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TtiUJ4SDAY, AUGUST 26, 1897.
The Week's Commercial Summary.
The net gold balance of the United
States treasury is $140,588,000.
The stooks of wheat at Toronto are
35,700 bushels, against 141,000 bushels
a year ago.
The earnings of Canadian Pacific for
the first week of August were $487,000,
an increase of $64,000.
The visible supply of wheat in the
United States and Canada decreased
164,000 bushels last week, and the total
is now only 17,650,000 bushels, as against
46,429,000 a year ago. The amount afloat
to Europe increased 160,000 bushels last
week, and the total is 12,400,000 as
against 18,240,000 bushels a year ago.
The total visible with amount in transit
to Europe is 30,050;000 bushels as against
64,069,000 bushels a year ago.
At elontreai the trade situation shows
little variation for the past several weeks.
There is, however, a feeling of more eon-
Sdence hi the future apparent in a good
many quarters, and an expectation of a
fair autumn trade, with gradual general
improvement in btisinese conditions. No
complications have followed the •three
Wholesale failures of Last week; and gen-
eral remittances are qualified as fair.
The large amount of money going into
dairying sections for cheese, should help
matters in this respect.
General wholesale business at Toronto
this week has been fair. A large autumn
trade is almost a certainty. The heavy
bay crop and large yield of grains in this
Province, combined with good prices,
will inspire confidence. Outward shin-
ments of xnerchandise are satisfactoey.
Trade � vi • orh the Northwest thwest S •
u good,and
the margin of profit seems likely to be
larger than usual. 'Manufacturers are In
good spirete, and payments are better
than u •ua] The leading staples are firm
as to prices. The exports of wheat will
be larger than usual this seasone.wing
to shortages in Europe; pe and the abunti-
ant hay erop mut n ecees:erily he bene-
ficial to dairying insert its. The cheese
market is in noel shape, with increased
exports and firmer prices in Liverpool.
Failures in July were smaller than in
any month of which there existe record;
and while in classified form the report
by months covers not quite four years,
It is known that in every month of 1593
failures were larger in cunount. In com-
mercial disasters, therefore, we go back
at once to 1892, the most prosperous
year on record, for a monthly return as
favorable. In one month (September,
1894) the aggregate of defaulted liabili-
ties was but $7t'0,000 larger, and the
amount of trading liabilities was nearly
$700,000 smaller than east month. In no
month of which there is record were the
manufacturing liabilities smaller; and
while July is not ordinarily a month of
numerous or large failures, the returns
cannot be regarded as less than extreme-
ly favorable.
Here and There.
There's a good deal besides luck in
winning at cards.
The record breaker tries to beat bis
way through life.
The iceman enjoys his cold snap during
the hottest weather.
Everybody has a calling acquaintance
with the telephone girl.
It is better to have sold at cost than
never to have sold at all.
The man who borrows trouble pays it
back to every one he meets.
'When the sermon is long and dry "man
wants but little hear below."
"Pretty is as pretty does" is a very
consoling motto for homely people.
No wonder we hate to pay the hotel
clerk good dollars for poor quarters.
A tramp does not consider a warm bite
a desirable snap when a dog gives it to
Hating others is like pinching our-
selves and expecting them to feel the
It is not always a plain face that keeps
a girl from marrying. Sometime It is
Even though you write on both sides
of a question, you still should write on
but one side of the paper.
Some women say that bloomers are
the proper thing, and some say the skirt,
and some split the difference.
Jinks says he likes to see the new
moon because its the only quarter he
looks upon that his wife doesn's grab.
One reason why so many couples view
matrimony in a different light after they
are married is because they turn the gas
up a little higher.
They Never Fail.—Mrs. S. M. Bough-
ner, Langton, writes: "For about two
years I was troubled with Inward Piles,
but by using Parmelee's Pills, I was com-
pletely cured, and although four years
have elapsed since then they have not re-
turned." Parmelee's Pills are anti -
bilious and a specific for the cure of Liver
and Kidney Complaints, Dyspepsia, Cos-
tiveness, Headache, Piles, etc., and will
regulate the secretions and remove all
bilious matter.
slow Time.
"Come up to nay house to morrow
night," said Herr Pan
fief." "I'm going
to celebrate any golden wedding."
"Golden wedding! Why, man, you've
only n hoe married
three years°
"I know it, but it seems like fifty; so
everything ie all right,"
Mr. T. ' J. Humes, Columbus, Ohio,
writess "I have been, afflicted for some
time with Sidney and Liver Complaint,
and End Parmelee's Pills the best medi
cine for these diseases. These Pills do
not cause blain or griping, and should be
used wheat a cathartic is required. eds
aroelatine Coated, and d roil
ad in the
Flour of Licorice to preserve there purity,
and give them a pleasant agreeable taste.
Tidings from all Parts of the Globe, Con-
densed and A,rranred for Busy Readers.
Chatham talks of building a civic
The Lake Deschenes Milling Co., capi-
tal $40,000, is applying for incorporation.
There is au increase in the inland rev-
enue collections of $1,400,000 for the last
Lord Kelvin, the : cotoh scientist, has
arrived in New York, on his way to To-
The Bishop of Algoma arrived at
Rimouski on the • ....unship learisian
from Liverpool.
The Cobden Club has. ceueed a special
gold medal to be struck for presentation
to Sir Wilfrid Laurier.
The International Mine Development
Co. of Toronto, capital $100,t.0:l, is ap-
plying for incorporation.
The Inland Navigation Comeany,
capital $13,000, of Cbarlottetown. ,-.1::.I.,
is applying for incorloration.
Mr. J. T. Harvie's lumber aid Let
mill atSmith's Fails was burned. 'lee:
loss will be about $10,000.
Mr. J. T. Whelan, a conductor on the
Hull S. Aylmer Electric Railway, was
fatally injured at Desehene.
Mr. J. Murhpy, a patient at the Chat-
ham hospital, jumped out of the second
story window and killed himself.
The Grand Lodge of Ontario, I.O.O.
I',, in session at Belleville, elected Mr.
J. A. Young, Thamesfonl, Grand easter.
The final argument of the Canadian
scalers' claim before the sealing commis-
sion will take place in a fortnight at
A heavy electrical storm visited To-
ronto Sunday. Some small fire: were
c ice-e.i by the lightning, casual-
no :lsleal-
g _
ties ware reported.
Good samples of lignite coal have been
(besot—creel at Rainy River. A boring
t, : trurue has been ordereei and th• :•eaugh
:este will be spade.
"!'ire Canadian Pacific railway. le re-
pee.'Fe.1 to i!e malting arrangel.x•r . ler
the erection of a stetion in the antral
parr of the city of Ottawa.
A small riot took place at Tie ',:laud
owing to ieeliug aroused by the re : a:nrl s
of Rev. lir. Cate, who is spearing
against the Roman Catholics.
The by-law to authorize the issue of
el10,e10u debentures for street in..:ore-
ments was defeated in a popular -..rte at
Hamilton by nearly 1,5u0 anajorite.
A number of prominent Toronto ]nr: i-
ne-s men, being interviewed, spe Ise in
most hopeful terms of the coin .erciai
outlook for the country this season.
The commissioners who investietated
the affairs .of the St. 'Vincent de lead
Penitentiary have found evidence that
warrants the dismissal of Warden Cul -
A Scotch fancily named Johnson. trav-
elling from Hamilton to Toronto by
}waggon, lost a lot of their property by
ilre. Two of the children were badly
A public meeting held in Victoria,
B.C., on Wednesday night sharply con-
demned the mining regulations enacted
by the ,Dominion Government for the
Yukon district.
The Crow's Nest Pass railway contrac-
tors have refused to hire the striking
Lethbridge miners. They wanted more
than $3.50 a day. It is thought they will
return to work.
Chevalier G. A. Drolet has secured
from the Dominion Government a twenty
years' permit to operate on sixty miles
of the Saskatchewan river, for the pur-
pose of extracting gold and platinum.
Joseph Stonefish, the Indian who is
awaiting trial in Woodstock jail on the
charge of stealing a horse, made an un-
successful attempt to escape by attacking
Turnkey Forbes with a heavy ironbound
Much surprise was expressed in Mont-
real when it became known that Mr.
Edgar Judge, flour and feed merchant,
had suspended payment. It is thought
that ten thousand dollars will cover all
his liabilities.
Another case of smallpox bas been
sent to the Civil Hospital Pavilion in
Montreal. The victim this time is a
young married woman eighteen years of
age, and this is the first new case in
fifteen days. A four-year-old girl has
died from the disease.
The C.P.R. train from Lachute struok
a rig containing five persons at a cross-
ing about 50 yards from St. Therese
Station. Mrs. Emilie Martineau and
Mrs. Marie Fileautrault were killed,
'Mr. Doselie Martineau, Miss Amanda
Martineau and Miss Martineau injured.
Mr. 0. L. Xing, G.T.R. station agent
at Mount Forest, through using a can of
salmon has lost two of his children.
Ruth, aged three, and Randolph, aged
five years, are dead, and Arthur, aged
fourteen, is very seriously ill and little
hopes of bis recovery are enaertained.
Two other children are ill from the same
The inland revenue or excise tax for
the year ending June 30 amounted to
$9,271,000, comparecl with $7,926,000 for
the previous year, an increase of $1,340,-
000. This is the largest revenue the
Dominion ever received from this depart-
ment, and Sir Henri Joly it: pleased. The
main items are: Spirits, $4,772,000;
malt, $1,032,000; tobacco, $2,557,000;
cigars, 6690,000.
Vancouver ' City Council deoided on
Friday nignt•.not to submit the by-law
to civic voters authorizing' the purchase
of the Gas Works., The company has
offered to sell the works to the city at
the same figure offered for the property
by a London syndicate, but the aldermen
take the view that the daysof gas are.
numbered,owingto the competition of
Frederick Mueller, of Newark, was
given 90 days for being, drunk. Twenty-
five glasses in ten minutes is saidtohave
been his record for a wager.
On Friday Miss Edna Mitchell, a
nurse, of Toronto, committed suicide in
the Cincinnati hospital, to which -she
was attached, because she was deserted
by her lover. .
1 distress and sickness in children
h idren
is caused by worms. Mother Graves
Exterminator 'v
gives relief by xe-
nioving the cause. ' Give it atrial and be
Ex -Grand Secretary -Treasurer ea A.
Sheehan, of the Brotherhood of Railroad
Trainmen, was arrested at Peoria, Ill,.
at the instance of the Grand Trustees,
charged with the embezzlement of $1,840.
The State Department at Washington
has deolined to prosecute the claim of
Dr: Cornelius Herz, of ,Panama canal
fame, against the Government of France
for illegal arrest and detention in Eng-
Counsel for George Orme, charged at
Elmira, N.Y., with the inurderale James
Pune, olainas that the electrical experi-
ment with the "X" rayswas the c.ireat
cause of t'une's death, and will make a
strong point of this at the trial,
According to a newspaper published
by Florida uegroes, The Jacksonville
Advocate, the colored people of Jackson-
ville, have spent, since April 19, nearly
618,000. On an excursion to Charleston,
Tallahassee and Columbia they spent $6,-
A despatch to the New York World
from Juneau, Alaska, anticipates serious
trouble in the Yukon district. There are
a rough lot of adventurers proceeding to
that country from the United States,
who are determined not to pay the Cana-
dian Customs duty. They threaten to ig-
pore the Customs officers. peaceably if
possible but forcibly if necessary.
Street Car Accident.—Mr. :Thomas
Sabin, saes: "My eleven year old boy had
his foot badly injured by being run over
by a car on the Street Railway. We at
once conanaenced bathing the foot with
Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil, when the dis-
coloration and swelling was removed, and
in nine clays be could nee ills foot. We
always keep a bottle in the house ready
for any emergeucy."
Gen, Stewart L. Woodford, the new
United States Minister to Spain, Deft
London for Madrid.
The exports to the United States since
the passage of the Diugley tariff have de-
creased fifty per cent.
The Madrid Epooa denies that the
Minister of the Interior, Senor le. Cos
Guyon. contemplates resigning.
Sir Isaac Holden is dead. Ho was born
in 1807, and has represented Knaves".
borough and Yorkshire in Parliament.
clic' at"1 Angiolillo, the assassin 01
Premier Canovas, bas been found guilty
of murder and sentenced to death by the
The late-Spanieh Premier has be-
queathed to the National Library thirty
thousand volumes, many of which are
very pare. •
The Bayreuth festival closes on Thurs-
day next with the -one hundrecitb per-
formances of "Parsifal." The receipts ex-
ceed £:0,000.
Oill.•iul returns just published show
that the imports into France for the past
seven months were 831,017,000 francs
below those of 18:16.
The treachery of the Ameer of Afghan-
istan is undoubted. His hand is seen in
the recent tribal uprisings on the Afghan
frontier of British India.
it Louis Davies, addressing the Lon-
don Chamber of Commerce, uttered a
warning against the indiscriminate rush
to the Klondike gold Bells.
The Ameor oe Afghanistan has issued
a firman forbidding his subjects to join
the rebels who are now up in arms
against the Indian Government.
The Vatican is disappointed that the
encyclical of the Lambeth Conference
does not favor a rapprochement between-
the English and Catholic Churohes.
The capture of Abu Hamed places in
the hands of Sir Herbert Kitchener a
most important strategic position, and
an early advance will be made on Berber.
Prof. Frederick Ward Putnam, of Hale
yard, was elected president of the Ameri-
can Association far the Advancement of
Science. Boston was chosen as the place
of meeting for next year.
While the telegraphers attached to the
London postal system are not satisfied
with the reply of the Postmaster -General
to their letter of complaint, they do not
feel justified in striking.
The arrangements for the visit of
President Faure to St. Petersbury are
practically completed. He will leave Dun-
kirk on Wednesday afternoon on board
the French warship Pothuau.
It is generally understood in Paris
that the duel between Prince Henry of
Orleans and the Count of Turin will
take place outside of France and that
swords will be the weapons.
The Emperor and Empress of Germany
left Cronstadt on the royal yacht Hoh-
enzollern on their way Koine. Affection-
ate farewells were exchanged between
the royalties of Russia and Germany.
A delegation of the members of the
Cobden Club called upon Sir Wilfrid
Laurier in London and presented him
with a gold medal in formal recogni-
tion of his attachment to Free Trade.
It was largely owing to a coanpliance
with the request for more speed on the
part of a number of Christian Endea-
vorers on board the steamer Mexico that
the vessel's course was altered, and she
met her fate.
The London Anarchists, by special
permission of' the Commissioner of
Police, will hold a meeting in Trafalgar
square next Sunday to denounce the re-
vival of the employment of torture in
Spanish prisons.
The threat of the assassin of Premier
Canovas that it would be President
Faure's turn next is causing the French'
police great anxiety. The President is
under the constant protection of a large
body of detectives.
The London Spectator hasa very
temperate article on the impertinent
methods of United States politicians, and
waxen; them that English feeling is
aroused, and unless ..they mend their
manners aconflict may ensste, with the
most disastrous results. •
Glasgow is disappointed because the
Duke of; York, instead, of the Prince of
Wales, will formally open the ' new Cess-
nook clock. It is the largest in Scotland
and has taken twelve years to construct..
It will �a opeed earlyneat
The dispute in the engineering trades
is extending in area,
and a week hence
70,000 men will be involved, : The Shef-
fieldm loy
e p ,, ere have joined issue with
the Employers' Assoofation, and the con-
test o
tesv ha, become one of endurance. Each
side: is trying to starve out the other.
There are cases of cunsumption so far
advanced. that-13ickle's Anti -Consumptive
Syrup will not cure, but none so bad that
it will not.. give relief. For coughs, colds
and all affections of the throat, lungs and
chest it is a specific which has never
known to fail. It promotes et free and
easy expectoration thereby removing the
phlegm, and gives the • diseased parts a
ehance to 'heal.
From Her Childhood the Suffered From
Heart Troubles Doctors Said Nothing
Could be Done for Her, and That Her
Death at Any ,lloanent Would Not Sur-
prise Them.
From the Herald,. Stratford.
"If the making of books there is no
end," it has been said, and the swine
claim migglt be set up in respect of the
making of testimonials in, favor of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. Wonderful as are
scan of the statements published in the
newspapers as to the aures effected in
all parts of the country, fresh evidence
proves the half has not been told, Were
le not for a false sense of delicacy which
a great many people entertain in regard
to such platters, the columns of the press
would be literally teeming with grateful
acknowledgments of benefit derived
from and permanent cures effected by
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for
Hale People. it is quite within the mark
to say that there is no • other medicine
offered the public that can at all com-
pare with Dr, Williams' Pint: Pills, and
there is not a corner in this wide Dom-
inion in which their virtues have not,
been proved. A cure whiob recently came
to the knowledge of a representative of
the'Herald is deserving of being widely
kuown. It is au instance of heart trouble
that babied the skill of a number of
physicians, soave of whom positively re-
fused to treat the patient on the ground
that it was no use, The subject bf the
aflliction referred to is the wife of a
highly respected and well to-do farmer in
the township of Logan, near the village
of Dublin. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Green,
are firm believers in this efficacy of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills, and for very goad
reasons. Mrs. Green has suffered every-
thing but death from a weak heart, the
trouble having afflicted her since early
childhood. On several occasions she has
been so low that it was not thought
pose hlc for her to recover. Her greatest
trouble often arose from exhaustion or a
sudden start, and at such tienes her heart
seemed to cease its throbbing and the
breathing was fitful and labored. Doctor's
medicine seemed to have no effect what-
ever. She was advieed by one physician
that all that could be done was to keep
her strength up, and it was with a view
to strengthening her system, and with
no hope that her heart would be bene-
fitted, that she began the use of Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. She bad not been
taking them long• however, when there
was an unmistakable relief from the
trouble that had made her whole life
miserable. During the past summer sbe
hoe used Pink Pills freely, and has en-
joyed better health than for many years
before, and has been able not only to do
her household work, but also many of
the out door chores that fall to the lot of
a farmer's wife. Tho different physicians
who have treated her have frequently
told her husband that they would not
be surprised to bear of her death at any
moment, but she is to -day a strong wo-
man, enjoying better health than she
bas done for years. Both Mrs. Green and
her husband feel grateful for the great
benefit she bas received from the use of
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and spare no
words in sounding their praises to ever -
one who enquires what has wrought
suoh a wonderful change in Mrs. Green's
health and spirits.
In cases of paralysis, spinal troubles,
Ioeumotor ataxia, sciatica, rheumatism,
erysipelas, scrofulous troubles, etc., Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills are superior to all
other treatment. They are also a speoiflo
for the troubles whioh make the lives of
so many women a burden, and speedily
restore the rich glow of health to pale
and sallow cheeks. Men broken down by
overwork, worry or excesses, will find in
Pink Pills a certain°cure° Sold by all
dealers, or sent by anali postpaid, at 56o
a box, or six boxes for $2.50 by address-
ing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
Brockville, Ont., or Schenectady, N.Y.
Beware of imitations and substitutes
alleged to be "Oust as good."
He Heard It.
Uncle Josh (on a visit)—Where are the
Mrs. Witherspoon—Playing tennis in
the garden.
Uncle Josh—How do you play tennis?
Mrs. Witherspoon -With a racket. of
Uncle Josh—That's so. I kin hear it
$100 Reward $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is et least one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all its
stages, and netts Catarrh., Hall' Catarrh Cure
is the only positive cure known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh being' a constitutional dis-
ease; requires a constitutional treatment; Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting direct-
ly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the
system, thereby destroying the foundation of
the disease, and giving the patient strength by,
building up the constitution and assisting ria.
tore in doing its work. The proprietors ghave
so much faith in its curative
One Hundred Dollars for anycase that i
fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials.
Address E. J. GHENEY& Co., Toledo, 0.
Mold by Druggists, 7.5e.,
Behind rlieliootlights.
Major O'Donoghue—How different you
aro from most danseuses. You have witi
and mental sparkle, Others of your pro-,
fession usueiily-shine only by their legs.
Mlle. Tiptoes—And so many of your
sex only shine on the tops of their .heads.
Holloway's Corn Ctire destroys enkindle
and warts, epee,
cornso and branch;
Who then would endure them
with such
a cheap and effectual remedy .within
reach P
Yukon and Kiondike
IIlustrated Gazeteer
Parties who intend going to the Klondike
Gold Fields or investing in Stock Compan-
ies operating in that country, should send
and get the
The Gazeteer is very extensive, abounding
in Photo Engravings and Maps, and gives
the most reliable information as to routes,
outfitting points, climate, etc. It also con-
tains Wm. Ogilvie's -complete report to date
on the Klondike country's indescribable
wealth which so astounded the Ottawa
By Mail Post Paid for Fifty
Cents, Stamps Received.
ADDIIESS **•al• -i•**its•
The Toronto Newspaper Union,
44 Bay Street, Toronto, Cit.
The Olin Gas and
Gasoline Engines
Fppgg p ora mail' from 2 Hos-se
UEL. Pawner to iU IIarse POwver
and may bo run with gas-
oline, manufactured or illuminating
gas, producer or natural gas.
As gasoline is always'an avail-
able and economical fuel, the Olin
engine was des igued with special
reference to its use. The gasolene
is taken from a, tank (which may,
be located at a distance from and "„moi
below the engine) by a simple pump
and forced into a nixing. chamber,
which is kept hat by the exhaust.
By this system we secure a • perfect vaporizing of the fluid which is
mixed with air before entering the cylinder and a. low grt!de of gasoline may be
used—in fact, almost a kerosene.
The first cost Is Tess than the cost• of installing a steam plant of equal capacity.
No boiler to keep in repair.
No boiler -house or coal storage room required.
No coal, ashes or cinders to cart and handle.
No dirt, dust or soot.
No fire or smoke. (The smoke nuisance is abolished).
No steam or water gauges to watch.
No danger of explosion.
No skilled engineer required.
No waiting to get up steam. ••
No increase in insurance, but in the near future a decrease.
For all Power Purposes
OLE NAGENTSAFOR Toronto Type Foundry Co., Ltd.,
Send for Descriptive Circular and Price List. TORONTO.
1 T while visiting the
IVe would respectfully suggest the advantage
of having your dental work attended to, as we
could save to yon from 25 to 50 ler cent. by so
ding. We will, during Exhibition, allow 25
per cent. off our regular prices, which are al-
ready ady very low considering the quality of the
work done, that is
Best sets of Teeth, reg. SS.00 for 86.00
An excellent sot, guar-
anteed, regular - - 6.50 for 5.00
Perfects Painless Ex-
ti:totin ', regular 50 for 25
Silver Fillings " 75 for 50
Gold Fillings frons 81.00 up.
We are responsible and give a written guar-
antee with any work done. Send card for ap-
Dr. Harrington, Dentist,
120 Yonge St., cog. Adelaide.
4.024k1)0614WW3TAMBOalta‘tin; min
i IN TWO. i
3 We begin the pub-
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Watch for it. Tell
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It costs nothing, tells all about
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will put money in your pockets.
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The simplest and best ftting truss in the world.
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Splendid Equipment and Good SOU Work
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At the top. it i.bas. more teachers, Blore stn..
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Handsome Annual Anhouncement free: Address••,
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