misiinproved lifetime, "I did
but taste a little honey with the rod that
was in my hand, and, lo, I naust die."
Corrupt literature is doing more td -day
foe the disruption of domestic life than
other cause. Elopements, roaritel
intrigues, sly correspondence, fictitious
names given at postoilice windows,
clandestine meetings in parks, and at
ferry gates, and in hotel parlors, and con-
jugal perjeries are among the ruinous
results. When a woman yelping or old gets
her head thoroughly stuffed with the
modern novel, she is in appalling peril.
But sonae one will say, "The heroes are
so adroitly knavish, and the heroines so
bewitchingly untrue, ancl the turn Of the
story so exquisite, and all the characters'
ao enrapturing, I cannot quit theni.", 'My
brother, my sister, you can find styles of
eliterathre just as cherming that will
elevate and purify and ennoble and Chris-
tianize while they please. The devil does
not own all the honey., Tliereis a wealth
of good books coming forth from, our pub-
' telling lioueee that leave'' no excuse for
the olionie of that which is .debauching
to body, mind and soul. GO to some in -
mess, part or rt the eery me of tee bee 81) very etuct, bOre VW; tO 707 their fraud or them di -ester, and, We WO
to its last stages varime plans were toed szznze onguinnenr.
ohloa times. Thi -4 plan was meow- Gambling Is gambling, whether In
mended in the books: Wben u man -want- stooks or breadstuff:: or diee or lace horse
ed to reform, lie put shot or bullets Into betting. Exhilaration tte the start, but a
the cup or glass of strong drink—unu raving brain and a shattered nervous
additional shot oe bullet each day that system and, a siterilleed property and a
displaced so nuich liquor. Bullet after destroyee soul at the last. Young luau,
bullet added day by day, of course the buy no lottery tickets, porteutee no prize
liquor became less anti lees until the bul-
lets would entirely 1111 up the glue and
there was no room for the liquid, and by
that time it Wee said the inebriate WOUld
be ured. Whether any one ever was (lured
in that way I know not, but by long ex -
packages, but on no baseball games or
yacht raciug, have no faith in luck, an -
Myer no mySterhati circulars proposing
great income for small laveetment, drive
away the buzzarde that hover +trotted our
hotels trying to entrap revengers. Go out
poriment it Is found. that the only way is 1 and. make an 11.01:01:0 living. Have Coil on
to stop short off, and whezi a man does your aide and be a emendate for heaven.
that he needs God to help him, and there Remeraber all the piths of sin are banked
have been more eases than you am count with flowers at the start, and there are
when God has so helped the man that he plenty of helpful hands' to fetch the gay
left off the drink forever, and I could I charger to your dime anal hold the stirrup
count a score of them, emu° of them pit- while you mount. But farther ou She
late in the house of God. horse plunges to the bit in a Slough in -
One -would suppose that men would extricable.
take warning from some of the ominous The best honey is not like that which
names given to the intoxicants and stand Jonathan took on the end of the road
off front the devastating influence. You and brought to his lips, but that which
bave noticed, for instance, that some of Gat puts on the banqueting table of
the restaurants are called The Shades, mercy, at which -we tire invited to sit. I
typioal og the fact that ib pats a Inan's WAS reading of a boy among the menu-
leputation in the shade, and his morals tains of Switzerland ascending a danger -
in the shade, and his erosperity in the ous place with his father and the guides.
shade, and his Wife and children in the The boy stopped on the edge of the cliff
ellade, and bis immortal destiny in the and said, "There is is flower I mean to
shade. Now, I find on some of the liquor get." "Come away from there," said the
signs in all our cities the words "Old father. "You will fatl off." "No," said.
Crow," mightily suggestive of the carcass he. "I must get that beautiful flower."
and the filthy raven that ewoops upon it And the guides rushed toward him to pull
"Old Crow!" Men and women without him back when, just; us they heard him
numbers slain of rum, but unburied, aud say, "I almost- have it," he fell :3,000
this evil is pecking at their glazed eyes, feet, Birds of prey were seen a few days
and pecking at their bloated cheek, and after circlingethrough the air and lower-
peekieg at their destroyed manhood and Ing gradually to the place where the
womanhood, thrusting beak and claw corpse lay. Why seek flowers off the edge
into the mortal remains of what was once of a precipice when you can walk knee
gloriously alive but now morally dea& deep amid the full blooms of the very
"old Crow!" But, alas, how many.take paradise of God? When a man may sit at
no warning! They make me think of the king's banquet, why will be go down
Caesar on his way to assassination, fear- the steps and contend for the refuse aud
ing nothing, though his statue in the bones of a hound's kennel? "Sweeter
hall crashed into fragments at his feet than honey and the honeycomb," says
and a scroll containing the natraes of the David, is the truth of God. "With honey
conspirators was thrust into his hands, out of the rook would I have satisfied
yet walking right ou to meet the dagger thee," says God to tbe recreant. Here is
that was to take his life. This infatuation honey gathered from the blossoms of trees
of strong drink is so mighty in many a of life, and with a rod made out of the
man that, though -his fortunes are crash- wood of the cross I dip •st up for all your
ing, and lis health is crashing, and- his souls.
domestic interests are crashing, and we The poet liesiod tells of an ambrosia
hand him a long scroll containing the and a nectar the drinking of which would
names of perils that await him, he goes make men live forever, and one sip of the
straight on to physical and mental and honey from the eternal rock will give yoa
moral assassination. Inproportiou as any eternal life with God. Come off the mai-
style of alcoholism is pleasant to your arial levels of a sinful life. Come and
taste and stimulating to your nerves and live on the uplands of grace, where tnie
for a thee delightful to all your physical vineyards sun themselves. "Oh, taste and
and mental constitution is the peril aw- see that the Lord is gracious!" Be happy
ful. Remember Jonathan and the forbid- now and happy forever. For those who
den honey in the woods at Bethaven. take a different course the honey will
Furthermore, the gamester's indulgence turn to gall. For many things I have
must be put in the list of temptations de- admired Percy Shelley, the great English
liolous but destruotive. You who _have poet, but I deplore the fact theta seemed
°missed the ocean many timea have a great sweetness to him to dishonor God.
noticed that always one of the best rooms The poem "Queen MeV has in it the
has, from morning until late at night, maligning of the deity. Shelley was im-
been given up to gainbling prat:laces, I pious enough to ask for Rowland
heard of men who went on board with Surrey chapel that he might denounce
enough for a European excursion who the Christian religion. Ile was in great
landed without money to get their bag- glee against God and the Meth. But he
gage up to the hotel or railroad. To many visited Italy, and one day on the Medi -
there is a complete fascination in games terranean with two friends in a boat
of hazard or the risking of money on pos- which was 24 feet long he was conaing
sibilities. It seems as natural for them to toward shore when an hour's squall
bet as to eat. Indeed the hunger for food, struck the water. A gentleman standing
0*. Wile Was Inquisitive In Regard to
Florae -Brewed Ale.
Curiosity seems to be the great failure,
01 virtue, ot monkeys. .& story is teld.
of an Englishman who bad a South .A.fri-
can monkey whieh had traeeled with hine
around she world. Whin his bachelor days
were over he took bis young wife to A
103101y OICI manor house in the south a
England, and, Rnglisheaanlike, kept sev-
eral barrels of good "horee-brewed" ale
in the cellar. On returning from church
Int Sunday morning he noticed that the
cellar door was open, and started on a
tour of havestigatien. As he went down
the steps Jenny, the monkey, melted
and he found thshe lead eet all the
spigots running. The door bad been in-
advertently left open. and Jenny„ doubt-
less, went prying into the sena-lighted
Place. Turning one spigot on produced
suele a rushipg stream that she tried the
othere also, much to the waste at the
licluoY It may be Added that when the
Englielmenee iarst born appeared and.
menepolized attelltien Jenety got suoh,
!It ot jealousy that she was at once sent
to the seeluded butmore congenial society
to be found in the monkey house of the
London Zoological Gardens.
i ft o or o ored by the n f en shore through a glass saw mane boat,e
S 0 ell p la ger 07 .
S he Rad Berried Neve and. Told Bias
Why It happened
"Untle Josh" ,Perkins, a well known
New Englaed tin peddler, whose obeery
face awl -well stocked cart are feenlor
features of the landscape between the
Berkshire hills and Boston, tells the fol-
lowing good story, in evbich he for once in
bis life got the worst of the erg -unmet:
In a certein town on my route lives a
W inte W110$0 1711S17011.4 i$ decided
brueette, or, in other words, a full blood-
ed African.
"1 was in blissful iguoreece of this
somewhat mixed state of affairs, b.owever,
and One day I sold the lady in q,uestion a
quantity of tinware from my cart, ie
paymeet for which she teedered We a Ve
hill. I happened to be a little ehart of
change, mid she saisl it I didn't mind step-
ping out back of the bare, where ber hus-
band was at wort. he PrOlaahlY would
change the bill for tee.
"I did& t mind in the least, and I stepped
out there, but presently came back with
the bill in my hand and reported that I
WAS meable to find her husband.
" 'Sure he wasn't therer asked the
'I'll tohe 333y oath to it, xneateu,* said
glibly. looked all around, and tbere
was nobody out there but allele coon back
in the lot a ways digging povatoesh
"Coos, eh? I want you to understand
that the gentleman to whom you thus re -
ter is my lawful husbandle SliapPed ShO
something about Sails,
eastev Koltbe, writing about Seine
Queer Craft, seys be tbe St, Nicholas:
A plete of wood whittled to a point for
tbe hull, a slender chip "stepped" In a
slit for the mast, a bit of palter for the
toil, and we have the small boy's typical
beat. Simple as it is, it is interesting,
because, by be/itself, the boy bas adopted
the square of the Northere races—e
sail so typical of these that it was doubt-
less part et the rig of the Viking ship.
Sometimes a boy will jab les malt
through two Phke05 of paper—a larger
one, svith A smeller oue above it for a
tomeil—uneouselettsly adopting the char-
acterictie rig of the Norwegian Coeeter.
The first sign of disaster to the small
bee's boat is the wetting of the sell AS
the miniature wane, break over the deok,
When the lower part at the sail becomes
water-saelicil ante there is danger
ot foundering in imiti-pend orpuddlo. To
avoid this very (Mega on the real omen,
Shut portion ot the Norwegian coaster'p
sail most expoied to a Aveteing is fasten-
ed to the rest by bands or "bonnets,"
end can he entirely removed wheu the
taecessity GO reef erlsee
The Sionthern 114410114, front the Medi-
terrauean to the tropiee, with their eye
for the pieturesque and eheir love of no -
Sure, copied the wing Of A bird and
adopted the pinion -like lateen pail, with
its great curving yen!. and forward raking
tuese—the "gibbotie or trim sail -wing of
the South." as it Le yelled You can see
gaudily painted home rigged with
lateen sails along the levee of the Mississ-
ippi, off the old Fneleb :tittreet at New
Orleans --and these we owe to the Italian
truck-gerdenere. who (terry their produce
to nuirket in time pieruresquellttlo crate
AU stills are vale it lens n f one er another
of these two great types—the square and
the lateen. The use of the former in
barks and brigs tied other square-rigged
vessels is plain. And we oan readily see,
too, the fact Oar the fore-aud aft rig
(jib and maiusailt, which, because it is
easier to handle, le rapidly supplanting
the square, is an adaptation of the lateen,
the forward rake of the mastbaving been
increased until It became a bow -sprit,
while the great yard became the gaff of
the mainsail. The etteon sail is remark-
able for its lifting capacity, and the jib
possesses this quality to an even greater
Didn't Irant a Fifth.
The young 211011 with the swell suit and
gold -headed. cane was myth,* to flirt with
the girl opposite, wben the old man on
his left nudged him with his elbow and
hoarsely whispered:
"Young Man, pause and reflect!"
"Are you speaking to me, sir!" de-
manded the young man.
"Yes, right to you, but I've "got such a
hard cold that I cannot say much. Let
me repeat that you should pause and
"What for?"
"You are trying to flirt with that
young gal, sir!"
"And is it any of your business?"
"It is, sir. Exeuse my hoarseness. I
klcked the bed clothes off the other night
and got cold I want to say to you, sir,
that it is my business, sir I Suppose that
you succeed in attracthe that gal's atten
"Well, what of it?"
"She might be flattered and fiirt back,
though I don't think she's very flirta-
tious. It might lead to a case of love, and
love to marriage."
"You'd better attend toyour own busi-
ness, sir!" replied the young man.
' "That's what I'm dein', sir! 'Scuse me
while I blow my nose. Yes, sir, I'm at-
tendin' right to my business."
"Then let mine alone!"
"Then you let mine alone! Dna that
gal's tatherl"
"Oh! You are!"
"Yes, I am, and I don't want no more
foolio' around! I've got four sons-in-law
jest about your shape, and am supportin'
the hull gang of 'em, and afore you sad-
dle me with a fifth you'd better pause
and reflect. It might be the last straw,
and I'd turn the hull crowd out to dig
fur fodder under the snow banks!"
Evidently Be Wasn't Married.
An author who was his own publisher
advertised a book of his as follows:
"Send $1 tor my new book with auto-
Shortly afterwards he received this order
from a rural reader:
'Ill inclose $1. If the autograph Is one
o' them talkie? rnachiues, send it on by
freight. I don't want She book."
"Your bealsboaaa a gasped in aseou,
Islinient. 'Surely you don't tnean it?'
"She assured use that she cerminly did
Olefin it, se there Was nothing left for 100
te do but apologize, and I promptly did
so in my most eiaberate and abject style«
"I had things nicely smoothed over, and
then like at blundering numbskull thee
was I had to go to work and spoil It all
by asking a glee -Akin tbat popped line my
head just thee. Said. I:
" `Excuse ane, madam, but just out of
curivuity I'd like to knew how an intelli-
gent, geed looking white woman like you
came to marq a vuo—I sheuld soy coleys.]
"Her eyes nuelied fire far an instant;
then a eareastie twiulde Crept into them,
and after +Jowly looeing rue over frete
bead to foot, she replied;
" 'Well, mister, seeleg you are E0 terri-
ble curious about the mutter, tell you
how it happeued Wlieu was a young
women, 1 bed nay choice between ni41Ty.
leg a lin peddler and a coma, as pm ex-
press In and I tads the cooler
"I've tuieeled around considerably in
nw thee," (*mewled 1:nele Josh, with a
rentinieeent sigh, "and I've crossed wite
with everybody and. unebtely that e41110
illong, bin I never Was coraoletely lind
thoroughly equeleheil as I was on that ose.
Ca4410u. I collected uty bill and got my tin
peddluee cart under fileti011 without ask -
Ing any more queetions, yen can Wt."—
Will Gldley New Yerie Smelter
Dr. Jobuson and the Widow.
In the book "Love Aintirs of Some ra.
mous lelen" the story is reealleti of Dr.
Johnson end the widow whom lie etude
his wife. De le:Nosed to tho exebauge of
prenuttrimoulal eoulitleuce in regard to
disegreeable teattere, so he told her plain-
ly Tina 110 WaS Of hatable extraction; that
ho bed net money, and that one ot his un-
eles had been hanged. The sensible wom-
an xespoutled cleverly tbat she hail 'no
enore money thau he. end time though
none of her relatives bat' been haeged, she
bad several who ought to be.
No Cause for Congratulations.
Wilkins--:DOes your baby wake up
often during the night?
Popleigh (with a tired look)—Nol it
never wakes up. •
Wilkins—I congratulate you, old man!
Poploigth—You need') 't ! My baby never
wakes up, becauso, he never goes to eleepl
—1.pu c I.
Paine's Oelar9 CoMpoUnd Ban-
ishes Rh N.Imatism and
7;1atiCa. •
when They See the Barber.
"Yes," admitted the dealer, "the price
of bair mattreeees is a little high now, but
it won't be long before there will be more
hair thrown on the market than we know
what to do witb, and then we'll have the
regular annual slump."
"Whet occasions it?"
"The close of the football season, of
courso."—Chicago Record.
Tho Uoy From :the Eamili Plat.
Teaeber—Willie, that is not the Way to
spell "emperor." You should not and the
word with an "e -r." If you will notice,
all titles denoting power and greatness—
at least most of them—end with
'Willie—Oh, I see! Just like "jut:titer,"
—Indianapolis Journal:
A Heavy Load.
"The coroner and six men sae on him
for two hours," read Farmer Jones from
the newspaper.
"Well," exclaimed bis wife, dropping
her knitting, “if he ain't dead by this
thee, be orter be!"—.Atlanta Constitution.
A. Dangerous Blunder.
"NO man can know everything," said
the high minded youth.
"Between you and xne," replied Senator
Sorghum, "that's a fact. Bub there's no
excuse for a num's making the mistake of
owning up to it."—Washington Star.
Mr. Beecnincr Was in a Terrible
Co ulition.
Could Not W.tlk or Put His
Hand te His Mouth.
A Hit.
"Did you snake a bit with your special-
ty?" asked the first actor.
"Sure thing," said the other. "I struck
the manager tor a raise of salary the see-
ped week."—New York Sunday World.
Sitt Bottles o Natures '14Ied1ginie
Effect a Complete Cure,
A weetoepe Axle seceerexticeNta %MITA*
Wreaerac Recetafteeee Ce.
1)6.411Sehe fsaP 1r years I suffered. Inn*
Pelestleat end Idlnelb being
so hati tllot ou fad not walk er put, Toy
how' to my motet If I 'attempted toe eis
otty work 'vault'', 7'4? crippled tor voolo.
took medleal reattnent, Turkish and
'elinexed baths,. b all failed to effect MT
We. SOWe ci I, tried. PesineheOeiery
Compenne, and ester iteleg six bottlee I
feel like i new unit, and. Can de A -bard
44es work and f 1 3-44710 the worse for It,
I have also gaille. in weight, and On
Ian; perratmentle cured.
Yours. deity,
J. liteenteleteles Shiite); Oos.
"What! You begging here too? I saw
you only a little while ago begging Oil
Schiller place."
"Yes, I have a branch establithment
there."—Fliegende Blatter.
Irascible Englisbnian—Aw, look here!
You needn't poke fun at Punch.
:Amiable American—Why not? It's the
very thing it lacks.—Biooldyn Life.
A. Misplaced Confidence.
Guess—Came over to me, my child.
"No, mvannin, said 1 should sit on this
chair so as to cover up the hole in the
silk. "- -Flieueede Matter.
Wonder -W rking
••-, ,•---
Theueande of la :es in Canada know
well that Dinanot Dyes eserabbae im-
Meese variety, nun r ;nal great beeuty.
Thesewendelework ng dyes are prepared
In forty-eight at t' e hest standard. color"
fer woe'' silk and :eatitere• With It'Pecha
dyefor coloring oaten and all en/BA
Minute and full direetiens go with (*oh
peekage of the Diet:lend Dyes, So that the
west inexperieneed perion tan CIO as good
work as the swore...toyed dyer.
Remember that imitators are trying to
copy the style and I:visage ot Diamond
Dyes. When you bee tlyes for home dye-
ing see tbat your dealer gives you the
"Diamond"; no other make of packege
dyes will do your work with profit and
Send to Wells es Rielurelson Co., Mont-
real, P.Q„ for valuable hook of directions -
and sample card ot colors; post free to
any address.
Waimea Do the Wooing and Pop the Per-
ilous Question.
The powers freely extended the women
ef Zuni are many, being partioularly fa-
veritble to them in doinestio matters and
everything pertaining to the borne, These
peculiar liberties are manifest before mar-
riage as well as after, for the alleged priv-
ileges of leap year hold rule couttnuouslf
In Zuniland. 'When one of the daughters
of the tribe takes an amorous liking for a
young man, she very frankly confesses it,
and her parents are informed of her choice
of a prospective husband* If they approve,
the interesting information is imparted •••.•*,,,eset
due time to his family. and. if the as yet
perhaps unsuspecting subject of the selec-
tion Is suited, in turn be makes, through
the mutual ;events, an engagement to
visit his admirer at her home. Be is re-
ceived somewhat formally by the maidett
and her family, wizen something like the
following laconie conversation ensues be-
tween the young people, while the father
and mother, evith the other members of
the bousehold, sit apart, amiably pretend-
ing not to listen:
"Thou contest," she says.
"Yes. How be ye these many days?" he
"Happy. Gather and sit." And she mo-
tions him to a seat near her.
As a never failing hospitality on the
part of a hostess when a visitor enters a
Zuni home the places food before Mm, and
bids him "loosen his belt and lessen his
hunger." But he appeats preoccupied and
partakes quite sparingly, to give the po-
lite impression that he is a light eater—an
important point in favor of a prospective
to:s:yo‘u‘,1fraltihlye.;?" as sehethttiCirinsselen. aleharaetntthpinerk-
to become his se a-kia-ni-na, or "his to
aplyro?us's'liyeb?hl,ye,.askws eneouragingly.
"I don't know."
"Indeed! You must be mistaken,"
plexity to the family group. -
for tlie Erst time, and after due considera-
be," and from that time on they are as de-
rei)Sihieest. hen appears to poeder the matter
Itu,s,bIainody.e you., ft, audicarpeds
dining off little more than a bird's rations.
thinking of something. What have you
"Thanks. I ant satisfied," he says after
voMd to each other as are lovers in any
"As you wish, my child," her parent
"I'm thinking of you," in a whisper.
tion of the inomentous question consents
olime.—Woman's Home Companick. • ,
"Then do you love me?"
"Eat enough. You must have come
"Oh, yes, you do. Tell nee," she coyly
Anety Chloe—Po' ole ellegah I Dun los'
hereoloe the hoe, an kyarn't be saved.
Mistah' Mose—Wien g 1 Why kyarn't she?
Aunty Chloe—Bow kin she gjt nigion ,
et the kearn't hollow?—Now York Jour- 1