HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-8, Page 5THE x.'ter bit -.gat. Is published every Thursday 4iszniug, �, �•n ' "art e tSLt Vl -STRET, - EY TER, —By the— ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. one. Dollar pax annum if paid in Advance *1.50 if not se paid. 43.4-e: ext' :"fig Retail tzwa.E%Fa1t a< boil, No pa erdiscontluueduntilailarrearages ore pout. Advertisements without eyeei e directions s wi11 ba pubushed till forbad and charged aoooilinsld Liberal discount nntmade for transoientadvertisements inserted for long periods. Every deseription of JOB PRINTING turned oat in, the finest style, and at moderate rates. °heelaes,monoyord. loo adepavfor abee sinl,subseriptienseote.to Chas. IL Sanders, EDITOR ANA PROP I'roressroual Cards. II. KINSMAN, H L. D.C. e„ Pa. A. INS31Ab � , S P.D.R])l.. Ron or graduate vt"lore•:tc L'ntversty. pF� 7 1 r � IST;#, Teeth oxteaeted without any pain, or any bad effect .cltlice in Panama's Bleak, west aid Main Street, Exeter. DR.RI. AR,TON AN' honors Graduate of the Toronto t i- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons ot Ontario. Teeth extracted without painn. All me Dos of Ia -pastry rip to elate. (inee over Elliot & ECiet's Iaw oflie;:-opposite Central Rlotel-E•. •ter, :Medical Drs. r A. R1Lr.XN 1, T A. Amos. rtesMenees, sameformerly nPPICRS,'spael.man, building. Main St Dr, RAH:is' einem same as formerly -north door. Pr..A.ruos' olfico, saute building -south door. May lit. Olss 7, A Rollins. M. D. T. A, Amos. ,1f. D T'►tt.T.1'. 'MMrl.AV(Gl t4IN, MEAtl1RR, OF .L' the College; ofRzh Vi) ieiausand :+ur(uona Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aecouoh- eur, tlttice. t)a,hwoo,l. tat. Vogel. ii, COLLINS, • RISTEt.SOLIRIT- . OR;, Conveyancer, Notary Pablia• oe-.•-Over O';1ei1's /lank, li;xoter,Outarlo. nnsto Loan. Lu,11It?1 soxinA,TtursTFR .S014ICITO . • of Supremo Court, Notary 1'nlllie,Con- vevauaer, Commissioner, to. Money to bail Qflleo-Fansou'a 131ook,l,rcotcr LLTOT S (ILAPMA:r, BARRISTERS, Etc. Conveyancers. and Monet to Loan at 0 said 50i per cent. V. Y. B141, vex. P. W. fly. ,nstbN. ,--,.- Auctioneers t7 11ROWN,Wtuehoisaa. Licensed Anat-• 11.. loneez .tor the Counties of Perth and ididdlesex, also for the township ofttsboruo Baler r.rontptky attended toi nd terms yea-. soahsle Sales arranged at Poetofliee.Win- ohalsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent. ]main St. Baster ..._ WANTED, 'TELL). Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce a new discovery and hoop our show eardsteeked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, pppo app 1 in any and lt hentstarte int For par- ticulars write" rho World Medical Electric CO.," Landon, Ont, Canada, 2.293 TAILORING CHEAP til AND S NOBBY. r et The Iiang-dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" baud. me -down" suit of clothes is e enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, 4S NO STYLE, NO GOOD.. Sit . c A tailor.made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR--mmiri- Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. t Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. t ... watts 01111TTHEE 8UTOIEEt SHOP for Beef Lamb, Pork, Corned it l I s f ' Beef, Sausage Bologna... Fish, Poultry and Game in Season.. Highest cash price e paid. for hides Sheep and Lamb Skins and Tallow. FRESH FISH THIS WEEK. One RAL HOTEL, of DAY, Prop pENTRALHOTEL, , ' '' c !WADE MEa•AMAN s • AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE AXL" Nervous Dleeawoa-Tailing Mem• ory,Imotency, Sleeplessness, etc. caused. by Abuse or other Excesses and Indis- cretions The! - quickly and sure' restore Lost Vitality in old or-oung. and fit a marc for study, business. or marriage: Prevent Insanity and Consumption if en in time. Their .heir . u. a shows immediate pp itoimr went and effoats a CURE where s11 other fail In- sist upon having; the genuine Max Tablets. Thor , have cured thousands and will' cure you. We iveapos- itive written guarantee to effect a cure rjri aim Te in oath case or refund the money. Price WV tl1 ,,per or six package; ko ti p s Sall treat G ( treatment) price. .Cir By Mail; iAa�]Aai�n�wtr�appoanr� apron receipt of pride. (7ircalar gm0' A REMEDY CDcarborni3r., CO.,b ehianga n}. sold. in Exeter by C. Lutz,'Druggist Wm Legatt, a coachman, was up- set out of a. carriage at Brantford and killed. EXETER MARKETS.. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel ...,,...,., $0 Si to 82 Barley 20 to: 25' Oats 20 to 22 BButter A3 to 144 gg 13 to. 14 Potatoes perbag 45 to Fel Onions ,...... Bed Clover Seed per bushol.......$i..00 to $4,6 Hay per ton tee to- 8.00 Dried Apples per ib 4 'turkeys 7 Ducks......,... Geese.....,, Chicken Wool per 11: 17 Healthy Baby When Born In Three Months Humor Spread Over His Forehead o l�:is Eyes and All Over His Hands h 1'tehing, Surriing Torture - How It Ended. When a child is cured of the itcirinv toL•t.:are and binning inflammation o' w.'•.'r t t Oar salt rheum, it is no wonder t114t lauds tail to express the joy of the grateful pereuts, and that the:- glaaly idi in .ts •truu4; tern's as pa} - a;iile the plain storysof suffering re- lieleil 0tltl health restored. Minn: te,tivaotnial$ relate the wonderful aue cel-; of IUood's Sarsaparilla 1parilla in such eases, even after all other prescription, anti medicines fail. :Here is cue. "0. T. Hood a Co., Lowell, "Dear Bira:T•Oar boy Flarvey wilt re- member the good JIood's Sarsaparilla did Minx as long as he live#. Fie wase health; baby when he was bora, but before he was tared mouths old a breaking opt ap- peared on both sides of his faee. Physi- cians did hips little good and said bet for his strong constitution he could net have lived through lain dreadful suffering. The humor spread over his forehead, into his oT'ce, and came out on his bands, It was indeed pitiful to wituese the poor child's auferin .e. It was very painful far him. to open or Shut his eyes, and we had to tie his little bands to prevent ]rim from acratching the itching, bursting skin. My =ether urged tut to try liood'a Sar- saparliht, We did eo, and a (short tiros after be began to take thea medicine we halt a chauge for the 'hotter. We con- tinued until we had given hien five bot- tles, and then the eczema ,had entirely disappeared, and bo has ever since been perfectly cured of this dreadful disease. 111s sufferings extended over two and a half years. People for miles around knew his dreadful condition and know that 1Tood's Sarsaparilla cured him. Be is now a bright, boy, perfectly healthy and bas tbo finest akin of any of ray five children." MRs. L. 1tir iusFist.n it, Collegeville, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all drug- sta. 11;six for15. Bo sure to get Rood's. Annual Convention OF TIIE UTTER and CHEESE ASSOCIATION OF "WESTERN OVTA1tMO. IrVill bo held in the Omuta lloasrc, LONDON, ONT., an, 19, 20 and 21, 1898 Round Trip Single Fares by all rail- ays. This is the Great Annual Reunion of airymen. Practical addresses by practical met- a every phase of successful Dairyiee. For Official Programme, address; F. MCLAREN', M. P., GEO. IIATEr i., Stratford. Brantford, PRESIDENT. ON Goderich: A very pretty weJdine was solemnized on Dee. 27th at th'• home of William Proudfoot, barrister. brother of the bride, the contracting I Isobel, youngest daughter of Roht. Proodfoot, Esq., and Wm. L. Sha 1 on, of Atlanta, Georgia. The cert mony was performed by the Rev. Mark Turnbull. Parkhill: A very • pleasant event ooh place on Wednesday Dec. 29th at he residence of Mr. and Mrs. Gray, l6tir con , West Williams, when their eldest daughter, Rattle was united in he bonds of holy matrimony to Mr. David Sells, of London township. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Mr. Hart. The bride was attired in a dress of cream brocade and silk and Coked charming. The bridesmaid was Miss dadie Gray, sister of the bride and the best man was Mr. Woodall, of ilworth, cousin of the groom. The maids of of honor were Miss H• a nd Mi s L' . Hill, cousins of the bride. The priw.seets were both many and valuable lowing the esteem in which the newly wedded couple were held by their rlends. ook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and lime of need. Is prepared in two degree^ of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases isfarbestdollar di by the. medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases-ro degrees stronger -sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxed, rive Dollars. No. r, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, • Winds, Oario. 7rr$old In Exeter and everywhere in Canada by all responsible Druggiate;. A. RCJSSIAN FIRED C BY A BRITISH MAN-OF-WAR IN 0111- NESE WATERS. Germany ordered by China to Evacuate Kino-Chou.-The i*rl tishA$tuirl). Starts for 7,long-bong-Cen4ntercia7 Relations netw.ep Rnasin and Corea, London, Jon, 3. -Vice -Admiral SirEd, ward Hobart Seyrnour, fs,C,B,, who has been appointed British Comntanderin- Chief on the China station, succeeding Admiral Buller. has started, d for Wag Hong accompanied by his stair. According to a special; despatch front Shanghai, a sudden stiffening has tarsen. place, in the attitude of Tsung Tei Yamen toward Germany, resulting in a demand for the evacuation of Riao-Choir, It)Zd leading to the belief that GreatBritain is bring presssure to bear upon Pekin. 44 - despatch from St, Petersburg says that out Thursday hntperor Nicholas granted art - Audience to the Chinese Minister Pleni- potentiary Yang Yu, who handed tb-e Czar a perr:on:tl letter front the Emperor of China, Itn s xaported therethat t he eonvemition turn: d on the propis'_d Chinese loan. Thk• St. Petmburg Herald announee's that. some Russian vessels/4w left t k0rt Arthur ds rose luta the har- bor at Talienwan with C'hina's consent, the harbor at Port Arthur beam too small for the free nxosement of the Bas- shltt vessels. Ir The Canadian Milutta for ?errire. New York, .Toon. 'I.• The London eor- k+'pendent; of the Sun ental.-; "Vie Sun is e►etrbl4'd to say that in tiff hint of trouble in tine fur East the Cauaailien militia will have an .opportunity of (les:T- ing theur'>elve:s with glory, The War Depertinent and the. Admiralty have be- tween them drawn up a fiehenun whereby a battalion o3 this utiiiti1 will ire hurried to Hong Kong from Vancouver the um, ntent war Somas imminent. They would rends China long before any force front England could get there, and it is thought their co-operation would beam the Loper. Jai, unity idea. Presumably the views of the Dominion .Government had been ascertained beforehand, and sante steps had been taken to :Anti out 'whether the gallant militiamen would be willing to follow glory to the eiinnon's mouth. •rtelaort D4tt*teal at Ottawa. Ottawa, Jan. A. -•General Oa coigue says be has beard, nothing of the inten- tion of the War Department to sent a Canadian force to China. Fired on a Russian Warship. London, Jan, 8.--A sensation has been caused by a rumor from Plymouth that till English admiral bas fired on a Rus- sian man of -war In Chinese waters. Noth- ing is known .as to the matter at the Tharelgn Otlieo or the Admiralty. The morning papers publish also the statement that r'auglautl ispressieg China to declare fort Arthur a free port. It is supposed that the presence of British Warships there is intended to insure freedom of aaceess for trYadiug vessels. 11 London, Dee. AO. --According to a spec- ial despatch from ,Shanghai, the 13ritlsh Admiralty has requisitioned the three Empress steamships belonging to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. THE TRUCE IS ENDED. Employers' Federation Stands by 'IIs. Guns, and the Deadlock Continues,. York, England, Deo. 81.-A largely attended meeting of the 'members of the Employers' Federation yesterday unani- mously passed a resolution endorsing the action ot its representatives at the Tet.en t conference with the delegates of the strik- ing engineers, reiterating tiro opinion. that it is impossible to shorten the hours of labor, ntaintalning that the proposed arrangements for the management of the works in no way interfere with theproper functions of trades unionism, and acknowledging the receipt of the an. gineers' vote. The employers' committee will write to the engineers' committee that the "truce, therefore, is ended." significant, if True. London, Dec. 81.-A news .agency an- notmcos that the British naval reserves will be mobilized. According to recent estimates, the re serve forces of the British navy number about 28,000 men. Of this number It calculated that at least 10,000 inen would be required in case of war to complete the manning of the 'warships of Great Bri- tain, which are understood to require a complement of 110,000 men, whereas only 190,.000 aro said to be actually in service. The naval.sosorve problem has long been discussed by Br"i'titli authorities, and the general opinion appears to be that the number of men available is far short of the number which would be required in case of war. In addition to the mon of the naval re- serve, Great Britain has a large reserve fleet and a number of reserve merchant cruisers, including such vessels as the. Campania, Luoania, Etruria, 'Umbria, Majestic; Teutonic,. on the Atlantic; and Empress of India, Empress of China, Empress of Japan and others on the Pa- cific. A Well Digger Suffocated. Killarney, Man., Dec. 30. -John Brig- ham was overcome with gas while work- ing in a wen herc,yosterday. Efforts wore made to resuscitate him, but without avail. Deceased leaves a wife and two, children. iniecaig Shot Himself. • Lion's Head, Ont., Ddb. 31.-A' young man named Angus McCaig, in the em - lay of John Rouse, eighteen miles north of this place, in the township of Lindsay, shot himself yesterday. The Trick Sat Upon. Constantinople, Deo. 81. -The the repre- sentatives seastatives of p have refused to permit the Turkish Government to re- place 4,500 time -expired troops on the Island of Crete. France Makes a Grab. Paris,_ Dec. 30. -The French, it as an- nounced, have occupied Odienno and Sambatigila. It is believed this indicates. that an advance against Chief Samory is imminent. IYIunicipai Elections. BAYFIELD.-Reeve, George Erwin,'. Councillors, Dr. B. Stanb►lry, Thomas Clarke, Jas. Thompson, Tomas Ellictt, Trustees, John Pollock, Thos. Cameron, John Widdon. CLINTON-Mayor, R, Holmesr Coon., cillors, J. P. Doherty, Jacob Taylor, W. Bowers, ,J, Ford. GODERICa-m•sayor, Robt, Tliomp- son ; Deputy Reeve, Jas. Wilson. TWO Councillors yet to be elected for St, George's Ward, Nominations Saler, day.Jan t t 8, Ree e D. Urquhart; Coulcillor8, Hodgins, Geo. Brwn, F Fred Arnold. 1'i Ar o d, J. W. Ortwein, MITCHELL -Mayor, Wm. Ryan, Reeve, Jiro. White, jun. Deputy, Fred TTllfton; Councillors, South, Ward,Wait Thomson, 11. Thorne, W. Marlyn. North Ward, J, Coppin, I, .Hord, A. Burrill; ;lest Ward. t' Davis. F. B. 11olibk , 3. Boyd. by acclamation. SEA Of1'H-.•Reeve, James Beattie, Deputy, Noble 1$Cietle Councillors, io,eou South Ward, Jas. JcGinniv, George 'ells, 11 Wiiius, East Ward, J. G. tfi fiseun, J 1iansie, 1,. G. Neelin. ,. S 1°. �,l.k,la.7t S-;ifa,l•or, all Councillors and all Scheel Trustees tlecttd by ac- clamation. eelaamation. !ATTER MMQ CHEESE CO VENTIOJl lit mutton, .14.4 SOO), -Otis sad: 'MR Vslauf I The,official programme bas beer is. sued. We Piet; out the follow Tref; from tu3oug the list of speakers, the pantos, Qhemeelvesspeak for the character of the Convention that it will be one Oaf the vers highest class; Dr. W. 1. Cms nen, Queen's L'uiversiiy ,ti. W. Camp. heti, Piovinelat 1us:ruetor in Road :Halt ii -g; Ron. John Dryden, Minister t'3 ,Agriculture fur Ontario; Prof. 1i- 11, 1leau, Ontario Agricultural Colleges Guelph; Hon. A. S. Fisher, Minister t<f Agriculture for Canada; D. Derbyshire, 1ioekville;11. B, Gurier, DsKaIh,111 W.11. Jordan, Director of Experiment *''tatian, Geneva, N. Y,; C. 0, James, Deputy Minister of Agriculture for Ont. aria: J, W Robertson. Commissioner of Agriculture and Dairying for Canada;' J. A. 'Ruddick', Superintendent Drury' School, Kingston; F. T. Shutt, Chemist Experimental Farm, Ottawa; 1 hos 1lalialatyno. Stratford; A, Pattuilo, M. 1?, P., Woodstock; J. i3, Muir, Ingersoll; E. T. Bell, Tavistock;; Geo. H. Barr. Sebriugville, ete, The list comprises two names from the other side, both among the most eminent men in the States as authorities on the subject of Dairying. Mr. U. B. Curler is one of the tryst frequently quoted authorities especially on everything pertaining to the menu, facture of creamery butter Professor W. II. Jordan is director of the New York Experiment Station and is probably the best all round Ulan in States. The Canadian speakers are all web known. The morning sessions are devoted ex ctusiyoly to addresses and discussions on cheese and butter malting in which makers themselves will take the lead log part, Every maker in Westeru Ontario should be on hand at these scissions and take part in the discussions. Burglary at Liman. Some time between Saturday night and Sunday morning the front door of Mr. J. S Gilfillan's grocery was forced in, and the robbers succeeded in secur• Ing about $7 iu cash, $5 worth of to bacco and ten pounds of butter, to- gether with some other small articles, amounting all told to about $16 worth. There is not the slightest clue to the guilty party. Our Clubbing Rates. The ADVOCATE and Weekly Mail Empire " Farm and Fireside Farmers' Sun Globe Advertiser Free Press Witness, Montreal " Star, it t° Farming Daily News, Toronto " Star ft " N World It it it ei it 81.30 $130 $1.25 $1.50 $1.36 $1.75 $1.60 $1,75 $1.70 $1_75 $2.00 $3.00 go i Consu plrnii g ig 31 00 , Will SCOTT'S EMULSION h$ core consumption ? Yes and 0 ,,no.: Will It cure every case? 49 No What cases will it cure . a io .then ? Those in their earlier fa stages, especially in young 2 people. We make no exag-, ' gerated claims, but we have 65 positive evidence that the 0 early use of G ig Scott's Emulsion t o 1v, of Cod-liver oil with ,Hypo- igg. phosphites of Lime and Soda in these cases results in a, positive cure to a large num- ber. advanced cases, In n d how= ever, where a ctsre is impossi- ble, this well-known remedy I should be relied upon to pro- long Iife surprisingly. 5oc. and.$t.00, all druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. (143540 0111031 A. Li'lA»l,Sf7 f% r3'TAXA17 i7cl t t 14'Ai?ICTT'7L:EV- Meets City Cooperage, It. T. Philips., Prop. Chatham, Cct.18, If07, Lear Sirs; -Some time ago l was treated by one of our beat city doctors for continued bleeding et the pose, and the treatment I was subjected to weakeuvd my stomach so that nothing 1 could eat would agree with me, and 1 eauld retain nothing but bread and reilk, which was nay ebiet diet. T tried a bottle of your Shean'a Indian Tonic. and at one began to inipr and it has made a permeament care in rev ease. I cal, now ';1 take of any food -r matter • p r ?t x how strong' and „ experience no distress AB eaten,;. I bare recommended it to several people, and in every case;!' has givengraad resuits, and a bottle of it. ahould'be In every and ebold Yours s erC truly. i':, ;.. PilltLIPS. 14S43IGiESTJOlp P.ER] 41VENTlt)VVR'FD St. Williams, County l4orfo:it C i. 13, rbe}7. Dear Sirs: -It gives me great pleasure to teaaity to tete-f*et that 5'nare's Indi- te has caused a most remarkable chane; in nay cordltion. :For two oeazs I IrRWB$uttered from Indigestion and Weakness, and n' -t finding rent 1roni SP other medicine, until your agent came ire Gro a "Dals a�d an4t4try Sloan ' t inaiR Tonle. � AI I 414 so and have used tour bottles. 1r isillttoR.^rc t , !nin my lite, and Iran now rasa aut sleep with ease titl cv36lJrL. aSloan.** Indian Tootle is the hest medicine in the w orl"3. I remain, your. truly, MRS. C. PRICE. Igor sale at all denierse, on' adurea,5} the Company se.00 per bottle; 6 bottles Ter *506. s 7 iChrisiie's_. COMMERCIAL LIVER # t- First-class Rigs and licrses, (Orders left at f.iit wkshe`w s Hotel, or ttt the Livery Stable,Chrjsties old Stand will ,r 3 ! � l'f:t'•au l'f� +° cal .lilfll3t Ht si � + tention. t cram Reasonable "Only one (lir. in the World for Me." 80 ins) s the popular rag, " Only One F&iittur Store FIN1k+e1104ee Cour eetlor. THE PALACE WAR1 �a in Town for Tile." Says the landlord who wishes to has ever;,' dollar expended to pis full duty. Encea-rtlling, is tier este biishrneut is marked at prices which will retain reg alar patron,. and inde«c eecasionai cos - teeters to aerate ugsin. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence Haat alae people of Exeterappreclete tide Inctho.l. Wo make anderIaliing a Specialty. In buying eeeda '°economy es. extraranonco," beeew,* thb eost orcultivatiOn wasted Ila Inforloraeeda s7wan largely exceeds the original cost of the best and dearest seeds to be had. The boat la attvara the clieapest. Para Mlle more for FERRY'S SEEDS wad a1w u,z get your money's'worth. Five canto per paper everywben, Always, the MIL Seed. Annual free. O.M.FERRY & CO„Wlndsor,Ont. S. GIDDY & SON. HINTS FON XMAS AND L I T A Irian must consider his pure/Ass #►-ell these times; he xruast buy wheals be can do the best. Look ;lt some of these figures;. Pants )1hltle to viiia r, wool heave iweed8 82,00 Suits 9,8471, Oat :coots .$8.. Black 'W'orsted suits a spec- 812,00 laec- ,8.r12,00 Our 3 0 :Wachs 14t:tt all others at $23. tonic and Ilea for yourself. _. lick des Bicycles!! I Bic* NEW YEAR'S 09FTSa'Bicycle Pleasure. TWA :;mean we have surpassed our- selves iti malting and rat;'thtring together Choice Oddments in Haney !' urnituree suitable for presentation. The assorement is now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only fur the sake of seeing what very reasonable -prices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention t0 a lino of 'Very Il:eud.oioe' 111118 EtOOIt SETTS in Ern. OAR, and :t5ti ANTIQUE and Cn5unsa finish. All are extrenrel tasteful in design and the '•rice:} are mucic lower tlian it has heretofore leen possible to quote for similar goods. ROCKING t C'.IlAI8814. In sr GREEN, 0uvL CUR Taciiand bav Fin i, from $2.40 up. FANCY TABLES. A. magnificent line bought at a saori- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Panay hookers, Music Banks, Couched, Extension Tables, Picture hiouldeings. Curtain Poles, .Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Ttc., Eta. UNDERTAKING and E1IIBALMING IN ALL ITS JOBA dL'IIES .. . S. Gilley & Son. 1 FAMERS! e e You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Implements : Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball l3eariugs, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills, SEWING I1AGIIINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince... Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. (Gurney stoves and furnaces, B TJ S The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the eeiehrnted lileLaughlin buggies Are you seeking BiCycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a ,goo wheel. We can fnrni: b you any of the best wheels made, a t lowest price* Musical. Do you want anything in tizr musical line. ' We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, coif "art;: ;rr- specs them before buying elsewite rat A full stock Of sewing machines, baby ear riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin THE t1RAL Ri'g STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble in old or young. ,- ' We 3lanufagtitre--, %WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The 01d Reliable, Urinates Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratch -ts on horses. and Condition Powder tor same, SOLE AGENTS FOR DIX. L ING STRTIP. C- L U T Z, DRUGGIST. mumagamisiE FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS- DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THECOOK'S BEST FRIEND LAttGEST SA3.E 134 CA1v440,.4