HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-22, Page 5A 11 it r• 411.014. rets ;ht. nt'a em- rtny 'ER k. ,000 Rio .heir a►t7' B p :ted at 3 THE cruetc brorate Is published every Thuxsdly Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, -- EXETER, ---B.v the ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERNS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ineDoilav per50z,nuu bald in A;dvenoe . dzr,artL..a-, ors .A.p-pI'Lca„ Hapaperdiseontinued until ellarreareges aro paid. Advertisements without speoitie directions will be published till forbad awl eherged Accordingly. Liberal alis(Quntoaade far transient advertisements inserted for lona periods, Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the frueet style, 44U4 a,t moderate ravtee Chequos,inouey ord- era, &a. for advertising, sttbsoriptions.eto.to be made payable to Cllag. LL Sanders,. EDITOR axe PROP Prote:ssrotral Cabs s. IL KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR., A, R. EL SaiAN, f. 1). S., D. D. S.. Bonor graduate of Toronto C`niyersity, DENTISTS, 'teeth extracted without any pain, or any lead effects. Office in Ftaneon's kliook, west r ante 1)1a..r'I a St eet, Lrxcker- D1►R.D. ALTON ANDilliSON,(D,D,S..L D,S,) n •. hellfire Graduate Doe L - h t the Toronto rid. rsi.ty and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario r.,r„.tlr extracted withoutsit., All modes of Deattietry up to date. office Over Elliot &; l lit ot'.a law otlioo--oppoeite Central Hotel—Exeter. Medical r stay r A.ROGGIN.;S: T A..:l.MOS. #,► ,tea(,leeree•a, name as tomcats FFI(:F3,yplael.ensu, building. Main +3t Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly --north door. Dr. Ames' office, acme building seutlo door. May 1st. 1893 Z.4%. Rollin*, '4f. D. T. A. Amo*, M. D R.T.I. SfcT.A1'tr1TLIN, ME',I11Elt OF the College ofPliv Iiclitns;a,rrelSurgeans Oaterfa, 1'hv:,ieltan..,rrgeon And Assoaoh-. aur. (ore, itashwno 1, (last Legal. D U. 001 LINS, BA1UiICTER,S()LT('•IT- IA,. OR, Conveyancer, Notary nubile ®free• -Aver O'leil'al Bane, Eseter,Ontario. Money to Loan. iI,DTCESON.IiAItRTF'1'I•;1t,SOLICIT(1R, of SAt}iv Sgre CnUrt, `otgrr Public, 0on- ireyaneer, Com m i'a.ioner, e: e.;ionoy to loan Qilloe--J eusou'aIilo0k.Exeter 1iI,TOT(i! ADMAN, BARRISTERS, Rte . Conveytineere. and Money to Loan at 5 and 5! leer cent. B. V. ]:r.l•IOT. F. W. 0tO,I 1,rAN. ,Atactioneera Tri BROWN, Wincltefeea. Licensed Auot- 1 . ionoerfor tIrto (`suutio* 0f Pert1:4,;14.14,(1, Middloaox, ai:lo for rho towushi� O1 V. Ianbale prom ated arranged attended t I ost office• Win. aholsea. Insurance. TS ELLIOT, 1 In:mm.1 co Agent. main St. • ANTED, HELL.'...__. Reliable man in every lol•nitty, local or travelling, to Introdu.ee a now discovery and keep onrahow car.l:;tacktrd up nu trees,tenecs ane hrtitgo'throughout town and uountrv. Steady employment, Qom inleaion or salary, S05 per with anti expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write' Olio World Modtcal Bleatrie Co.," London. Oat , Canada. 2.2 Si TAILORING CI -MAP AND NOBBY.____ (4S " The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,''" hand - mo -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?S NO STYLE, ;K NO GOOD. S l A tailor made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR'-wwwW- Parts of machinery which 1. P. t accurately fits withstand se- 4-50 were service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert.. Knight. '- TO 12 r.3 2.5 r-6 i-5 Light 4 50 4 40 4 25 4 10 4 00 3 90 ed it con- ells. iasis ,ving- tmps ight tall - ads. .Ire RIDES! HIDES! ! � IMIDES! vo High est cash. price paid for hides, calf, lamb and sheep skins... For first class beef, lamb, pork, poultry, sau- sage or bologna, call at the NEW I.3UTU IIF R SHOP. ... REEF SO IAD BY TIlti: Q$37tlig n'- ERATLOWtlST &A.is11 PRIAM. . ,FRESi'1 FISH. .ged ci a. Atte, an taca sty One boor South .of v optiro,, CENTRAL HOTEL, L1 !Wit ii 1 e... 14 EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedi.esday) Wheat per bushel $0 81. to. 82 Barley • 25 to 27 Cats 4e, 25 to 25 Peas . Butter Eggs Potatoes perbag (Intone , Iled Clover Seed per bushel- Ha, ushel Hay per ton Dried Apples per lb Tut keys Ducks Geese.. Chieken Wool per lb. DEBTORS AND CREDITORS• Two Cases Which Throw Light on Their Relationship With Each Other, 45^ to o , I Mande(); Jan. 15.—A short time ago 14 to )5 the residence of 'Oharles A2oLorio was L& burned, and the insurance money was , - 45 to 50 garnisheed bya number .o creditors to 40 f $A.Oo to $4,50 whom MoLorie had become indebted while 7.Q5 to 8,0o he was connected with the Windsor brew - 4 ery. Mrs. ¥aLeric claimed that the incur- 7 5 5 t7 Ali Women Should This Interesting Letter—"I was Nervous and Weak." Life Changed from Misery to. Joy by Hood's Sarsaparilla. The terrible trials of the ,e gentlep sex" are beyond description, .How hood'sarsait.arilla isadapted for them and Low it restores health and helps over the hard places, iiswellillustrated by .tit. flare's letter. teas 1. Brod a Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs: —In early We I suffered =eh from stoameh troubles and spent a great deal of money in doetorin,;, Ire- t eived temporary reli f only to have a re, turn of Bleknez.s, and for the past Ave life has been made miserable by constant i linesa. During title -period there have been six months that 1 was not off my bed, end for one year I suffered most severely, I was Nervous and Weak and life seemed a burden. It happened that my husband bought .a -bottle of Haod'a Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it in small doses, In a short time it eves evident that it was helping me. In two weeks I felt that I was being greatly oenefited. About this time our youngest NOD, then 15 years of age, was taken down with typhoid fever. Ile passed on to his sward, and soon others of the family woretaken i11, until I was the only one 1ef t to care for them. I continued taking Hood'a Sarsaparilla, and to the aurpriseof myself and all the neighbors, I not only kept up and tool; caro of the sick, but my Health Continued to Improve. I<o>t nearly three months this siege cY d fever held the family down. All time, as by a miraele, my health up and 1 grew strong. At present I am feeling wetland know that the bene- fit derived from hood's Sarsaparilla is permanent. Other members of the house- hold have since taken flood's Sarsaparilla and hood's fills with good effect," MEI. REBECCA PLACE, N. Sixth St., Goshon,Ind. Hb,d's e�t'i�i��'" p rail. Is the Best—la fact the One True Blood Puriller. Insist upon Hoop's; take no substitute. Hood's Pills prompt, efficient and itis easy lneffect. 25 cents. ADE IVIF A r1.51A AJAX T iltLETS POSITIVELY C TTEE AraNeaniotrs 1aomer Eailin5 Mom, ory,Tinpotonoy lool'lnnsnoss, eta c zteted by Abuse or other Excesses and 'Indio - motions, „ SScy note7ai?a end et watt' restore iost'Vitahtg in old or young find fit 4 man for study, business or marriage. ' Prevent Inettnity and Consumption it tYi en in time. Their Imo ahew, immediate improve. raontmid effects a Ct1Iln vyhore all other fail In- sist upon havint Ino genuine Alas Tablets xhcy 1,avo cured thouo -nds and tvilletireeon We give - tigo. itive written guarantee' to effect a cure i8f8 A0T t� i�a. each, case or. rebind the money. y. 1•,„rico or 7 A ¢,e,�or -package; or; six plrgie, (tall treatment! for., 82(0 .12y ,mail, .n plain smarter, noon receipt of trice. Circular 1'ree.19AJAX REMEDY it luw' lvlr CO., ' Cl lex see Mold in licete • by C. Lutz,_ Dirtia:l.it38 1!lliliilllilil9diltad► Er llilSlldllliil:dll 1 Etre T I E Great Offer csie The Ludou 1 e ?ressi+ + + + The Free Piess, des;ring to greatly ilna'Huta1. : thseripttan lief makes the g: following great t,tior lo the fanners z cto.'kau+u rd' Canada whereby sub- a,;, • seri leas to iraa.ly Free l'res4 will get k m S .. aper Free. &' The Free Press has Marie artanga- ntent:s with the ".ttc'intry 'eic et` Publishing Co. for a number of copies of tar their bink -rhoZ Veterinary 831ou0e ' e 'e„ pt t a of wheel , Seals,. e Thi:; booki t •,',) fur a min In) l ern l tnget.go the Anatomy, lei,cisu. end l.e.nttn: t of )' I)enei t e annuals sand Poultry, alsois 4 containingfull do rriptiono1'7icclicine and l( e nt., so that every farmer can '• :,l be his own veterinary. zi One 'YC:c1I' t P The a eekly Free Press aria. enrol „„ n,t,l-Home taroini,ar (Prise el.?t) ami n espy of ti Cn( rotary ,Seienua (Klee z2 0(11. Both w:11 be m +1101.1 to any ad- - di isosuponthe,tctr"p1tofTWa Denary. ))o not ntu;- t hls c It.)\'e cannot afford to continuo thi: rafter a definitely. Ourohlcut 1n nrtl nes a nmw) t.-. scuro •an immediate is nI n nth+cb ut loss lib rel otfor migl ( feet) to attrwt. Ito- incinbec. by send ng 1250 for the book E lou gi t alto 11 e•cl 1y Free Press and i arta surf ]tonne CINE YEAR FREE Ag nts minted everywhere. el.dd'oss 74 ail cyn eilinicatious to tlle. 1Free Press d olidul7, Ont, Mr. Percy, Quance,:of Lambeth, ha21 his hand cut Monday by a cutting box., The wetted required several stitches. Thursday James Hamilton, of Fitz- rev. whilst felling trees in the woods ov his farm, was accidentally caught by a limb of a falling tree and iastatttly killed. Cook's Cotten Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable !monthly medicine on which ladies cat depend in the hour and tinge of need. Is prepared in two degrece of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar, per 'box. No.:'2 for special cases—>o degrees stronger—sold by druggists.One ,box, Three, Dollars; two boxes, 1Five Do11are, No. i, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cooky Company, Windsor, Ontario. r rrr kiold Ere Exeter by J. 1W, Brown `n; til ruggint. ance was her own, that it could not bo used to pay of( her husbaud's debts, The creditors, however, showed that the hus- band. had been given power of attorney to use his wife's name in his business transactions and. claimed that his debts Should bo met by Airs. IaleLerie, The judge took this view of the case, and granted, the claims of the creditors. Rade an Illegal Seizure. Toronto, Jan. 15.—Judge Morgan has deckled theta gift front a husbaud to a wife cannot be seized for rent, The Land Security Co, seized for rent a Bell organ, given by Alt. Evans of Delaware avenue to Mrs, Hannah Emus, his wife. She sued tt a rceovar, and Judge Morgan gave judgment h her favor, allowed $20 dam- ages, and ordered the co/rspany to pay the costs. COAL, GOES UP. , Me Output ntlarnQtie Cotnp•utfcs Rave l:eatricted t ta,doa 1 Go the Screws. New York, Jan. 14.—Announcement was made yesterday that the enthravite coal producing and carrying compaante.s have advanced prlee•.s 10 to :10 cents per ten to the basis of S3.tI free on board for stove at tidewater, a her price, in pro- portion. .The advance, it was explained, is due to the 1ightnt-a of stock, resulting from the continued restriction of the out. pat, and to largo orders from the Wet. An :oillelal o1' one of -the companies de. dared that the supply of small Boal is so ]ight that the locomotives on his road are using bituminous e.ril. 1r. trade circles the belief is a cart ; .1 nut ountint udririlci weather will prevent reeliz tiun of the new prices. • JAPAN'S NEW CABINET. lt1'arquis Ito Forme a• Cabinet Witicit is Independent of Parties, London, Jtu). 14,--•A despatch, to the Daily Mail horn aaliAnglati says that a new Japanese Cabinet has been completed, with the following distribution of port- folios, Premier, the Margate Ito; Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron Nissl; Minister of the Interior, Viscount Koshiiawa; Alin- istee of War, Viscount Katsura Minister of Marine, 'Marquis Saigo Tsugurrriehl; Minister of Finance, Count Inouye; Min- ister of Communications, Baron Suyem- atsn; Minister of F clueation, ;'1erquls Saionyi; Minister of Justice, M. Sono. Suffocated In an Oil Tank. 7tloronee, Ont., Jan. 1:1.• --.Last evening about 6 o'elook Mr. henry S. Mowlam of Dawn:. Oil Fiord, woe found dead in one of his own all tanks. The recent rains have caused the oil tanks to float, and it seems Mr. "Mewlaaui got an augur and proceeded to bore a holo in the bottom of the tank. He was found shortly after by one of his mon, tasphyxllated and beyond all medical aid. Deceased was born about 40 years ago on the farm where he had lived. Only recently his laud was found to bo very rich in crude oil, and opera- tions were only just begun. A widow, two sons and three daughters survive him. His CnstIy Private Still. Lindsay, Ont., Jan. 14.—Wm. Calls. ghan, who was arrested yesterday in the township of Emily for having In his possession a whisky still, pleaded guilty this morning before Col. Deacon, police magistrate, and. was sentenced to ono month's imprisonment at hard labor and to pay n fine of $100, and for a further terra of six monthsif theft() is not paid. Shipyards Crowded With t Vessels. London, Jan. 14.—According to a des- patch from Hull, the shipbuilding yards there are crowded with vessels awaiting new machinery. Owing to the engineers' strike contracts in many cases have al- , ready gone to America, with tenders ' much below the cost of the work in Eng- land. ncand. German firms are also tendering and are likely to get the work unless the r,trike is settled quickly. Complete Submission Demanded. Manchester, Ian. 17.—Interest in the engineers' strike has shifted to the atti- tude -of the employers. They are disposed to stand out for a complete victory, and. say the withdrawal of the demand for 48 hours per week does not end the differ- ences. They still insist upon complete control of their works, and will effect a reconciliation only on the terns. outlined at the last conference. Death of One of Tocumselt.'s'Warriors, Southampton, Ont., Jan. 14.—There died yesterday on the SaugoenIndian Re- serve Charles Meshelcowawedong, at the great age of 100 years—one of the fevv survivors of the war of 1812. Hewaswith Tecumseh during part of the war,and was at (dneenston. Heights when General Sir Isaac Brook was killed., Drowned herself in a 'Well. London, Ont., Jan. 14. --Information was received here last night that Mrs. Bowlby, wifer. of William Bowlby, a farmer, residing about a mile from Tal- botville, had committed suicide shortly before noon by clrowning herself in t well. For some time past Mrs. Bowlby has been despondent. Killed by a Falling Tree. Carp, Ont., Jan. 14.—Yesterday. James Hamilton of Fitz Eloy while felling a tree in the woods on his farm was acci- dentally caught 11' a limb of a ' falling true. Dr. G. H. Groves of Carp was•'sent for, but foundon arrival that the unfort- 1(1iate man 11011 1)0011 killed instantly. Toronto Gots It. London, Jan 15,-Yeetcrday the On- tnrio Poultry it (00iaticu decided to hold its annual show in Toronto next year, sand Dr. A.. W. Boll of that eity:was cleohed president The show dust olosed wasthe most Successful in tile, .A.sSbella- tion's history, these lhcieg over 2,000 en tries and grand birds, Eight troth's' Demand Withdrawn. London, Jan. 17. -The ofllcial engineers' joint committee has notified the Employ - ma' Federation of the withdrawal, on bo - •hall of the men, of the eight hours de II1aild. Mr, David Richardson of Aneaster is dead at the advanced age of nearly 100 years. Shipments of Northwest what by Fort William :aggregated 17,6(00,000 bushels in 1897,. Swine disease has broken out in Yar, mouth Township, and the district will be quarantined Sir Charles Tupper was in Montreal Tuesday and received a number of Conservative deputation. A whiskey y still was seised on the farm of SVm. Callaghan in Emily town- ship and Callaghan was arrested. During a fire at Hamilton an excited Chinaman jumped from an upstair win., dew with a money boy in his awns, alighting in the dark on Constable Ford's back. OAST AWAY FOREVER Paine's Celery Compound Banishes Rheumatism and Sciatica. rl, Beeclliuor Was In a TA Condition. Coup Not Walk or Put Nis Ha to Nis Noutll. six IIO'3 T1l5Ehl OL” NATI'RI;'$111.101- CANE EFFECT a COUPLETF (;>41M. .A. Strong all(i, Convincing Letter, WELLS & BICHAaD$ON 00., Dnau slits; --For live years I sutler• ed from sciatica and rheumatism, at tunes' b 'lug so bad that I could not walk or put my hand to my mouth 1f 1 attempted to do any work I would oe crippled for weeks. I took medical treatment, Turkish and mineral baths, but all failed to meet my ease. Some time ago I tried Paine's Celery Com hound, and after using six bottles 1 f It like a new Ulan, and can de a hard day's work and feel none the worse tor it. I have Also gained in weight, and can say I am permanently cured. Yours truly, J. I30EOulx0lt, Shiloh, Ont, Clinton: On Tuesday Master James McCool had his arm dislocated at the elbow, while scuffling with a companion. Coughs, colds, pneumonia and fevers may bo preyented by keeping the blood pure and the system toned up with Hood's Sarsaparilla. At Marthayille recently, while hav- iug a troth extracted, Mrs. John Quin Ian died under the influence of ehioro form. She leaves a husband and three small children. Mr. A. K. Sadler, of Lambeth, while unbinding a load of hay on Saturday, had the misfortune of getting the mid die finger of his left hand badly lacer ated and torn by the chain hook. Little Freddie Guerin, the nine-year old son of Mr, Joseph Guerin, of Hamil- ton, r , was .alone in the house when a lamp exploded. He threw it outside, and with the aid of a pcliceman ex- tinguished the fire in the house. Daniel Bowerman, proprietor of Hal towel' Mills, about two miles east of Pictou, was fecund dead in his mill. Monday. Marks of the cogs of a wheel were found on the side of his head, which is supposed to have struck him while engaged in fixing the machinery. Stratford Herald: Wednesday night one of the large icicles formed on the Windsor Hotel eaves fell with a terrible crash through the skylight of Lord Rag- lan's back billiard parlor, and if that room had been in use at the time noth- ing could have saved its occupants from instant distruction. The chunk of ice that came through was over 500 pounds in weight. It did damage to. the extent of about $150. Persistent Co. R. hs A cough which seems to hang on in spite of all the remedies which you have applied certainly needs energetic and sensible treatment. For twenty-five years that stand- ard preparation of cod-liver oil, t!' T' EM L Dori_ has proved its effectiveness` -in cur- ing the .trying affections of the throat and lungs, and this is the reason why: the cod-liver oil, par- tially digested, strengthens and vitalizes the whole sys- tem; the fiypophosphites act as a tonic to the mind and nerves, and the glycerine soothes and heals the irritation. Can you think of any combi nation so effective as this? Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion, See that the unan and fish are on the wrapper. 5oc, and $t:oo, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. 11 I1tOlta A A.IRA111Nix CI ATIIAM 'JiA\I11F'AMVItult. ct.18.18'd7, �t city doctors cted to we anti I could lateen to improve, f aka of any f it has given 11,. T. P1iILi, t;l). Norfolk, Pet. that �lo;izt's Fortkrt y ng relit' from d tee to try S de a great c I i clicvt, - MRS. i:,Pl% For sale at alt dealers, or adear.`e{ss. tie C istinany at lanai(dteu ~x1.00 per bottle; 0 bottles for 5i, 0e.. Maple City Cooperage, It, Philip., t+ropy Chatham, O Dear Sirs:—Sento time ago I was treated by one of our be ors for continued bleeding at the nose, and the treatment I was sut•jc akened. my stontaeh so that nothing I eoutd eat would agree with me: retrain. nothing but bread and milk, which was my chief diet. I tried a bottle of your $noon's 'adieu Tonics and at one 1 prove, and it has made a perm'tment.pare In my ease. I1<art novo par food ria matter bow strong' and experience no distress after eating. I have recommended it to ses'erat people, and in every case grand results, and .a bottle of should be in every household r y PSS, INDIGESTION PERMANENTLY lCEU I St. Williams, Coun tv N o 19, )Fs7, Dear Sirs: -It gives me great pleaeuro to testify to tl,E fact Indi- all Tonle has :eaused a most remarkable chant; in me oet5ietioxea:Iia l bane suffered from Indigestion and e4'eal,ness. and aro dueli sow other rnedicineuntil your agesteatnehere ore door andalvise loan% Italian Tonto. I did so sad have used tour bottles. it has ma late e in my life, and I call now r* sr and sleep with ease and conofort, ive-ate Indian Tonic is the best medicine in the world. I remain, yours truly, ICL. �h�istie's.. COMMERCIAL LIVERY. First-class Rigs and Horses Orders left at Fawlrshaw's Hotel, of at the Livery Stable, Christ e's old St /id . will receive prompt at: tentioi . ''.erms Reasonable ypbi eu "onIy one Girl in the World fbr Me," So saes the popular song, (t Only One FurMtnre SIM THE PALACE in Town fore,,'" Says the landlord who wishes to baye every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in sour establishment is. marked at prices which will retain reg war patrons and induce occasional cus• tomers to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this method, We make ltndertaking a Specialty. R, Y. ROWE eierYS SEEDS grow paying crops because they're fresh and always the best. For sale everywhere. Rafnse substitutes. Stink to Ferry's Seeds and prosper. 18118 Seed. Annual free. Write tori. 0. M. FERRY & CO., Windsor, Ont. S. GIDLEY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. Tbis season wo have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together Choice Oddments in .teals'. 5'arra tare suitable for nresenUltion. The assorement is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can he purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of 'Very ICand:,oine BISO) BOOM sirens in ELat, Oar, and Asst ANTIQUrs and CREMONA fiLitih• All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. 1LOCIiCIiWG CIIAYES. In Fo1iiSe, (231(351, ANTIQUE OAK, CURLY BIR en, and MAnouo.tr Finish, from S2,4O up. FANCY TABLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- Rae and marked at correspondingly low Prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy Rockers, Music Racks, Conches. Extension Tables. Picture Mouldeings. Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Etc., Etc, UNDERTAKING: and '# FII13ALi@I31ITQ IN ALL ITIS Ii11AFdCd1 2S .. - . Cf idley Si S6n. II 1 FPJIMEkS! .. ®i15iGe�.�' '.Vi�7iSbs eew,w � You will find at Bisset's Wareroons the following line of Agricultural Implements r Deering Binders; Mowers, Roller and. Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond' Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince.... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. Gurney stoves and furnaces, B TTG I L+ s 'the Chatham Wagon and a full lino of the celebrated ii eLaughlin buggies fi Bi X676 T A matt Ulnar consider his purchalle well these limes; be urUUBI buy whet* he can do the best, Look at some of these figures; Pants made to order, all tvdtal heavy tweeds 32.E Suits *9,8 Overcoats 88.49 Ilack Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 • Our $20 blacks Leat all others at $23: Como and sea for yotusolt, JAMES P. GRIEVI B!clyces Bicycles 1 B i �V' '(! . . les 5. le Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good ry ha..A l, We can furnish you the best wheels made, at lowest price Musical. Do you want anything in the musical tills, We have a Choice 1,nt of Baena and orgar.s, call and irx. • spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby :car- riages, etc. etc. Por kills Martin. .___.........________. THE j1RAL STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Coles and Bronchial trouble in old or young. . We likannfacture- W P1ER'S LI? AMENT - which is an excellent .remedy for Cramps, Pants, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza, The Old _Reliable, IVinan'aa Coni' dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh :s on horses and Condition Powder for same, a SOLE AA.43ENTS FOR DTX LUNG SYRUP. C e L ' s DRUGGIST, THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND 6,ARGE$T SAIF 1';N PANAu...