HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-22, Page 4TI -1E ILOCK1TAET1E0ALLD : Wonder -Working
.Lig it' ,b-tt.oiJGii%, A NEW COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF IN
C leas, PS. Sanders Baiter geed Prop 1UDte,
TUaR `DAY, JAN. 2O 1898
Sir rower Ealneer to be Sent t Against the
Trtbes-r ea --its Dirttngnished Career
1 e fluor of a duese Commerce affiant be.
Meat Open -Cable -News.
East Middlesex, Conservatives have
nonni.aata•d t• Ma: ea r 1)- tindgins, of Galena, , Jan. 18 Sir William Lock
London, for the Legislative Assembly beet, atter eoulplctirag the repeat me
1t appears afla¢, the 0, tawa Govern which hal is engaged. concernmmg the fa -
relent are; ha:i.rg to l;e+ li their promisees rediae. frontier policy and the nieas-
nres to be adopted, will return to ]rug,
roe Oaylit•Iet harbor. 'The Seaforth Ex lapel on three mouths' leave. Gen, ;sir
posher a aorto sfrieiatdeet at lerucetield Power Palmer will artderiugbisebseucej,
gnats: e Mr, 4stereat der floss has :been baton succeeded in his present command
Diamond .Dyes.
Thousands of ladles in Canada know
WWI that Diamond Oyes combine
reeuse variery,.mertt and great beauty
These Wonder-Werkiaeg dyes are pre-
pared in forty-eight of the hest stand
yard calors for wool. silk and featbeis,.
with special dyes for (olotieer eottot!
and all mixed goods,
:dinette await full directions go with
each i_ktckage of the Viewed Dyes, sag
that the-•ltuost itetasperimaied person can
do as good work as the professional
Remember that imitators Are try,
lug to ropy the style and 'paaakage of
e ff et ane a .err :tett inter the mien em � by Generali Ener. The force will other- Diamond Dyes. 1Yiteil your buy dikes
pie e d to make t., a lorepize improve- *tee remain tln.h.tnged, except for a - for heated dyeing ; ee that your dealer
wide to the a:,.n teed h terser. The temperer -m40,3114;4 the headctuartere givea tau the Diamond t no ether,
4so.ver; til: tet +, s sett i z ,,. cha,ick• sled t ware of peekages will do your work
'nlr leiee is thoroughly reliable and Sir Power Palmer leas been commander
ee of the Punjab frontier 1°orae since 18[1'
saesdrrsa:ads +• he -la work is properly g is Holy in hie fyfty-oi�hth year. $o
entered -the xnt iaai drift, in 1837 and
Rite a itav a e, entente ray no bet a >,
ter than these can the Puri Aileen piers, ,luring the nautins he serse:i with Bode
the aneney will h,, Ahou.4 the son's Hoare. In 18e3 he wasonthe 'orth-
a, lv boat that entered Port Albert last west froet;er. He Nerved in the Abyesiu-
s °iieee teas tl 61,a,Isa a4i boasboa& mil -heal -setn war from FM' to thre end of 1.86S;
with profit *led t,•lti sfactiou
:feud to 'Wells a Richardson Co., hion-
treal, P. Q., for valuah:e t..>4 of di-
rections alai sample card of iclelers; past
fres: to aoy address.
angry also and refuse. to let themrule.I
over them any more. 'For the time"
was nigh at hand when all the people
were to be numbered evert front the
smallest to the greatest as was the cue
tom among these people a. bout .every
fourth year, when they also declared
who should rule over thea!, Therefore
the Kiug feared exceedinglyinsomuch
that his knees sttlRte oue against the
other and he tried to haste up this
thtug that the people' should not hear
tnuc;lt thereof, but the more he txied to
keep it quiet so much the nl,ore a great
deal did these two princes tell it abroad
and publish it everywhere so that there
Ls now great eatntriletion among the
people and uo man kuoweth the end
Around About Us,
Brucelield: Me. W. S- yleDaauald, on
account of poor health is leaving for
Texas. firs McDoneld will reside in
Carlo with her parents during his ab-
Seafortb: A little sola of Mr. Henrry;
:Sickle was nufortrtuate enough onto
ala; last wort-;, to have a part of a
titeltit•g. wag whir the Dente expedition in esti* tette thumb !adieu off while play iwlg With
and commanded. d the Chin Bills expa,sli• It came to pass 14 the sec'-enri sear of swat. m'ie:hiltee't
A New �'2 i Ordiered}. during age x#fethant war, ata and be the then+ i is t p $ Aliso, Craig, The uueeereus petty
[iota tri' tt:e pr,;a7A37S team, Ila 1' sall'. kl t the reign of nue, Arthur Stttre es that ,
Gzinw>'.ra^a eeee eictoe, eS ser. He received the s people hgreat
•rea a t • ra 1,.Cabe rl "Ent ing srhidh has been �,ci g on herd
the •e e i ie a iia,
e a
,�. - months' CJ,i , ant has [1 b
pp r sunie Hoa ¢ '! h.a nut abated,
ariroad that the l+ing�, t:eryauts had f • p a ed,
4nitinantrot3 now
r. r. . ,t 1
tl:•,�ww �, tr,ea ,iota. 1s._The a.,ar.bi4.c+: mute p< 31a„os tea-.,.d„i;,31 in Aza�t., .. ,
Bier al; wfcw eriette, ,iisenstiaag the ate -area
t a mit ref part2[oes lxas lt► ben watatett
i cOMMitted a sera evil its re�^atd to s
Lett:, a�tR �,i'ar were. n Sar :tt ire<�a^t4Q+l? , Even at the
(o, of SrYan ,• frQtt! i[s ;iti:laa:r'S garden 4311e night
ti' th : ktcin ted the rake,• tees gtrr t-' iaaaRrt�e.P1a, 3 rn $d.•+•`fia;• l tS;lit'• illo'.k. eh, - se uur's Resta The King had recline
' • Mlctrael iiia t,y lir to h, Chart -eller war thea
[:eta. ..t be�' se•u was that a �ta'ws
tile: leis t't'.;:•3,t�.3ytter¢'at, Cita the ponied 1t1t.elu,,er, nite.klanz gat , wuf t:a lr t
of the l.t-tee twlli:h have been til,: it
toagte tl it tel rd of tate. ury,lonithe
in the ls„l ,aramen:, atn.e sol-ich were net Iudee policy ■r the uoverni3ecant, at
lent in the trial- It is thought hes* Net/ow:ter, arta Kea [lav a,ureraantel
thst itlaleatl of the Depertmennt aetiva; was detcrnanekl, even at tiara cult er wear,
on this,'. it wield be better t0 Sterol Ghat the doth oaf Chafe•-i*e(m unereo ehoultl.
three h, fee.. the t:;,utt, eo that parttee ' AOt be stint tO Greet Mame,
eni;,; le tar eutn ria ed to efeSe eat ignite
The .-e 1 raz id' a new trial dove ' Dere telt robe. Captured.
not, therefore, atelia i.e. any way upon Leudon. Jan- 1t3,—A special clap:etch
the trial judge, from Cairo says a i.'artyf friendly natives
In the crime et cede! of [gees section has eapturee the ',Knish pint at .'.arilcta
making tan lobi ,e tens lend obt,ainini„'
a4'.?, tlitrrke is as c"ause; wlnia;h permitsof : ,,.,, „ of , tlt's of supplies.
a p __r ,, .ii nq r:txwt
the. tl:taste: 4r Jte.`,3b a ordering' a rev.
trial where there is doubt. This le the
tarn time that sedvaatsale has beeet
takoat crf this ciauee, as there wasneveer
as y wastrel ter deter sp- Jiffy .against Lady Tatumyl;c•9, meet of
When car ww•1lerte the new trial talcs i the Eno was oecepie t w ileh expert; eel -
4 ^a ":ae: yet!Ta'�n da>:terttliilekl, d del ee to the t`«ft'r"t that the f gn:hin't's
Her execatiaan was to have taken p were forged. Sir Tatten's Yorksldre
place on Thursday. 9 banker testified elute the notes were
Cayuga, Out., Jarr, 1,9,.• -The► sus. forked, and the Monte Carlo chcquee,
Tito 'Notes Were, )Surged,.
London, Jae, th.—At yeeternee's hear -
log of the emit brought by Mr. Daniel
cd. great tat ids in that pert of the court
try bee-ond the elver Humber aied !milt
many houses and !ogres in which there
were kept malty sswiree, anti pra4ved.
that he blight make great mites there.
by, The :lung called it a swine fon
ant :11 the un eireuuteised in the land
.t d the tientiles would call it a pig..
And behold after malty class it eeante
to pass that Seem entered into them
and they because exceeding mad, foam-
sed at the mouth, and lay on the ;rout d.
very seek iuentnuclr that they would
not eat, no not so rota sh as a r p of the
Kiu 'scorn. Then those servuds be
came greatly afraid, not knowing
what tad happeucd to the herd of
swine. and called in all the deetors of
the fling's house hold and hie chief
otlieers canal they couusettted together-
They !anew not Ott tire: that it was Sat
tan that had etitee,red lute the swine
but that it was a s1v1 pees thet had
happened to them. When they iLgnir
ed of the keepers of the herd from
whence they got their food, and of
what Eon i5 was. When they learned
that the food had been tauten from the
almshonsea, the place where the luna-
tics were kept, and the prisoners they
feared exceedingly, nr,r1 asked if the
food then could be geed. Then they
held anotlieer great council and exam-
ined many or the Levine again very
careful!). Some of the wisw•t+t tit the
(lector, Minot: their heads and said
they thought it must be demons that
had got it,to the swine, but others said
it seemed like a disease the I:gyAtiaus
called, hog .cholera. Then when the
others who thou:- ht it was demons
heard this sriying all rose up and great
ly agitated. and said if tt,:s be ea we
must order that the wt hole herd be do
stroyecl quickly lest it spread to other
herds, the people he made sick who eat
the flesh, and the country lose many
shekels, They gave this advice no:
that they cared so much for the Gen-
tiles who ate swine's flesh as for their
countyrmen ho had gi eat herds (adult
Eng hard by. When they inade the thing
known to the Kiag and to his collusive
lora there was commotion and great
consternation in the Kln's household
for many days. After the Ring haat
couueslled with. Itis wise men he corn
mended the pbysicans for their wisdom
and although he honestly believed it
was Satan that had entere3 into the
herd, yet nevertheless, he commanded
that all the barns be destroyed, the
ground ploughed up and sown with
salt Zest the contagion spread. Then
those servants went forth immediately
and did all that the king commauded
their,, but when they knew that it was
only cholera and not Satan that pos
sesscd the herd they took council to-
gether and said wby should all this
waste of swinea, flesh be made?
not the Gentiles all use this flesh, and
is there not a mighty city on the other
side of the Humber in which there are
not only Samaritans, but men from
Italy and all other countries, and lo.
will they not buy it? Besides there is
a great prison therein in which are
many great sinners kept at the King's
expense and lo. will net this swine's
flesh do for them? So they slaughterd
ail those swine as the King command
ed, but there went out a report among
the people that the best of the flesh was
sold for four hundred pieces of silver
and so there was joy among all those
servants, and the King's officers.
But when certain other princes of
the people heard thereof they were very
wroth and created no small stir among
the people. Oue of them whose name
was Whitney, being a lawyer' and au
elnquent man waxed very wroth and
with great vehemence condemned the
Ring and his servants for this abomin-
ation which they had wrought among
the people. And another of the princes,
a good man, -who was called Saint John
also became greatly incensed because
the Ring's servants had defiled the
lend with 't swine farm and wasted
much wealth therein and also because
of the report that the King's servants,
had sold the flesh of the swine poria=ns-
1'rl ity'ow it spirits to certain of the peo-
When the great council met in the
Parliament Chambers these two princes
aed many rnere also stood up in the.
coin nil `And with great power told all
thaw l.•nf w about this great wickedness
they a h o ceam ined those servants
end marl' other witneeses end rilado
tilers te,11 many wonderful thing's about
he swine herd insomuch that !ling'
St.nrg is hec;i mit very %vroth, both he
and all his servants beiug tilled w
fear lest the people should become
peuse ever the Sternatnan case, which. Prew1OU513 rererred to dente The trial,
today had Iteecetne,zltnost paiuful,was
to night - reliovt'd by a despatch from
the Seetetar:y of State at t►ttawa, stat•
ing that the Minister of .Justice! bad.
;ranted the coa,denlned woman a new
trial. l't heel the nt'v:s was announced
were forged, adultrig that when aw tion
Sykes' attention was called. to the matter
he gavo a genuine cheque for edt,UUU in
place of thorn.
Reindeer for tiro ICionatike.
Copenhagen, Jan. le.—An agentof the
a load eht'er a,f eatisfaetion went up- Canadian Uovernnreut named Lewis is
The crowd rushed out lino the Streets, organizing an expedition (for the roller of
and the oxeiteme~ttt became a furore.
!!gess. Foote aud Edgar, who bad been
in eoustaut atteapdauce on the wafer
tunate woman elute her inearcoration,
.rent to break the news. As they en
tarred the jailer's office, directly Binder
hire. : terrraztltensveil, lire Foote said:
et Wen,' how would you !the a coalmttt
cd Vtattez:ce a " k.I Wattle% like it," she
replied. " How would ti new tried suit
you"?" Mr. Edgar asked it That is
what I want," was her reply. They
congratulated her upon her escape
from the jaws of death, and the poor
• eye that she
woman was so ON j d
scarcely brow what to say.
When seen by a reverter she was
happy. "Oh, 1 ate se „lad," she said,
w that, I have not got to be !mug. Now
I will have a chance to have all the
faets brought out and clear myself.
Thi' is heaven to mo. You do not
know how glad I am. Oh, how I' have
suffered, no ane knows: hut, thank
God, it is all right now." She related
how the news was broken to her by
Revs. note and Edgar. She said, ea I
heard Mr. Foote and Edgar enter the
jail and enter the room below me. They
talked in very low tones for a short
time. The moments seemed like hours
to me, and the thought rushed through'
my bead, am I to be hung,or am I to
have a new trial? They came up
stairs in company with 11r. Murphy. I
could see at once that they had good
news for me" She spoke in very
tender terms of Mrs. Chipman, her first
husband's mother,;and how kind she
had been to her in all her trouble. Her
eyes brightened when her children
were mentioned, and she asked : -"Did
you ever see them ? " I replied in the
negative. She then related how Mrs.
Chipman, who she Balls" -mother," had
moved into oue of the quietest spots in
Buffalo, so that her children would not
be exposed to public gaze.
In talking to Jailer Murphy, she
said: " If you leave this door open to-
night 1 would not walk out. I would
rather stay here until spring and re
ceive a new trial, when everything
will be brought out, and I shall theu
be able to go out and face the world,
having the satisfaction of being an -in-
nocent woman."
She wore a plain black dress, and
her hair was neatly put up. She has
ci angeci very little since her trialtwo
months` ago. The court officials are
ninth pleased at the decision of the
Cabinet. Radcliffe, the hangman, also
expressed his pleasurewith the de.
vision. -
;t, Marys: Allan Thompson, who
has charge of A. Martin's lumber yard,
was -unloading some ceder poles off a
car at the switch, when one of the poles,
d and caught his right hand be-'
t'..'e-n the polo And a stake, crushing
the bane very badly and taking the
tip of one of the fingers.
Killed on the Track.
Parrlingao'n, Jan. i i. STm. Archer,
i hideut of this piaec, while walking
ori?io railway track, two miei eat of
he:re, was struck by a 0 P. R. passcn-
er.train bound for llstmilton at 1030
this morning and: fats antler killed, De
eo sed was very deaf, Ue leaves e
aw idowv and five smelt children destitute.
the mini's in the Yukon valley) similar
to the one undertaken by Dr. Sl:o`don
J,iek' on, in behalf of the 1 nited States
government.ix Laplanders and 114
reindeer are already en route.
Countese T.ueseli Dead.
Lundon, Jan. IS. --1 raueesAnnnMarta,
Dowager Countese Russell, widow of the
celebrated Lord Juhe Russell, is [lead.
The Dowager ('ountess Russell was a
daughter of the seeond Earl of Mato.
She was born in 1516, and married Lord
John Russell, as his second wife, in 1841.
Lord John Russell died in 187e.
Serious Earthquake In Italy.
London .Tru. 1S.—A Special despatch'
from Rome says there was a severe earth-
quake yesterday at Argenta, 18 miles'
southeast of Ferrara. A church and sev-
eral buildings were wrecked and sore
persons wore injured.
Justice hast Took tho Case Prom the
Jury and Discharged Him.
Toronto, Jan. 1S.—Dr. William E.
Bessey, of 43 Carlton street, was yester-
day afternoon acquitted In the Criminal
Assize Court of the Charge of performing
a criminal operation on Mrs. Jane
Thomas, who lived at 187 Church street.
The evidence put in by J. K. Kerr,
Q.C., Crown Prosecutor, was mostly
medical, being that of Dr. Primrose, Dr.
Dwyer and Dr. Brown.
After the latter bad concluded J. 1.
Faulds, who, with. Joseph Wright, ap-
peared for the defence, argued that the
Crown had nob made out any case to go
to the jury. Justice Rose concurred, and
took the case from the jury.
Archie Campbell Did. Not Feel Well and
Swallowed Nine Pills.
Winnipeg, Jan. 18. -The body of a
man named Archie Campbell has taken
east yesterday en route for his late home,
Sand Point, Ont., for interment. Deceased
had been working on the Crow's Nest
Pass Railway construction as timekeeper,
and about a week ago, not feeling well,
he took nine morphine pills, which killed
him. It is believed that he was addicted
to the morphine habit.
Alex. Smith of Gretna came in yester-
day with fifty head of cattle, which he is
shipping to the coast ,for the Klondike.
Mr. Smith has received a contract to sup-
ply ono hundred cars of cattle for the Yu-
kon trade.
1 The Hangman at Cayuga.
Cayuga, Ont., Jan. .18. Radcliffe
arrived in Cayuga last evening. The Peo
ple of Cayuga seen' to : realise ' that Mrs.
Sternan,an willsuffer the extreme penalte
of the law. Up to a late hone last night
no word arrived from Ottawa whether
executive clemency would be granted her,
Has Accepted -a Hallway 'Position..
Toronto, Jan. 1S. -City Engineer. E.
1-I. Ren -ting has resigned to accept the
general nnanagorshep of the Toronto Street
Railway in the place of Mr, trVanklyi.
He asks the City Connell to relieve him
at the end el the month.
Napier -Alio Woolen Zeins :Burned. '
Rapierville, Quo., Jan. 15.—The Na-
piervil.le woolen mills, owned by A.
Merit i, wore destroyed by fire hist even-
ing. 'Che loss wv 11 be about $10,000 or
Tho Secreta! yeGeneral of Cuba reports
that Havana is absolutely tranquil.
last wee!;.
1'ti iegibant: This week we record .
the death of Eina 'Myrtle, daughter of
Mr glad sirs. Robin Aiken, in her
eighth year, which took 'lace on Mon-
day last. The child had only been bhmk
a snort time with it:ticenaulattwu of the
Legate A sueceeeful and dilllcult
welkin was performed at the Streit
ftrrilllos}eital, on Miss Stewart, bound-
stry line, Logan north. A tumor, full;}
the size of a titan's head, was renuoved
from the atdomten, and the lady !s now
dying well and beyond tail danger.
Mt. Carmel: Air. deo, Thompson, of
10th con , McOillivria'y, , passed peace
folly away an 'Moudey, after an illness:
of one tiny from apoplexy. The degees-
ed being an old settler was widely
kaowu and highly respected The fun
eral took place au Wednesday and was
largely attended.
ellatota. While air. Rube Grigg w
t:lele ting wood in Colborne lest week
the axe passed through the block easier
than he was prepared for talli entering
his foot just above the instep, Mimed
an ugiy wound which had to be stitch
Ed up by the doctor.
Seaforth: A salting match at the
Queen's hotel nn Monday last, between
James Dunn and John Engler, created
eonsideerable interest. Each enntestaiil
woe to Sitw a cord of wood once in te o.
with a bucksaw. 1)Uua defeated iris',
opponent t;y a few sticks. cutting the
pile in one hour and eleven minutes.
Wingbam: At the residence of W.
A. Johns, Wedrestlay evening, Wm
Hastings and Miss Sophia Jollnet were
wilted in marriage in the presence cf
a number of invited guests. hiss
Alice Johns was bridesinaid, David
Hastings, of Turnbrerry, supported the
groom andthe nupital knot was tied
by Rev James Hamilton.
Clinton: St Joseph's R. C. 'Chttr'ch,
was the scone of a wedding early Mon-
day morning, witnessed by quite a few.
'rhe contracting parties were W. Tay-
lor, who resides just south of town, on
the London road, and Miss M. 'MeCnug•
bey, only daughter of Mrs. McCaughey
gravel road. Bullett. Rev. T. Nest
performed the ceremonv, while Miss
Tl•ssie Kelly, Morris, and F. McCaug-
hey, Hullett, performed the duties of
bridesmaid and groomsman respective-
Brussels; The death occurred on
Tuesday of Thomas Edward Grimoldby
in the twenty-ninth year of his age.
He had been very ill for the past nine
days of appendicitis. About a year
and a half ago he entered into partner
ship with Freed 'McCracken and carried
on a painting.- business,be wns a per
severing young man and well liked in
the village. He leaves a wife and four
children' entirely unprovided for; he had
been insured but allowed it to fall
liitehrwll: '• While Rev. R McIntyre,
of St. Thomas, was dining at the City
Hotel, London, on Monday, one of the
managers whispered to him that a
gentleman from the north, accompane
ied by a fair maiden, was in grievous
trouble. The pair it appears, were
strangers in the city. The young
man had wooed and won his pretty
companion, apd, dosirine to get mar
ried in metropolitan fashion, and un-
der expert auspices, had come to Lon
don to have the knot tied. Mr. Meln
tyre, ever obliging, retired to the hotel
parlor and was iuterviewed by, the vis
itors. He found the gentleman to be.
in possession of the requisite documents
and forthwith agreed to make the
couple one: The bridegroom's name
was Frederick Brown, and the bride's
Martha Ann Elliott. She looked ex
tremely charming in a lleautiful- tea-
yelling suit, and appeared to he the
happiest woman in Ontario as she left
for the new home in Mitchell in an hour
or two.
sus il iteueels Iell telt eeeness elu,Nltleiluie..
A gettbi'MPfeparatiolfor,ks
Anilatinnt'aeTooilsu dRe tda-
;1• theStt)'T::teltsout HowcelsOf
RronmotesDigestion,Cileer t l-
nesslrt4Resg ooninsneider
Qplttitl,:wiorp1_iiue nor Mineral.
rtO i.1e NATicOTIC.
,FrewAih •Far
. sola` tela•-
eTtearrasiot ,
t afrr
gevi ,f
# ,24-f4irg
Apwitew:ti elraNty for Coitsiepa-
-ioit, Sour $it utaQit,Diditt,No
Woctltm,Conr utstatls.Fcwr sh-.
i2ss uaiii LO.s5 or SLEEP.
'aCS:m'le Sajnature of
f atee
Cretorle is at ap is a eelze bottles oily. ?t
ct told is bulk, Dent allow auyae, to rill
en anything aka oa the plea or promo that it
a ",root 83 gca4" and "writ ere err avety put.
pen," Jee-Ove that you at G-A.S-T.O-R-I-A,
When you take Hoods Reis. The f, old4asll-
toneil, sugar-coated pills, w'1iic11 tear you :also
pienes, are not in it with Rood's. ` Easy to take
and easy to 'opcir ate, is true
of Hood's fills. which are
up to Oate'in every respect k,
Sere; certain and sure. All is
ti ucgi ,ts. hate- C. T. 'Toed eC 00,. Lowell', plass.
Eire ,fatly Pills, to Enke with 1•iood's>Sarsaperillae
to as
-‘ P eller;
ttenretteleSeettitee -nee en'
NEVI la Durrll:as WilEIN YOU: 11A\1: AY.,..
Because it le then the fire answers
so quickly to a touch; it can be bright-
ened up or strut down low at a moment's
notice and so is always ready for em•
ergencies. And there aro never any
failures in baking with them.
. Ul giial4e ,4 , atistaatien
:Manufactured by the G' it; Y ^O
Lt.txrsn, TORONTO.
Hevlug opened out well equipped
Shop, I am now prepared to do all kinds
of repairing such as -
In fact everything and anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling Bicy-
cles and sharpening Law:u Mowers at
this time of the year.
One door north Mr. Stewart's store.
Be Your Own Lawyer,
The now law book bearing the above title
although only on tho nimetet for a little
over one year has become a recognized n-
thori•y among the leading business and pro-
feessi.onalmen of Canada. It has no rival,
Thereis nothing like it. It also t
h ishe cheap-
est law book on the market, the eeiargrd,
new Dominion edition selling for ono 5150
post free. (Inc ,agent iu each township
would find it a small Rlondyknathome for
the rest of the winter. Address the publish-
er, W. H. Anger, X11 Richmond St. W. Toron-
Mr. Andrew Schmidt of Stratford had
an exciting' adventure with two foot-
pads who stopped him and were about
to rob him when he threw one out of
the ,cutter and drove rapidly away,
escaping three shots frpm a revolver
fired after" him,
The 6iravitation Theory.
In one of his lectures before the Low-
ell institute,: Boston, recently Professor
G. F. Wright combated the supposition
that the conclusions of modern phyeioal
science are free from difficulties and
clear of all doubt. Instead of such be-
ing the case science, he declares, is lead-
ing deeper and deeper into mysteries`
And substituting instead of single 'mys-
teries an ever increasing multitude for
each one. He instanced in illustration
the Newtonian theory of gravitation'as
involving paradoxes to this day unex-
plaiued, arguing that if bodies act up-
on each other at a distance without any
intervening medium then a thing can
act where it is not, which is an absurd-
sty, while, on the other hand, if there
is -a material ' medium filling all space,
and a gravity is transmitted through
that by a push rather than by a pull,
then the transmission ought to occupy
some apprer;iable time, but this it does
"made, and at any rate, if its action is
not absolutely institntaneoue, its veloci-
ty must be at, least fifty million titres
greater then that of light. Moreover,
every effort to represent gravitation as
the result, of a push from boIiud in-
volves absurditiesof vat' ii i
io s e;nds. In
flet, Newton's final conclusion was that
the philosophy of gravitation is abso-
lutely iueoneeivable atrl its action 'r para.
The Pillolsons Bank.
fChartorad by Parliament, 1855,) Ar
['aid up Capital .......... $Q,000,&i0
Rest Fund.... ...... 1,500,000
Rand office Montreal.
Money advanced te enol Farmer's on their
own notes vita ono or more endorsers at 7 '
Percent per annum.
Exeter Branch,
Open every lawful day from 10 a. m.to 3 p
m., Saturdays ina,m.to 1 p.m.
Ageneralbanking business transacted
CURRENT RATES allowedfor mon-
ey on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at S
per cont.
Notice of Rates
Per Annum a night per 16 C. P.
Main Hall $.3 10 4-50
est Parlor 2 So 7-r0
Extra parlor x'8o 1 2
Dining Room 2 75 , 1-3
Kitchen 2 75 1-3
Bed room a 95 2.5
Spare room 1 56 z-6
Cellar, 8 C. P. go 1-5
Per 16 C. P. per Annum or z cts. per night
rt0 5
To to 15
15 to 20
20 10 25
25 and over
$4 5o
4 25
4 ee
4 00
WIRING. General pr 'ctice has proved it
ee---aeaemore satisf -etory for the con-
sumer to own everything within his walls.
1`Ue aboye moderate rates are on Ibis basis
and in order to secure them the following -
nominal wiring charge is made with .lamps '-
Cleat—suitable for stores ee 30 per light
Concealed " " residences, 1 70 "
To be paid in ten • equal monthly install-
Or ea 15, 1 6o cash on starting of lights.
Any special information may be. obtair
rorn the undersigned.
NOTE :—The above rates only ap
consumers having their own•fiat.
to others on application to
The trial o1 Thomas Nutly, charged
with the murders of two sisters and a
brother et Rendon, began at Joliette,
Quebec, Menda3'.
Fur Infants and Children.
er9e i -o
cli.aaeero of tee-ese
lr% a ware
./.';i ;�/Tr' w,Aatennii;
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