HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-30, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their paper
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THURSDAY, DEC, 30, 1897.
The Week's Commercial Summary.
Stocks of wheat at Toronto are 89,-
1173 bushels as against 86,474 bushels
last week and 218,611 bushels a yeax
Grand Trunk securities are higher
In London, with 4 per cent. guaranteed
sow quoted at 69 3-8, and Eudson's
Bay shares at £28,
A special report on the wheat crops
of the United States, issued on Mon-
day, places the yield at 580,000,000
bushels, or 13,97 bushels to the acre,
The visible supply of wheat in the
United States and Canada decreased
101,000 bushels last week. and the total
is 84,744,000 bushels as against 54,2S1,-
000 bushels a year ago, The amount
afloat in Europe decreased 80,000 bush-
els last week, and the total is 33,840,00)
as against 38,440,000 bushels a year
ago. Combined the total is 68,584.000
bushels as against 87,724,000 bushels a
year ago, a decrease of 19,140,000
Totally Deaf.—Mrs. S. E. Crandall, Port
Perry, writes: "I contracted a severe cold
last winter, which resulted in my becom-
ing totally deaf in one ear and partially
so in the other. After trying various
remedies, and consulting several doctors,
without obtaining any relief, I was ad-
vised to try Dr. Thomas' Eclectrio Oil. I
warmed the Oil and poured a little of it
into my ear, and before one-half the bot-
tle was used my bearing was completely
restored. I have beard of other cases of
deafness being cared by the use of this
Words of Wisdom.
There is no education like adversity.
The greatest remedy for anger is de-
Fools rush in where angels fear to
They that will not be counseled can-
not be helped.
Laughing cheerfulness throws sun-
light on all the paths of life.
Fine sense and exalted sense are not
half so useful as common sense.
There is a remedy for every wrong
and a satisfaction for every soul.
If a man is worth knowing at all he
is worth knowing well.
There is great ability in knowing
how to conceal one's ability.
The testimony of a good conscience
is the glory of a good man.
Fire and sword are but slow engines
of destruction in comparison with the
bab bier.
Not education, hut character,is man's
greatest need and man's greatest safe-
Blessings ever wait on virtuous
deeds, and though a late, a sure reward
If you wish to be held in esteem, you
must associate only with those who
are estimable.
One of the godlike things of this
world is the veneration done to human
-worth by the hearts of men.
Important Events in Few Words
For Busy People.
The Easy World's happenings Carefully
Complied and Put Into Handy and
Attractive Shape For the Readers of
Our Paper—A Solid $cur's Enjoyment
In Paragraphed Information.
Lord Strathcona, the Canadian High
Commissioner, thinks that the Canadian
pulp and paper inamrfaoturers could do a'
large business with Great Britain. •
The annual meeting of the Ontario
.Fruit Growers' Association was concluded
at Waterloo last Friday. It was decided
to meet next year at St. Catharines.
General Sir William Lockhart, the
British commander-in-ohief in India, has
decided to send a column of troops to
reopen the Khyber Pass.
Spanish military journals deolare that
twenty Generals have come to an agree-
ment to engineera protest against Presi-
dent McKinley's message to Congress,
which is considered insulting to the
Spanish, army.
All the rolling stock of the Port
Arthur Electric Railway was destroyed
by fire.
Lord Wrottesloys seat at Staffordshire
has been completely gutted by fire. Many
articles of historic value were lost.
The American hotel and the dwelling
and livery of Dr. McBride, at .Amherst -
burg, Ont., were burned Wednesday
night, Loss $9,000; insurance $5,200.
The C.P.R. telegraphers' committee
were unable to effect an agreement with
Mr. Spencer, and will wait on Mr. Tait.
Tho engineers of six of the Allan Line
steamers at Glasgow have joined the
strikers, and the Sarmatian was unable
to leave port Saturday.
The French Chamber of Deputies has
passed a proposal making ten hours a
day's work on railroads, ten hours of rest
to follow the day's work.
An order has been received at the
G.P.R. shops, Perth, for 1,500 box cars.
A company has been formed and plans
matured for building an electric railway
between St. Catharines and Port Dal-
Mr. J. Haney, superintendent of con-
struction of the Crow's Nest Pass rail-
way, gives a general denial to the charges
of unfair treatment of the laborers em-
ployed on the work. He says out of four
thousand men only sixty had any com-
plaint to make, and they were sent home.
Rev. Dr. Saunders, of the Dominion
Methodist church. Ottawa, has decided
to accept the invitation to Dundee Street
church, London.
Rev. Dr. Jaynes M. Farrar, pastor of
the First Reformed church, of Brooklyn,
intends to preach from this on without
pay. He gives up a salary of $6,000 a
Rev. Mr Mackie, of Belleville, a
retired Roman Catholic priest, was
stricken with apoplexy. The reverend
gentleman, who is 84 years of age, is
not likely to recover.
There is no dispute managed without
a passion, and yet there is scarce a
dispute without a passion.
The shortest and surest way to live
-with honor in the world is to be in
reality what we would appear to be.
No matter what his rank or position
may be, the lover of books is the richest
and happiest of the children of men.
God bless you" is the old-fashioned
summing up of sincere affection, with-
out the least smirk of studied civility.
This is the law of benefits between
men—the ono ought to forget at once
what he has given anti the other ought
never to forget what he has received.
Take care how you listen to the voice
of the flatterer, who, in return for his
little stock, expects to derive from you
considerable advantage. If one day
you do not comply with his wishes, he
imputes to you two Hundred defects in-
stead of perfection.
linard's Liniment the Lumbermans' Friend.
An Accurate Phrase.
"You allude to a lot of smoking ruins
in your story," said the city editor.
"Yes," replied the reporter. "They
were there."
"But I didn't send you to write about
a conflagration. This was a semi -
modal occasion."
"I know it. But there were a num-
ber of cigarette fiends present."
They Never Fail.—Mrs. S. M. Bough-
ner, Langton, writes: "For about two
years Iwas troubled with Inward Piles,
but by using Parmelee's Pills, I was com-
pletely cured, and although four years
have elapsed since then they have not re-
turned." Parmelee's Pills are anti -
bilious and a specific for the cure of Liver
and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos-
tiveness, Headache, Piles, etc., and will
regulate the secretions and remove all
bilious matter.
Not the Name for It.
Rich Old Maid—"Do you love me,
Alfred (enthusiastically but truth-
fully)-` `Love you? Why, my dar-
ling, love isn't the name for it !'
Minard's Liniment is Used by Physicians.
Arrow Points.
An overtrained singer is as bad as
overworked butter.
When a man says no political party is
good enough for him, -we seldom trust
People always think that the people
who preceded them in a house were very
Hanuilteu ictw the eldest dangh_btr.
A. Cc: Trains#y;
Mie. ..John X Baron, Q C , arc -M t'
Lindsay, hags -sheen„ appointed:: vunt1
Judge elf Pert1i to iteetace Judge 'Wood,
who retired.
A correspondent in Rome represento
the Pope to 'bean good health, and },1,1'
of enthusiasm ean regard tdelefs fairoeieee
project of ceitivereeeng England. %i,,.
Mr. Irving;`• of Victoria, B.C., has
been appointed ,'edge of the:', Stel'are1P
Court of British•Qplemebia in the piteoe of
Justice MoCreighf, who resigned
From Rendslatug, .where he�totil.. fare-
well of Prince Henry of .irtis'siaa
roe is ed by t Disease Piles -.Due Cause
44."Sleoplesp.{Iti3 That Con•' lm +,Readily
; AVIllirtfiz 'ai�, S8ratega;*,$prings,.N.
writ); ' I4 esu' criber, beiria•
oi:fkft�„i arsaT dent of tilt town of
{}ratozha; 1. V.4i,„.0.certa.fy that I litive
beery -formany:.ears afflicted with Rae
pi care e .; , ea ,
Z' -F neenths z got no regular sleep, I
bee„gmeeompletely--prostrate :
the ti.oe-
tors did inc•uci goes}, On ,triielneestlu
atteettl$eneexeh of L A T ask's:A '
}retic Oil�tCm t; I, at ends rosined' a
twenty-hve• tat liottlef and used,it tis'
Emperor William proecsaded to .'riedrioh dir'eered; ad itrhas afflecterle'aepeefent
sruhe, where he had•:aii.interview with cure: I. ha not language to o;fess.
Prince Bismarck. ';a: my feels..; f gFatirtsde .to the creator'
for his ineraluti,t l ,ointments ,hvould
CASUALTIES. say to those ssa ring avatk the same
By the bursting of Cuinuiings' dans at complaint. ' Tug iris renp9ds ;and, you
Norway, the foundry of Wtt. Neild wasa aazial not be d><kap19inted ; ",
"" t" Fxperiel L''o 'Wit D1 firs11VelSirgnet,
Oso me>l� p � #3 �4t�
swept away. 1•
John Barker, of Siancoe, v tis • killed
the caving in of a well•in whish he a+tas
Correspondence between Sir Wilfrid
Laurier and the American representa-
tives regarding sealing and reciprooity
has been made public at Washington.
A despatch from Athens announces
that the treaty of peace between
Turkey and Greece has been ratified by
The United States Senate has approved
a bill appropriating $200,000 for the relief
of the miners in the Klondike region.
A provision in the bill to prevent
pelagic sealing, which has passed the
United States Congress, shuts out seal-
skins, no matter where they oome from.
This will hit both British and Canadian
dealers in the skins, as both sold largely
to the United States.
I John Brown, ex -Mayor of Stratford,
bas been chosen as the Liberal candidate
for North Perth, in the coming provincial
There is talk in Ottawa of the letter
rate throughout Canada being reduced
from three to two cents. This would
involve an annual loss of seven hundred
thousand dollars,
After the first of January the Inter -
colonial railway, the Prince Edward
Island railway, and the leased lines, will
be known under the title of the Cana-
dian Government railway system.
The Government has made arrange-
ments with the Head Line steamers
running between Halifax, Belfast and
Dublin to carry the nails. This will give
a direct mail service to Ireland.
t S.' nthe a 1•-nf s
cehio t.$€eel-Co tris mbgi c� p ftiss urn
as evt��sttt nillione f'ett•$erers from
Robert Marshall, aged fifteg`c1, wa pile ,,'t`fiaedteses,the safest and most ef-
killed in the Hamilton cotton mills 1eejtadl i~a ,4,; ei,offes otl`,io_tl}e ps�blic,
o so sol a
elevator. :,•Ale,on•Gt+�7itn�-z#��p.akes i ,oqi n S
Mrs. Peters,of Wulkerville was prgii�: "iit.tatt` li ancl:eonV'eriieYi't` o handle,' . slids'h be rig ; Old't by dk •, ist`25
ably fatally burned by her clothi$g ,cents adid-40.ecentB per lid , i tvitl}�in
catching fire, lie neacli:'of every sufferer : e : •
Mrs. Alfred Doyle, of Brockville, was 'Ycr -frequently two,"or three.. bottled
missed from her home and her body was j
found in the bay.
Terrific weather has been prevailing on
the southwest coast of Ireland, and seri-
ous wrecks are reported.
The American schooner Susan P.
Thurlow was wrecked off Cape Elizabeth
and six of her crow wore drowned.
The Minister of Agriculture intends
sending about 1,000 samples of Canadian
wheat to British millers, so that they
mak see for themselves the excellence of
Canadian grain.
William Green, who was run into by a
street oar at Hamilton while riding a
horse on Sunday afternoon, is -dead as
the result of his injuries.
A little four-year-old daughter of Dr.
Sanfacon, of Beauport, Quebec, got
access to her father's surgery, and after
investigating tho various phials, finally
took a drink from a bottle containing
strychnine. `Tho child was saved by her
father and Dr. Provencher. She had
taken an overdose, which caused vomit -
The steamer Rosedale
docked at Kingston.
Colchester Reef Light, on Lake Erie,
will be discontinued from this date.
Another case of smallpox has been
reported to the Mayor by the Montreal
Health Officer.
Residents of Ottawa have subscribed
six hundred dollars to Mr. Blake's latest
Home Rule fund.
The widow of Sir John Simeon has
presented to the library of Trinity College,
Cambridge, the first manuscript of "In
Mr. McGregor, M.P., of Windsor, is in
Ottawa urging the Government to take
steps to prevent the piping of Canada's
natural gets into the States.
It is reported that the population of
Hayti is becoming more excited, and the
Government is prepared to take drastic
measures to prevent an outbreak.
The Dutch steamship Edam, which
arrived at New York Saturday from
Amsterdam, had a case of smallpox on
board and was detained at quarantine.
The Chamber of Commerce of Port-
land, Oregon, has offered the United
States Government 1,000 tons of provis-
ions for relief of the Yukon miners.
Mr. W. C. Macdonald has made
another gift of about $300,000 to McGill
university. Mr. Macdonald's total con-
tributions to McClil amount to about
It is announced that Lord Strathcona
has presented his entire herd of buffalo
now on his farm near Winnipeg to the
Dominion Government, to be placed in
the National Park at Banff,
was safely
Mr. Stewart E. Martin, of Windsor,
collector of customs, is dead.
Captain William Sperling, of the
Montreal Fire Brigade, is dead.
AlphonseDaudet, the celebrated French
novelist, is dead. Hewes fifty-seven years
of age.
Sir Frank Lockwood, M.P., who
accompanied Lord. Russell on his recent
trip to this country, is dead.
Mrs. W. D. Hart, wife of the manager
of the Standard Bank, at Kingston, and
daughter of B. W. Folger, died yesterday
from phthisis, after a long illness.
The Minerve, the French morning
Conservative paper of Montreal, which
has been published continuously for the
past 44 years, suspended publication
Henry Stewart, an aged widower who
lived alone on his farm in Elderslie town-
ethip, was found dead in a field near his
house yesterday: It is supposed to be a
case of heart failure.
Mr. E. Donnell has been appointed
Town Clerk and.. Treasurer of Barrie.
The Queen is said to be in better
health and 'spirits than for some time
Eugene. V. Debs has'been lecturing in
Canada in the interest of the Canadian
Co-operative Commonwealth. . .
Mr. B. B. Osler, Q.C,, was married at
others Praise
One Wonian wh
{ i firsi Th'arii
five 0.0
y� 'id
and has been cured, say: ts°f
=has sp with her husband f �r
it` -';the first she hast njoyed -for
.I usband being drunk.
kf +
,A'lso Letters .f Qm : ?hy i Y a d'`Public' Men—TW Testimony
it'C06f, lielini i�g`and 1�liost.(onvincing
• Tty0.4)4',.;o
have >aitiile,a complete cure of .elrronlo •:; .''
• et .•gee,
of 'a' Letter Re food Fi crit elle Toronto, Dee. lsti' 1.897,
cis ? tliatl??kva not yielded to. -other, col r Dr. : McTaggart. ` ' y a,
rr 1.4:F. -years. - " Mother of ti i'titiel4t. -
•„ Dear Doctor,—You. asic'irie"tUsa
Tli `ttrcel * a disease more ag Dr' 14e'Pa a rt, - • • t :-? Nov;'3r'd,1897: of'tee efficacy of your trt:atmeat itjr'Intr c,
q•1,RSlr ISeetherelsa 1 bohrg posted mbuo
iftl"bbSEinate to cure their; Ct4; eteSi ink sou, your olca llenb e9, :it, is D4rin
glav t i g the last felt months I have had per
the r itrftf 7Tia"of piles, And it' is ii nl four m�Tths since fir?it'fre .saw you and .frisnal knowled•=e af•several persons who testify'.
ou an nae yotrever mete fEs1t • pis•�hht)mpl.cte ,Y removes thereby. y. corn
Salves trill �'§"lil'-"i�1}21iaT,1'.}t.il0zt��:co4i; be it�:ppi'�vorsocpnditlbfi7.rind"now? \Vellhe�'coriqqe"Pi,S'dGirceT ]warn of two cases, one at
raining clang > QXrsy, t4 1.¢t7lnye: jetasant to lour: upwt. What a change there is Breit lord and one at Milton, In wl\iell till
r Nv
•on1 no2�-., cs •ta�''use oiMI6e to 'tom ,t+of'}'ea>~inont. l�;e.arettrill thin?
-ful'XQY=; they h' vo'' had' the 'craving' for alooht lie,
c a i 11 C ld ho aci os I 1 h b F
t� s
the trouble.` *�� � amt, o ;?1 hl faro rind in tlispositiop' ne,more .rotiY =ryas prod over nine months ago and t'
�3 �t amiable, 'Floes not know that I arta sllppirlg. ettete tircnsehey claim that they have no desire , •
Ointment has su '..this iii•beaida. 1[s own, but i want you to 1tg1> 'lbi°'tpielfeeta
ineffectual Tense 5 ever faiths-
I understand you claim that once the appatitn'
in•' with any festala� %' ears. is. -. tiro,
mistake in giving Dim` a , , '�* .- 1 1' ....e.- t Such of yew. patients its I •have wile oe'
`knowledge' of, scent to substatrtla't'd this claim...
Helie, Ointment a trial ; f<�E,c- "' L r- r Toroeto, Deoes, 1897, As, in gouii_treatmerit, you .,dp ant reaprt to•'
Any druggist call furnish Y t L�+ IFiS�il en'h°m>atmay concern: 'hypodermis. ejeatiotsres youi•.ial1 in
for .
� : • a.B:leg ceeetantly associeeied evi b n. large treatment env eft.' .'' mush les -s•' lit in cases ,
11i agnetic Ointment, as it 15 ' k1 ti'";,ter of raeli •uinong teeth aemeeettocnt n where injeotion3 ,are a h rimers ae stud t t ail o
known and most popalar renier el e_
�..+ltd the uso.6l..si}nn d , .. r R the medicine s iso
piles, and if you ask him he can don t, 'te drawn to one the,sey� a eves for having no bad after-effect, I cannot in just.ee •
less refer you to many people in your »• �.e� omo pat. = mollilis"-liar. fryer I. to your treat.mctit refuse to certify to the facts-
p P I a si facts -
It T Isled in AuateIiin-hdliw"tesitftt,'of as they have been ln•ese�rtcd to nee I knotbr of
vicinity who have been completely , f:ls�xa £�itdtvee ilif.Gpl'h t alien, I.fi�v, 'tris eases where you lutvo been kind enough: to
cured by it.Francis U Kahle 107 visltEt + ''P gra3tdno �„crtesthnenMe atinduistee thetreatment gra eituusly- You -
the . c ?
+ r could be ` �' ' 'tee:hese dettr,°.lta3,v.ea of theeeteaseithout doubt tieing u good work. I .hope.,
Bay at„ reroute Ont. men, for o OtetteteRffeter •„'• a'tonCewirer intlidt mar 'uture yeti will be able to ,see Your,.
a drunken bus an •ti ekes try; G .horns, The .way t017jt e the medical. profession the benefit
men say they have if •,alt - . ec.,for, dritlk�'';3f your o. llericnce us' alsc the modus 0pesandt
and can now pass and relsie .ticotl-.rctihouf nay -our treulineitt 'yours truly,•
any desire to enter. =ry. U ••� A. M. ROSJfI3i1RGH, M. D.
My last visit was made a few days after ; See'y Prism:era id Associatlou.
Thanksgiving Day. One young married woman cam-,
said this was the first Thanksgiving Day. she
and her husband had spent together for five From alio Sea'y of tiro Dom. Alliance:
years. Another woman said it WEB the first
Thanksgiving she had enjoyed for 90 years. on
account of ber husband being drunk. He is
now a sober and hornet eying man.
Such proofs of the changes wrought by the
"Dyke Cure" are most gratifying to all except
saloon keepers.
Sincerely yours,
Agent Prisoners' Aid Association.
As Easy as Lying,•
Mary Cowden.Clarke's statement, in
her autobiography, that she has heard
Charles Lamb say that he never stut-
tered when he told a lie, recalls a wit-
ticism by James Madison, as told in
henry S. Randall's "Life of Thomas
Jefferson" (volume 8, page 480: Madi-
son '" was lying on his back on a sofa,
at Montpelier, complaining of consider-
able innisposition, but talking with
great volubility to some guests. The
doctor suggested that he would not
benefit himself by speaking so much in
that position. "Oh, doctor! I always
talk easiest when I lie," was the reply.
Out of Sorts.—Symptoms, -rleadache.
Ioss of appetite, furred tongue, and gen-
eral indisposition. These symptoms, if
neglected, develop into acute disease. It
is a trite saying that an "ounce of preven-
tion is worth a pound of cure," and a
little attention at this point may save
months of sickness and large doctor bills.
For this complaint take from two to three
of Parmelee's Vegetable Pills on going to
bed, and one or two for three nights in
succession. and a care will be effected.
The Century Magazine.
The fifth printing of Dr. Mitchell's
novel, ” Hugh Wynne," is now under
way, bringing the book up to the
thirtieth thousand. The new story.
"The Adventures of Francois," by
the same author, which is to begin in
the January Century, is a tale of pure
adventure, the hero a "foundling, ad-
venturer, juggler, fencing master and
servant, during the French Revolu-
tion." It will be illustrated by the
French -American artist, Andre Cas-
The rumor that Major Walsh lost all
his -provisions en route to the Klondike is
not credited in Ottawa, as he is known
to have safely passed White Horse rapids,
which was the last point of danger.
The Dominion Government, as owners
of the La Canadienno, in company with
the charterers of that vessel, have decided
to take action against the United States
Government for ten thousand dollars for
damages sustained in the collision with
the Yantic.
$The re -trial of the Panama Canal
scandals has began in Paris.
P. C. McLaughlin, of Ottawa, will be
tried by the County Judge on the charge
of shooting Xavier Daoust with intent
to kill.
Three convicts working in the Kings-
ton Penitentiary farm made a bolt for
liberty. They were recaptured after an
exciting chase.
Vladimir Bourtzeff, a Russian,• was
remanded at Bow street police station,
London, charged with issuing a publica-
tion inciting the assassination of the
George Arnold was sentenced to five
years in Kingston Penitentiary far a
murderous assault on Turnkey Bruce in
Whitby jail on the occasion of his escape
in 1896.
The directors of the Commercial Bank
of Newfoundland have been acquitted.
They were James Goodfellow, Edwin
Duder, James Hilts, Frederick Goodridge,
George Hutchings and Henry ; Cooke.
They were charged with bad management,
which resulted in wrecking the bank.
The trial of Fred Elliott, at Goderioh,
on the charge of manslaughter, was con -
eluded when the jury
returned a verdict
of guilty, with a strong recommendation
to mercy. The judge sentenced him to
five years in the penitentiary, ,
Willism Terriss, the well-known Eng-
lish actor, was stabbed with a knife as
he was entering the stage door of the
Adelphi theatre, in London. He died in a
few minutes. His assassin, who is sup-
posed to be a stage hand, was arrested.
The residence of Mrs. A. F. Peterson,
at Cobourg, Ont., was ransacked by bur-
glars Wednesday night, and everything
turned topsy-turvy. Mrs. Peterson was
visiting her son,' M. H. Peterson,.in To-
ronto, and the loss cannot be ascertained
until her return home.
James Bronson is in custody at Belle-
ville, Ont., charged with manslaughter.
It is charged that at a bee in Rawdon in
1895 a young man named Barter was
fatally injured in a row. Bronson was
arrested, but escaped, and was captured
only a few days aro,
Ask for Minard's and take no other.
"One of the ways I make a good
many friends," said the old politician
to the young man he was breaking in
as his successor. "was in never failing
when I met a man with a new ready-
made suit on, to ask him who was his
Seem or Ouro, Crrr or TOLEDO, )r
FRANK J, CHEERY makes oath t { tat he is the
senior partner of the firm of F. J. Crrr:NEY & Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo. County
and State aforesaid and that said firm will pay
the sum of ONE,HUNDRED DOLLA RS for each
and every case. of Catarrh that cannot be cured
by the use of HALL'S CA'rAltalt Cum:.
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence, this 6th day of December, A.D. 1896.
1 sa a 1 Notary Public.
Halls Catarrh Care is taken internally and acts
diroetly on the blood and mucous surfaces of
the system. Scud for testimonials free.
F. J. CIIENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
a Sold by druggists, 750.
Keep Minard's Liniment in the House.
Pointed Paragraphs.
A fool and bis father's money are
soon parted.
The one redeming feature of a pawn-
shop is the ticket.
The hog may be a squealer but he
never gives anything away.
Tho painstaking man doesn't always
suffer the most pain. •
There is no insurance against the
flames kindled by a woman's eyes.
Most people neglect 'doing tomorrow
what they have put off doing to -day.
People like so listen to advice only
when it confirms their own opinions.
Gas trusts may not make the world
any better, but they make it a little
Instructors in elocution may teach a
man how to talk, but unfortunately
not what to say.
A good word might be said in favor
of congress gaiters, but shoes with
tongues should be able to speak for
Women barbers will never become
popular with men. They can't forget
the scrape that Samson got into by go-
ing to a -woman for a haircut.
Mother Graves' Worm . Exterminator
has the largest sale of any similar prepar •
ation sold in Canada. It always gives
"satisfaction by restoring health to the
Little folks, `
was Looking tor Afl ,natives.
"I called last evening, Miss Josephine,
but thought I had better not Dome in."
"Why, ItIr. Detrop?"
"Your little brother told me You, were
apstairs In a dark room developing nega
;fives:"—Chicago Record.
TORONTO, July 12, 1897.
A. McTaggart, Esq.,
Dear Stn—In reply to your enquiry regarding
my knowledge of 111e Dyke Cure for Intemi•cr-
nice, I )taxa to say that it was brought under
1)1y notice about a year o:;0, and I specially in-
terested myself in a numeer of cases that wore
treated by it. In name of them the results were
remarkable, several parties who were confirmed
Inebriatebecoming entirely changed and re-
maining till the present time sober and useful
From the Secretary o[ the young Hen's citizen% Sever:d other parties treated at :he
Christian Association. same time 1 kava lost sight of, but do not per-
sonally know of 0 case out of half a dozen
la which the treatntcnt Watt
My Dear Doctor,—I am glad to be able to say s not suceessiul. .
that the young man .lir. W„ whom you treated With best 11 ishcs,1 remain
with the Dyke Cure for Intemperance, seems Yours, sincerely,
enth•ely cured of his craving lfor drink. He F. e.1,YE'FCIC.
tells me himself that all desire has been abso-
lutely taken away. It Is refreshing to notice Milton, April 20, 1897.
the improvement in his personal appearance. Dr. McTaggart:
His eyes are bright and clear, and altogether to- Dear Sit•; -I :1n1 well ncquailded trills O. man
day he presents a striking contrast to his appear- living ileal hero, who had for yr:n•s been an ,,x-
ance three months ago- Inasmuch as almost ecsstve drinker, but who, I am rery glad to
two months have passed since he finished taking learn, luta by the use. of lite Dvke Cur', got rid
his treatment. I have every hope that his oure of the craving for liquor and becoute a reformed
will prove to be permaucnt. maul. I hope that your remedy wilt be us great
Yours sincerely, a blessing to others. i,
F. 11. Pratt, Secretary. Yours truly,
Dec. 2e, 1897. J. H. McCollum, Ex -Mayor.
1'he Dyke Cure is a simple vegetable preparation to be taken internally—no
hypodermic injections. The Cure can be taken at borne and necessitates no loss of
time from. business.
It is an establt',shed fact that after the remedy has been taken for four or five
days all desire for alcoholic stimulants ceases,and at the end of four weeks the patient
is restored to health.
The Dyke Cure has been reduced to $25.00 a treatment in order to place it
within the reach of all,
A full tt eatmeat to last four weeks. with directions for use,
will be sent to any address for $25.00.
Dr. MoTa"gart Is a graduate of McGill College and refers by permission as to
his integrity and professional standing to the following well known public men:
Sir W. R. Meredith, Chief Justice of Ontario, Toronto.
Hon. G. W. Ross,'Minister of Education, Toronto, Ont.
G. W. Yorker, Banker, Toronto.
R. J. Fleming, Ex -Mayor of Toronto.
H. S. Strathy, Manager Traders' Bank, Toronto.
S. Nordheimer, Gorman Consul, Toronto.
Address DR. McTAGGART, 44 Bay Street, Toronto, Ont.
The great lung healer is found in that
excellent medicine sold as Bickle's Anti -
Consumptive Syrup. It soothes and di-
minishes the sensibility of the membrane
of the throat and air passages, and is a
sovereign remedy for all coughs, colds,
hoaisettess, pain or soreness in the chest,
bronchitis, etc. It has cured many when
supposed to be far advanced in consump-
''omething to Brag About.
When we are children we brag about
our parents ; when we get to be young
men and young women we brag about
ourselves ; when we become older we
brag about our children.
Linwood, Ont.
Jas. McKee,
Lachlin MoNiel, Mahon, C. B.
John A. McDonald, Arnprior, Ont,
C. B. Billing,
Markham, Ont.
John Mader, Mahone Bay,N.S
Lewis S. Butler, Burin, Nfld:
These well known gentlemen all assert'
that they were cured by MINARD'S
The Husbands.
First Wife—When my husbandstays
out all night I refuse to get him any
Second. Wife—When my husband
stays out all night he never wants any.
It is only necessary to read the testi-
monial:a to be convinced that Holloway's
Corn Cure is unequalled for the removal
of corns, warts, etc. It is a ,complete ex -
ti nguisher.
The New Arrangement.
"I suppose you're going to have an-
other old-fashioned Christmas at your
house this year Haply?"
"Can't possibly arrange it. Hired girl
goes to matinee in the afternoon,reooption
in the evening and a dance later on."
D0, YOU, wArArr Write to the NOOTHIUN
BUSINESS CoLt.sce, Owen
TO LEARN IT ? Sound, Ont. ii you want
in Shorthand or a practical Business Education.
Circulars free. C. A. FLEMING, Principal.
We have noticed that the men whose
pictures are on ereenbaoks never get
And Their Wives
Drop us a post card, and get free
our booklet on .
It costs nothing, tens all about
Indurated Fibre Pails, Milk Pans,
Dishes and Butter Tubs, and
will put mono in your pockt s.
The E. B. Eddy Co.,
For sale by all leading houses.,
CHAS. BOECKH &SONS, Manufacturers,
to m ke TEN TO TWENTY -
month write
We have a brand new Mc, article .
that smart boys and girls from fourteen up
wards can sell rapidly. It is instructive, le-
teresting edifying and fascinating. Send 23.0.,
for complete outfit to NICHOLS & CO., 33 Rich-
mond W., Toronto.
T. N. U. 147
" E A
Put up in lead packages.
Also Japans and !Spurns.
A. II. CANNIN C•,• Si CO., Wholesale Agenter
57 VRONT Sr..55, .5*, TORONTO.