HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-15, Page 5t• 00 00 Ip ed is May ad e.8 by Ily :nt bar m. D., cR gi[ 2 •3 .3 .5 •6 .5 ;ht if 5o 4o if 25 IO 00 90 I it is. sis ng Ips ;ht tl THE exact: brovate, Ts published every Thursday Morning, at, the (Mee, MAIN-STRET, — EXETl R. ----ay the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. O eDoilarper annum if plaid in Advance 51.50 if not so paid. gatrorRates on. .i3.15p1.1.c0.- tioxr. NQ papo,discontinued until allarreareges are paid. Advertisements 'without specific ciracttans will be published till forbid and harged accordingly. Liberal diseountmade for Lrauseieat advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PBSNTINO turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cherques,moneyord- ere, $to,for advertising, subseriptions,otc.to be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR, Axn PROP i'r4f,esstoatal Cards. H. KINSMAN, L.D.S. & DU. A. R. KINSMAN, 1, D. S., D. D. S., honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in P;ansou's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter. T'NE.D. AI.TON ANI)I:RSON,(D.D,S.,L.D.S.,) JA/ honors Graduate of the Toronto i'ni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario, Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Oilier over Elliot & Elliot's law otfiice-opposite Central Hotel -Exeter,. Medical T"1rs. J' A.1BOLLINS & T A. AM05. - J liesideneea, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaokuaan, building, Main St. dart Rollins' office:same as formerly -north doer. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1693 T. A Hollins. M. D. T. A. Amos, !CD LT. F. ItIcLA.VGTILIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Phvete:aan, Surgeon and Acconeh- eur, Office, Laihwootl, Out. Legal. Ru.col ,iNs, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- OR, Conveyancer, :notary I'ublie. Mee -Over Bank,Exeter,Oftaria. Monet to .Loan. T Ii.DIOKSC I,IIARRISTER,SOLIOITOR, of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- yeyaneer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office kanson'ailloolr,Exeter -Ci_ GT.AI)MAN, BARRISTERS, AU Etc. Conveyancers, and Moaev to Loan at 5 and 514 per gent. 8. V. Er,LloT. F. W, GLAuatAw. uctioneer i3R0NN,Winchelsea. Licensed Auot- , ionoer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also far the township of [laborite gales nrornptly attended to and terms rea- sonbale.Seles arranged at Post office. Win- ohelsea. nsnraatee. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. • Exeto WANTED, HELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to in trod ace a new discovery and ' keep our show 'ardstaaekedupontrees,fonees and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, $65 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write '• rho World Medical Electric Oo.,' London, On t , Canada. 2-2 03 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY._ "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a '! ready made," baud. me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, 1S NO STYLE, 311- NO ,1NO GOOD. St A tailor•made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR— Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts.that do not lit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. HIDES!HIDES!! HIDES!! ! Highest •cash price paid for hides, calf; Iamb" aud, sheep .skins. For first class ° beef, lamli, pork, poultry, , sau- sage or bologna, Call at the NEW .BUTCHER SHOP.... BEEF SOLD BY TILE ItUAR'4' lT! LOWEST CASH.-; D'1E11 CF;.. . nd nd ail FIs .• . Ocie Door South bf tilENTHAL HOTEL, "Ies ..I:H i • al -i ro :or is ,_ • ADE 19%i E A 11�A1 AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CURE .A.•LLNervous Diseaseer-Failing Mem o m I otea rA: p c Sloe 1 ' 9. P eBBr ess a u o, tensed b 9 Abu a or other. Bretons e,. coseee ea India. cretions 27,ey quiolcty and surely restora..Loet,Vita]lty i9.'015,0young. and fit' a reenter anity,' nd Co Consumption, mamas e. . ' e.' Their nee nit'' ed/ate tion gif eninc twee.' Their it• ee shows e p m diato 1 �m m robe =eat and efieatebavin a CIIEE she .•ill -other fail I let upon having thengenttine Aiaa•Tablets„ They phare cured thonsande and ryeeet,re you. Wo save n pos. -ttivewritten refund to effeetll cure.GA /f TS in enols case or •ref ind the money, . kilos �! Y ,7, per pain e; or,eix ea pkat , (fun tr ptIDB fo aa. to B hay �. y ' in' lainwrap r. upon receipt of price, (limier, ire' AJAX REINA ,DY. 'o ?0 UeerUoraft.. "�'+ •. dee•,' tu. IE1iiad, is Exeter by C. i,gta, 6senrcglst EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel ... ................. $0 81 to 8, Barley 20 to 25 Oitts 20 to 22 Peas 40 to 7 Butter Jr 18 to 14 Es Potatoes perbag 45 to 60 Onions Bed Clover Seed per bushel $4.00 to 1450 Hay per ton 7.00 to 8,00 Dried Apples per Ib 4 Tut keys 7 Ducks g Geese .-... ° - • 5 Chicken , Wool per lb. .. lr fif Did I. w Q �d h e Burn Her Face' That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup- tions Cured $nooth, Soft, White, skin Now. "0. I, Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass: " Gentlemen; Our little daughter is now four years old. When She•was about three months old, she had eruptions on tier face which were very disagreeable, and itched so much, eapeeialiy at dight, that it made her trouble a great deal worse, I was obliged to keep her hands tied at reignt and it was necessary to watch her during the day, She would scratch herself When - she had the chance, until her clothes Would se Covered with Blood. We had a great many doctors to see her, nut they did not help her in the least, It was a terrible task to care for her, When we took her away from house, people would ask, s' How did that ehild burn her face?' She was completely covered` with scabs'' or a long time, Sim suffered every- thing. At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in it, and after awhile we could gee that she was getting better, People said she would oartahi1y be left with acars on her face, but ebe wise not, It is now a year since she was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as Smooth and White and Soft as tliat of any child. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to bo the best family medi- cine that can be obtained. I take it my- self for headache and that tired feeling, and Ihave found nothing to equal it. Ono peculiarity about Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it ars pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it, Tho doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to be eczema, or salt rheum," Biles. WILBUR WELLS, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy any substitute. Be sure to get Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best --in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for 55. cure Liver Ills; easy to take, easy to operate. 200. Hood's Pills Annual Convention OF TILE BUTTER and CHEESE ASSOCIATION' OE WESTERN ONTARIO, Will bo held in the Oran A house, LONDON, ONT., Jan, 19, 20 and 21, 1898 • Round Trip Single Fares by all rail- ways. This is the Great Annual Reunion o` Dairymen. Practical addresses by practical mei on every phase of successful Dairying For Official Programme; address: A. F. McLAIIEN, M. P., GEO. BATELY, Stratford, Brantford, PRFs rnENT. ON T. North Bruce Patrons nominated Mr, D. McNaughton, M. P. P R. C. F, Johnson, Petrolea, has as signed to E. W. Atwood. Liabilities about $2,504. Mr W, J. Clark was struck by a piece of a cutting machine at Walters Falls and killed. Mr. Cochrane, partner in an eating house, „ryas stabbed to death at the Crow's Nest Pass. James Glacby, a farmer, near Can field, committed suicide by- cutting his throat. Thursday.. 1lrs.'Tomliuson, wife of TI o , Tom.. linson,con, 2,. R'estministcr, while doing her work in 1 he ki%hen, slopped and fell, breaking her right arm near the shoulder and putting her tihoulder out of joint. The other evening,, while Mr. and Mrs R°inaline were at Lambeth Trin ity;Church entertainment, some person b ol:n into thr-ir home and took $50 of th + Foresters' money. This is the sec' time within six months that this has happen'ed,' NP•Oo»'S PIIC) T0I-ICEDIIN. The GreatEnglishRemedy. Six Packages auaraoateed to promptly and'perenanentiy care:.all.ferms of Nervous We •akness; Emissions,Sperm- 'atori•1,ea, Impotency and all e p'eets of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, ea:ceasive use'' BefOi'e and �ftet'. of Tobacco, Oplum or $fm;c I,i ants', wine soon nreadto , In•" Jrmit ,Ins ¢ it ,° Cnsu tn on and d an early gr ave. Etas been rese,ribed dver 3G e arnthous nds of cat's. Is the oil I-tacit:1e and IIo nesMc re, enc knonon.Askdru istifor Wood's raYood'a PhosDhodine-il:, he offers some worth cogs medicine In place of this; 'inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mall 'Pz ices one package, tip;'six,. $6. - One will e six will 1 r .E het fk� , cu e; aIDp streetoaayad regi d The Wood Com an • Windsor, Ont., Caaada.., hrritsfotali1, Exeter byJ. IV li •otintig.,' I)ru:#`girlt: • .i• iL WJeeeutnd ealtlt laity by 1 London Disaster; This Tells And that ismore important than mak," ing money. IVB our blood is impure Hood's Sarsaparilla is the medicine for you. It cures scrofula, salt rheum,, rheumatism, catarrh and all other dis- eases originating in or promoted I y impure: blood and low state of the sys- tem. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy to operate, Cureindigestion, headache. Mr. Whitney, leader of the Opposition in the Legislative Assembly, was nom - mated by his constituents in Dundas, Mr. James Corbett, night operator 'for the Bell Telephone Co, in Belleville, was killed ou the Grande nu.* creek, Th ursday. Miss goys, aged ?6 years, dropped dead while out walking at Guelph, from heart disease, Thursday. The other day the three-year old son of Robt. O'Neil, 12th Line Fnniskilien got hold of some rough on rats and be fore it was discovered had eaten .a quantity of it. Emetics were adminis tered which brought the little fellow around all right. Fire broke outin the chapel of the penitentiary at Kingston Thursday, while Rey. Father Meagher was cele brating Mass. A valuable oU-paint', g 01 the Sa' lour, the work of one of the convicts, was destroyed, and there was a scene of panic among the female con- victs. While fox hunting on Saturday al- t moon G. ,Housman Routledge, of Ilyde Park, was aeeideutally injured by the bursting of bis gun, He and tennis eompanfous waited on the Eich et neossion as the hounds ran the °mute Who' discharging his gun at a fox the. barrel exploded, a piece of steel enter- iog the (dreamt, panting over the elbow al.ai out through the arm, Lines suggested by reading Tuesday morning's paper, that 26 were killed and more than 100 injured by the fall of the City Hall, London, Jau. 3, 1898. How sadwas the news that we heard Tues- day morning, And sorry we were the sad tidings to hear Of so Many loved ones Cut off without warn, ing— Mast it has clouded our happy New Year, ,Since the day when we heard of the London disaster 1 There has nothing occurred for to cause such dismay, As the news that we read in the papers that morning, Of all the sad homes that's in London to day. We are now grieved to hear of the sorrow and anguish, Anil to see fellow.inog'tSls cut down in then' bloom; May God help the ones who in misery lan- guish. And our London City now shrouded in gloom. In vain, too, their cries could be heerdin the distauce, And assistance was tendered them only In vain, 'Till the messenger, Death, came to their assistance, And freed tar a score of their number from pain. May help be for all who are needing assist- ance, And strength for ail thcs„ who are recta in dismay; Mar Ood look in pity on o. x r,'ure.t City,' And comfort the nourneiS in London to- day. Aram - A settlement has been effected in the action brought by Colin McArthur, of Lobo, against the township of Lobo and East Williams, to recover $5,000 damages for injuries received by his, wife while driving along the town line, andwhich resulted in her death. By he settion nt, McArthur receives $a 0 from each township. Tho accident was alleged to have been due to u defective road way. Friday Edmund Decker, of Clyde* while driving the Beverley street sub way lute Galt, found a mars lying at. the side of the road He was groan- ing', evidently in great pain. Dr. Rad- ford, who was summoned, had him r. - moved to the town half, where he died ,without regaining consciousness, The dead man, Fred Palmer, by name, aged. .tbout ?0 years, leaves a wife, two sous and four daughters, He was a watchmaker, and his valise was oa the railway track above the road, showing, that he must have fallen off, thus twee - his death. John Edwards, an employe of the G. T. 11. shops, Stratford, met with a seri- ous accident while engaged with tethers fu removing rivets from a boiler. The beads of the rivets have to bo cut off, and it was Mr. Edwards' misfortuue to be struck in the right eye by a heed which flew ofd' with great force a cd striking something near by, rebound- ed.. Mr. Edwards, who had his other eye injured some time ago, was wear ing Blas' es and the glass over his light i'ye was driven into the optic. The ex- tent of the injury is not de.fiui elv known as yet, but is serious a' d man involve the loss of his sight. Diseases often lurk in the bin d. 'be- fore they openly manifest then: elves. Therefore keep the blood pure with Hood's., . WITHOUT A COMPASS. Various Ways of Correctly Guiding the Course of a Vessel. Gustav Kobbe contributes an article to St. Nicholas. Mr. Kobbe says: Sailors steer by the wake of the ship. When a vessel is running free—that is, with the wind dead astern—she must leave a straight wake, or she is not run- ning a straight course. When she is "on the wind," her canvas full, not shiver- ing—when she is As near as she will lie • By keeping full and bye - her 'wake will be at an angle greater or less, according to the force of the wind and the speed of the vessel. This angle measures what we call the ship's "lee way"—that which she loses from a true course. With a vessel hove to in a gale the leeway becomes very large and is called the "drift." Coasting oraft steer by the line of white surf on the shore or in thick weather by its roar as it breaks on the beach or rocks. They haul in to catch the sound, then keep off until they lose it, and then haul in again to a central line and maiutaiu'it. *An old sea dog once told "'me that one,thick night, Doming up along the coast with a head wind'so that they had to tack in and off shore, they sailed' their tacks, or ran their ."legs,".by candles'— run-ning off shore long enough to burn out two candles, but burning one for the inshore leg, so as to avoid stauding'in too close. , The Alaska ,steamers on the inside route between the main coast and nu- merous outlying • islands steer, even in running through the •narrowest ohan-, nels,, by the varying echoes of the pad- dies from the shores. A given . course• can also be runty soundings, or; rather, by a line of soundings. - In entering New York har- bor keep iui say, .15,, 20," 40.fathoms,no less, until you get 10 fathoms. ,If then the lead shows fine white sand, look: out forSagP uy d Hook lightship. 4 "Coarse y el love sand will land you on Fir island. .The allr:,iuu e f timid 5itsapari1Ia is to cu'•e die 9 f'. 1 f a e. in r . d ons n The r i f t rd o es.i 'meld ais prove"it fu'I[ilis its Ini'Salou well. [`he;taa. af,Sirs. SternaMali actin's i''Y= d of Order, is ander cpnelder tion h st V the ii 1 ,+: ih st r of 3n9trn&, but therte.icr lit - .tie hope that the wm onwilitie rep i rr.• r., '1i`hat E. erybody' l+.rtows, Or ought to know, is that health and even life itself depends upon the con- dition of the blood, Feeding, as it does, all the organs of the bidy, it m' s ba rich and pure in order to give proper nourishment. Hood's .Sarsaparilla makes the blood pule, rich and nourish lug, and in this way strengthens the nerves, creates an appetite, tones the stomach and builds up the health. Hood's Sarsaparilla wards par colds, pneumonia anti fevers, which are pre- valent at this time. Dr, . R. Hall,f ChathamC Conserv- ative ve eaud' 1te for West Kent, was thrown from his carriage ou Friday night while returning from a meeting in the adjoining township, and sustain- ed, a fracture of an ankle, He will be obliged to go about on crutches forsev oral weeks to come, OUR ° WOMEN t AND GIRLS. Too Many are Broken Down # Weak and Wretched. • Paine's Celery Compound is The Great Life—giver for all Who are Sick and Ailing. It Has Rescued Thousands and Made Their Lives Happy. THE MARVELLOUS COMPOUND IS WO1iA.111'tb FRIEND. Jessie M. Ross says : " I Was Completely Cured by Your Wonderful Medicine." WELLS & RICIIARDSON CO., DEAR SIRS: -It affords me much pleasure to testify to the great good that Paine's Celery Compound has done for me. I was completely run down in health and a victim of female weak- ness. and after using three bottles of your wonderful medicine Iawas con pletely cured. It is the best blood puri- fier I know of, and I recommend it to alt who were troubled as I was, Yours very truly, JES: ' M. Ross, Quyon, P. Q, 66 ust as Good as Scott's, and we sell it' much cheaper," is a statement sometimes made by the druggist when Scott's Emulsion is called for. This shows that the druggists themselves regard Soott's Emulsion of Cod -Liver :Oil with Hypophos-, phltes of -Lime and Soda as the standard, and the purchaser who desires to procure the "standard" because he knows it has been of. untold benefit,, should: not, for one instant think of taking the risk of using some untried prepa - ration. The ;substitution of somethingsaid tar be , 0 for as good" otff r a stand-,� ,. ard. re a atiofi' twenty- '', P Y fivetars on the mark t, Y e should not be permitt Ihr are yoft` get ,SCOTT'S' Emulsion.' See that tha ata+' and Rlah are on the wrapper. ,ao. aed $r.se, alt druggists. T O & satyr E; . CkesAtta, T.rsat, ed by the intelligent purchaser. g FltOla 4 LEADING CHAT1L&.I 'tlA i F iCi`if'l3l'kl. maple City Cooperage, ' It. 11, P1114111,•• frep.. Chatham, (let. IR.3S87, Dear Sirs: -Sows time ago I was treated by one of our best city doctors for ern tinned bleeding at tbo nose, and flee treatment 1 was sut.jected to weakened my stomach so that nothing I could eat would agree with me, end 1 could retain nothing but bread and milk, which was. my' chief diet. I tried a bottle of your Shvat.'s Indian Tonle, and at one began to improve, and it has matte a perrnament cure in my ease, I can now partake of any Fuad no matter how strong` and experience no distress ulrter eating. I have recumuueuded tt to several people, +anti in t> ry ecciv it h givel)grao4 results, and a battle0±10 should be ir, eyed,• hoesehald Yours very truly, H. T. PHILLIPS,. INDIGESTION PERMANENTLY EEt'1LEb). St. Williams, Comity Norfolk, :Pet. 19,1587. Dear Sirs: -It gives me great pleasure to testify to thefactthat:±lnan' a Indi- an Tonic has caused t most remarkable eliang in ?Ay condition. For two years I have suffered from Indigestion ,and Weakness. and not fledin,; relit from any other medicine until your agent came here one day and advised me to try Sloan'+ Indian Tonic. I id so and have fourbottles- , as made agreatt1ar .0 in my life, and I wan now rest. and sleep with ease, awl r.t,T.iart. 1 beat.>c'loan's Indian Tonic is the best medicine in the world. I remain, yours truly, MRS- C. PRICE. For sale nt all dealers. or address the 4'omnans itt Retail ton S1.O0 Per bottle; 6 bottles Tonna 00. COMMERCIAL LIVERY." First-class Rigs and Horses, Orders left atFraw ksllaw''s Hotel, or ltt the Livery Stable, Christie's old Stal.d will reeeisve prompt at- teation. , , , , , Terms Reasonable i4 Only one Girl in the World. for Me.' Sa saes the popular wog, t` Only One Furitllre SIO in Town. for Me." Says the landlord who wishes to nape full dollar expended to its s f l duty., Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retain reg ular patrons and induce occasional cue', tourersto came again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the be evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this rnetho,i. We make undertaking a Specialty. N. ROWE To•ley.lpena Corneetion ' The hest seeds grown are Forry's. The beat. seeds sown are Ferry's. The beat seeds known are orry's. It pays to plaut A manroust consider itis porch*** well these times; he must buy tura he can do the best. Look at some of these hguree: Pants na :.de to tarih•r, all wail Ilc'avy tweeds 82.00 Salt$ 0.80 Overcoats S8.09 !,lack Worsted suite a .1,tc- ial, $124OO Our 320 blaacils 1;,e c t au others art 323. Come. and :sae t'Or yourself. FERRY'S Famous Seeds Ask the dealer for them. Bond for. FERRY'S SEED ANNUAL and getatlthat's good and new -the latest nod the bear D. M. FERRY d, CO., Windsor, Ont. Biclyces Bicycles Bicy1c 1 t S, GIDLEY & SON. HiNTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS, Bicycle Pleasure. This season we have surpassed our-' selves in making and gathering together' Choice Oddments in I"anry Nuruiture suitable for presentation: T1,e assorcmont is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stook if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can bo purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to line of Very 'landsome BED 1(00111 SETTS in ELM, OAIi, and t1Srr ANTIQUE and CREMONA fir-iala. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices aro much lower than it has heretofore been possible to Quote fur similar goods. ROCKING CHAIRS. In FOREST GREEN, ANTIQUE OAIr, CURLY Bram, and AlAnocosey Finish, from 82.40 up. FANC3i TABLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy stockers, Music Rucks, Couches, Extension Tables, Picture Mouldeings. Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Etc., Eta, CJADEi(TAK1NG a.ad EMBALMING IN ALL ITS' 1i.RA.YCIIES .. . S. Gilley & Son. . FARMERS! You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Altricultura I Implements: Deering 73iliclers, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A.full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and. Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince.. , . Knoll Washer and wringers. STO• YES._._,; . • and Gurney stoves and furnaces. GT 1 5 7'he W a o iand t (till line of the celebrated McLaughlin ‘ - brga les Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first tt good wheel, We can furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. «'e have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, eall and in Spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc, ere. Perkins & Martini THE CENTRAL L71jij0 STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM' for'Couhs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Manufacture—, WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old' Reliable, Winau'ta Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratch Its on horses and Condition Powder for same. SO.I.E AGENTS FOR DIA LUNG "SYRUP, C. L.DTZs DRUGGIST. I FOR TWE9ITY-SkItEN GEARS. INC WDER T C OOK H s E eEs T FRIEND LA$GEST SALE 1t4 GAIUAD...,