HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-9, Page 5THE
(Utter [ bate (Ohbngede every Weduesd$O
y Wheat per bushel , go el to 132'
Is published every Thursday Morning,
at the Offioo,
—By the ----
. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance
51.50 if not so paid.
Eeelee'extioi rig Raton cies .s.pp]Scet-
No peeper dasoontinned. until all arrearages
fare paid.. Advertisements without epeoifie
directions will be published till forbid and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for transoient advortiseweuts inserted for
long periods. Every description of JOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate retos. Oheques,moneyord.
ors, &o. for advertising, snbsoriptions , etc .to
be mad payable to
Chas. II. Sanders,
Proressivnal Cards.
}t. KINS.1t2AN D. D. S & D&, A, R.
KINSMAN, L D. S., ll 3), S., Ronor
graduate of Toronto University.
Teeth eetraoted without one pain, or any
bad effects, Office in r anson's Block, west
aide Main Street, Exeter.
!J honors Grt mite of the Toronto Um
ratter and Royal College of Dental Surgeons
of Ontario, Teeth extraotod without pain,
All modes of Dee tistry up to date. Office
over Elliot & E lliot's law oiixe i—opposite
Central Hotel—Exeter.
itesideneos, same as formerly
OFFICES, Spackman,. builclaxxg, Main 9t,
Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly—north
door. Dr, Amos' offioo, same building—south
door, May ist. 1803
Y. A Rollins, M. 17. T. A, Amos, M. D
.,V the College of Physicians and Surgeons
Ontario. Pltysi-cian,Sur eon and Aoeouoh-
our. Office, Dashwood, Ont.
Ofttee—Q OR,
O'NeU's Bank, Exeter Ontario.
Money to Loan.
. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Oon-
peyauaor, Commissioner, &e.Money to loan
Office—Fanson's Bloole,Eseter
Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at
a and 511 per cont,
B. V. Bauer, Fenn. Enema.
p BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
11. ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of tesborne
Sales promptly attended to and terms rea-
sonbele,Salos arranged at Post office. Win-
Insurance Agent,
Main St.
Relial,le matt in every locality, local or
travelling, to leered -mut t a now discovery and
keep our show eardstackedup on trees, Mimes
and bridges throughout town and country.
Steady employment, commission or salary,
$65 per month and expenses, and money de-
osited in any bank when started. Fox par-
culars write"'Tlte World Medical Electric
CCCo.,"London. Ont, Oanada. 2-2 03
"The Hang -dog Expression "
looks of a " ready made,"" baud -
me -down " suit of clothes is
enough to disgust the Prince of
NC FIT, 7j
20 to 25.
Oats 20 to 22
B utter 13 to t4
Pottatoes perbag 46 to 140
Onions ...- 40
Bed Clover S '
Seed per bushel $4,00 to $4,50
Ray per ton 7,00 to 8.00
Dried Apples par ib 4
Ducky s 6
Geese ... 5
Wool per De.
A. tailor•mado suit, cut, made
and fitted to the contour of your
form is certain to look right.
AND WEARS -01010. -
Parts of machinery which
accurately $ts withstand se-
vere service and parts that do
not fit wear out quickest.
Same with clothes, Choose
your cloth and we do the rest.
Pricessmall as Stitches.
Bert. Knight.
C01t Ni TSE g['N
BUTCEER szpr f1�
Peet Lamb, Pork
l, ,
Beef, Sausage llcrlo �'��tA,.
Fish, Poultry and Garvie
in. Season.,
u ie heat. calsus i)riaxe paid for bides
Sheep and Lama eiiki.axs and Tallow,
One Door South of L DAY, OENTRAL HOTEL, L. , .a �„ �t��gry
.CA;Ghrua^ecce At ecaoe—Peiling Nora,
ery,intpotonoe Sl o eplos cess, eto. caused
by Abuse. or ether :Excesses and Indis-
cretions.1. zc•g ,7o:1'lot7➢ and snls'c0,
restore 'LLost Vitality in old or young. and
fit araanforstudy, business or marriage.
Prevent Insanity unci Consumption if
a)zen in time. Their use shows immediate improve.
anent and effects a (1tITIL where all other fail lu-
tist upon having the genuine Ajar Tablets. They
iaave-cared thousands and will =Gym, We rave apes-
itave written gunranteo to sheets ouro y° metre la
or refund the ruiner. Price es t ria r•er'
each se; or
paplxa�a; cis p>`ges' Mill treatment) for .S'2 oD. By
rna'il, an plain wrapoar, upon receipt of nice. ('iroular
free. AJAX REMEDY' C„(0 73l:1c bur:I t,,
Burn Her Face”
That Was What People Asked
About Our Daughter
Dreadful Itching, Burning Erup-
tions Cured
Smooth, Soft, White Skiii Now.
"C. 1. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass:
"Gentlemen Our little daughter is now
four years old, When she was about three
months old, she had eruptions on her face
which were very disagreeable, and itched
so much, especially at night, t, that it
her trouble a great deal worse. I was
obliged to keep her hands tied at night
and it was necessary to watch her during
the day. She would scratch herself when-
ever she had the chance, until her clothes
Would Be Covered with Blood.
We had a great many doctors to see her,
out they did not help her in the least.. It:
was a terrible task to care for her. When
we took her away from home, people
would ask, 'How did that child burn her
facet' She was completely covered with
scabs for a long time. She suffered every-
thing. At last we concluded to try Hood's'
Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in
it, and atter awhilewe could see that she
was getting better. People said she would
certainly be left with scars on her face,
but she was not. It is now a year since
she was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and
her face is as
Smooth and White and Soft
as that of any child. I believe Hood's
Sarsaparilla to be the best family medi-
cine that can be obtained. I take it my-
self for headache and that tired feeling,
and Ihave found nothing to equal it. One
peculiarity about Hood's Sarsaparilla i5
that it is, pleasant to take and it is no
trouble to induce children to take it. The
doctors pronounced my little girl's disease
to be eczema, or salt rheum." MRs.
WILnvia WELLS, Warren, Connecticut.
N. B. Do not be induced to buy any
substitute. Be sure to get
Hood's Sarsaparilla
The Best- in fact the One True Blood Purifier.
Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5.
cure Liver Ills; easy to
Hood s PMS take, easy to operate. 25c.
House of Refuge.
ANNUAL REPORT.—The following is
the annual report of Mr. French, sub-
mitted to the Counter Council last week:
Onr grain crops were fairly good, ex
crpting corn, which was a failure; our
corn and fodder crops we fed as green
feed to cows and horses. We threshed
375 bushels of oats, 175 of peas and 1'i 5
of barley. Our root crops were excel-
lent; mangolds were the best in the
county -650 bushels; potatoes good
and none rotteu—over 425 bushels;
beans, 15 bushels; onions, 25 bushels;
blood leets; 80 bushels;; table turnips,
30 bushels; sweed turnips, 260 bushels;
garden carrots, 86 bushels; field car
rots, 65 bushels; parsnips, 10 bushels;
over 600 head of cabbage and 30 head
of cauliflower Our cows gave us from
Jan. 16 to Nov. 27, 16814 lbs of milk,
from which we made 502 lbs. of butter,
and consumed both milk and butter it,
the house. We planted 77 apple trees,
12 plums and 6 cherry trees, all of
which are living and healthy. Wt
planted 159 evergreens, 24 shrubs, $
grapes and 5 catalpas. We graded up
the road from the sideroad to the house,
and gravelled it both in front and back
of the house. We laid and well nailed
81t) feet of sidewalk. We, have showil
over 5500 visitors through the building'
since the opening, and 1710 duriug the
past year. Our fall ploughing is all
done, leaving the farm in good condi
tion for receiving spring crops,
Chicnro. 0
''olci 10 11+',:'+ete.i by C. Lutz, ler:eg:le,t
Mrs'. Filluaeuve was acquitted of the
murder of her husband at. Saul , Ste,
Prevost Tells His Gruesome Story. Before
tite magistrate.
Pebroke, Deo. 6,—To-day before Mag-
istrate S. E. M'itobell, Mrs. Gauthier
(Rosanna Broba) hadher prelitnlnary
trial under the charge of murdering
Fred Corriere On .February 11, 1897.
Mrs. Gauthier is being defended by Mr.
9.', W. McGarry, barrister, of Renfrew,
Mrs. Gauthier was peifootly composed
and at tinies seemed gay. She was
amused at the evidence, and wben Pre-
vost told of her giving the poisoned tea
to Corriere and Daubigne she did not
change -a feature of her face, and seemed
only at tinies interested. She is a young
wolnan, about nineteen years of age,.
slight of frame, but fairly good-looking.
The terrible crime of which she is aa-
c:Used has bothered her very little so far,
for she eats her meals with great zest
and sleeps well. Prevost, her alleged
husband, who coufossed the orime, im-
plicating Mss. Gauthier, and who is now
eentencod to serve seven years for larceny,
was placed in, the witness box. Be tells
a most remarkable story, and tells it ns
if it was a fairy tale. The awfulness of
the crime did notfor a minute impress
him. His story, however, is corroborated
in most instances, for Detective Rogers,
who so ably worked up the case, verifies
a. great litany facts in the evidence,
Prevose's story was as follows; Mrs.
Gauthier's name previous to Marriage
Was • Rosanna Breba, Ile became ao-
quitinted with her on a boat coming
from ;tlontreai io S ulleyficld. He said he
had nfa'le arrangements with Mrs. Gan -
husband to go to Port Arthur,
but when the time arrived to go Mr
Gauthier would not go, and Mrs. Gau-
thier left with Prevost, her legitimate
husbapd saying he did not care *whether
she wont or not, bias. Gauthier left for
Port ,Arthur a couple of days ahead of
hilu with bis ohildreu, He stet the late
Fred Corriere for the first titne at the
Ottawa House, Port Arthur. Prevost do-
soribed Corriere as being a very Targe
pian, weighing about 185 pounds, Cor-
riere• asked him if he wanted to buy
some pork. He afterwards bought a pig
from Corriere,' Prevost was living in a
house which he got withoutrent, Bo, and
Mre. Gauthelr ate and slept in the sane
room, Prevost said he had dealings with
elle deceased men about a week before
the murder; ho bought a pig, and n'aade
iirrangeinents for buying a horse, but
Corriere and Dubigne wanted too much
for it. However, the day before the mer-
der Prevost bought the horse for fifteen
dollars, paying down ten for it. He took
the horse from Corriere's shanty hitched
in a sleigh, and the next day about 11
o'clock Corriere came with a mule he
had to get the sleigh. Corriere sold him
a bag of potatoes in the evening about 8
o'clock and delivered them. Corriere sat
down and Danbigne followed after. Mrs..
Gauthier was getting supper, and Prevost
asked the men to sit down and have
some supper. The children. had gone to
bed, the oldest child being about 5 Tears
old. For supper they had boiled beef and
potatoes, bread, oake and tea. About
fifteen or twenty minutes after they
commenced to eat Corriere got up and
went to the water pail for a drink. There
was no water there and Corriere hurried
to tho yard. In a minute or so Daub-
iigne went to the pail also, and Mrs.
Gauthier remarked that there was no
water. Prevost said he took the pail and
started out to get some water. •Daubigno
was leaning against a shelf and looked
sink. When Prevost stepped out from the
dining room to the kitchen ho hoard
Daubigne fall, and glancing out of the
kitchen door he saw Corriere near the
stable door on his hands and knees. The
stable was only a few feet from the
house. He ran back for a lamp and told
Mrs. Gauthier about Corriere. She said
nos to mind him, and just then he
noticed Daubigne lying on the floor in
the corner. 'Prevost says be wanted to go
and call some neighboors, but Mrs. Gau-
thier said, 'No, t have dosed the men
with poison," and pleaded that he should
not tell. After seeing if anybody was in.
sight they parried Corriere's body from
the yard and placed him on the kitchen
floor. They broughtDaubigne's body from
the dining -roots and placed it beside the
other body. He asked Mrs. Gauthier why
she had put the poison in the tea. She
paid that Corriere had assaulted her and
tried to take liberties with her. She had.
told Prevost previously that she would.
ill Corriere the first chance she got.
When they went out to get the mule
pi had started home. Prevost and Mrs.
Gauthlier started after the mule, and did,
hot get it till they got to the shanty..
they entered Corriere's shanty (as each
of the men lived in separate apartments)
and there prooured a chest with money,
in it, a gold watch, also quantities of
blankets, clothes and lard, covered it
with hay, and returned to their home.
On the way back they met a young man.
Mfrs. Gauthier got off the sleigh and cov-
ered her head with a shawl just before,
the young man came up. Tho young
man looked sharply at them and should
remember them, as this was the only
mule in Port .Arthur. .After arriving at
their home they took a barn door, placed
one enol on the sleigh and -dragged ,the
bodies on the sleigh and started the
inu]o home, Fearing, however, that the
.mule would not go direct to the shanty,
they followed the mule and caught up
before the mule got out of Port Arthur.
Prevost said that at the inquest a boy
swore he saw Corriere licking up the
and Prevost saysthe man the boy
mule; y
saw was himself. After this Mrs. Gau-
thier and Provost ,sot on the sleigh, and
she remarked that the deceased had
money on then. Provost lifted the bodies
the sl.i
sleigh and . Mrs. Gauthier rifled
z pockets. After arrivitg at.Dau-
bagne's shanty they parried in Dau -
Hewes body fleet,but had a hard time
getting Corriere's body in, as he was
very heavy. They hadto try several
times before they succeeded in placing
Corriere's body on the ' bed. Mrs. Gau-
thier held the lamp, and in turning
around she knocked it against the door,
anti it tell to the floor, broke to pieces,
and immediately the shanty was in
flames. They both fed. Prevost went to
the other door in the shanty, and, look -
leg in the shanty, he noticed a gun. He
}tack it, and miter putting the imide in a
place it could not get away, he stetted
home, his alleged wife taking a different
route. He got home first, and, throwing
the gun by the house, went back and inet
bare They openedthechest brought from
the sbanty and tonne an overcoat, 8011,0
medicine, some watch chains and three
,.taches. Prevost threw one of the Inedi-
atne bozos in the :are, She pulled 113 out
f and found i:(it i1fpaper money. Some
cartridges to fit the gnu he stole were
also in the obese,
an t, and the Magistrate omnin'itteel
John Karn, 37 years of age. son of
Willard Karn, env. 1, of West Oxford,
died at noon Sunday from the effects of
a kick from a horse received on Friday
while chop
. Harrod, of
Grimsby, 1
ll,obt Il: , � ,
ping down trees Saturday was struck
by a falling' tree, .his head beteg gash-
ed and two bones. in one arm broken.
While standing over a plate Monday
morning, Fred Crocker, a boiler maker
in the G T- R shops, Stratford stepped
upou a round piece of iron and wee
thrown ol? his balance, falling' upon his
face and receiving• a fearf�:1 gash in
the chin, His wound; however, is 1)101 e
painful than serious.
Cook's Cotton Root Compound
Is the only safe, reliable
monthly medicine 011 which
ladies can depend in the
hour and time of need.
Is prepared in two degrees
of strength.
N'o, 1 for ordinary cases
is by'far the best dollar Medicine known
—sold by druggists, one Dollar per box.
No. for special cases -aro degrees
Three Dollars; two boxes, PiveDollars.
No. r, or No. 2, mailed on receipt o
price and two 3 -cent stamps.
The COOK Company,
Windsor, Ontario.
mer—sold by druggists. One box.
Killed in the Worlds.
Ilidgetown, Ont„ .Dec. 7. e -Ms. $eth
Everette, about three\o'clock this after-
noon, took his team, and accompanied
by his San, went to the woods of Mr,
Thos. Sca.ne to get a load of fire wood.
The tree which he endeavored to cut
had beep previously lodged, and au -
other tree had fallen across the top
In his effort to chop off the tree, it broke
suddenly, while be had his foot on it,
and threw him in the air several feet.
He fell heavily on his head, on the froi-
ep ground, and never regained con-
sciousness. The son and Mr. Whitcma,
who was present, did what they could
to restore life, but the vital spark had
fled. A doctor was immediately - sent
for, but found the man quite dead, and
pronounced the cause of death con-
cussion of the brain.
Sound Health an Essential
in Reaching the Great
Its Ilse. Means Vigorous Manhood
and. Womanhood With Clear
and Active Brain,
jt miens to 5r:x tin nine everywhere e: irr
The defense had, re evidence to aub-
41, n
The illustrious German philosopher
Kant says: "There is within •every
mind a divine ideal, the type after
which he was created, the germs of a
perfect person.
Itis true that the nearer men and
women approach the divine ideal the
more earthly happiness will they enjoy.
In order to march steadily onward to
the great gnat set before all, men and
women must be physically sound.
Purity of heart and grand elevation of
mind will never accomplish the great
victory if the body be sick and dims -
'Those who aspire to true manhood
and womanhood are the men and wo-
man who take the precaution to banish
the very first ss•mtonis of disease.
That tired feeling you experience from
day to day; that nervous headache you
dread so much; that "-can't sleep " con-
dition that makes you weak and
wretched; the pains in the side and
back indicating kidney: disease; the
sharp twiogs of rheumatism and neu
ralgia that make life a misery; that
constipated habit that is sending poi -
sou in o your `life blood—all these var-
ied symptoms lead to disease and death
unless they are banished,
Paiue's Celery Compound puts the
out -of -goer physical machinery in per
feet working condition, and gives that
greatest of all gifts—good health.
This marvellous medicine is a food
that perfectly nourishes the nerves,
tissues and blood; it brings streugth
and vigor to the limbs, gives the
rosy blush of health to the pallid face,
aa:d brings clearness and anergy to
the brain.
Paine's Celery Compound, as a medi-
cine for the ordinary ills of every day
life, is as farremoved from the common
pills, nervines, bitters and sarsaparillas
as the diamond is from ordinary win-
dow glass. The people praise it, all
honest druggists speak iu its favor, and
the ablest doctors prescribe it. If you
are only half enjoying life, try what
Paine's Celery will do for you.
Premier Greenway left Winnipeg
Sunday for Toronto and Montreal.
Henry May.bee, was teaming wood
from the 4th con. of Brook to Sunder
land Tuesday, when the wood On which
he was sitting gave way and he was
thrown between the horse and the wag
on. The wheels of the latter passed
over his shoulder, chest and ribs, crush.-
ing him so. terribly that he died the
seine evening.
Prisoner to the 1 ill a.t Port Arthur i0
(,aratula. fry all 1esiroent,a0.0, ii11L ,.x'al•". , await her further trial,
Sloan's Indian ` ox is
Cares ii)yspel►sia.
Eeadapp'ke0 O± ssea. Dizziness, ,Foiantpess, Loss
of Al:A:etite,. Flatulency, Cu4tivenets.
Mrs J Dynes, Nta, 2S Shay tit., St, Themas,
writes i •suffered from Dyspepsia for years so
bad at timeseitat 1 could not partake of any food
without great d stye: s. I tried a great many
medicines and dttteient treatments but received
no benefit un't l i used Sloan's Indian Tonic, 1±
relieved me at once and effected a permanent
cure. it is et grand b`ood medicine; I am neves'
eq.) without it in theixatrse, I baverecotnmended it
to a good many ac.cp'c. Anti in every lase it has
done all that was elate ed for it, and has made
• a number of w•ondeiful cures hi thin city.
Price- $1, 6 for $5. All dealers or address
Only one EUr1
in the
World for Mise."
So says the popular
The family circle
is never so happy
after the chain is
broken and a link
taken. Some famity
chainsare strong.,
others weak. Have
you a goo.d family
history? Or is
there a tendency to coughs,
threat or bronchial troubles,
weak kings? Has a brother,
sister, parent or near relative
had consumptions? Then your
fancily chain is weak,.
Strengthen it. Take SCOTT'S
EiV11Ji SIoN of Cog -liver Oil
with Hypop•hosphites. It.
makes rich blood, gives str en gth
and vigor to weak ltlm s and.
run-down constitutions. With
its aid the system throws off
acute roi ohs and colds. It pre-
vents the chain from breaking.
Shall We send yeti a book about 'ije sas,..,
ter silo by ddruggfsts tit 50c. anti.l,cp.
Sen rT all & IOO ;"VNl , To urlto,051,
Only One
FllrMthr � Ster
in Town for M' " --
Says the landlord who wishes to have
every dollar expended to its full duty,
Everything in our establishment is
marked at prices which will retain reg
mar patrons and induce occasional cus•
tomers to come .again, The rapid
increase in the volume of aur business
is the best evidence that the people of
Exeter appi'eoiete this method.
We make undertaking a Specialty.
R. N. ,OWE
Hogs Wanted!
Hogs Wanted!
Having purchased the Ex
eter Packing House. we shall
be in constant demand of large
supplies of hogs for -which we
are prepared to pay the high-
est prices.
So bring your-' hogs to us, it
will repay you.:
All kinds of offal for sale
cheap -at the Packing House,
=M. �CO=Mk
A man must consider his purchase
well these times; he must buy where
be can do the beat,
Look at some of these figures:
Pants maleto order, all
wool heavy tweeds $2.00
Suits t9, 80
Overcoats 88.09
Black 'Worsted shits a spec-
ial, $12,00
Our $20' blacks beth all
others at $23. Come and see
for yourssli..
An unwelcome visitor to most fur.
niture dealers is the customer who, has
found: his purchaser unsatisfactory. This -
never happens with us. We please every.
time. 1€we don't, return the purchase. t.,
-call will satisfy you -that we keep the
S. Gidley & Son.,
FARMER''! 5 f6..
You will lincl at Bisset's W.arerooms the
i ,
following- line of 3aticultural Implements;
Deering Binders, Mowers,
Roller and Bali Bearings,
Steel. Sulky _.�� .li'i,< i a les.
A full line of Seed.. Drills, Cltiyators,
Diss and Diamond. Harrows, Plows,
and Turnip Drills.,
The celebrated Raymond sewing
aublac e, , Washer and,
wr iugera.
Gurney stoves and furnaces
Bicycles I I
x`U lL EEs IJ .j. ,11
Bicycle Pleasure.
Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure
if so, you should seek first a good,
wheel, We can furnish you .any of
the best wheels made, at Jolt est prices
Do you want anything, in the
musical line. We have a choice los
of.Pianos and organs, call and to
spect them before buying elaew.hare
full stock
Of sewing machines, baby car-
riages, etc, etc.
The Cleatbarn Wagon and a full lute
of theeleleeated 14TCeeaugblin ;buggies
,gyp;1,1, u
Perkins & Martin,
ORAL gee
for Coughs, Colas and Bronchial trouble
in old or young.
iVe ;gsaxtufaeture-- ,,
which is an exKellent remedy for
Cramps. Pains, Nemel;ia, Sore Throat
and Influenza.
The Old Relinioke. 'iE inan's Con-
ctitiou, kowdere.
still holds fist pi,.se in the market.
Also Lotion for scrateh is on horses
and Condition l?owder for same.
SOLE AQ,."�'ilSTS $+'4A3tib
LUTZg BRila sT.
per==�:"� I