HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-15, Page 4TIT E
eXttet b00-Catt5
citas, 11. Sanders,'Eclitor and. Prop
TUESDAY, SAN, 18, 1898., The Clergy Watrly Commended for their
geal.-Position of the Church. ou ato
ROTA'S AND COMME.NTS. soevaar Ettecatiou Of Cleildrene•Worlt ot
the Church, in Venetia,
I019115 or more fitted toinjure the integrite
ef taith awl to turn eway the tereler
mincls of youth, from the nettle
sntentinc xustruetion Not aougli. ,
There is another point ma which oven
those who differ front is in all else will
agree with us, namely, that it is not by
means a a purely scientific insteuction
Aar by vague and superficial notioes of
virtue thet Catholic children will leave
schools such as their country desires and
PAPER et.areus; exec/et& Thee' mnst be more deeply end Quebec, Jan. 1Q, -(Special ).-The macy- fully instructed ea thee, rettette -f te y
It is predicted that paper is the coin Clieel from. Rome on the Mae; Itobe eehoole are to become geed ChristianZ'honest ais%.
lug material for matches. The pros- N_Ttsbrelio sifTienia illeeentr Ietpluvalp5itpSreuin3edayathyitat -umlaut eitieette, The tomuttiou owls
pset of the. wooden mateb industry be 9P4 tweet be the result ot principles
ing appreciably aff eted by a oew pro. par,s,torel from chbis
Arhop Begin, 'T le deeply engraven on their cons
cots for mettufacturing Illatebee a pa f'1"e'lth-s is an authentic translation. and eciences, WW Impose themselves ou their
ptr is held to be extremely probable, .' is oTo
ftleial• 1/Yea as the natural cousequenees a theix
o ar.leenerable Brothers,
ticularle as the hest wed for this bishops, Bishops toed the oratbiLAr9ea °I:4h atn1 roligiollA ter Witinnt5 religion
PurPese is eenstantiy growinet scarcer the Dominion a c.ioad3r ha , of there is im moral ecleication worthy of the
and mere costly. The neve mZehes are and communion with the' Apovsntleglil
o teee,
em nettle, nem truly efficaoious, seeing that
the nature end force of all duties are de-
tensiderably ebeeper than the wooden Leo- PP. XII.: ed. chiefly from those special duties
Venerable Brothers, health and Apes- rnienlee tbe necessity of haviug Catholic
product, and weigh much less, which tolie benediction; teaebers, reedier* books aud text -boons
giants for much In exportation The Iddressing yon, as we most willing- apby proved tlee's bishops, and liberty to
Elleks 'of the InweilP8 emisist of P31)" lyana
and lovingly do, there naturally occurs
rolled together on the Moe. The paper to our mind the continue'41•
is rather sm
troeg mud prime, end whet; pro;es of utuan
l lamili 1'11'adhauge eic't
immessed le a selun tioof wax sfieke Offices that has ever estisttesbettureeeig°1
well together bariis uith a bright, -A-PeeteUe .sle‘/ and the PeoPie of Canada°
The eintrity of the Catholic Chureli
Stneheleee teen ceeriess !lame. S*rips
watched by your very credle, and she bee
elle half ireh in width aro first deawn ever ceasel sue to receive you in
tfittarroz;ut!„b, ;.?";tia_77;1..tle: Lmass ad
i.'tettee embrace and bestow benetite on 03.4,s.:e1114,,..srad:(,.t'0,....y1-nle,rat0,1:.t'"1',, You with tt prorliget bedmem
n. If that o
t int -move' mancey, Francis ).Laval
weal r wax nettehes teeng eut oiT au-
teemeeetaliv ne the tortehlee„ When tee
elteits ate vett to sites they are dif.Fed
into piPephoreus, aiee mactlinez,,„
and the tilricd tread easily ignites by
frietion oss any sarfece,
The Dr eallitou printing bureau at O.
tawa is the targest and most tomplete
prititing establieterneut izithe country,
able to cope with almost any demand
that may be made upon it. The Goy
ernmentes heeding ever a Mr. Ogilvie's
xep Lie on •tha Yukon gauntry to Tema
o favoritea to print is therefore a eeeli"
without excuse. Tenders were not
asked for, not eveu a inneg Liberal pub.
iisbere. If the eablication of Mr. Ogii-
vie's reports wilt be protitable enough
to enable the Toronto firm to give the
Dominion Government 10,00D copies for
the right then it should be profitable
fur the priming bureau to handle the
work and retaio the profits that will go
to the Toronto firm. Few Goverumeut
publicatione yield a profit, but the um
meat a blur" book heaves in sight that
promises to sell by thousands all over
the world anti dill the peckets of the
pubitshers, the chauee is seatched be
organise the schools, that dm teaciung
therein shall be in full ilcord with Cath-
olic faith as Well as With all the dreles
that now flow therefrom. For the rest, to
decide in what institutions their children
shall be instructed, who shall he their
teachers of morality, is a riglie ieherent
to parental authority. 'When, teen, Cath -
°lies demand, and it is their duty to de -
mend, and to strive to obtain, that the
teavliteg of the masters shall be in con -
Montmorency. first Bishop a Quove. fortuity with tbe religion of tIzeir chil-
was able te happily acearanlish for the a.4eon thee are only melting use of their
pillaifi'yV20. SUeh TAC-.qs.5 04, renown ai ymtr eight, end there can ete nothiug more WI'
fartlathers wIn'e'se.11^ it was !tmilice lie just than to force on thou the alternat
wee enintertell by tee autberitY and fever Gee ot allowing their Children to grow
of the Roman Pontiffs. nor wa3 it from , up inignorance, ur re expose them te
ally other F.011n.`0, that the wores ofsme « manifest tlauger in what eoncerns the
coe&Ungbethaps, men of great merit, heti ; supremo interests uf tbe ir souls. ID is slot
their origin and drew their guartuite.- of , right to call In doubt or to abandon in
euecees. In the same way, to go linen to " telly way these prineiplee of 4utlgiug and
earlier days, it was through the isispira- ;Letter, whieh are foineled on trntli end
/IOU and initiative of tile aliestolle see justIce.
teat generous hands of innesionaries under, •
took the journey to your e amtry, bear
Wee tegether with the lightnt the Cloven
a linther eulture and the ilret, gerine of
Cesslizetien. It was thew germ'. rendered The B y detel 0 I3t rr Tells Ilo
fruitful by their dinout Libor:, that WINO (1." 110 0.1:1 tii101;;()ed,
placed the pea* of Cauada, although ot
recent origin, on on equal females a cult Berlin, °I1Ve '13.4• 43.-411isnn has ann.
t.ure aua glory tette the west voilesee „tossed. TIio ollowing was yesterday re -
nations of tee world. eeivee for publieetien by tit° deity papers:
et to mos; pleasing to rell aboal bo, "I want this to be at once madopuhlie.
all the more so l
oved fatestold it to the euthoritiee some time ago. , because NV
their abundun never at any time made any improper still contemplitte
:fruitAssuredly the greateet et` theee °F4/S to 3lr'3. Orr. 1 1144 41ads uu
thet atoongse the Catholic, peeple thera la my mind to get even With the OM for
areees ewe ape ewe see elm lege man things they said and did, to zue. That
ton, for that religion which your aneeit=ruing 1 got sued homes* they would
taming provelentlelly, first and chiefly not Mego Niagara, Falls. After
from France, then from Ireitmd. tuid bronejetts , loft mY loaded gnu 'zits
aftertvarde front eleewbere, faithfulty lvwds4cdt 41k1 some viwrens. Or)
practised and tranalittee aan invaln-
was milking about 20 feet from the wee4
the Laurier Government from the print- 'able d'11'""" 50 their (Alltdrtnh
But it their children have faithfully
Ing bureau and handed over withouti preserved this precioue inheritance, it is
'Completion to some friend who gets the easy far us to understand bow much of
ear of Mr. Sifton. Is is a job of the praise is due to your vigilance and your
worst kind,, zeal* venerable brothers. Bow much also
Is duo to the zeal of your clergy, for au
Provincial Elections. of you have labored with unanimity and
assiduity for tile preservatiou and ad-
Vanceineut of the Catholic faith. and. we
Toronto, Out., Jan. I0. --An evening must pay this hemp to the truth, with -
pa per says -The best informed Liberal out meeting witb diefavor or opposition
politicans Sit V that the general elections from the laws of the,British Empire.
in OntariO Will take place on either Feb. Thus it 'WM dint, ween moved by the
15th or Feb. 2,2tid. 'Phis would mean a consideration of your common merit, wo
Tuesday election, which politicatia can r: ilged a few years ego the ArChhishop of
sider the best possible, as It usually. Quebe0 50 the Cerdieninto dienitea eve
heti itt view not only to recognize bis vtanne clear day without public meet -
personal merits, but also to repay a trite
ing for the preparation and one day for uto of bomage to the ploy of .all Catholic/
rest after the Saturday night wind-up. people.
All the Important elections of recent As roger& the education of yontb, upon
years have taken place on Tuesday. 1 which rests the best honesofteligiousand
civil soeiety, the Apostolic tilee bits never
ceased, in conjunction with you and your
Suffering for His Son. 1 predecessors, to occupy itself. Renee were
founded in great numbers in your coml.
Galt, Jan. 10.--4lett. Allison, father try institutions destined for the moral
of James Allison, the merderer, is ly- and scientillo instruction of youth, butt-
ing in a somewhat prmarious condition tutious which are so nourishing under
tbe guardinuship and protection of the
at his home here. While attending
thuroh. Amongst these the University ,
services at the Salvation Army bar- a tete ee
nod with all the titles and
racks yesterday morning, be was taken "61.;;;;',gaul'Ir
with. an attack to which he has been aenuthoritYais atc:urstiOnTed licliigehontersot:ct°
subject since the convictiou of his sole pies a place of honor and sufficiently
He became violent, and was talten proves that the Holy gee bas no greater
home, where he is now resting easier. preoccupation nor desire than the forma -
When told that James had confessed Lion of youthful citizens, distinguished
by Intellectual culture and commendable
he refused to believe it, saying his son
would have to tell him so himself. The by reason of their virtue.
mother still says the boy is itilMeent.
The father has had three fits, the last,
if anything beiug the most severe. .
Accident Near Granton.
Granton, Jan, 12.-A railroad acci
tient, in which a large amount of roll
ing stock was completely demolished.
occurred at Fish Creek bridge, two
rniles east of here, yesterday. Three
freight trains were following each other
closely going west Train No. 1 got
stalled on the heavy grade a retie east
of this station, and had to cut, and take
in the train in two sections. Train No
1, was signalled 0 K., and came to a
standstill over Fish Creek. The brake-
man of the second train jumped and
ran back to signal No 3„ but before he
could get to the sharp curve at the top
of the grade east of the creek, the third
train came thundering down. The
delver and firemen, seeing that a col-
lision was inevitabl e after trying in
Vain to tO cheek th..iir train, jumped
The engine struck the rear end or No
2 a few feet east "of the bridge, throw
lug the van and one ear into the creek
and almost comp'etely demolishing the
engine and nine cars. The van tool;
fire and was burned up. Happily no
one, was hurt.
For 10 Cents.
neve you ever tried to estimate the
satisfaction, pleasure and financial re
turns that you get when you spend ten
cents for a package of 'Diamond Dyes .S
The ndyantages and meets are strik•
inely- wonderful. Faded and dingy
•looking dresses, blouses. capes, knitted
shawls, hose, lace curtains, and pieces
of drapery are all restored to their (trite
inal value and usefulness. T.he truth
is, they are made as good as et ef and
the eost only ten cents. .
The wet k iS &one every day by- thou
• sands with Diatinind Dyes. Beware r
imitations that some dealeroffer ee
sake, of big. profits. -
Since to IVellit & Rieherdson CO., Mon-
treal, PQ, for valuable book of dirset
i0n8 and sample color Card; sent, pule
„free to any addrets.
The School Question.
Therefore it was with extreme solid-
tude, as you can readily understaed that
we turned our mind to the unhappy
events which in these latter years have
marked. the history of Catholic education
in Manitoba. It is our wish, and this
wish is a duty for us, to strive to obtaba
and to effectively obtain by all the means
and all the efforts in our power, that no
hurt shall come to religion among so
massy tbousands of souls whose salvation
has been specially committed tome espeei
ally in tbe country which owes to the
church its initiation in Christian doctrine
and the first rudiments of civilization.
A.nd since many expected that we should
make a pronouncement on the question,
and asked that we should trace a line of
conduct and a way to be followed, we did
not wish to decide anything on this sub-
ject before our Apostolic Delegate had
been on the spot, charged to proceed to a
serious exhmination of the situation, and
to give an accountto ms of thetstate of
affaies. He has faithfully and diligently
fulfilled the command which- we had
given him.
The question agitated is one of great
and exceptional importance. We speak of
the decision taken seven years ago by tbe
• Parliament of Manitoba on the subject
of education.' The act of Confederatio.1
had secured to Catholic children the righe
of education in Public schoole, in keep-
ing with their conscientious convictions.
The Parliament of Manitoba abolished
this right by contrary mw.
A Grave Injury Inflicted
By this latter law a.grave, injury was
inflieted, , for it was not lawful for our
children" to seek the benefits of education
in sehoole`in which the Catholic religion
is ignored •or- actively combatted, in
schools where its ettetrine its despised and
its fundamental principles repudiated. If
tbe,church has any.where permitted tine
it was only With great relnetanee and in
self-defenceranel a.fterhavingtaken many
precautions, which, however, havetoo
often been found unequal to parrying tit.
danger. In like manner one must at .ttli
cost avoid, as most pernicious, tinoe.
schools wherein every iform of belief
'indifferently admitted and placed on te
eqUalfootiug-'A8 iC what regards Goa
and Divine things, it was of no linporre
enc. whether one believed rightly 0.,
wrongly, whether one followed truth e
falsehood, You well know, .vener
brothers, that all schools of thit
have been condemned by ;the ebot
Iteeause there can be nothing .neere pere'
shed. 1 went into it end fired at her
through the door, She teU of her seat
and never moved again. An ax lay ueetr
her. 1 tool; it and struck her on the /mad
with it. 1 had the grave in the swamp
ready IMMO dap betOre, bet It was tO0
far off, so in a 'hurry 1 made the grave
In the corn patch and dragged her to it
by the hands and burled her. 1 hid the
gun and raked up the traoka with the
fork after I got briek from Barnes'. ',MS
Is the truth, so help mo Ood: (8igneti)
James Allison."
Wituesses: „T. Cook, jailer; Thomas
Tracey, turnkey.
Report That Mrs, Itarneseeltegowast In-
tends to Return to Her Old Monte.
Trenton'N.J., Jan. 7. -Ex -Mayor
Frank .A. Magowan and Mrs, Bevies-
Magotvan, nee Miss Edith. Riddell, of
Toronto, aro said to have separated. Tbe
woman is at Baelow Hotel, where sho anu
the ex -Mayor went last week after Ma-
gowan bad boon notified by the °manage-
ment of the etanerican House that bis
presence was no longer desired,
Magowaneleft Barlow's last night tak-
ing with him his belongingsand he spout
the night at the Trenton House in com-
pany 'with his son Spencer. Neither
Magowan nor Mrs. Barnes-Magowan
would see any reporters to -day, but the
statement that they have separated Is
generally accepted by Magovran's friends,
with some of whom he had a conference
yesterday. It is understood that Mrs.
Barnes-Magowan will go, Immo to her
people in Toronto,
Bicycle Riding, Under DIM:ratios. to
Kingston, Ont.
Kingston, Jan. 8. -In a storrn of sleet
and rain, with a foot of snow on the
roads, F. 0. Myers, of Road King fame,
rode a century from Port Hope to King-
ston, getting over the distance in nine
hours and forty minutes, making the first
century run in Canada for 1898. He was
delayed considerably on the road through
friends stopping him to offer congratula-
tions. When he Jumped off his wheel at
the British American Hotel his clothing
was thoroughly drenched. The last 25
miles were covered under two hours. The
first century xidden• in '97 was made by
Serge Beatty, Toronto, on April S. He
also held the same honor in 1896.
The _Annual Convention Will be Meld
aexemoon on the Iota gem ana glee
, ,
Dairyinee, is one of the most import-
ant branches or agriculture. To prot
euro the finest quality of ebeese aud
butter at a profit the dairyman must
haro an intimate knowledge of all the
details of the process from the time the
milk is taken from the COW 5111 it is
manufactured into -the finished article.
I he science of dairying caunot be
teamed in a haphazard way Syste
matized and well directed effort is ne-
cessary in breediug, feeding and caring
for the dairy cow to make her produce
to her utmost capacity. Particular
care and attention is required Lu pre-
serving fhe nstik in a pure aud un-
adulterated condition for the making
of butter or cheese aud to convert milk
into. good butter mid cheese- uo ILttI
skill is required. It will thus be seen
that if we are to suptey the British
market with the finest quality ofgood,
aucl no other than the fluest quality
should be sent fortvard, our dairtemeu
should be thoroughly educated and
trained sons to produce the finest qual-
• Dashwooth
On Wednesday evening of last week
a very pleasent time was spent at the
home of Mr. aud Mrs, Wm Holt being
a social party given to their daughter
lady, E. Wine on her departure to
Pigeon, Mieh , by the lady Maceabees of
Frieudship Hive, No. All bilent a
very pleasent evening and all extend
a hearty coPerratulation to Mr. and Mrs
Bolt for the very weleetne reception
given to all, There is always a lively
time when the ladies of Friendship
teive turn out for a pleasant seeping
-The WOW is fast leavitig at present
and if it does not soon tura cold the
wheels will soon come into usa again.
--Miss Petiole Pretter is home heti
(laying with friends in and around
Dashwood. -Mies Maggio Stacy is vis
biog frieeds in Zurich at present. -
Mrs. 0411 is on the sick list as is altie
' Mr Lyon, We hope Seen to see them
asouzid in Mr. aud Mrs, liedgius,
of Crediton, Suudayed as Mr R. Adams
Wm, Witzel has purchased the
• My acre farm formerly owued by Mr
Angus McCormick. -Much to this stir
prise of the villagers Mr, Geo. Edihoffer
hied away to Blake last Wednesday
and While there took to himself a help
mate its the person of Miss Holtz, We
extend to George and wife a hearty
welcome as permanent residents of the
village.-Mauy farmers in the com-
• munity attended the annual meeting
of the Bay Fire Insurance Co, on Tues
day. The usual business was trausaet
ed. -The Revival meetioga in the
Evangelical Church here was brought
to a close on Friday night. -Soma snook
thief e tared the grisemill one night
recently and carried off a fifty pound
sack of flour. Come again please and
take more uext time.-- elr, Jake wild -
fang is puttiug the material on the
(*.round for it uew house which will be
built next season, Hoffman Bros. has
tha contract.
Chinese Loan Depends on Free Ports. '
Loncton, Jan: 7: -It is learned on, ex-
ceilent authority • that, in the event of
Great Britain gea,rauteeieg the new Chi-
nese loan, the concessions required will
take the form of insisting upon 'ilse open-
ing of new treaty ports, 'open to ell•na-
tions alike'. •
The financial article of the Glebe says'
it is reported on the Stock ilxcleange that
the BritiSb Governmeet has •arranged' to
gitaraetee the 'Chinese loairof e16000,0o0
at 3 per cent., the price of ,Issue to be.
Choked to Death by a Piece of Beef.
Ottawa, Jan. 8. -.Angus' McPherson,
farmer residing a few miles north 5f Ma'
ville, met` with e peculiar death!' While
eating his dinner te, piece of 'beef, .whfch'
Was Mit.propetly maSticeted, stuck in lits
thrOat He:died abooet inemediatelp
eerible agony.
• It;4tabx ihe Loan toiiet.
London, Jan. 8. -,-The Standard says it
ie'encev rurn,ored that, Gxeat Bri,teiu will
lend China e.16, 000, eoe direde twithout
-the issue of ir'priteite esuarenteedloan,
Mr. eeteite Serieer M.P. forRtinting-
lon, is petting up a ver y etrOrig light fot
Hone Mr, Beicherd's -teat ire the Senate,
sold eonie close friceds of Slic'"Wilfrid"
Laurier say he has a good chauce, of ;nu. e•
• tlay Connell
Council met pursuant to statute. All
members present. After the members
subscribedto the necessaey statutory
declaration of office and qualifications,
the council became organized with the
reeL e in the chair. The following offi
cers were appointed for the ensuing
years -F. Bess, Sr„ Clerk, salary, $125.,
10 Kibler, Treasurer, salary $85; H.
Lippert, Assessor, salary, $55; C. Troy-
er. Collector, $60; Mrs Keinhardt, Care-
taker of hall, salary, $20; keditors, E.
Stageor, appointed by Council, J. Mer-
ner, appointed by Reeve, salary $6.
The following were appointed for the
Board of Health for the year ISM -Dr.
Campbell, Medical Health Officer; J.
Bonthron, Inspector Eastern Div.; H.
Zimmerman, Inspector Western Div.;
Alex. McEwen, member of Board; J.
Snell, member of Board; D. Spencer,
member of Board. A petition signed
by a number of ratepayers of School
Section No. 10, asking to make certain
chancr"es in the boundaries of S. S's.
No's. 2, 10 and 14 was laid •before the
council. On motion, the clerk was in-
sri net ed to get the n eeessary inform ation
regarding the matter. Also a petition
signed by forty-three ratepayers ask-
ing to have the dog tax aboliabed in
accordanetewith Victoria 55, Chap. 52,
sub Section`2, was also laid before the
Council and the Council decided to con-
sider the matter at the next meeting of
Council. The account of F. W. Fern-
combe for expenses re Corbett's Award
was ordered to be paid and the severe]
amounts ro be charged against the re-
speetiye land in accoydance with said
award. 3,The following accounts were
ordered to be paid: -F. Hess, register-
ing births, marriages and deaths, $16.-
60; F. Hess, Sr.,' error in taxes, $9.37;
H. Bishop, fence wires$7.70; SilaaStan
lake, lumber, $7; John Baecbler, haul-
ing lumber N. B., 75c.; John Schnell,
repairing two culverts Con. 14, $2.50;
White & Sone balance printing 1897,
$5.25; F. W. Farneetnbe'expenses,Cor-
bett aivard, $17.75; A. 13irk„. gtavel S.
'Be $340;G Kellerman, gravel S. B,
40e.; C. Troyer, error in taxes, 42c.
The Oeuneil ther. adjourned to meet
again on Feb. 70, at 1 o'clock p In.
- F. Hess Sr Clerk.
Usborne Council.
C,ouncil Rooms, Jau, 10th, 189q
The Council inet to day purseent to
statute, vvhen the follosvieg geetternen,
baying been duly elected, made and
signed the declarations' of 'office and
qualifications and took their seats as,
the council for 1898, viz: -Mie. Thomas
Hawkins Reeve- Me. John; Hunter.
rOuneillor, Ward ,No. 1; Me •waiter
„v y, Ward Ni. 2; Mr .W . Delbridge
W rd4�. 3;Mr, 'Alfred Hui kin, Wa
NO. 4.'Minutes Of timeileti, Dec, 27th,
1897,' read, eipproved.Of tied signed tly
ilThe Molsons Bank.
is ceased be torpid iivett whieh prevents diges. (Chartered by Parliament,185.5..)
tIon ansi penults food to ferment and petrify Is aid Up Capital 02,000,00
She stomach. Teen follow dizzinesseheaesehe gest Fund, ... .....,., 1,500000
iesemina, rervouseess, and,
if aot relieved, bilious fever
or bleed poisoning. Hood's
rills stimelate tbe stomach,
rouse the liver. cure headeche, dizziness, me
Bete -Won ele e5 eente. Sold bv all dreegists.
take earsaper!..e.
Reeve. Keddy-Delbridge, tli4Ot A
[Junkie he appointed Deputy peeve for
1898. -Carried. Beinter-ilunkin, that
the Clerk be paid $80,election eepoises
and that he distribute it to the pomer
parties.-Carritd. Delbritlee-littuter
that the salaries for 1898 be as fOlionS:
Clerk, $100t Treasurer, $70; Assessor,
$50; Ce1lecteret$50; Caretaker, $5; aud
teat nothieig be allowed for postage or
SlatiOnarY.--Carried. COnneil then ad.
jourised for noon Coutieil re-assetneee
at one o'clock. Huukin- Delbrulge,
that 1;raticis elorisy be Clere for 1894
Carritd. Ks ddy--liunter, that Paul
Coates be Treasurer for Ife98 and that
lie give satisfarstory seeurity to the
ameusit of $10.000.- Carried. Bunter
-DrIbridge„ that William Breck be
Collector for 16e8, aud that he grit e sat
lefaciory seenrity to the ainettut of
$40 OW. -Carried. Heath -Ineddy, 11*
amendment, that Alexander Dutican
be Co'leetor end that his give satisfae
tory security 50 the omelet of $10,000,
Ruled out of order as applituttion was
by tender. lituder-Keddy, that Wm
litiers be Assessor for 181)$.- Carried
Keddy -Hunter, that T. Veal. be Cart
taker of Hall, for 1898. -Carried Pet -
bridge -Reddy, that Wm Turebull be
appointed Auditor, for 18inl, and teat
they meet to a edit the accounts on Mou
day, Jan 24th, at .9 o'eloelt,-Carried.
'rhellt tieauditor4PP°il.4tletlbitlg
j7ilu: -141°h:tis
that the Board of Health te composed
of the Reeve, Clerk, awl William Heel°
wood for three eeears; Jams s Ballautyne
for two yeats t James ilaittlford for one
year at $1.50 per day; that Dr, Forger
son, be Medical Health OMeer, at $3 per
d.ayetuel J. C. Tufo, Saultare Itispector
at $1,50 ear day %thee on duty.- Oar.
ried. iluultin-iluuter, that J. Cope
laud, A. Cole, P. Meir, R Drithridge, R
Donee and C. Coates he fence viewers
for 1.898 -Carrie.). Reddy - Velbridge
GthaRto0o.kG, 13111;11:8'ln; onr:,,zillweia";1(1;r1t, WIC! ,elltdi
Gilfilleil anti inflUnter, Poised keepers
for 1198. Carried„ Keddy-llunkint
that a By Law be drafted confirming
the appointment of the officers at the
salaries named.- Carried. Delbridge
Reddy, that By Law, No. 1, a et
pointing certein municipal officers :led
fixing their salaries, as read a lirst,
second and third time be passed, signed
by Reeve and corporate seal attavhed.
rr ic d Delbridge- 11 fluter, that
W, Brock be granted all order on the
Treasurer for $5 upon lectuble dog tax,
Carried. Reddi• Hunkin, that the
Collectorls Roll be received and the Col
leetor be paid his salary. -Carried,
Hunter-Eeddy, that the accounts pre
sented be paid, and that the Reeve sign
orders for the same. --Carried. Bun,
kin-Delbridge. that Council adjourn
to meet Feb. 5th, at 1 o'clock p, m.
Tenders for printing will be received
at next meeting. Secretaries of Trus-
tee Boards will please notify inc im-
mediately of names and addresses of
Trustees and Teachers,
F. MORLEY, Clerk.
Jouns-Gueaeonn-At the residence of
the bride's father, Brumfield, on Jan.
3rd, by Rev. W. Muir, Samuel Jones,
of Milieu, to Charlotte, second daugh
ter of James Granger.
Wesri-Partwzs.-On Jan. 55h, at the
residence of the bride's father, by Rev.
B. Clement, John Wise, to Clnra May,
daughter of Robert Plewes, all of
BLAKE—BAIIER—At the Presbyterian
parsonage, Goderich, on Jan. 5th. by
Rev. M. McKay, uncle of the groom,
Robt. S. Blake, to Annie M., second
daughter of Richard Baker, eon. 315,
Goderich township.
• Kippen, on the 5th inst., by Rev. S.
Acheson'assisted by Rev. D. MeGil-
vray, of Jimmie D. J, McClinchey, of
Stauley, to Annie A. Wager, of Hay.
Laxte-t Geinvn- At Parkhill, on Jan.
5th, by the Rev. Robe Aylward, B.
A, Mr. W. S. Lang, of Exeter, to Miss
Joan Grieve of Parkhill
KIIRR—GILBEIRT—At the residence of
• the bride's parents, Brinelty, On Dec.
291h, by the Rev. 0. Barltrop, Mr.
• Wesley W. Kerr, of Ailsa Craig, to
Miss Amy, daughter, of Mk and Mrs:
Thos. Gilbert. 4
EDIG591'FER limas -At the manse
Kinpen, on Jan, 5th, by Rev. J. A.
McDonald, Mr. Geo. B. Edighoffer, of
• Dashwood, to Miss Laura, •eldest
daughter of Mr. Henry Holts, Blake.
HonGINS-HonosoN.--At St. Thomas'
church,Grauton, on Dec. 29th, by
Rev. W. F. Brownlee'Thos. W. 'Hod
gins, of com 2, Biddulph, to Miss Eva
• .Hodgson, of Clandeboye.
feeifBERrteeen Seefiettht on'eeen. 2nd,
Martne arnbert, age 58,yeties...
MeINToSe-On Jan. 4th, Effie' Mein-
, tosh, 12th con., Weeteenilltates, eged.
, 95 yea s. • •
Huta office Montreal.
Money advanced Zu 4.40d FArraer. San the
own notes eineti 000 Or more endorsers et
pee cent per annum,
Exeter Branch..
Open every lawful day from JO a. ln.,t0 3
es., Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p.m
Ageneral banking business transacted
°DRUB:tee RATnS allowedfor mon-
sy on Deposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 3
per cent.
Having opeued out it well eeuipped
Shop. I am now prepared to do all kende
of repairing such as
In fact everything au4 anything. We
make a specialty of remodelling Bley-
eea atid sharpening Lawn Mowers at
his time of tim.year.
One door north Mr. Stewart's store,
it will win pay you to buy a
and have your bouse comfortably healthy
all winter. The Countess is a specially
powerful Double Heater; made in different
sizes, with or without oven, ft caret be
equalled for ease of management and econ.
orny In the use of 'coal.
Manufactured by the GURNEY CO.,
Notice of Rates
Per Annum a night per 16 C. P.
Main Hall -$3 to 4-5e
xst Parlor 280
Extra parlor x 8o
Dining Room 275
Kitchen 275
Bed room 75 -
Spare room 1 56
Cellar, 8 C., P. 90 1-5
Per x6 C. P. per Annum or re cts. per night
Ito 5
5 to xo
to 10 15
15 to 20
20 to 25
25 and over 3 eo
$4 50
4 25
Genernl practice has proved it
• more satisfactory for the con-
sumer to owe everythieg within his walls.
The aboye moderate rates are on this basis
and in order to secure them the following
nominal wiling charge is made with lamps
complete :
Cleat -suitable for stores Or eo per light
Concealed“' " residences, 170 "
• To be paid in ten equal monthly. install-
et-'25tt 66 cash re starting of liehts,
Any special informative may be obtained
rem the nndersigned. .
NOTE :-The ahove rates only applicable to
consurnere having their own fixtures. Rate
to others on application to
R. C. 0.`TRIVIAINE, Man.'
My W. J, eVilliarnsen, M. Oele. brake,
men, while.leaning out of the head end
of a way car at Ridgetown, letting ,alt
out of the pipes, struck a fence, bruis- °
in g both legs at the Ittiett, and 'being
cut oVer the eye. '
• Engineer McFadden,. of -the Grand
Trunk, ran into a flozk of.quall
tween Brantford and rl'ilsonburg o
•Wednesday night, and killed' over a
score. The birds were picked up, and
MetVaddep's erew are% 'dining on quail
• •
011, toast.
. . '
GUY 7-00.Jan. 5th,,John, son of James'
Guy,9th coneWest Williams, aged 5,
• ye,stre10 ineeths. •
„Mu...1.411-1'n Clinton,on,Jan.5th,e'aincs
aged 82 years. '`
GILLE&PIE1.---In Exeter, on the
itist., Rachael, wife of Mr. John (-lit.
lesPie; aed 50 years 5 months wed
, 8 days
Infants 'and 'Children;
'nee nit-