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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-22, Page 2, Subseribers wise do not receive their pape
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Call et the ofaee for advertising rates.
The Week's Connuereial .Solumary..
The city of Toronto is calling for tett
dare for 8/4 per cent. debenturee amount
Ing to e1,03e,60e.
Petitions heve bee:i sent to the Qatari(
Government in favor or legislation rot
the inspection of private banks.
There is a demand from Manitoba fox
Ontario oats, owing to the scarcity of that
cereal in the prairie province.
Wleolesale people report periodical par
talents WI paper matured this week very
well met The percentage of renewal
wee *matter than a year ago.
The voluzne of business on the Toronto
Stock Exchange in 1eO7 was the largest in
its history -240,0e0 shares mit including
8400.000 bonds :mil tocisiderable number
at mining Meares.
Caving to improved country roads in
Ontario the farmersdeliveries of grain
are mereastng. There appears to be less
disposition than there was a year ago
among the farmere of this province to
hold their wheat ai though prices are iaew
lc. to Oc. below the price of a year figo.
The Provincial Gevertnnent has been
tusked to prevent the expore of nickel ore
from Ontario by plactog cue expert duty
en it, so as to compel the smelting of the
ere at the minee or some pe la the
province. The governmeet has petuted
oat that it is not within its power to place
au export duty on the ore.
The New Year opened with an active
demand for staple geode. Dry geode
travelers who returned ou their routes
this week have been taking liberal planing
orders for spriug good, amd report the
prospects for the balance of the season
very bright. Stocks left in the bands or
retailers from lest, year are small and
large purcheees will have to be made.
Values are generally firm for both domestio and imported goods. More American
cottou goeda than formerly aro offering
here, Some bowies are bringiag io large
quantities or Americen rucligoes, wrap.
perettes, ete., anal as the American mills
be changed their prices lightly to catch
she Canadian traite these imports will
likely expand. Payments are generally
good, The payments on wiper maturing
en the fourth were better than last year.
' —
Tbe Public should bear in mind that
Da Thomas' Eelectric Oil has nothing in
COMM= with the impure, deteriorating
class of weaned medicinal oils. Ie. is
eminently pure anti really efficacious—
relieving pain and Loneness, stiffness of
the joints aud muscles, and sores or hurts,
besides beiug an excellent specifics for
rheumatism, coughs aud bronchial com-
Definitions or God,
God Is truth without a beginning, and
love without an eliding.
Goa is "Power guided by wisdom, Wis-
dom controlled by love."
Goclis the incarnation of all that is
good, pure and holy; the Muster of All,
the Guide and Father of each, God is love.
God Is the one, the necessary being, the
Son or Eternity, the eye of justice, the
watchmaker of the universe and the soul
of the world. .
God; The only being whose atmosphere
Is love—whose throne is justice. To whom
all space is here, all tinae and eternity is
vow. things are mine—mystery is
unknown and whose only inability is to
God is spirit, not limited by human at-
tributes; Love, not creating nor suspect-
ing evil; Creator. maker of life, mind aud
matter; Providence administering his
creation; Father, affectionate to his chit -
Area; Redeemer, saving men from their
God Is the one great etere al and spiritual
person who originated all forces, by whose
omnipresence. omnipotence, immortality,
and presiding imelligence all things are
preserved and directed toward their final
consummation, and in whom only we find
perfect holiness which is displayed by Ills
benevolence, justice, mercy, truth and
grace,—Submitted in a contest in the
Ram's Horn.
The proprietors of Parmelee's Pills are
constantly receiving lettere similar to the
following,which explains itself. Mr. John
Beam, Waterloo, Ont., writes: "I
never used any medicine that can equal
Parmelees Pills for Dyspepsia or Liver
and Kidney Complaints. The relief ex-
perienced after using them was wonder-
ful." .As a safe family medicine Parrne-
lee's Vegetable Pills can be given in all
cases requiring a Cathartic.
Required the Dimensions.
Custoraer—I would like to have a nice
gown to Wear around the house.
Salesman—Size of the house, please
Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere,
Second—You will not fight with swords,
You would have to invite everybocly.
You will have pistols—only one chaanbez
There never was, and never will be, it
universal panacea, in one remedy; for all
ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature
of many curatives being such that were
the germs of other and differently seated
diseases rooted in the systeni ofI the
patient—what waald relieve one ill in
turn would aggravate the other, We
bare, liowever, in Quinine Wine, when
obtainable in a sound anadulterated
state, a remedy for many and grevious ills.
By its gradual and judicious use, the
frailest systems are led into convalescence
and strength, by the influence which. Qua
nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives.
It relieves the drooping spirits of those
with whom a chronic state ot morbid des- and. lack of interest in life is a
disease, loired,' by tranquilizing the nerves,
disposes to sound and refreshing sleep—
imparts vigor to the action of tbe blood,
which, 'being stimulated, courses throagle
out the veins, strengthening the healthy
aniraal functions of the system, thereby
making activity a neeessary result,
etrengthening the frame, 1,na giving life
to the digestive organs, which naturally
demand increased substance—result, Ina -
roved appetite. Northrop & Lyman DI
oronto, have given to the public their
isupetior Quinine Wite at the asual rate,
and, gauged by the opirtioe of scientist
this wine approaches nearest perfection el
any in the market All druggists =lilt
need, annettiated end Preserved In
Pithy Pa.eagraphs for the Perasal Of
Practical People -- Personal. Political
and Profitable,
Ehe wheat crop in the northere. district
of 'Western Auetralta is estiented to be
between 14 and 13 bushels per acre.
The exportation of lea tobacco from
Cuba. free of duty, has begun.
The nem of J. IL Blumenthal & ious
one of the largest clothing dealers of
Montreal, has assigned.
13ritton, ALP., has been elected
president of the Kingston branch of the
Bible Society.
News has been received of the dedica-
tion of, the ISnion Church at Skagnay,
erected through the efforts of Rev. R. M.
Dickey, Presbyterian.
According to a RADIO destota thu Pope
has nominated .Father Seariel of NOW
York director of the Vaticau Observatory.
Be will reside at the Vetleau.
Lieurailovernor Mitekintosh and toil-
ily have removed from Regivato Victoria.
The Earl of Aya, ealeat scoot the Mar*
qui,: of Dufferin and, tho former
Governor-General of Canada, arrived at
New York by the Teutonic.
John E. Redmond, the Irish M.P., toad
Mr. Rupert Outlines% leave earived at
New York. The former will leveure oz
the Irllt rebellion of 1798, and try to
enthuse Melt Amorteaue in the cenwnitry
pilgrimage propoeed for next July.
TUE aaatolt WOULD.
airs. Mabel Whale, has; been runuipg a
trolley ear at Middleton, N.Y., but the
men on the line eemet1 her diecharge.
Her hueband le an eteginteo on the Erie
Railroad, and he wanted Ids wife to re-
turn home, but Axe declined.
While Haveloels Wilson, the English
labor kader, lias been touring in the
United State', the Seamen and Firemen'a
Union, has almost gone to pleteis, the
nuenberehip having dwindled from 100,-
000 to la,010, and he press moon, the
Seaman's Chroniele, has stopped publicae
A. Ere started in the mess room of Sing
Sing Prieozo and the vonviete put it out
inetteld ea' trying to useepe,
"LoinhardY." the home of John T.
Brush, the baseball mato-tate, three miles
east or lutilautipolie, Ind.WAS gutted by
ilro Saturday meriting. The lass ie Latihn-.
mad at $20.000.
Fire broke ont in the chapel of the
penitentiary at Kingston while Rev.
Father Meagher was celebrating AUKS. A.
valuable oat painting of the Saviour, the
work of one of the einivicts, was destroy-
aud there WAS a eeene of pante among
the feuutle couviete.
et tee: I ei PAL MATTERS,
3. 3. Archambault, Q.0„ has been up -
pointed City Attorney of elontreal.
John MoCullogh, an Irishman. ral years
old, was appointed Chief of Police of
Greater New York,
The state of siege at Prague, Bohemia,
due to the recent riots, will be raised to-
day, when the Diet Incetsi.
In consequence of The retirement of Mr.
Rouer Roy, City Attorney of Montreal,
Mr. L. 3 Fabler, his assistant, has been
appointed to that position at a salary of
$4,500, and Mr. 3. L. Archarnbunit has
been appointed joint City Attorney at a
salary of $1,500.
jamee Glasby, farmer, near Canfield,
committed sulc:Ide by cutting his throat;
At Memphis, Tenn., Mrs. Sandbrink
shot Dr. Shop. Rogers fatally and then
sent a bullet through her own brain, dy-
ing instantly.
A 'man, went into the Grand Union
Rotel in New York, registered as "Paul
Anstie, Montreal," was assigned to a
room, and was found dead half an hOur
later. He used carbolic aoid as the means
of death.
William T. Buckley of Durham, Buck-
ley & Co., dry goods, New York, shot
himself at his beautiful home in Wave
Crest, Long Island, and is dead. He was
worth a =1111one-but became despondent,
no one knows why.
Ex -King Milan has been appointed
commander-in-chief of the Serviau army.
China is reported to have ceded a large
territory at Kiao-Chou Bay to the Ger-
It iereported that England, japan and
Russia hare reached an agreementregard-
ing Corea.
Strathy claims to be still in com-
mand of the 5th Royal Scots. of Montreal,
and is making promotions in theregiment
as if he had full power.
The German Naval Depaatnicut has
ordered that a translation of Capt. Ma-
han's "Influence of Sea Power in His-
tory" be supplied to all the public libra-
ries, schools aud Government institutions.
roLIT I CS- kottltioN.
The Governments of Russia and Japan,
it is reported, have formally recognized
the Imperial title of the Emperor of Corea.
Representative Belknap Of Chicago has
introduced in the House at Washington a
bill proposing retalietion against France
if that country CSTVICS out the proposals
for higher duties on Aniericau meats.
Representative Johnson of North De-
kota has introduced a hill in the United
States Congress to repeal the law which
has just gone into &feet relative to pel-
agic sealing and the importation of seal-
skins takeu by pelagic sealers.
Senator Lodge has introduced in the
Setato at Washington a bill for the con-
seruction of a telegraph cable from the
United States to the Hawaiian Islande,
Japan, China, and Australia, A subsidy
of $125,000 a year for 20 years is granted
to the Hawaiian service, anti $75,000 tal-
ditional per animal for the Japan or
Australian section,
(ete zoo ANT) CRIWAINALs.
Lou Lawrolice, who esca,pedfrom King-
ston Penitentiary six weeas ago., has been
eaptutecl at Waterclosvn.
Durrant's 2'eillaiTIS are receiving tin
same treatmene as is meted out to those
of an orclinary citizen who dies a natural
Mrs. Sternaman. still claims innocence
and hopes for a reprieve. Tbe condemned
ivoluan hes failed rapidly since the death
sentence was passed on her.
A. true bill has been returned against
Mrs. Poider and. eiciin Parslow in the St.
Canute murder ease. The trial will begin
on Thursday, the 13th inst., at Ste. Sao,
Clark Braden, it night clerk in the
American Express Company's employ, in
New York, is alleged to have stolen
$5,000 worth of Consumers' Gas bonds
and $5,000 in cash and skipped. He had
only held the position threedays.
W. H. T. Dimwit was hanged. at :Sea
Quentin, Cal, Friday, fer the murder ot
Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williame Ir.
Emmanuel Chinch, San Francisco, 135
March or April, 1895. The legal battle to
save his life was one of the Most Pro-
longed and stubbornly -contested in the
anaals of the United States courts.
ooroire 0S --CAN ADI
New Rrupswiek Legislature is to meet
for business Feb. 10.
The news of the appointment of .Tudge
Jetta as Lieutenant -Governor of Quebec
has been coufbaued.
Judge Barron has assumed his ziew
duties at Stratford, told received an ad-
dress or welcome from tbe bar.
South Wentworth Liberals haee nomin-
ated John niacin:ion,aor the
coming contest egeinst Sanford.
It is Stated that Sir Charles Topper
will enunciate the policy of the Couserva-
tive party at the banquet to be tendered
him in Cerberry.
Spain has been added to the list of
countries entitled to the preferential tariff,
The Queen and Mr. Chamberlain sem
messages of eynapiaby with the oielzens
of London, in tho City Hall catastrophe.
Mr. James Corbett, eight operator for
d ee Ecu Telepbone Company in Bello -
e ine, was killed on the Grund Trunk
Captain Hall, who met his death 055
Wednesday at the Le Rot mine in Ross -
lend, 13.0,, was 60 years old, and. tete A
widow and several grown up children.
Capt. Wra, E. Hall, Superintendent of
tbe Le Rol mine at Rosslanci, slipped mid
fell do= the main shaft, a distence er
600 feet. His body was crushed beyond
Au explosion took place at Glasgow
during. a fire at Hetrick's chemical works,
In which four firemen were killed and
several people injured.
Sydney Gleedining, the 21st viotim of
the 14ondon city Hall disaster, died Sat -
Imlay morning. Deceased had his chest
crushed in, and be contracted cold. He
succumbed to pneumonia. •
Two Montreal laborers, August Botta.
don and Joseph Elandry, who were going
out to their work on the St. Lambert
waterworks, were instantly killed by it
South Shore engine whiola (gashed tato
the side of a G. T.R. Suburban train wi
Mr. A. S. Abbott ex -City Clerk of
London, died ab the age or 85 years,
Miss Boys,
agod 76 years, dropped dead
while out waling et Guelph, from heart
Sir Robert How Meade, permanent
Under Seeretaty of State for the Colonies
since 1891, is dead in London.
Major-General Yeattman-Biggs, who
commanded the second division in the
India, frontier campaign, is death He fell
a victim to dysentery in India.
Robert Warden, an eccentrio resident uf
St. Catharines, aged 84, was found dead
In his bed. He formerly lived at Picton,
and his body will be buried there.
John W. Cabot, a New 'York broker,
died at his hob:vain Elizabeth, N.J., from
paralysis. Mr. Cabot claimed to be a
direct descendant of Explorer Cabot.
• Major Moses P. Handy; the well known
newspaper man of Chicago, who was ap-
poiated Coramissioner•General to the 1900
Paris Exposition, died on Friday nt Au-
. gusta, Ga.
At 11.80 Saturday morning Mr. Adol-
phe Mueller, German and French teacher
at the Berlin High School, was found
dead in bis room at the Walper House.
He went to bed in fairly good Lealtb the
night before. Mr. Mueller, who was one
of Berlin's prominent oitizens, -was 50
years of age and unmarried. He was a
German by birth.
The Canadian Freight Agents' Confer-
ence at Montreal has closed.
About 55 English emigrants arrived at
Winnipeg Thursday evening.
There have been no developments in
the case ot the boxed human body opened
at Charlton, Ia., last week.
A rumor Is current in Hamilton that
the Grand Trunk bolt works will be re-
moved from that MO- to London.
Montreal Street Railway Co. will here-
after pay a quarterly dividend of 2ee per
cent. instead of 4 per cent. half yearly.
United. States women who wear seal-
skin samples demand a tag from U. S.
customs authorities for them before enter-
ing Canada.
The Minister of Publie Works has ex-
tended the dine for receiving models for
the monuments of Queen Victoria and
Alexander Mackenzie.
Willie Matthews, a Hamilton newsboy,
was nearly frozen to death on Saturday
night. He had slept under a doorstep
because he was afraid to go home -without
haying sold all of his papers.
A despatch from Bermuda states -that
the steamer Scotia has commenced the
work of laying the male which is to
establish tommunication with Turk's
Island and Jamaica.
A large English syndicate has beee
formed to ereet pal ttial hotels at Halifax,
Montreal, Ottawa, Toroato anti Niagara
Falls, The plans also include it big hotel
In London, England, that will eater to
the colonial trade.
Miss Julia Ging, twin sister of Cathar-
ine Ging, Minneapolis, Minn., the victim
of murderer Harry Hayward, has lost her
suit against the Traveler's Accident In-
surance Company to recover the face of
an accident policy on her sister's life.
Judge McGee held that the murder volt
not an accident. -
Windsor people who owia sealskiu coats,
racemes and capes are greatly worked up
over the pew regulations which prevent
them from wearing those articles when
they go to Detroit. A Windsor merehant,
however, is jubilant, because, he sue, resie
dente of the Baby City will have to pur.
iM4* their goods ab home.
WI! Motley That Was Indeed Profitable
Uniform In the Olden Days.
"The Clourt Jesters of England" is the
title oe an article by Amolie Wofford that
APPeare in St. Nicitiolas. The author
The kings and. queens of Eagland for *
long time, In commm
on with any of their
subjects, kept mete whose business it wa0
to amuse therm. These men were the
court fools or jesters,. and wed:, either
half witted persons, called "natural"
fools or really bright men with the gift of
einging hamoroes eongs, telling laughter
provokerig stories and making witty
spectates, called jesters or "artideial" fools,
That he must make mem at the king's
bidding, be the jester sad or gay, was the
only flaw in the jester's lire, As he was a
=an of talent and often of education be
was his royal master's oompanion. He
was the reeipient ef frequeet gifts, and,
though of humble birth, he could speak to
the king AS not even the son of a hundred
earls dared. Harry was Will Sommer's
familiar way of addressing King Henry
VIII. Scogen made Edsverd IV the vic-
tim of his practleal jokes, and Tarlet,on
tola Queen Elisabeth "more of her faults
than did most of her chaplains,"
Yellow was the fool's true eolor. His
coat was metley or partly colored, seine -
times decoratedwith bells at the skirt and
elbows and confined at the waist in a belt
or girdle, from which hung a le.rge purse
or wallet to receive the reward some ltaPpy
jest or "merrie gambol" might bring
forth. His breeches and hose were tight.
each leg being of it different color. His
headgear might be a roond bat smartened
by a long, curling feather, and tho poet
makes one of them say;
By my troth, tbe thing that desire most
Is be say ceppe to leave a gooaly feather,
Sense wore a high peaked cap like that
WOrn by eur elowns, or a ink's 'pearl
winged with ass' vers, or terminating in
the comb. of it eack, from oldeh fashion
comes our word voxeamb, merualog
"vain, showy fellow."
The fool's offieial scepter, called bit
"bauble," was a short stick- finished at
the uppe.r mid with the figure of a fool's
bead, a puppet or an irritated leladder,
sometiroes coataining sand or Oried peas.
With this he would playfully belabor timee
that displeased him or startle "ivadvertent
uoighbora'" by a clap from it. Rut, etas,
It was sometimes meal obastiee the fool
himself wben mnlapert.
Another dress that was also common in
Shakespeare's time was the long Wei° or
petticoat, This was originally worn by
the "natural" fool and was composed of
sheepskin, but it was afterward adopted
by the "artificial" fool and made of sortie
rich material.
TliF 1111 oF Inrirrs
Two Oases In Which They Restored
Health and Strength After All Other
Meant Had Icalled—Wiliat They Have
Done for (Altera They Villa Do for Too.
From the Colborne Exprese.
There are few if any people in Mur-
ray township, Northumberland county,
to whom the name of Chase is not
familiar. Mr. Jacob Chase, who has
followed the occupation of farmer and
fisherman "and fishdealer is especially
w ell known. He has been a great suf-
ferer from rheumatism, as all his
neighbors know, but has fortunately
succeeded in getting rid of the disease.
To a reporter he gave the following
particulars: 1 had. been it sufferer from
rheumatism for upwards of twenty
years, at times being confined to the
house. At one time I was laid up for
sixteen weeks, and during a portion of
that time was confined to my bed and
perfectly helpless. I had . the benefit
of excellent medical treatment, but it
was of no avail. I believe, too, that I
have tried every medicine advertised
for the cure of rheumatism, and I am
sure I expended at least $200.00 and
got nothing more at any time than the
merest temporary relief. At last I
was induced to give Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills a trial, and from that time
I date my good fortune in getting rid
of the disease. I continuedusing them
for several months and daily found
that the trouble that had made my
life miserablelor so many years was
disappearing, and at last all traces of
pain had. left me and I was cured. I
say cured, for I have not since had a
recurrence of the trouble.
As proving the diversity of troubles
for which Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are
a cure it may also be mentioned that
they restored Mrs. Frank Chase, a
daughter-in-law of the gentleman
above referred to, to health and
strength" after all other means had ap-
parently failed. Mrs. Chase says
'I can scarcely tell what my trouble
was, for even doctors coulcl not agree
as to the nature of it. One said it was
consumption of the stomach, while an-
other was equally emphatic in declar-
ing that it was liver trouble. One
thing I do know, and that is for years
I was a sick woman. I know that I
was afflicted with neuralgia, my blood.
was poor, and I was subject to depress-
ing headaches. My appetite was not
good at any time, and the least exer-
tion lef t me weak and despondent. A
lady friend who had been benefittedby
the use of Dr. William's Pink Pills ad-
vised me to try them, and as they had
also cured my father-in-law, I d.eter-
mined to do so, and I have much cause
for rejoicing that 1 aid., Inc you can
easily see that they have made a well
woman of me. 1 took the pills steadily
for a couple of months, and et tho end
of that time was enjoying the blessing
of good. health. It gives me much
pleasure to be able to bear public tes-
timony to the valise of this wonderful
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure by go-
ing tO the root of the disease. They
renew and build up the blood, and
strengthen the nerves, thus driving
disease from the system. Avoid imi-
tations by insisting that every box you
purchaee is encloeed. in a wrapping
bearing the full trade mark, Dr. Wil-
liams' Pink Pills for Pale People.
ive Arab Maxims.
Never tell all you. know; fer he who
tells all he knows often tells more than
he knows.
Never attezepe all you con do ; for be
wbo attempts everything Ite can do often
attempts more than he eau do.
Never believe all you, hear ; for lee who
believes all that lie hears often believes
more than he hears.
; Never lay allt all you eau afford ; for he
who lays out everything he can afford lays
out more thad ise caa afford.
; Never decide upou alt yon may see; for
he who decides upon all that he sees often
decides on more thau lee sees.
Some Little Inaprovement.
A missionary, in his report to the bishop,
wrote : ``I much 'regret that my flock ars
Still 41ddicted to ctrinibalisen, but, thanks
to my example and precept, they are be-
coming so far civilized that the use of
knives and forks is becoming quite com-
lrer the Care or rues.
It is notonly intensely painf ul,li
gerto life and 'very expensiee, but in
the light or Inodern medical research and
settee the discovery of d'rask's Magnetic
Ointment a surgical operation is nasally
unnecessary. if yo55 have arty doubt on
this point kindly read the following let-
ters frompeople who know that our
claims regarding the meritsof the Trask's
Magnetic Ohatuttett am borne out by the
Dr. Burton Hubbell, Amelia, O., in a
long letter, says, aroong many other
tillage: "I have useil the 'Magnetic
Ointment' in a number of careee en Piles
end in no 04.54 bus it failed to give ire -
mediate relief, and generally a pertne-
mut cure."
Wro. M. Watson. La Clede, Mo. says:
'My wife was Milk:tee. with Pifea for
about three years. We tried, -various
remedies, yet no relief was afforded um
til I bought 1740 blittibi a VAX` 4Trasies
Magnetic. Ointmeitt.' winei entirely
cured her,"
O. L. Root, Monroeville, O., eve : 4*1
have been using your "Vresk's Magnetic
Ointment' for illeoling Piles. and find it
13011)3 5550 Mere than anything else I have
The Trasit's Maenetie Ointment is
prepared by Freneie Kahle, rorouto,
and it is truly e v.. e !oriel remeiy for
all forms el pilee. NA great has been the
number of testine 5e11 tette.= received, by
me from all parte 9.: the collate's' that I
havedecaled t.. ptilsh eaell we(ile
number of what letters and never nee
the smile letoir te lee, but only fresh
letters will be pito
All drueemoiste 1,1Y+APAITIPna the TraSki$
Sragnetio tnetereer. ae they know front
what their custieeers say that no rem-
edy givee smelt _'5:'1 11 eatiefaction.
Franets la7 Bay St., Toronto.
Minard's Liniment Gum Doke.
. —
Service is one of tile -condition.; or so-
ciety. It is due /ram all to all hi different
ways, and the more fully and heartily 10
is given, the more happily and permt.
nently will social life progreso So far
from service ever being a mark of de-
gradation, it is the very mark of nubility
and he who reateee to render It whatever
be his taleuts, or power of wealth, or edu-
cation, is the trite object or contempt, It
Is very often the ease that this service Is
bought and sold, and, where the terms of
the contract are fair on both sides aud
honored by both, it is as purely it businesa
water as the prtrehase or goods, their
delivery and their payment, There is no
question of superiority or Inferiority, no
mark of authority or subjection in the one '
case any more than in the otber.
It may be only a trifling cold, but neg.
lect it and it will fasten its fangs in your •
lungs, and you will soon be carried to an
untimely grave. In this country we have
sudden cluinges and Must expect to have
coughs and coals. We cannot avoid thetn,
but we can effect is cure by using Bickle's
Anti -Consumptive Syrup, the mediolne
that bas never been known to fail in cur-
ing coughs, colds, bronchitis and all af-
fections of the throat, lungs and chest.
Wanted SOlnething Exciting.
Farmer—Come clown with me, Jack,
and Pll show yon the cows.
Jack—Soh I Cows ain't exciting to
anything but gir s. If mamma:II put my
red suit on me rit go look at the bull.
A. Very ,low Train.
"Dear, dear 1 1 suppose, conductor, this
slow train has s ruck another herd of,
cattle," said a traveller on the old T. Ge &
B. Railroad.
"Struck anothe- one ?—not much," re-
plied the conduct r; "we've simply caught
up again with th first herd we ran into,
that's all."
Dyspepsia or I :digestion is occasioned
by the want of ac ion in the biliary ducts,
loss of vitality 10 the stomach to secret the
gastric juices, without which digestion
cannot go on;, being tee principal
cause of Headache. Perm elee's *Vegetable
Pills taken befor going to bed,for a while,
never fail to give relief and effect a cure.
Mr. F. W. Ashdown, Ashdown, Ont.,
writes: Parmel e's Pills are taking the
lead against ten other makes which I have
in stock."
Where They Differed.
Miss Kate --I like it man with a past.
eMiiss sa iDwuapYlsi clauttee--"I"liinkg; it man with a
present, and the more expensive the pre-
sent, the more interest I take init.
Roar Re Did It.
"How do you manage, doctor, to make
vourself so popular with all your
patients 2" •
"That's very simple, I assure those who
only imagine they are ill, that they really
are ill, while those who are really 111 I as-
sure they are quite well." •
MENT is our remedy for sore throat,
colds, and all ordinal y ailments.
It never fails to relieve and cure
Port 111 ulgrave.
It Must Fuji.
"This here corn n ‘i aeon," said the bar-
tender, O that is tryiu' to figure out.e new
money systetn—"
" They eia sure on a dead one," inter-.
rupted Sporting William. "I've played
every system ever .got up by mortal man
and there isn't one of them that there ie
Cure for Drunkenness.
It is an established that tho
Dyke Cure removes all crave for alcoe
Iloilo stimulants in a few days, MO l A
four eveeks restores the patient to hia
normal condition. It is a. simple vege-
table tonin. No hypodermic injections.
Can be taken privately as a home
treatment, with ea bad after-effeets. or
no loss of time from business. For
further partieulars address DR. MC-
TAGGART 44 Bay street. Toronto.
The following is from Dr. Smith,
Surgeon of the Miehigan Central Rail-
way ;
ThOMILZ,. “ld.t Dee. 24, 181,
My Dear Doctor,— In reply to your
enquiry as to the permanency of the
cella in the ease of Mrs. --. I am
MOSt happy to inform yost that the re-
sult is most satisfactory. It is no*
over six months since she took she
treatment, and she informs me that she
has not the slightest desire or cre.ving
for any kind °Wetter andnever thiuks
about it. Her appearance and actions
would indicate this, or she look.? as
fresh and as young; as when I first
knew her, twenty years ago. She waa
naturally relined and neat, but had,
through dissipation, become terribly
haggard anti Osie felt a dread to meet
and talk to her. Iler ease had become
really pitiable, but the change since
she took the treatment is most wonder*
ful—site is cheerful and happy. and has
regained. her old-time neat and tidy.
like Appearanee, and the change in Iter
home is just as great as in herself.
One CAA scarcely realize it without
seeing it. I have every conedemee and
ery, reason to believe in her ease al()
core ts permanent.
Yours very truly.
W. E. Smith. M. IL
Not Melt to 'least a.
Ulu rt.t —SO that's the oldest lubabitent P
One laundred anil four yea= ohl I No
wonder you are prond of him-
Native—I doom); be ain't done nothin'
la this hero place 'cept. grow old, an' Wa
took him a sight of time to do that.
Miami's Liniment Relieves Neuralgia.
Couldn't rtaIrratand It.
Bobby was very much Impressed by the
remark of the minister at church that
asu ma4s7i1,af
1444cte. r A thatufhtfal,
silence, "teas I made of dust. tO9
"Yes," slot replied.
"Well, how ie it that 'my birthday come*
In 'Tannery ? There ain't any dust them"
Beware of Ointments for Ca-
tarrh that Contain Mercury,
a mercury will purely deatroy the sense Of
smell and completely (femme the Moto SYll•
WhPn entering a titronelx the IMIC0019 8111,
faces. Seen =mesa celled aever e'i used ex-
eept on premerletione from reputablepheatettute,
as the damage they will do is ten tele to the
genet eatre, nianillartured by F. J. (Mem.
oed Yeaeette etssitly derive from them. Hall's
Co., Toledo, 0„ e intaing 110Inereury, and is
taken internally, twang directly nnen the bleed
end mucous eurfael s !or the eyetem. In buying
Balla Catarrh Cure lei sore you get the gen-
stifle. It is talon internally. and made In `So-,
lade, Oldo, by P. J. illeuey &Co. Testimonials
eaaold by I/runlet% priee 75e. per bottle.
What Tlier 'sVunt.
Walker—This middle -or -the -road plat-
form won't catch any of the bicycle vote.
Wheeler—No 2
Walker—Naw. They want the whole
road and the sidewalks thrown in.
Minard's Liniment Gores Burns, etc.
Howl o Break It,
"Have you read that article 'How to tell
a bad egg ?"
"No. I haven't; but my advice would be
if you have anything important to tell a
bad egg, why—hreak it gently,"
Put up ln lead packages.
Also Japans and Hysons.
A. B. OANNLNG Whole.tile Agents,
For sale by all leading houses.
ONUS. BOECKH & SONS, Manufacturers,
this month write
for complete outfit to NICHOLS a c
We have a brand new :Me. emcee'
that smart boys and girls from fourteen up-
wards can sell rapidly. It is Instructive, In-
teresting, edifying and faseinatlu,.<- Send 25o.o., se Rich-
mond W., Toronto.
• • •••••••00.•••••••••••
The E. B. Eddy Co's
• Calendar for 1898
4, Will not be issued tile March *
next at the earliest We have
• been too busy to find time to •
• gets% a bright and attractive,
• c ale• If nydoaur o, arnot cforii)eyrailns
• send a post card request now to
• The E. B. EDDY Co. :
T. N. U.
IS THE PLACE TO ATTEND if you want either
Zusiness Education or a course in Shorkliwnd• -
Itandsorne Annual A nnoencertient free. &late's-
C. A. FLEMING. Principal, Owen Sound, Oat