HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-9, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their paper regularly will please notify es at puce. Call at the offtee for advertising rates. TEE EXETER ,IYOCATE,. TH O'RSD.A.Y, DEO. 9,189'4 ?'1i�liAf[a from all Parts o1: the Globe, gem- .lensed. and Arranged for Busy Iteeders. TOPICS OF TILE WEEK HERE IS THE NEWS. IN SHORT ORDER. The Week's Cemmereial SlimMary. The Bank of Hamilton has, opened a branch at Manitou, Manitoba. Grand Trunk secnritles are higher.. Cables from London glloted the 4 per vent. guaranteed stook at 67%. The bank oiearings for Winnipeg for the week ending Nov. 26th were: Clear- ings, $2,888,857; balances, $619,675. The stook o1' wheat at Toronto is 88,s 418 bushels as against 50,854 bushels last week and 986, 813 bushels a year ago. The wheat markets are stronger. The statistical position is strong. and the gossip favors bigger prices. The oontraot *heat in Chicago is only 2,029,000 bushels. The weather has been against the •au- $hraoite coal market, and stove has con- tinued to sell at about $4 net in New "York harbor. whioh is 85 cents below the official circular: Demand was small, Th e movement of grain in Ontario has 0 been curtailed of late In oonsequeuce of bad condition of country roads. The de - nand for white oats is less urgent for export, and the quotations are now 24 to 24% high freights. The visible supply of grain in the "United States and Canada increased 785,000 bushels during the week, and the total is 82,708,000 bushels, against 56,- 971,000 bushels a year ago. The amount afloat to Europe increased 16,000 bushels and the total is 80,320,000 bushels as against 32,160,000 bushels a year ago. Combined the total is (13,028,000 bushels as againsst 92,191,000 bushels ayear ago, a decrease of 29,108,000 bushels. Montreal advices indicate somewhat of a lull in the business activity that has of late prevailed, but an interim of com- parative quint is only natural and sea- sonabie after the rush of getting off hoods by last river boats and before win- ter rail freights went into effect. Retail dry goods business in tha country seemsem s relatively better than in the city, and mail sorting orders are still coming in in fair number, The holiday has interfered somewhat with the movement of merchandise at Toronto this weak A large number of travellers returned from their trips on Wednesday, and the volume of business oonsequently was curtailed. Country roads too, are breaking up, and the Movement of produce has not been as large as usual. City trade, however, has been fairly native, and the outlook con- tinues satisfactory. Prices are firm all around. The stock of wheat is diminish- ing, and the surplus remaining at the ttnd of the season will bo small. Still **her pricee are confidently expected in the near future. linard's Liniment is the best. Here and There. A good round steak makes a square meal. The wise man knows he doesn't know it all. A. good strong bank draft is the thing to raise the ciust Do birds use their pin -feathers for fastening the others on? Children have to be taught to lie just as they do to tell the truth. Who shall decide when doctors disagree? Why, the coroner, of course. A sparring entertainent is sure of be- ing attended by two hoz parties, at least. The cycle racer who wipes out alI previous records might also be called an eraser. The brightest Iight isn't always the pleasantest. Neither is the brightest person, In dying, some men leave their wives pretty well off, and some leave them bet- ter off. Some Christians love the Lord so much that they can't help hating all the other oburohes. After all the whale must have swal- lowed Jonah, for bow could Jonah have swallowed the whale? For women returning from abroad to Smuggle a few laces through the custom- house appears to be customary. CANADLS,ZS. God sleighing is reported in the vicin- ity of Barrie.. Mr. Edgar Ryan, of Fournier, was drowned while skating. Mr. Fielding, the Canadian Finance Minister, left Liverpool on Saturday for home. The export live stook season in Mont- real was one of the worst on record for the shippers. Mr. Walter Pulley, of Little Britain, died as the result of injuries reoeived at a barn -raising. I3r. and Mrs. Ewan, of Montreal, Iefb Monday for China, where they will act as medical missionaries. The Grand Trunk is considering the question of double -tracking its line from Hamilton to Niagara Fails. ad everbody remained as honesb as '4P slam Penn was in his dealing with the Indians we never should have had a steal pen. Hon. William Patterson inspected the custom house at London, to whioh some improvements •a meets areto be made. Ross Maakenzte, of Toronto, the well- leuown railway man and laorosse player, died Monday at Nelson, B.C. Mr. henry Davey,,. of Lakefleld, com- mitted suicide with a razor, first cutting the throat of his favorite horse. The by-law in favor of the civic owner- ship of the waterworks was carried in Winnipeg by a vote of 1,846 to 83, The Department of the Interior is be- ing urged to have artesian wells sunt: in the more arid districts of the Northwest, Mrs. John Morrow; the mothor of Prtnoess Chimay, says there is no hope of her daughter being reconciled to bar husband. Engineer Courtney. Conductor Dunn and Brakesman Dalton, of the G.T.R., lost their lives by suffooation in the St. Olair tunnel. James Wray, an Australian smaller living in England,chalice es Gaudaur for the ohamiunship, but wants the race rowed on the Tyne. It is reported at Winnipeg that Lieut. - Governor Patterson, of Ittanitoba, will emceed Lieut -Governor Mackintosh in the Northwest Territories. w Dr. Cameron, of Huntingdon, who was for eighteen years a member of the Quebeo Legislature, is ,lowly sinking at the General hospital, Montreal. The Prohibition party will ask for a plebiscite on the question of a reduction in the number of licenses to be taken at the next municipal campaign. Mr. J. MaoMaster, of Vancouver, while duck shooting on Lulu Island, was stepping out of the boat when his gun went off, killing him instantly. There are many aspirants for the seat in the Senate vacated by Sir Oliver Mo- Wat. Mr. Young, of Waterloo, is regarded as likely to obtain the coveted honor. The Dominion Government is still negotiating with the Ottawa,. Arnprior and Parry Sound railway for the crea- tion of a new through line to the west. The plant and property of the Guelph Norway Iron & Steel Company were sold at the mills for $9.000 to Mr. John Taylor, who has been employed in the yard. There is another hitch in running the Intercolonial railway into Montreal, and the date has been postponed until the middle of December or the first of the new year. The nuns of a Montreal convent are held to be guilty of a grave infraction of the health law in not holding their pupils for isolation after a nun was taken down with smallpox. The grand jury at Lindsay, Ont., Monday returned a true bill against the Thompson brothers on the charge of mur- dering a man named Sawyer at Maple Lake some months ago. The action of the Dominion Govern- ment in reducing the letter postage rate from ten to three Dents an ounce to any part of the British Empire will entail a loss of about fifty thousand dollars a year. The Government dairies in the Regina district have had a successful year, hay ing made about three hundred and fifty thousand pounds of butter, whleb will net in the neighborhood of sixteen Dents a pound. The Toronto Junotion bondholders are promoting a measure for the Local Legis- lature for the government of the town by a oommission of three, and the carrying out of a scheme for the repayment of the municipal debts. Mr. E. E. Sheppard, Trade Commis- sioner for South Amerioa, does not be- lieve any trade can be established be- tween Canada and Brazil, seeing that the latter country has a tariff on an aver- age of fifty per cent. Messrs. Blair and Tarte are looking over the Parry Sound. railway in connec- tion with the proposition to have a traffic arrangement between the company and the Intercolonial for reaching the sea- board from the West. The inquest into the cause of the death of Julia Klee was concluded at Humber- stone, Ont.. Monday. The jury brought in a verdict that deceased carie to her death by poison administered by some person or persons unknown. The Dominion Government is consider- ing the proposal to recede from the Can- adian position on the Behring Sea ques- tion by consenting to the abolition of pelagic sealing in exohange for a trade arrangement with the United States. It it rumored in Port Arthur that the two men whose remains were found last February in the debris of a burned build- ing were poisoned, and the building set on fire to hide the crime. Confession , is said to have been made, and two arrests followed. There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remedy, for all ills to which flesh is heir -the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient -what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other. We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual and judicious use, else frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. 11, relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing . sleep- imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stimulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the healthy animal functions of the system, thereby :making activity a 'necessary result, strengthening the franis, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance -result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest perfection of any in the market. All druggists sell it B. IIsefnl'k'resent. Mrs. Jobbs-What on earth is that? Mr. Jobbs-That, nay dear, is a bar- ometer ---a present from our son at aol- • lege. "Oh, .I've heard of them. Isn't the dear boy thoughtful! Which way do we screw it when we want the weather to be fine" DNITED STATEN. The Northern Illinois coal strike has ended and twelve thousand men have returned to work, M. Paul Tobert, the celebrated French painter, arrived in New York on Satur- day night, Now Thorn has published a statement accusing Mrs. '.Hack of the murder of Guldensuppe.. The man who oommitted suicide in Newark, .i\T. J., on Wednesday night has been identified as the Marquis Vitell- esohi, one of the oldest families in the Italian nobility. The Washington authorities wish it to bo distinctly understood that no nego- tiations will be opened with Canada until an agreement isreached suspend ing pelagic sealing. Tho Board of United States General Appraisers has fixed. December 15 for the trial of a Dumber of oases arising out of the assessment of discriminating duties on imports admitted into that country through Canada, a number of collectors having disregarded Attorney -General lticlienna's decision. ro REIGN. A disgraceful tight took place in the lower House of the Austrian Reiohs- rats. Mr. Gladstone arrived in London from Hawarden looking much better than was expected. autonomy The decrees grantingo t Porto Rico havebeen and Po o R c publish- ed at Madrid, 11 is reported that a contract for four new ironolads for Turkey will be given to Herr Krupp, The Austrian flag was saluted at Mersina bay by Turkish guns. Austria's. honor is satisfied. Mr. Swinburne, the poet, laughs at the idea of establishing an English Academy of Immortals. Admiral Sir Augustus Phillimore, C.B., retired, is dead. He was seventy- five years of age. Advioes from Japan state that no progress has been made in the Hawaiian emigration trouble. There 1s ranch opposition in Spanish commercial circles to granting autonomy to Cuba, but the Ministry is resolved to carry out its programme. The Marquis of Salisbury and Mr. A, J Balfour siant Sunday with the Princee of Wales at Sandringham. It is proposed to bold a pan -American Exposition at La Salle, on the Niagara river, the year after next. It is Intimated that France will short- lydenunciation of the treaty askfor the denun a a y between the United States and Tunis. Emperor William is sending more men and ships to Chinese waters to seize more territory and to forestall England. The estate of the Duchess of Teak, cousin of the Queen and mother of the Duchess of York, is valued at 885,471. Lord Mountstepben was married in London to hfiss Tufnell, who was a lady in waiting to the late Duchess of Took. Emperor Francis Joseph has arrived in Vienna to take steps towards repress- ing the turbulent members of the Reloh- sratb. The Madrid ofilo]al Gazzebte on Sat- urday morning published bbe royal de - ores granting autonomy to Cuba and Porto Rica. A new quick -firing gun, invented ,by Mr. Hiram Maxim, was tried at Ports- mouth. It showed effective results at 16,000 yards. Mr. 7. k'. Willard, a resident of Berlin, and a nephew of Miss Willard, has start- ed on an expedition . to Bokhara and Asiatic Russia. The blaokguardly conduct of the mem- bers of the Reichsrath is making Austria a hissing and a bye -word among the European nations. The Queen gave a birthday ]Tarty at Windsor on Tuesday for Prince Alex- ander of Battenberg, the eldest son of the Princess Beatrice. Archives have been found In George- town, British Guiana, whioh establish Great Britain's right to all the territory for which she contended. During the first twelve mouths on the Eleatrio railways in Cairo, just com- pleted; there were one hundred sled forty persons killed or injured. Tho Khedivah has been safely deliver- ed of a daughter. The Khedivah, prior to her espousal by the Khedive, was a favorite slave in his harem. Notwithstandingthe Russian protest against Turkey spending money on arma- ment, the Ports bas ordered one hundred and fifty large Bannon in Germany. It is reported that the powers have de- cided to bloclrade Constantinople if Tur- key refuses to withdraw bar troops from Crete and to accept a European Governor. Mr. Rudyard Kipling made a happy speech at a medical dinner in London in which be gave some remarkable exam- ples of the heroism of members of the profession. Heavy gales have been sweeping the English coast for the past few days. Scores of dead bodies have been washed ashore and there has been great destruo- tion of property. Lady Ann Coventry and Prince Dhu- leap Singh are to be married on Decem- ber 29. The Indian Government has agreed to settle upon the bride the sum of $10,000 annually. The' American Society in London cele- brated elebrated Thanksgiving day by a banquet, at whioh Ambassador Hay made a hu- morous speech. A latter was read from the Queen, thanking the American col- ony for their jubilee address of congra- tulation. At the Central London Court "Capt." James.Henry Irving Cruickshank plead- ed guilty to having obtained by false pretenses fifty thousand dollars from Lady Randolph Churchill and others. He was sentenced to eight years' penal servitude. Mr. A. White, District Freight Agent of the Grand Trunk, will probably suc- ceed Mr. A. H. Harris as Division Freight Agent of the Grand Trunk en Montreal, Mr. Harris having accepted the position of General Traffic Manager of the Intercolonial. John Ratza was found guilby at the Pembroke Assizes for manslaughter in causing the death of Anthony Kurz and was sentenced to three years in the peni- tentiary. Joseph Q,iauthier, : an old offender, was sefftendsd to seven years far stealing. The conference between the delegates. of the striking engineers and the repre- sentatives of the employers it stili in session. The control of workshop@ with- out the interference of the union has been debated for two days, without any conclusion having been reached. Newfoundland Cabinet. St. Jobe, Nfld., Nov. 30. -Sir James Winter, the new Premier, and the mem- bers of his Cabinet, were all re-elected to -day without opposition in their respec- tive constituencies. The Government is vigorously pursn- RHEUMATISM. No One Need Suffer.. Mrs. L. G. Pratt, a olever nurse in Cleveland, writes that; "After being troubled by very painful attacks of A:teu- matism in the shoulder for over ten years I tried a bottle of your Trash's Magneto Ointment. For two years I had been unable to raise my arm, but after two thorough .applications my shoulder was entirely cured, and I can not speak highly enough in its praise," Sinoe then sho has used it far others in her capacity as nurse. This ointment penetrates the frame, permeates the inflamed tissues with its soothing, healing qualities, takes out the soreness completely end leaves the mus- cles and joints in their proper healthy condition.. Twenty-five and forty coats a bottle, Fre/lois U. liable, 127 Bay street, Toronto. iii' inard'd Liniment Cures LaQrippe. ing the reform policy to which it pledged itself at the outset, and already the re- duotion in the number of offices and officials guarantees a saving to the colony of $80,000 a year. Training a Husband. Bumper is to rough old bear and his daughter inherited some of his disposi- tion. lie loves to tell how she trained her husband, whose ways did not meet with her approval, says the Detroit Free Press. "Why that fellow," the old gentleman says with a laugh that is a roar, "had no more gumption than to think be could carry on just as though he had no wife to please. I knew better from the start, but I knew that she could take oar° of hermit and half a dozen like him. He smoked cigarettes in the parlor, just as though he was in his bachelor quar- ters. Sho put in bar protest, and be de- clared that he hadn't surrendered any of his personal rights when he married her. Naw she's not a girl to go into tantrums ox set up a howl. But the very neat time he had a few friends in there blowing cigarette smoke through their noses, she glided in gracefully, tock a seat, threw one little foot over the other au an otto- man and lit one of those same little coffin nails. He was mortified and on his bigh horse, but I could have told hila just how machgood that would him d She played the game till she made hien quit. Then he got to staying at the club till the wee hours. She enlisted me; we managed t0 get home one • morning at 4: he didn't see me, elle would give him f • o h st begged of hex nosa is_aati n end s u b i , t a. to remain at Immo with him after that You bet she'll keep his toes on the mark." KIDNEY WARNING.. r t Vietim a A. Score of Symptoms Zoll len ie im. that Kidney Disorders r. aye FUsfoned Them- selves on Al ire-boutlr Arne riven 'Iiid- ncy Cure is the Potent Ileineey. A simple haeltathe, or a little pin In the kid- ney region, may cause you no alarm, but it is one of the never -failing signs of kidney disease, and to negieet the warning may mean the deep seating of that most insidious of diseases whielt puts more people in alt, untimely grave than all other causes combined, South American Kid- ney Coro relieves in six hums, and cures per. man ently. • This Ono Motive. The religion of Christ is not a law, but a spirit --not a creed, but a life. To this one motive of love God has entrusted the whole work of winning the souls of his redoomed. The heart of man was made for love -pants and pines for it; only in the . love of Christ, and not in restrictions, can his soul expand. Now it was reserved for one to pierce, with the glance of intuition, down into the springs of human notion, and to pro- claim the simplicity of its machinery. "Love," said the apostle after Him, "love is the fulfilling of the law." The great demand for a pleasant, safe and reliable antidote for all affections of the throat and luugs is fully met with ill i3ickle's Anti -Consumptive Syrup. Is is a purely Vegetable Compound, and acts. promptly and magically in subduing, all cougbs, colds, bronchitis, inflammation of the lungs, etc. It is so palatable that a child will not refuse it, and it is put at a price that will not exclade the poor from its benefits. For Slender tVornen. Columns of conflicting advice have been written from time • to time for the beneflb of women who wish to get thin, and, as it is not enough for the woman who desires to put on a little extra flesh to draw her conclusions from the reverse side of the fleshy woman's instructions, she is coming in for a goodly share of counsel, too, which is all excellent in a way, but the regime of exercise and diet which is advised for perfect development from the standard of too much or too little flesh is usually an absorbing pro- cess which leaves very little time for other thiugs and the average woman soon wearies of it if she has the courage to attempt it at all. The simple recipe, "Eat vegetables and plenty of butter, drink milk, sweet wine and stout, take cod-liver oii, go to bed early, sleep a lit- tle during .sob day, and laugh as much as possible," will often help the thin woman immensely. Cream may be sub- stituted for the cod-liver oil, if pre- ferxed. - AParson's Quick Wit.. Alexander Bolles, one of the early itinerant preachers who preached in three States among the Allegheny Mountains, says the Argonaut, was much tormented by the influence of one John Rogers, a Jerseyman, who openly taught atheism and the abolishment of marriage. On one occasion, while hold- ing a meeting in the woods in Virginia, a young man and woman pushed their way up to the stump whioh served as a pulpit. The man, interrupting the ser- mon, said defiantly:'. "I'll like you to know that we are Rogerines." The old man looked at him over bis spectacles and waited. "We don't believe in no God, Nor in mar- riage. Thisis my wife because I choose her to be; but I'll have no preaoher nor. squire meddlin' with us." "ms , ou weanto tell ms," thundered Father Bolles, "that you have taken this gird home as your s' ifeii" Yes. I do," said the fellow, clogaedly. "And have you gone willingly to live with him as your husband?" "Yes," said the frightened girl. "Then I pronounce you man and wife, and whom God With joined together let no man put asunder, ,Be off with you I Poul are married now according to the law and the Gospel." How to Cure Headache. -Some people suffer untold misery day after day with Headache. There is rest neither day or night untilthe nerves are all unstrung. The cause is generally a disordered stom- ach, and a cure cnn be effected by using Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, containing Mandrake and Dandelion. Mr. Finlay Wark, Lysander, P. Q., writes: •'I find. Parmelee's Pills a first-class article for Bilious Headache." "WISEED MYSELF DEAD." How 11Pany a Poor Dyspeptic Has tine Sans. {`Pail?-J3ut$nuth Aaaerlean Mervin. Give a New Lease of Life. Airs, Diary A. Sinnott, of Peuetanguisheue, writee: "I was a great sufferer for over four years from nervous indigestion and dyspepsia , often wished m ee.lf deaf ; was attendee b best physicians ; tried many remedies, but icons veep little relief. I was attracted to South American Nervine by reading. of the wonderful cures w rougut by it. I bad about lost all faith in medicine but I concluded to try it, Qne bottle won erfully relieved ale. I gained strength rig t away, my appetite returned and in a very short while I was completely cured, I cheerfully recommend it." She new the Speech. "Matilda," fervently exclaimed .the love-lorn youth, "I' can no longer endure this suspense and uncertainty. I must know my fate this night, For months I have carried your imago in my heart. You have been the -the-" "The lodestar of your existence, and the Ultima Thule of all your hopes, Mr. Clugston," suggested Matilda, observing. that theyoungman hesitated. "Why, bow did you know what I was going to say?" he demanded in astonish- ment. "I got it from Lulu Bilderback and Mary Jane. Wheelhouse," replied Matilda. `'It's the same thing you said to them; I oan repeat the whole speech, Mr. Clug- ston," lug-ston," ldinard's Liniment the best Hair Restorer. 111s Reason. "Why, Frankie," Said his mother, "what are you reading in that book about bringing up children?" "I'm just looking to see whether I'm being properly brought up." Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism, The Canadian Dome Jonenai The December number of The Cana- dian Hogue Journal is particularly inter- esting and well and profusely illustrated. The cover and first two pages are de- votedtothe town of Barrie, Ont. It is prettily sketched, and gives eleven beau- tiful views of the town and surrounding scenery, In the fancy work page are illustra- tions and directions for a complete set of S e.l n anyor all tabs lima fn holly dl of e nen design, whioh would be most suitable for hand- some Christmas gifts, and any piece of whioh can be obtained through. the Journal, There is a quaintly written poem, covering of 11 page, by William Vail Buren horn co of song fame, ela o -ately and artistically illustrated by Paul Caron. .And possibly most important of the Journal's contents Is a page on the newly organized Canada Club, which, as the idea unfolds in each number of the Journal, will be of special interest to every Canadian woman. The ourrent issue also contains some receipts for delicious candies, with full directions bow to make them at home; a page by Mrs. Joy on the Christmas dinner menu; Christmas stories and games for the children; the latest fashions in Mid- winter furs and gowns; three pages . of music, and a number of other interest- ing articles, all beautifully illustrated. STATE or OuIO, CITY OF Toasno,'ss. Lucas Comer. FaAs r. J. CmEnsY makes oath t at ho is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. OlTr.117LY & 00., doing business In the City of Toledo. County and State aforesaid. and that said flrm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every ease of Catarrhthat cannot be cured by the nse of SAWS CATARRH Ctfue. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my preeseen e, this 6th day o1 December, A.D. 1856. {SEAT. A. W. GLEASON Notary Public. Ball'satarrh Cureis taken internally and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. LrrSold by druggists, 75e. Prov be False. od to "I am told," said she, saucily, "that though you are a military man, you are afraid of powder." "To prove that the assertion is calum- nious." replied he, "I have only to do - this Whereupon he lightly kissed her cheek, and his lips showed that he was not. Sleeplessnesss due to nervous excite ment. The delicately constituted, the financier, the business man, and those whose occupation necessitates great men- tal strain or worry, all suffer less or more from it. Sleep is the great restorer of a worried brain, and to get sleep cleanse the stonnteli from all impurities with a few doses of Parmelee's Vegetable, Pills; gela- tine coated, containing no mercury, and are guaranteod to give satisfaction or the money will be refunded, EHaVMATIC AGONY There's Delightful Atelier in Ono or Two Doses of South American Rlu•umattc Cure. E, H. Norton, of Grimsby, Ont., says: "I tried homeopathic and other remedi#s and was undr' .medical cttendtinee for in minatory rheumatism, Note of thorn. gave me any relief, My lags and arms were useless. I could do nothingfor three weeks, I was confined to my bed ansuffered agonies. X was advised to try South Amerieau Itnounlatie Cure. I felt bene- fit after two or three closes. k our bottles corn- pletely cured me, and 1 am as well as ever 3' was.' Easy :Enough. "Can you tell me," be asked musingly, as he gazed out of the window and watched humanity pick its way with care over a crosswalk, "why a man al- ways walks on his toes and a woman on het heels in crossing a muddy street?' "To keep from getting muddy, I sup- pose," she answered with decision, and he continued to muse. To Strengthen a Weak Cheat. Bathe the parts in cold salt water every morning and rub vigorously with a Turkish towel. The Brightest Flowers must fade, but. young lives endangered by severe coughs and colds may be preserved by Dr. Tbomas' Eclectic Oil. Croup, whooping caugh, bronchitis, in fact all affections of the throat and lungs, are relieved by this sterling preparation. `vMelo also rem edie rheumatic pains, sores, bruises, piles, kidney difficulty, and is most economic. RHEUMATISH CURED. Jas. McKee, Linwood, Ont. Laohlin McNie], Mabou, C. B. John A. McDonald, Arnprior, Ont. C. B. Billing, Markham, Ont. John Mader, Mahone Bay,N. S Lewis S. Butler, Burin, Nfld. These well known gentlemen all assert that they were cured by MINARD'S LINMENT. "WE WANT Q AGENTS WANTED TOS SELL "AR EDA CEYLON TEA," Put up 10 lead packages. Also Japans and Hysons. A,. u. oANNJ1"; .Ss CO„ Whore.cale Agents, 57,FItoST SuE ST, TartosTt. ASK YOUR DEALER FOR BOECKWS BRUSHES and BRQOMS. For sale by all leading houses. CHAS.. I3OECRII & SONS, Manufacturers, TO1tONTO, ONT. •••••e•e••••••••••••oe•a•• i RANSOMS' �7SOM�pS ' i 1C04;;: •4A r. • I• :Bo i • t w.,i ,♦ • ice' ! : v : i s E I♦ Intelligentladies and gentlemen can be sup- plied with genteel and very PROFITA LE employment. Industry is the essential NEC. ESSARY to secure GOOD REMUNERATION. Can give the address of representative who has just cleared 8113 in 21 DAYS. Make Origin AT your own HOME. I .L. NICHOLS &-00. Cut this out. 9s Richmond West, Toronto CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. It is an ,established fact that the'D ke Cure removes all -crave for alcoholic stimulants in .a few days, and in four weeks restores the patient to his normal condition. It is a simple vege table tonic. No hypodermic injections, Can be taken privately as a home treatment, with no bad after-effects, or iio, loss of time from business. For foil particulars address Dr. Me. Taggart, London, Ontario. • • Z Our book of selected receipts by practical housekeepers, for • 1 • • practical housekeepers, will be t mailed free to anyone on receipt • of stamp stud address. 1lfentian, ! this paper. • • FRANCIS U'.ANLE, • 127 Bay St., Toronto. T Zee FARMERS, DAIRYMEN And Their Wives Drop tis a post card, and get free our booklet on "INDURATED FIBREWARE" It costs nothing, tells all about Indurated FibrePails, Milk Pans, Dishes and Butter Drsh n Tubs, and will put mono in your pockt s. The E. B. Eddy Co., LIMITED. HULL, CANADA. O®S,aJOi•••AO♦♦!g.9♦♦••Q'P*®•♦=• i We Always have on hand • i a Large stock of • ♦ • Aii a ••• ;• • MATERIAL •• • ♦ • $ in Type, Presses, • • : Paper Clatters, i • • ♦ Stands, Cases, iZ •• Imposing Stones, • and in fact almost anythingused in • r the printing office. taken in ex • • change for new material. You can • always find a BARGAIN. • 'Write to • •• 2 : TORONTO, ONT. e Toronto Typo Foundry, 44 Bay Street, . T. N. II. 144.. Le "411,51 is to �yttesdth Northern Dusi- 8 cried; ObI. *11 who *odid,Ike �l a bA' , i! re or$ t d for Annual • fCe � � .p p tart. Ben eat•• •lie. C. A. Flailing. i'rincisal.