HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-16, Page 5THE exeter talcuate Is published every Thursday -Morning, at the Officio, MAIN -STREET, .- EXETER. —By the --- ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION, One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 51.50 if not so paid. 8darertioxg .7 aaten on S yn=alic e tioa; No paper discontinued un to, all arrearages are paid, Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and shargedaocordingly. Liberaldisoountmade for transoiei t advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates, Cheques, rnoneyord- ors, &c, for advertising, subscriptions ,eto.to be made payable to Chas.'IT. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Profo8Stonal Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D. S. & DR, A. R. KINSMAN, L ,D. S., D. 1). S., Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects, Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main. Street, Exeter. DTR.DJ . ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) A honors Graduate of the Toronto Lrni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law Once -opposite Central frotel---Exeter. .l.Ledica,l Drs. J A, ROLLINS & T A.. AMOS. Residences, same as formerly OFFICES, Spaekman,. building, Main 5i;. Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door, Dr. Amos' office, same building -south door. May tat, 1898 J, A. Rollins, Mr D. T. A, Amos, M. D TILT, P, Maria:M*11.1/IN, MEMBER OF 1J the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aecouoh- our. Office, Dashwood. Ont, --1.11.0M-IS-T Legal. D H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLICIT- 1L. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter,Ontarao. Money to Loan. LH,DIOKSON,BARRISTFR,SOLIOITOR, . of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- voyancer, Commissioner, &e. Money to loan Office-.Fanson'a Block ,"Exeter ELLIOTLLIOT, BARRISTERS,ETC., Sr& Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at 5 and 5i¢ per (sent. 8, V. ELLIOT, FRED. ELLIOT. AAautibncert4 ,BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Aunt - AA. ionsor for the. Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofL'sborne Bales promptly attended to and terms rea- sonbile.Sales arranged at Post office. Win- Insurance. 5 in - Insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED, HELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to introdueo a new discovery and keep our fah ow eardatacked up on trees, fences and 'bridges throughout town and country. Steady ornployment COM naision or salary, V5 per month and expenses, money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write ` The )World Medical Electric Co.," London. Ont, Canada. 2-' 98 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. The Bang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" hand - me -dawn " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, NO STYLE, NO GOOD. A tailor.made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. A.ND WEAR Parts of machinery whieh accurately • fits withstand se- vere ' service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest, Sante with clothes. Choose - your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Kn:i'ht. Gill pT TIIE oE1111 BUTOliEn SOP fob Beef Laino, Pork, Corned Reef, Salisage Bologna. . Fish, Poultry and Game in Season. , IIlTighestlrash price paid for bides Sheep and Lamb Skins aotb Tallow, FRESHFISH THIS WEEK: Ono Door H OT of e . DAY, Prov„ CE(VTRAL HC)TEL, s F"@ Prop MADE ME . IVA AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY DERE 11. LNfcrUors Discascs Failing Mom- ory, Impotency Sleeplessness, etc caused by Abuse of other Execsses and India - orations. ct itday and rarely restore Lost Vitality. in old or young. and fit to man for study, buriness or marriage. vont i !Prevent Insanity and Consumption do f I a u y a F tEi an intone. Their neo shotes iintnadato improve. coon and .effects a MRS where all other fail In. siet upon hhaving the grmitia Ajax Tablets. They have curad thousands and will euro you. Wo rive a pea - each owritten uaranteo to o, et n euro p� �,°9' in each esrefund the money. PriceW1;7 far A Caper paolca80; ar six please (full treatment): for 52,50. 13y nail. wplain wrapper. . upon receipt of nLtc.•:.(iarrcouflat"r fretAJAX REMEDY cop., Sold in llxeter C. Lutz, Drugist Clinito': Mr. James Flynn had one of his big toes rather badly smashed on Saturday by a horse eteppin g upon it. EXETER MARKETS. (Ohanged every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel • $0 81 to 82 20 to 25 20 to 22 40 to 97 19 to 14 Barley Oats Peas Butter EIs..,.,.. Potatoes pergag..................................45 to 50 Onions „ 40 Red Clover Seed per bushel.........$4.00 to $4.50 Hay per ton 7.00 to 8.00 Dried Apples per ib 4. Turkeys 7 Ducks 5 Geese ., ; • 5 Chicken Wool per lb. ....,i 17 All Women om eo 3houltl Read This Interesting Letter-" I was Nervous and Weak." Life Changed from Misery to. Joy by Wood's Sarsaparilla. The terrible trials of the ((gentler sex" are beyond description. How Hood's Sarsaparilla is adapted for them and how it restores health and helps over the hard places, is well illustrated by Mrs. Place's letter. "C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell,.Mass.: "Dear Sirs: -In early life I suffered much from stomach troubles and spent a great deal of money in doctoring. I re- ceived temporary relief only to have a re- turn of sickness, and for the past five years life has been made miserable by, constant illness. During this period there have been six months that I was not off my bed, and for one year I suffered most severely. 'I was Nervous and weak and life seemed a burden. It happened that my husband bought a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla and I commenced to take it in small doses. In a short time it was evident that it was helping me. In two weeks I felt that I was being greatly oenefted. About this time our youngest son, then 15 years of age, was taken down with typhoid fever. He passed on to his reward, and soon others of the family were taken 111, until I was the only one left to care for them. I continued taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, and to the surprise of myself and all the neighbors, I not only kept up and took care of the sick, but my Health Continued to improve. For nearly three months this siege of typhoid fever held the family down. All this time, as by a miracle, my health kept up and I grew strong. .&t present I am feeling well and know that the bene- fit derived from Rood's Sarsaparilla is permanent. Other members of the house- hold have since taken Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills with good effect" Mhs. EBBEeoe. PLAOE, N. Sixth St., Goshen,Ind. Sarsa- �wf�'��Eje`�a Is the Best -in fact the One True Blood Purifier: Insist upon Moon's; take no substitute. Hood's prompt, efficient and Pills easy In effect. 25 conte, Farming. A gentleman who is ons of the best authorities ou agriculture, in America, and than whom ua one is in a better position to judge of the requirements of the farmer, recently stated tbhtthe con- dition of the Canadien farmer was im- proving, and that this improvement was due largely to the good work )win;; done by that Farmer's Institt.te systems and the agricultural press. Every one who has considered this matter careful- ly will agree with this statement, sed especially that pr,rtiou of it reftrria; to the agricultural priers' Among the many agricultural jr)urnals published, none are doing more to improve th condition of the„Canadian farmer than FARMING, published at 20 Bay :.treet, Toronto. It is the only weekly agii cultural paper published in Canada. With it is incorp(rated the Ontario Rai;;.• ricultural Gazette, which is the (:liici:+l organ of this Ihtr:,it,ic,n Catti,', Sheep and Swi:ie iirt'edcre' Associations, ant! of the Farmers' I=aeEirute system of ens tario. No pro;:rea-live farmer can al ford tube without it. There is l o nhese of farm work and praetice but what he can get information upon h consulting the colums of _FARMING. Among the• special features which knight be men tioned is the Weekly Market Review and Fereeast, and no ono who has live stock or farm produce to Soll Croi ;.slid to be vi' bout this weekly eu'loal: ie. garding prices and the couditiola of the markets. The regular price; of FARMING iti 88l per annum: but we have. special arrangements with the pubIis trs a.tof are in a position to 'supply FAR,MIN(, together with the ADVOCATE for tin low price of $L70 Now is the time lc begin. Send in your orders at once. On Saturday night a roan named Geo. Wilkins employed on the Cataracr Power Canal near St. Catharines wee trying to board a moving freight train from the (.'1'. 13. station, He cough bis tee sad slipped, felling under the cars, mal glieg beth feet in a, bon ible manner, eeces•sitating the anputatio, of both above the ankle. Wilkins is at utlmarri.-d mnn,S!2 years of age, ane comas from Ilemiltl) i. wbonos vI:FaL s -P o'§',LIN*)0. The Great English Remedy. SixPacka,rycs Guaranteed tc promptly, and permanently euro all forms of nervone Weakness, Eitatssio ns, S.p er'na . atorrhea, .Impotency a,ul all effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, exoeasive, use $Cf09'e and After. tants, Tobacco, Opium or Stimu. )ants, which soon Taut to ht. ,frmity,,Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has been prescribed over 35 gears in thousands et cases; is the only Reliable, and Honest Medicine lanoton. Asicclruggistfor M'ood's I'hosphodinc; if heo rens sono worthless medicine in place of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail Price, one package, 51; sic, 55. One aoii please, six will cure. Pamphlets freo to any address The Wood Company; Windsor. Ont., Canada. HoI(tin F,' x.0.10rand 0r'eryiticle. 1. Canada ity. all raspenalble 13roi gtriae;. CARLYLE'S SISTER DEAD, Mrs. mannipng, Passes Away After a Short Illness in Toronto -Sketch of Fier Life in Canada. Toronto,Dec, 14: -Mrs. Janet Carlyle Hanning, sister of the great' philosophical writer, Thomas Carlyle, and the last member of the family of the Sago of Chelsea, died yesterday at the residence of her son»in-law, Mr. W. J, Laing, 415 Huron street, in this city. Deceased, who was in her 85th year, had long been a resident in Canada, having come to this country in 1851 as the wife of the late Robert Banning of Hamilton. The latter met with reverses in business and in 1841 come to the New World to re. trieve his fortunes. It was not till 10 years later that:his wife and. children came out to join him, and during the greater part of that period, Mrs. Hanning remained at Feolefechan, caring for the old ).bother, whom her brother Thomas loved so le- voutly. After Mrs. Carlyle's death, in 1849, Thomas Carlyle received his sister and children as guests into his own home at Chelsea and they remained with hirer till ��w�J3 ,,.�� Jam „gl, .r./4/41 ,,,,,,��l% ,.,a vile MRs, BANNING, A sister of Thomas Carlyle. they sailed for their Thome at Hamilton, Ontario, In the 80 years that intervened before the death of Thomas Carlyle, the famous philosopher remained always the kind elder brother to his young sister, writing to her with regularity and in af- fection. The family resided in Hamilton for over 25 years, and in that city four little daughters grew to womanhood and wore married. In 1878 Mr. Hanning died, and three years later came the death of Thomas Carlyle. By her brother's will, Mrs, Ilan - fling inherited sufficient estate to render her independent. She left Hamilton and went to reside with her married daughter, Mrs. Leslie, on her farm, Comely Bank, near Oakville, Here 18 years were spent, till in April of the present year, Mrs. Ban- ning, came to Toronto and lived with ]ler daughter, Mrs. Laing. Soon after her arrival in this city, she lutd a Revere illness, from which she never reeovcred. About ten days ago she was seized with sudden faintness, since which she grew gradually weaker till the end carne peacefullyyestecday, Aih'a. Hannini's remains will be burled beside those of her husband in Hamilton, She leaves three daughters, Mrs. lffianklin of Ripley, Ont.; firs. Holden 0f Hamilton and Mrs. Laing of 'Toronto. DEATH OF MR. ROBERT SIMPSON. The Bead of a Toronto Departmental store Passes Away This ;Horning. Toronto, Deo. 14. -Mr. Robert Simpson, head of the great departmental establish- ment of Robert Simpson Co. (limited). Yongeaauai Queen streets, in this city, died this morning at half an hour after mid- night, at his residence, 90 Bluer street east. The end. was not unexpected, for Air. Simpson had been seriously ill for several weeks least, and had been attended by Dr. Cameron and l)r. Graham. Citizens generally learned with deep re- gret of lr..Simpion's decease, ,for he was known to all the commercial community i e :1 very highly respected, both for his -i-ona.i qualities and strict businea in- 'rity, 'r Simpson was in business at New- t .; l before coming to this city, nearly of years ago. IIe prospered, and -.ball beginnings, by indomitable 1 --nice• and 3cr,a aontil attention to ;i11 of the trade, built up the pros- , :-,Ili concern. ntatious and unassuming, he was • .'ntativo of the class of :-hrrwtl • men who have been the arcliitetas fortumes. 13y the hundreds of 1 n s -froth buyers clown to s,hep W/14 r0$1a3(•t'd and trusted. In life and social circles ho was gonial lona. and little dill those who but a while ago shay his robust forin and ray cordiality imagine that ere Christ- Hie hrist- - 1 t • should come the merchant prince tic) l:o no more. Mr. Simpson was 03 of age, an(I leaves to widow and one enter, whirs. Hamilton Mereitt. "NOT GUILTY,” SAY THE JURY.- Campbell URY.Campbell and ,l7enjamiu Searle Wore Acquitted Yesterday. Toronto, Dee. 14. -Atter a long trial at the Sessions yesterday, George Campbell, a. colored barbel whose place of bunincss is t 1:ing and Niagara streets, was found. not guilty of unlawfully wounding Gavin Muirhead, a policeman, on the night of O i :)1. There was much contradictory e :.cac0. The trouble °commit in Canm- ti l'.'s store, where Muirhead and Police- man Moffat had gone toari'estthe barber's 5011 for disorderliness. A:i.uirheacl was cut in the wrist with a pair of scissors and Campbell had sone bones in his right hand broken by a blow from the constable's baton. It Was An tl,oeid.ent, Benjamin Seale was acquitted at the Sessions on the charge of tearing out a horse's tongue as the occurrence was thought by the jury to be an accideut. BROKE HIS WIFE'S NECK. An Antlian Who Was Afraid Nis ifelatives Would be Baton Took D7 astie Measures. 'Winnipeg, Dee. 14. -Indian Agent Short, who arrived Saturday from Berens River, brought particulars of a horrible murder, hie occurred • cl which. 1rL 80 miles east of Berens River reserve.tali ar n A I i woman was suffering from typhoid fever auckbecame delirious. Her husband thought she had become a -•Wendigo,-and decided that she must be killed in order to prevent her from eating' ether members of her band: Grabbing his wife around the body with one arta, he ;rasped her hair 1 Ltlh. the - other hand, and twisted her head until he broke her noel:. It was decided to take. the 1 1111.n into custody an a charge of murder. Huron Assizes. Goderich, Ont., Dec, 14. -The county court of Huron opened here to -day with seven cases on, the docket, two of these being criminal. The one which awak- ened the greatest interest, however; is that of Fred Elliott, who is charged with having killed his brother in Bay field on November Sth• The facts of the case are briefly: -Harvey Elliott ttie deceased, with two companions, has' been away all day, and returned to Bayffeld in the evening under the in- fluence of liquor, be forced a quarrel with his brother, Fred, who, it is said, was also somewhat intoxicated. Har- vey rushed at Fred,and had almost reached him, when a revolver which Fred held pointed at Harvey was dis- charged. The shot struck Harvey in the region of the heart, from the effects. of which he died almost immediately, The prisoner is defended by Mr, Proud - foot, andprosecuted by Ira. Lewis, The ease will not likely be reached before to -morrow afternoon. In the case of Queen vs. Fred Elliott, charged with shooting his brother Har- vey at Bayfield, Nov. 8th, the grand jury, after being out for an hour and a half, brought in a true bill for man- slaughter, and the case will commence to morrow morning when court opens. THREE GREAT IYIEN Representatives of Three Great Nations. One of Them Devised Paine's Celery Compound A >Yledicine That Is the Wonder of the Age. THE ABLEST MEDICAL MEN RECOMMEND IT. Makes People Well When Other Prescriptions Fail. 'I'hrce men have done a mighty work for the profession of medicine, and they will ever be remembered as true bene- factors of the human race; Right Honorable Lord Lister, Presi- dent of the Royal Society, Professor Edward E. Phelps, M. D.,of Dartmouth College, and Professor Charles Richet, of the University of Paris,. are the men that have lived to benefit mankind. Professor Edward E. Phelps, who gave the world his famous Paine's Cel. ery Compound, has gone to his well earned reward, but his great medicine still saves men and women every day. Thousands live to -day who owe life, health and vigor to Paiue's Celery Compound, the mighty disease banish- er. The weak, nervous, sleepless, rheumatic, neuralgic, dyspepstic and cot stipt;ted are soon made hale and vigorous, and the deadly dangers of liver and kidney troubles are quickly dissipated, There is now no necessity for con- tinuing in agony and danger when such a rescuing agent as Paine's Cel- ery Compound is held out to snizerers. Paine's Celery Compound assuredly cures; its thousands of magnificent testimonials in the past are sufficient proof. Have you tried it? Tnckersmith: The hand f death d o has removed from our midst one of the first of Tuckersmith's settlers, iu the person of Agues Manson, relict of the late James McEwing, at the iipe old age of 88 years. The silent messenger came as a happy relief to the deceased. Fot' a number of years she had been a most severe sufferer from cancer of the eye, and about a yeareego she had to have the eye removed, but that did not stay the ravages of the disease, and it terminated fatally on Friday last. She leaves a family of seven children to mourn the loss of a kind and affection- ate mother. la I cSoo 3d ea 1n.rie4 n ? It is a strengthening food and tonic, remarkable in its flesh -form- ing' properties. It contains Cod- Liver 011 emulsified or partially digested, combined with the well- known and highly prized Hypo- phospl.ites of Lime and Soda, so tliat their potency is materially increased. ZytfLp; W > II it It will arrest loss of flesh and restore to a normal condition the infant, the child and the adult. It will1 enrich theblood of theanemic; will stop the couugh, heal the irrita- tion of the throat and lungs, and Cure incipient consumption. We make this statement because . the experience of twenty-five years has proven it in tens of thousands of cases. Be sure you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. 50e, and .oe, all druggists. SCOTT ,& BOWNE, Chemists, Toronto. Sloan's Indian Tonic (aures Dyspepsia. Headache, Nausea, Dizziness, _Faintness, Loss of Appetite, Flatulency, Costiveness.. Mrs. J Dynes, No, 28 Mary bt., St, Thomas, writes: "I suffered from Dyspepsia for years so. bad at times that I could not partake of spy food without great distress. I tried a great many medicines and different treatments but received no benefit until I,used Sloan's Indian Tonic. It relieved me at once 1tnd ef'ected a permanent cure. !t is a grand b'oo.d medicine; I am never, 'at) without it in the house. I have recommended it to a good many pecple, and in every case it has done all that was clain ed for it, and has made a number of wondecfnl cures in this city, Price $i, G for $5. ; All dealers or address THE SLOAN MEDICINE COMPANY, IIQfILT(D I EMI•TED. "Only one Girl in the World. for 111e." So says the popular song. "Only One Fllritllre Store in Town for Me." Says the landlord who wishes to have every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retain reg alar patrons and induce q casional cus- tomers to come again. The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of Exeter appreciate this method. THE PALACE L 0 1 X We make andertaking a Specialty, R. N. ROWE Hogs Wanted ! Hogs Wanted ! Having purchased the Ex- eter Packing House. we shall I be in constant demand of large supplies of hogs for which we are prepared to pay the high -1 est prices. WE WANT 500 MOOS AT ONCE So bring your hogs to us, it will repay you, All kinds of offal for sale cheap at the Packing House. S. ODLE & SG.. HITS FOR AS AND NEW YEAR'S GIFTS. This season we have surpassed our- selves in -making and:tethering together Wee Oddments lt1 Iranei' 1armature suitable for T'resentation. • Tho Visa Orem ent is now complete and everybody is invited to view our t;t.oelc if only for flys sake of seeing what very reasonable -,rices Choice Furniture can be purchased for. SPECIAL We wish to call special attention to r. line of Tery• Handsome. ttii8) 1100,1 SETcT i in ELu, twAlc, ai:,1 .tau Avitcft-ai and C11r:nno3A.liiiS11. All are extremely tasteful in design and the prices aro much lower than it has heretofore Leen possible t0 quote ivr similar good::. BOCA' IN i C45ACWiti. In FOREST - (Inuits, ANTIQUE 0a±, ("VIM?, Dii cu, and litAnecroxv from ala"Z.4O up, rI saa r..a TABLES. A magnificent line bought at a sacri- fice and marked at correspondingly low prices. Centro Tables, .Paucy Chairs. See - rotaries, Lounges. Nancy' ltockera Music Raeks, Couches, Extension fables, Picture Mouldeings. Curtain Poles, Artistes Mater- ials, Etc., Eta.. Etc. dlNF)II II£'.€`AESI:S(- and E3111)AI12IXG LN ALL ITS BRANCHES .Gilley &a Soy.. FAME! 5 You will find at ]3isset's Warcrooms the following line of Agricultural 1 np',emenIs : Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Rearsngs, Steel. Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince. , . . Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES._ Gurney stoves and furnaces NV B A IT G N ; and, • %! The Chatham IVa•gon and a full line of the celebrated141cLanghliu buggies d >* 7 f BILL .. e A mart must consider his purchase well these times; he must buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these figures Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits 10,80 Overcoats 88.09 Black 'Worsted suits a sF,ec- ial, 812,00 Our .$20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come and see for yourself. JAMES H. GHIEYK Biclyoos Bicycles!! B.�`�' �llv4� i ., lJ l Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should Heck f : i t a good wheel, We con furiaielr '. c-'tt ariy of the best wheels inede, at lee tat prices Musical. Do you want :r rsti.i:,g in tae musical line. We have a choice lot . of Pianos and o1,nar s, call and in s1.'ct them bt'ferc biTyit'g e(=tsi here A full stock Of sewing machines, baby car- riages, etc. etc. Perk -ills �ygpyy' 'i a @5 n • T '•� E 1 1BAL Dfi Try WINAAN'S COUGfi BALSAM for Coughs, Colas and 1'ronchial trouble in old or young. We I91alauiaetn��rl1e r�� t� & L�y 5° ggINER'S L9 aAMFi 0 which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, bore Throat and Influenza. The Old Reliable, Winan's Conl- dition Powers, stilt holds fist place in the market. Also Lotion for scratehls on horses and Condition Powder for same. SOLE AGENTS I,'OR DIX. LUNG SYRUP. C. L TZ, DRI GIST, sumusimgaraliwz,'SLi`tit' FON TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. B UECOOKE$T FR END LAFIQEST $Alec I N Cat -AD...