HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-8-26, Page 8t$gaedexs Wanted.
The undersigned would he pleased.
ttee take a dumber of boarders.—Ladies
Or Gentlemen. First class aceommoda
titan. Terms reasonable, Apply at the
14011,se -opposite Commerical Hotel.
FI. BucKn' GHHA;,I
The Exeter market leads:
Labor Lacy September 6th.
The Brussels Post is holidaying this
week, as is also the Lucan Sun,
It has been decided to allow hotels in
Gee 1ph to sell liquor till 11 o'clock at
Next to beating a wife the meanest
crime that can be committed is the
beating of a printer.
Rev. R E. Ford,of Lucan, will occur
py the pulpit of the James Street
Church next Sunday.
Many a newspaper reader who is
quickest to take offence is slowest in
paying his snbscr'iption,
Wes, Snell slipped a carload of cat-
tle to Montreal on hiondase—,Messrs.
Prior & Armstrong' shipped a' carload
of hogs to IIatiersoth on ;Monday
Bowie is having a neat little
brick cottage erected in. front of his
present dwelling. When completed
the premises will be much improved.
The man who does business without
advertising, is compared to the man
who winked at a pretty girl in the
dark; Ile knew what he wasdoii'g, but
nobody else did.
Chas. Isaac. of Stephen, did a good
clay's thrashing; for Chas, Harvey, 17s -
borne, last week, having threshed in
eight and a half house 1100 .bushels,
the product of 85 acres.
Return ticiets"n t.l be issued on the
G. T. R. for Labor day. ;Sept, 6th), at
single fii'seelatss fart. ;'owl ;going Sep-
tember 4th, 5th and 6th alld valid to
return Steptein',tter i .h, to all Stations hi
The rate of taxation do Chilton ibis
year is 21 malls ori the dollar—a very
low rate when it is remembered what
Improvements have been made. In
Seaforth the rate is 23 tails; in lsincar-
tdine -'fa: acid iu Goderieh 23.
The o1lliials of both the G. T. R. and
<ct that
,��i 'L
roads state
.R, o
there are no 1�'ss than 15,000 tramps
ou the move litettveeu liootreai and the
St. Clair tuntiel. Nemterous frt;ittt
ears have been brokeuinto and goads
Duck shooting begins. September lst
Schools in towns and villages will
open nest Tuesday.
Wedding bells will ring out in their
merry chimes here shortly*.
A socia} gathering took place at the
residence of 11r. T. I3• McCallum, Wed•
nesday evening.
A. social gathering in honor of Miss.
Millie Westland tool: place at 'the rest -
deuce : of Mr. W. G, Bissett Wednesday
Court of Revision of the Voters Lists'
for the town took place in the town hall.
Thursday last when ,several appeals.
were adjusted
The Royal Templars will attend the
open meeting at Hensall an Sept. 2nd,
when Rev. Robbs, of Loudon, will de-
e-liyer an address,
The Exeter Turf club and Baud will
hold sports on the Agricultural grounds
here. Labor Day, (Sept. 6th). A good
program is being arranged.
Peter Gardiner has taken charge of
the school at \Viuchelsea, recently re-
signed by J, A. Gregory. Mr. Gregory
will further prosecute his studies,
The fare to Toronto and return on
the G T, R., during the Toronto In-
dusturial fair will be $2 65, commeuc-
ing' Aug. 31 to.Sept• 10th, inclusive.
Our palate was ticked yesterday by
a line peach handed us by Its Wat,
Ballswill, Huron street. She informed
us that she picked no less than five
and a half pails from a very small tree.
They are an exceedingly delicious
err. Robt, Richardson, of this plaice
was united in maarrage to Miss Kate
Prang, of Zurich, yesterday (Wed.)
They intend making .Exeter their
home, and will oeeupv the residence
recently vacated by Mr. John Welsh,
Carling street, We extend congrat
ulations to the newly wedded couple
and wish them a happy wedded life
The spring struck, by the well -dig-
gers on the Verity premises, to be used
by the Exeter I;.leetric Light and Po.
wer Co. if they succeed in getting a
good flow of water, is not sufficient to
warrant a supply and the eompany
have decided to go deeper. A drilling
apparatus is un the grounds and the
work is now in progress.
A newspaper man could go seven
days in a week, seven times in a day,
r ns for the
ask i persons and a1.,different rent a
and each time be told there is absolute-
ly nothing going on in town, When
publication day comas these people will
say well, there is not much news this
week," and then recall aa item or two
that did not appear and wonder way
they were omitted. • When you know
anything of importance that has trate
spired tell the printer every time.
That's what he is in the town for.
For some time past the Exeter Elee
trio light and Power Company: have
been negotiating for the purchase of
Mr. J. N. Howard's plant but were not
successful until tlonday when the deal
was closed, the Compeuy paying there-
for $3200.
Trace Jackson, who was arrested iii.
London for stealing a bieyele at Bruce•
field and. another at Seaforth and far
i hichhe was recently committed to
Central ra1Prison atToronto,
broke awaya
Thursday but was recaptured after
about ten minutes run.
Mr. Whitney. Lender of the Opposi-
tion in the Ontario Legislature, trill
address meet' a+ ;s as'fohows:—elitehtell
—Thursday, e pt 1 :1;, p tn. Clinton
Thursday, September 8, $ p.m ; Lucan
--Friday September 9, 1 i0 p m.; Park
hill --Friday, September 9, S p.m.
A leading farmer in Downie thresh
ed the product of e large field of wheat
the other day, which yielded 40 bushels
to the acre, ate' weighed 59 pounds to
the bushel, This is away ahead of the
average, of other years, and would have
been even Mather if storms and wet
weather had not knocked eown the
A Kippen correspondent sacs:--" Mr.
James McDougall is the. owner of a
thoughtful and generous gobler, which
is seemingly possessed with the spirit
of the Yani.ee feeling that the wife
should not do all the work, he having
taken the responsibility of hatching out
a brood of you:1g turkeys. and now he
is carefully ministering to their wants
by caring for them.
If telegraphy without wires ever be-
comes an accomplished fact, cheap
enough for long -distances, many a man
will have to cook his own meals, forhis
wife will he e' gaged all day long talk -
tug with her sisters, her consius and
her alters, usually scattered oyer var-
ious parts of the country. These scient-
ist will soon make life a burder for man
if tbey keep on discovering new meth-
ods of gossiping.
Send the Advocate to your friends
Only 35 ets, from not till Jan. lst, 1898.
A tt,taoeking, Alaebine..
«'m. Russell, of Hamilton, has in -
veered a machine for shocking ;rain
which takes tile' sheases from a sell -
reaper and binds thorn in neat, compact
bundles of shocks of ten, and stands
thele on end. A satisfactory test was
recently made of the machine. A joint
stock company has bean organized to
manufacture it, and the inventor ex-
pects to make considerable money out
of it.
New Dominion Moils.
The new Goverumeut issue of one
dollar bills are now in circulation.. The
new bill is green on bath sidesand of a
very pretty design.. On the front are
excellent portraits of Lord and Lady
Aberdeen, separated by a centre piece
representing a logging scene, On the
back is a cut of the Parliament build-
ings at Ottawa. A, new two dollar bill
has also been issued, This bill is in
two shades of green, and the back is a
bronze red in color. Oa the front of
the bill is a portrait of the Prince of
Wales and a fishing scene, and ori the
back a picture of the harvest.
Miss Lizzie Inwood, of London, is the
guest of Mrs. Samuel Sanders,
Mrs, John Hamden, of Ridgetown, is.
the guest of Mrs: Jos. Bawden,
S. J. Latta, of London, wasa caller
at the Aovotteven office Tuesday,
Andrew Oke, of Detroit, is spending
a few days under the parental roof.
Wm, Holloway, of Clinton, spent Sun-
day with his sister, Mrs. R. N. Rowe.
W. S. Lang, of Parkhill, is here.
Spending a few clays with his, brother.
Dr, and Mrs, Amos spent a few days
last week with relatives;in McGtili vray.
Mrs, Simpson, of Clandeboye, visited
her mother,: Mrs. G. Eacrett, fills week,
Mrs. Billings, who was visiting her
sisters in Brockville, returned. Satur-
The Misses Welsh aro attending the
millinery, openings at Toronto this
Mr. and 'Mrs, Ed Harwood, of Toren.
to, are visitiog friends and relatives in
Messrs. L Newton, of Sarnia, and J.
F. Roberts, of Pardshill, spent Sunday
in town.
Miss 111iille Westland and Wm. Tay -
tor, of Wyoming, are visiting at W. G.
Mrs. Tait, who was visiting her son
David, in Detroit, Mieh, returned home
last week.
Geo. Robinson, son of Rev, S. F. Rob.
iuson, of Walkerton, is the guest of
Reeve I3obier,
Allen Myers returned from St. Marys
Monday, where he liad been visiting for
several days.
e o who Lilly May Ach s n, was
visiting friends in Oshawa, ratterued
home Saturday,
Mrs. 'Wright, of Exeter north, left last
Thursday for Flint, lfich., where she.
will visit friends.
Miss Bell, who was the guest of 'Miss
Edith Sanders, returned to her home
in London Saturday+
Wallace Tapp, who has been visiting
here for some time left for his home in
Virden, Man,, last week,
Miss Edith Ililtz, of Simcoe, is visit
ing friends in town, the guest of her
sister, Mrs, L. D. Vincent.
F. W. Tom, who is home from Ottawa
d ri •
e t.h
eo ed to G
visit,tr 1 0
and retuned on Monday.
Lacrosse 'Match.
What promises to be the best and
most iuteresting Lacrosse match of the
season, will be played here ou Friday,
Aug. 27th, between the Beavers of .Seas
forth and the Ladies of Exeter. In the
evening a grand " At Home " and con-
cert will be given in the skating rink,
under the anspiees of the Lacrosse Club
and Band, A splendid program of
inude, ete., will -be rendered by the
best talent from Seaforth, Forest and
Exeter. Refreshments consisting of ice
cramp, etc, will be provided in the rink
and no effort is being spared bE* the
Committee to make the entertstintllent
a grand success. Admission 15c., ladies.
10c. 'Tickets will admit to both match
and concert- Balt to be faced at 4
o'eiock sharp. Doors open at 7130.
Altouse or IteSai_e ?rotes.
John Denby, of Goderieh, died an Fri-
day, 13th inst., teed was buried here,
This is the seventeenth death which has
taken plate at the institution since it
was opened; he was aged 79 years and
6 mouths: the cause of his death was
paralysis, Mrs. McCaig, of Goderich,
one of the female inmates has been con-
fined to bed for over eight months, the
result of a fractured thigh; she bears
her afflictionwith wonderful resigna-
tion and so •well has she been eared for
that not a bed sore of any kind is upon
her, notwithstanding her long cotzline-
Iuent. firs FrencIC who rarely takes
a holiday, spent Saturday and Sunday
with friends in Detroit. The Captain
and Lieutenant of the Salvation Army
spent nearly whole of last Wednesday
at the house, ou the invitation of Mr.
Freuch, and with a couple of stringed
instruments entertained the inmates,
thus relieving the monotony, ,Mayor
Holmes held religious services on Sun.
day. Among theinmates is a trfan who
claims to have put in nearly 30 years
good faithful service as a hired man
on one farm in the comity; all that hs
received in return was his board and
clothing, and now when pts years of
activity are gone, he was turned atlrift'
and time became a ward of the county.
The latest arrivals are Elizabeth
Banneemau, of ,Stanley; Jno Kaigbt
on, from Stephen; and Amanda Cham
pine, of Hay making 74 inmates,
The inmates are quite busy grading
and gravelling a diad in from the 'side -
road and, building sidewalks around
the House and otherwise improving the
The latest thing in a chairiless bicy-
cle is the invention of Win. t'hotnpson.
acid his sen, E S. Thompson. of Lager.
a tban This gear is no heavier a
chain. There is no chance for dust or
dirt to gather, and the friction is so
tittle it can hardly be perceived..
Messrs. Thompson say their gear will
run half as easy as a chain, and ap-
roaches a ball bearing as near as pos-
sible. After an interview with sever-
al prominent bicycle manufacturers,
they have"decided to put the gear on
the market for 1898.
The G. T. its has taken another step
in their "retrograde -forward" move-
ment and dropped off oue man presuma-
ble froth each section. If a man is
taken from each section there will be
a reduction of about 800, which means
at least a saving of $S00 per slay. We
don't see why a station agent should
not have the care of the 4 or 5 miles of
the road added to his other duties. All
he has to do now is act as ticket agent,
operator, baggage -man, freight agent
We and station master, �� a are afraid the
new management will run the G. T. R.
like the Dutchman did his cow. After
months of hard training he got bossy
to live on nothing, but she no sooner
accomplished the feat than she died.
A tramp umbrella repairer entered
the residence of Mr. John Snell, Huron
street, on Friday last and white the in
mates were upstairs be walked off with
an umbrella and parasol belonging to
Mrs. Hooper. Mrs. Hooper was prepar-
ing to go up town at the time and on
coming down stairs discovered the ar-
ticles missing.Constable Moore was
at once put on his track and ran him
down, but he had disposed of both; one
he sold to T. W. Hawkshaw for thirty
cents and the other he was unable to
tell who got it, as he said he was under
the influence of liquor at the timet He
was made refund the 30 cents and. ;the
umbrella was restored to the owner.
Mrs. Hooper is anxious to get the para
sol back and says she will willingly
give the price paid the tramp if the
buyer will return it.
The Mount Sterling (1l1.) Democrat
Message has the following concerning'
a former well known resident of Exet-
er; We congratulate Dr. Henry M.
Cowan on his appointment to the regu
lar staff of the College of Physicians and
Surgeons, Keokuk, Iowa. The doctor
assumes the duties of the chair of rec-
tal diseases and the digestive system
generally in the college and the hold
ing of a surgical clinic associated with
these diseases at the Mercy Hospital,
The college with September lst com-
menees its 57th session, has educated
during its existence over 6,000 students
and has now an alumni of over 2,500.
The honor conferred upon our ,citizen
is a matter of congratulation. He is
both a scholar and a gentlemen and if
ability brains eoant for anything
-the. Physicians and Surgens have se-
cured a good mac.
Poor Annie crop.
The apple crop of Ontario may be
pronounced a failure. There is no big
yield anywhere; and in very few dis-
tricts is there enough to supply the lo-
cal demand. There will he very little
business in the export apple trade from
Ontario this year.
Clinton New Era: We doubt if there
is a mall it) Canada who can put up the
record that Mr. James Scott, of Clinton,
can, as a public servant. For thirteen.
years he was librarian of a public .li-
brary in the old land, near Belfast; then
for nine years librarian at Kemptville,.
and he has just closed 26 years service
in the same capacity at Clinton. In
addition to this he taught school for 40
yetars and is yet hale and hearty in his
S9th year.
A case was tried at Clinton the other
day by his honor Judge Doyle, which
should help to put a stop to a practice
tbat has become too common: It was
brought by Arthur Cook, of that town,
to recover 5100 froth John Murdock, of
Brucefiield, for ;rafting 34 apple trees.
The agreement was to put ' on the
grafts at 2 cents each, and when Cook
billed Murdock for 5102, claiming to
to have put on some 2,400 grafts, it
gather staggered the latter. He called
in some experts who denounced a port-
ion of the work as a, swindle, .and the
l -crabs shown in evidence looked so
much that tray that his honor was
emphatic in condemning the whole
game. Some of the limbs g': rafted ivere
more than half decavecl,,so that there
was no possibility of the grafts being
worth anything,. Murdock had paid in
$25 to court, as whet; he, considered a
fair price for the reasonable grafts, and
this the judge decided was sufficient,
and the complainant wad ordered to
pay all costa.
Council Proceedings.
Council met pursuant to adjourn-
ment at the Town Hall, Exeter, Aug
20th. All present. Minutes of prev-
ious meeting read and confirmed. Snell
—Rollins orders as follows, D. Dyer,
$35.50 for printing; A Fake, $6 50 for
Truant officer's book and postage; the
Clerk, $7.45 paid Judge's costs of Rev
ision of assessment roll; the Reeve,
$3.50 freight and cartage on coal; Geo.
Ford, $45 94 stone; J. D. Atkinson, $16-
92 street watering to date; W. Phair,
$1.57 labor and J. W. Creech 62c do.—
Carried. The clerk :o notify Mr. How-
ard re electric lighting. Taylor—Rol-
lins that we, advertise for tenders far
gravel and breaking stone, tenders to
be received up to ne 't meeting of the
Council—Carried. Dr. Lutz and others
urged the Council to reimburse the
constable, Mr. Creech, for the loss sus-
tained by him in the honest endeav-
or to discharge his duty in the Heide-
man case. Rollins—Snell that Mr.
Creech be paid $80 to reimburse him
for his doss in the case referred to by
Dr. Lutz and others.—Carried. Rol
Tins --Snell, that the offer of the Elec
tris Light and Power Co., (Limited), to
supply electric Ugrian a' to the Municipal
corporation of the said village made by
the said company through its Provis-
ional Directors; dated 16th August, and
signed by Calvin Lutz, B.S. O'Neil, E.
J, tpackman, R. C, C. Tremaine and
Frank Wood the Provisional Directors
of the Company, now read, be accepted,
and chat a contract prepared and ex-
ecuted by the Reeve and Clerk under;
the corporate seal and the said Provis
tonal' Directors as trustees for the said.
Company, forthwith to carry out the
terms of thin acceptance.—Carried.
The council adjourned until the lst
Friday in September at 8 o'clock p. m.
M. EACXIxTT, Clerk.
A beautiful Gold Decorated Dinner Set. EVERY
PIECE PERFECT. Lovely new patterns.
Would be good value at $10.00, but you
can have a set for
Miss Smith, of .Seaforth, and Miss
Addie Browning, of Bramptom, visited
friends in town last week.
Alfss Eurith dryers after a week's
visit with relatives here. returned to
resume her duties at London,
Wilbur Ilatadford and Miss Mary
Wostaway attended the Photographers'
Convention at London last week..
The Misses Lily and Charlotte Drink;
water, after a pleasant visit with friends
in. London, retnrned home last week.
Miss Florence Rutherford, after a few
day's visit with Miss Flossie Jeckell
left for her home in Aylmer Tuesday.
hiss Grigg and Miss Katie McFauls,
returned home last week after an ex-
tended visit to Montreal and other
Arthur Jones, of the eloisons Bank,
after a two weeks vacatiou with his
parents at Oshawa, returned horse
Miss May Sanders, after a, pleasant
visit of a mouth, with friends and rela-
tives in Detroit. returned home last
(Wed.) evening.
The Misses Beatrice and • Jennie
Friend, of Loudon, are visiting friends
and relatives in town, the guest of Mr.
and Mrs. Ed. Hunt.
Rev. Gerald Willoughby, of Alvin-
ston, occupied the pulpit in the James
street Methodist Church Sunday both
morning and evening.
James Acheson, of the Commercial
House, after a week's vacation in dif-
ferent parts of Ontario and Michigan,
returned home Saturday.
Mrs. Vesper and daughter, Clara,
after several weeks' visit with friends
in Norland, Toronto, and Hespler, re-
turned home Tuesday evening.
The Misses Netta and Linnie Fulton,
after a pleasant visit of a few weeks
with friends and relatives in Leadbury,
returned home Monday evening.
Perhaps you had better look in and see them.
Stores close 6:30 each evening exceptiug Wednesday and Saturday.
Personal ?Mention
Rev. H. E. Bray spent Monday in
.G. W. Holman, of was in
town Friday last.
Henry •Speare, of Seaforth,
town, Wednesday;
Miss Charlotte Peterson is
friends in London.
Philip Lang is at present in
low state of health.
Mr. T. W. Acheson
Montreal Saturday.
Miss Kate Gould is visitin
ter in Pontiac, Mich.
Bay field,
Mr. and Mrs. Inksater, and son, who
have been visiting Mrs. Inksater's par-
ents, left Monday evening for their
home in Paris having received word
that Mr. Inksater's father was very ill.
Mr, and Mrs .-1 d. Maguire, who have
been on an extended visit in different
parts of Michigan, returned home Sat-
They made the journey with
a horse and buggy and report - a pleas-
ant journey.
Mr, John Elliott, y of Nelson, B C.
is spending a few weeks with his par-
ents. John' looks hale and hearty and
as though the gold fields agree with
him. He left Monday to spend a few
days with his brother in Toronto.
" Mr. W. Hawltshaw, jr., left on Wed-
nesday for Medicine Hat, Northwest
Territory:, to take a position as operator
on the Canadian Pacific.. Railway.'
We wish our young friend all possible
prosperity in iris far away home.'' --Sea=
forth "Expositor.
Dr, Rollins left oh Monday evening
last for London, England, and will sail.
from New Tort.: on theOritannie of the
White. Star line on Wednesday. He
intends visiting the hospitals in Lon-
don for the purpose of further increas-
ing his knowledge in surgery, and oth-
er matters pertaining to his medical
profession. He has promised to write
an occasional letter for publication in
the ADVOCATE and our manyreaders
may look for something interesting.
He will be absent about six or eight
weeks and will be ,greatly missed both
socially and otherwise.
A game of: Rase ball will be played
here tetnorrow (Friday)' at 1,30 o'clock.
between Crediton and a picked nine of
Exeter. • An exciting game is expected.
was in
a very
returned from
her sis-.
Purse strings will Losen
to this tune. . • •
We have received the largest shipment of Ladies' Oxfords in
Green, Tai, Black, Ox -blood, and Chocolate,
that has been sent to the town far years. No flowers of speech are needed to,
tell the story of our progressive Shoe Store. Value is demonstrated in ,every
pair. Every shoe speaks and sings its own song to the tune of the rolling dollar,
We are nearing Mid Summer and that has an influence with us to get our volt
ume of stock down.
E. J. SC`A Ktl'A;fie i & COo
Smell's Block, Exeter*
ialue'ie - ..
• • • • e • • • • 0 0
pi ere, :arm )I8 ?, •Y' w.
o• o• so o• .•
10...451 n. a
�115 Chniiii SaIe1
3 pound bar good ,soap,...1 Oc
6 " good raisins 25
Good Red Salmon 10
Christie's Zephyr Cream
3 pound tin sodas . : - .... . 25
Johnson's pickles, 2 bottles 25
Opposite Hawkshaw's. Hotel, Exeter.
•M' •• .:•• •• •