HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1898-1-8, Page 2Subscribers wee do not receive their tree eegulerly well/Jew testify us at ence. can a.t the office for advertisieg tates. IRE EXETER ADYOCATE. THURSDAY. JAN. O. 1898. The Week's Commereial Summary. The net gold balauce of tee netted Etates treasury is nearly $160,000,000, the greatest araoune fee o -ears. The Oetarlo wheat markets are firmer, with supplies somewbat restricted, Red winter is now selling at 83 to Fee high treights. Oats are in demand for export and bigher Sleet to tetie for white. Peas Are also ermer with good demand front Britain, Tbey are worth 45 cents se On- tario points, high freighte. Hall. Mr. Stephens has at presene a bill before the Quebec; Legislature to allow municipalities to tax mortgages. Iz is thought, that it is only fair to allow them to reach large ea.pitalists iu this way, weer; taal estate is taxed, it is eerged, to be just, other formes of iavestmeut should um escape. What tint auecese of the raeasare will b2 rentains to be seen. A sonsewbat similar proposal was made a number ot years ago in the Ontario Leg- islature. Those who were interested in the question at that time will watce the progress of the Quebee bill with. interest. .A. very important %alma is on foot in Ottawe which bits for its purpose tbe utilizetiou of the thousauds o tons of sawd nst anuually dumped into the Ottawa river by tbe mill owner e at the Chaudiere. A process patented by Prot Wilson, the eliscoverer of acetylene, of St. Catharines, It is said, cheaply convert sawdust, sleet, etark, and all mill refuse into car bon, wlateh, powdered mut 'mixed with limestone, which is found adjaceut to the mills in vast quantities, can be turned Into calcium carbide by the aetion of an inteusa electrical current. The caleium carbide will be sold for the manufacture of acetylene gas. The vast quantities of sawdust now buried in shoals and beys of the Ottawa river will thus become val. noble for commun.:ha purposes. 'Mrs. Celeste Coon, Syracuse, N. Y., writes; "For years I could not eat many kinds of. food without producing a bura- hog, excruciatiug pain in my stornaelt. I took Parmelee' s Pals according to direct tious under the bead. of 'Dyspepsia or In- digestion.' Oue box entirely cured me. I can now eat anything I ebocee, without distressing rue in the least." These Pills de not cause pain or groping, autl should be used whets a cathartic is required. Blasts From the Horn. No good comes for blaming others for the misfortunes we bring on ourselves, Failure is the guide that often leads us to success. NEWS TOPICS Of 11 WE Nothing can cheat us like our owu You cannot give a man a good char- acter; he must make it himself. Honour your wife and your honeymoon a lifetime. should have a society toe doing good s ong the negleoted rich. Never to make a onistake, is the blgges mistake any Man eau Make. Important Events in Few Words. For Busy People,, lithe Busy "World's Happenings Carefully Compiled and rat into Randy and A,ttraotles Share For the Renders of Our Paper -A Solid Ifour's Enjoyment In Peatagoraphed Information, IE AGRICIILTURAL WORLD, E. D. Smith, the Vignene, fruit shipper, will put up a large cold Storage plant for Phipments to England next summer. TILE DEAD. The estate of the late actor, William Terries, is estimated at between 440,000 and R50„000. The body of Rev. W. Denier Hunt, Who died at Omemece was buried at Me Pleasant cemetery, Toronto, on Friday. Win. Anderson, ex-M.P.P., was found ilead on the road near his residence at Platen, Ont. Heart failure is eimplsed to have been the eallSe. He sat in the old Parliament of Canada and in tlee test Assembly of Ontario. FOLTTXCS- none:ease. The Japanese Diet bas dissolved pre- lit:alma,' to the new eleetions, The United States will melte no alitauce with the :Nee in Chinese affaire. The Spanish Cabinet has reed United States libeister Wootiford's note concern- ing Cuba. An interpretation of the Dingley bll at New York taxes 11,4 livers 5;,c per pound. Up till Friday they went in (ram Canada frOti as parts of the internals of Asia. THE LADOR WORLD. Tim clitticulty between the C.P.R. aud the telegraphers is as good as settled. Cripple Creek mine owners at tde Christmas presents to miners aggtegating $10,000. The Henry Georg tee aelt for forth 418,A00 subscribe% ' the memorial cone. " Fifteen thousan men. return to strike, on Ju. 13 to 17 per een THE Australasia will se.n a cattle ent to the Elondilte in the s r* Brandon, Man., is lately to lose a lot o ite population in the spring from cunt gratiou to the Klondike. George Ruth, who has just azaleas' at Portland, Ore., from the Klondike, says that famine is sure for Dawson City. One Inualred and fifty. Ceippewa In- ataus will go to the Klondike teem Wie- ;torten in the spring. They will be haul- ed by Running Wolf, Teat Ilia:. RECORD. Many a man who finds his cottage large enough, would find a palace too small if suddenly made rich. What evidence -of the patience of God can be more conclusive than the bald head of the infidel lecturer? The man who jumps at conclusions may be recognized by his having his overcoat ball on before the end of the benediction. Many a man thinks he has found a rais- take in the bible, just because he has run across soraething he doesn't want to be- lieve. Thera are two classes of men who never profit by their mistakes -those who blame t otetlaeir wives, and those who lay it all to rovidence. There never was, and never will be, a 'universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir -the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient -what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, whea obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual aad judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. It relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep - imparts vigor to the action of the blood, whiche beteg stimulated, courses through- out the veineeeatteetitia. Lung the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby znaking activity a ne essary result, strengthening the frame, old giving life to the digestive organs, 4hich naturally 'demand increased substattee-result, im- proved appetite. Northrop etterlettmaa of Teti:Alto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the °pluton of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sena,. billiard's Liniment Cures Dandruff. Dervish Emirs, a large needed. of Dem Jebel!, and captured valuable stores. Friday there was a rumor that Gen. Panda, the Spanish Commander -it -Chief be the Cub= field, had been hemmed in by the insurgents. ale had. not thee been heard teem for five tLays. °AIME AND CRImiNALs. Tbe real Pastures% Canal culprits in 1, France are, it is said, being spared for 1 political'esasons, Czechs attacked a German sohool al 1. Werschowitz and were (Weer; off by the! police with one killed. Ilarry eatug, a counterfeiter in the Delo County Penitentiary, killed a fellow -con- vict named, Carr on Friday, Wm. Roberts, alias Doyle, in telling how he murdered Jacob Weipantilaughed, as he related the oceurrence. Bight United States znail boxes in Oswego, ?N.Y., were broken into and robbee of their contents Thursde.y night. There are four generations of one fam- ily at present in one jail in New Bedfoiel :Mass., stud criminologiets are greatly terested. Dummy's father has filed an allidavi that florae Smythe. a juror who help? to convict his son, informed friend -3 that he believed Durrent guilty of murder, but not ell the evidence at the trial, but on outside aidormatiou Verne:bed. The mother of Isadore Palrien lets was murdered by his wife and /see pera- moue at St. Canute, Que., is sautes ties arrested wife for ftlt` V,01/11 insttrance policy which ehe trantferred to ism law- yers to meet the cotte in her defence, CASEAL'flES. James rarebit is the C.A. yard at Ottawa on e riday. Three firemen were leo-Ally injured In Chiceso fire on Christina*. Four childreu nesseeil elelleesei were segeoreeteet by smote Chrietmas Ere at Philadelphia. A. Ritchie tewrenctee team wens through the ..t Ainellasburg and were drowned on Feeley. A number of explotions leno Ben POYERTY OF THE, BLOOD A. TROUBLE THAT IS MUSING TUE LIVES OF THOUSANDS MISEDABLE. It Brings In Its Train, Nervousness, FRAMs lit the Ataelc and Sitta., headache, Heat Palpitation and itesultts Vevasity where l'alettelous Wreatatent is Not 14esortad,o. J?rxn the Sussex, N.B.. Record. There axe many ways in which pee - pie may prove leinefeetors of the hu- man race. T;;; tte are thoeie wee of Oster abundance eee see huge anaks...;11 ereeting public inmeinge anti beautny- - pulnie parl>.s. 0, bets stond their money in eilaritaifi?. work, 1.114 iu aj- hvtnt the teafetings esi less forest - nate fellowe, nial inr these wets these eeoele are honouree. Tbe p aeon who navnag obtailsed read from elekness and makes pailie the means by which ants was regained, is noate the less tviltetto.'101". AntIO511.1- these ate!. ter its Mite teiena easoginer of eir. Janet, Onesil, u weLle te ea Lamer !W- ing n er :tEilletreent, Kinee tint. :glee Leeceill was ;t r.Itta." tied With a menua eyeety of tee levee, a seeable tme rtereatety teo *tteetteete araoug view, gates of tile trent Jay. .*nt whieh is ceeteis* toterminate fetal - if lost peomeeiy elesetere este the bivtteeeehtei relnewed iletvats, 4 11a retneey teat seelsieve v re -emit, Miss ie ante:tate els:Imre may leen tif eeneerienice. reheva the stery a her itis iesp,m.ieut oi eteenre, Mies cure. eine ;teal " 1 aelieve tioat J. IVA begun nue n of Dr. Willasoess' 1'11.1i my tee ei weuel have eta - ea fatal:et. itileetis earns, Maoist et, tit 1 eau heareetiy 6'.1`y lt..or a21 aAtiz411401a01; rani WnS entrontAy littit 1 V. IttWii.e.i ;gin a, estite tio tee elde. wisieh eenCy Keen' mire -ewe antereete 1 einieate. grew sa Weak Inat iZ 1 414 so W.5:1 1 kt. :L to. h.. 1 Wt a t4111).ieell KAtaik IteCt(tiaViltezo, lamely 4n h. Pevey 441.1141 11.0:$$1 in like. 1 irtutalin neliiv:rie-, hut fenni ft. In eez ea Mier not,4 sesisiditiate a ints 4 441411±,44 0. new,spaper1 ,ave a • tient of a yeane,- %Vele 4littaA t1U41I.V.;;;h toy Evoltithal. iwn req,ored ust- of Pr. ra.k. statoin,.;nt was ee meowr. lite tile; I determined that 1 w40:61 !try init.; Me,iio^;1110. in My aS ko..11 ladl",- whom 1 tOnttilt s ZL" rs'Stlit 1011391441011-t. rc• ' 114 Ilay side from wideh 1 hail 461. %'04/ ao titnelt 11.1 rvi.s were 4-i4resen hem tI. my anpilta e1,trnekl. and tuz.- whole system st:etned stresigellened and retetweei 1 oW Well as Ithy weather itt tee iiiy and bare not foiawn what sin: - Less was sinee 1aiseauttinued the use of lir. Willi:olio' Pint PAls. :.ly graiittole towarals th:s grand lir divine is unbonntled. and 1 lope my sntement may be thenitan a' Mina- alset encouragement aud health to setae other sufferer. .t To be Considered. "I don't see," said the able but disap- pointed man, "why you should have pros- perecl so much more than I. You never gave the thought and time to public ques. tions that I geve." "No," replied Senator Sorghum. • "But look at the wear and tear on my con- science 1" Harter's Mill, at Fotteria, 0., has bean destroyed. by ilre. Loss, $150,00. Cleveland's Friday night ilre will total $1,000,000. The aceident list was very heavy. Au Everett, Mass., street car house end rolling stock were burned on Fremy night. Loss, $150,000. The Watkins wing of the Kingston hospital was burned $3,000 worth on Friday. Nine of the 40 patients helper removed suffered from the exciting exiser- lento. Fully insured. THE =mutt ous WORLD. Midnight mass Christmas Bye was at- tended by thousands in Montreal. .A. week of prayer will be generally observed throughout the Dominion from Jan. 0 to 9 inclusive. There will be an official reception to Mgr. Bruchesi on his return from Rome to Montreal on Tuesday. The Pope's encyclical on the Manitoba school question was published at Rome on Friday. The settlement is not ap- proved, the zeal of the bishops is praieed, and Catholics are exhorted to claim all their rights under the constitution by His Holiness. PURELY PERSONAL. Lord Rosebory is a (sally visitor to the British Museum making soluxems for an important historical work which he le writing. The death of Lady Millais recalls the fact that when Sir John Millais fell 111 She Queen sent the Princess Louise to the dying man to enquire what favor she could grant. He called for a -writing tablet, and inscribed the words: "I should like the Queen to see my wife." elle Queen broke through her iron rule not 51 receive any woman whose marriage tie had once been dissolved, whether blame- worthy or not, and accorded to her a tender and sympathetic interview. woneTies-ceee AniAN. H. B. Britton has been appointed Col- lector ot Customs for Gananoque. Friday's Canada Gazette calls Parlia- ment together on Feb. 3 for the despatch of bueiness. w to l'Ise Glyeemtit. Glycerine 1 good. for many ehingsnesides cheeped !emelt and faces. le wilt stop the tickling in the throat that eauees constant 00114/11tIg ; it Will be effieactotts in pre - sten Ing 1.4t. sores 1 it will allay the thirst of a fever pie tent. If five or stx drope are puti eta fruit jam before they are sealed It e -t11 prtterye the fruit and prevent mold. tti‘2.0,2r.11(3 and bay rum, in equal par 1.1 Ina lit, .1 good wash after shaving. firi‘13.1,-, if rubbed well into shoes, it y to .e.. itt4. lefeerave weeny, ,t ferister leveed,. near W4' ; eland a milt fr elle nigh; ueerly free death, • James Childs, ear emplee at the O. P. R. yards, Parkelele, tees enughe between , two ears on Satimlay evening. Ilia right aran .was badly craesee et *he ellera joint, Braltesinan Ileyeer:4 on the Central Now Jerstoy railway Vtifl 14111A. in a volt ilsion on Friday Watt, and 1;.reincin Higgins and Engineer Murtagh were, It. Is thought, family se:ailed. Mrs. Jarvis anti her nine ehildrea were burned to death at. Louden, En., yester- day. Her hate:end tiiCa sto one of the hospliale au hour after without hearing of the occurrence. Asst Division Suimintendent Nowell. of the Bosom anti Alleme' railway, at Springfield, Mass., was tailed an the tracks oe las road. lie was formerly a Harvard tootb:ell player of note. en_ Thirty pounds of panned pinIftex- pledee, in a crowd of We neon and. boys who were erIng a Christmas ettild011 at .A.sheville, N.C., and ;About forty eerson were injured, none of thein, lenvever fatally. Two passenger truins came into colli- sion Potato at Le du itoussillon, Depaet• meet of Imre, tiering the prevalence of a dense fog Christmas EVO. Cape Biouet of the oruiser Feudal of a French Medi- terranean squadron; Capt. Lota. an in- structor at the Military eahool at St. Dyr, and M. liatMeu, a naval engineer, were killed and other persons wore injured. inew,AssiEtED.; L. Merryman, Collector of Customs for Stanstead, Quebec, has been superannu- ated, and. 0. H. McClintock has been appointed in bis place. It is said Sir J. A. Chapleau will be- come Canada's High Commissloner to France when e retires from the Quebeo Lieutenant -Governorship The Canadian Government, at the re- quest of Great Britain, has ordered the confiscation of seditious publicatems. This story comes from New York. POD WEN OP WAIL Tot report that Italy had °wrest tee* the Chinese squabble is not cornet Peen a Henry of Germany, it is said, will be fittingly received at Chinese ports, The Freneh have sent the firet-clase cruiser Potiman to service Chluese waters. e Contrary to general report, Great Bri- tain is like,ly to °memo the Ru.ssianizet- tion of Corea. and Northern Mina. Russia is preparing temporary head- quarters for 10,000 troops at Port Arthur, China. The act looked upon as warlike.n, England and japawithout entering upon &steal alliantio, have a complete understandieg on the Chinese situation. Fifty German eerily instructors have been matted by China that when their' contracts expire they will not be re- engaged. will co be leather and help to keep Native levies of the Kassala garrison itfrom eettlea wet. ;metered She post of El Pasber, killed two Toronto Bay was frozen over on the 24th. Tod Sloane is peel $250 a mount in a race of less than MO minutes. The Nowfoundlend herring Rshers hays been very successful this year. Hamilton's Obristnues mail was this year 50 per cent. larger than that of last. .A United States army pack train will shortly leave Cheyenne, Wyo., for Alaska. Merohants at W'inuipeg report the best Christmas trade iu the history of the place. The brewers are voluntarily cutting down the number of Cleveland saloons by 400. Half of Charleston, S.C., is searching with mystical rites for Capt. Kidd's burled treasure. Natives in Lower Guinea have killed 91 Portuguese, one of theta being a grandson of Salda,nha. Mx. Fred Hewitt, of the Mail staff, has lett the paper to become manager of tee Orton Comedy Co. jianmy Michael defeated Chase at New York on Christmas Bye in a 30 -mile race which he rode in 6e.05 1-5 minutes. On Jan. 30 there is ti. be a grand pow wow at Winnipeg of the Indians of that seotion. The agents will also be present, to talk over the reserve question. John Bell was arrested at his residence at Puce, Ont., on suspicion that be em- bezzled the funds of the Presbyterian society at Chicago. He was taken to De- troit, where be was released, as it was found he was not the man. Ofacial aeports show that logs aggre- gating 252,000,000 feet, of lumber were Imported by Miehigau from Ca .da dur- ing the past teason, this being 77,000,000 feet over the estimate at the beginning of mason. Howard Gould, of New York, gave a Christmas dinner at the Holland House to 12 guests that surpassed in sumptuous- ness anything ever before known. Every month a -as repre anted. by its special fruit. Six of the guests were women. Christmas Day Preston, Ontaret, opened her big rink to the pulite:. It is the largest in West:ore Ontario, being 90x130 Loot, with *z char or ice 60x153 feet in tilft CUM C.P. outside of this, which is boarded for hoeliay, there is room at the eides for Fir nur.ling rinks at one time. Lighted. with oloctrialty, cost The gratifYina results followito,g the Dr. 'Williams' Piuk Pills the cti,.v 07 miss O'Neil !prove that they are unequalled as a blood builder and nerve Louie. 11.1 the of young girls who tne pale or sallow,listless,troubled with a fluttering or palpitation of the beort, weak and easily- tired, no time shoula be lost in taking a coupe of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which will speed- ily enrieh the blood and bring a rosy glow of health to the cheeks. They are a specific for troubles .peculiar to fe- males. sat+ as suppressions, irregulari- ties and all forum of weakness. men they effect a radical cure in all eases arising from mental worry, overwork, or excesses of whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pdls aro sold in boxes (never in loose form by the dezla or hundred. at 5meents a box. or six boxes for V.50. mut may be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr, Williams' Medicine Company, Brock- ville, Ont, Adopted for Cam-tali:1,P infantry. Halifax NS Dee. 27.. -It igaunciuncad here that the lefeentry aocoverements patented by Deputy Surgeondequeral Oli- ver, otthe British .A.rely, who resides We Halifax, have been adopted for the use of the infantry forces be Canada. Extract i:om the Toronto Daily "GLOBE" August 7th, 1897. The Liquor A Home Treatment Known as the Dyke Cure by WWI*: g„very. Victim of INTEMPERANCR ca.n.be Permanently Cured...„, . . All eratre or desire for stimulants is remoye,d. front three to Ave days, and in four weeks patients are restored to their natural condition. It consists of a vegetable liquid, taken as a tonic. - No puh-'4ity, no bad after- effects, and no loss of time from business duties, -To bring the cure wanly, the each of the fee has been reduced to $25.00, lacr • For hurtint7ortnation write DR. WicTAGGART, • 44 Bay Str4et, Toronto, Oat. ,- Referenes• as to Dr. MeTaggart's professional standing and per; sonal integrity permitted by Sir W. R. Meredith: Oilier Jnstieks Ontario. Toronto. Bon. G. W. Ross, Minister Of Ednention, Toronto, Out. O. W.. Yorker, Honker, Toronto. J. Fleming. Ex -Mayor of Toronto. EL S. Strathy, Manager Traders' Bank, Toronto. Norditetater, German Coyasnl. Toronto. The followin from Spence, Seeretary of .thaDorat is one of many strai7testintoinials in his possession A..MCTACCARY, ESQ., M. D. Toronto, July 1397. Per Sir -in reply to your enqniry regarding my knowledge. of the Dyke Cure for intemperameete 1 bane to sq Oat it waS brought under my notice about a .year ago, and I specially interested tayself in o. Ition4.Aet case 4 that were treated by it. In scwoo of them the results were roatuttable, several parties who were. confirmed inebriates becoming entirefq changed and re, maining till the present in -ie sober and useful citizens. tieveral other parties me treated at the same tiI have lost sight of, but do not pasonalnow ly kof ease out of half a din:en in whieh the treatment was not. successful. Witt. g best wishes, I remain Yours, sincerely. F. . SPENCE. on AU1anr Bow to Eke Out a entail Stock of Red. elothine. Lay newspapers in double zbickness be- tween the bedclothes. They will be as warne aged n. Money Saved and, pain relieved by the leading bousehold remedy, Dr. Thomas' Helectric Oil -a small quantity of which usually suffices to cure a cough, beat a sore, cut, bruise or sprain, relieve lumba- go, rheumatism, neuralgia, excoriated nipples, or inflamed breast. A BAEE;AROUS SURGICAL OP. ERATION, SO 0 Cart. oif Bites. it is Int.. Oray intentsely 1inte, done gerene exeeneive, but in " • ii,titg ri'ZCAQ rnneelleat reeearele anal cot. 11140 aiele Nese- of Ireteett Magnetie mow. e lett 1i ?ri-'40,1.051 sWhAl$ wny 4•L y t er nay deall,e Ou 9 u•-•.4. the '44.4.0.w.ria flee that our :Ma t 3, retireit4therg•astes 7U1ttto..1•ars.1 bornevut by the t -rt ilnitien„ Amelia, a, in 44 aingal kive the *Mot:pet:le iviaeue rone,etrt0 ewe of Piles tod a.M e' thee it teilel to eve bit- sli rag 6.4vrally apuma-. ut 6•Piro,." M. Wo,t5i.u, v.•,t9 viv,a rdo. for At, various remolies, y* 1 1110 r iir.f was afforded un- it I b,ot_the en-, 1...rt., of your orrasU'a 4t4144eu4 whieh entireiy enrol her."' 1.. Mootetevillo, Oa soya : tp,o,o0 F:elou go.ing ittattnetip nfe.,litai; Mee, and tind it i.t..11 3 me mate:. gni an.Fthing i'l`eie have ,l." The Tneetes ateentele Olutatent is ereennti 4,e l'reueie I . 1ebie, Townie, ,attl it is tante L. warlerful remedy tor all 1.11a s a: r::e% :lea has been the nusater of 4. .tiva. ilia 1, tiers received by me front all ports tri the country that I have dill IA to pitli:ish eaeh week e„ number of Paoli lettere and zusver U90 tImo SAIne letter twice, but only .fresh letors will he mpslislied. dr.eggils recaturnend the Trask's lingtatie intment. os they know from what i•:;stonaer3 say that no rem. edy Fires such outlawed satisfaction. Freeness U. leuble, IV Bay St., fl'ormato. MOODY ON SUNDAY LABOR. There Are Certain Thing's Tlutt Most be Done on the Lord's lbw. "There are one ,or two principles which apply directly to the frequent difficulties which meet the Christian young man," writes I/wig:al,. Moody of "A Young Man's Religione Lite" in the January Ladies' Home Journal. "In Sunday labor there is a certain amount of work that must he done on r;itticlay, both for tbe Weds stud health of a community. Bat in ueceesary work it ebould b3 dispatched as quickly LIS possible, and not be used as an excuse for unnecessary work. "When the Lord ordained a day of rest it was for mates best interests, physically, mentally autl spiritually, and any man who barters the day of rest to gratify the selfish interests of another is always the loser. Man needs for the welfare of his soul, as well as bis body, at least one day iu seven to devote to its special needs. I know, from personal experience, that no man can work seven days in the week, not even in religious work, and do the best work he is capable of, either for God or man. And I have no right to take from my neighbor what 1 prize myself." How to Keep rutty. Keep it in oil, silk or bladder or paper saturated with linseed oil. Dry paper or cloth absorbs the oil and makes the putty hard. Ninard's Liniment Cures Burns, etc, At Colorado Springs. "They seem to be interested in each other ?" "They are ? He is waiting for Iser bus band to die and she is waiting for him eo get a divorce." Why will you allow a cough to lacerate your throat and lungs and run the risk of filling a consumptive's grave, when, be the timely use of Bickle's Anti -Consump- tive Syrup the pain ban be allayed and the danger avoided. This syrup is pleasant to the taste, and unsurpassed for relieving, healing and curing all affections of the throat; and lungs, colds, cogglis, iron - teens, etc., etc. A Haney lionornaoon.. Ned -Are theyehappy in their married life ? Tone -Very, He still wears the neck. cies that she eick.s out for him. tiiinard's Liniment Relieves lienralgia, Serions Impediment. ife-My motto is, "always think before you speak." • elle-Yon Must findit very hard to carry on an animated conversation. tte, IT• 14r Oti10,•e4IT CV LI:CAS Ctert..Tific Vft ANN, tf4,1, •,:at ;11toer 4.rh t 4 Mat 1.41 P..:11.C.ot_tz,y tea. t.,too s.y - 9, P,At. 000UM lase :*;:e.teilloNt.; n 4're ettleatetega gee @eon ent evete tat - (1." Lk) mew the U:tif-Vti 40e, Ati,tt 417'tiF, reNtt J Srn4o 14 .0 444 44 eat rito. A. We teetaeSeeta ;twinge Intake 4' •411-e C lqeurh le ;ellen 4e4e0nelly and acts_ cillavcs .01 -•? r oti ll -'..'IA, isd.0. 18 elf474iet,'•S'!•, .koral mot. 11 1.ifilivaYi well ;fee alio tete Rs Mesa, ;fl ,*: 1 '%vijtiing an% It 14a,- 44",,s'' -u 4414-4 1.1-i rel.4aoit. He tie,sise lo • erne 144 tee ft . 4 le lettliever who \covering anal nivenaitl itt nis 141414 li regarI,i,ttialzot • Rio 4117,4^ e 4'1 L'''',11,i5(1-":1 kkfigkes, anitgtn I0 th tau *eel. it es the toe 4sloa^t1,a0+s wkki grin tit tb. t•'aittit 14414 4'444"- Of K.. tyittitt0;.1 Ma is ill tnte 0614041 te elsrat Slew 4e4 Vete latetientee-Sestne peepre • entrer 'untold misery day after day with Headache. Them is fetili, neither day or night until the nerves .ore all unstrung. The cam i.. generally a iliserdento stom- ach, a at a euro eon he effected by using Pat melee's Vegetable 1' 14'., ,contalning Mandrate and Dandelion. Mr. efu4i0 Wark, Lytemier, P. 14„ writes: "I find Parinelees Pills a first-class artic1e for Bilious Headache " Minard's Liniment for sale everywhere. A. Face Refresher. refresh the face when tired and weary after a day's outing or traveling, it is a mistake to plunge the face into cold water, which really acts as an irritant, whereas tepid water produees quite a COn teary effect. After washing off the dust on face and ears, a little buttermilk, or, fail- in,g that, rosewater, dabbed on will heal and whiten the skin and take away all feeling of irritation. DEAR Sens, -Your MINARD'S LINI- MENT is our remedy for sore throat, coals, mid all ordinary ailments. It never fails to relieve and cure promptly. CHARLES WilOoTmeN: Port IVIulgrave. On it Chetah ()holly Wings -I eau% find v le ex- press my lore for you. Kittle Kicker -Well, figures will 'do. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL "ARMEDA CEYLON TEA," Put up in lead packages. Also Japans and Hysons. A., IL, CANNING St CO., it It 014.o.ehy Azorit.s, 51 FUONT Sr.EAST,TORONTO. 'Where Did the Author Come ? "Oter fee for examining your mann ;script." said the manager of the *literary butane, "was $1.0." "And costs." "Certainly," "Wen, I am happy to say that we have placed it tor yott, and I take great pleasure in bantling you the editor's check for tiesenei ASK VOI3R DEALER FOR BOECKH'S BRUSHES and BROOMS, For sale by ail leading houses. 011AS. BOROlter a; SONS, Manufacturers, TORONTO, ONT. BOYS AND GIRLS gizrg TEN TO TWENTY - treat FIVE DOLLARS is eels month write We have o. brand new e5c. pearl° fine smart boys and girls from fourteen up- wards eau sell rapidly. It Is instructive, in- teresting, eilifybig and faseinating. Send Me, for corMilete outfit to NICHOLS & CO., 93 Rich- molul.W., Toronto. FARMERS, DAIRYMEN And Their Wives Drop es a post card, and get free our booklet on "INDURATED FIBREWARE" It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated Fibre Pails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Tubs, and will put mosey in your pockt s. The -E B Eddy Co,, HULL, CANADA. 1. N. U. EntIPATION for a young roan er woman fertile, active duties of life, is obtalue4 at The Norther n Business College. Only corntneoschool education required to enter. Students admitted any lime. C. A. Fleming, Principal, Owen ettriclb Out.