HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-12-2, Page 7_ - _ � - , , __ , �---T --,- --�--P - I I 11 - . . I I .1 I . . I 17, 111_1171-_'-,F , ,,� - I - :, "I'll -11__-_1-—-7-1 � %_ - � 11 , I I I . , I I I I . : 11.17� 1 , , .
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- � , iv . ailsodiations vind traot societies ond Sun. leadthem." I cannot see a collection of ,last wall of opposition And the last fort A CURIOUS CRAZE, , WOMEN'S N ECKTfES. I I I .
. � WICIOF THE PRESS. day, school un-lons and pronounced un- gems to a jeweler's window Without rose of iniquity, I . . I I . .1 .
le I . a I denominatioxelJournals, to Show the fal- thinking of heaven aflaoli and ablaze X4itorlal UespooslbilltYa Fashionable Peuvle Itafflinc 'rheir �10- A 11abordusber'.4 CA riclion. on the "V*3r *he * I I
. . . -laity of the, charge that We are fighting and inearno4ined and empurpled with And now let all of as w he ore connect- 1,�agil%_�q. � - Avranxes Them. ,
A, .R. TiALMAGE ON REL1010at, till niannerof precious stanes-4 I Cannot ad with elbber secular or religious jour- . to of ,the average woman is "
. be called aniong fashionable PeoPlo for raftling likely to distress, bor male friends, under'
REV. D -among ourselves by -gathering all Chris- I . A. curious oraze has obtained Vogue The ueakt
I I "INEWSPAPERS., I tian denoulliatitions on one platform or boat, a trumpet but I bhink of bliat one nalism replember that we will
. which sball wake the des,d. All the ages into final account for every word We their belongings, Half in jest and half all oiroutilstances, though the reign of'
0, W � . launching the united sentiment of 04.1 . - �
RigIlt SpIrito Xf*SXy6, Christendom ifxom one ityle of religious of time; bounded on one side by the write in editorial or reportorial or eon in earnest th,,y put a
. I � p bioyeles, articles the shirt waist ,has accustomed men to '
L . " T)Igy Uame tile I printing press. paradise in which Adam .and Bve walked tributors' column, for every type We set, of aress, horres, kind even, as, Ill one Its vugaria , s. There is. lu'partioular (100' I
11 � maolt 10ne Does Alore Good Tham IrAfty Unity, complete "unity. Never wall any and on the other side. by the paradise for every press we move and for the
, � recent case, houses' It is It canny and fashion which will be IQ"" "a getting W
1� � I -other array On -earth 4 thoroughly united, whiehSt. John saw luapowdyPtle visiclu. style of secular or religious newspaper essentlaby up to date method of obtain- word at coinuiendation from any rawl,
- Aptures .a � - -ring of th large, la,l%'
ruipit-033ditorial AesponSibillt.7. ,under one JUg a -ad Inspired by,one senti The Sar, optimistic and their we patronize or ancoura , In B zeklel's lug ,�be Itill vttlue of what might Other That is, the wea a
I . &0o,pyrIgbt (1897,. by AmorleAn Press Assriele- men� and led -by one commander as tb 311thUrs 1001MIStIO, 411� _re)�iglous -news- prophecy the angel of i,jod, supposed to wi.sa bo difile i It to Jisposo of. - .-� ready made plastron meokbies which a .
. , I . 1:101ij the church militant. Chri,st,cammands papers ought to be optimistic. Not only be ChrUb, appears with an Ink hor!a ',Lba bouse, or, rat,l)er, sinall cottage, long bIme ago went out of fashion for 11
i � . ",Wrishing4on, Nov, 218.—In a prorlane li�ld the troops ,of all denominations of 'i""Id all, ministers and all religious hung at his side, as an attorney's clerk in question belonged 00 a Young, and, mon, . . . .
q � ,discourse, Dc. Talmage having shown, Christians, and tliey are going to shout ed1bors have their heart right, but their In olden time had an inkborn athisside I It i6 unnecessary to utld, ahractive "When they were worn several yeara .
I together in, the .final vloioiy when the. liver right, The world bas enough And I have no doubt the inkhorn wil wonjam. She Was -willing to sell at a ago 11 said a man who feels deeply on the
,the opportuoildes of tile secular press, In whole world is xedeomed. � trouble of ita own without our giving have an Important Part in the day of inodevabe prl�;e, but couiti find no pur- sub)Ject, "their edges never �ho-wed under
4 ithis discourse speaks of the mission of But we have in all our derominatiolis them an ej;tra dose in the shape of re- judgment, those who have used it well chaser, S itiatioaly the laea, otirred ';a a waistcoat and they were partly cen- : . � .
t . . - ligion. This world IF; going to be saved, to receive eternal plaudit and those who her, "It So-and-so, r4,114ed 'h"ar bloyalo ceraled, But & Woman with one of these
. � ,religious. newfillapers. Big text, is, "Then got tired of trying to inake other people Lind It you do not believe, it you are an have misused it to recieve oondamnatlon� I I
�, tip mine . eyes and think its we do on oll points. The heresy and pt a good Price for it, wbT should scarfs oil, with nothing to cover it vip, .
I turned .and lifted infidel. None of Ug wanU to gab oh board Piled up in all the world's printing I no -
I, looked, ,will babold a flying roll, 11 Zedbar- hunters In all dell oraimations are nearly ii train which, instead- of rmiching the offices, secular and religious, are tre t do the same with my little cot- -while it flaps in the breeze as she walks,
d � ,. 18:31 dead, thank God, And Ave are learn- going down the embank- publications of past years, bound up year tage?" I . is a sight to move a man to tears, The
i inh V, 1. . Ing that when inen get wrong in theli: d0POt, is surely The preliminaries were ,quickly ar- fashion has been, a godsend to the bab-
Ixa drown the prophet saw Something faith, instead of wartyrizing them. by alert. All aboard for the millennium 1 by year, and in those offloes they can ranged. A fl -Or price for the botise was erdasters, who as soon as the women be -
I F b parb in a religious Journal tell just what they printed any day for
arralglIment we do better to Wait for , or the mos first decided -upon $3,00 or thereabouts Zan To wear these things had only to un-
rolled pp,advaudlig through the beav- let the editorials be cheerful. It In One the last 20 years, and In the great day of (It was a s ,
. the act,nTol r,3il of years toremove them. at we have ever written I ituple little seaside box), and pack the old stook Oat filled their obelves
�t arks. it ooutala,IKI a divine message, It Meg dia, but the truth lives on. WI, column there be a ghastly woodoub of judgment all th the shares divided into $25 each. her and sell it to tbe women, The women
�s molvad owif tly, as 40D wings, It had much may xiot all agree as to the number of the fainine stricken in India, in the next, or printed will be revealed froni the friends first wondered at her andil-eity, bought the ties 'with avidity, and the .
I to do With the destiny of matters. But teeth In the jawbone with which Sam- column have a list of contributions for imigfity yelumas of eternity, All those then laughed, but ended. by buying the result -,Vag tile painful sight of womeii
.1 I you Will see many or agree as to alleviation of the sufferitig or a picture who have ruthlessly pried Into the secret shares—solne tickled by the Idea of get- wearing old fashioned scarfs lmtended to �
a it you ,,will look up ran slew the Philistines. Oj the foxes of a ship carrying breadscuffs, If in one of unhappy domestic life and despoiled
, flying rolls. They cQme With great spend what was the exact color alumn there be the death of an old homas,.come to, judgiaelib I All those who ting a house for $25, others on the be covered partly under a waistcoat -
b, — — and have massager, .Xor all the earth. w_bich he set on fire to burn up the corn 0 1 gambling spirit of their get, where the There were grounds for hoping that ther
, The flying rolls of this century are the Shocks, but, on the vit-als of religion) we ininister of the gospel wholn we cannot have by the pen asonsliluated character, law of obaucte seems paramount, and the would disappear from view whe-o the
31 . spare, in the next put the name of some come to judgment! All those who have
n mawspape.r,s. They carry inessages'lluman all agree. majority doubtless prompted by the winter months came, But the cOntimu-
and divina. They will decide the destiny if we could call into one great couven- Young NlIghs, who can wear the mantle had anything to do Nvith salacious and 'desire to help where help was needed, ance of the shirtwaist in a, per-iiinant
o. of the hemispheres. tion the 645,566 Episcopalians, the I,- of Elijah, If Some evil of society is de- depraved literature, come to judgment[ At All events, the lottery succeeded, winter form will make the JUPPID6 tie a
it There are in the 17nited Sbates about 420,905 Lutherans, the 1,460,846'Presby, plated in one column, In the next, Show All those who have produced pictures and the prize tell to the lot Of A cynical reality for several months to. come, and
90,00o neNv,spapers. The religious news- torlans, the 4,158,857 Baptiste, the 5,- the gospel machinery that Is to drive It administrative at vice, come to judg- old bachelor, wbo, to complete tha tale, the final removal may not Come for III
3, paper of which I am the editor 'was born 653,289 Alethodists, putting unto them back Into the ,Perdition from which it mentl No one will then dare say.. "I put tie the lionse at auction. The red long time yet. JusK think of having It
19 years ago, hut born again soven. years the, following questions, We would got ascended. Uore and riore sunshine let Xnew it Was not true, and I only intend- gag floated at the door, and society, continue all nexb summerl The only
n_ there be in religious journollsw. Pub- ad it for a joke," or, "I had to Xnake
0, ago. In this brief time It bus grown to unanimous answer In the affirInadvi), which, like the Athenians of old, always mitigation of the present situation is the
about 200,000 olrOulAtIQI1, and, by the ,Uo you believe in a God, good, holy,, Ilgh In it more sermons on texts like '10 my livingi and the paper that I worked oraves something new, and -which was, fact that In winter women wear jackets I
ordinary rule of calculating the readers just, omnipotent? Do you believe In give thanks unto the Lord, for be is for paid me in proportion to the startling vastly auiused at the whole transaction, ; over their cloth shirt waists, and that
of a paper, it has about 1400,000 read- Jagus Christ as a Saviour? Do you be- good,' and fewer on texts like "Out of mature. at the stuff I prepared," or, "I noolked to the sale, A clever auctioneer Improves the look of the ti*s 80 long as ..
it) ore. Our country Was blest with many Ileve In the convicting, converting and the depths at hall have I cried unto thee, corrected the falsehood In the next issue, made some capital hits in his recoin- the women are out at doors. But inside
0 Lord," It Any one bits unytbilig or, '(I felt my power in the ediltorial .
101 '� (" religious journals, edited by consecrated sanctifying power of the Holy Ghost? Do , t
r�4 gloomy to say, lot him say it to himself, chair, having opportunity to address malida tons, and, amid much laughter, the house the. old neckties still cover
. men, while their coutributors were the you, believe that tile gospel Is going to 11 . sale was concluded, the original two-thirdsof thoir bodies and Ift4p baolc-
I If lie must wribe it, let him not Send it such nittItitudes week by week, and I t 8 final th � 07 waik.'s
ablest find best of till professions And conquor all nations? It You should put to editorial raoins, but put It in the wanted to keep the church tillid tile, world owner buying in the house foil a fourth and forth as tie a aliarf �
t. occupations. Some of tiln journals for these questions to those Assembled mil -
r pigeonhole Qfhis own, desk for his hairs in awe of nle.�' On that great day of a' It"Alue. while the old bachelor eon- There are women who can
balf I) century had been dropping their lions on millions, while there "'Vould 491 * lave had on gratulated. himself upon having got rid as well its a =an, but there are Dot
0 benediction$ YAPOU tile nations and they be a solitary negative, there would be an and assj�.ns to read it further on, for judgment all the poNver.wo I ,, of late White elophamb so easily.—New many of them. The same quality which
live on and will contlulle to live On until aye, aye, aye, loud enough to make the probably they can stand it better than earth will be insignificant compared with York Tribuile. ,makes them poor judges of the kind of
7- there will be no more use for their nits- 6iludatioris of %be earth tremble and the Nye. I olice gave $7 to boar Jen�y Lind the power that, will proneuce our rapture I neckties to buy prevents them from tT-
0 self having become a archas of the heavens resound, Let there sing. I never will give a cent to hear a or our doom and that which might have Excavations in. Greace, . Ing them well. Women seloot a matiktie
Sion, the world it n groan, 'an with the blinds and been considered a joke In the "composing because its color seems .
er . flying roll on the ,temx.)e9tS of the last be platforms, lob bliere be great occasions, Ina - for A illarl either
I day, going out of existence. There w 11 let there be rindenominational printing throw back bhe shutters and let the room," because it humillated an emailay, Argos is about eight, mies distant from beautiful to them or Ito quality good�
0 be no more use for such agencies when presses to thunder forth the unity of all alorring i1g;ht come in. There Is not go will be no. joke at all amid the wreck of Nauldia to the southeast five from Those considerations are mot at all I=-
0 the world ceases, because, In the spirit- Christendom, One Lord. One faitb, One tin nab religion in the dampness of a collar mountains and sear, and the Irkborn Tiryas ill the saine direction and seven portant In selecting Offective 31901,W941r,
,is In the breath og an apple orchard in will there tell of all we wrote 11110117- miles South of MYOanao- The contest And, a man realizes this *when, a woman
1. ual State, we shall have such velocity baptism, One God and Father. One blossom ,wook. 'What a victory David got imensly and under the impersonality Of hill, the steep, rocky sides of which rise
t that we can gather for ourselves all the Jesus Christ. One orogs, One heAVOU. buys him a pink- crepe de China soarf
over biia,zlf When lie closed the Psalms s, newspaper, as well asthat whioll, was above the town, Is the ancient Larissa— -
6, So, also there Is room Tor a religious , m a the shade Of Pink Is per
� news of heaven;, or seeing Same world In wit,11 six chapters of "Praise ye the signed with our own name. But what a a Polasgic terra signifying an acropolis feotly lovely. In tying their own,.,tles It , � ,
conflagration, may go ourselves In an In- journal that stands for liberty, as against . , - IN,
olf I stant to examine personally the scene of all oppression. No authority, political 1,,ir,1 11 saying it over ,and over again beautiful day for a Frances Havergal, or oltndal Its summit, 950 feet hight Is is an ,effort aftex the general 0000t tbab - .
or ecclesiastic, must be permitted to until in any other book it would have whein she gets rewarded for all the kind crowned by the remains of the old Cycle- they make rather than the well tied I
i I disaster. beaj'jIe inollotenous, If in our diaries things she ever wrote with the tears of peon stronghold, which )was given place soarf� In most cases -they wear their tiet
. Was there robin for another religion$ make us believe this or that. Liberty of and our family records and. our religious bar Invalidism, or when the authors and to a madjanval fortress, famous in recent
a journal In this land, already favored -witli the Armenian to worship God independ- newspapers We Would write two honest authoresses of all lands and ages are told times for its gallaut defense by a hand- too long. Their necks are smaller $balk I
the highest Style of religious jOurnAlisIL P ant of the Turkish government. Liberty catalogues, the one a catalogue of bless- bow many came to heaven through their ful Of (ireeks under Demetrius Ypsilanti men's but novertbeless they bay men's
f domlnatlart� sizes in ,neckties, which always resUlla
Ob, ye , it itudenoll3inatteuld, Plenty 0 of Cuba Las against Spanish lags and the other a catalogue of Instrumontalitiev, and for all those who against the Turkish army of Drain All, SUPOrLflUity of Scarf. The
;' rooin. B,R'otblng�cau ever take the place Liberty of Hawaii as against, all 110011- troubles, the former would be live timee use the influence of the press to correct On the Larissa stood the ancred shrine In a painful
t of the denominational newspaper. When aroblal. authority which It has thrown, larger than the latter. . the errors and extirpate the wrongs and of Apollo Prytblus, -the patron of the ready made ties which tbay were Isob
the millorniuill comes In, It will find off. Civil liberty. Political liberty. Re- L Summer, so much to the distress lot the
juatlous as there are 11rayers, Cox, Itellgloos 11%wirs. break the sorfdoin of mankind I Argive AinphlotyOuY, But the great man who saW them, got theirfirst vogue
I as many denom liglous liberty. Then the lukborm by tile side of the d3villity of Argos, revere -need above all I
now, People, according to their tvinpera- ,she rollglous Journal on whose seventh Pray for the religious nowspapers of with women because they, were already
ments, will always prefer, this anniversary I preach has had for its America because of the fact that if they angel of the new covenant will speak others, was Har.i, -wbo had Won the .
or that a On am I 0 what it had to do with lanti in a contest with Poseidon. She tied.
form of church government, this 01' t1l'It owner and plablisher one who in his h! '.- U- 11 --ht I-Tirit, each W's (lot's S t ( t U of "I think that all women bad better
d style of worship. You might as Well ask aucestr,r experienced just the Opposite. m ;� good as 5 or 50 or 200 churches. all letters of kindness written, With all appears In tile "Xliad" as the Protectress ready made ties," said an uptown
: , lig - vorship re- get
us all to live in one house as to ask us His father, an exile from big native land What tire the 500 or 5,000 People maki amamelpatirm proclamations, with all edl. of tha Argives, and bar v I haberdasher, "because there tire too few
.. worship in one denomination Or To becausa of his opinions, Ills property con. up a Sabbath audience compared With tortni and reportorial eulogies of the good, mained supreme with her people -to the of their who can 'really arranp a Tie
I all to araly In fiscated, big IIN Imperiled, landed on the 10,000 or 50,000 or 200,000 that tile with all the mossages of salvation to 3 and, properly, although I Will admit there are
a abolish tile roglIAGut', Of all 0, last world, Better In that day Will it be Once in four years the great festival
order to make them one grealb bosb, American soil hervit of everything that religious journal li(ldrossos? Such jonr- � a few. Anbody ,.%,he doubts this ought to
1),,linjutuationai rawers. foreign oppression could rob him of. nal.4are pulpits tbnt preach day and, to have set up the type for one RUG Of of the goddess ,wits celebrated, Nvben look at the picture of Maude Adams
I . how night, They rettolt weekly those who Christian encouragement or written one nearly the whole population of Argos taken in ri riding babit and observe the
I Each donoulluation must have Its own Naturally.his son knows right well pub" marobod in polap and solf,mility to the way her flat scavf is tied. John Draw
journal, .^C& Apart e.gliecially to present to appreciate liberty. The maost of us are through itiv.;lidlqui. or through ladiffer- paragraph of useful sentiment, Or
descended from those Who Imperiled all Out, . �, ,,�Nvx enter churches. They reach IlSbed one page Of hvIPf11I truth than to sanctuary, the chariot of the priestess could nof do better for himself. Ready .
ain the, Work and for- have, -written books its big as Gibbon's being drawn by a Pair of white oxen. It
t I the charities, expl. to gain their natural and rallgi OUS poopl.i In their quietude, When their as concerning "The Do. was on an Occasion ,Similar to this that made ties must, of course, be shammed
of that particillar and the prl attention is not distracted as In church five large volum by all man who make any pretense to
� wnrd the interests one denominational rights, Let the type I nting by the fine millinery that appeals to tile aline and Fall of the Roinan Empire)" the oxen being tardy in arrIvinat from being well dressed, but they are the best
Aact. Tile death of presz $ and the aditorill chairs be Ver- t Olirlstialittv, at a the country, Cleebts and Biton. yoked
01ourral isa calaillity to all the other do- .0 o eye or the rustle of attire tbat attracts if these volumes PU thing for the women, They cannot be
t nomlnatlolls� I would almost feel that a thrown which dare to surrender to tiny thn ear. it Will .t1w,ays be our duty and disdavantage, or as brilliant as Voltaire'B themselvog to their mother's abariat, made to understand how intich depon0r,
great misfortuno had happened me it attempt again to put on the shackles, our privilege not to forsake the assembl- "Discourses Ulion Man," if tbay incul- and having drawn Oydippe to the temple, an the attention to small details, and I
- - The movement has Started for the (1131210- or as rhythmic a (11stnnee of 45 Stadia, laid themselves why a tie looks better when it Is a quAr-
- The Christian IntellIgencer of the Re Jition of till the tyrannies of church and Ing of ourselves together, but I believe cated Injurious theories,
; f formed church (my mother church) did state, RtAlgious newspapers . must stand tilt, consecrated printing press is the as Byron's I'Dor Juan," If It sacrificed to rest, after assisting at the festival ter of an inch shorter is something they
� M the decencies. On that day the flying And the goddess in response to the
I not come to lay house every Week, for I shoulder to shoulder Ill this mighty chief ageney tinder Qud to gave the can never appreciate. The stiffness and
was brought tip an it, and Jb Ilas be- world. roll which Zechariah of the text saw prayer of ]ter priestess, to reward their
come It household necessity, Such 1, ,Is. march for God and the ,world's rescue, J21ray also foil the religious 'newspapers thousands of years ago, and the rolls falial devotion by the greatest boon she necessary primness of a well -tied scalrf to
. upon men, reposed the another thing which never comes late
� nomiallitional journal had better be edl 01a.rasisloned rvallcvllsvn� of America that they inay resist the which we see flying over all our towns could bestow their tninds as of any partioulaar tin-
ted by some one who rocked In the oradle Agaln,on this seventh anniversary I say temptation to become acerb, harsh and and cities, and flying from the swiftest youths in P.ternal sloop. The Argivas portance. They -will labor over a ribbon .
of that church and, ordained at her there Is room for a religious Paper dalnuntory of there Who think difforent-. printing presses -that Were ever invented, erected statues to ttie brothers at Delphi, bow and tie it half a dozen ZIMOS if that
altars, having become venerable in her charged With old fashioned evangelism, ly from themselves. .In all denominations will be found to contain message,; divine and pangenias saw a relief at Argos be necessary to make it meet their Ideas.
. service, sits spectacled and wise and, Other styles of religious newspaper may therk' tire disappointed people who Put or satanic. Not only the inkhorm which represeliting tile Sears, as SQIon had But they never take so much time w1jen
with heart full of sacred memories, ad� do for advertising purposes or for the viewi things in religious newspapers Ezekiel saw, but all tile inkliorns will related the story to Groesus when pressed it is a man's tie, because they, do not
� .
� dresses the living of tO-daY. In the most presentation of (this assIlYs an elaborate Ithout ininistor% and other prominent come to judgment. "And I saw the by him to mame a man happier than appreciate the differences that little de7
sacred crypt of our alOmOrY stands the dead, small and great, stand before God, blmsp)f. For the fame of Hera's sametu-
., tbaines, but it this world is ever brought Christian worl-,ors. Unsuccessfulittenand . ce. In Greece tails will make. Made uptieswhich look
I statueof the religious editors Abel Stov- to Clod it Will be throach unqualified Women never like queces9flil men and and the books woreopened." Ary had spread beyond Gres realistic and book in this heal-, suit them
ens and Joshua Leavitt call tile royal evangelism. it was astounding that the women. There are editors and reporters Tito Decadeuce oC Legs. . itself it was esteemed second only to better. Nowadays these are put tc-gethat
family of the prime$, Irenloili find Lord Almighty should have gone into 'whO, Allbt0ad Of WritilIg with Ink, dip It is one of the mosb alarming symp- Olympia and Delphi, and It was here, i u
I Nuso�lus, while others linger on the grant bereavement, submitting to the their pens in oil of vitriol or lairliblillik.. tome of the deadence of the race exhibit- according to a legend wbioll reaches "S they had not been tied by the wearer.
. . banks of the Jordan, where they will not loss of his only Son, tbab Son stepping 'When a.religions newspaper does Ite, it ad in the Weakness of modern legs to see through a Inter source, that the as- They can be had in ascot scarfs, four -in.
nit for Elijah's chariot, Off be doorsill of heaven into a darkness beat,.; all secular journalism in contempt- gambled Greeks chose Agammemnon as
,have long to w t I I Y. a on in UU-1- big wen get Into cars for a few minutes, their leader in their expedition against bands, and the mewrower ties. But I
and when they go up, if we � still be sit- wid an abysm that no plignimet bag ever ib I t As Adam Clarke) th in a ey do every think that some man ought to go along
ting at olir editorial desks, we will cry ,at been able to fathom, and through tar, said, "Some people serve the Lord ride of a fine day, as th Troy aLd swore allegiance to him.— with a woman even to pick out these. 11
out in the memorable words, 11 My fatill or, I illat, funeral of the heavens life Is offered as tholigli the devil were ill them." morring at the stations and all along J 0.1ounadjus in Forum -
the streets, waiting its many minutes for I possible, she -will get one that hasn't the
my father, the obarlot at Israel and the to our world. But bow to get the tidings That only is a helpful newspaper which, the machine to drag them to their des- . Wall t of Too t. I least resemblance to the right 11nd of tie. I
horsemen thereof 1" to all people and In such an attractive as we fold it up after reading, leave us Oration as it would take 'to walk it; Never say too much, Wearers go a Mae ullne neckwear, whether it is for
But, than, there are great movements .way that they will take bold of thein is in a mood to pray for all alom and dn a � waiting at elevators to take them up one aged herself or somebody else, is one point 0-0
in which all denominations wish to join, the absorbing question. The human voice spirit that wishes prosperity for all or two stories; shirking every natural great -way, and delicate matters man which woman' judgment will go astray
,And we want more undenominational can travel only a few feet ftw4Y, and the Christian workers, whether they work with tact can be tarried out without the If it possitly can." '--New Tork Sun.
� newspapers to marshal and advance and world wauts something further * and our way or some other Way, and we opportunity to stretch their limbs. We slightest blow to the sensitive feelings of
inspire such movements. Y8b such jour- wider reaching, and that is the news- feel as though the angel, flyjn� through may boast ourselves as WO will Over Our the parties concerned. It is nOt tact to � Toadgktoa rorModlelne.
difficult task, because all paper press, and as the secular press the midst of heaven, having the ever- English cousins, but so long as they xe- usb up to a person an d say ,. " H ow ill
mals have it main such sturdy Walkers they exhibit r Hewlett in The Lancet abowil that the
Christian men, if they have behaved well must necessary give itself chiefly to lasting gospel to preach, bad with thef you are looking." Anyone who Is not practice of prescribing preparations
secular affairs job tile religious news- flapping wing stirred the air on our and maintain a superiority over the feeling well generally knows all about it., old
� in their denominations, for some reason nation which in its infancy has not yet and does not like to be reminded of the of the toad as remedies for dropsy Was
i prefer, the one of their natural -and paper give it -self to the present and ever- cheek and forehand. learned to walk. It must be said, too, 9 any not so absurd as might at first appear, . I
; spiritn6l nativity and, even looking off lastind salvation of all who can read or pray also for religious journalism that that WOmen3 even those who "stand all fact On the contrary, in Meetill, - for, as be has Shown, a substance is
field aud attempting , have ears to bear It mav be alert—not abreast of the times, body who Is looking particularly well or secreted by the toad's skin that is very .
uponthe general if notable to read day," would be better for a brisk walk handsome, than is the time to speak. To
wider Work, will be apt to look at things others read. It there be an opportunity but ahead of tile times. In thl.c.; day, fer a change in the open air instead of be able to keep People in good humor like digitalins, and henoe may have a
! through denominatiom"I Px6f51elIcO and higher, deeper, grander, than that offer� when by cablegram we seem to get from the halt hour's swinging and lurching . b them the wrong way favorable, efreat in oases Of cardiac
I to treat them with a denominational ed to newspaper evangelism, name it and Wurape news five ho,Ars before it starts, and never ru
the religious guide us to it, that we may see its we do not -want in our religious 001- from the leathern thongs of the cars. shows a -wonderful amount of tact, but dropsy. it would appear thttt the active
I twist, 113 the issuing of Its infilli- umils informiation scirsored ont of an itis impossible to avoid becoming how many people . there are who are primaltiles of the venoms of the toad and
journal whose seventh anniversary I altars, Its pillars, its damns, local on this Subject of legs. The want always doing or saying the wrong thing. slam4nder are t,ot%Uy diff erent sabstan- I
� preach that difficulty has been met and tude, old newspaper or information sent by of confidence in tbeIr lep is the cause of Two old school friends who had not ces from tibase of snaKe -venom, the
overcome by the fact that its publisher Again, on this seventh anniversary of ,_means of a letter which comes to us all the Woes of Bosto;. All decency, former being alkaloidal, while the latter
b and in its editorial rooms The Christian Herald I notice there Is through the dead letter post-offloe be, seen each other im years met again a are protaid in mature. Curiously enough I
is a Wathodis rOOM for a religious paper thoroughly cause it was misdirected. Nor do we propriety .and harmony of living tire short time ago, and almost immediately the toad and salamander
hi'llore are a Presbyterian, am Ji3pigcopalian sacrificed to the proposed necessity Of after the first words of grajobing bad been the va-ilem of
k 7)ind a Congregationalist, and a line of human4tarian. The simple ' � fact is the want it to take the place of religious bringing everybody everywhere, or very exchanged, the one exclaimed to tbe is fatal to the animal which secretes it
denominational prejudice in editorial or majority of the human race 'have not journalism as ib was in 1815, when near to everywhere, without walking. It only in comparatively large amounts. The
reportorial column would. run against enough to eat or wear. The majority of Nathaniel Wilson started big religious is, of course, impossible to accomplish other: ."'Why, you look- as if -you bad salamander appears to be remarkably r6 -
Immediate protest. Against John Was- the huma-m race are in trouble. How to paper oalled The Recorder, or when The been crying for years; your face is SO fractory to certain poisons. It is Only . I
lay's "Free Grace," or Calvin)s . AlEber- multiply loaves of bread and increase NVatobman was born In 1819, or when this result, or anything approaching It, wrinkled. "-NOW that remark, to say.tbe unipletely "ourarized" by 48 milligraina 1. .
mal Decrees," or Bishop MaIlvaille's the fuel and heal the wounds and shelter The Christian Register made its Arst But for the sickly, effete Bostonese least, did not show tact, and in a 0
whose triceps femoriff is shriveling to a of. curave, while morphine Is apparently
" Canonicals, " or Dr. Dowling's - " BaP- the homeless are qudstl6ns that Christ appearenceia 1821. The canalboat drawn measure it destroYed the old feeling at q . u be inactive. It has beon demonstrated I
by mules oil a towp . atb did well In its useless rag, the effort must be made; afraction which bad existed for so many I
a year's end to year's end met equally as soon as he did spiritual the sky obscured by a network of rails, ,
_1 —.1,tistery", frol: s. The first heart to respond to time, but now We Prefer the vestibuled years. People do act like to be ,Old dis_ by actual e-xperiment that the salaman- . .
not a word is written or printed. 033 all accessible sufferers from drought or limited express. Because a thing is pious miles of streebs of houses desbroyed, the agreeable inots, but when an unpleasant der's blood and blood beruni act as an I
� these subjects we have convictions, but the ory of or cruelly should be it need rot therefore be dull The print- thoroughfares turned into tracks, driv� triath must be told, to use a little tact In antitoxivie toward Ourare. The article .
undenoininational J311"naligm is not the flood or earthquak . � � . Ing and walking rendered impossible. -art less se.el.as to show that the belief of the .
e ancients in the venomous n the .
I as to state them. He who tells all he the Christian heart, Therefore let tile Ing press inay beat the Argue of my- the telling of it will make the h attire
a ))sing bad- Whatever means We use to make Our- deep. , Say and do pleasant things in this -
. Nows =4 expresses all be thinks on all pages of religious journalism spread out thology, for that fabulous selves superior to our natural conditions toad and salamander was not altogetlibi!
In all Places without rOfer� t.he story of all such woes and oolleab re- only a hundred eyes while the.newspauer '. world whenover It is possible, but if dis- avoid of foundation. —American Drug- I
occasions and enslave and liiiIit us.. We are only our. ceable Ones cents to the surface ban dle d
once to the proprieties is a boor oil it lief and disburse alms all around our has a thousand eye% and a thousand selves, uptight, free, in full command "��r spare the 9'st" . �
I no practical service either to sufforing world. Religious jeurnallsin ears, and a thousand arms. The secular thom tie gently as possi"le to �
crank and o± of our powers, every muscle judiciously , a of Others, 'Wires a Protection Age;] nst Ligbining. .
church or sbate, . . . ought to become the aqueduct �through newspaper gives the seeniar news and exercised, standing, walking, running, feeling . . . �
91;i1e UndenolninatIODol ? VOSS- which, the Christian obaritles of the does not Pretend to give its :religious leaping, climbing, On his legs alone Simple Remedy for 13 1 nrns. ,,people living In alties are prone to .
. �Woldd should pour until there is no more meaning. The i1eligietts press olight to
- -no more ignorance pnt all the ev6uts at the day in pompan- blan is man and master of his fate. . I ' believe that the Iticreasipg number of
Undenominational journalism is abso � . I I I Dr. Thierry, at the Charity hospital telephone, tolograph.,and trolley wires . :.
ary to demonstrate thounity hunger to be fed and iss, regiments and brigades antj show i —Time and the Hour. of parls, has found perchance that Pieria .1. . .
lutely neoess orld. NVide.and desper- to be educated and no more nakedness to aid is a orarative Jor., superficial bums. increase the danger from electric ..
of thp Christian W be clothed and .no more suffering to , us in what direction that divinely di�- , terms," writ
.&Igllt k14.jve 13o.en Laureate. a , as Edward V. 13ok in the . .
s made to show that the assuage. In trying to do that practical '61plioed host, I,, mwcb�ng and let us The pain is almost ilistantaueQuely sup- . , "On the eon- . �
, ate attempt I know what. victories for God and right- It seems that Sir Edwin Arnold's re- wound In a Ladies' Home Jo'urlial-
rell,vier Of .Jesus. Christ is only a battle� thing the religious paper Whose ammi- - trary, the maze Or wires is a protectio, ,
. gro' d of seats, and the cry -bar beew versery I ce ebrato has, during bbe past ousness they -will win. The Christianized cent marriage to his Japanese Wife, WAt Pr"S�qed after bathing the n
u�n I a on a ameba Sam&, gave the sanction of E ng- solution of this acid. The sores and and lessens,the danger, since it is shown I
- .
"If you. want us to accept your religion, seven years, raised and distributed over printing press is to do in our tim � I It relation that has existed blistors are prevented and the care Is that wbore.the wires attract, the oleotAo� I I .1
agree, gentlemen., as to what tile Chris. $400,000 for the relief of physical dis-. large 4(iale What the . bettering ram did lish law to ( ,. 3orapleted in four or. five days. Pioric 7 at I I I
tian rel - This donomilia- I � . In accordance with ailpamese cUsteel for . is neither caustic, toxic nor illritat- i,ty they hold it, and discharge it cal. I
� I � tresses, In the olden time on a saualler scale. three years past Furtberml .1 �
iglau really is I I I Dre, it is sold the end of the Wirer in the central ,�
tion says a.few drops of water dripping ,. At% optimistic Press. That old -war machine war a stout tina- i �m any Ing and bas,no small. Its Only !noon- station, 'Ills fact is that of the two billi- I
s. be dem, . I hains to , said that had the English car . I
I from the end of the finger 1 1 p - Again, on this"seventh anniversary at bat!, hung by a a beam supported I taken place some time ago, I Sir Edwin ventence is to give a yellow tint to the dred, lightning accident,, every yeat only . I . I
be submergence amY room would -lay bold .
1. ad another demands t � cation I notice that � by posts, and in, Vile Queen, , skin, but by washing thePlaoo with a aRe of�jorty occur in the.cities. . I
I of ,tile satire body. This one prays wfth a religious publi nd swing it back- Would now be poet latireate..' � . ill be a" I'Ver I . I I
there is an espwial mission fora religi- of bbe stout thabor It . lution of, borio acid the stains W The trees in the country are a far greater ' I 11 . I
" , book and that oxio makes extemPaMns- . uthfully optimistic. The ward and forward until, getting under it is alleged, declined to appoint him On so oved. . I . . . I danger-, they, acoo-unt f:)r the�PrOPOr- I � .
�� de one journal tr full momentum, it , Quid -strike into ababunt of the relations be maintained rem I
. I one utterance. The rector of One - W I . . . tioll of 4 ages in the coun I 11
While the most optimistic book I know. Of is the . -with the Wat6naba, Which she declarod our o try to one
� livers.hiz serinon in a gown, I most Impressive authors awful demolition the wall besieged. God v .1 . I . I
. �
�, - Bible, and its mist. grant: that all of us, who bave anythbag would be a public scandal if Sit Edwin Igot in ale same Class. . . In the city.". .1 I . I . I I I ..
,backwoods preaebOr .Of another seat ad �vere all optimists. David anopti were given the lureatesbip. Her lvajos�y -Don't you speak to Mrs. Brown any — I . I % .
I ,
� dresses the �POOPIG It his Shirt Sleeves. Paul an optimist. St. John an optimist. to do wltY the migliby battering ram � not have baken that View, ,however, more?" I 1- I � . I 0ant. � , I., �. I I I 1".. .
� SoInq of Your denominations bave, the , ,Our blessed Lord an optimist. ,Icannot Of our, century, the printing Press, May need mbwriage has been �!e- "No, indeed. I've . found bar out at Cant, meaning mook humility, 'took I I . I . I �
� . 11
I majedic dominant in the d8l'vice and look upon a desert but I arm by the old be, clothed of God with especial strength as a 'T&Pe�mase sh courts a � valid, In, ,I I . I I . r, Andrew Cant, . . �
others SPOUtalleit7-- San's of yet' think . , again like, and oneness of purpose, aud tht.%t� hay., cognized by the Engli 8 sk ') � . its name from the Rel I . . � I
I I - book Xenlinded that it will "blo � g pialled lb back for one inighty as- notably In the,oaso of Captain Brinklel "What's the matter? a minister in Abordeensbire wb'o dtiring . I � I .
I -
. tbat'froro .till eternity some. were.pre . i the rose." I cannot in a menageriO in y altogether rush it for- of the Royal' engineers, now editor. of ,,Her talk about aprQckets and handle, the time of the Oo I van I ante,rg was fnmed - , 11 I : � �: ,
I destined to be�saved. and that; from all 45 and a leopard but I Sault, IvO ma ' bars wa I � I I �. t
. . took up6n.a- lion into everlasting ruin ihe The Japan Mail in Yokohama. . g all puton. ,C4ha has no whael.' � I I . :,
I . 1i 0 W, I t all ward, orushW9 I . . for his whining and pulten4JR0 fery oir. I . �
at doomed." that "a little child gh . I I I I " I., � I . . � I i . I , : ,� I .1 I I 1. 1. I . 11.1 �
Grulty others were ded. . I ,�, � I I � __ ,� � 0�1
I Is the business of young Men's Christian 'in' remAn I . . . . , ,� - . . I I I ,� . � . % I � . . I � 1, . ,� .1 11 11 I . V . 1, % 1. � . ..
I I , � . I . I I , ,� I .: I � I I . I , . . I I I 1� I . . . I . . I . I . I � � . I I � I I . . ,� I . � - . I . � ,� 1�
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