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el dere Wanted.
The undersigned would be pleased
*take a member of boarders.—Ladies
or Gentlemen. First elass eccommoda
teon. Terme reasonable. Apply at the
ErMee, opposite Com.merieal hotel.
H. BueweetonAat
The Lenten. Sun was 11044y4ng res:
Renew you subscription to the An
Send the Advocate to your friends,
One dollar a year.
For cheap readug, read our club
"erne: rates in this issue.
Sam Pikee hes taken •poeseesioe e
tl e Waver y betel, Clintou.
Thos. Willnuts has taken possession
of Bir, T. 1leeand'e faxen north of the
We acknowledge e the receipt of a
eple laid diary ealeedar from the Can
oda Paper Co., Toronto.
A. large number from here attended
a, sac ti Beth r , • at the residence of
jee.SteraeseCteemerty, Freday izigbt
Mr. Thomas Ward, of Varna, r cent
ehreslied over emir hovered bushels
4 see ct twenty
e8elo +er d: the pra?alu 4t
acres uif land.
RQlidats tziav ea to -ti the G, T. R. was
nearly twenty-five per vent, gee:ator
'than last year :ath the tr:lins *vett
Alter than usual.
The Firemen's,concert tomorrow,
tFriday) night promises to eclipse any
•aver held beret:40r'=. Title will be the
Writ of the season.
Try Winen's cough balsam for
ttangle% cattle and broecbiat trot:;bies.
Sole ageet for Diens Lung Syrup.
0- LUTz, Pruggtst
Win. Fraser has .felled the office of
elf eletlielvray for thirty-two'
.and Mr. P. Wyllie bas been the
clerk of Feast Williams for
e auction sale; of the hottseheld of -
tee of Me. i D Milkman takes
leis reeideonce, Huron Street, to
tlEsdaye, at 1_66. o eleek. E 'ery-
tito to be Gout ie um awe shoal coni
mated geed prices. •
Our thauks are date As. Wan. Dear.
tog, ere of Stephen, for a bawl of geed
ertiatMrs. ri
kbeing. Devonshire knows how to make
this p alatahi.t delicacy and its excel
fence can be better imagined than des.
A. new water tank has been erected
by the 0. T. Pe to take the place of the
eld one which has done good service
ever since the road was put through
here. It is rnueh larger than the old
one and is plated several roils nearer
the depot.
!l, horse driven by Joshua Morgan,
Exeter North, whiles turning the car-
rier at ,James Street, upset the rig and
driver and ran away on Friday last.
tee e driver escaped with a few slight
�iruises, white the horse and rim
. ti esc;tp
ed injury.
Special services are being held in
the James 5 rent Methedfst Church here
every night this week and are being
conducted by the Rev. Gerald Wil.
eoughby, of Sarnia. The services will
also be continual next week and will
be conducted by the Rev. Hobbs of
Mein Street Methodist Churcb will
hold itselissionary anniversary next
Sunday. Rev- Wm, Godwin, an able
preacher from Goderich will preach
morning and evening. Liberal collec
tions will be one of .the results. Rev.
Cbarles Smith will render similar ser-
vice in Goderich.
Rev W. M. Martin, of Cavan Presby-
terian Cherch erfeepreach
terianCherch,'eriirpreach on the late
Ldfidon desaster on Sunday morning
next and in the evening,thefourth of the
aeries of sermons on the family subject,
' Parents " A. deep interest is being
taken in those sermons by both old and
young as is shown by the crowd at -
'tending the evening services.
A Bruceleld correspondent says:—
We are informed that Mr. W. Woods
recently purch'tsed from Mr. Bawden,
of Exeter, that desireable farm property,
extending from the Sauble to the
Brownson line, consisting of 136 acres
This is the farm bought by Mr Bawden
two years ago from Mrs. Hewson. The
price is in the neighborhood of $3,000,
A great eclipse of the sun will occur
en the morning of Jan. 22nd, It will
not be visible in Canada, but that will
make little difference to science, for
now astronomers go to the eclipse in-
stead of waiting for it to come to them
.`intheir own country. The best views
eEffie pee fineeeaamare. to be had in
India, and thither seienticbts of many
nations will journey. and wait for it.
It is to be hoped the sun willgive them
a. good show.
The first carnival of the se'sort- held
in the Exeter skating rink took place'
New Year's night and was largely at-
tended. The Exeter sand was in at-
tendance and dispersed fine music to
the merry revellers. The principal
event of the evening was the two mile
race. Prizes were awarded as follows,
viz: -Comic Costume, lst Lorne Cann;
Fancy Dress, let; W. A, Westcott;, two-
wo-mile' race, 1st, Fred Hawksbaw, 2nd,
Allen Myers,
The residence of Mrs. W. H. 'Verity,
Brantford, a former resident of Exeter,
was the scene of a very pretty wedding
on Christmas day.- Miss Milicent Eve
lye: Verity, daughter of the late, W. H.
Verity and Prof. W. A. Brown, of Alma
College, SC.' Thomas were the contract
ing parties. Rev. Geo. Brown, father
of the groom, assisted by Rey. '13,.'J.
Treleaven, performed the ceremony,
Mies Gertrude Verity, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, and Lucille
Verity, daughter of Mr, It 11. Verity,
was maid of honor. Mr, J. Lovell Mur,
ray, of, Knox College, Toronto, acted as
Ilea -man,
Public schools re opened Moaiday.
Sale, bills printed while you wait at
the ADVOCATE office,
A little son of Henry kink, Exeter
North, was accidentally run over by a
bobsleigh on Monday last and had his
I broken between the ankle and knee
leeward Luetou, who, was killed in
the City hail aecideut, at London, on
Monday night last, was formerly of
Exeter and a son of the late Richard
Lux toe.
Mr. A For& Huron street, this week
parcbased from, Mr, John Ilawl sbaw
his 23 acres of /and situated in the vil-
lege, par. ing tit 3refor $1.700; M.
Ilawkshaw taking in part pay two
acres :of tared owned, by air. Ford ad
ailing elle sante property at S3i10,
The Methodists of Eden, Centralia
circuit, will hold their S. S. anniver
nary next Sundae and Monday . On
Sunday se�rtnons will be preached at
2.34 and 7 p- m. be Rev. J. C Yeiland
and on Monday the ladies will give
their popular tea in the new school from
6 to 8 p. m. Addresses will be given
by Revs 0. Jewett and Coulter and a
program by the eeheot- . The Centralia
choir will :assist wide the music. Ad-
mission Mhc„ children 1fre.
In our business .columns we me-
D 4 h°eold
tit , change a in
c atha
l:no�rvti firm o£ Ila etre, Intent ; E6liou.
Mr. F. W. Madman, tate of Ikterboro'
l bay ing become a partner, To future
the firm wilt he Remo as Elliott
Gladutan. We welcome Mr. (Madmen
to our business circle, wish him every
prosperity .and trust he will tied Exeter
all he expected it to be.
;tl(atsonte enetaitteatten
At the lest regular meeting of Lob.
anon Forest Lodge, No 193, A. F. & A
11, held Monday night the following
ofiieers were instated for the current
year, viz:. --W M. W. H. Lovett; I- P.
S., Jos. Davis; S. W„ J. A. Stewart; J.
W., Wm. Sweet; Chap., Geo. Walrond;
Tress, B. S O'NeiR; teee'v, ft. i aerett;
S. D. Peter Gowan; J. le, Jos- Davis;
G, J. J. Knight; Tyler, W. Brooks.
Alaoae>` People.
The liquor license report which is
now about to be published, shows that
the people of the Province cif Ontario
are the most sober people on the face
c,f the Beirut. The number of licenses
Ilan slightly decrease i during tea year.
:tied Brim ing has fallen off consider
ably. 01 the 81te munielpolities In the
Province 1; 7, or «2 per cent, have no
license; 261 have ono license only. and
OS have not more than two. There
aro 673 municipalities which hare no
Atop licenses,
Death ortlisstiara :11eNatighten.
The unexpected death of Miss Mary
eleNaughton which, took place on
'Ihursdav last was a 4urprise to her
many friends. The deceased, who was
37 years of ago, had peen suffering
from a severe attack of rheumatism but
her condition was not considered dare
gerous until a few days previous totter
death. Miss MeNaughton had been a
resident of Exeter for several years,
was propitious and Industrious and her
many friends will be pained to hear of
her demise. Her romaius were taken
to Denfield by train Friday and there
Death of3rrs, .draper.
It will be sad news to many to learn
of the death of Mrs. James Draper,
formerly Miss Sadie Vale and laugh-
ter of the late John Vale, which sad
event took place in Detroit, Mich., on
Sunday, December 26th. The circum.
stances surrounding her death are ex.
tremely sad. She had given birth to
a son and had only been sick a week.
She was 39 years of age and leaves to
mourn her demise besides the sorrow -
lug husband a five year-old daughter
and the little babe. Her remains were
interred in that city On Wednesday of
last week.
The Jarvis and. Alexander Concert;.
The Committee arranging for the
grand concert in Gidley's call, on the
17th Jan , not satisfied with securing
the two most popular artists of this
country, in the persons of Miss Jessie
Alexander and Mr. Harold Jarvis, they
have engaged, at additional expense.
Mr. W. H. Hewlett, a 'celebrated pianist,
who will accompany Mr. Jarvis, and
will also render several piano solos
Mr. Hewlett is at` present organist and
choir leader of Dundas street Methodist
Church, London. Plan at Mr. Brode-
rick's store. Don't, now .don't miss
what promises to be the best coacert
ever given in Exeter.
. Narrow Escape.
An accident which might have been
attended with fatal results' happened
on Ann Street last Friday afternoon.
It seems Eddie Piper was splitting
wood at Mr. John Moore's residence and
on Mr, Moore's little son, Charlie, com-
ing too close to him he, was struck on
the head with the axe, inflicting a
severe gash about four inches long,
The little fellow was immediately re-
moved to. the house and medical aid
summoned when several stitches were
required to close the wound. The axe
had been newly ground and was very
sharp and it was indeed a wonder he
was not instantly killed.
Dnn erord-tl, cSenzie,
The residence of Mr. Wm. McKenzie,
Parkhill, was the scene of one of those
interesting events which is always
hailed with joy, on December 29th, the
occasion being the manage of his eld-
est daughter, Miss Georgina, to Mr.
Fred. W. Dunsford, of Cleveland, Ohio,
formerly of Stephen. The ceremony
was performed by the Rev, R. Aylward
of Parkhill,at three o'clock in the af-
ternoon in the presence of a large num.
ber of friends and relatives. The bride
was assisted by her sister while Mr.
John Sanders performed eimilar duties
for the groom. The presents. went
numerous,' useful i and costly; The
happy couple left the same evening on
their honeymoon trip to Toronto,
Their matey friends wish them a pros-
peroue journey through life.—Coit.
If you want printed or,blank calling
cards, call at the Anvoo4Tas Office.
1 (' ( paid in advance will get l
the Ar mmea to Jett.
14, 1899.
Death etTI►,os. Dew- ,
After a long and tedious illness &
Thomas Daw, Huron street, passed to
his long home on Sunday evening
about nine o'clock. The deceased had
been a long sufferer from lung trouble
and although ae times he was. apparent.
Iy better with every sign .of regaining
his former, robust health, but Provi-
dence willed it otherwise and the rev-
a.aes of the disease played its, deadly
part until he was relieved of Ms suf.
'lenge He WAS once married but his'
wife prodeeeased hire several „rears
ago. Ws age was 36 years and five
months, His remains were interred in
the Exeter cemetery on Tuesday. The
- sincerest sympathy will be extended
to his mother and sorrowing friends.
T.14. Varnng Iietetl Reeve for J$9$.
The municipal contest for Reeve
here on elonday between T. 13 Carling
and A. Q. Bobber caused considerable
excitement, the sifts two eaudtdates
i having run at the last election for the
sante position, Bobter winning by a
majority of 3. This year the tide turn-
ed. Mr. Carling being elected by a ala
jority of 23. The two candidates and
their friends worked sedulously all day,
and a large vote was wiled. belt;
elan' more than last year. Following
is the result, via t. -
1 2 3 4
Carling, 72 52 47 66 en
Bolder,. 36 42 ea 74
T obier
Maj. for Carling 23
33 53 81 ?6-223
75 41. 65 69 2.23
Maj. for Bolder
The merry chimes of the Trivitt Me
worlel Church rang out their glad-
some peel on Wednesday afternoon of
this week, as if to say that Cupid had
scored another victory. It was no false
alarm as there was enacted in the
home of Mr, John Evans, 1i'iliiatn street,
a scene whereby Exeter loser another
of her fair daughters. We refer to the
marriage of Mr. Robt. Bares, V. S., of
Laudon, to Miss Elia, only daughter of
Mr. John Evans, The ceremony was
performed by the Rev. Dr. Willoughby,
of the James Street Methodist Church
in the prese';t .e of a few relatives and'.
friends. of the contracting puttee. The
presents to the bride were numerous,
very handsome and valuable and gave
evidenen of the esteem its which she
was held. The ceremony over and the
usual congratulations extended, all sat
down to a dainty wedding dinner, af•'
ter whish the happy temple were driven
to the depot at d there took The train
for their tuturo home in London. The
Al;ivt:t;a\rn joins with their many
friends in wishing them a. pleasant
journey through life's battles.
On Thursday of last week there tad:.
place at the residence of the bridit'a
mother, Mrs. M. A. Fanson,William St ,
one of the prettiest weddings Exeter
has seen for sone time, when upwards
of ono hundred guests witnessed the
marriage of Miss Elia May Fanson, to
Dr. J. W. Harrison, of Detroit. A. large
pleasure van conveyed several resident
guests to the scene of the wedding, and
up to .12 o'eltick cutters and sleighs
might have been seen coming from all
directioiis. The sitting room was ;tast-
ily decorated, and in one corner was
built an arch of evergreen and palms.
While the "Wedding March" was being
played by Miss Levitt on the violin,
with piano and guitar accompaniments
byMiss Pearl Levitt and Mr. Wilbert
Lambrooke, the bride came forward
leaning on the arm of her brother,
Norman, who conducted her to the
arch, nader which. at high noon, with
room darkened and lights burning, the
Rev. Dr.,Willoughby tied the nuptial
knot and made the happy couple man
and wife. The bride was handsomely
attiredin faney broche courbevoie,
ttimmed with cream silk lace and rib-
bon and carrieda pretty bouquet of
white carnations and maidenhair fern.
Little Miss Loretta May Lambrooke,
of Chatham, cousin of the bride, wag
maid of honor, and was dressed in white.
organde. The ceremony and usual
congratulations being over, the guests
sat down to the wedding dinner, at
which all did justice to the bounteous
spread of delicacies provided. A few
very enjoyable hours were afterwards
spent when several toasts were proposed
and responded to, the same being in-
terspersed with vocal selections by the
Misses Levitt and Mr. Wilbert Lam-
brooke, Tb'e Rev. Dr. Willoughby
filled the chair of toastmaster very sat-
isfactorily, and with a few well-chosen.
complimentary remarks in reference to
the bride and bridegroom's many good
qualities, proposed the toast to the
bride, which was heartily received ant'
responded to by the groom: The next
toast was to "Our hostess and parents
of the groom," and was responded to by
Mr. John Downing, of Hamilton. The
toast to " The guests " was well receiv-
ed and responded to by Mr. J. G. Jones,
of Winchelsea. The last toast proposed
by the toastmaster was to " The friends
of the bride and groom," Mr. Roger SI
Crocker,ofToronto,responding. Friends
and relatives of the contracting pantie%
were present from Detroit, Toronto,
lfamilton, Chatham and other places.
The bride was the recipient of many
valuable and useful presents, includ-
ing a haudsome silver tea set (seven
pieces, silver cake baskets, fruit dishes,'
sugar bowl, pickle dish, cruet, biscuit
jar, cheese dish, clock,,knives, forke,
spoons, etc,. An elegant gold watch
from the groom, and a 850 cheque from
the bride's mother were; among the lopg
list of presents. The newly married
couple Taft on the evening train for
Detroit 'mid showers of rice and well
wishes for their future prosperity,—
Card, or meanies,
The undersigned 'wishes to ex pees
her sincere thanks to the many friends
who so kindly and willingly leoa
helping hand during the long illness
of her eon and to whom she will ever
feel grateful.
Mas. WAL? Farr Wsswco'rn
Pere meal IntentionMesssrs. Grey Pros, wore in town
R. H. Collins was he Goderieb on bus -
mess Tuesday.
John Leathern, of Loadon, was in
town Weduesday
Miss Dina Wood, of London, is visit-
ing friends in town.
Mr. War Grigg, of London, is yiSit-
ing his parents here.
R. N. Creech spent a few slays in
Clinton during the 'week,
J. Mr. Jerr ood, of London, spent Sun- {,
day with friends in town,
:Hiss Rose Stephens, of London is
vi-iting her mother here.
Leslie, son of Samuel Preszcatiou, is J
recovering from his illness,
Melville Martin, left Tueseny more -
lag for Toroute l iii,. rsity,
Miss May Biggard, of Clinton, is that
guest of the Misses Eacreat.
Frank Steell of Ingersoll, is spending
a few days with his parents here.
Mr. Wm Copp, of eitafnrth, visited in
towu as few days dueler, last Week.
Miss Carrie Reid, who was eisitiug
in Tale, Mich., returned lest week.
The Mtssess R and L. Facrett spent
Sunday i'istting friends in Cltuton.
Mr. John Crooks, of London, spout
a few days visiting friends in towp.
G. G. Johnston, merchant, spent New
Years with relatives in Palmerston.
Miss Nellie 13lacltburu. of Woodstock.,
is the guest of Miss lamina Pothole.
Miss Vera llawkshan', who was visit.
ine, in Seattle!), returned home Monday.
Miss Ettrith Myers, of London, i>
spending,a few weeks at her homy
Mr. Wm efel ay and two children, of"
Honsall, spent Sunday with frieuds in
Mr. Will Iiniloway, of Toronto, a+pent
a few days in town this week with
Mr. Bleb. Vale, of North Dakota, ls'
visiting his brattier, Mr. John Vale,
Exeter North.
Roger C tnelter, after asperading a few
(Jaya pithhis perones, returned to To -
rotate Ttiei day.
P. .s, Dtnau left Monday for Strat-
ford where he will resume his duties as
hernese maker.
A Janet, of the liaisons Rank, Lon.
don, spent Saturday and Sunday with
friends itt towu.
Miss Matne Sanders, who has been in
Toronto for some time, returned home
Friday oventag,
Joseph Irolmes, son of Rev. Mr,
Holmes, Mitchell, took charge of Sharon
school tut Monday.
Mr:, Theo. Sweet, of St. Cathariues, is
spending a few days with friends and
relatives itt tont.
Mrs Jos. Bawden, of Loudon, is
spending a few days with Mr. Baw-
den's parents here.
Mrs, S. White, of Detroit, Mich., is
spending a few days with her father,
Mr, John.Hawkshaw,
Miss Edith Sanders returned home
from Blyth after completing the mil-
linery aetfison there.
Mases nnie Copeland and Annie
Array, of Woodham, visited at Mr. S.
Powell's on Saturday.
Mr. John Mugg, who has been suffer
ing from a severe attack of rheuma-
tism, is dangerously ill.
Miss Annie Hare, of Strathroy, ►isit
ed friends in town during the week, the
guest of Miss Annie Brooks.
Prescott Ross left for Toronto Mon-
day morning to resume his studies at
the Trinity Medical College.
Miss Clara Elliott, of Wingham, is
visiting friends in town the guest of
her cousin, Miss Nettie Walters.
The Hon. Thos. Geen way after spend•
ing a few days with his sister, Mrs.
(Dr.) Rollins, left here Saturday.
Miss Smith, milliner for E. J. Speck -
man & Co., left for her home in Sea
forth Tuesday to spend the holidays.
Miss Lillian "Welsh, after complet-
ing the millinery season in Leaming-
ton, returned home Saturday evening.
Mr. Fred Terry, of Grafton, North
Dakota, is spending a couple of weeks
with his uncle, Mr. R. Terry, Staition St.
Fred Rollins, who has been spending
the Christmas holidays with his parents
here, left Friday evening for Cleveland,
Mr. and Mrs. Easterbrooke, who were
spending the Christmas holidays With
friends in and around Guelph, returned
home Saturday evening,
Mr. P. Johns, who was here during
the illness and death of his father, Mr.
D Johns, left Monday evening for Buf-
falo where he will visit for a short time
previous to leaving for his home in
Hampton, South Carolina.
Brussels: Thursday afternoon about
2 o'clock, Mrs. R. Leatherdale, who is
troubled with asthma, took a .drink of
Stramonium tea instead of enhaling it.
She came down town and about 4
o ?tock p. nt.; was nearly . overcome
with dizziness and was helped home by
her eldest daughter. 'Soon the symp-
toms of poison asserted themselves by
numbness, and delerium but under the
care of a physican the patient was
somewhat improved at 7:80 pm. when
this item was written and good hopes
are entertained for her recovery.
Stramoniuin, or thorn apple,,.possesses
powerful poisonous properties and ef-
fects the party taking it much the
same as belladoua.
Lades' For Coats,
Ladies' Cloth Coats
Ladies' Fur Rus,
Gents' Freie Ulsters,
Gents' Pea Jaokets,
Gents' Fur Coats,
Gents' Fur Caps,
EU) Q M 0, I fanoy 3lac , 33sou t,Pearlcud
Crown. Mose 4170 guaraztood -odds.
OPPOSU1I MUFFS that were '93,00 f0i".. , .. ..$1.50
CHILDREN'S S LAMlp T3OAS, white a.t. .... ...2 3 35, rOe.
SJ100181 aQg 1001 Dress 011s
Wo can sell you Jackets at prices to suit you.
. J S P A O K M A Ng & c o y Bam e1rs Black, Bide?
6 pieces fancy Blouse Velvets at half
regular price worth $1.00 for if U L
2 men's black Martin fur coatsregular 18
$25 goods, great wearers, for
A job lot of Feather Boas, good quality, will
be sold at regular cost prico.
8 only first-class Beaver Caps, at
The price for these was $8.00.
Fur Capes, Fur Caps! Fur Chant
lets Fur Ruffs FancyHandkerchief
Gloves, Hosiery,Scarfs. Everything
suitable for Christmas Presents.
All lines of Christmas fruits and Groceries.
Raisins, Currants, Peels, Extracts, Toilet baa oaps,
Figs, Dates, Etc., Etc.
Come to us for Christmas Supplies.
G. G. J0F1NST0:
Opposite Hawkshaw's Hotel, Exeter.