HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-15, Page 6717". Sabseribers vele de not receive their pape tagalerey wi1»1ese nottly us a once. Cell at tb.e ofttee for adveraseng 'rates. ME EXETER ADVOCATE, THURSDA AN, 13, 18eS. aorsEnoix WORDS, gope, spriugs eternal be the human leanest. Man ue'e s, but tdways to be, blese. Whatever is, is right. The preper study Of mankind is man. One master-pewelon in the breast - Grows With hien:earth, and streugtheris with his strength. We Art endure, then pity, thou •cm- braee. Order is Reeve/Ws first law. Honor and shame front no c else. Werth raabes the luau. An hemeee man ie tae uolelese wink 3/1e• gtide. phltereopaer and friend. Jatee ae the twia is beat the vee' e ie .A, little learaing ie a dangerous thing. ford ter the Initependents. To err, is human, te forgive davtne. ' DOINGS OF THEWEEK A WEEK'S HAPPENINGS IN SHORT PARAGRAPHS. loominioe, tald Country end Aaewleati Xtems Boned DOWu fox, the Perusal of Busy Iteaders-Casuarties, Crimes and Criminals. THE aciatecciacite,14 1VOULTes The official estimate of the wheat yield in Australia_ is e,74e,000 bushels, Thera will be a small surplus available for ex- port. wuet, uteLeellOWS WQ141.P. Se. joseples Siett•rhetel, ett Halwiltoni has received 17 young ladies who form - silly on the last day of 1897 renounced the world's eoys, and decided to give their lives to the services of humanity. ,Tete: nue; etuconee. .00e a the .C.P.11, steamers on Koot. tesay Lake has been deseroyed by fire. Eire did 0,000 damages to the "l'ork- leh Bath Hotel 1I elontrael on Saturdey night. roLITeCteeCANAOIAN. Mc. MacCalltun was nondnatedat Na Hon. Dr. Beaten, who is now in, leng- e V.3r""/ r4f:34 wherti esfear expeets suit for C'enadeon Jfl• tor!A We'learae the acan4aile aged the Paraug, :.-eir Adolphe Chapleau gave a :limier at guest. „ 4eeneerwood anti annouuced that he Treo world forgetting, hy the wetia would reeire fame the Lieutenant -Cloy - target.. enhip linenteliterely on the close a the She tneve3 a goatiese, alael else loolee a - • session of tiw Quebee Legislature, Ittlartia1 Mr. Sifton eaystleit the ouly-practleable Plough the watery deep. route to flawson teit,y 1.1; Whitt iS 1C11OWR /at lierYee ille, most. who serves 4 the White Pase, or comraonly called country be;. liaaLd's Liatusent Relieves Ne egainst 45 during 1806, nine of which were suicides. For the Past seven years the average bee beau 40, 'While out fpe hunting on, Sataiday G. Housman Rutledge a Hyde Park had his arm badly inured by the bursting of bis gun. A tidal wave, due to a southe117 gala: swept up the river et Cheboygan, awl ceased a terrille shaking up among the vessels tied et the docks. The steamer Rosedale is DOW in the dry dock at Hawse -on. Examinattor shows that sibs is in pretty bad shape. 1 will take $25,000 to repeir her. Edward Young, Nebo lives three miles from Brookfield. Ont., has a fractured sleull from the limb a a tree fa/140E; on HIS recovery is not looked far. Bert Wythe, an employe at the Office Sect:Inez. Cempany's factory at New- market, bad hie band injured on Saar - day whileerunning a large preis, and lost OU) of his Augers. A fasb trolley motor struck Riehard, Hand's eutter at Carleton. and College erosslog New Year's nigbt Toronto • and broke bis collar bone. Isle is also suffering front. ooneuesion a the bram. • Mrs. Hared was bruised, but the son Pointed Paragraph8. I$ take two to make a hargaieebut on *net et them gets. At tbe age. of la women'a right3 'three Teats *head of mite's. eat may look at e bar a nava at ihnetepretera tfa leek at an we. It is a west dude that. knows whether a smillug or laughetee a hina The day breaks but. doesn't fall, Itil the artiglet fAILL5 but doe -erre break. ....laffl.•=1*7•11041 A never beeins to thiek ranch of men nett! after be has made her ntad. •O•nfirm.....4.••••111, Necessity is the mother of some inven- 'IOUs, but the maeority of them are or- phans. It is easiee to cut au aequttintauce that 31 Is to carve a steek with a restauran Perhaps it i9 the ra volatle wheeie thee make.; the locometive's head Praise a womattee twenty ead she will mildly decay it. ' Taen :Lame with her and she will get mad. Sleeplieeneese the to nervoate -oxinte recut. Tau delicately constituted, the financier, tee Inteatete man, ana those whose Queen! eit ant :wet...sit:des great .luen- straiu.ve warry, ali :fearer hese? nage from it, eraitee te tee grait waterer .4 worried brain, mei to get eleee ee,..ause stontafel: front oat aniperitlee with a, few wee-. thn. vexed, eintt.titm.•: taereary, tuel are • t .5w :matey teal: ref:eat:we. ea yeas cr tridenee. - Nee on - wawa te awe. eee . moat thee; ••:.:03t,clt WE:C:13. bat taate, t „sea • Swere .ey VI , :an. teazle oF. nets ereat . „ out notiate, wheel laeome caveats -Li on eleafe . . lteeea peese.e- 'tee eieeeee to u.r- • Jan. 14. Many other Scotch yards will :goat ratte we be ate., e eerweer re- follow suit. . guile:Gat itoft .uti t.1.2 atter :etatt e t The cotton mill • owners In the New ta afters. England lat.atee have practically eeened In a ease of twits, their photographs and, hands and will ent wages 10 to llee per measurements were eltreelt- alike, but the amt. It is believed the operators will minutiae of their finger prints were quite accept the redaction and not .strike. 13e - different. tween 85,-000 and 90,000 people are. Tne lake of Uremia. le Persia, contains affected. moresalt than the Dead sea, which holds 26 per cent., or eight times as much as. the ocean. Cases are reported of eyes thee became seriously inflamed by looking at an elec- trical drill working -one of them at a distance of 10 to 12 yards. Illuard's liniment Cures Burns„ ete. with them was nuhurr„ VOA, .MUN or weeie. The Chinese plenipotentlery hashed an • • npon the leo and the logs frequently press audience at Sr. Petersburg with the Czar t The Traeles ealagnetie Ointment i down so heavily hat they crush through regarding the proposed loau. preptred be- Frances a". Kahle, aoronto, it and at, last rest upon the bottom of the A BARBAROUS SURGICAL. OP- ERATION 'eit• the Cara ef Plieet ' It is not oilly intensely painfel, den- tweette tante teal very exeenstee,. bat ire ihe light of utodern niedical yeeearelt and eatee the diseovery of Irtzek's Magnetic Leittment a sumicaa operation is wholly un,.eees,,ary: If you have any doubt en tati rota kindly read the ibilowing tore worn peepte who know that ear eta regani Mg the merit's of the Trask's Mae -male Ointment are borne out by the sexes. Dr. Unreoss. liabbell, 0., in a leme letter, SavS, .amona• many other taiiitte: n1 have used the dtioweietie .01tztraenta in a turtnaer a eases ot ailee • aria in ao ease has it lanai to give im- mediate relief. and generally a pernme ettre..” 1,11. Witt6.011.. Clerle, Mo., Says: -ely wife was afflietee ,with Piles for , three yeare.. -e• 1, a_ to,' remedies, yet uo relief was arforde I tot - tit I bought one bottle of your •Traskte .alagnotie tautinent,' which eutirely cured her.' C. L. lieet. 'Monroeville. Ot. says : he.ve teen aeing your tTraskas Magnetie Ointment' for Meet:lane Piles. and mai it aelre me more than anythiug else I have DANGERS OF LUMBERING. Death Always Near at Head arid Tem - any In a Dreadful worm. "The Story of it Pine Board" is the tItle a an article by W. S. Harwood, in St. Ntebelas. Mx. Harwood says: The trait draws the legato the landing, which may be 100 miles from the place where our elite was felled. The landing Is the bank end surface, of a large river the Mississippi in its upper course afford'. ing fine landings. Death is imar at hand ab the landing - Indeed, it Is near at band always- among the lumbermen from the time the tree Is selected by the underoutter tzntit tt gets the last touch of the pietwoon and is piled up in the lumber yard of eity or town. In, felling the trees, in loading them upon the big sledges, in rollieg thera chime the skidways a the tending, on the driee down the river, in the mina death conies often and usually in a dreadful larva. The landing is a particularly dangerops place. Wben the trainlotids of logs are dumped front the wide cars. they tumble down an inunease sitidway. perhaps 00 feet long - an incline reaching to the ice covered river Load after load of logs is thrown down upon the ice. until the river is cov- ered for it cite square in width and the logs extend perhape quarter of it mile away There is thila all ininaense weight At Hong Kong there IS grOtti Antillty itt tho Chiueee naval ;yards, although peo- foueul. secrece is maintained. The British cattier teroitin has to-kOO h :ye .leei let to pulalisit each neer. a Ott st1P01105 et coal and ammunition owl ensolier of such letters am never use s Proceeded to laurel the Chinese sans- r stele letter twice, but, only fresh The attitude Tsung Yalnen to- let,ei.. will he itablislied. wards Gerznauy has stiffened, resulting -kit drtiggiets recommend the Tr.i.sles itt tae donated for the ()settee -010u of alaseetie • iutment. as they ictiow ;nen Mao -Chou. whet their customers say that uo rem- givee ittieh general satiefeetien. eel 1". Kahle, 127 Pay St., Ten owe. awl , truly wateelerfea remedy for rev,. tate The loge may be piled up tar - 411 rms Piles- So 4irelt 11"11,."4,14e . spa twice us bro. as an Rfditiall nueel t-,..stiou /431 lett"r'l relteove" °X dwelling 'teen. over 100 feet. me foist all \arts of ehe country thet While the mere are unloading the logs from the trains there is great> (longer that A "chaser" may get •after them -that is, a log which andelenly springs down troxe the toed where it has been held by a (than. and, witheut warning, tumbles down the declivity of the skttlway at a reernentious rate or speed Woe to the log. ger who stands in the way of the chaserl ()nee in, awhile it may he necessary to die. loilgo a log which has become Wedged in such it way among the other logs In tht masa on tho skidway that it muet be ra leased to allow the others to move. Get- ting out this log Is called "killing* the Duteliman.' The men who eleanber Own the skidway. aided by their sharp pointed peaalas and. ventitooka take their livee in their band e loony it time when tbey go te dislodge this log -the key to the situation Oftentimes when ouch a 1(4 Is wedged in- to it great jam in the middle of the rivet otter thespring drive has begun dynamite must be used dltaatigIng It, so great is the pressure of the thousandeof logs above It- "Killing the Dutchmen" under such circumstances is a navel Its well /IS a dam (mous act Ile Lalco route, emnittenesng at e teeny The Toettnatod bale' of etilteral Sir from Pore Ali.etitsejid, has been found correct. aud, le being conveyed to Peshawur. Boartling•sehool Teacher - Axil now, raolutirce, EldintsvarateelInobarawot inSevaay- aat175..littaitailitiratozut patlieyiplalt.:,tinost.aaa3a British Coninuustler-iteChlet on the Chine tation, succeeding eedutirel Buller, hes! eu„,,,,i'S Liniment Cures Dandruff. tarted for Hong Kong, aceempenied by 04toe"A is $tittr, - Trotits weld lit Few Words. A 41''''5Pat'''1' fe°"' ealr° auzmn"'s th4t ehildes respeet for its parent is /lot Varela by over-lenseuey any snore thau ity oveteeeverity. daughter should never seek row he ellowed to outdress her mother. provaillug la circle* and the 1st every family the mother Should be the resumption of British operetions towardii beet dreeeed member. Omdurman. The discarded finery of a daughter iiCli4Biorn4atio074vess1);:hice2: Pau elamLancolalt14::: 1:111;11 robe, No one feels especially dignified in should uever constitute it mother's ward- ib (easel, Henry Haveloek-Allau, it is annettlieed 1 l'OLITICS-151PELLIAL. The Marquis of Hertford, whehas been alathen of as Lord A.berleen's successor in Canada, stye he !mows nothing about the Iniperital Government's tnteetione ttt that conneetion. Rear Admiral Lord Charles Berestortl e twee -prod the invinition of the Union. et' of York to (ingest /het seat ta par. I lent, made wieetet by the death Of Sir tak Lerkweads Corot= Grelg, i Toronto, has with,. drawri the Warttunt foe an helmet en the belly of siderite Oeo. A. Whitleir, of (irieving and br)1ken-hearted ever the recent death of it favineel son, Mee. James Miutheers, of lid 13reekettrIdge Street, Detroit, while alone in her home cut her throat with her hisebasitre razor, dying eevera hours before her husband. and son returned. r.t M. Teplow, it councillor of State, has been appointed Coneul.Generitl for Hued(' at New 'Vork. It Is reported that the a.fridis tiro res - trembling in tribal etiunell, with a vlew of concluding pewee A Washington sperial Snyii it Is prob- able that Seeri•tary :Alterman will retire early in eie, gee: year; in weleeeeene 310 eeti he wee:N.1411 by Andevesatior Day. reach expedition has oecupled Pashaele, on the Nile. The reports amorg the na- tives, to the ogees that the Preneli are seentling the Ntle, explaiu the expire*. a British expetlitieu against the rebel leader alatzalleli, In North Borneo, :Cal- len, an eseaped convict, atteoked with it small following and took Lienhowenv, a small (iovernment station on the Pant River, Mr. Fraser, the °Blear in charge, had a narrow mimeo. He is now return - the preeenee of one whose old clothes she Is weariug, and it mother should at all times preserve her ill/gutty before her children. The mother who never loses her lewd um will never lose her crown. Pleventable misfortunes consist ehiefly of manifold things. little to do, but ine with eight pollee und 80 free Dyake. mestee things to have done. eeeleeD AND emeneseeee. , Ihe man who earns one dollar and kends two, and the man who earns two Win. eross boa bean arrested at Toren' and spends one, atauds on either side ot to on it ohargo or swan $31000 worth 01 the hair -nue between heedlessness mid diamonds In Allentown, Pa. diecretion. between rnin and safety. Charles Marc. for fixing it frame bouse Parents generally receive thet measure on the Boetwlek line of Westminster of filial teepeet they deserve -Mt always, tewiship, Ontario, eves given Ono year in perhaps, but very generally. the Central Prison. When (1 mother allows her daughter to On the beet day of 1897 W. M. Geneau, appropriate her wraps, gloves, veils,. or other articles of personal attire, she la. M.P.P. argued the Stellate:au reserve Cure for Drunkenness. case bsaaeae woe The temee deemed gins o. poliey et Ouniliarity which: senuor ee later breeds emitempt. respeet Inc 5f I 5!«'3 VAL 11 ATTER:S. to hand out „twit -Intent at 11 reeled. Mon. dtiv. (Mei lieIonging4 'engenders :I. respoet for ttl it re City Englueer, the noel oefrnated eol eof l their- poteeesor, • Aeriteriling port iesued by the • , Tneauore Durrant has again lwen Cal.. prieen to await the lame tit OXO. 2.**7 1 3i3170.313111). Linlmont for sale avers:me. •London. Ont.. for moved 1O Ole devil 'sell at ean ‘,111rittills Leudon, Out- entoe ea a nettled in- eutitm" wh" 1"1's 1w°11 11"11 1' 111'80 Tv 1.0 ill ri 1.431 Leg ;year ef 119 4an" 4;111* 7' ' sit-itiotO•i‘ Aetio I. "I guet-. that neW man must be an The erlminel ehergengainst. Dr. Mitch- , 1,C.10.`," Writ the star boarder to the land- , .3-, Thera. , w'..r.• :Of birth,4, 4.tzaills.t 3 1 ill•=011, 4'.f lliger,.111. has been deemed, i Ittoy. 4;0 deaths, ant. avarriage-inumberen :;.. • owiw, to ib" ono.t.,:tge _11 1 that t4....'n of "Why so " A., - ugit-11 us 1,'ret .1 le and Lizzie I /velum, "i hwance he threw up hie arms and .1. it gent o eteee I: v.: tw old j are* eepretsed Imre+. view (awe eir their getels te pre- the other earth.: in 3130 mat. (Judaea when yon peeeed 1,110 ft$." 't1W ii1e4, 1 11ftt* tit'll:telttlinttal htores eivetilit -„en melon for aaetine damage let Item 1,, wilit lieliteitwereti :elks from tatting Il,i- f them. It is an esta.blished fact tbat the Dyke Cure removes all crave for alco- holic stimulants in e few days, and in four weeks restores the patient to his normal condition. It is a simple vege- table tonic. No hypodermic inject ious. Can be taken privately as aorne treatment, with no bad after-effecte, or no loes of time from business. For further particulars address DR, MO- TAGGART 44 Bay street, Toronto. The followieve is f vont. Dr. Smith, Surgeou of the Michigan Central Ref.: - way St. Thomas, Ont„ Dec. 24, 18'i. Aty Dear Do:Apr:1-4n reply to enquiry as to the permanency of• ee cure in the case of :qrs. — I ;:ul most happy to inform you that the re- sult moat liatisfactory, It is now over six mouths since she took the treatment, and she informs me that she has not the slighteet desire or craving for any kind of liquor aud never tbiees about it. lier anpeasance and actions would indicate this, for she took,, ie fresh and as young as when I biet knew her, twenty years ago. She Wa$ no.turally relined and neat, but luta, through diseipation, become terribly haggaeg and one- felt a dread to me, e and talk to her, 'Her ease had become really pitiable, but Ow change since she tool; the treanneut is roost. wonder- ful -she is cheerful awl happy, and hi, s regained her old-time neat and appearauce, and the change in her home is just as great es in. herself. Ono can scarcely 'realize it without seeing it. have every confideuee ery reason to believe in her case:the cere is pertilanent. 7QUr.i. vett' truly, W. E. Smith, 34, D. Victoria's Windsor Boudoir. It may be interesting to know that Queen Victoria's boudoir at Windsor is tarnished in red and gold, that every article was selected by the late prince •consort, and that her majesty keeps the first bouquet given her by Prince Albert, with ler bridal wreath, under a. glass case In her bedroom. • Colic and Kidney Difficulty. -Mr. J. W., Wilder, Lafargeville, 14. Y., writes: °I am subject to severe attacks. of Colic and Kidney Difficulty, and find Parme- lee's Pills afford me great retie, while all other remedies have failed. They are the best raedicine I have ever used." In aaet so great is the power of this enedip*ne • to cleanse and purify, that, diseases .of all most every name and nature are ariveia tree° the body. Tbe Fr:aura W,111 Bring Revenge. "Papa is it jeweler, you know," 'the said petulantly, "and he tells me that the •en- gagemeat ring yon gave me lea ed. "I presume so, for I bought it ,e,t, his store. Bee you canclepend oa me •to get even, in time, aarliag.", Coma cause in tole:wale • pale, Hello - :way's Corn Care. etimovese the trouble. 'Try it, a.nd see whet an amount of pain. ie •. saved. . THE HEAD. Thomas Mtulden, of Maxwell, Ont., is dead, aged. 75. Peter Purvis, one of the leading law- yers of Brantford, died on Saturday. S. C. Stevenson, secretary of the Mont- real ExhIbibion Company, died Sunday, aged. 49. Setiptumi Line4. , , „ ,•Hargreaves -Yate baee heare' of giaing your coat te tele. man who' teleeawour cloak ? ' 6 Perry=e1 have : what ,e`f Hargreaveeeeee et- seems to be the 'sea. tanterey tailor,. IS going on. Re -sane itie rinit waire beck and now lad' leaS brought another one. Mr. Robert lifewitt, of the Phoenix. foundry at Markham, is dead. Born in Cumberland, Bag., in 1818, he settled in Markham in 1855. Colonel W. D. Ragan who has been one of the managers of Barnum's show for many seasons, and is well known all over the eonntiy, died last night at Vauseen, Ohio, aged 50 years. ' rcetuLit PEUSONAL. lYlagigtrate Bartlett, of ' Windsor, cele- brated his 75th birtladay on Saturday, and is as hale and lietiety as ever. '. • The Lernpress -Ger/natty, has been suffering learn 'influenza, has Stiffer - e� a.rolapse. Zutieker, hex physicia,n, is staying atathe pew petleeer. • Sir Julian Pauncefete, the Britisb Am- bt4'sador sei Washington, has about recov- -ered from a long apd etainfifi te6ta,ok of rheuinatisra, which has leppt aim 'in bed for a good part of the last three months. IIas I mod 1.t. -•-•!:‘Ir. J0110 Atolersou, 'ken againet Mi. I. Online etal13314)44, wriu' "1 veliture to sae* few, if. St. 'Vincent do Paid Penitentiar,,,, the - plaintiff being an ee-eonviet, who eieente U.ft01411:1111 let- •TIIE LADOIL WORLD. The Blaeltioau opt.rared by :he Vabl-T rt^ 1-!nap.iny, supuikd 4rvii man 111.1if Ota 1.vork. itatalelai a• eenwi ship yards, banks atud leirtedte .his savInge, alia •ate- beorwit isle and Intel:knit consumption. • ” have hew elti aloof from. the 590, in a hole un'ter theee bn. Yeetetday t. a 1, , , EmplfirerS. Ai% have posted lt el:- he foiled that rola ars had got away that Mr. °Meta did not deliver lie Miss Susan Elabraith, a dohieetic, is suing David Smith, farreee, of East Lu- ther, Dailerlu CoMittaior 15,000 derat aaes for injuries ,epthar feelings for ref -tie- ing to carry at 111 cre petise tomarry her. Farmer winiam Some, of York Towne:: ship, who died tlaree weeks agoeleft an estate worth .$20,972.45. The realty- is $12,600, and .pers(inalty $7.122.41. His wife receives the income, of the estate. caseeseatues. Sunday tight an accidental abet from the, revolver; of one Campbell, of Burling- ton, took a little piece eat of the neck of . Isaac General. 1. have. I have USN], it re.,111%,1y ite.r tent. Lawrimec; ageti farller of al 41"7"r"rs knew of. and 34:14' ten y4nrs, and hr ave veguilinend,-.; Cas County, hail no feith in l i it of great, virile 4-0.VeAre with A lik.rhor Court. his fortune, and ha is almost crazy about . "So you refuse me, eli t" said Mr. Light - it. heart, MichaelSnyderx of Bryson, Quebec, hae , "Yes," said Mies Th malt:wit, Simply. - "1 n that even t," said Air. Ligh t heart, jauntily, "1 shall take my case to a higher •• The next night be proposed big sistettand was accepted. been committed to tail for 1)laeing o - structions cm the Pontiac & Pacific Rail- way line with 'the supposed object of wrecking an express train. As his amity is questioned he will undergo a medical examination. CIASsXFIED. Brantford's free postal delivery 'will be inaugurated in a, few days, • The Merchants and Traders' Bank of Brunswick, Georgia, has failed. The cap- ital of the bank was $100,000. The Rothschilds of Paris and Vienna are fighting the Standard Oil Company with high -flash Bassian oil of 108 degrees for the British market. The Army and Navy Clothing Com- pany, Toronto, has been petitioned against by John Calder, Hamilton, to be wound up.Tbe Iiithilities are said to be about $100,000-: '* . Just befere his departure from Dawson, W. Es • Knowles, . of Oakland, Cale who was a passenger from Alaska on the 'steamship Alkl. Purellased claim No. 2. below Discovery, on the Bonanza,' in the "So that young rnan says he would . lay Klondike: diatatiet,* -paying - 4250,000, in his f ortune at your feet PI seid MabePs easlefor it.• father, , The yacht Catania, With air. Cornelius • ".'etes." 'Vanderbilt, lee cloctor and gusts, left "'Bet he hasn't done's° ?ft for Alexandria on a three months' cruise "Na -no." for Mr. Vanderbilt's health: He takes • "And perhaps you can tell wha P' with' hiire'Dreejette ' Cheroot, t son of the al guess, tether, that he hasn't had it celebrated, -ProrfesSor Cheroot, whose fee •told yet' • will be „ago, per day, . It has been discevered at 'Washington D.C.,. -upon a eerefel inseeetion of the. ',permit granted- • by, the British -Govern- ment fki erelle tang oa supplies - Intl) AMC, „,Kaondilee,etiuntiry free of 'ante • that the. exeneetiaa, extends 'only ,to ,,euch goOds as are gratentonsly clistributetL- , • Major Jobe L. Eittinger, United States %Cosu1 a Quebecabas beeit at his forraer homer St. .Jesepie Missoprie- eatteg his Christmas dinner, and he .told his•friencis there wak a moeement.on footan 'Quebec to secare the 'indePendenaa of that litov- Mee,- because of hatted ..ef the ,-Eaglish race and relighius differenees. , , • A big mining deal bees, been ,Closed" ba which the Rigi lateoupiGola Miniag dem warty, of Coloredd, aliEnteltsh syndicate, became posseseed of die Rigi, Lizzie May, Yuk'atan and Lalu •'Ledges on Battle Mountain.:A cash epraideration af, $500,- 000, together with 70,000 aerrs of the to her Pallfog Out a Tooth. The modern dentist, who was undoubt. edly intended for it blacksmith, takes you into AU up stales office and emits you at a frons window, as he says, for light. You know that he Is in league with the MAP across the street, who from an opposite window is studying Tour digestive Geon. only, and who seems to have wagered that the dentist couldn't get his fist quite down your throat, And this is the way ho pulls your tooth: "Take that chair, Meese. Now. whlob tooth?" "This ona" o A h, yes"- Ow -ow -0h1 The other one," "Well. then, just it little wider, There now' •• A Pair of Them. Borrowit-Say, jack, can't ,you lend rile a five ? Ilardtm-Sorry ; I'M busted myself. I juse had to borrow it ten. • - Borrowit-Well, my 'eyes. You're a flat kind of it hog to refuse after such luck as that. There are cases of conseinption `so Inc nth -an eed that Bi ekle's* An ti -Cons ninperve Syrup will not cure, bet -none so bed that it will not give relief. . For coughs, .colds and all affections of the throat, lungs and chest, it is it specific which has never been known te fail. 1)4 promotes a free and "eits'y expectoratien, 'thereby remoViug the phlegm, andtgives thy diseased parts a chance to heal. ^ ! *rdaC9.21= rroressionai competition. First Deutist-The fact is: I've got gen' tleness down to fillet it fine point that ail my patieuts TO sleep while I'm paling their teeth. Second Dentist -That% nothing I Mine are begin:dog to beve their photographs taken wbile I operate, because they al- ways have such pleasant expressions on their faces. STATS MO, cm or Tomo, ss. Lues Coreev. FRANI: CuEsse makes oath at be Is the senior partner of the firm of R. J. CUENgY &Co., • doing business in the City of Toledo. Comity and State aforeanid,nnd That said tionwIll pey the sum of erelle, HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that eannot be cured by the Use of Hiax.'s CATAltint 003114.FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and sulmeribeci in my presence, MS eth day of December, A.D. iteee fee-, {eget. 4t4 W. GLEASON, Notary Fatale. Hall s Catarrh Cure is taken baternally and act; directly on the blood and mucous surfaces to the system. Send far testimonials free. F. J. OlIENEY 00., Toledo, 0, Lte'Sold by tiro/0;1E3,75e. A Matter of Blend. • Actor -Are these poor volatious of yours blood relations? Pulpurse-Yes ; they are ever bleeding Hasp-punch-s.orape-- "0-oosoolit" and you break loose antl esmeetorate. " Mercy," you gasp, "wouldn't It be less painful to blow it out with gunpowdert"' "Nonsense. Open your mouth." "Take ine for the African sword eival- lower?" "Little wider. GliTgle-gasp--- " ()Lull That's killieg 11101" one mere pull. Now 1" Up, up you go Yon seo the milky way tying itself 11110 a love knot. Your eyes bulge out. there Is it roaring in your ears -a crash, and you see the dentist with the troublesome molar in his foreepe, grinning as. thengh it were the funniest thing in the ivorld. -Pearson's Weekly. itiond Indians. During the' year 1897, no lose than 36 lives went out in the waters of the De- troit river, sit; of which were suicides as Rigi company's stock, was pal . nee, The superiority of Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator 13 shown by its good effects on the anth dren. Purelee a bottle and give 11 41 trial. TommIcon Ambition. "nu going to be a Minister," said Tom. rnie, forcibly. "Why, Tommie, deal! 2" asked ids fathee "S'.,'$ I can talk in church," said Tom- mie. Ono of the mysteries of Mexico is pre- sented by the Maya Indians who inbabit the Sierra alndre mountains in the lower part it' :senora. They have fair skins, bine eyes and light hair. and students of eth- nology have aiwayee been puzzled to ac- count for them There is it tradition, how- ever, that these Indians are the deseenclante of the crew and passeugers of a Swedisb vessel wrecked on the Mexican coast een. thrice before Columbus dimoveredthe new world Bit this tradition is founded on nothing more substantial thati a folklore tale current among them that their an- cestors carne over -the big salt water hun- dreds of moons ago. The Mexicans have never been able to conquer this people Nominally indeed they are under Mexican 'rule, but really they are goverried by their own chief, and whenever the Mexican goternment has itt. terfered with them they have token tie. arms, getting the best of the Scrimmage evevy time Their nearest Indian neigh- bors are the Yaquis, and these two warlike tribes have reciprocity down to a fine point Bich helps the other when the Mexicans attack them. The Mayas liVE principally by the chase, although they cultivate sonae corn and garden truck, The men are large and well formed, and 'some of thy women are remarkably hand- some blonds,-Ohie State Journal. Do JR SIRS -Your MINARD'S 'LINI- MENT -is our ,remaly for sore throat, colds, •aad all oidinary ancients. • It. never faile to arelieve and cure - e•• Pminp- • tl• „CHARLES' , , WHOOTTRIC Pore' Mulgrave. , " saw your -mother goingto the neight bets as I crossed'. the street :When will the ie home ?" aeked the lady caller; . "She said she'd be hack just's seen, as Fon 'left," answered truthful,Jimmy. • Tobseco Smoke. • Smokers may be interested to kilow what it is they inhale he the fumes of the fragrant weed. that seethes their irritable nerves The old fashioned idea was that tobacco' smoke consisted mainly of car- • bonic! acid • mod ammonia, but we are now told that it is made up of. prussic acid an ,alkaloid „having p,, delightful odor, but 'dangerous to breathe, and as, poisonous as nicotine, since 'a dose of one -twentieth ol a grain will destree animal life, weed .01 aromatic prineiples "as yet u.n d (ter ni knee. ' but ' net bad as, such prime pee go, lease:Itch as they are .not peisonous The aative element of tobaceit stholze nicotine. -bet it is Contended that this fresh. noxious element and ' which -is edebbcd: "collidine,'' has. for some time -been °Ver. • leaked When tobacco is poor inicotine • it may yet be most poisemous, for then the. , ecollidine" in if will operatewith vigor on, the'smoker. -.-NeW,York Ledger , . , • , Potash and Cheese. . After keeping a small box of bicarhon- ate of potash in the kitchen clipboard 'and tieing it. with cheese as Meet), a meteor of course as salt all the -nightmares ef bad, feeling "proditeedby.cooked cheese vanish 'Half tetispoonail of -the potashabould ee allowed td a pound • ef cheette, eaarinkledi carefully throughout; but as, ft is practi catty tasteless and dissolves readily its presence is not noticed. AGENTS WANTED T() SELL ‘‘ARDIIEADA CEYLON TEA," Pitt tip 111 lead pailtttges. Also Japans and llysons. A. H. VANN-ESC, Si Witolv‘ale Agents, 57 ifuo:ir Sr. EASi',ToitONTO. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR, BOECKH'S BRUSHES and BROOMS. For sale by an leading houses. CHAS. BOECKI1 SONS. Manufacturers, TORONTO, ONT. . BOYS AND GIRLS Zig% TEN TO TWENTY- . from FIVE DOLLARS tht month write We have a braid new 25a article that smart boys and girls from fourteen up- wards can sell -rapidly. It is instructive, in-- torestingeedifying iuld feseinating. Send 25o. for complete outfit to NICHOLS & 00., as Rich- mondy.. Toronto. eaSe and cleanliness go to - MILKING. reeNttomveta,ubleist .gareethseor • • or smell as Eddy's INDURATED FIBREWARE. the indurating process .hardens, and prevent! soaking. ThisWareeMnde and • e0ourhyntaellinat ssdressvoaidll:elsv;i1Srldatodbt rl:fes!1. ed booklet (free). The E. B. EDDY Co., Limited, •• Hull Canada. ails, Tubs, Butt'er, Tubs, MI, 1)Nh Pant, Barma Ce •etc., etc., etc. T. N, 17. Talelt ' ntefte,progressitai prapcious arid suCcePri.sLf:412cgiUit tizAen,S: by laking a thorpugla itusines of Shcriliand Comsat ot ,THE NORTIIERN BuSiNESS COLLEGE., •OWEN 890N0.oNT. ' , Writs for Announcement to C. 'A. FLEmiNG Print