The Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-23, Page 57,7 THE Is published every OTfhcuers,day Morning, MAIN -STREET, -- .EXETER. ----By the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SIJBSCRIPTION. Ono Dollar par annum if paid in Advance 81.30 if not so paid. F..c'lrerti,niri,g Mate e oat S39p130a,-.. dozy No paper discontinued un til all arrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly, .Liberal discount made for transeientadvertisementsinserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderato rates. Cheques, money ord- ere, &o. for advertising, subscriptions ,etc.to be made payable to Chas. H. Sanders, EDITOR Alin PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, Ii. D. S. & Da. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. 5., D.D. S., Honor graduate of Toronto University. DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Office in Fanson's 131oekc, west side Alain Street, Exeter, DR. D. ALTON ANDIiRSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) honors Gradna to of the Toronto Uni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without rain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Ufiiee over Elliot & Elliot's law oillee-opposite Central Ho tel -Exeter. Medical Drs. J A.' OLLINS & T A. AMOS. ..ice Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main. 5t. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May 1st. 1303 J. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, 11 i, D 11,n,T, P. MoIjAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF lJ the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and A000uch- eur. Office, Dashwood., Ont. penal. pp FL COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIQIT- J:L. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Bxeter,Ontarie. Money to Loan. LEI.DIOKSON,I3ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanoor, Commissioner, &c.Monoy to loan Office -Petition's Block,Exetor ELLI0T& ELLIOT, BAEETSTERS,ETO., Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at 5 and 5!5 per cent. 13. V. ELLIOT, FRED. ELLIOT. .tu tiauecrs RBROWN, Winchelsea, Licensed Auot- . ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbalo.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- chelsea. Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exet er EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wedi esd;ay) Wheat per bushel Barley Oats Peas Butter so 81to 22 20 to 25 20 to 22 4.0 tp 47 13 to"i4. Eggs 14 Potatoes perbag 95 to 50 Onions.. 40 Bed Glover Seed per bushel ' $4.00 to $4.50 Hay ,per ton 7.e0 to 8.00 Dried Apples per ,b 4 Turkeys Ducks Geese,...,.. , Chicken Wool per lb. WANTED, HELP. Reliablonan in every locality, local or tra'etlin.,, to introduce a new discoveryana keep oar show cardstaeked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, $85 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par tionlars write " The World Medical Electric 00•;' London, Qnt, Canada. 08 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY._. '41 t�l 7 5 5 17 "The Hang -dog Expression" looks of a " ready made,"" haud- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, 7S NO STYLE, • NO GOOD. S l A Veteran's Voice Gives High Praise to Hood's for Health Blood Purified -Strength Built up - Tobacco Habit Cured. Many a veteran of the war, whose health was wrecked by wounds, ex- posure and privation, has found in Hood's Sarsaparilla just the tonic and blood reviving effects he needed. The following is one out of hundreds of of letters 11A. R. boys titrfrom e, G.�i a} prais- ing l ing Hood's Sarsaparilla for health re- stored yud strength renewed in de- clinia years. "C. I. hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.; "Dear Sirs; On account of the great benefit Flood's Sarsaparilla has been to me, I gladly write this, that others simi- larly afflicted may learn of the success of the medicine in my case and a positive cure for them. I had been A Physical Wreck since 1864, and had also been a constant amoker for 35 years. My wife purchased the first bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it more to please her than anything` else. One bottle after another was taken with increasing benefit. The effect was of a atrenghening nature, toning up my whole system. After I had been taking the medicine a short time, I laid away my pipe and have not had any desire for the use of tobacco since. Hood's Sarsaparilla has thoroughly purified my blood and driven all poison out of my system. It has also done mo A Power of Good physically, and I feel like a new and free man. Previously, I had tried a good many different times to stop smoking, and to regain my health, but Iwas unable to ac- complish the former, so that my attempt for the latter was each time a failure. I am pleased to recommend Hood's Sarsapa- rilla as a blood purifier." J. R. MoFAnnena, Ex -Commander Ness Post, No. 81, G. A. R., Dept. of Kansas, Brownsville, Wash. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sar- saparilla do not be induced to buy any substitute; insist upon Hood's and only A tailor-made suit, cut, made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAW'— Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same , with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. Hood's Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier, Sold by all druggists. Price, $1 per:bottle; six for $5. act harmoniously with Hood's rills Rood's Sarsaparilla. LEWIS GEORGE CLARK IS DEAD. The Orisival of George Barris hs Mrs. Stowe's "'Uncle Toro's Cabin." Lexington, Ky., Dee. 18.—Lewis George Clark, the 86 -year-old mulatto who was the original of George Harris in "Uncle Tom's Cabin," died here yesterday after- noon at the home of Rhoda Richardson, amongst strangers. His dositute condition was discovered by some newspaper men two years ago and as a. result of the pub- licity they gave him, Chas. Umbers, in LEWIS GEORGE CLARK. Mrs. Stowe's original of "Uncle Tom." Dunedin, Now Zealand, got up a benefit entertainment for Clark, which netted. $360. Clark has been supported on this fund for nearly a year, and there is money enough loft to pay for his burial, A PREACHER'S LOVE AFFAIRS. Rev. John 13uolianan Believed of 'Elis Pastorate on Rather 'Hari' Lines, Uptergrovo, Ont., Dec, 18.—Presbyter- ian church circles hero have been a good deal stirred up lately because of charges against the pastor, Rev, John Buchanan, made by Malcolm McDonald and his on Donald. The allegation is that Mr. Buchanan courted Miss McDonald and proposed marriage. On three occasions, it is claimed, the wedding day was set, but the ceremony was postponed at the re- quest of Cie pastor. It is said that in the third instance the arrangements had proceeded se far even that the cake was made. The prospective bride and her friends, it is said, grew impatient at the frequent postponements and appealed to the Presbytery. Mr. Buchanan said he was quite willing to marry the young lady, but his stipend was too light to properly support a wife. The committee at first proposed that Mr. Buchanan pay the MoDonalds $100 for their trouble in making preparation, but later decided to accept the pastor's resignation. Rev. Mr. Webster, the moderator, will on Sunday announce this accordingly. Miss McDonald lett home about six weeks ago and is ab present employed at Knox college, Toronto. She is a prepos- sessing young lady, about 27 years of age. Mr. Buchanan is probably 45. Another case of smallpox has broketl out in Montreal. Mrs. Thos. McMillan, a resident of Galt for over 50 years, was found dead in bed Thursday. Mr. John Tolmie,;M. P., of Kincardine, made a misstep on his veranda on Thursday eight, fell and broke bis left arm. Heekiah Bickford, sen., of Wheatley, took two tablespoonfuls of saltpeter in mistake for salts, and is in a critical condition. An elderly colored woman nam'd Georgina Scott, Hamilton, was terribly burned Friday night by the explosion of a lamp. Walter Reddins, employed in tl e Pembertby injector works, Wiudsei, had his thumb cut off by a lathe a. which he was working on Wednesrl,: The Essex Gas and CH Company, of Essex, has gone out of business, al ,i returned 50 per cent of the amount stock. A salt bed was located iuste•.0 of gas. Thomas A. Howie, a biakem•an on the T. I3. & B. Railway, while coupling cars at West Hamilton, Thursday morn- ing, fell between the cars and was rub`. over and instantly killed. While Mr. R. R. Dinner, employed in the M. C. R. machine shop, St. Thomas, was sharpening a chisel on a grind. stone Saturday, it slipped and tore the palm and back of the right hand, The index finger was almost torn off. A serious accident happened Satur- day afternoon in Morgan's sawmill, Springbrook,in which John McConnt'll's son, aged 12, had his left arm taken off within two inches of the shoulder. While the boy was playing near the belt it caught his arm and wrenched it corepletely oil. Annie Jones is lying at the John 11. Stratford Hospital in Brantford, suffer- ing from frightful scalds received at the orphans' home. Cue of the older girls was carrying a large pan of boil• ing water across the room, when An- nie backed against her. The pan was tilted, and the boiling fluid poured over the little girl's head and bact, scalding her in the horrible manner. rierantEnnelUMOISMINES GSI! OT THE NEW BUTCHEll SITOP for Beef Lamb, Pork, Corned Beef, Sausage Bologna.. Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. •- : Highest cash price paid for ,tides Sheep land Lamb Skins and Tallow. FRESH FISH THIS WEEK. CENTRAL HOTEL, L. DAY, Prop ttrsmtoro MADE ME A MAN AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE ALLNervous I>1,,eases--Failing Mem, ory, Impotency. Sleeplessness, etc. caused by Abuse or other Excesses and Indio• cretions TSoy quickly and sanely restore Lost Vitality in old or young. and fit a man for study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if t i en in time. Their use shows immediate improve- sientand effects a CURS whore all other fail In- sist upon having the genuine Max Tablets. They We give a as- ittvewrilt written and toerfe trnsYou. itP c aril 5t in each case or fudguarantee to stray. a aura each case or six pk ea money. treatment) .Per package; or six Pkges (full treatment) for 5240. By ;DIAL=lain wrapper. upon receipt of price. Circularfree, AJAX REMEDY CO. 78 Dearborn St.. Eidem.9, to. Sold in Exeter by C. Lutz, Druggist Brinsley: Mr, James Parker had the misfortune to fall out of a .hay mow re...101d in Exeter and everywhere se and break both arms the oth•'I' day. Canada by all responsible »ru.,gi"te). Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the hour and time of need. Zo prepared in two degreea of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known —sold by druggists, one Dollar per boo. No. 2 for special cases -7o degrees stronger—sold by druggists. One box, Three Dollars ; two boxes, Five Dollars. No. 1, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. MARK TWAIN'S HONOR. Teachers' Examination. The l3oard of Examiners for the County of Huron, met at Goderich on the 18th inst. The. following students were granted Third Class Professional Certificates, as Publfe School teachers, valid for three years, Misses Aitkin, .Amy, Anderson, Copp, Cantle). Cunningham, Culbert, Coults, Dowzer, Edge, Elliott, Fowler, Herbein, Higgins, Isbister, Jardine, Kennedy (Susie,) Kennedy (Annie,) Lamont, Le- Touzel, McClusky, McConnell, McGreg- or, Murray (Annie,) Murray (Georgie,) Oliver, Reynolds, Reid Robb,• Stout, Twitchell, Walker, "Wilms. Messrs. Aiteheson, Allison, Bricker, Clarkson, Elliott, Fraser, Hamilton, Haggith, Kilpatrick, Lennox,' McEwen, McKay, lticTavish, Naftal, Powell, Rath, Robinson, Snell, Scott, Todd, Tilt, Tesdale, Trowartha, Torrance. Re Mortgaged Isis Brains for Ten Years and sifted the Mortgage. New York, Dec. 18.—The World to -day says Samuel L. Clemons (Mark Twain) is an honest man. "I will pay fifty por cent. of your claims," he said to the creditors of Charles L. Webster & Co., book publishers, of No. 67 Fifth avenue, of which firm he was a partner in August, 1895. "And I ask," he continued, "that you trust to lay honor to pay the other fifty per cont, as fast as I can earn it, The law recognizes no mortgage on a man's brains, but honor is a harder master than the law." So Mark Twain started out to lecture for the benefit of his creditors. Ile argued that he could have the last dollar paid in four years, and thea, at the age of 64, he couldmakea "fresh and uneuetambcred" start in life. It became known yesterday that Mr. Clemens had kept his promise. Mr. Clemons would, it has been said, be a wealthy Mall to -day wore it not for business transactions. A MIGHTY CHANGE, Made Well and Active After Years of Suffering. PAINE'S OELERY OOMPOUND WAS THE GREAT LIFE- GIVING. Not Even as a Gift. Toronto, Dec. 17.—David Walsh, an Ottawa hotelkeeper, who was convicted of giving liquor to a friend in a private part of his hotel on a Sunday in last March, has lost his appeal to the Divi- sional Court here. He was convicted by the Police Magis- trate at Ottawa, under a section of the Liquor License Act, which prohibits the -sale or other disposal" of liquor during certain hours. The court holds that the words "other disposal" include such a gift as this by Walsh, and confirm the Police Magistrate's conviction. New life, health, vim, energy and activity re some of the blessiugs Paine's Celery Compound bestows on those who are now ht'lpless, weary and half dead. If you are a martyr to rheumatism, tortured with neuralgia, distressed with dyspspsia, .or laid low with kidney trouble,that infallible life -giver, Paine's Celery Compound, will restore you to perfect health and give you a long lease of life. Mrs, Page, of Arnprior, Ont., after years of suffering, experi- enced the happy and mighty change that Paine's. Celery Compound alone can give to the afflicted. She says, " I have been for many years a great sufferer from rheumatism and a com- plication of other troubles. About a year ago 1 was prevailed upon to try a eourae of Paine's Celery Compound, with a result so marvellous that my most intimate friends and neighbors could scarcely believe me to bo the same woman. Formerly 1 could only move about with the greatest caution; now I am well and active and my gen- eral health is good. I believe Paine's Celery Compound will do all that is claimed for it." "Salted" Gold Mines.' Denver, Col., Dec. 17.—The Anglo - Continental Gold Syndicate, Limited, of Great Britain, and the Je'reey Lily Min- ing Company, yesterday each brought suit for' $50,000 damages against William C. Bashford and Daniel E. Kemlin, alleging that the latter "salted" the Jer- sey Lily group of mines, andthus de- ceived their expert as to the value of the property whieh they purchased and ex- pended large sums in developing. Colored Woman Fatally Burned. Hamilton, Dee. 17.—At midnight a lamp exploded in the hands of Beatrice Scott, an aged colored woman, who is housekeeper for old Doc Williams, Wal- nut street, corner Young street. Her clothing took fire and was burned off be- fore help arrived. She was horribly burned and will likely die. The Final Stases. Constantinople, Dec. 17.—A despatch from Athens received to -day announces that the treaty of peace between Turkey and Greece has been ratified by King George and that it will be despatched to- day by a special steamer to this city. Constantinople, Dec. 17.—The Sultan has ratified the treaty of peace between Turkey and Greece. Brakeman Nick. Nickson Killed. Rennie, Ont., Dec. 17.—A brakeman, Nick Nickson, while making a coupling in the yard here yesterday about 4.35 o'clock, was killed. The timber on a flat car crusher' his head against a box ear and killed hint instantly. He ,Vas 3$ years of age and unmarried. Direct Masi Service to Ireland. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 17.—The Govern- ment has made arrangements with, the Head Line steamers, running between here, Belfast and Dublin, to carry the mails. This will give a direct mail 8 rrioe to Ireland. '1P Sloatn's Indian Toni Cures Dyspepsia. Hleadaoho, Nausea, Dizziness, Faintness, tons of Appetite, Fiatnleilcy, Costiveness. Mrs. J. Dynes, No, 28 Mary tat., St, Tbroaltr, writes: ' I suffered from Dyspepsia for years ea bad at tines khat 1 could not partake of any food without gnat di trees. I tried a great marry' medicines and c?iffertat toeatteents but receivea'*,i no benefit until I used Sloait's Indian ': onic. }it relieved me at once rad ennuis d a permanent cure. It is a grand b'ood u.editine; .1 am -never without it in the house. 1 havereeotnmendedit to a geed many pi cp;e, and in every case it ism done all that was claimed for it, and has made a number of wonc:eiful cares its, this city. Price $1, s for $5. All dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, HAMM, s, UMITE& " Only one Girl in the World for Me." So says the popular song. " Only One Furiturg Ston in Town for Me." THE PALACE WARM h f1 B J .1 Rt1�it (HEAP Says the landlord who wishes to base every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which wilt retain reg liter patrons and induce occasional cus. tomers to came again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this method. We make undertaking a Specialty. R. N. ROWE THE EXETER PACKING HOUSE. Postal Notes. Ottawa, Dec. 20.—The Government is going to adopt the postal note system in vogue in the United Kingdom. Mr. Mulock has been studying the question for some months and is now contider- ing the details with a view of bringing thesystem into operation on July 1, 1898, Paper notes about the size of a bank bill will be printed on thin linen paper of the following denominations: Tweuty, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 and 90 cents, $1, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $B, $4 and $5. The cost of obtaining these notes will be one cent each up to 40 cents, two cents between that figure and $2.50 and three cents each for all above that. These postal' notes will replace the post office money orders for the transmission of all small sums through the post. The present money order system is a cumbersome and indirect method and wastes much time. It will be continued, however, with some im- provements, for the transmission of sums up to $100. These postal notes will serve a great public convenience, doing away with the payment of ac counts in postal stamps, the postal notes being payable at any money order office without the identification of the payee or any condition other than the presentation of the note. It is expect- ed that the rate, low as they are fixed, will give a small profit. The system is very popular in England. The number of notes issued in 1881-2, a year after the system was established, was a little over 4,000,000, which had increased in 1886-'? to 67,000,000 notes. Mr. Mulock is to be congratulated up on his progressive policy. Well hils ren A LARGE SUPPLY OF SHANKS, PIGS FEET, SPARE RIBS, TENDERLOIN and other Offal for sale (:HEAP. COME AND SEE WHAT YOU CAN BUY FOR LITTLE MONEY. 0 11 that are not very robust need a warming, building and fat -forming food—something to be used for two or three months in the fall—that they may not suffer from cold. SCOTT'S EMULSION HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR HOGS. Fr =TO St GIDBEY & SON. HINTS FOR XMAS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. of Cod -Liver Oil with Hypophos- phites of Lime and Soda supplies exactly what they want. They will thrive, grow strong and be well all winter on this splendid food tonic. Nearly all of them become very fond of it. For adults who arc not very strong, a course of treatment with the Emulsion for a couple of months in the falls will put them through the winter in first-class con- dition. Ask your doctor about this. .Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. See that rho nal mot fish are ort' the wrapper. All druggists ; 5oe. and $x.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, Toi-ooto. This season we have surpassed our- selves in making and gathering together Choice Oddments in I:nary Furniture suitably for presentation. The assoreinent as now complete and everybody is invited to view our Stock if only for the sake of seeing what very reasonable prices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL A man must consider his vintage well these times; he must buy valateso he can do the beat. Look at some of these figures: Pants glade to order, all wool heavy tweeds :44292i:0 SuitsOvercoats $Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, S D Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Coale and wet for yourself. We wish to call special attention to a line of Very Handsome BED BOOM SETTS in ELM, OAK, and A811 ANTIQUE and CemsONA finish. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices are much lower than it fins heretofore been possible to quote for similar goods. :ROCKING CHAIRS. In Foatse GREEN, ANTIQUE OAK, Ct:RLY BIRCH, and MAUIOI ON Finish, from S12.4tO up. FANCY.' TABLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low Prices. Centre Tables, Fancy Chairs, Sec- retaries, Lounges, Fancy !rockers, Music Racks, Couches, Extension Tables, Picture Mouldoings, Curtain Poles, Artists' Mater- ials, Etc., Etc., Ete. tiefiereateantienote and EMBALMING IN ALL ITS 11I{A.NCNES . . S. Gilley & Sen. ..FARMERS! . . JAMES II. FiRIEB Biclyces Bicycles I 1 Bicyles i I !. Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasaarta if so, you -should Beek first a gown wheel. We can furnish you any lot the best wheels made, at lowest pries Musical. Do you waist anything in The musical line. We have a choice lv8 of Pianos and organs, call and in spect them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. You will lind at Bisset's %Varerooms the following fine of Agricultural Implements: Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Sall Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince. , .. Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES, ' Gurney stoves and furnaces W A 0 N s and ������� The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated McLaughlin buggies "BILL." Perkins & Martini, THE STORE. Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM for Coughs, Colds and Bronchial trouble in old or young. We Manufacture---, WINER'S LINAMENT which is an excellent remedyfor Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Threat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Wigan's Con- dition Powders, still holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scrateh as on horses and Condition Powder for same, SORE AGENTS FOR DIX LUNG SYRUP., FOR TWENTY,SEVEN YEARS. DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THE COOL'S BEST FRIEND` LARGiEaT SA4e I N CAt.A;7