HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-15, Page 1• ELEIT ENTii YEAR. -514.
4; te, t
Our Lo
a -re true and will give comfort,
• • -
my, to Mr. Wesley Kerte of "Wee; Twiteliell etteetee en Itichtnend street, tartan Churce for the pet feeir t,e3;8,
preserve the si ht
They help
Wnonnees.—A very pleasant event
occurred on Weneday, Dc. 29tb, et
the resiclence of :dr. Jobn Lews, Buff-
alo, when Alt., Geo. Lewis, of the 4th
Rensail this week tor F,,ig.leucl where he sub-seiptions ott Sued
/ will mutate some mionits in.the hetet.- over 800. At the tea meeting on
senouneed to
u» \T Dutn:ait Riiherteae ern of hie Intake whieh brie not. bete
met unit pie a pitiful accideur while goed here for borne time. Mrs. Hawk
engaged hi cut* g mie afternoon Mt F will remain in Hensel) —Tbo - M .
e eel,. e hed just delevered e smile !dock, wife and family spent Suoila:.i.
con. aleGIlltvray and Miss Susie Lewis, when he elippiel on the lee ana in fall 1 with friends awl relatives iu Lucan,—
wee joinea together in the holy bonds tug had dile misfortutie to put his , Mr. and eirs. Mere Refeheet viewed
of matrimoey. Tie nuptial not was shoulder out of Pitt. I Luca° ott Sui.dayge Rev, J. II be of
tied by the Rev. L. W. Deihl, of Ailfia LAUNDltY, -Ront. Twitchell is elated 1 Totonto Junction, will lecture in ear.
occurred on Wed, Dee. 29th, at the res. fie has reined the 1. ....3 and shop zloty 17, in the interet. P. Se 0. E.
Craig.—Another very pleasant event to coo:flece a lauedey in our town mei Presbyterian Chitral, on Mott , Jan
Mouday eveuitig $125 was taken la et
*., the door. The church is a beautiful
strueiture witbin au d wIthont. It
ts euxee feet in sate. haing: one
front entrauce and two side entranes,
cottage roof evIth irou cresting. A
baeement, full size of ebur ele with 11
U. eetimg affords ample aecommodation
for the work of the Sueday Soo,
prayer and trustee tneetiiitee, Tbe
auditonunn Is ceded overhead viioh ash
and was seated by tbe Vallee- Seattog
leoropny of Dadate. The seats are
arranged in a cireular form. The
beautiful tended awe staitted glass
wiudows were put in by the Hobbs
ardware Co., of faeodon. Both mii-
1 acetyleue gas geuerator seid hV
torinin and basement are lighted by
10. Wenn, B. S. A. and rnaoufaetured
Uv the Gueph. ALeetyleee Gae Goiter
ator Conven, leintited, of Guelph. The
citurele is certainly ei andel of conven-
ince end beauty. The istele debt is
fully provided for witheUt 111Otgag-
itig It.
ittence of lir and MrS Thomas Gilbert 0:teliied Rabert dorsuv, whale ' mission live c"ilts -21r.) Crawford 1
It bein ra
g arte of his dauehter Mr Arderten t 3 fib been prctieniar ot Carmel Presh
. m2a e onAacTE vozx ,„es senailled to honor the glad event britig-Ilhaud eleetadi de teed.
te e
flier -tort, of Sainvitt City, 0 be is visit
k A ,'Craihe A. large number ef guests *8.1'49011th. Mr. Twi"ch).1 Is an exprieuCcil ' has resigned his pakrion, —Maud Ile.
ing with them Many valuable presentsi COViNe1.1. --The, netely elected . on*. °leg bi$ parents lu own, is this- week
. formed ay., t appe Want%reeetved the ineth. The watuish ownshics„ —Mils i 112sL% r)f Wa
concratulatione of their •malty frinds. rrgidinit; CiAniOUNTO, G. V Arneld!iclettaa.---R Coad spent 'Monday in,
J. W, (tete eel 4.1d4 000 Brown- Coutt- i Landon- Nils), l'. DierStPin .L.1T!, 0?4 ...tM
Stephen CounoilA oho, 1104;f1, was abient Qu neenntit inlay morninei fer Saslow Mich * vberii"
°Wilton, Ja1. 10th, 198. L vents hint leaving the. holm. Tho dlieses cCarter. of BrUssols,Spent
Newly eleeted council ell present, Panentiranten ---011 Saturdbav
ay evert-
Graduate a tile Optical fatitate. S. FITTON. for t be bride. Hev. C. ilarithrop ti t 3.0a da. ra teal g .tt II siNiting re..in t-tt flea d
aouple staged on a ;hos to i h II
nr Clock and Watch Department is Complete.
DTI) iu and take A LOOK AT OUR COM
d r prtees;.by so doing you
The undersigned ha 9 foil-oad farms for
meielloads- mrenes to loon on ester terms.
delis 8PActia4ms,
Sara weirs tilaek Exetr.
-Private hinds to lend on improved farms,
At tivo Atni live And A ball pot vont.
Amity, to
41.1.0u 4; (ILA eristlx%
1st Reccmler P,1)7. Einetcr.
erten ntateroignod otTers for Saki Lot No. ,
tla conc.-is-don. TddVi/uh hip of Kincardine.
libelant' consist -tot acres.A.11 oleo re 1.1 ; good
/mon house and IL'arn; also two goo I oxen-
rdti, and a plentiful supply el water. The
laud is sit Mt t411 1°4 frOM the Sauget%
line and 4 miles from tho town of Kieic-
eine, ,prjees.tr,r); $ on, the balance in
ten or twelve years :it Pi _per cont. noieeeen
feu Inas, lye halt at once Fur further partici-
10.rii Pply tO MIL% Tits, arnterr Aimed.
it, Kincardine
xeellet Farm in Township ot
Usborruk Comity of Huron.
POE SALE hy private contract, Lot, fel-
teen, fUt in the tenth oat Concession of I a -
borne, containing one hundred acres. The
hind is of Iirst-rate qualltv 0.bou,t so acres
steered, the remainder in 'bush. Piton pro
two 4o. ANA at the 119na• tbiLoteor
about tho centre of the trtn. Tho 14u:dings
.•.hich comprise a frau), dwelling house
hare -",cr:3G and horse And cattle sts.ble with
'the rettee9 that are la fair eanditen,
For partieuar$ apply to
THOMAS S. CLARE on the promises or to
Solicitors, &c.,
Dated, Sril Deco Mg. Exeter.
iliS1011 & SO11.
We would respectfnliv c*WitM
03210te and hook Sceottut* ta Ltiettle boron,
ot robroary id oblige.
Tito rouncil of the Corpfiraiion or :la)
'Canino of Huron will na.-,-t in the Court
Roo to tho Town LafGosirtich on the 4th
*ti o'cloit p.m.
hAtci1Jan.10, W. LANE.
iranAt TO RE?.
not e. concession 3 township of Volterra,
is offered f„or rent by tio, tunivrigned. It is
our ot the ttet farnm in the t OW nquip, eon -
tattling ea)c-Itialt.ired tacrt5 and has every
COOVela ent., This farm 'will. helot to A good
tenant for a tern; of yeare arel nooseiion to
Plow will Le given lonieliintelly.
Apply to MAT. li.uni.asn.Devon.
South lnron.Parmer's Irastitute meting,
Town Ihill.Eeter. Jan :Nth, J% .1, at one
o'clock _p.m., Meetings will he addressed by
It. Z. t1 itson D S. A. , Willow Grove; wile(' ti
Stoei,:ilz'oellin" P. II, Mson, tirrailord-
itteienejec, ear° and Food of pairy Ca t-
te." U. Siclatisn, Hippen; sulget,"Nat-
ness on the Farm." etuettint, Bruce-
ield; aithji-et, "Corn tirwng."
se4lien at 7.1,10 rx. 11. Z. tiitMOZ1, $
"The Partner as Citicen "; tr. 3taon,
'Ante Outlook of the ttntario Parmr," Eta.
Dixon'a Isrucelleill. Jn. stet, 1803, ot
one o'clock p D. Z. 'Gibon, Willow
Grove." Point 01Ecello:ice in Beef ("little"
T. I. Araoll. Straturdilie, sulljeet. Coro
Growing." Ifenry$Lroith, iloy, ,• Cattle reed -
ng." it lifeDinis T1 It ' xed
annin." Evening session ot 730 p. xn,, D.
2. Gitotou. " Cultivation ot the Ann " ; T. 11
Lon," Our National heritage," Etc. Let
Everybody come, the more wo Anow the bat-
ter we like to hear others.
IL Sm. Gmungsn,
Preident. Secretary.
Ur, Devid Brae], wbo had the mite
fottune to scald his foot some time ago,
is progressing uleely.—ServIce was
Withdrawn at Salem last Sunday on
account of the new Methodist church
at Greenway.—Rvs. Thos. and Geo.
Durr, accompanied by their estimable
/tides, left Diet week for their charges
at Mt. Vernon and Downington, Mich,
respectively. Mrs, John Timmer has
also gone to Mt Vernon, where she will
spend a couple of weeks with her
daughter, Mrse Thos. Durr.
Mr, W02. Thirsk bas disposed of his
faun to Mr. Edward Bcye, for a band -
some figure.—Miss Margaret Douglas
left last week for Duluth, where she
has secured a situation as stenographer.
We are sorry to lose her as she was one
of our esteemed young ladiet—On
Wednesday Mr. Geo. Edighoffer and
Miss Laura Holtz were united in mar-
riage by Rev. Mr. 'McDonald, of Varna.
We wish them a very happy and pros
porous journey down the stream of life.
—On Wednesday, Mr. David J McClin-
ehey, of Stanley, aid Miss Amelia Wag
ner, of Hay, were united in marriage
by Rey. Mr. Acheon, of Kippen.
Finite—On Monday night last the
residence of Mr, Patrick Quigley, of
the 5th concession was totally destroy-
ed by fire. The origin of the fire is a
mystery but the cause may be disclos
ed at the inquest. r '
Keunedy had Mr. Galligar and Patrick
Towley were up before a London J,?.
on Monday of last week on a charge of
assault said to have taken place at the
I3idduph nomination meeting They
acknowledged their guilt aud were let
off by payieg a fine of $1 and costs,
amounting in ail to $20
Mr. Geo. Bur, of Kincardine is visit
in,g friends hem, the guest of Mr. Rich,
Raycraft—Mr. and'Mrs, G. Cahtro have
returned to their home in Providence,
Rhode.Islaud John Holleran has
gone to Brantford again.—Mrs. John
Carrigan is eeriouely ill of malaria.—
Mr. John Park, harness maker, of Lu-
ca!), has given up business. which here
after will be conducted by Mr. Stewart,
of Granton. We wish the new propra
etor every succes.
At Brantford, VVeliain Steves, a lad
of eighteen years, pleaded guilty to ut
tering one dollar notes raised to ten
dollar?, and was sent to Kingston Penitentvir
f • Li-zz
t owing ivt re present:- Reeve, P. t4.7100, is visPinc- ber slater, Mrs. W. B.
sPraitied aenle which pre- she Intends spetaling several weees
last week here, the gueets of their sa-
m. esgned the necessary papers'mg laet a large delegetiou from St. ter, Mrs Robert Fulton --A A Goetz
took their respective maes, Clerk, Paul's Church waited on Mies el -Small- an eon, Joint, left on 3Ionthe forSanil
ecornhe at her resideuce teed presented wich where 'ha latter ie attenditig.
her with e. very had'inme sliver tea sehool.—rs Lvoust of Torouto
easurer and Aesessor aame as last
year. IL Doyle aeni J, Brokeushira
wuditore, teeming ortters wero citgintton her long and speudiutg a few wees- with friends and
granted, le se t wet-nee/Abe. mope feltbful set vicee as a Sulidav Maid relativee in towu and viluity,--Juo.
award, Ste; S. Stanlake, lumber. $5 40; teacher and ehurcle worker Mr. Clegg, Pope, of Dashwood, was in town on
T, 0, Clar, rep. culvert, $1.50; IV, stative agent. Kippen. 1128410 a short Monclay.— Miss May Biggert, of Clititore
Fritz., repairing, ecrapr, $1,45; P. Allen address amt.its. elutt Petty made the who spent the past week with Bengali
ditching in part, $;11. Hmilton, Wm- presentatioo. Miss Smaliecomee, who friends, hes retureed home. --Mr, Bides,
her,$,19,60; 0. Brawn, bob for Tres. wa5 taken teenpletely by eurriee, MaCle the head moulder et Belldi foundry,'
nrer, 3 t D. Robinson bridge 8 S. R a itt0114 TePly. ' • f Is
1.1.1;NAWir,.— On Sunday morning as CAW 107, to his haring cut a corn too
weed, of Lucite, were driving into towu fie went to his home in London last
corder arei rpset the oteupants into the!plae hes mean his pwe.ote Bee
ditch Beaire the horse was captured kett speedng. a few days with friends
It ran to •elthin a mile of Zurich, h; Luc:tn.—Mrs Dauglas, of liamilton.,
The two genieTien escateel with Might ;and Miss Gine:Tie, of Cranially visited
bruises on the face. No damage waS ' Mrs, W. B. 3IeLean an '.--Wm.
done to the cutter or harness.—Anoth Leavy is confined to the lintiee by 111.
neSS.—M1S G. Morrieme of Lndon, ie
visiting. ilut eilsees Shirrey.—Miss Role
intim of London, is visiting her sister,
Mrs. H. Arnold.—Abe Arnold, of Wind
son is home visning. hie prente—Mr.
Chas Meyers of London, was in town
on Tuesday, —Mr. James Cox worth is
neorning v. hen it was learned that two spending a few days with her son.
of our boys had taken French. lenve " Arthur, near Crediton.Robt. Bullard
during the night and were no where has been appointed OMC( of Police for
to be found, but by good use of the tel. the ensuing yer. 11 J. D, Cooke,
egraph wino and telephone they were Clerk of the village; J. C. Stoneman,
traced as far as latca.n where they bad Collector; Jae. Ellis, Treasurer; Robert
hoarded a train. The Youths, who Bouthroe. Asseseor.
175; 4-1- Dirk, gravel, Verdi; Young
and othee, ratted dog. tax, $3:J Peitz
ef*nd tax, sea?. Commit to meet
Prat Monday afternoou In Mareh,
c. Pcierr.
Thames Read,
irs. Robb, of Pingtown, is vialting.
her sste, Mr. Wm. 3fouteith.Mr.
red anis, of Fullerton Corners, was er runaway occurred on Monday after
vitliting WO brother, Charles, ORSUndv neon whet) Deem mews toam made
and 3londay latit.—Mr. Wm, Monteith a spirited dattli through our village but
and wife spent Mouday in Plugtown.— were captured before awe- damage MS
Mr. James Monteith had a bee last done
Tuesday mortu»g drawing brick for a Lurr Town. --Our town was thrown
kitchen, which he inteode erectieg into an excited coudition 011 31onday
the spring—Mr. Thos Duncan left for
Stratford on Monday lst, 'where he In-
tends to reeume his studiete—Tho W.
F. M. Society will hold their annual
'meeting at the rause on Friday night.
—The prayer meeting held at Mr. An-
drew Gibo's last Thursday evening
was well atteutied, the subject being,
Truth." Tim next meeting will he
held at Mr James aleCulloueb's on
Thursday evening net. —The 2100'
Presbyterian hytun book was introdue
ed In the Presbyterian Church, on Sab
bath Iast and are expected to be intro-
duced into the Sabbath school and
Christian Endeavor an the coming
Ms forced to stop fai borne we*
essr,9, wre. itawkshave and Chas Eli- whieh caused Motel pieced- er to set trt.
their horse took freight at the post officel week. Mr. Mantwidge, of the
Mr. John Geiser is visiting friends in
Buffalo, N. Y.—Mr. Hill, who ham been
yisiting his daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) Rivers,
returned to his tame in Brussels last
Friday.—Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Yearly
bave returned home from .Albany, N.
Y.—Miss Sophia Brown, who has been
visiting her parents, Mr and Mrs. Gott -
lent Brown, left for Detroit on Friday.
Metier. Aaron Brown and Freeman
Heist, of Blenheim, were in the village
Saturday and Sunday visiting their
parenta—Mrs. Gottleib Brown is visit-
ing her brother, Mr. Stahl in Stratford.
—Miss Zinn, who has been visiting Mr
and Mrs. Charles Treitz, returned to
Walkerton Monday.—Mr. Northcott and
bride, of North Dakota, are the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hirtzle.—A
number of our citizens attended the
dedication of the Boston Church on
Sunday.—Messrs. White and Sanders,
editors of The Exeter Times and AD-
VOCATB, respectively, were in the yil.
were about Sixteen and eighteen yeara
of age, were eaptured at London cm
Monday anal arrived horae the same
night, nut haviug stem as meat of the
country as they desired. There is no
appropriate eause why either of the
hoe -it should leave home.
STATION NOTES,—Mr. John Sh epperd,
efTuckersmith, shipped three car loads
of cattle to the Old Country an Monday.
They were accompanied by John Shep
perd. Jr. and Daniel McColl, Sr.—Go,
AlcEsven shipped a car load of salt on
Monday.—J. C. eleDonell received a
car load of coal on Saturday.—H. Cook,
of the Henson Flour Mill shipped four
ear loads of flour and one of bran last
week.—Geo, 1/1cEwen received a car
load of stages from Steinhoff & Gordon,
of Wanaceburg, Saturdaye—R, Bell,
Jr, of the Hensel' Foundry, made a
shipment of sew -mill machinery to Brit-
ish Columbia last Week.—White and
Willis made a shipment of hogs on
WEDDE02.—A very happy event oc-
curred at the residence of Mrs, Senile
cOmbe, on Monday evening. We here
refer to the marriage of her eldest
daughter, Miss Martha, to Mr. Wm. Mc-
Kay, the 'efficient principal of our pub-
lic school.- The ceremony was perforin -
ed by Rev. C. L. Mills, of St. Paula'
church, in the presence of the relatives
of the contracting parties. The brides-
maid was Miss Ada R. Smallaeombe
'age Monday. --A large number of our sister of the bride, the groom being sup-
ported by his brother, n, Alex. McKay.
citizens attended the annual meeting
of the Hay Township Farmers' Mutual medical student. The bride who is
Pire insurance Co. in Zurich on Tues very popular in our village, was made
day.—It is reported that wedding 'bells the recipient of very many handsome
will be heard in the near future. We presents, among which was a beautiful
give you our congratulations John.— silver tea service presented by the
A grand entertainmeut under the aus members of St; Paul's church, in recog2
pieces Of the I. 0 F. will be held in the nition of the willing and faithful ser
TOwn Hall, on Friday, January 21st, vice she had for many years rendered
A pleasant time is axpected Dr Rol the church in all its departments of
tins will give a lecture on his "Travels work.
in Europe" CARNIVAL.—The first carnival of the
(-Prom another source)) season was held in the Hensalt skating
rink, on Thursday evening last. There
Quite a number from our burg spent was a very large attendance and every
a pleasant time in Sharon on Wed nes
day evenin-. —Mrs. David Jones, who thing passed off nicely. Several were
has been visiting under the parental present from neighboring towns, viz
Zurich, Clinton 13rucefield Eeter, Sea.
roof, returned to her home in Medea,
Miele, last week.—The brickmakers
here report this the best' year in their
history for the sale of brick, as most of
them are gold out.—Large quataities
of wood pass through our viilage every
day.—Mr. Wes Kerr spent Sunday at
Grand Bend with frieuds.—Mark Mitch
ell and sister, Ida, of Eeter spent Sua
day here.—Miss Dina Wood, of London
after a week's visit with friends in Ex
eter, has again returned to Creditn.
—Miss Carrie Feist, who had the
misfortune to step on a nail a few days
Lavina l3rown ; assistant organist, MISS the funeral 3f Mrs. John Gillespie, at
LI/71e Wuerth, Exeter on Sunday, —Mr. C. S. Hawke
forth and Lucan. The costumes were
numerous and suitable for the various
characters. The prizes were given as
follows:—Lady's Best Character COS
t111)30, Miss Effie Chapman, (Canada);
Gent's Best Character Costumit, John
Brown, (Cowboy); Gent's Cotnie Cos
tume Jas. Johnston, (Hard Times);
Boy's Comic Costume, Prank Peart,
(Negro Waif). The two mile race to
be won three times in succession, Geo,
O'Neil, Exeter; Boy's race, 1 naile, Geo.
Stephenson, Clinton; barrel race, Geo
is able to be around again.—Mr. Stephenson; Clinton. The judges were
r Lamont, of Zurich, was in town Prod 31cDonell, G. F. Arnold, Hensel],
rsday buying cattle. He intends A. Bell, Luean.
g to Klondike in the sewing —At a MOE& —Mr. Kenneth IVIacarthur, of
ting of the German Evangelical Ailsa, Craig is at present aseisting 10
r on Thursday evening the follow- the bank, owing to the absence of his
officers were elected: President, tbhre°tIhselar'njdoohfn 13' ewrhmoudl left
a cbastc o m pwaencikie d for
Samuel Brown; Secretary and
surer, Mr. 3, H. Holtman; Leader his wife where they will remain until
the month of May.—Mrs. Wm, Samna
odfrey Oestrichgr; Organist, en
combe and daughter, Ada, attended
Miss Cnallotio D....tetugIs heine from
Brucefield spending, a few days with
her parents —Js. Dearing and his sis-
ter Rose, attended the opening of the
Boston Methodist Church on Sunday
Pa no Wnaniene..A. rnost pleasent
event was eelebrated at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Stanlako, Sodom,
on Wednesday, December 29th, it being
their Pearl wedding, having been mar-
ried thirty years. This event had been
looked forward to for several weeks.
Over forty relatives and friends were iu
atteudanee to do honor to the worthy
couple, and a most B Wag and pleasent
time was spent. The presents were
appropriate and numerous showing the
esteem in which they are held by their
many friends.
ei:tuner( Onnetina —The Boston
Methodist Church which has been bunt
at a cost of $3,675, was formally open-
ed for divine service last Sunday morn-
ing RevS. Bond, President of the, Lon.
don Conference, preached at 10:30 am],
from Psalni 87, verses 5, 6, 7. The
sermon was rich in thought and full of
Eloly Ghost Power. Be. 13. W. leoene,
of Parkhill, preached a clever, logical
and thoughtful sermon In the afternoon
from Revelations lst chapter, 7th vere.
.At the same hour, Rev, S. Bond preach
ed in the basement to an overflow con.
gregation, the church being filled from
bottom to top. The collections and
Mr. James Polloek, of Indian Hed,
ceompanied by his brother, Johu,
heed from the west a few days ago to
spend part of the winter vetth their par -
ems and friends in the; section, Ile re-
ports crops being vey profitable in
their locality during the past season.—
r. E. Love hs been allnerleg for a
day or two lately with an ulceration in
the ear.—Mss Della Sherritt is spend-
ing her vacation with friends in the -vi-
o? Etlyth —31QE,Sre. Stephen and
Rich. Webb have returned home front
their trip to Mich. to %Nit their friend;
aell aro well pleased with their jour-
ney. ---Mr. U.Relights thrablied 75 bush-
els of red clover' seed far J. Love last
week, the yield from thirteen aortae ef
land—Mr. John Allistr, Jr., is home
from Michigan vieiting bis parettits
Mr. George Sherritt has heel two men
busily eogaged deflecting elm logs to
Mr. Hamilto, at Grand Bend, while
the sleighiug lasted —everal of the
fateters around have teken advantage
of the sleighing au ci have not their
stock of gravel bofor their eta tute
labor next summer.—Mr. Joseph Sher -
row has spent some time past visiting
bis relatives in Michigan.
WEDDED.—On Thrdae- of last week
at the residence of the bride' e parents,
Mr. and .111re. Hugh Love, at 8 oclok,
in the aftrnoon, the marriage cere-
mony , the1» third eldeet ettegteer
Mary, to Mr. Tim. Turnbull, of Brew -
sten was performed by the Rev. Mr
Carrierie. Tbe ceremony was witness
ed by a number of relatives and frieeds
of the contracting parties nuti before
they had the nupital knot securely tied
and the inner man thoroughly satisfied
with the good things provided, the
guests began to arrive far the (mule g's
entertainment, and toi eac fundshed
by Mr. W Love, of Hil.egreen, and oth-
ers, the group assembled did ainplejus
tice in tipping the light fantastic toe
for several hours, when all dispersed
seemingly well pleased vritb the time
Spent and wishing the young couple it.
happy and prosperous journey through
life. The presents received by the
bade were costly and well chosen show -
ng the esteem in which the young
coulee are beld by their associates and *"
he company assembled.
Our Clubbing Bates,
The ArtvoCATE and
Weekly Mail Empire
" Farm and Fireside
Fanners' Sun
Free Press
Witness, Montreal
Daily News, Toronto
" Star
World "
111 0181P 011311 STORE, CHEMT0)1.
We take the opportunity of thanking our many
Customers and friends for the liberal patronage re-
ceived during the past year, and hope by fair deal-
ing and low prices to receive a continuance of the
same during 1898. -
...tiosi;„„FOR THE NEXT 30 DAYS
We begin to take stock on February ist, and
in order to reduce the, sam.e as much as possible
will offer • .
Call and examine and be convinced that we mean
Ohm. Zwi.elrer, Crediton.
. .&...'=.4.,-2L-, .......1
,::',.,..&::..0., ..,...,...:3,',.,..,Ikt,t,&
'ateeeeL te,
' A