HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-22, Page 8alliosaniers Wanted. The undersigned would be, pleased. tec take a. number of boarders. --Ladies cat Gentlemen. First class accommoda tion. Terms reasonable. Apply at the 'louse opposite Comma—eel .hotel, H. Beteknratiae JOTTINGS, INVS The caleudar fiend is en his rounds' l,euew your subseriptiou to the Au- Huron County Council meet. at Gode- deh Jan, 25th, Scale bills printed while you wait at Lite ,A.nvoeATi office.. bad from Centralia spent a plea - et time at Mr `Phos, :Boy la's Thurs- day night last. Revival servie;es have beets diseon tuned it' the James Street Methodist Church The Farmers' Instituto meeting will be held ini thee. Town Hail, at 1 o'clock t3 day returtdaye, .'S. large loath from here :attended. the pp tee, meeting :at Bethesda on. Weediiee dee night id ?est week.. The G, T. R. rev ear passed up the liee rhursaiteui ht last much to the d, ti ht of the eriigt'., yees- The third of -t seines of assemblies wi l be held in t; idleey'a tip'{ r G 1laatasr, ou l'r etay eeeleiug. theca. estate. A valuable dog belonging W Samuel Sweet died from the effects of a dose of raison on Saturday given by some ult. t:own person, :Messrs llanelford & Elliott, of Cen tralia, disposed of a carload of horses to Dr. Blackwell, who shipped thestn to inliasgow Monday. The City Hall at London, the scene of the recent aceidont, is being repaired tut there is :,u agitation in the city for the erection of the new hall farther north, The petition praying for the comma tion of the sit a:h sentence of James Allison has been sent from Galt to the Minister of Justice. It has about S00 aiguatores to it. Don't permit your generosity to bub- ble over teo tnue'h when a tramp shows up The toe of a boot or a straight ordering ;May nrom your door would do these lazy, thieving 'lubbers more good than the generous, yet uuthauk- ed kindness they often receive. What promises to be the best carni val of the season will take place on the Exeter rink Monday next, A large list of prizes will be awarded and the two -utile race promises to be interest - lug and on tho whole an enjoyable time may bo expected. Seats will be provided for ladies. The Municipal Committee of the On tario Legislature on. Saturday passed ;Sir. John Caveu's bill which provides that councils in towns of less than 5,000 shall consist of six eouneillors. and a mayor, and that township and village councils shall consist of a reeve and four councillors. The total number of failures in Can- ada during the past year has shown a decided decrease over the previous year. According to the annual state- ment issued by Bradstreet the failures in the Dominion of Canada during 1897 numbered 1,907, against 2,179 in 1896, a decrease for the past year of 272. The Sun's market reports are admit ted. by ail hands to be the best and. most complete published in Ontario The Sun's selections for family reading are also unsurpassed, while the weekly contributions cf a Bystander give the paper a value peculiarly its own. You can get the Sun and this paper for $L25, The first wedding anniversary is the cotton one; the second is paper; third, Ieather; fourth, book; fifth, wooden; sixth, garnet; ninth, topaz; tenth, tin ; twelfth, silk and fine linen; fifteenth, crystal: twentieth. china; twenty-fifth, silver; thirtieth, pear'.; thirty-fifth, sap- phire; fortieth, ruby; fiftieth, golden; and seventy-fifth, diamond. The London Free Press of Tuesday says:—" Mr. Jonathan Miller, of Gode- rich, and Mr. Frank Martin and son, of Toronto, met at the Grngg House here yesterday and proceeded to Goderich, where Mr. Miller has purchased the New Bedford Hotel from the Messrs. Martin. Mr, Miller is a man of re markable size, weighing about 400 pounds. He should: make a popular host." Postmasters are informed that the proposed reduction in the postage rate from Canada to Great Britain, and other parts of the Empire to three cts. per ounce has been suspended, pending a conference with the Imperial and Colonail authorities in regard to the anbjeet of inter -Imperial postage and in the meantime the old letter rate of five cents per 1-2 ounce continues in force.` Augustus Mclsaac, of Parkhill, is missing since Jan. 8. He is a farmer, 25 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches in height, and 180 pounds in weight; has stout build, dark complexion and thin, light moustache. He is reported by John Mcysaac, 1,185 Fifteenth street, Detroit, who says that the missirig man was supposed to have left there on the Grand Trunk Railway at 11 p m. last Saturday, but has not arrived home yet, Rev. Mr. Hobbs, of London, ably con- ducted the revival meetings in the James Street Methodist Church, on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday . and Friday evenings of last week. Each evening his addresses were eloquently deawered to attentive audiences, Mr. Hobbs is a strong opposer to social en- joyments of dancing, card -playing, skating and the opera and vigorously attacked and denounced them as the *awning iltesee oxulnjtng Our young people, The days are now gradually grow- ing longer. Send the ADVOCA,rn to your friends, One dollar a year. A very enjoyable evening was spent alt the resideuco of Mr. Wm. Penhate Tuesday night when a number of the young people of town assembled to join in a " taffy pull-" The Provincial Government is intro- ducing a bill at the present session of the Legislature amending the public etervanrs act. which provides that no person entering the employ of the Province after the 1st of January shall. be emitted to a retiring allowance. It is well for farmers to know that they aro liable to a penalty of 5200 if they do not report at once to the Minis tear of Agriculture .at Ottawa any 'in- darataora of tuberculosis iia their sioctt, there is daeg,er this winter of this dis seast bccomiug epidemic, and fanners it.lulu gave a careful inspection of heir steel: quite often. Mrs. James Tom raeeived a telegram llorday last sawing that her brotl;er, :11r Jain s Ke neck, lead died suddeuiy- aR $ill, s ?cell,. It sena s lir I%eernicl: e,';as it; attendance at a fellowship meet- • toe alter tlie± nanrnetang tee tit tbi.e Methodist church at that p!aee Sut.day when he dropped dead in his sent dur- eett ate grog. a ss of the: service, tie was -ibout fb) years of age and formerly eoedueteed a blateksrnith shop at 1Z'hal- teu's corners, Ile is abrother of Mr. Iyante l :tern l; k, of L'sberne. A ogee valuable Caw belonging to ,lobo W. Tay' -or was killed on Tuesday last, The animal bas been in cloche - nee health for over a year and had al most wasted to a skeleton when the owner deemed, it advisable to kill her. Thls wa s ele►ate and a post morteia ex- arnination was made when it was dis covered that t her#o contained stomach cont ned upwards of three dozen nails, screws, etc., all in a bright polished condition. One of the nails had penetrated the stomach and caused a large abscess to form which was the means of causing her death. The annual eongregational meeting of the Cavan Presbyterian ohureh was held en Tuesday evening. Jau'y 14th. in the basement of the eltureh. After devotional exercises by the Pastor the reports of diff'e'rent organizations in connection with the church were read, the managers' report showing total col- lections for the year to be 51.209 91; expenditure 41,039,14; also showing total indebtness 5292. The report was addopted. Messrs Bawden and McLeod were again elected to the board of man- agement, J. H. Grieve re-elected Treas Jos. Senior re-elected Secy of church. tamest If you want printed or blank calling cards, call at the Azavoc vrI; Oliico, Locket Lo$t, A gold locket, set wait three rubies. Fit'der will be suitable rewarded by leaving same at Molsoi-s Bank. .Dress making. Dresses made to order for 51.25 and upwards Capes, J ackeis and mantles os a specialty. New tailor system of cut- ting. Apply at the residence of Mrs. Welsh, opposite James St. Church.. lhss A. QuAliClit, .4. Social Evening. A pleasant and profitable evening's entertainment may be looked for on Tuesday evening next, Jan. 25th, when two of the ladies of the Trivitt Memor- ial Church, Mrs Brayand Mrs. Kemp, will be at home to the congregation and friends in the school hall, at 7.30 o'clock. A program consisting of vocal and instrumental music, etc , will be Refreshments will be served. Admission 15 cents. Take Notice. The directors of the Exeter Electric Light & Power Co., beg leave to notify their patrons that the advertised prices only apply to those who haa'e paid for their wiring. Those parties who have not paid for their wiring will be charg- ed extra rates. The directors further wish to draw attention to the fact, that according to their rules, all lights not in use and on retiring must be turned off which will be a saving to the patrons, as the lamps will not require to be re- placed so often. Blood Poisoning Set in. One day recently while Mr. Eli Snell was sharpening a saw in the bush the saw accidentally slipped in some way and in attempting to catch it he sustain ed a slight cut on the back of the hand. The wound was apparently trifling, but in a few days it swelled enormously and turning to blood poisoning threat- ened serious results and the probable loss of the hand. Medical aid was at once sought and although the wound is very 'painful the injured member will be saved. Connell Proceedings. The Council met pursuant to ad journ.- ment.at the Town Hall. Exeter, 17th Jan'y, 1898. All present. The min- utes of the previous meeting read and confirmed. Christie -Harding, that T. Crews be refunded 51 dog tax.—Car ried. Application of W. Westcott for expenses of burying Thos. Daw in. digent was laid over until next meet- ing. Christie—Harding, that Albert Fuke be assessor. Evans ---Bissett, that Geo. H. Bissett be assessor. The reeve decided in favor of A. Fuke. A by law to confirm appointment of assessor was duly' read and passed on motion of Hardy—Christie. Evans -Christie, that J. A. Creech be appointed to the same duties as last year at the same salary. —Carried. Bissett -Christie, that H. Parsons go on with his duties until fur- ther orders:—Carried. Christie -Bis sett, that Capt. Kemp be appointed bell ringer, weight master, -etc. at the same terms as last -year:—€`arried Harding—Evans, orders as follows: S. Handford, $6 labor at snow; the re- turning officer, $21.50 election expenses; Jas: Creech, 51 dog tax refunned T. Crews.—Carried. The council adjourn- ed until next Friday at 7:30 p.m. M. EACRnrr, Clerk. peen—xtichards. Another of those pleasurable events in wellies the fair sex are usually inter- ested took place at the resideuce of Mr. David jiiehards, yesterday ('Wednes- day,j when his eldest daughter, Annie, was united in marriage to Mx, lank peen, of London. The ceremony was performed by the Rev, W. M. Martin in the presence of a large number of in vited guests, The bride received many beautlful and useful presents. The happy couple will make their future home in London and the well -wishes of numerous friends will follow thein, IIoe.Ye3" i1ateti, The first hoc1 eer match of the season played on the Exeter rink took place Tuesday evening last between the Exeter and Seaforth teams and to say ,it -was a swift gaine is putting it mild ly, it was a good exhibition of hockey from start to fiuish and although Sea - forth claim the laurels they Call bard ly claim .the vtctory, from the fact that the game was allowed to go on fully half au hour longer than the alieted' time. However, the game was a gold oe:e and the large atteudanee of sit, eta- , tors were highly phased ►:•ith the plate mitt of boat teams, midis ida taut nivel eta. IN tretuatue, Gtdt,•y and Me^ of the home team, are in parttcular' worthy of notice. Tremaiue is indeed a strong playsr and ',eery speedy and at the same time one of the slickest dad kers ou the cels. (sidle,' and Willis come in fora greet share of praise and Dna Cele wnete no tante Cauca! be found, but ibis we must admit that Seaforth plays a better combination gaine that' our fellows, Mr. B Jackson, of Seaforth refreed tit game, end Wm. Hawkshaw was umpire for Seaforth, while R. N. Creech, performed similar duties for Exeter. At the close of they game Sea - forth •had scored 5. goals and Exeter 4 The teams lined up as follows: Seaforth Exeter Loosemore goal Ed. Dignan Broadfoot point Gadley F. Jackson cover point W Dignan, Cresswell Forwards Bisset Krim at Evans Forbes '" Tremaine McLean 'i i itlis Personal 1l;encion Mr. J P, Ross was In London Tuesday Mr. Henry Dwart, of Zurich, was in town on Friday. Mr. G. W, Holman, of Bayfield, was in town Saturday. Miss Myren deughter of T. W. Hawk. screw, is quite ill, L. 11 Dine sou was in Goderich on. business Weenesday last. 'Miss Alcock, of Exeter, is the guest of Mrs, G. Fox "-.-L,ucan Sun, Miss P. Springstead, of St. Marys, is the guest of Mrs, if. Samtvcll, Miss Ada Newton left Saturday for London whore she will remain, Mr. W. T. Acheson of the Central. Hotel, was in London Saturday. Mrs, Thos. Oka, who has been very 111 for several days, is recovering. Miss Princeof Hyde Park, is the guest of her sister, Mrs N. Pettorson, John Suell, of St. Thomas, is home spending a few weeks with his mother. Mr. A. McDorxell, leaves this mores ing with a carload of horses far Liver pool. Mrs, M. Ellwood, of Hensall, is visit ing her grand parents, Mr, and Mrs. A. Allen Harry Browning .left for Markham on Friday last, to resume his ,medical studies. Miss Irene, daughter of Mr. B. S. O'Neil, after a prolonged illness, is re- covering, Mrs Eliza Bell, of Sarnia, is spend ing this week with friends in Exeter and vicinity. Mr. Wallace Brown, of Tilsonburg, formerly of Woodham, is the guest of Mr. D. Spicer. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Williams left for the land of their birth—the Old Country —on Tuesday. Miss Francetta Davis, of Palmerston, is visiting Mrs. George Heaman a few days this week. Mr. Geo. Lewis, who was reported dangerously ill, is, we are pleased to state improving. Miss Young, who has been visiting Mrs. R. H, Collins, returned to her home in Seaforth, Saturday. Rev. Hobbs, who conducted revival services hero last week, returned to London Saturday to resume his pastor - ail duties. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bissett, who have been visiting friends and relatives here for a few weeks, returned home Saturday. Thos. Handford, who has been in different parts of the states, but late of Wisconsin, is home spending a few weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Silas Haadford. Miss Edith Sanders leaves this morn- ing fur a short visit in Detroit after which she will visit in Leamington prior to attending the millinery open - lugs in Toronto. Mr. Wm, Levett, of Hanover, a form- er resident of Exeter, visited his son William, here, a few days last week. We understand Mr. Levett intends moving to his old home in Parkhill, shortly. Mr. and Mrs. Herringdeen, who have been spending a few weeks ` with the latter's mother, Mrs Newton, left for Alymer Saturday where they will vis- it prior to leaving for their home in Cleveland:' Miss K. Woollatt, who has been en- gaged as milliner for the R. Pickard Co. for a number of seasons, left Wednes day morning for Fergus where she will spend the winter holidays'. Her many friends in Exeter and vicinity will learn with regret that Miss Woollatt will not return to her former position here, having secured a more lucrative one. For cheap reading, read our dub- bing rates in this issue. Icon Lost. l)n Saturday, Jan. 8th, between Sam bel Skinner's, Cott 2, Usborne, and Geo. Fisher's, a boa. Finder will kindly leave same at Carliug's Store,. Exeter. lk ns Join PaAitr. New Military Accoutrements. An order -in council lits been passed adopting the Oliver military accoutre- ments for the use of the artillery and itifati,trti-. The aceoutrenieuts consist of one magasiue or service bag, weigh - tug 28 onuees, one magazine brace complete, one. spade sting, one coat strap, one reserve pencil, one cacteeu aa.d coyer, out: borte holder, one waist belt and frog, one ammunition bag and kit bag, th.e total uei,;;ht, exelusive of the kit bag, being v6 ounces I he Governms►t secures a patent from Depute Surgeon llenerai Oliver, and wilt sail for tend- is for constructing the 35,000 or 40,000 required fur the use of the force.. J Levi', --tee x n:er Concert. The Jarvis Alexander Concert which wart in til.4iey's Opera house on Bleed ty see tenet Met, dram;* together the leirge'rt nod inert fashionable audi iseee tlt- t hie ate -wetted within the wells thet sp e ems hfil1 for many nowt rarely has an Exeter audi- euee half the idea ,urn of listening to a e•t mel. ia'i,71‘ sed sues estecelte'rit talent. elr Jars rs is teletwut doubt, one of the hest, if not the hest sinews that has ever v a,atr'd the town. He has a powerf oily strop„ voice, rich in tone and of wonderful compass and at the conelution of each and every rendition e;torm'n at' app'ause follon'sd, Mian Alexandeea, by her eplendid elocution and ?ewer ,of mimicry, greatly delighe- ed her audience end drew from theta again and again outbursts of most genuine applause. tier new original reedition of the "Jubilee Procession in London " and " The Song in the Market Place " by Buckhanr, with solo by Harold Jarvis, were indeed. excel- lent. It would be hard to say whether she excelled in the pathetic or sumer etas st'lectious. In the ,one ease she brought out the pathos with tragic of feet; in the other, provoked irresistible laughter. In her character selection, her make up speech and aetlons were anexact portrayal 01 the character she was impersonating. Mr. W. II, Hew- lett, organist, of Dundas Centro eleth• °dist Church, t:nndou, performed the duties of accompanist on the piano and • that duty he performed well, likewise rendering several piano solos which were well received and loudly applaud- ed. On the whole the concert was a huge success - Mitchell: Death has visited the home of Andrew Urquhart and taken the eldest daughter, Isabella, at the early age of 10. She came home from Toronto at Christmas not veru well, and got gradually worse, until Wed- nesday, when she died. The family have the sympathy of a largo circle of friends. Granton: The dwelling house be- longing to Mr. 1Lobt. Robinson, G. T. 11, section fortnan here, caught fire about8 o'clock Monday morning, and, with a great deal of the contents, was destro,ted. It is not exactly known how the fire originated. Mr. Robinson estimates hes loss as about $1,500 which is partially covered by insurance in the Park Mutual. Goderich tp; The unexpected death of Mrs. Gibson, wife of Mr. J W. Gib- son, of the Huron Eoad,' and eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Hoist. Thomp son, took place on Wednesday, Jan, 12, A few days previous to her death she caught cold and on Friday pneumonia and inflammation developed and des- pite every care and the best medical skill she died on the above date. Drysdale: One day last week, while Mr. Charles Cleve was engaged in test- ing a powerful steam boiler, an explo- sion occurred, inflicting many wounds but none of them serious,—A few days ago, some unknown person entered a house owned by Mr. R. Snowden, through one of the back windows. The burglars broke into the safe but were disappointed to find that:the cash had been removed. Brussels; On Thursday evening Mrs. James had a bad fall ou a slippery sidewalk breaking . one of the small bones in her arm near the wrist. The, accident happened just outside of Fox's drug store. The old lady was driven home to her son's house by Rich. Wil Hams and Dr. McNaughton was quick- ly in attendance and set the fracture. It will be several months before she re- covers the full use of her arm. Bayfield: Mrs. Cameron, relict of the late Donald Cameron, died on Tues- day, 4th inst., at the age of 81 years, She was a native of Invergordon, Ros shire, Scotland. and has been a resident of Bayfield for over 40 years. She was one of a large family, some of whom are in. Australia, and some still in the Old Land. She leaves two sons, Alex. and Thomas. Cameron, and numerous grandchildren to mourn her loss. Seaforth: A large number of young people were seen wending their way to St. James' church, where an interest ing ceremony was performed on Tues day morning. It being the marriage of Mr. Jas, Dalton, of Wingham, to -Miss Libbie, daughter of Mr. David Donovan, of this town. High mass was sung by Father McCabe, who, as- sisted by Rev. Father McEwen, of Wawanosh, tied the nupital knot. Fullerton James Jamieson, a well known bachelor of Fullerton, was sent to the house of refuge last week. He was mentally deranged, and caused so much trouble that he had to be remov- ed to the county jail. Many years ago. he was a heavy drinker, but atthe'. time of the Scott Act' agitation he re- formed and has not tasted liquor since.. He was a good citizen, and highly re spected, and his present sad condition is deeply lamented. THF RIG CASFI STORE; CASH OR PRODUCE ONE PRICE TO ALL. FURS, FURS, FURS r YES, rU1$ BAltiCtilIBT PRICES. 1 only, Ladies Black Astrachan Fur Cape Q4 0 80 .inches longfor .VV $1,35 f 75 Ladies NeckRuffs, or c; a es t 1' ur R .-l. s, worthilf.1f4jf?. �135c, clearing at,,,.,,,,,,,,»,...,, 2 only,Gent's Black Astrachan. 14 a an Fur Coats perfect 0 p est color for ......................... 5 only, Gent's No. 1 Coon Coats, good dark colors for.,... ,,,,,,,,....—J 2 only, Gent's :Black Wolf Fur Coats beau47 - tl , , r 11*VU ties for. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.•.,.... 3 only, Gent's Wambatt Coats,good clean nn colors for •. , ii.au 10 only, Gent's Beaverized fur caps, regular valve alb e?.. �going, � �for– . , , „ • , •, , 4 a 10 only, heavy Wool Knee Buns, regular price acle 1 , t COME QUICK FOR THE ABOVE SPECIAL BARGAINS 6 se b:Jo except Wednesday and Saturday. J. A, STEWART. you w mt to buy COM ETD tfI OVES, . fancy Black, uit, Poar1 Cream,. These are guaranteed Goods. OPPOSZTM MUFFS that were .r7 i3OO for CHILDRB'�T's LAMB TBG.1a -, 1Y,t 1t, , . .2 at 35. tlt, Sjceia! fi ll1i I afli6o1� a We can sell you Jackets at prices to suit you, S I.50 E. J. 8 P A C K A N& CO, Saiinvo l's Block, Exeter LFjE�T F' LL IN PRICE OF WINTER GOOBS1 - MUST GO AT COST. Overcoats for men and boys. Suits for men and boys. Fur Coats, Caps and Robes. Fur Capes for Ladies. Ladle's Mantles. Dress Goods and Mantles. Felt Boots and Overshoes. Owing to the continued mild weather, -we have more Winter Goods than we otherwise would have had and we are determined not to carry them over untill next winter but to make a clean sweep if prices will do it. Don't pass us for a Bargain. G. V O T� S O Opposite Hawk shave's Hotel, Exeter.