The Exeter Advocate, 1897-11-4, Page 5THE Oxicter bu .Cat.e,. Is published every Thursday Aior"ning, et the (Mee, AdAIN-STREET, EXETER. --By the---- AD.sIO,CATe PUBLISHING COMPANY TEEMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum'if paid in Advance d LAO if nOt so veld. .34zrertiaistag• Rates cal Zan:al-am- t3.oss No paper discontinued until all arreeragee are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and ebatgedacoordingly. Liberal discount made for transoieiitadvertisem entsinserted fox long periods. Every tesoription of JOB PRINTING turned pet in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Ghegaos,utouey ord- ers, &e. for advertising, subseriptions,etc.to be made payable to Chas. 11. Saaicler s, EDITOR ANA PROP Professional. Corns. }I. KINSMAN', L.D.S. & 1M1 A. E. TtNS14LAN, 1,. D. S., D. lea., Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS. Teeth extracted without any paiu, or any bad effects. Ofiiee iu Fanson's r3look, west side Main Street, Exeter, DLR,D. AI.TON r NDERSON,(D.T1•S.,L,) •D•S.honors. Gra,lnate of the Toronto Un]- rsity audRoyal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain.. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law ot]ice-opposlto Central Hotel• -Exeter. ' h :Medical EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel... .. . 30 01 Barley..-., • IA �II.NI(EN 61ia1V °° !!R BRAIVL Death 0± a Well-known Priest, to 82 Rev. Father Gallen, parish priest in to 25 charge of St. Patrick's church, Bid - 20 to 22 Peas 40 t0 47 Butter i3 to 14 faggs.14 D. J d • esidenee sato a l formerlY OFF100 S, Spaol mal,, bedding, Main S t, Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north door. Dr. Amos' office, same bei}ding•-south door. May 1st. 1803 3. A Rollins, M, 17. T. A, Atmos, !La A1oLAUGRLIN, MEMBER OF the Oollegeof Physicians and Surgeons Ontario, Physician, Surgeon and A.000uoh- our, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal - Po totoee perbag 45 to 50 40 Il ea Olover Seed per bushel.........S1.00 to 54.50 Ha.y per ton--, 7.00 to 8.00 DrieU Apples per ib , 4 Turkeys Ducks 5 Geese....... Chicken 5 Wool per ib.._ 17 p H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- w Olt, Conveyancers Notary Public. Office-0ver.O'Neil's Hank,1 xeter,Ontario, lliouev to Loan. ( II,DIORSODT,BA1i1tISTER,SOLICITQB, JJ. of Supreme Court, Notary Publics Oen veyaneer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office-Fansan`s Block,Exetor '[,I LLIOT& J LLIOT, BARBISTE]IS,ETC., .E4 Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at 5 and 514, per cent, B. T. ELLIOT, PREn.BLLIOT. Auctioneers �BILOWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anot- • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborue sonbapromptly e Sales arranzedodat Post odice, Win- chelsea. Insurance. EELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter Tx7ANTED-An experienced canvasser to ? 1 travel and Appoint agents. No can- vassieg. Selery and expenses raid. Tick BeaDaae-Ga.ltitETSON Go., Limited Tpront0. 61HOw Did She Burn Her Face.'. That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful Itching, Burning Err.tp- tons Cured Smooth, Soft„White akin New. t, C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, lvlass: " Gentlemen: Our little daughter's now Nur years old. When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on her face which were very disagreeable, and itched so much, especially at night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse, I was obliged to keep her hands tied at night and it eves necessary to watch her during the day. She would scratch herself when- ever she had the'chance, until her clothes WANTED, RELP. Reliable man in every locality, local or travelling, to introduce s. new discover and keep our show oardstackedup on trees, fames and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, oommission or salary-, 365 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write " The World Medical Electric Co.," London. Ont , Canada. 2-2 93 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY.-..istaik CAUSED THE DEATH OF A YOUNG dulpb township, died early ori Thugs• TAILOR.day morning: leather Gahan was take en ill about six weeks ago, and al- though everything possible was done for him the general breaking up Of his system could not be checked, and he steadily grew worse. He was about 50 years of age, and had been in tho priesthood for many years. At one time he was stationed at the Mouat Hope Orphanage in London, but for the last three years be bad labored in Biddulph, where he succeeded Rev, Father Connolly on the latter's re- moval to Ingersoll. Father Gahan was very popular among his parishion• ers, and his death will be generally heard of with regret. John Dutton the Tiotim-Fatally Stabbed by ills Father With a fair of Tailors' Shears. Toronto, Nov. 1. -At twenty minutes after five on Saturday afternoon James and John Hntton, tailors, and father and son, were working, side by side upon the same bench, in a roomat the southeast corner of Richmond and Victoria streets, when an alterOatiou arose between them, and possibly another, and as a result the son, John Hutton, was fatally stabbed` by a pair of tailors' shears In the bands, it is alleged, of the enraged father, who now lies in gaol with the charge amur- der regstered against him. tiara working people, The Hutton's were, as has already been stated, tailors. John Hutton, the mur- dered mall was married, and he and his wife and the old man laboured in the. common cense of garment -making, and from all accounts were hard-working people with usually their 'full share of work. Considerable liquor was consumed on the premises, but anything approach ing a drunken orgie has never occurred, it the statements of the neighbors are to be believed. During the afternoon there were four people in the little .tailor shop upstairs --- Hutton and his son, Mrs. Hutton, and James Black, of the rear of 201 Queen street oast, a friend of theirs. About four o'clock the old man went out with seine ilnished garments to the Arniy and Navy clothing store. At this time, as far as can be learned, ho was not under the influence of liquor. About five o'clock he returned, bring- ing the money he had received for the labor on the clothes, and as Black was then present a drink was suggested. One of the Huttons asked Black.- to get a auart of beer front BleCarron's, and at twenty minutes after five o'clock he re- turned with the liquor to find the son dying from wounds inflicted by the blood-stained shears upon the floor, lttedical Iieij CAine Too Late, ' There does not appear t0 be any ques- tion that Black was absent just at the critical moment, but he returned with the can of beer almost at the same time, and was met by the distracted wife, who told him what had occurred. Ile at once started for a doctor and found Dr. Garrett at home on Bay street, and that gentleman promptly responded to the Ball for help. On reaching the scene he found Mrs. Button in hysterics at the foot of the stairs, her husband stretched out on the floor of the work- room upstairs gasping in the throes of death, and his father standing beside him holding a lamp. A very superficial examination showed the physician that his skill was powerless to save the dying roan, and in feet within five minutes the end cattle. But the wretched man, whose mad frenzy had wrought soon fearful havoo, was by this time sobered sufficiently to appreciate the situation, to some extent. With every appearance of pitiable anguish he watched the un- equal struggle for life, and when the poor fellow gasped be would exclaim, "See, he Is all right, he is breathing.'f'"' When at length death epded the suspense he sat down dazed and dumfoundered and offered no resistance when a few Minutes later two burly police constables led him away to the cells. WQtittJ Se Covered With .Blood. We had a great many doctors to see her, out they did not help her in the least. It was a terrible task to care for her. When we took her away from home, people would ask, 'How did that child burn her face?' She was completely covered with scabs for a long time. She suffered every- thing. At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in It, and after awhile we could see that she was getting better. People said she would certainly be left with scars on her face, but she was not. It is now a year since she was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as Smooth and White and Soft as that of any child. T believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be oho best family medi- cine that can be obtained. I take it my- self. for headache and that tired feeling, and Ihave found nothing to equal it. One peculiarity about Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it. The doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to be eczema, or salt rheum." MRS, WILBUn WELLS, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy any substitute. Be sure to get "The Hang -dog Expression" • looks of a " ready made,"" hand- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?� NO STYLE, NO GOOD. SL Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best -in feet the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. Si; six for 85. cure Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Pil1S mire, easy to operate. 25c. Alfred Zavitz, a Coldstream farmer, hanged himself while temporarily in- sane, Biddulph: One of those happy events never to be forgotten occurred at the residence of Thomas Morkin, Esq„ second concession, on 'Wednesday, October 27th, being the occasion when his eldest daughter, Miss Mary, was led to the marriage altar by Mr. Ed- mond Nagle, d-mondNagle, a wealthy young farmer of Nissouri. •The bride was attended by her sister, Bridget Morkin, as brides maid, and the groom by his brother, John Nagle, who acted as sidesman, on the occasion. The marriage Gere loony was performed by the Rev. Father Noonan, at the Biddulph Catho- lic Cbnrch After the ceremony more than one .hundred invited guests, all relatives of the contracting parties, re- paired to the residence of the bride's father, where, after partaking of a sumptuous dinner, they spent the ie• maipder of the evening and night ele joying themselves as is usual on such Occasions, A tailor-made suit, out. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND WEAR Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere. service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose -your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight '--•- alta AT THE NEW BOTCHER SHOP Beef Lamb, fork, Corned •Beef; f.3ausage and Bologna. Fish.Poultry and Game in Season., A discount of 5 per cent, its Cash, or 7 per Sent. in''Meat will be allowed on all cash purchases. Call and try our new system. Caen, pant for Rifles. One CENTRAL HOTEL', L■ DAY, e+ rO13 Door outh of �p Mantra Worry, excessive Ilse MADE~ ME A MAN NiI3e ore a„ .4 d tee . of Tobacco, OPiumor Siimia AJAX TABLETS POSITIVELY CUBE " f Iants, whfoh soda Zead to In. -ALL Nervous 14-ceases-Failius Mem. remits Insaniia1,. Consnntvtien and an early grave. Seaforth: The other day, a young son Of Mr. Thompson, the colored wash - it g machine agent, was leading a horse out of the stable, when the auimat turn- ed and kicked, striking the lad in the face, breaking bis jaw and -kneel;in ' out several teeth, -On Thursday of last week, a nieu named Wright, employed at the erection of the new bridge at the tailway,near the water-works,lnet with a painful accident. lie was assisting in raising a heavy weight, ,when iu some manner bo twisted his )eft leg, breaking both bones, between the knee and ankle. .He was taken to Mr. James l ehoe's, where he now is, and is doing as well as could be expected.- Mr. Hugh McKay met with a most painful accident on Saturday. He was engaged scalding pans in Coleman's salt works, when his foot slipped into a pan of boiling briue His left leg to the knee was frightfully scalded, the fli'sh coming off when his sock was removed. • 'The injury is extremely painful and wilt confine Mr, McKay to the house for a long time. Itis fortun- ate, however, he did not lose bis foot• jug, for had he done so lie would essur- edly have met his death. WOOD'S Fuego; rao agN : The Great English Remedy. Six Packages 'Guaranteed, to promptly, and permanently curd all forms of rertious Weakness, Emissions,Sperts. atorrhea., Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or Excesses, OUR DEAR ONES. Mothers, Wives ane t 1•e ghte sr Thousands of Them Suffer, Paine's Celery Compound Gives Them liealth and the Fresh- ness of Youth. HAMILTON. SLOAN'S INDIAN TONIC Cures BheuniatLnx. N, uralrie, Ery-ii..ia. Eczema and. all Skin Diseases. 3frs. Jas Stewert, No.100 Hughes s t.. qt. -how ab, writes: "Some four or five years ago I was troubled with a cotnplicatloti of diseases and was treated by severed of one best doctors ?t d' tried all kinds of patent .alk groin es, ±ut received' no benefit until 1 tried SL• ale, 'a INDIAN TON- IC, and i at once began to improve: My 101; side at one time watt uar.ilyzcil and I was scarcely able to melee, auto had to I . as:=istedin dressing Before I had used one bottle my health imprgv- ed. acyl the mediriro effect, -r} n comp1ete cure. 1Ja1i highly recommend ,41,0A1'S" 111DIA1\ iTONIC, fzli a U et rvt.ue of+r rdere. It is 1111 Idem Blood Purifier awl will do ell: that is clainre,r for it. X wall !pr ,le:i,e,3 to givriifv informatio% �',,1("'!�-.. ;).. -"'•r' >y- �1. ,��"vx_,,,-. I can to .t1z, 0 111' mutt lti.rly ii.lrec ed. Sil,ce e. If i'• log the teed 1'! ' 1 htive pact no return Of 1tSa , 4 r ,1p'.� g weight., i t. ,t, �. i, ,z,,,;.• Lave inti:eass:�,l resod • in ��h l t ..1 � and no+.v }, ex 3t,• t rf ct health. J .T Price $1, G for $5. All dealers or address. SHE SWAN tEGIOI E COMPANY, T `.t'{g METED, , " Quay one Girl in the World for Me." So says the popular song. f, Only One H1r1IJtllr NOAH 61010 in TWA for Me." When the nervous energies are ex- hausted, women suffer from constipat- ion, dyspepsia, kidney disease, liver trouble, and prostration. They are weak, tired, have headache, backache, sideaehe, and cannot sleep, It is then that wrecking of women's delicate organism begins. When sickness, disease and disaster threaten, Paine's Celery Compound should be used without delay This marvellous modern medicine will quickly impart strengthto every weak organ, and restore the greatest blessing Of life -health. A few weeks' use of Paine's Celery Compouud will give vigor to the nervous system; nutrition, digestion and every special womanly function will be natural and regular. Rosy cheeks, sparkling eyes and the freshness of youth and beauty always follow the health -giving influ- ences of Paine's Celery Compound. Grand Trunk• Freight Train Collision --A Confidence Game. Hamilton, Oct. 30. -About 6.50 o'clock tbis morning an east -bound G.T.R. freight train crashed into a freight train bound from Fort Erie to Toronto, doing considerable damage and causing some loss of freight. The collision occurred on the "Y" at Stony Creek Station, the engine of the east -bound train hitting the other train broadside, cawing the colliding engine and several cars to pile up in a promiscuous heap. The engineer and iirenlan jumped, Engineer Cook's face being scratchedby coming in ' con- tact with the ground. Some G.T.R. em- ployes In a boarding -car on the train going east were thrown about by the shook, but none of them received serious ineury, although the car they were in was derailed, A number of sheep in one of the oars were killed. It is said the operator at Stony Creek neglected to put up the semaphore against the east- bound train. The wreck blocked the track for a few hours. Harry' Maxey, proprietor of the Com- mercial Hotel, was the victim of a con- fidence nian last night, the individual getting $20 from Mr. Maxey and putting up a watch and ring of the value of about $5 as security. The watch was supposed to be gold. He went by the name of Wilson. A warrant was sworn out. The man was arrested in St. Catn- arines to -day. by' Abuse or o Sleeplessness, and Indic India - orations, They givio7ciy and sway restore Lost Vitality inold or young; and fit a manfor study, business or marriage. Prevent Insanity and Consumption if tuengin bale. Their use show immo iato im rove - meat and effects a CARE where all other fail In - mist upon having the genuine Alas Tablets, Thos bave cared thousands and rill cure Ion. Wo give a pos- itive written"guarantee to effect a cure's °TS' in each case or refund the money. Pride , per package; or six pkses (full treatment) for $2di3O. BY mall, in lain wrapper. upon receipt oi• price. Circular keo. AJAX REMEDY GO., , e'ai eq°ills" Has been prescribed over 35 years fv thousands of cases; is, the only Reelable and Honest D7edierne known. Aslcdruggistfor'1,Vood's Phosphodine; if lie otters some worthless Medicine in place of this, inclose price in dotter, and we will send by' return ;nn11 Price, one package, S1; six,' 35. One' will i,Zease,.ilxsualcure. Pamphlets free toany addreay The 'Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. ozolit io Exeter and everywhere In CaUatta het all resliustailile »rusibiete, THE PALACE q,O,'•...� uta C-0 L 0 Says the landlord who wishes to Laye every dollar expended to its full duty. Everything in our establishment is marked at prices which will retain, reg utar patrons and induce occasional cus. tamers to wine again, The rapid increase in the volume of our business is the best evidence that the people of - Exeter appreciate this method. • We make undertaking a Specialty, Baby Drank Poison. Mount Forest, Oat., Nov. L -On Fri- day afternoon the wife of John Atn - stroun, a farmer residing in Egremont, about seven miles from here, having occasion to leave the house for a few minutes, was horrified on returning to find her year -and -a -half -old boy very }ll. Everything possible was (;done for the child, but it died in a short time. It 'appears that during Mrs Arm- strong's absence her 4.year-old daugh ter, by means of a chair, which she had placed on a table, ' had taken down from a shelf a small bottle containing carbolic acid, which she gave the baby to drink, A fatal Dose of Carbolic Acid. Mount Forest, Ont. 30. -Yesterday afternoon the wife of John Armstrong, a farmer residing ill Egremont, about seven miles from here, having bad occa- sion to leave the house for a few min- utes, was horrified on returning to find her baby very ill. Everything possible was done for the child, but it died in a short time. It appears that during Mrs. Armstrong's absence her four-year-old daughter, by means of a chair which she had placed on a table, had taken down from a shelf a small l bottle con- taining carbolic acid, which she gave the baby to drink, with the result stated. ANOTHER BANK ROBBERY. Drowned in a Barrel. Orilite, Oct. 20. -On Wednesday night Mrs. Wm. Newsham missed Eva, her two year-old daughter, and went in searce of her. As she passed the dining room window she saw Eva's two little boots sticking out of a rain barrel, which was sunk level with the ground and was full of water. She drew out the lifeless body and summon• ed a couple of doctors, who were unable to resuscitate the youngster. The child, it is supposed, was chasing the kitten, and stumbled head foremost in- to the barrel. On two former occasions little Eva had narrow escapes, from death, once by choking and another time by being run over. Giles & Co., of Teeswater, Lose Two Thou- sand Dollars. Teeswater, Oct. 30. -The private bank of Giles & Co. was robbed at 3 o'clock this morning There were two explosions at short intervals, the first ono probably blowing open the vault -door and the seo and one blew the safe . door completely off and forced it through the vault door. which was probably closed to deaden the noise. The burglars secured $2,000. $100 in gold being overlooked. They are supposed to have gone towards Wingham. R. N. ROWE Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business .of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. k'resh Meat. We intend keeping the very beat of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams;bacon and everything usual, ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. After serious illness, like typhoid fever, pneumonia, or the grip. Hood's Sarsaparilla has wonderful strength - giving power. Mrs.°Wm. Burns, wife of ex -Council for Burns of Whitby, died. very sud- denly from heart disease at an evening meeting in the Ladies' College. De Denied the Devil. McKinney, Ky., Oct.. 30-A report from Mintonville states that the Rev. Mr. Gilham. of the Christian church, preached a sermon there in which he affirmed there is no Devil. The congre- gation took offence, and when the rev- erend geablemau - attempted to ' speak again he was ejected from tho,church. and about twenty pistol shots were fired after him. Gun Goes Off 'instantly when you pull the trigger. So sickness may come on suddenly. Btt ittakes time to load the gun, and it takes tinne to get ready for those ex- plosions called diseases. Coughs, colds, any "attack,, whatever the subject be, often means pre- acedingweakness and poor blood. Are you getting thin? Is your appetite poor Are you losing that snap, energy and vigor that make "clear-hea.ded- nes,?" Do one thing build up your whole system With SCOTT'S EMULSION of Cod-liver Oi1. It is the essence of nourishment. It does not nauseate, does not trouble the stomach. And it repines all that disease robs you of. A book telling more about it seat free. Ask for it. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Ont. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of• credit being one week, (a discount: of 57. will be given for cash. 0. SNELL, Prop. AN UNWELCOME VISITOR A man must consider his purchstee' well these times; he must buy wherk he can do the best. Look at some of these figures; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits ;49.8(, Overcoats $$:ci.' Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, $12.00 Our $20 blacks beat all others at $23. Come and sec - for yourself. JAMES H. GlilEY Biclyccs Bicycles Iles 1 i.. Bicyles1 I An unwelcome visitor to most fur. niture dealers is the customer who has found his purchaser unsatisfactory. This never happens with us. We please every time. If we don'q return the purchase. A call will satisfy you that we keep the BEST LINE OF FURNITURE IN TOWN. PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAIII TO TJNDERTAXINCG . S. Gidley & Son. . FARMERS! Bicycle Pleasure Are you seeking Bicycle pleasur- if so, you should seek first a goat: wheel. We can fnrni;•h you any tr the best wheels made, at lowest price. Musical. Do you want anything in tbt musical line. IVO have a choice le of Pianos and organs, call and ir, specc them before buying elsewhere A full stock Of sewing machines, baby oar riages, etc. etc, Perkins & liar Maratialk THF. �IRAL GRUB Try WINAN'S COUGH BALSAM s for Coughs, Coles and Bronchial trouble in old dr young. We ltaanuihetinre--5 You will find at Bisset's Warerooms the following line of Agricultural Impletneots Deering Binders, Mowers, Roller and Ball Bearings, Steel Sulky Rakes. A full line of Seed Drills, Cultivators, Disc and Diamond Harrows, Plows, and Turnip Drills. SEWING MACHINES ETC. The celebrated Raymond sewing machince. . . Knoll Washer and wringers. STOVES._ A 0 N and Gurney stoves and furnaces B •U.G , E The Chatham Wagon and a full line of the celebrated. McLaughlinbuggiesbuggies "BILL a" WINER'S LUNAMENT which is an excellent remedy for Cramps, Pains, Neuralgia, Sore Throat and Influenza. The Old, Reliable, 'Wiliam's Con- dition .Powders, still holds fist place in the market, • Also Lotion for scrateh s on horses and Condition Powder for same. SIDLE AGENTS el'Ort D)EX LUNG -1 SIRUP. C.. L U T 8 DRUGGIST. THECOOKS BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALt: lly ceal-AD