HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-23, Page 1TENTH YEAR. —542. EXETER IN . . WORKING ORDER. Our Lenses are true and will give ;comfort. They help to preserve the sight. We 'Mak e NO OHM GE for testing your eyes. l"r Graduate cf the Optical Institute. S..� IT �. O1 ., Our Clock and Watch Department is Complete. Drop in and take A LOOK AT OUR GOODS and see our prices; by so doing you SOLID COLD WEDDIiC RINGS. ESTABLISHED 1867. T. FITTON. FARMS PIM SALE, 1 STAY STEER. . .T,here strayed from Lot 17, Concession 4, MONEY- TO LOAN. i Stephen a red steer rising three years old. The 'undersigned has a few good farms for . Any person giving unformatian as to its sale cheap. Money to loan on easy terms, I whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. Jo1N Sr.C1(MAN, } (IRAs. SNEL.L, Exeter, Samwell's Block Exeter. I MONEY, _ Private funds to lend on improved farms, at five and fire and a half per cent. Apply to _ELLIOTT IOTT & FL'LIQT'r, • Solicitors eta, 1st December, 1;97. Exeter. .-. FARM. TO RENT. Lot 0,concession8, township of Usborne,is offered for rent by the undersigned. It is one or the best farms in the township, con- taining one -hundred acres and has every convenience. This farm will be let to a good tenant for a term of years and possession to plow will be given immediately. Apply to MAT. RELLAND, Devon. STRAP HEIFER. There came into the enclosure of the un- dersigned some time in the fore part at' Oc- tober, a two-year old, yellowish red and white, hornless heifer. The owner can have same by paying expenses. The animal is on }r the emises of Tobias Guenther, Lot s0, Con. 13, Stephen. Sale Register. • THURSDAY. DEC. 23rd.—Farm stock,etc„ the property of Robt, Davis. Lot 11, canoes. sion 14, S. B., Hibbert. Sant at one o'clock.. H. Drown. Anat. TnuIRSnAY,DEC, sa—Uoods, Chattels and Real Property, the estate of C. W. smith, at Centralia Cheese Factory, at 1;430. A. J. Rol- fins, Assignee; H. Brown, Auct. C. PnoraTY. jxcellent Farm in Township of Usborne, County of Huron. FOR SALE by private contract, Lot fonr- 44 teen, (14) in the tenth (10) Concession Of L's - borne., containing ono hundred nares. The land is of first-rate quality about 90 acres cleared, the remainder in bush. There are two good wells, one at the house the other about the centro of the farm. The buildings which comprise a fram, dwelling house barn 51:4116 and horse and cattle stable with the fences that are in fair condition, For particulars apply to THOMAS S. CLARK on the premises or to MESSES. ELLICT &ELLIOT, Solicitors, &o., Dated, 3rd Dec., 1897. Exeter. HOCKEY SKATES STICKS, PUCKS. ,.SPRING SK�TES. SKATE STRAPS, CLAMPS, WRENCHES, NUTS, BOLTS, LINKS &c PRICES AWAY DOWN* GIVE US A CALL,., ill FARM FOR SALE. PRE undersigned Offers for sale Lot No. b, A 4th Concession, Township of Kincardine. The farm consists of 50 acres, all cleared; good frame house and barn; also two good orch- ards, and a plentiful supply of water. Tho land is situated Ili miles from the Saugeen lino and 4 miles from the town of :iCincar- dine. Price $1,800; $300 down, the balance in ten or twelve years at 414 per cent. Possass- iou may be had at once. For further partic- ulars apply to Alts, Taos, ABBOP r, Broad- way, Kincardine To the Ratepayers of the Village of Exeter. ONTARIO, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1897. Ailsa Cxeiz On the llth Inst., the Almighty was pleased in His infinite wisdom and goodness to call into His presence one of the brightest and most promising of the pupils of the Ailsa Craig' nubile school -Jennie Reid, second daughter of Mrs. Marion Reid. The deceased was In her thirteenth year, and was an ap- parently robust, healthy .girl of most prepossessing appearance and winning ways, who until about two weeks be fore her death had hardly known what sickness meant; about two months since Jennie accidentally fell down or was pushed down while returning from school and experienced severe pains iu her back for a €..w days after wards; after which she 'erred to be porfeetly well again, but about two. weeks ago she commenced to suffer from acute- pins in her dead, with con, siderable fever, re:;ulticg in an attack of spinal meningitis, to which she sue combed on Saturday. LADIES AND GENTLi EN:. I take this means ofexprossing to you my many thanks for the vote you gave me at the last Munici- pal election; although it was not enough to elect me, still it was a good vote con- sidering everything. At the solicitation of my many friends I am again offering you my services for the Reeyeship. In doing so feel, as a large ratepayer,I should have a seat at the Council Board. I assure you, if elect- ed, I will do my utmost to promote the gen- eral interest and welfare of the village, hay- ing duo regard for economy and retrench- ment, As I cannot possibly make a person- al canvas, owing to business engagement, would ask you not to be misled by any stor- ies circulated, as I am going to stay in the field till the last vote es polled. Wishing you a Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year. Yours Respootfully T. B. CAt1LlNG. Rodgerville Mr. John Rowtcliffe had a large bee on Monday drawing brick from Credit- on for the erection of a bank barn in the near future. Mr. Joho Hawkins is also having brick drawn for a similar purpose.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Moir and two children arrived here from Virden, Man., last Friday and will visit friends for a few weeks. -Miss Phoebe McTag- gart, who has been very i11 for some time is slowly improving,—The measle patients have all recovered. Mr. Thos. Hawkins, who was on the jury at Gode rich for severaldays, returned home Friday.—Wedding bells will ring in the neighborhood shortly. Zurich. MARRIED.—Mr. Richard Nicholson,. of tbe Bronson Line, Hay, and Miss Boys, of Stanley, on Wednesday, joined hands ink;holy matrimony. We wish the young couple a long and happy life together. ACCIDENTS,—Mr. Geo. Witmer, while killinga pig for Mr. W. B. Battler, by some means the brute nearly bit off one of his thumbs.—Mr. Fred Kibler on Friday evening last, met with a pain- ful accident in his shoe store. He was taking some shoes down from a top shelf, and in coming down, missed the chair and fell on some boxes, breaking his arm at the wrist. Usborne Council Centralia GRAIN CE{OPPING,-•-Tuesdays, Wednes- days and Fridays. West of oburcb across railroad. A. BRwel.Ailail. The sleighing came in. a very ac- ceptable time for our villagers.—A large number of people attended the surprise party at Samuel Brock's in Usborne on Wednesday.— Bert Chum - minas and S. Shoarduwn took a num her of horses to London on• Monday for llaudford S: Elliott, --The new livery and sale stable is doing a large busi ness this week. A new sign has been erected which will guide you to the place,—Handford & Elliott drove to Clinton on Wednesday ana horse buy- ing expedition.—Quito a number are leaving here for their Christmas holt days.—Rev. Mr. Coulter, of Elim vine circuit, preached. two very impressive sermons here on Sunday last in the absence of the pastor, S. J. Salton,—R Blackwell, horse buyer from Glencoe, was in town. Saturday and purchased some horses from Handford & Elliott.— Cobbleigh and Essery shipped a car of horses from here on Wednesday.—W. T. Bunt, our merchant, has been in London purchasing Christmas goods. Look out for bargains this week. Council Rooms, Dec. 15th, 1897. Council met today pursuapt to acv. journment. All members present. Min- utes of previous meeting were read, approved of and signed by the Reeve. Hunter—Delbridge, that by-law No. 1.3, 1897, appointing D. R. O's, etc., as new read a second and third time be passed. signed by Reeve and corporate seal attached.—Carried. Hunter—Hun- kde, that John Johns be refunded $1 dog tax, error in assessment, and A. McCaulley $1 uncollected dog tax.— Carried. Keddy—Delbridge, that 150 copies of the minutes of the proceedings of council, for year 1897, be printed for distribution. ---Carried. Hunkin-Ked- dy, that the certified accounts present- ed be paid, by Reeve's order on Treas- urer. -Carried. On motion of J. Hun- ter, seconded by A., Hunkin, the coun- cil adjourned to meet Dec. 27th, after nrmination meeting. F. MoIILEY, Clerk. Crediton The Kiowa Indian Medician Co. were in the village Friday and Saturday selling medicine and holding concerts in the evening.—Mr. Wesley Mitchell has started a grocery store opposite the grist mill. We wish him success in his new business --Mr, Hugh Semple, who stood his trial iu Goderich for house breaking was acquitted on Fri day last. The jury briuging in the verdict of " not guilty,"—Messrs Chas. Dryer and Henry Kreine, of North Da- kota are visiting their parents.—Mrs. Daniel Jones, of Marlette, Mich., is vis- iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mat- thew Winersr.—Mr Levi Heist, of Elkton, Mich', is visiting his parents, Mr, and Mrs. August Haist.—Miss In- gram, of London, was tbe guest of Miss Mary Williams on Sunday.—Mr. Henry Eilber attended the Insurance meet- ing at Dashwood last Wednesday.—Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Heist and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Sweit- zer on Sunday.—Miss 0 Connell has completed her term of millinery in Messrs. Brown and Pretter's store.—Mr. Ezra Faist intends starting a bakery in the village in a few weeks and there fore Mr. Eilber, of Zurich, will cease coming here. We wish Ezra success. —The Misses Martha and Emma Mor - lock spent a few days with friends in Hensall last week.—Mr. J. Eilber who has been on the sick list is able to be around again. CONCERT.—The concert of the Cred iton public school was held in the Town Hall, here, on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd, The program consisted of recitations, songs, plays, drills. etc. After the pro- gram was concluded Mr. V. Ratz, M. P., and Dr. Rivers presented Miss Beulah Beaver and Mr. Percy Banes with medals for having the highest standing iii marks for passing the Public School. Leaving and Entrance Examination. The rest who passed were presented with certificates. (From another source), Once more the merry jingle of the sleigh bells can be heard in our little village.—Mr. Ernest Simpson and Mr. Robert Margerison were the guests of Mr. Joseph P. Morlock on Sunday last.—Still the R. T. of T. are adding new members to their ranks. This speaks well for the zeal and energy of members.—The Misses Ball, McConnell and Coursey were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Holtzman on Sunday.— The Christmas festival of the German Evangelical Church will be held on Friday, Dec, 24th.—Mr. Edmund Berg ram intends to work for Mr. J. Preeter, of Zurich, and will commence his duties as clerk this week:—The quarterly ie• view of the Methodist Sunday school washeld on Sunday. Mr. E. Simpson rook up the first month's lessons, Mr, John Trevethick, Jr., took the second, and Dr. Rivers, the third. The school room was -filled to its utmost capacity with interested parents and children. The ready answers that were given by the scholars, both old and young, and the attention that was given the speak- ers reflect great credit on the teachers of the Sunday school for the pains and patience they have given to their work. Thames Road. Atkinson, of Biddulph, was the guest of Miss Armstrong this week.' —Sir. H. Cann spent Sunday with old aequaintenees in this neighborhood.— Mr. and Mrs. D Duncan visited at 1'Irs. Wm, Monteith's on Friday last.—A few of the your; people of this neighbor hood spent an t n,joyahie evening at Robt. Monteith's on Friday last,—The Mission. Band held a very successful meeting in the church Tuesday even- ing.—A large load of piling people, took in the Kirkton tea and report a good time. --Quite an excitement was created in Farinbar the, o' her night when firee was Noticed on the farm of Mr. Wm. Turnbull, but it only proved to Le ani »tehutlding which, 11ith the content', war burned to the ground. No insttr:inee,----Mr, Abe Musser and Miss Joan Dineen, attended the tea meeting at lsrrkton Monday fright. Mooresville Rapid progress is being made by the children in their preparations of their Xmas entertainment in the Nursery Church, on Tuesday Dc c. 26`h. Any- one ill the neighborhood may have free use of the tree for distribution of pre cents to friends, young or old. Ad mission, adults 15e, children 10c.—Mise Galoway is visiting at Mr. D. Cobble disk's.—Mr. George Bloomfield and wife, of London, are visiting at Moores- yille,—Mr. Elmer Murday left here Sat- urday on an extended visit to friend' in Saniac Camay, 1l:icliigan,—lie sure and dont forget the childrens' enter tainment on Tuesday 28th.—Thera are excellent bargains offering' at the Mooresville cash store during the Xmas holidays.—Mr. and Mrs. S R. Carter, of Bottineau, North Dakota, formerly of Lieury,McGillivray,are visiting friends in Bidclulph. They are at present the guests of Mr. W. W. Revington, Mooresville —A literary entertainment nt in -connection with the school examiva tion will be held in the school house, section No. 2, Biddulph, on Wednesday 22nd. Ho roR KLoNDIKE,—A good number of aur young folks will leave the state of siumie blessedness shortly for the happy gold fields of the Klondike. Re- port gives the names of the passengers ready for their clergy's blessings on their journey, Wednesday, Dee. 22nd, as follows:—Charles Carter,.Edsal Col- lins, Albert Neil, John Hodgins. and I. Nichols; versus Misses E. Thompson, E. Gilmore, E Mcl\'illiams, Cora Cobble- dick, E. Hudson, and lots more to fol low. The above parties will be paired off next week. As I am in a hurry now, this is a very good showing in- deed for old '97 and it is not leap year either. Stephen School Report The following is a correct standing of pupils of S. S. No. 2, for the month of December. V—Lizzie; Sr. IV— Wesley Hirtzel, Lula Essery, Cora Lamport, Ella Lamport, Clensa Salter; Jr. IV—John Sims, Urban Essery, Pat - rich Flanagan; Sr, III -Louisa Flana- gan, Levina Sims, Delphine Essery, Wilferd Lawson; Jr. III—Verne Essery, Garnet Hill, Siloma Hirtzel, Isaac Sims, Garnet Stms; Sr. II—Willie Sims, Ar- thur Flanagan; Jr. II—Gleetis Hill, Bristol Essery, Louisa Sims, Nora Sims, Joseph Edwards: Sr. Pt. II—Eva Hirt- zel, Ethel Lamport; Jr. Pt. II—Roy Sims, Chester Sims, Elmore Sims; Pt.' I Luella Stahl, Wilfred Hodgins. No. on roll, 83, average attendance, 27. MINNIE CAVES, Teacher. C. II. SANDERS, EDITOR. pairs, $1.25; S. Fanson, cleaning pipes, 50e.; W. H: Parsons, sundries, 25c ; S. Gidley & Son, Queen's portrait and chair, $4.10. Per P. Frayne and W. J. Carling, that the lnspector's report as read be accepted. Department re ports furnished to the teachers, and the thanks of the board tendered to the Principaland stall, for their energy and faithfulness, wbieh are resulting so beneficially thus far to the standing of the school. Per W J. Carling and P. Frayne, that strict adherence be given to the law governing continua- tion classes and that no pupil be ad- mitted to the principal's depertinent until the Entrance Ex,antina,tions have been successfully passed, Per W. J. Carling and P.-Frayne, that for the year 1898 the sum of $25 be added to the salary paid to the first assistant. Per P. Frayno adjournment. Nov 140h.—Meeting held in Town Hall, at 8 p. m., all present. Items passed, per resolution minutes of prev ious meeting. Per D, Spicer and W. J. Carling, that notice be given iu both papers warning under penalty of prose eution the entry of the school by pu- pils between the hours of 5 p. m. and 8 a. m, Per resolution that the re- quired amount of saw dust be procured by the supplies committee and placed under their direction. Per H. Huston and. J. Senior that a copy of the May motion in reference to the janitor's sal- ary be submitted to Mr. Folliek forth- with and that an agreement in accord- erlco be drawn and properly signedby the Janitor and an belie if of the board by the chairman and secretary. Per W. J. Carling and P. Frayne, that the following accounts be pard: -H. Spick man, hardware sundries, $2,90: Wm ,Snell, painting and whitening, $7.50; J. P. Clarke, oil and brooms, $2.06. Per W. J. Clarke and II. Ruston that the !wits required be procured and placed by direction of the repairs corn. mittee. Adjournment carried on mo tion of \V J. Carling'. Dec 23t11. --Meeting held in Town Hall, at 8 p, m. Absent IL Huston. Items passed. Per P. Frayne minutes of previous meeting. Per J. Senior and W. J. Carling, that the Janitor's agreemeut as read be confirmed and duly signed by Mr. Follick and the Secretary and chairman on behalf of the board. Per J, Senior and P. Frayti-e that moneys, other than the annual as sessment, be payable to the Secretary to be by him deposited with the Treas- urer of the village on our account. Per D. Spicer and J. Senior that the following accounts be paid: -J. Grigg, school supplies, $17.44; S. Handford, saw dust, $2.25 Per P, Frayne and J. Senior that the books be closed for the present year, Thursday, 23rd, at 6 p. m Per J. Senior and W. J Carling that the board meet for inspection of the school and further business on Monday, 27th inst,, at 9 a. m, Per J. Senior and D. Spicer, that the usual number of financial statements be procured and that the printing of same be given' to the Times office. Per D. Spicer that the resignation of T. Fitton on account of physical infirmitybe ro retfull � ac- cepted a cepted by the board. Per J. Senior and W. J. Carling that reports of all future sessions be furnished the Times and ADVOCATE in time for publication in their following issues. Per W. J. Car- ling adjournment. The following, based upon a series of examinations during the fall term, for S. S. No. 1, represent the per cent - age of the aggregate, obtained by the pupils of the classes preparing for H. S. E. and P. S. L. Owing to irregular ity of attendance by some of the pupils the per tentage obtained by such is necessarily lower than it would have been if their attendance were more regular. Parents are specially re- quested to send their children as regu- larly as possible, as by this means teacher and pupils accomplish far better results.Sr Sr. 4th class: Alla Hick% 57; Ida Windsor, 67; Lily Elliott, 64; Albert Callfas, 56; Lillian Salton, 54; Cedric Hicks, 52; Leona Wilson, 49; Almena Huxtable, 46; Annie Boyle, 42; Katie Elliott 42; Polly Windsor, 42; Grace Hepburn, f10. 5th class: Lily Anderson, 75; Pearl Cobieigh, 71; Maggie McCoy, 63; Gertrude Cottrill, 60; Grace Salton, 56; Laura Baynham, 52, Wesley Luker, 51; Mellville Mitch. ell, 49. Jas. DELGATY, Teacher. Exeter Public School Board. Qt7ARTERLY REPORT.—Sept. 27tb — Meeting held in theTown Hall, at 8 p. m. Absent H. Huston, J. Senior. Fol- lowing is the order of business duly passed. On motion of P. Frayne, min- utes of previous meeting. Per P. Frayne and D. Spicer, that the lock and shelves required for Miss May's room and the requisite furnishings and sup- plies by the Principal for the teaching of physics, be procured ty the supplies. committee and principal, and the room be placed in order by the Janitor under their joint direction Per D. Spicer and W. J. Carling, that further actton rela- tive to the levelling of the eastern por- tion of the grounds be 'deferred. Per W J. Carling and P. Frayne, that the following be paid:—Geo, Bawden, re - J. Game-, Sec'y. McKillop; One day last week Mr, John Kale had the misfortune to fall and severely injure his shoulder. Rad Many Ailments. Dashwood.. The present indications are that we will have sleighing for Christmas wbieh will be wekeomed by all. ---The Xmas festival in the Evangelical church here ou Saturdae evening promises to be a suecess.—The Cannata rendered in the hall on Friday .evening was well at. tended. It was also very well given. The Kiowa Medicine Co, seetn to leave met with very little encouragement in Dashwood and did not there two weeks as was announced, --The teaching staff are now off duty and will no doubt en- joy their recreation very much.—Mr. Emanuel Fried and wife are here from Dakota enjoyiug their honeymoon with Mr.'Fried's friends. Mr. Fried was a former resident of Dashwood.—Mr. Charles Snell was called home from Dakota to attend the funeral of his father.—Mr. Fred, of Parkhill, was in the village Tuesday. DEoTxx.-••••This week we must record the death of Mr. Wm. Snell, Sr., which sad event occurred at his late residence east of the village, on Saturday morn. ing last, Mr. Snell had been failing for some time but had always got around as usual and on Friday was 1n the village doing some business. On Saturday morning just as be was leav- ing his room he fell and immediately expired. He was of a kind disposition honored and respected by all who knew hie+. For many years he has been a. faithful member of the Evangelical church here, under whose rites he was buried, ou Tuesday, afternoon, in the Exeter cemetery. His leaves to mourn his demise five sons and three daugh ters, all grown up. His wife died about fourteen years ago We extend our sympathy to the bereaved family in this their sad loss. "For years, I have been taking medi- cines for liver complaint, rheumatism, heart trouble and nervous prostration, but three bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla have done me more good than auy other medicine I have ever token. I. heartily recommend it to others," MRS. S. A. Junin Vernon, Michigan. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood's Sarsaparilla. Easy, yet efficient. Our Clubbing Rates, The ADVOCATE and Weekly Mail Empire " Farm and Fireside ,t ,t it ', Globe Advertiser Free Press Witness, Montreal Star, 't " Farming Daily News, Toronto " Star "t World " $1.80 $1.90 $1,50 $1,35 $1.75 $1.60 $1.75 $1,70 $1.75 $2.00 $3.00 tresewr Bus Jonets.—Iu Exeter, on the 20th inst., David Johns, aged 60 years. NOBLE—Iii Clinton, ou Dec. 13th, Thos Noble, aged 57 years and 9 mouths. REID—In Ailsa Craig, on Saturday, Dec. llth Jennie Reid, aged 12 years and 9 months. MEADD—In McGillivray, on Des. 15th, Bessie, daughter of Mr. Geo. Meadd, 7th con. Pzc:ARD—In Exeter, o i the 15th inst., Richard Pickard, ag,; l 68 years and 10 months. SNELL—In Dashwood, on Dec. 18th,' William Snell, aged 69 years, 2 months and 20 days, MARRIAGES. MARTIN—WEIR—At the residence of Mr. E. Thompson, Seaforth, on Dec. 11, by Rev. N. Shaw, B. B., Mr. Wm. Martin, of Goderich, to Miss Maud Weir, of Seeforth. FAIRSERVICE—TYREMAN—At the real - dance of the bride's .father, Seaforth, on Dec. 13th, Mr. James E. Fairser- vice, of Hullett, to Miss Effie J. daughter of Mr. Andrew Tyreman. BoYD-NOBLE-In Seaforth, on Dec. 15th, by Rev, Dr. McDonald, Mr. Geo - Boyd, to Miss Maggie Noble, all of Seaforth. BAILEY—YoRzt—On Dec. 13th, at the residence of the bride's brother, Mr. Daniel York, Parkhill, by the, Rev. John Hart, Wm. Bailey, of London, to Miss Hannah York, Parkhill. FOIA THE $ALtA14GE OF We will offer our large and complete stock of Winter Goods at greatly reduced prices. To reduce our stock of ready made clothing we are offering some snaps, Men's Black Frieze Ulsters; well made and well lined, sizes 36 to 42, well worth $6,00 for Brown and blue Frieze meters, we have reduced them from $7 50 to. $3.90 1,50 Men's Black Beaver Overcoats, we have a line which we bought below manufacturing prices, well worth $6,50, for....,4,,00 A large Selection of Boys' and Youths' suits and Uistorsat prices lower than ever before offered. E We have about 25 ladies' Mantles, all '97 styles which we have reduced 84 per cent, rather than carry them over to next year. See our stock of FUR COATS ROBES, LADIES' CAPES, FUR RUFFS, and CAPES, before purchasing elsewhere. We have a nice Stock of Xmas. Goods suitable for the Holiday Trade, Our Grocery department is well stocked with the choicest groceries for the Xmas. Trade. OUR PRICES THE LOWEST 10 OOO POUNDS of Poultry wanted between now and DECEMBER' 23rd, for which we will pay the Highest Prices—Cash or Trade THE CHEAP CASH STORE. A CALL SOLICITED, Chas. Zwieker, Crediton..