HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-30, Page 1:!r
TENTH YEAR. -5,13.
I ..
Our Lenses are true and will b ive comfort, They help
preserve the sight.
Q make NO CHARCM for testing' your eyes.
d eof the tical Institute. �..� O
Graduate Optical
Watch Department is Tete, Com
Our Clock and� p.
Drop in and take A LOOK AT OUR GOODS
gid see our prices; by so doing you
FARMS FOR SALE, Sale Register.
The undersigned has a few good farms for
stile cheap. Money to loan on easy terms.
Joule :+recx:AN,
Samwell's. Black Exeter. ,
Private funds to tend on improved farms,
at five and live and a half per rent.
Apply to
Solicitor,, ate
1st December, 1'97. Exeter.
Lotr,, concession 5, township of Uaborne,
is offered for rent ly the undersigned. It h,
one of the best farms in the township, con-
taining, one-lanndrod acres and has every
convenience. This farm will bo Iet to a goon
tenant for a terra of years and possession to
plow will e° given immediately.
Apply to MA's 3a.i•I LANn,Devon.
There came into the enclosure of the un-
dersigned some time in the fore part of Oe -
tabor, a two-year old, v°llowish real and
white. liornlaenheifcr, The °weer east have
game by F,avifA exeenses. The animal is on
THURSDAY, JAN, 0•,-tlorres, rigs, l fano,
household effects, etc , the property or Fred.
D. Williams. Everything is early new
and in as heat -class con inion. Sala At 1.30
o'clock. Mr. J. (fill, aaetioneer.
The annual meeting of the Stephen dG I -s -
borne Agricultural Society, will be held in
Town Hall, Exeter, on Wednesday, Jan, tells
1$9$, to elect officers and direeters for the
year 18:'$;11,11,0 to matte knowu the finaneial
statement of the Secretary.
D. Mo .me, A. G. DYER,
President. Sea. Treas.
Miss Lizzie Hohn and Miss Rose
Carts, of London, are home visiting
their parents.—The Christmas tree e-
tertaintnent of the Boston Methodist
Church, held Christmas night, waft a
grand treat for old and young, the old
ehurch was crowded to overflowing.
Proceeds $40,35. Grace Church is to
have their Ohristmas tree Friday even-
ing. A grand. and good time is ex-
peetcd.-- Ile new Beton Methodist
Church will be furnished in a few days
and will he dedicated Jan. 9th, tea
tneetiu;; on,Mondey 10th.
THE undersigned offers for sale Lot No, 5,
4th concession, Township of Kincardine.
Thalami consists of 50acros, all cleared; good
frame house and barn; also two good oreh.
Ards, anti a plentiful supply of water. TAto
Landis situated 134milesfrom the Saugeon
line and 4 miles from the town of Kincar-
dine. Price $1,30e; WO down, the balance iu
ten or twelve years at 4!: per cent. Possess-
ion may be had at once. For further partic-
ulars apply to MRS. Titus, AI3I3(}l 1', Broad-
way, Kincardine
the�prein ses of Tobias (*Muth:3r, Lot 30, Con.
Sephen- To the Ratepayers of
Aleut Farm in Township of
'Marne, County of Huron.
,)FOR SALE by private contract, Lot four-
teen, (111 in the tenni (10) Concession Of Us -
borne, containinry one hundred acres. The
Landis of first-rate quality about sit acres
Bleared, the remainder in bush. There aro
two good -yells, one at the house the other
about the centre of the farm. The buildings
whieh comprise as f'ram, dwelling house
barn 55x30 and horse and cattle stable with
the fences that aro in fair condition,
For particulars apply to
THOMAS S. CLARK on the premises or to
Solicitors, &c.,
Dated, $rd Dee., 1897. Exeter.
GIVE US A - CALL,..olsigr
Bisftop.& 30q.
of Exeter.
the Village
LAenTe AND GENTLEMEN: I take this
means ofexpressing to you my many thanks
for the vote you gave me at the last Munici-
pal pal cIaori; although it was not
enough to
elect mo, still it was a good vote con-
sidering everything. At the solicitation of
my many friends I am again offering you
tiny services for the Reeyeship. In doing so
feel, as a large ratopayer,I should have a seat
at the Council Board. I assure you, If elect-
ed, I will do my utmost to promote the gen-
eral interest and welfare of the village, hav-
ing due regard for economy and retrench-
ment. As I cannot possibly make a person-
al canvas, owing to business engagement,
would ask you not to be misled by any stor-
ies circulated, as I am going to stay in the
field till the last vote is polled. Wishing you
a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.
Yours Respectfully„
Ailsa Crab
MARRI AOE.-Ou Wed evening
a happy event took place at the reel -
donee of Mrs. Cooper, namely, the alar
ria;e of her daeghtcr, Jessie.. J., to Mr.
Frank Upshall, who resides in Tucker-
smith, The Rev. S Acheson officiated,
and Win. Moore, of Iiensell, acted as
groomsman, while a sister of the bride
was bridesmaid. There was a goodly
company preseut, The bride received
many hand .oma presents.
DEATHS.—Many of the friends and
acquaintances of ;11r. Elsie, will regret
to hear of his death which took place
on Wednesday, 15th inst., at bis late
residence on lot 10, eon. 2. The deceas-
ed was born in Yorkshire, En;;., in 1825,
and was at the time of his death in his
75th year.—Thera died at her home in
Hibbert, en Friday last, Mrs John Simp-
son. The deceased was the youngest
daughter of Mr James Broadfoot, efthe
Mill road, and her deathis a partieular
ly sad bereavement to her parrtats and
young husba:id, to whom he was mar
ried ten months ago. She was a par-
ti:sularly loveable young lady. e tet med
by all; and was just nt the Wont of
womanhood, being only 19 years and
6 mouths of age. she had heen attire -
for the past six mouths, and her early.
rutting off is deeply mourned by a
wide circle; of fxienda.. Beside her bus -
band, ants other relatives, she leaves an
infant child, who will never know a
mother's love. The funeral took place
on Monday to Baird's cemetery.
The death is announced of Mr. W.
G. Shipley, a popular young man of
this place, from consumption: He had
been ailing since last August. His
death has occasioned sincere regret to
all who had the pleasure of his ac
Grand Bend.
Mr. Jos. Brenner has quite recovered
from his illness.—Mr. Joseph Gill purch-
ased from J. Hall, Dashwood, a nice
bunch of steers and has his stables full
malting in all over twenty steers.—Mr
Abner Mallard has returned home from
the west after spending the summer
there and seems to like the country as
he intends going back early in the
spring.—Mr, Fred Page has secured
the agency from the manufacturer for
the sale of his ironing boards which is
very useful.
Qsborne Council -
Thames Road,
as could be expeeted, The hand car
was a total wreck. It is a stery
MAltlteac,lt.—Wednesday evening a 1 m 6°
SHOOTING MATCH,—Over one hen- how Mr. Hepburn escaped with his life.
happy event took place at the residence dred people assembled in the village SOCIAL G .rH LRIst1.—One of the most
of Samuel Ronnie, Esq., Babylon Line, Tuesdt y to witness the pigeon and blue interesting social events which it has
when his daughter, Caroline, was milt rock shooting match and they went been the lot of Centralia to behold, took
ed in matiimuny to Wm. 11a' rock of home well satisfied with the days sport place on Christmas eve, . when -nei !-
Lake Shore Road. The ceremony .was as competition for honors in both bars, friends and citizens, to the num-
performed by Rev. Hoist, of Zurichin matches was very keen. Following is bee of about 60 or 70, assembled at the
the presence of about fifty invited the score: Pigeon. match—C. Shear- home of Mr.aud1rs, Cob ei
.h to
guests. Oliver Kenzie, of Berlin, was :town, 8; M. McCann, 9; 11, Silber, 7; C. brato the 25th anniversary of their
best man, while Hiss Laura Williams, Fritz, 8; M. Thompson, 9; J. Cunning 25th anniversary of their weddibig day.
assisted the bride. After the usual con ham, 0; H. Shoff, 7; J. Irwin 8;Bice, A pecultarit�• seldom or never seen in
gratulations the happy company sat 10; B. Munro, b; 3, Boland, 8.. S.`]±;ilber, an assembly of this hind was noticable
down to a bountiful repast. The bride 9.. Blue rock match—Sheardown, 6; there. The assembly was eomposed of
received marry haedsome presents, 5, Either, 8; Hamden, 8 \ieCann, 8; Ir all natlox alities, creeds, religions and
win, 10; Shoff, 9; Btlaud, 8; Munro, 10; all shades of politics were fully repre-
Stephen Thompson, 6; Bice, 8. " Stray Shots." sensed, showing clearly the popularity
Jas. Cunningham had his eve on the of lir. and Mrs. Cnbleigh In all classes
DI aT:i of MRs. Caant.--This week birds. H. A. Shoff, the. Toronto sport of Ilia. nava Unity. The music was
it becomes our duty to chronicle the who came here "pot "hunting, was in supplied by t11e,e,Credieon orchestra, un-
death of Mary Sanders, beloved wife of hard luck. Through some blunder his der the :Ole leadership of :lir George
Win, Crei;;, who died en llondit . last, gun was checked wrongly and hes was '/'t tclter, famous for hie inuglcal ability.
at the re.14, stce of her mother, Mrs, obliged to sh+.got with a strange ono It is 811 dlesr. to say than gift; were
John Sanders, of the 5th t:oneesaion. which no doubt accounts for his three numerous a,1.d costly Among the most
The deceased had been a vietim of con- lost birds as he 1s acknowledged to be prominent was that of Squire I'seinuedy-
sumption for some time but her ease one of the best shots in W'Cetcr» Out. of Ilderton, who dime down very sub -
did not assume a serious nature until arid, The birds were in excellent coat stantially to his daughter. After the
about a mouth ago when she was taken dition and with exceptions flew Fharp party had partaken of a bountiful re-
worse and gradually pined away until and strong. The match betweeu J. past, lir. C'ol leigb the host, was called
death relieved her of her sufferings, Cunningham and W. Drought, of Aliso, upon to address the audience, which he
She was the daughter of the late Craig, was postponed as the latter fail- did in his usual eloquent way, and at
Jahn Sanders, and her many frioltds ed to appear. the close rho assembly joined iu singing
will be pained to hear of her death. ---�-�----M--- " For tie's a Jolly Good Fellow." The
She leaves to mourn her demise a has• liiddulph orchestra discoursed music and song
band and two small ehildren who have until the small hours of the morni,ig,
the sympathy of the community. Her Our nomination here was rather when the guests e: pressed their best
remains were interred itt the Exeter stormy as usual, the Reive.;ind Deputy wishes to the host and hostess, hopiner
cemetery yesterday ;WVednesday) - were elected by acclamation. Toohey, that their lives would be, spared to eel
John Sanders, of Sarnia, and Thos, of ]cyan, Bry au and Armltaee for Coal- ; ehrate their gold:m wedding. "Then
London, :art; spending the Christmas einem; A. K. Hndgivs, Reeve; and all returned to thein 1Kul.s to sleep
hnlidaye with their father, \Ir. Wm 11 West man for Deputy Reeve. Mr. John t away the few remaining hours before
Sanders,—John Sanders, of Gilbert. Abbott resigned Mr, Thomas Arad- 4 the dawn of a merry Ctlrlsttnas morn -
Plains, :'ion., is here visiting old friends tage runs in his Ward, --Tho literarylag.
and relatives. entertainment in connection with the 4 "'
11u:elemmAL NoeuNATi:os.-The full regular sellout examination in No. 21
Council of last rear w:te ele;ttd by ate school house, came oaf on Wednesday i S v .--I Exeter, on Dee, 2lt h
elamation and will be sworn in the last, lir. Courser, the teacher, deserves v Iola n I: , h, the
second Monday in January at 11 fore the greatest praise for the
profit iency wife of Joseph Senior of a son,
uaan, made during the year. The entertain;tlAtxta`S. tS
ment was a success. The residents of
Crediton this section always take an aces in-
terest -in the school examinations and
there was more than usual interest in
this one. The house was crowded all
day. It is needless to say tile. Courses
is engaged for the eusuing year.—
Court Ciaudeboye, Independent. Order
of Foresters, hadtheir regular annual
eleet1 n of officers on Tuesday night
last, after which they had a coffee soc
ial in the hall,—During the blizzard
on Thursday night last several( acci-
dents are reported, Mr. Hepburn, sec
tion boss near Centralia, was severely
injured by :passing train, Two U1's11ALL-Cooruli,=At the residence
young men t-urning from London of the bride's father, London road,
were struck be the avenin;; train near `•Tueltersmith, an Dec. 22nd, by Rev.
Hyde Park and reported severely in• S. Acheson, Mr. Franklin Upshall, to
jured.—The Sabbath School entermain *Niles Jessie J., third daughter of Jas
meat held in the Nursery Church on Cooper, Esq , alt of Tuckersmith.
Tuesday evening was well attended
and a good time was spent,
Mr. Jno. Allison and Mr. Wm, Mon
teith, accompanied by their wives
spent Christmas at Mr, Alex..Hack-
ney's.—Mr. A. Campbell spent Christ-
mas in. Seaforth.—A few of the young
people of this neighborhood spent a
very enjoyable ttme at Mr. Jno. Alli-
son's, Sr.—Mr. Samuel Madge is on the
sick list at present,—Miss Jennie Arm
strong, who has been very sick with
inflammation is somewhat improved.—
Mr. Wm. Moody is in poor health at
present.—A meeting was held in the
Presbyterian. Church by the Christian
Endeavorers, on Tuesday night to el
est new offlcers for the coming six
months.—One of our young men, we
are told, had a very happy dream the
other night, but the sorrowful part was
when he awoke to find it was only a
dream.—We noticed that one of our
men of this neighborhood thought that
he had done a nice trick when he open
ed a letter (whish was entrusted in his
care to post) and wrote an item to it
He may think it a smart trick, but we
would call such a man, 130 gentleman
who would be guilty of such an act,
and we hope he will think twice be
fore he commits such another act.
Council Rooms, Dec, 27th, 1897.
Council met•to•day after nomination
meeting. All the members were pres-
ent. Minates of last meeting were
read and approved. A few order were
granted on motion of W. Delbridge,
seconded by W. Keddy. Hunter—Del-
bridge, that the clerk be authorized to
procure the necessary books for the use
of the Treasurer.—Carried. On mo-
tion of W. Keddy, seconded by A. Hun•
kin, the council adjourned sine (die.
FRANCIS Memory, Clerk.
Hay School Report
The December monthly -report for S.
8 No. 2, Hay, is as follows. Names are
in order of merit: 5th -J. W. Todd,
M. Russel, flora` Northcott; 4th Sara
Northcott, V. Rumalls, W R Dougall;
Sr. 3rd—J. R. Northcott Alice Dougall,
equal, Gertia Harvey, B. E. O'Brien;
Louisa Armstrong; Jun. 3rd—Luella
Munn, W. O'Brien, Louisa Armstrong;
2nd -R F. Northcott, J. R. Munn, Cora
Munn; 2nd part—W. J. Gould, Ethel
Harvey, Bettie Northcott; 1st part—E.
W. Munn, R. S. Todd, W. W. Northcott.
The best spellers in the monthly spell;
ilei; matches were: 5th, John Todd
4th, Sara Northcott; Sr. 3rd, Alice
Dougall; Jr. 3id, Luella Munn; 2nd, F.
Northcott; part 2, Mabel Dougall; part
1, Wilfrid Munn;
Stephen School Reports
Mr. Charles Eilber and wife are vis-
iting frieuds iu ,Morriston.—Miss Dina
Woods, of Loudon, is visiting friends
and relatives in Crediton, the guest
of lir and Mrs. John Kerr.—Mrs Au-
gust Sweitzer and son aro visiting her
parents, 11r. and Mrs. Michael Rlumpp.
—Mr. Simpson and the Misses Ball and
Coursey aro spending the holidays with
their parents.—Mrs Klumpp, Wesley
Finkbiner and Albert Fainter are visit-
ing friends in Loudon.—Miss Annie
Yelland, of Alma College, St. Thomas,.
is spending; .her holidays with her par-
ents, Rev. and Mrs Yelland.—Dr. Rol-
lins' handsome, smiling, Irish face was
seen in the village on. Saturday, none
the worse for his long voyage in Eng
land, Scotland and Ireland,—Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Roedding, of Zurich, spent
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. John
Trevethick, sen,—Mr, Samuel Brown
spent Sunday with Mr. John Pretter, of
Zurich. —Miss Mary Wein, of London,
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Louis
Wein.—Mrs, Kinzie, of Plattsyille, is
visiting her son, Mr. Ktnzle.—C. H.
Sanders, editor of the Exeter ADVOCATE
was in the village on Saturday.—Miss
Lillie Weiner, of Hensall, is visiting
her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
Weiner.—Nomination day passed off
quietly. All the members of the Coun-
cil were elected by acclamation.
meeting of the Orange Lodge, No.
1346, the following officers were elect-
ed :—W. M., Wm. Lewis; deputy -mas-
ter, Geo. Lawson; Treas., Wm. Year-
ley; Sec'y, Wm. Anderson; Fin sec'y,
Jas. Hodgins; Chap, Wm. Askton; lst
com-, W. Hoffman; 2nd com., William
Sanders; 3rd com., Wm. Wasinage; 4th
coo. Frank Charke.
DEATBS.—Christmas week does not
bring happiness to every household.
This week we have to chronicle the
deaths of two wives and mothers.
Phoebe. Heaman, wife of Wm. Heaman,
died Christmas morning. She had had.
a lingering illness, namely consume•
tion, which carried her off at the youth-
ful age of about twenty-seven years.
She was interred in the Brussels came
tery. She leaves to mourn her loss, a
husband, a small child, a number of
sisters and her parents, and .a large
number of friends. The second death
took place in the home of Wm. Craig,
when his beloved wife, Mary died after
a short illness. She was interred in
the Exeter cemetery, the Rev. Mr. Yel
land officiating. She leaves to mourn
her loss, a sorrowing husband and two
children, a number of brothers and a
large number of friende.. The bereav-
ed persons have the sympathy of the
(Prom another source),
Mr Thomas Flaherty, of Mount For-
est, is at present engaged with Mr. B.
Brown, our popular shoe merchant.—
Mr. J.
erchant.Mr..J. P. Morlock has taken up his
abode on con. 4.
SURPRISE PARTY.—One of the most
complete, as well as one of the pleasant-
est surprise partie3 on record, in our
little burg 'was given Mr. and Mrs.
Samuel Lamport, sen., when a number
of their friends from Exeter and vicin•
ity took advantage of the good sleigh-
ing on Tuesday, and came without
"bids." But Sam was equal to the oc-
casion, and received them inhisusual
jovial manner, and it was well on in
the morning before they commenced
their homeward flight.
The following is +i correct report for
5, S. No. 4, for the mouth of December.
Names are in order of merit. IV, A
Clara Martene, Emma Clark; B. -Mary
Reeszler, Alice Pedlar; III, A.—John
Hartman, Russel Bastard, Wilber Rowe
Charles Wind; B.—Albert Wein, Fred
Amy, Garnet Amy; Sr. II—Arthur Amy
Chester Rowe, Pearl Kestle, Freeman
Morlock; Jr. II—Mabel Clark, Ezra
Wein, Cleve Hartman, Tommy Roesz-
ler; Sr. Part II-Herbie Morlock, Al -
mina Yegar, Jame Hartman, Annie
Hartman; Jr Pt. II, A.—Wesley Wein,
Willie Smith, Samuel Ayrstriker, Willie
Roeszler; B.— Elgin Amy, Cecil Rowe;
Sr, Pt, I—Della Smith, Aaron Weiu,
August Hartman; Jr. Pt. I—John
Ayrstriker. Nora Brown, Wilber Mor -
lock. Average attendance for the
month 33.
W. J. BRooas, Teacher,
The following is a correct report of
S. S. No. 3, for the month of December,
and is based on a test examination
taken during the last week. The
names are in order of merit. IV—Her-
man Beaver, Luther Penhale, Ida Jory,
Edwin Beaver, Samuel Jeery and Clara
Stanlake even, Daniel Sanders, George
Sanders, James Sanders; Sr. III—Rich-
ard. Glanville, Arthur G lanville, Clinton
Sweet; Jr. III -Stella Penhale, Beatrice
Glanville, Chas. Sanders; Sr, I1—Homer
Bagshaw, Asa Penhale, Fred Dearing,
Marshall Box, Frank Triebner, Minnie
Triebner, Herbie Ford, Roy Parsons;
Jr. II -Vera .Sanders, Laura Jory,
Fanny Glanville, Viola Penhale, Clara
Beaver,Willie Triebner, Sadie Willis
Hattie Willis, Nelson Sanders; Jennie
Sanders, Minnie Sanders, Alonzo Ford;
Pt. II—Thos. Glanville, Herbie Dearing
Violet Woods,` Eddie Willis, Edith Par-
sons, Mitchell Willis, Herbie Beaver; Sr.
Part I -Lizzie Sanders, Lillian Stan -
lake; Jr. Part I—Garnet Craig, Harry
Parsons, Samuel Stanlake. The aver•
age attendance for the month was 44. The local option by-law was repealed
R N. CREEClI, Teacher, in Parry Sound by a majortty of 95.
NEIL— 0Ir.?rear.--0n Dec. 22, by Rev.
L. W. Diehl, Albert Neil, of McGil-
livray, to Miss Lizzie Gilmour, of
SCAttLLrT—MuLDREw—At the resi-
dence of the bride'smother, E;g nentd-
ville, on Dec. 22nd. by Rev. Nb Shaw,
B, A., Mr. Robt. Scarlett, of McKillop,
to Miss Jennie Muldxew.
SNEL—CORNISII--At the residence cf
the bride's parents, on Dec. 29th, Mr.
Wm Snell, of Hensel!,formerly of
Exeter, to Miss Susan, daughter of
Mr. Geo. Cornish, Thames Road.
GRAIN CROPPING, -Tuesdays, Wednes-
rays and Fridays. West of church across
desiroad. A. BowSLAIIGir,
Mr. John Hepburn, section foreman, N,a.;iLTys�
of the G. T. R here, had a most thrill•
ing experience and narrow escape ANDERSON.—In Seaforth, on Dec. 22nd,
from being instantly killed on Friday Francis C. Anderson, aged 32 years
morning last It appears Mr. Hepburn 5 mouths.
went down the track with a hand car
for some plank. It was quite stormy
at the time and Mr. Hepburn had his
hat pulled well down over his ears at
the same time covering his eyes and
rendering him unable to see very dis-
tincly. The plank was loaded and he
was on his way back, when to his—In Clinton, on Dec. 10 ds.
great surprise an engine which bad mAYLoR n._�
been attached to the north -bound traiu
and was returning, was within a few
feet of him. He made an effort to es-
cape but before doing so the engine PRESZCATOR.—In Exeter, on Dec. 29th
struck the car with terrible force ai,d Mildred Irene, daughter of Samuel
knocked him about sixty feet :led when and Annie Preszcator, aged 1 year,.
picked up he was unconscious, with his 8 months and 22 days. Funeral to -
arm broken in two places and he was day, (Thursday) at 2 o'clock p. m.
otherwise injured. He was at once
put on the engine and taken to his A young son of M• r. ▪ W. R. Peck of
home in Centralia where surgical aid Chatham, was drowned in the river
was summoned and he is doing as well while skating.
CART ,,R—CornLEDICK. —At the resi-
dence of the bride's parents, McGil•
livray. on Dec. 22nd, by Rev. G. H.
Cobblediek, M. A. R. D., uncle of the
bride, assisted by .rev. J. E. Ford,
Chas. Carter, of C; indeboye, to Miss
Cora, daughter of David Cobbledick,
Siemens—In Bibbed, on Dec. 17tb,
Maria Broadfoot, beloved wife of Mr.
John Simpson, aged 19 years and 6
CRAIG.—In Stephen, on Dee. 27th,
Mary Sanders, beloved wife of Wm.
Craig, aged 33 years, 7 months and
Margaret Baker Holmes, wife of Mal-
colm Taylor, aged 57 years.
We will offer our large and complete stock of Winter G-oods
at greatly reduced prices.
To reduce our stock of ready made clothing we are offering some snaps:
14en's Black Frieze Ulsters , ' well made and well lined sizes
6 to 42 well worth $6.00 for
Brown and blue Frieze Ulsters, we have reduced them
Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, we have a line which we
bought below manufacturing prices, well worth $6.50, for, ... 4.00
A large selection of Boys' and Youths' suits and Ulsters at prices Iver
than ever before offd.
We have aboutere25 ladies' Mantles, all '97 styles which we have reduced
34 per cent. rather than carry them over to next year.
and CAPES, before purchasing • elsewhere.
We have a nice Stock of Xmas. Coeds suitable for the Holiday Trade:
Our Grocery department is well stocked with the choicest groceries for
the Xmas. Trade. 017R PRICES THE LOWEST ... .
POUNDS of Poultry wanted between now and DECEMBER
10,000 23rd, for which we will pay the Highest Prices' --Cash or Trade
Chas. Zwicker, Crediton.