HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-9, Page 8.-Re girders Wanteg1.
The undersigned would be pleased
to take a number of boarders•—Ladies.
or Gentlemen. Feet class acoommoda.
tion. Terms reaseaab1e. Apply at the
Rouse opposite Commerical Hotel.
;H. BumI:mu-Hem
Sale bills printed while you wait .at
the ADve0ATB office,
• Go to R. Hicks for your Marriage
•Liceuse and. Wedding pings.
Ie Sties
Mr, Ltuneau McKay, Exeter North,
met with a very painful accident on
Friday last. While walking in his
yard be slipped and fell, fracturing the
knee,•cap of the left leg, which will
Perhaps some of our: readers would coniine him to she house for some time.
be interested to know *ere that latest Curiiatlnas Perrumes.
of ballads originated. Rare it is:— A new stock of Christmas. Perfumes
at L.ut ,'s Drug Store. This is the
place to buy a nice Christmaspresent
in this line,
Deady ItIquder.
Tbe most useful and greatest labor-
saving invention of the age is the
Ready Mender, Repairs any kind of
clothing—womien, cotton, silk, satin, in
fact ante kind.of goods, and is a real
neeessits- in ever, home. Only 10ets.
at Lutz's.
Important Dater.
Two weeks from Saturday will be
Christmas. Two weeks from Monday
Go to R. Hicks for Wenches, Clocks,; will be municipal ,nomination day.
and Jewellery of all knells. Bargains Three weeks from 1io:iday will be elect
during the holidays.
Tae Odd Fellows intend Laving the
best concert that has ever given been
In the town some time in January
When Nero climbed upoa,the hill to see
All Rome ablaze with fire,twhieh he did
He turned his violin and sang, "there'll
A hot time in the old town to. night."
Municipal politics aro very at:iet at
Send the Advocate to your friends,
One dollar a year.
Best crystal drip syrup $1.00 per pall
at the Rig Cash Store.
1 e0 paid in advance wYI1 get
the Ape -anent to tau.
15t, l899,
Mr. lf,obt, Riche:'@la has purchased tide in ltuuast@e, llliQh, It will l.e ra•
the dwelling owned b ' D1t .i amuel membered that Mr Seeley conducted a
oh rely, etv street .mid wrll r;,ove drug store herdneve;a1 years ago, but
th@rein shortly, after remaining a. few years left for.
Mr. Henry Rundle, of the 3rd e.,N '? bre t'nited States. We are not in pos
cession of esborne, has disposed of his ee stun of the particulars of his death.
farm for $6,500, to Mr. Norreen ,Sweit-
zer, of 'Woodham.
Another interesting letter from Dr.
Rollins on hie visit to Edinburgh, Scot-
land) wilt bet fin in this issue, headed
" Notes by the way."
Try Winan's cough balsam for
coughs, colds and bronchial troubles.
Sole agent for Dick's Lung Syrup.
C. LLrz, Druggist
Three tramps broke into school house
No. 3, Stephen, Monday night and after
carrying in a good supply of wood
started a fire and remained till morn-
While Mr, James Pickard was taking
a pleasure drive down the London Road
Tuesday his horse became fractious,
threw him out of the rig and broke the
harness badly.
On Friday evening the Christian
Endeavor of the Presbyterian Church
will give an entertainment consisting
of Scotch songs and solos, and essays on
Robert Burns. This meeting will be
free and open for any one to attend
Coppers are scarcer than any other
corn at present. The reason of the
scarcity is on account of the small stores
now holding their supply to make
change, while bread increasing to the
odd amount•creates a demand for cents
and half pennies
Clinton New Era : Sid Smith, the
well-known cattle dealer, was speak-
ing the other day of the losses sustain-
ed by dealers in export cattle this sea-
son, and stated that on one hundred
head of prime export stock he had
shipped from Clinton he had dropped
emu,. net Philadelphia
Wananlakcr, the gee --
merchant, says he started out by i;t.y •
ing aside $3,000 a year for advertising. societies that he never spent a night at
Latterly he has been spending $40,000 home; in fact he became a husband in
a year He adds: "I shall increase name only. In bringing him to his
the sums as the profits warrant. I owe senses, his wife becomes herself t vic-
rny success to newspapers, and to them tim to the mania for joining Soeletle8.
I freely give acertain profit of my The secret shows how the husband and
yearlybusinese.'l wife were brought to a realization of
The general passenger agents of the their duties as members of society. The
C. P. R. and G. T. R. have notified the book is printed on fine paper , in clear
representatives of the Commercial type and handy shape, and is for sale
Travellers' Association that round trip at the bookstores,
tickets will be scld to travellers be.- niedieal Association,
tween all stations it, Canada at single
first-closs ordinary fare from December
18th to Toth inclusive, valid until Jan-
uary 3rd kr return.
Paste this ht your hat till next spring:
Some one is exploiting the virtues of
the tomato for bicyclists. " No matter,"
be says, "how tired and exhausted -the
rider may feel, the eating of a small
piece of tomatoe acts like magic, take
ing away the depressed feeling and re-'`
fresbing one remarkably." If good for
bicyclists why not good for other over-
worked persons?
The annual meeting of the Huron
Livened Victuallers' Protective Associ-
ation was held at Clinton Wednesday,
with members present from various
parts of the county. The following of-
ficers were elected:—President, A, Roe,
Wingham ; 1st Vice, J. C. Miller, Clin-
ton ; 2nd Vice, H. L. Diene, Zurich; Sec-
retary, L. Kennedy, Clinton; Treasurer,
J. Rattenbury, Clinton.
St. Marys is to hays a new electric
fire alarm. The mechanism is placed
the tower connecting with a stril:
Von day, and any day between now
and then will be the proper day to re.
new your subscription .to the Ai vo-
Co matted Suicide.
telegram was received tee Thurs-
day stating that 1� . B. Se11ex , „s former
resident of Exeter, had committed sun
At officers.
I.eb., vt e Forest Lodge No. 183, A.
F. a ba it ellfictea the foleowaing oilieers
�,t:lit meeting weld .Mon -
at their last i. �'. M., Bro. 1V, .H.
day night, viz:— ,f, 4. Stewart; J.
Leyett; S. W., Bro. . ewe Bro. George
W., Bro. Dr. Sweet; Ch.._ - .S. O'Neil
Walrond; Treas., Bro. le,i Rxo?
Secretary, Bro. M. Eacrett; le '
W. Brooks,
If you want' printed or blank calling
,eards, call at the ADvecarE Office,
Broke leer Shoulder,
A very painful accident happened to
Mrs. Wm. Campbell, of the township of
)Hay, on Tuesday evening last; She
and her son were driving into town
when a eehool boy carelessly hit the
horse with a snow ball. The animal be•
came frightened and ran away, upset-
ting the cutter and occupants and
throwing firs Campbell out with ter-
rible force broke heir shoulder, while
the son escaped with slight injuries,
This should be a warning to boys
throwing snow balls.
The Anniversary of the Main street
Methodist Church, Exeter, was held on
Sunday, Dec. 5th. The Rev. Jasper
Wilson, SLA, of Strathroy, 'an esteemed
and beloved ex -pastor, preached both
morning and evening to a well filled.
church of attentive listeners. ;In the
evening especially was the sbuject of
much encouragement to the emigre
gation "Let us not be weary in well
doing for in due season we shall reap
if we faint not." On Monday evening
While we were. going to presa; word
was ?received by telegram that a white
steer belonging to Mr. P. Curtain, won
first prize and sweepstakes in the Fat
Stock Show held in Brantford today,
(Wad.) This beat competition from
Fowl stepper.
The annual fowl supper and concert
under the auspices of the Ladies Chap-
ter of theTrivitt Memorial church, will
be held in Gidley's Opera House, Exet.
er, on Monday evening, Dec. 20th,
when an excellent program consisting
of vocal and instrumental music by
first,elass talent will be rendered and
addresses by the resident ministers.
Admission 25c,
Personal 19). en tion.
V. Ratz, M. P:, of Khiya, was in town
Mrs. Jas. Whimster, of Aurora, is the
the guest of Mrs, D, Johns.
Miss Bennett, of Orangeville, is vis-
iting her brother, Mr. A. E. Bennett
Mrs A. Q. Bobier returned last week
from visitipg friends in Chatham.
Mr. Wilson delivered an excellent ad- , Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yea left last week
to visit friends and relatites in Mitch -
dress on " 1 and Thou," referring as it ell.
did to the great living .:question of
the day, Capital and Labor. The resit «m. 'Linger after, spending several
dent ministers were all present and de- days in Detroit, returned home last
livered brief addresses. The supper in legal"'
connection with the anniversary did Mr., Thos. Bissett, who has .been in
the ladies of the congregatifon r o dis- Manitoba for some time, returned home
credit. The cash receipts of this anni last week.
versary, over $125, are in excess of any Mr. and Mrs, Harris, who have been
anniversary heretofore, so far as the visiting in .Harriston, returned home
records short'. It is needless to say that Thursday.
the present pastor, the Rev. Charles Miss Rose Manning•, of Detroit, is
Smith, was exceedingly pleased at this visiting friends in town, the guest of
the banner anniversary of the ?Alain,liras Ella Fansou.
Street Methodist Church, Chas. Trevethick who has been in
Death. Anof 'Jodn lic.Ca known Manitoba for some months, returned
An old and well resident has horns Saturday night.
been removed from our midst by the Mrs, Saturday
s, of 4l'innipeg, Man., is
death of Mr, John McCallum, painter, visiting leer father, Mr. D. ,Johns, who
who passed to his long home on 'rues- viii] continues very ill.
day last, at the age 0f 70 years. The
sleceased, who had been suffering from Mrs. Thos. Snell, of $rut a 1e1d, is
heart trouble, has not enjoyed the best spending a few days in town, the
oheath for some years and for sever- guest of Mrs Ann Snex!.
Ata regular meeting of L. O. del m^nt1 s past has been quite ill, but Mr, J. A. Gregory, who has bean
held Friday evening the following hes Vin, was not expected so soon, Mr. studying languages at Goderieh, is
officers were
elected for the an Suing 1lic�%aliaAm teat widely known aqd much spending a few weeks with his pare its,
term, viz: W. M , John Spackman; ..... - Seri for .1: ,rood qualities bath for
Dept, Master, Thee, Williams, Chan sea aeee, . tivau n, man of more
„°at. , intelligence, was Well
Aaron Sutton; fdctirtting Sec., David than average '•••+4 ea {zlfslQst any
Dew; Financial Sec., James Brintnell; read, and could conva,. 4aay &
Treas„ Henry Lambrook; Lecturer, subject with advanced views, .
Fred Knight; Director Ceremonies, pleasaut and profitable hour between
Homer Sutton, Committee, L. H. Dick- his friends and himelf have been spent
son, Sam'l Stanlako, John Ford, Wm. in the discussion of divers subjects and
Corbett, Wm. Snell. any of which he was well posted. By
On Thursdaet night last the Firemen, his friends, as well as by the widow,
Steamer. No. `2, elected officers as fol• wild was his second partner in life,
lows, viz;—Capt., John McLaughlin; three sons:and four daughters by whom
1st Lieut., Silas Handford; 2nd Lieut., deeply
Wm. Creech; Secretary and Treas., D:
Spicer; 1st Branehman, Eli Snell; 2nd
Branehman, Sam Sweet; 3rd Branch
man, John Rendle; 4th Branchmau,
Frank Knight; Forcir en of hose, James
Taylor; Assistant For 'man, Ed. Treble;
Su: riot, Hose, Jas. Beer; 1st Bose man-
ager, Geo. Anderson; 2nd hoso manag
er. Dan. Davis; Engineer, Israel Smith.
Tim and Mrs. Tine.
The Toronto News Company, Limited
Toronto, has just published a new book,
+Tim and Mrs. Tim; a story for the
`Club' aud'Society' man and the 'New'
woman." The, story is a satirical ac-
count of the trials of a wife sr ho was
burdened with ahusband who was a
" socio+t• " fiend. FIe joined so many
On Wednesday of last week a
Maeda' meeting of the Huron Medical
Association was held in Clinton, There
were two `aspirants for the honor of
finishing out Dr. Graham's term as a
representative to the Ontario Medical
Council. After considerable discussion
by the different members present an
amicable arrangement was arrived at,
Dr. Robertson, Stratford, gracefully
withdrawing in favor of Dr. Taylor, by
which it was agreed that Dr. Taylor,
Goderieh, pledging himself not to stand
a second time, should be representative
for district No. 4, that is Huron and
Perth, for the year 1898, and that when
the general elections take place in 1899
a Perth candidate should not be appos.
ed by a Huron practitioneer. A sug-
gestion was made by Dr, Robertson
that a joint association of the
counties be formed, meeting alt"�rna o
ly in Clinton and Stratford.
Postal Cards.
Post master -Gee
,efnl Mulock authoriz-
es the maul•
that '• ' "'g of the announcement
,ie is abr. ut to remove the restric
Nelson Sheer°, who has been in Mel-
bourne for some time filling a position
as tailor returned home last Friday.
l?r. RpPinst wl}o 11,4;; l;v?g in the old
C.S€llitatry For several months atltleti for
ttafai Irouthamptou, yesterday
hom,, . •
(\Vednesday e
Mr. Robt. Sanders, h tto has been on
a shooting expedition in ir..:'hi,�,an atlu
the County of Lambton, returnand hogge
Tuesday evening,
Our prices cannot be duplicated. You spend your
money to the best advantage when buying here.
Are you looking for silks for
fancy work ? We show you
many shades in pure China silk
very special .. t30e
Ask to see our $1,00 dresses
good heavy tweed. Six yards
double fold for:.... ...... 1.00
We offer you 75c for 40. in a
line of mantle cloth. Just the
thing for children's Jackets,
Very special .. .400
We are still selling all wool. Golf
Jerseys in stripes at 50c. Plain colors
65c. They are regular $1.75 goods'
We bought them at a snap.
Blankets ! Blankets ! Blankets!
If you have a blanket thought, our blankets and prices are euro to inter-'
est you. Crib and Cradle blankets; Fiannelett blankets, in gray and white
gray wool blankets, gray union blankets. Extra superfine all wool white
blankets, V4 e sell you a good large size gray or white blanket for 75e. In
fact every thing in the blanket line and prices as usual, in your favor. -
In furs we always lead. Fur capes have
been a special feature of our fur trade this
season. If you are thinking of a fax eape,we
can show you the best yalue in the trade,
We have about 15 of those ladies' Jackets
which we are clearing at fer.75. Regular
l oo to 557.50 lines. They must be sold,
MC 6 MI Ms. NI Rano
See our feather Neck Ruffs at 25c very'
special.Our German Sable at goc, and
51,35 are sure to please.
In ladies and men's lour Coats we invite
comparison, Our prices were neyer so low.
Quality considered.
K,INItieailk.res �
If you want to buy
EI D GLGVE$0 in fancy' 131ao1 , Iiiscuit Pearl and
• Oreax ',Pe are glaran tQec Goods°.
OPPQSUM MUFFS that were ,9 3.00 for , S1.50
lin is survived, his loesis dee 1 mourn-
Mrg John Harness, who has been in
CHILDREN'S LAMB BOAS, white at 25, 35, 50c,
ed, although lie had reached the alloted Port Hope for some Mite,
owing to the
term of life. His remains were taken revere illness and dealer. of her. months,
to the depot Wednesday evening arid. Mrs. Oliver, returnoi !,edits illeNt}i,,�! (� j rj j�
trom there were conveyed by train to
Woodbridge for interment.
John Taylor, who wonted at the
Winchelsea and Staffa butter factories,
Council Proceeding- left here this week for Yarmouth Cen-
Council met pursuant to adjourn- tre, where he has accepted a similar
meat at the Town Hall, Exeter, Dec situation. .
Srd. All present. Minutes of previous The Rev, B. Clement, of Clinton,
meeting; read and approved. The spent Tuesday in town visiting
Board of Health submitted their annu- friends and renewing acquaintance.
al report which was received and adopt- His memory will continue green with
ed on motion of J. W. Taylor, seconded' many here.
by C. B, Snell. Taylor—Rollins, orders
ns follows:a,. The clerk $4, selecting
jurors; the Ass°": or, $4 do.; J. Creech,
$9.20 for cedar pasts and lumber, J. C.
Dignan $2.40; a Spackman, $•?x.10, F.
D. supplies; Geo, Kemp, 510 bell ring-
ing 1897; W li. Perseus, $.555 rep.;
Fire Qo, No. 2, $85, salaries; No. 1 $60
do.; the Secretary Board of Health e -
the Medical ' .' $5,
services; .0 officer
do,; A. D, Tennant, $3 do.; the Electric
Light Power Co., $151 50, lighting to
1st, Dec. 1897; W Westcott, 62c labor;
J. W. Creech 62c. do.; and H. Parsons,
$24 nightwatch service to,.ist Den,1897.
—Carried, Rollins—Dauncey, that the St. Marys: Owing to the slippery
Reeve and Deputy be a committee to condition of the streets on Moir'
examine concerning fitting up of the several citizens fell and were Tr -aaS
north end firehall and act as they neem less injured. Mrs. J. Billing- sere br
proper.—Carried. Rollins—Dauocey, arm broken while coming. s had her
that Mr. McInnis' account be filed. street. „clown Queen
Carried. Rollins—Dauncey, that the
taxes of the Agricultural Society's
grounds be refunded.—Carried. All
accounts against the corporation should
be in before the 14'h inst. The Coun-
cil adjourned until the statutory meet-
ing to be held the 15th Dec , at 7.30 Its remains were buried here on Tuea
n7 , M. T�.,Aul?.LTT. r *" i day.
Atrophy or the Cheek-. vferk.
The semi occasional Goderieh: The night after the Gode-
has shrunk into a ..cross the street rich fire, the pile of smoking wheat,
tetra at last. more sized strreceet about 25,000 bushels supposedly, was
spread his A short time ago he offered for sale at 51,500, but no one
townsb` • °lotted sheet over several would purchase it. It was afterwards
a es _gas, but last week crawled into sold in lots to suit purchasers, and rea-
,ill box and curledJlp. Now, sonny, lized about $5,000.
stay there. We had`pur attention
called at first to a sefies of clumsy*;
puffs in which he attemptedto persuade
the business public that J ";Ctezar, P.
Pilate, Tecumseh and Wm. Lwon Mac-
Kenzie would make splendid l•.iistomers
for their' Christmas goods, then he gave
us a lesson in grammar chaste enough
to bring up the ghost of Lindley Mur-
ray, and as a last effort aired -his know
ledge of surgery and Western litera
tures Now, sonny, listen while we tell
you a fact in anatomy whieh you may
consult a surgical friend for corrobora-
tion. Gall is not an organ of the hu
man body (although the gall bladder is)
but is a secretion of the liver which in
'littalthy men (like ourselves)• performs
a useful function. Shakespeare, who
was a poet and not a surgeon, . wrote
" A slave whose gall coins slander's like
a mint." He meant men like you
sonny, only bigger, for he never wrote
about trifles. So the big 'circulation
creeps into a pill box. There•let it rest.
One story as a finale. A shallow wind
bag, who talked as soma editars print,
once shouted: " Would there Were a
window in my soul that all Might bee
my truth." A little boy in the crowd
said: "Please mister,. would a pilin in
your stomach do as well ? " We cannot
put a window into the soul of that
chap across the street to show that cir-
culation, because he has no soul, 46 we
leave him with the pain as the 'nearest
Bert Spicer, who was taken ill in
Tilsonburg and of whom we made men-
tion last week, brought home was
Thursday and although his case was
avu�,r hat serious, he is getting along•
nicely. -
Mr, Per Johns, of Ilariiptaiii South
,arolina, arrived home Thursday last
owing to the serious illuess of his fath
er, Mr. D. Johus. It is over ton years
ago that Mr. Johns left Exeter awl he
says he can see many changes here
during his absence.
Grand Bend:
sorry to repo-' This week we are
Mrs. Johr .4 the death of Mr. and
illness ,-. Beard's baby after two days'
a'- It was about three months old
ad haze been a strong, healthy child.
We can sell you Jackets at prices to suit yon..
E. J. SPACKMAN & CO., Smell's Mock, Exeter t •
in ion whiff , at present prevents the user
close to the bell and is Or,"' �,rerl by tuna
of a postcard from utilizing the front of
small lever or •,,,crt EO by placed justa
..re the pollee gall door, A silent or printed ostcard n having except thehtdd asst of
pressure on the lever setfi the tr:ker the person for whom it is intended.
working, which, if not dlseounected Mr. Mel.oek's intention is to permit pica
will ring teem twenty to thirty min tures, views, designs, or other advertis-
utes contiunousiy, , ing matter to be printed on the face of
Those who are thinking of going to the card, so long as sufficient clear
Alaska or of investing, we call your space is left to allow of the address be
attention to the following; Mr. Frauk ing written or printed, go that it can
Ruse and Mr. W. H. Perseus, of this easily be read in the office where it is
town have been placed on the director posted: The cards will be issued in
ate of a Company recently formed in sheets if so desired for Convenience in
Denver, Colorado,throngh theiuflnence printing. Mr. 1Vtulock thinks that this
of Mr. Joseph Ruse.,, brother of Mr• concession will proye a considerable
Frank Ruse, and also President of the stimulant to business, and will not only
Company. This Company believes advertise the advertiser, but the coun
that fortune will come out of that try as well, and also add considerably
country in the next few rears. The to the postal revenue It will also
men at the head are met, of large ex- furnish work for printers. The idea is
perienee in the line they have. mapped certainly a capital one, and: may result
out, and success no doubt will follow, in much good to the country in the way
The Directors here have 't limited of adverti•ting some of its natural fea-
amount of stock to dispose of and will tures, ae well as its public and other
gladly furnish prospectus and any in buildings. The postmaster general is
formation concerning .'olij••t s of the jubilant over the great increase in pos-
company, price of stock, eta to those tel revenue, due to the improvement
will call or send: business.
Lucan: About 1 o'clock Tuesday
moruing the window in the shop of Mr.
Wm. Ellwood, merchant taylor, was
broken into and a web of cloth stolen.
Mr, Ellwood heard the noise when the
glass was broken; rushed out and gaye
chase, but was unable to overhaul the
Hibbert: One of those happy eyeuts,
which are becoming so common here
took place at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs John Cairn, on
Wednesday evening, lst inst., when
their daughter, Lizzie, was united in
marriage to deo. Vipond. The cere-
mony was performed by Rev. P. Scott,
of Cromarty, in the presence of a large
number of relatives of the contracting All lines of ( iieistmas fruits and Groceries;
gftlotiville: After a lingering and l Raisins, Currants; Feels; Extracts, Toilet Soaps,
painful illness, Mary Black, relict of Figs, bates, Etc;Etc.
the late George Sproat, passed away
on Tuesday. Mr,'Sproat was ene of
the early settlers in this part of the
country. In 1832, she came with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ada m Black, from
the old country. Since the death Of
her husband in August last Mrs: Sprbat
has alrfroat continuously been confined
to the house and during that tine was
a 'severe sufferer. Her constitution
was unable to withstand the ravages
of that dreaded disease, cancer, and het
spirit took its flight to the land where
pain 'is unknown. Deceased was '6$
years and 5 months of age.
JO 9s,
6 pieces faticy Biaiiise Velvets at half 50
regular price worth $1.00 for
2 men's black Martin fur chats regular S 8
$25 goods, great wearers, for -
A job lot of Feather Boas, good quality, will
be sold at regular cost price.
8 only first-class Beaver Caps, at
The price for these was $8:90.
Fur Capes, Fur Caps, Fur Guantw
lets, Fur Ruffs, Fancy Handkerchiefs,
Gloves, Hosiery, Scarfs. Everything
suitable for Christmas Presents.
-, QfOGE
Come to us for Christmas UIiSa
401-114Z1*" �TQ r
Hotel . Exeter,
Opposite IIawkshaw i •