HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-30, Page 5R do its :e. 0I THE zeter . v .eat.e Ig published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. By the ---- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance $1.50 if not so paid. A.d.wertlairig- Mateo ors .A.pliliccl,- No paper discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and a hargedaoeortiingly. Liberaldiseountmacle Cor trausoient advertisements inserted for long periods, Every deseription of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Ohequos,monoy ord- ers, &c. for advertising, subsoriptions,etc.to be made payable to Chas. 11. Sanders, EDITOR Arra PROP 8?.rofesSlornril Cards. ii. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S„ D. D. S., Ilonor graduate of Toronto university. DENTISTS. Teeth extracted withotit any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fauson's Aloclt, west side Main Street, Exeter, D'g'yR.D. ALTON ANDIiRSON,(D.D.S„L.D.S.,) 1� honors Graduate of the Toronto L'nr- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teetlaextractorl without Iain, sof Dentistry up(late. Office All merle Dc atzstry to d t over Elliot & Plliot's law ollice-opposite Central hetet--Exeter. T rs. J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. dJ P.osi(lonees, seine as formerly OFFICES, olcman, building, Main S2. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north floor. Dr, Amos' office, same building -south doer, May 1st, 1895 3, A Rollins, M, 1). T, A, Amos, Al. D r•einT. P. ltIoltAUGF1 LIN, MEMBER OF l o the Collego of Physicie "+s and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgosn and A000uclr- our, Moe, Dashwood, Out, Legal. D R. COLLINS, 13ARRISTER,SOLTCIT- 011, Oonveyaneor, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exetor,Ontario, Money to Loan. fT.DICIKSON,13ARRTSTER,SOLTOITOR, . of Supremo Court, \ otary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &o.Money to loan Offxoe-Fanson's Bloak,.xeter ELLIOT& ELLIOT, BABRISTERS,ETC., Convovaacers, and Money to Loan at 5 ands}t_. per cont. B. V. ELLdoT, FREn, ELLI0T. Antetionecrs BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auot- l7 , ionoor for the Counties of Porth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to andtorins roe- sonbalo.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- ohelson. mommassosyworaralmnora Insurance. EELLIOT, Insurance Agent, • Main 1St. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0 81 to 82 rOats . ,... 2 0 to 250 to 2 2 L Peas { 4Y to 47 Butter 13 to 11 Eggs 14 Potatoes porbag 45 to 60 Beds 4 Clover Seed per bushol $4.00 to $4.600 )fay nor ton 7,00 to 8.00 4 3 Exeter Dried Apples per 11) Turkeys Ducks Goose......... Chicken Wool per ib. WANTED, IIELP. Reliable marl in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce a now discovery and keep our show cards tacked up ou trees, tonees and bridges throughout town and country. Steady cmployinout, commission or salary, $05 per rnoeth and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write" Che World Medical Electric Co.,' London. Ont, Canada. 2-2 98 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. 5 5 17 "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" band, me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. Horrors of Dyspepsia Sour Stomach, Heart Palpita- tion, Nervous, Sleepless Now Able to Do Ail the Housework -What Cured Her. The excellent qualities of Hood's Sarsaparilla as a stomach tonic and appetizerand cure enable it to relieve ole dyspepsia even when cure seems hope- less. Read Mrs. Willett's letters: "C. L .Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: oc Gentlemen :-I have been sick for about six years with dys- Letter pepsia with all its horrible nightmares, such as sour No. 1 stomach, flatulency, palpi- tation of the heart, insom- nia, etc., and all that time I have tried almost every known remedy and the best doctors in the state, but nothing did me any good. I was very Weak and Nervous. .About live months ago I commenced taking Ilood's Sarsaparilla, and after using five bottles I am able to do all my housework and feel better -than I have in several years. Also, my husband had pneumonia last win- ter and his blood got very bad; he had rheumatism and could scarcely walk. He commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla and in a short lima ho was better in every way, his rheuma- tism has left him and is in better health than for a long time." MRs. W. J. WILLETT, liCtt. Holly, N. C. Still Praising Hood's. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "Dear Sirs :-I ara still praising Hood's Sarsaparilla for the great benefit both myself and husband derived from its use and I do not hesitate to say it is the best medicine we have ever used in our family." MRS. W. J. WILLETT, Mt. Holly, N. C. A tailor made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR` - Paris of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose p, your cloth and we do the rest. Io` Prices small as Stitches. -3 3 .5 ze •6 -5 ght t 5 t 4o 25 w ,s }ro 1 °O 3 go o;on - Ills. Ils. asis Jing mps' ight tall- ,hts. ined le iu Antes [an ittP ,eod star,' light 1d aw cut - The be - Bert. Knight. Letter No. 2 Sarsaparilla Is rue One Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. Hood's cure all Liver Ills and i n00e��s Pills Sick Headache. 250. Every Farmer Wants It. The Christmas Number for 1$97 of the old Farmer's Advocate, of London, Ont„ and Winnipeg Man., has set a merry pace for agricultural journals everywhere on the,globe, and has done a good thing for the cause of farming in Canada. Whatever helps the farth- er gliickly stimulates the general in. Wrests of the country, This paper very ably and artistically sets forth the strong features of this foremost of Ca- nadian industries. A powerful plea is made for the extension of improved live stock rearing, and the object lessons in the way of engravings are unique, .A magnificent colored plate is„given of Mr. H. D. Smith's, (Compton, P. Q.) famous Herefords, with portraits of many other prize winning ammais and fine farm scenes. To the stockman it will he "a thing of beauty and a joy forever," Every Province in the Do- minion is strongly represented. Poet Elliott indites "Tho Farmer's Jubilee," and artistically contrasts 1837 with 1897; while Bengough, our great hum arist and cartoonist, contributes ter a catchy poen) (illustrated) on "The Can ady Fanner " Agricultural Commis eioPer Robertson, of Ottawa, extends a hopeful yet canny seasonable greeting, and Mr, John Dearness, I. P, S., a well known educationist, contributes a thoughtful paper ou agricultural rade- eation or nature sturrly in the schools which should awaken widespread i: - terest on this important subject and help to solve a difficult problem. West- ern cattle ranching is adlniringly re- viewed by Mr. J, It, Craig, ex manager of the great Oxley Cattle. IHanett Co., and the Mineral 11eeouiees of Canada are reviewed editorially. The tenden cy of British agriculture is the subject of a careful article by a Scottish writer. Sugar beet growing in Germany is described by Prof, A E. Shuttleworth ; and Mr. Palmer, of the British Colum bis Department of Agriculture, writes graphically on the outlook for that Province in 1898. This Christmas Number, we notice, goes to all new sub- '-cribers for 1898, and the publishers of the Farmers' Advocate (now pidblished every two weeks) are to be compliment- ed ou their effort, and in getting out ordinarily a paper containing easily double the really high-class practical farm matter that can be got in any other way at so low a cost (Si) per yea". Clinton: Mr J. W. Hill has dispos ed of his grocery business to Mr Dun- can who is already in possession. Mr Duncan was formerly in business in Belgrave, Mitchell: The ladies of the Trioity Church, from the country, showed their appreciation and respect for their _Rec- tor, Rev. J. T. Kerrin, by presenting him on Saturday last, with a heavy fur coat. Only 15 Gents; Who Wouldn't Have One P Subscribers -old or new -who send. payment for a year's subscription in advance for the Stratford Weekly Her ald, will receive a large colored wall map of the County of Perth if they en close only fifteen cents additional. In other words $1,15 will pay for a year's issues Perth's favorite newspaper and the map. The map alone sent postpaid on receipt of 25c. Stamps may be sent. The map is easily worth half a dollar. It is iuvaluable to residents of the coun- ty, and will also give pleasure to for mer residents who now live in distant parts. The Stratford Weekly- Herald's position as one of the foremost provin cial weeklies,is well known. With a corps of correspondents thoroughly cov ering its wide constituency few item - of news escape record in its colums. A. an advertising medium it is simply un. approached throughout a wide iie)d extending far beyond the borders cl. Perth county. The Herald also aspire- to give the most comprehensive market reports, together with a full and free discussion of political and general events. Everywhere its opinions are resper;ted and its influence recognized. Order The Herald and map for 1898 by sending $1.15 at once to The Stratford Herald Printing Co , Stratford, Ont. Clinton : When John Forden rented the Sparling farm, (oderich township, he brought a quantity of oats which were in the barn, and when he had moved his effftets there he was surpris ed to find that about 30 bushels bad been stolen. COLI fIT TBE NEW 11137011EE SHOP for Beef -Lamb, Pork, Corned Beef, Sausage Bologna. Fish, Potiltry and Game in Season. . Ili rr2eest eosin price paid for hides Sheep and Lamb Skins and Tallow. FRESH FISH TIES WEEK. gEN 9=" H rhes, L. DAY, Prop ettY SEEDS grow paying crops because they're fresh" and always the. For )best. sale everyw substitutes. Refuse lie here. Stick to leerry'. Seeds and prosper. 1898 Seed Annual free. Write for it, ."M: FEflRY tiCQ Windsor, Ont. �OOI 'S IPHO5SP11OISIN3E. The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm- atorrhea, Impotency and all effects of Abuse or .Exccsses, Mental Worry, excessive use AST ; ' IA For Infants and Children. Tho fac- simile denature of IS ea every Arappei. NEW REPAIR SHOP. Safety in Buying Seeds, There is no other way to measure the value of seed than by the value of the crop. A good crop simply can not come from poor seed. Second-rate seeds will waste good land, good ferti- lizer, and erti-lizer,and good labor, and the crap won't pay expenses. Now, as the prac- tical farmer cannot afford to waste time testing seeds to find out whether they are true to name, sound and clean, it stands.to reason that the only safe way to buy seeds is toseek the protection of a name that has stood for reliability in the past. The great seed house of D. M. Ferry & Co., Windsor, Ont.. has sold seeds all over Canada and the United States for the lastforty two years, and the steady growth of the business is a sure indication that Ferry seeds have given satisfaction, Ferry's Seed Annual for 1898, a standard guide for farmes and gardeners, con taining much valuable information is sent free to persons writing for it. We find in the Methodist Young Peo- ple'e Paper Onward the folmwing eminently true expression about the Canadian Press. We agree with On- ward in saying that the Press of Can ala, taken for all in .alt, is as high toned as that of aey- Country in the world, Our readers will have no diffi- culty inrecognizing the Montreal Wit- ness as the paper speeially referred to• "Nowhere, we think, is there a press ,; of higher moral 10013 time that of "our beloyetl country It possesses,. r, we think, the unique distinction of "having a leading Journal in it$ lar- " gest city which for over fifty years " has been a moral crusader, a chem. rr pion of reform. In 011 that time it "has flat published one liquor, or to. bacco, or theatriea} advertisement. "At the sacrifice of much money it "+ has stood true to its high principal, " and stands foresquare, a tower of strength, against all the winds that .' blow,'' Having opened out a well equipped. Shop, I am now prepared to do all kinds of repairing such as BICYCLES, SEWING MACHINES, •LAWN MOWERS. tC1. of Tobacco, Opium or Slimu- BC f09'8 Cl92Ll Tants, which soon lead to In - Amity, Insanity, Consumption and an carry grave. Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands of eases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine known. Askdruggistfor Wood's Phosphodino; if heaters some worthless Medicine In place of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return man Price, one package, $1; six, 85. Ono will please, six will cure. Pamphlets free to any address The Wood Co nparny, Windsor. Ont., Canada. itI,TKold. in Exeter and everywlnerejot Cal a la by all responsible Druggists. fe fact everything and anything. We elks a specialty of remodelling Bicy- i= s and sharpening Lawn Mowers at ibis time of the year. ISRAEL SMITH. One door north Mr. Stewart's store. �ldl1!ltld�ldELL�d,l�l.11I t`S9A;llkdldldhZAl111� CC 3 A z 1 4 4 4 z 4 4 eactia, 0- THE - Great Offer woes the Londo= Free Press C The Free Press, desiring to greatly increase its subscription last, nlal cc the E• following great offer to the fat mors taint stockmen of Canada 'whereby sub- scribers to Weakly -Free Press will get One Year's Paper Free, re- f arrange -E The Free Press ,has made ments with the Veterinary 80100(.0 Publishing Co for a number of copies of their book, The Veterinary Science, the price of which is $2,(10. Tills book 1C treats fully and in plain 1 Ln gage the Anatomy, Diseases and T,eatnlont of C. Dornestic Animals and Ponitry, also C , containing a full description of Medicine 1and Receipts, So that every farmer can I be his 0011 Veterinary. 3001-40n ;Is 5 *1 The Weekly Free .chess ata l+rwmna g u.nd,Ramo for one year (price 51.00) ani) �. r .I YtL l 1 e O ' v 1111x,1 ( f tale to y p ,� 120(p Both will lir, ni lacca to Llay ad• dress upon the recolpliI, of Tvdo Dollars. Do not galea this c,11:Luce. Wli 6120 2 afford to continue De:softer inclehll traly. Our object in making it now tato secure which a less flnLte response n'1 me a m liberal offer might finite- attract. late- C member, by seeding .$,2 00 for` the book you get the Weekly fFree 'Press and E VEA -11 PP SE, Farm 1 Home ON i( 1 tAg enc wanted ever ivllere. 'Address Af,utsl S .R. all communicatdone to the , eP Press r `� re • ,p ' y.. L9 rrn if'f�1Y�if �1'�yfPi11PIFw�19YT IlillP r f 9'ifl• Moray: Mr Wm, Mawson, who has been suffering from the effects of poison in his hand for the past three weeks, is not yet able to resume work. Wingham: While working at the buzz saw Wednesday A. E. Lloyd had thelittlefinger of his right band cut off and the next badly lacerated St. Marys: While A. Crone, was out in the woodshed Sunday getti a few sticks of firewood, some one. ipped in- to his premises and took 80, He re ports having lost a short time previous 67 in the same mysterious way. St. Marys: As the Union 'bus was coming down from the station, 'Thugs day Justin, son ofJohn McIntyre, who was riding on the 'bus steps, was sever ly bitten above one of his ankles by a dog which ran out from a house. AMON A. L1:is.1)ING CrltATfl , 1 .3.14,,s ti A.C'. ientJIt. Maple City Cooperage, R. rr. Philips, Prop,,Chatham, Oct, 18,1397, Dear Sirs; -Some time ago I was treated by one of our hest city 1oetors for eOrrtinued bleeding at the nose, and the treatment was 80. jeoted to weak(ne,l coy stomach so that nothing I could eat would agree with Me, and I eetild rrrfui1L nothing but hxeadand millc, which was nay older diet. I tried a bottle of your Shuan's Indian Tonle, and .:at one began to improve, and it has made u permanion t cure in my case. I can now partake of any food no matter how strong` and experience no distress after eating. I have recto mntended it to several people, and in every ease it has given grand results, and a bottle of 1c should be in every houhelrold Yours verytruly, R,T.PII.1LLIPS, INDIGESTION PERMANENTLY erlar1:1). • St. Williams, County Norfolk= Oet, 19. li07. Dear Sirs: -It gives me great pleasure to testily to the fact that Sloan s rndi- an 'Tonic has caused a most remarkable °hang in my condition. For two years I have suffered from Indigestion and Weakness, and not hurling relit* from any other medieine until your agent oame here One day and advised ane to try Sloan s Indian Tonic. I did so and have used tour bottles. It has made ft great charge in my life, and 1 can now rest and sleep with ease and comfort. 1 believe t loan's Indian Tonic is the best medicine in the world. I remain, yours truly, MRS. Q. PRICE. For Salo at all dealers. or address the Co;nnarrrna, at lslaxseiiitou.. $1.00 per bottle; (5 bottles for S. 00. " Only one Girl in the World for Me." So says the popular song. Only One fpnlittirg Store in Town for rte." TFIE PALACE WARM -AP Says the landlord who wishes to have every dollar expended to its fall duty. 'Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retain reg mar patrons and induce occasional cos• tourers to come again. The rapid .increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this method. We make undertaking a Specialty. R. N. ROWE THE EXETER PACKING HOUSE. A LARGE SUPPLY OF SHANK'S, PIGS FEET, SPARE RIBS, TENDERLOIN Parliament will meet ou February 3. A fourteen -year-old daughter of Mr. Edward Smith was drowned near See. Iey's Bay on her way to school on the ice, Mrs. French, a young married woman living at Billings Bridge, committed suicide by taking a dose of carbolic acid. Pure blood is absolutely necessary for perfect health. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the one true blood purifier, and great health giver. Mr. James Ward, a Saltfieet farmer was thrown from his wagon on Sunday near his farm gate, and bis dead body was found Tuesday. John Luff was arrested on a charge of murder, connected with the death of Thos. Leo, who was found shot to death in the woods The preliminary inquiry is in progress before Magistrate Deacon at Lindsay. John Agnew and Thomas Kennedy of Wilkesbarre, met with a horrible death in the Alden shaft on Tuesday. They had been sent down to cut the ice which prevented the carriage from running. Starting at the top contrary to custom, they cut away the ice until the car had decended 200 feet, when it stuck. The men could not signal the engineer and the rope continued to coil on top of the bonnet of the car until its weight forced the ;carriage beyond the ice formation. The car descended swiftly until the rope broke, then it fell 450 feet. The men were dashed to pieces. MADE A MAP!, 1 ., AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUR: ALI, 21:ervou$ Disoases-Failing Me•n• ory,Impotency, Sleeplessness, etc,caneL,d by Abuse or other Excesses anIndis- cretions ffl cat 5fuaoi,.ly and su? l y restore Lost Vitality in old or young and Et a man for study, businessor marri•1go. Prevent- Insanity. and Consumption it tS con in time. Their use sheen immediate improve- Gist and effects a CURE whore all other fail In. They ho onniilc Ajax s east ROA cured havingt g � iv a pos- itive villouro you. Wo e have written guarantee ua and y a , hive written re refund h r effects care uni'1n 1 S w per each naso or refund alto money. Price c„ la! .per package; or six pkgos (full treatment) for $2,50. By man, in plain wrapper, upon receipt of price. Circular five.AJAX REMEDY CO., 7 J Denrb.rn 81., Solei inn a' ac;tl:a1 by a, Lutes, , D1IIIII;ie;t orn Out? ft. it W ,r. 1 A. man must consider his purchaell well these times; lie must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits *9,8O Overcoats $$.iii Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, 412.00 Our $ 0 blacks beat all others at $23. Conde and ]sdu for yourself. and other Offal for sale CHEAP. COME AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN Biclyces ! BUY FOR LITTLE MONEY, Do you come to the close of as thedaythoroughlyexhausted? Does this continue day after u ?M ,day, possibly week after week? s Perhaps you are even too ex- S. hausteel to sleep. Then some- ie thing is wrong. All these la things indicate that you are So s� suffering from nervous ex- 9? d haustion. Your nerves need a feeding and your blood en y. (l` riehing. Scott's Emulsion 2 of Cod-liver Oil, with Hypo- phosphites of Lisne and Sodaas, es contains just the -remedies to mea t hese wants. The co s t liver oil gives the needed `, t' strength, enriches the blood, feeds the nerves, and the hy- [e� popgosphites give -them t o ne (� and vior.. Be sure you get ^� ' Emulsion. SCOTT'S �1 �_ ( $ i.00. • druggists .«. and S All 5 F3\ SCOTT & BONNE„ Chemists, Toronto fkeeteeeeeirteeeeeieeeeeeee HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR HOGS. S. GIDLEY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. \t) This season wo have surpassed our- selves in making and eathering together Choice Oddments 111 Enucy 0urni'turc suitable for presentation. The assorement is now complete and everybody i, invited to view our Stook if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture ,can be purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to a line of Very Handsome BED It0011 SETTS in Eeir, Oak. and .1.Sn Asrigrx and CnEliONA finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it has heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. ROCKING CHAIRS. HES IL GRIM Bicycles I! Bicyles I I Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any et the best wheels made, at lowest prieea Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and tn• spent them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. (�ry�f .. To FOREST lIlt GREEN, ANTIQEE (11211,AK, Perk Ills �e� CURLY 13 Men, anal 111ASI eti ON Fir)ds11, V 1). 11 from ,$tili.44) up, Martin. FANCY TABLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked tit correspondingly low prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs. Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy Mockers, Alusic Racks, Couches, Extension Tables. Picture Moulcleings. Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Etc., Eta. UNDERTAKING and E1IIIALUING IN ALE ITS BRANCHES ... S. Maley SG Bon. ..FARMERS! Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM 7 I for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. we Ultannufneture-- You,will find at Bisset's WVarerooms the i : following lane of Agricultural 1plements T1 Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Bali Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETR. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince. , . . Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES. Gurney stoves and furnaces A 0 N s and ��N��d� The Ch athem Wagon On and ll line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL " WIPER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps. Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Ohl Reliable, Winnaes's Con- dition Powders; still holds fist place in the market. ' .Also Lotion for scratelles on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLI: AGENTS FOR DIX LUNG SYRUP. C. L U T Z, DRUGGIST. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS% oumws BAKING POWi"tR THECQOtCSBILST FRIEND LA8t5EST `SP IrF C iri41`r&"?..a.