The Exeter Advocate, 1897-8-26, Page 5P Break Up a Cold in Time BY USING PYNY- PECTORAL The Quick Cure for COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, IIRON- CffiTiS, HOARSENESS, etc. MRs. JOSEPH NORwICr, of 63 Sorauren Ave., Toronto, writes: "Pyny-Postoral has never failed to caro my children of croup after a few doses. It cured myself ofn lou .standing cough after several other remedies had failed. It has also preyed an excellent cough cure for my family. I prefer it to any other medicine for coughs, croup or hoarseness." H. 0. BARBOUR, of Little Rocher, N,B., writes : "As a curd for coughs Pyny-Pectoral is the best selling medicine I have; my cus- tomers,rin have no other." Large Bottle, 26 Cts. (, DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., LTn. Proprietors. MONTREAL ire as THE ezetet bu. rtte 1s published every Thursday Morning, at the Utile MAIN -STREET, — EXETER, -- By the--• ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One Dollar per annum if paid in Advance 041.5O if not so pard. 8clzrertf.c3zr.g Mates on .A.risaica- tic= No paper discontinued until all arrearages are pail, Advertisements -without epeoifie directions will be published till forbid and eharged accordingly. Liberal disoouutmacle for transeient advertisements inserted for long_periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, in oney ord- ers, are. for advertising, subscriptions , etc ,to be made payable to Chas. 1i.. Sanders, EDITOR AND PROP Professional Cards. H. KINSMAN, L. D, S. & DR. A. R. KINSMAN, L D. S., D. D. S. Honor graduate of Toronto University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any bad effects. Mee in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street, Exeter. 4/0 E.D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D.S.,) XI, honors Graduate of the Toronto LTni- reity and Royal College of Dental. Surgeons of Ontario, Teeth extracted without lain. All modus of Dentistry up to date. office over Elliot & Elliot's law office—opposite Central Hotel—Exeter. 4 Jtedieal Drs, J A. ROLLINS Sr. T A. AMOS. itesidenees, saaloes formerly OFFICES, Spackman,. building, Main Si. Dr, Rollins' oMee; same as formerly—north door. Dr, Amos' oMee, same building—south door. May Ist, 1808 J. A Rollins, M. 1). T. A. Amos, M. D R.T. P. TLcLAUGii.LIN, MEMBER OF If the College of Physicians and Surge one Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur, Office, Dashwood, Ont. Le RH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIOIT- • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LH,DICKSON,BARRISTER,SOLIOITOR, . of Supremo Court, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, &.e.Money to loan Omoe—Fanson's Bloek,i xoter iiiLi,IOT EI.LIOP&M CKENZIE. BAR - 1 RESTERS, ETC., Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at5 and 5'. per cent. B. V. ELLIOT, Fit ED. ELLIOT, M.MAcxlaz1B• Auctioneers A• BROWN, \Vinchetsea. Licensed Auot- ionoer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township ofUsborne Sales attendea to and ssnbae.Salsrran;edat PoofiiaWin- oholsea. ^ Insurance. E ELLIOT, L Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED. Aden and Women who can work hard tall.- . ing and writing six hours daily, for six flays a week, and will be content with ton dollars weekly. Ad'lress, NEW IDEAS CO , MedieaiBuilding, Toronto Ont. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel $0 31 to 85 Barley Oats Peas ButterEgs ... Potatoes perbag Onions Bed Clover Seed per bushel Hay per ton Dried Apples per lb Turkeys Ducks (xeese . ,...... Chicken \Tool per lb. WANTED, IIELP. Reliable may in" every Iocality, loom or travelling, to introduce a new discovery and keep our show cardstacked up on trees, fences and bridges throughout town and country. Steady employment, commission or salary, $65 per month and expenses, and money de- posited in any bank when started. For par- ticulars write '• The World Medical Electric 'Co.," London, Ont , Canada. 98 TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY. 25 to 26 19 to 92 40to 45 1.0 to 11 10 35 40 $.00 to 53.50 7,00 to 8.00 2;a 7 5 5 1.7 "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" haud• me -down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?S 'NO STYLE, rx NO GOOD. Sl A tailor-made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. .AND WEAR--a11110-- Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes. Choose your cloth and we do the rest. :Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. - CALL— AT THE NEW BUTCHER SHOP FOR-, Beef Lamb, Pork, Corned Beef, Sausage and Bologna. Fish poultry and Game in Season. A discount of 5 per cent. in Cash, or 7 per cent. in Meat will be allowed on all cash purchases. pall and try our new system. Cash. paidfor Bides. One CENTRAL HOTEL, L. DAY, Pro Door outh of Wi()),�,'' :,;.'•, ' U.Ifl 'r IL,"¢'�gT We�,„>� Id CYL .an J.,O 4 ®UG1?.r 1 .,HGUL D TAKE ' PENNYROYAL WAFERS 10 cn metit gul:"ity' and weakness; keep the i„'lrr,l n healthy Condition. Tho Wafers ore -Life S ,z ors ,to young woman, old gr.rrful development, provide pain- . kss ,,.go [a r p,i res Ask for The Detroit bund. All e r ugal4. sell theta at$l per IOL 2 o bottoTs0, cul for women known, Thera was a, white froS t in Winnipeg p g 'Wednesday night, but no damage was done to the `crops.: "How Did She Burn Her face" That Was What People Asked About Our Daughter Dreadful Itching, 1:3urning Erup> tions Cured Smooth, Soft, White Skin Now. "0. I. Rood & Co., Lowell, Mass: " Gentlemen: Our little daughter is now Thur years old. When she was about three months old, she had eruptions on her face which were very disagreeable, and itched so much, especially at night, that it made her trouble a great deal worse. I was obliged to keep her hands tied. at night and it was necessary to watch her during the day. She would scratch herself when- ever she had the chance, until her clothes Would Be Covered with Blood. We had a great many doctors to see her, out they did not help her in the least. It was a terrible task to care for her. When we took her away from home, people would ask, ' How did that child burn her face?' She was completely covered with scabs for a long time. She suffered every- thing. At last we concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparilla, because I had great faith in it, and after awhile we could see that she was getting better. People said she would certainly be left with scars on her face, but she was not. It is now a year since she was cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her face is as Smooth and White and Soft as that of any child. I believe Hood's Sarsaparilla to be the best family medi- cine that can be obtained. I take it my- self for headache and that tired feeling, and I have found nothing to equal it. One peculiarity about Hood's Sarsaparilla is that it is pleasant to take and it is no trouble to induce children to take it. The doctors pronounced my little girl's disease to be eczema, or salt rheum." MRs. WILBL'R WELLS, Warren, Connecticut. N. B. Do not be induced to buy any substitute. Be sure to got Hood's Sarsaparilla The Best—in fact the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1; six for $5. euro Liver Ills; easy to Hood's Pills take, easy to operate. 250. FOR TWENTY$SEVEH YEARS. N BA 4' INC Ps•:WDER THE 000�'S BEST FRIEND LARGESTSALE IN CAl':AD... FALL. IN THE PRICE OF WHEAT The Dollar Nark Was Only a Temporary One, Chicago, Aug, 23, -There was terrific realising around the opening of the mar- ket to -day, local and outside longs, and for foreign account; also, this was too much for the market, which never recov- ered frons the immense weight put upon it, It. gyrated about in nervous jumps, but the tendency was towards lower; prices, and it finally closed at about 40 dealino for the day. There was no change as far as the foreign news was concerned; cables were radically strong and reported a continuando of unfavorable weather in liugland. World's shipments were about up to requirements at 7,200,000 bushels. The market closed with a weak under- tone to -night, and it is piiisible that further profit-taking will cause more de- cline. We think the market is getting into shape, however, again to make pur- chases profitable. Corn—The visible increased 8,449,000 bushels, and stands at 21,956,000 bush- els, against 14,100,000 bushels a year ago. Advices represent that the material advance in this grain within'a few days has induced a larger nlovemenb from. first hands, and the expectation is that for some days to come liberal receipts at Western centers will bo a feature. While this is to be said of the supply, we note the demand is large. Oats—Market is firm with local trade. Advanced views of holders curtails ex- port business 011 spot grain. The specula- tive market shows some reaction, Burglars made an unsuccessful at- tempt to blow open the safe in the plstoffice at Uxbridge, Mr. Robert Meighen, President of the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, estimates the wheat yield of Manitoba at 22,000,000 bushels. The body of Fred Slater, the young Inau who dissappeared after accom- panying Miss Mitchell to Cleveland, was found near Athtabula, Ohio. He was drowned. The remains were forwarded to Galt for burial. John Arnold was instantly killed, and his companion, the fourteen -year- old son of Mrs. Fred. Fitzmartin, prob- ably fatally injured while driving over a railway crossing near Napinee, their rig being struck by a train, WO®D's Pi -Da sPIIOITIN . The Great English Remedy. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and perrpanently. cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Emissions,Sperm- ator•aheca, Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or Excesses, Menta Worry, Mentalexcessive use BeFore and d Fte�. ' of Tobacco, Opium. or Stimu- J ✓ tants, which soon lead to In- flrmity, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. $as been prescribed over 35 years in thousand8 of cases; is the oniy Reliable and Honest Medicine. known. ,Askdrugglstfor Wood's Phosphodine; if bearers some worthless medicine In place of this, inclose price in letter, and we will send by return mail Price, one . package, 01; six, $5. One wi11 please, six will cure. Paniphle is free to any address The Wood Company, Windsor. Ont.,` Canada 'gold in Exeter and everywhere in Canada by, all responsible Druggists.. MR, ORR FINDS AN AXE. Additional Evidence in the Galt ;Murder Case. Galt, Aug, 241,—A great deal of inter- est is still taken in the Orr murder, On Sunday crowds could be soon making their way to the Orr farm. On 1'i'iday last Anthony Orr, in conversation with the doctors who made the post-mortem, was told by one al the doctors that he believed the wounds were made by au axohead. When Mr. Orr trent home he began searching in the lane where it is believed Mrs. Orr was killed, and found among the chips which the boy Allison had raked together a. broad -headed axe with dark spots and some hairs on it. The axe, Allison's overalls and other articles were taken to Toronto to -day to be examined that an expert analyst. It is reported by the sunbonnet which Mrs. Orr usually wore while attending to out- door work was also found yesterday about fifty yards from the house, There was a hole in the side of it. Tito Grain Siragtion. Winnipeg, Aug. 24.—In their weekly reports to the manager, Canadian Pacific railway agents this morning review the progress of the harvest and condition of the crops. Tho weather for the past week was very favorable, and a considerable portion of the crop was out. All intimate that if equally favorable conditions con- tinue little wheat will be loft standing by the end of the current week. The Billnple of new grain is reported. to be plump, though the crop is said to be somewhat irregular in some sections as to yield, but in a few districts is greatly in excess of the average per acre. Heavy rain prevailed at Brandon last night, also in the Carberry district, which will retard work in the harvest fields for a couple of days. There was no reference to irost in any of the reports, The wea- ther is clear and cool to -night. On 'Change here to -clay wheat sold for $1.05, afloat at Fort William. . NORFOLK AND HALDIMAND. ' Jarvis, Ont., Aug. 24.—The results of the threshing in Norfolk and Haldirnand show the yield and quality of wheat to be much better even than the forecasts of the sanguine growers. In many places the yield has exceeded thirty bushels per acre, and on some extra fine land has almost touched the forty -bushel mark. On Burnside farm, Varency, the average yield. of thirty acres is more than thirty- four bushels per aoro, and the quality of the very best. The farmers do not seem disposed to hold on the expectations of a further rise, and the deliveries of Brain at mills and railways are proceeding rapidly. Safe -Crackers at Uxbridge. TJxbricige, Aug. 21.—Last night burg- lars entered the post-otiice here, and with a brace procured from Raham's wagon shop, proceeded to drill the vault door. A hole half an inch in ' diameter was drilled about two inches above the com- bination, .some explosive was inserted and tho fuse attached and lighted. The burglars then appear to have retreated outside to await the explosiou, which promptly followed. The report was heard by Mr. H. H. Crosby, who lives only fifty feet away. He immediately came to his door, and noticed the back door of the post -office open. About the same time a man appeared in sight from behind the building, and, seeing Mr. Crosby, stood and looked,at him a moment. Mr. Crosby asked him what he was doing there, whereupon the man ran away. The alarm was at once given, but 'no clue -could be got to the parties. Fortunately, there is nothing missing from the office. The combination of the vault door is broken, and that is about the only damage visi- ble. Mr. Hamilton, the postmaster, thinks that the inner door of the vault was not opened at all. Winona lady Saved Eroili a Life of Torture Paine's Celery Compound Con- quers After Years of Failures With Other Medicines. Mrs. G. H. Parker, of Winona, Ont., was for eighteen years a complete myrtr to neuralgia, that cruel and merciless tormenter of thousands of old and young in Canada During her long years of agony she had the ser- yices of some of the best medical men, and consumed any quantity of patent medicines, bus all failed to drive of the tyrant that was making Life a burden, At last she was persuaded to test 1h2 power and virtue of Paine's Celery Compound, and the happy results that rewarded her faith are described in the following letter: "I have been a great sufferer from neuralgia for nearly eighteen years;. these sufferings at tunes were so bad that words would fail to describe them. After having tried every known rem- edy and different physicans, and re ceiving no help, I was persuaded to try your Paine's`Celery Compound, which 1 have been using for the past four months 1 am happy to say that I am now a different woman and completely cured, I can reccommend your Paine's Celery Compound to all my friends, for it has been worth hundreds of dollars mf, , Seaforth: Mr. RRobt McKay met with a a•el'y painful accident on Friday while engaged in jointing heading at Coleman's saw mill. His hand came in contact with the saw which badly lacer. ated two fingers. Mr. John Guthrie died nearNewmar- ket aged 110 years. Mr. John K. Clare, Managing Direc- tor of The Lcndan Free Press, is dead. Mrs. Jas. Harrison, of Lambeth, died from injuries received by being thrown out of her carriage in London. St, Marys: Early Friday morning as the people were wending their way to work, several large posters with variegated letters on them were found posted up at the post office, the market square and other places, and the sever- al posters read as follows: " Wanted —A sane man to act as chairman of the town of St. Marys for the 3 ear 1898 Apply to the ratepayers, Jan. Brd,1898." Another read as follows: " Lost -3,- 636 square feet of granolithic sidewalk on the north side Queen street, between Wellington and Water streets. A lib- eral reward will be paid to the discov- erer," Another: 'r Wanted—An in- structor, capable of building a road with a tile drain and level crossing, at the corner of Ring aed Elgin steets. ,.ppl,g,,to the intellecl;ua1 residents in ,the vicinity, Woodstock. Woodstock, Aug. 23.—Word reached town to -day announcing the violent death of Mr. George S. McLeod, First Deputy Reeve of West Zorra. On Satur- day afternoon Mr. McLeod was engaged in manipulating the heavy sheaf -lifter in his barn, when the entire apparatus, weighing about 700 pounds, fell. Mr. McLeod was hit 'on the forehead by a piece of scantling, which inflioted a ter- rible gash. Death was instantaneous. Deceased was a bachelor about 43 years of ago. He was a member of the West Zorra Council for five years and was re- turned three years as County Councillor, and lived with his father, Mr. Angus McLeod, who is over 80 years of age, and one of the pioneers of Oxford County. Joseph Stoneflsh, an Indian hailing from near- Chatham, was charged with stealing a horse from Rev. Mr, Bloods - worth of Thamesford. He was found guilty and sentenced to three years in the - penitentiary. Wm. Mathews, charged with stealing a buggy from W. Raymond" of Norwich, was acquitted. Water in Their Milk�p Cornwall, Ont., Aug. 24.—Silas Hess and John Bremner, of North Williams- burg, illiams- burg, were fined $40 for working too hard at their pumps• before delivering their milk to the factory. James Durant, who denied a similar' charge and 'hesitated about paying, was lined $50. His hesita- tion cost hila $10. is starved blood. It shows itself in pale cheeks, white lips, weak digestion, no appetite, exhaus- tion, lack of nerve force, soft muscles, and, chief of all, weak muscles. Your doctor calls it Anaemia. He will tell you that the weakening weather of sum- mer often brings it on. Scott's Emulsion Mod rn Furniture. /e have made aspecial effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible, Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of l,Eauty and are admired by all who have seen them, Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety, We Sell Cheap. of Cod-liver Oil with Hypo, phosphites, will make poor blood rich.It is a food for over -taxed and weak digestion, so prepared that it can easily be taken in summer when Cod-liver Oil or Izven ordinary foods might repel. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Ont. For sale at 5oc. and $r.00 by all druggists EVERYULDK�FwAM I LYTHAT S Is a very remarkable remedy, both for IN- TERNAL and EXTERNAL use, and won derfttl in its quick action to relieve distress. Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced. We sell cheaper than any house ie. town. R. N. ROWE ^'.'.45,x.!1 ' y .�, '` _... --.-. • r ASuro f; R^r, • c^o^ and .. , E •-. FB, r��lit,";"....1,:^ • 1re3: r1 eai.,;... .,.1 ,. T1 10 r. Pi_ - ,a-- <._, r, ....,., , f, Cramps, Candle, '` t i I s:l sI., 1)_arrhina, Croup, trat i to ,. , TWO SIZES, 23a and i - it, ugU"r1" J' 1i?i'UKT`i,.'u'G'fJf3'E"iOCiITE?'ritL^�"CI^3"t9GG;az al Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones. Fresh Meat. PAIN-KILLERla 8 lure a ire for Sore Tiu'o:tt, Conchs, Ch311'ls, Llnrrha;a, n3,entury, Craneps, Cholera, and all isowel Oomplaiuts. is Ilii • EST rcuI. PAIN -KILLER T kuo„wn for Seca- eIe Slackers Sick Headache, Pain ra tiro Back or Side, Rheumatism and Neuralgia, PAIN -KILLER Ris UR TroNABIY the REST LINIMENT RIADE. It brings SPEEDY AND PEIaD1ANENr Batiste In all cases of Bruises, Cuts, Swains, Severe BUMS, , etc. PAIN -KILLER la the wet t1e d and ftaaswstgi'trudfSlenydohd filet inmedicine always and &Ars re ma internally or externally with certainty antler. Beware of imitations. Take none but (ho genuine "FERRY DAVIS.. Sold everywhere; -to, big Dente. VERY LARGE BOTTLES 60 Cents We intend keeping the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual,. ly sold in the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 50/0 will be given for cash. C. SPELL, - Prop. • • • • • • • • 0 • 0••••• • •O " I�Ef�THOL Di&Li" PLASTER I have prescribed Mon thol Plaster in a.number of cases of neuralgic and rheumatic pains, and ant very much pleased with the effects and pleasantness of its application,—W,.111 (Mins - TER. M.D., Hotel Oxford. Boston. I have used Menthol Plasters in several cases • of muscularrhou st.I' , and find in every ease that atgave al M.D., D.O.ntrenoL —J, B. MooRE M.D., Washington, D.O. • It Cures Sciatica, Lumbago, Neu- ralgia, Pains in Back or Side, or • any Muscular Pains. • Pt iceavis & Lawrence Co., Ltd, o;le. 1 Davis Proprietors, MONTREAL. Leee••••••••i • • • • • • • • • • 1 BRISTOL'S 1 BRISTOL'S BRISTOL'S Sarsaparilla and COATED r = S The Greatest of all Liver, Stomach and Blood Medicines. A SPECIFIC FOR Rheumatism, Clout and Chronic Complaints. They Cleanse and Purify the Blood. All Druggists and General Dealers. r,. rTITTTrrnTTrrrrnvmr r, n , n ,.,,, n TTTTr1. E n ision Is invaluable, if you are run down, as it is afood as well as € a medicine, The D. & L. Emulsion t Will build you up if your general health is E impaired. F. Tho D. & E . Errmulsion [ k Is the best and most palatable preparation of Cod LivrOil, agreeing wt h the most den- care stomachs. The D. & L. Emulsion Is prescribed by the leading physicians of Canada. Emulsion L. The D. t'3i 'marvellous flesh producer and will give .Isa you an appetite., ¢ 50c & �1 per Bottle o., LTD. ; Be sure y'ou, get DAVI$ & LAWRENOE C Lill 4.j..k the genuine I MONTREAL s'111 uu,aauh - „ 11 lALl,,, 14601i THE PALACE .�.ol,.� '�✓ L 0 T H 1 A man must consider his .purchase well these times; he must buy where `fie can do the best. Look at some of these figures; Pants made to order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits 4;9.80 Overcoats $8.09 Black Worsted suits a spec- ial, 812,00 Our $20 blacks' beat all others at $23. Coine and see for y ourself. JANES H. GRIEVE SERVES YOU RIHT If you go and pay more for furniture than you could buy it from us, that is your fault, but don't do it again, We lead in all linen and can saye you quite an item by dealing with us, New Premises. We are getting nicely settled: in our new premises now and our stock is large and varied. Undertaking a Specialty. S. GIDDY & St, OPERA HOUSE Bock Biclyces! Bicycles 11 Bicyles 1I I Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure if so, you should seek first a good wheel. We can furnish you any Of the best wheels made, at lowest prig Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice let of Pianos and organs, call and In- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stock Of sewing machines, baby.":eat- riages, etc. etc. Perkins & Martin, CENTRAL DRUG STORE Those who have used Winan's Cough balsam pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles. Winan's condition and_ cough powders for hors the best in the market, at ways on hand; also Aceto benefacto and Liniment, the medicine so successfully used by Mr. Chas, Munroe Parkhill, in this and other towns, in treating and m- ing r +� - ing various diseases. ' For 5 sale here, 0. L U TZL Drugj1st �