The Exeter Advocate, 1897-8-19, Page 2Subscribers who do not receive their paper Tegltlarlywill please notify us at once. Call at the of5ee for advertising rates, THE EXETER kDVOCATE. Tt1t r11,SDAY, AUGUST 19,1897. The Week's Commercial Summary. The earnings of Canadian Pacific for the last week of July were $667, 000, an Increase of $65,000. Thoman's estimate of the wheat crop of the United States is 580,000,000 bus- hels and of corn 2.650,000,000 bushels. In London the demand oontinnes fair for Canadian bonds, 8 per cents. selling at 1053. Montreal 3's are now selling at par. There was an increase of 2,000 bushels in the world's supply of wheat last week. The amount afloat to Europe is 12,240,- 000 bushels as against 19,120,000 bushels year ago. Toronto dealers are inclined to be bearish on wheat. Farmers and country dealers however are holding off, and get- ting good prices. Old wheat is selling at 75o outside and new at 73c, The gross earnings of Toronto Rail- way for the month of July were excep- tionally large, being $105,381, an increase of $18,821 as compared with the oorres- ponding month of last year, Tho Ortario wheat markets are strong, with fair demand, but tl'e high prices asked by holders prevents business;. Oats are weaker, with large offerings. White sell at 21X to 22e west for export. The visible supply of grain in the United States and Canada increased 1,782,000 bushels the past week, and the total is now 17,814,000 bushels as com- pared with 46, 734,000 bushels a year ago. The continental demand for wheat continues good, and large quantities are said to be engaged at New York and Chicago for shipment in August and September. Receipts at interiorpoints in the United States are larger than last season at this time, R. G, Dun & Co.'s weekly review of trade In the United States says: Dis- patches from almost every northern city of importance report without exception improvement in business, and from De- troit to Seattle and Portland splendid crop prospeots. The task of adjusting the business and industries of the country to conditions created by a new tariff has progressed with gratifying rapidity and ease. The feeling in wholesale business cir- cles at Toronto is rather better than that reported a week ago. The weather gen- erally has been favorable, and suitable for harvesting. The damage reported to crops through the late excessive rains has not been as serious as many anticipated, and the dry weather of the following five days enabled farmers to get in a large portion of outstanding grain in pretty good condition. Toronto mer- chants have ,consequently been filling orders for staple dry goods with more confidence, and the general outlook is encouraging. .A. large business is being reported with the Northwest, where har- vesting has already begun, and a good yield expected. Here and There. How many churches are there in the Kiondyke regions. The shirt waist is so good a thing that It deserves a better name. Is Andrea staying up there, possibly, so as to get Ms book finished on the spot? The business outlook is all right for those who look out all the time for busi- ness. .A misguided plumber down in Auburn, Me., is advertising furnaces and house - heating boilers now! The celluloid comb with which a little Kansas City girl was combing her hair the other night caught fire in her hand, although there was no lamp or artificial light within several feet of her. Was her hair red? There never was, and never will be, a universal panacea, in one remelly, for all ills to which flesh is heir—the very nature of many curatives being such that were the germs of other and differently seated diseases rooted in the system of the patient—what would relieve one i11 in turn would aggravate the other, We have, however, in Quinine Wine, when obtainable in a sound unadulterated state, a remedy for many and grevious ills. By its gradual and judicious use, the frailest systems are led into convalescence and strength, by the influence which Qui- nine exerts on Nature's own restoratives. Itrelieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chronic state of morbid des- pondency and lack of interest in life is a disease, and, by tranquilizing the nerves, disposes to sound and refreshing sleep— imparts vigor to the action of the blood, which, being stiniulated, courses through- out the veins, strengthening the Healthy animal functions of the system, thereby making activity a necessary result,'. strengthening the frame, and giving life to the digestive organs, which naturally demand increased substance—result, im- proved appetite. Northrop & Lyman of Toronto, have given to the public their superior Quinine Wine at the usual rate, and, gauged by the opinion of scientists, this wine approaches nearest Perfection of any in the market. All druggists sell it. Agreed With Bim. "One of the troubles of this period," said the ever -confident politician, "is that we have too much labor-saving machinery." "That's true," replied the ordinary citizen. "There are too many political' bosses with auhemes to save the people the trouble of thinking for themselves:" ''Pheno-Banum," or as it is commonly known, "Quickcure" is well named, as - its promptness in action and safety in general, dental and household use, make. 14 highly commendable. F, 0. BARTLETTE L.D.S., Woodstock, Ont. One Way to Find Ont. Effie's Brother—Do you love my sister Effie? Effie's Steady—Why, Willie, that is a queer question. Why do you want to know? Effie's Brother ---She said last night she would give a 810 note to know,: and I'd like to scoop it in. TOPICS OF THE WEEK HERE S THE NEWS IN SHORT ORDER 1 tettnx^s from all. ('arts of the Globe, Coa- ct i sect and Arranged for Busy Readers. C'. Ai)I,i,N.. Mgr. Bruohesi was consecrated Arch- bishop of Montreal. There is an immense peach crop in the Ni tgeyru district this year. t The C. P. R. are putting concrete bot- tom in the cattle yards at Chatham. Dr. GI•itIin, Medical Health Officer and jail physician of Brantford, is lead. The eight-year-old sou of Mr. William Saw', of Beverley was drowned while bathing. .Toseph Turnbull. aged 70 years, of Guelph, tried to commit suicide by tak- ing awls green, Another case of smallpox is reported in Montreal, a child on. Mortal street being the victim. The Quebec Provincial Board of Health is taking steps to prevent the spread of diphtheria at .tllantmagny. J. W. Russell has been appointed Col- lector of Customs at Ottawa in plaice of the late Benjamin Batson, Tho estate of the late William Duck, the T3uantford stove manufacturer, has been probated, at $199,256.69. The miners of British Columbia say that the new rules issued for the Yukon district are utterly unworkable. The schooner Opal of Yarmouth has been seized by the customs authorities at Moncton for illegally selling liquor. Chief Inspector John W. Murray has brought Mrs. Sternaman back to Can- ada and lodged her in the Cayuga gaol. John Flack, a resident of St. Cathar- ines, was on Saturday morning run over by a runaway team, and instantly killed. The prolonged rains of the past few weeks have been very injurious to the cereals at the Ottawa Experimental farm. John. Twohey, to whom the Cbntham City Treasurer paid a $50 bill in mis- take for $5, was sent to jail for three months. The Dominion Minster of Militia has authorized the holding of the usual au- tumn camps of instruction for the militia. The grievance committee of G.T.R. employes have settled their difficulty with the officials at Montreal and left for home. A proposal to change London's by-law re the sale of cigarettes, sous to reuuce the license fee from $50 to 825, has been abandoned. Fred Loughead of Sarnia won the quarter and one mile bicycle champion- ship of America at the L. A. W. meet at Philadelphia. The forty new elevators to be erected at stations on the C. P. R. in Manitoba will increase the storage capacity by 1,000,000 busbeis. The Dominion Government, according to a Winnipeg despatch, is considering the question of opening a route into the Yukon via Edmonton. The huge run of salmon on the Fraser River contiuues and all the canneries have placed a limit on the number to be taken from each boat. Mr. John Munro, a school principal of Ottawa and President of the Provincial Teachers' Association, died at the Toron- to General Hospital on Saturday. Mr. Burt, of Chatham, has shipped to Kingston a oonsignment of ginseng root, which is so .highly prized by the Chinese. It is quoted at $8.60 per pound. The Bank of New Brunswick has notified all of its special depositors that after August 16th the rate of interest upon deposits will be reduced to 3 per Dent. In an appeal case at Barrie, Judge Ardagh decided that the poles and wires of the Bell Telephone Company were assessable, and liable to taxation by the town The Rev. Alex Sutherland, D.D., general secretary of French Methodist missions, statedthat there were no more qualified missionaries for French mission work. It is reported that the typhoid fever epidemic which caused the death of nine people of the Township of East ZoiTa last year has broken out afresh in the same locality. Montreal's reception to Sir Wilfrid Laurier will likely take the form of a Laurier day at the Exposition, to be fol- lowed by a banquet given by the Board of Trade. Manitoba millers have advanced the price of flour in Montreal 25 cents a bar- rel, the third raise within the past few weeks, largely due to the increased cost of wheat. The line of the Pembroke Southern railway is now being located. It will connect the Ottawa, Arnprior and Owen Sound railway. The distance to be built is twenty miles. Deer are eating the grain on the farms in the Upper Gatineau, and the farmers don't know whether to break the law and slay the deer or keep the law and lose the grain. Gen. -Manager Hays of the Grand Trunk Railroad has appointed S. King master car builder of the middle and northern divisions, and placed him in charge of the London shops. Judge Angers, Quebec, brother to ex- Lieut.-Governor, x- Lieut.- overn r Province G o , ov co of Quebec, writes: " 'Quickcure' has always given relief to my child from toothache. It is also good for cuts and burns. Thieves entered Garland's general store at Portagela Prairie, and Mr. Ormand, the caretaker, fired on them: One of them returned the fire, wounding the caretaker in the left shoulder. Freedom from smut is a characteristic of the Manitoba wheat crop this year, which the C. P. R. Is making great pre- paration to move out of the Northwest. A most bountifddl crop is expected. Mails for the Yukon country are not yet definitely arranged for. The best ad- dress for the present is Fort Cudahy, via Victoria, B. C., from which point they will be forwarded by the Mounted Police: The Canadian Pacific Railway Corn: pany has declared a dividend of 8 per cent. on the preference and 134 per cent. on the common stook for the ball year ended June 30th 'last, payable , October 1st The Behring Sea Seizure Commission will meet in Halifax on the 25th Inst„ when it is expected that arguments on both sides will be concluded, and possibly the decision of the commissioners handed down. Frank Smith, the colored man who slashed David Merriman, also colored, fit Weaner's Hotel while the races were on at the Hamilton Jockey Club traok, was sentenced by Magistrate •Jeffs to Kingston Penitentiary for three years. The Dominion Government has com- pleted forty miles more of the telegraph line on the north shore of ,the St. Law- rence, It is intended to extend the line forty-four miles more this summer, to Natashgnan, where an office will be epoxied this fall. Particulars of the cloudburst near Sussex, N.B., on Sunday, show much damage to the roads and farms. Root crops were literally washed out of the ground. bridges destroyed and meadows inundated. Some farmers are left with their bare land denuded of all its vege- tation. During the month of July the total exports from the port of Toronto amounted to $468,371. The principal items were as follows: Lumber, $54,969; cattle, 259 head, $2,792; sheep, 21 head, 5855; butter, 13,266 pounds, $1,592; cheese, 10,058 pounds, $1,545; meats of all kinds, 1,997,330 pounds, 5198,399; wool, 225,608 pounds, $43,202; barley, 10,130 bushels, 82,836; flour, 506 barrels, 83,218; liquors, 1,438.34 gallons, $3,353; wood, manufactured, 810,484. UNITED ST ETES. It is stated in Boston that the fate of the Massachusetts Benefit Sooiety is sealed. Missoeri City, near Houston, Texas, is reported to have been destroyed by a Dyclone. At Harris, Ala., a negro who attempt- ed to assault a young woman was arrested and lynched. Albert Harrison, a travelling agent, of Leeds, England, was thrown from a car- riage and killed at Catskill, N. Y. Judge Tuley decided on Friday that the Chicago ordnance establishing a vehicle tax, including bicycles, is void. Dr. Fred, W. Evelyn, of San Francisco, claims that he has discovered a perfect drink cure In injootions of horses' blood. The United States battlesliip Indiana has sailed from Newport for Halifax, where she will be docked, .oleaned and painted. David Angel, farmer, aged 80, was killed near Point Peninsula, N. Y. His horse was stung by bees. Augel was dragged a mile. \o information bearing on the selec- tion of an abitrator for the dispute be- tween Japan and Hawaii has been re- ceived by the officials of the Japanese legation at Washington. C. S. Parke, M.D., Quebec: "I certify that I have employed, with marked suc- cess, the Pheno-Banun or 'Quickcure,' in burns and certain wounds; and can thoroughly recommend its employment." Officials at Washington deny the report published in Madrid 'that the United States would undertake the protection of the Cuban insurgents if the pacifica- tion of Cuba is not accomplished within four months. Mr. A. Booth, of Duluth, Minn., has protested against the duty of a quarter cent a pound levied on fish caught in Canadian waters and brought into the United States. He will make of the col- lector's levy a test case. FOREIGN. The Japanese Government has ordered from Germany a nine thousand ton bat- tleship. It is stated that a site has been select- ed in Killarney for a Royal residence in Ireland. Trouble bas arisen on the Turko-Per- sian border, and both Governments are despatching troops. The court at Paris has upheld the will of the late Edmond de Goucuurt, the distinguished French writer. In the recent fighting before Fort Chakdara two thousand seven hundred of the tribesmen were killed. The Imperial Government has decided to build a harbor and graving dock at Simonstown, in Cape Colony. The steamer Belgic, with the south pole exploring expedition on board, will leave Antwerp on August 15th. The Carlists expect that Don Carlos will be at the head of his forces in Spain before the end of February next. During the past week London experi- enced a hot spell, the thermometer in one instance going up to ninety. The Emperor and Empress of Germany arrived at Cronstadt on Saturday, and were cordially received by the Czar. Owing to the unexpected bad harvest the Russian Government intends to pro- hibit the exnortation, of grain this year. There has been a veritable epidemic of suicides in Paris for some weeks past, the heat adding to the number of cases. The cloudbursts and inundations which have devastated the eastern part of Ger- many have caused a serious loss of life. The Vatican, including the Pope him self, is actively engaged in a campaign to stimulate the revenue from Peter's pence. The Gaulois of Paris says that under the French treaty France will benefit by any advantage Canada gives Great Britain. The Cologne Gazette says that the pro- posal of Germany for European control of Greek finances has been accepted by the powers. An explosion occurred at the cartridge factory at Rustcliuk, Bulgaria. Fifty-six persons were killed outright and many others were injured. Michele Angine Gdlli is the name of the murderer of Premier Canovas of Spain. Be is a Neapolitan Anarchist, and committed the crime to avenge the deaths of the Barcelona bomb -throwers. The American jubilee fund, which was started for the purpose of raising money to establish beds in perpetuity in the chief London hospitals, has been closed. The subscriptions amounted to twenty- one thousand dollars. Mr. Collingwood Schreiber, ; chief en- gineer of the Department of Railways and Canals, has returned from an. fo- spection of the Soulanges canal. Work is progressing rapidly, and he expects the canal will be completed next year, Rev: Edgar B. Husband,' The Rec- tory, PaspebiacQuebec, writes: "I have i great pleasure n testifying to the efficacy, of 'Quickoure.' I have used it after all other .remedies 'failed, . and found almost instant relief. I always keep it with n o r Wy• . 1d, • Grasett ."4 &Darling ns OS • ***• �******"1*r**t*** Samples on Application. 44444.444444.00.4** *•k**:k*#**1t*ink*****it'k* l ****,kiMt:lc****lark** Letter Orders Carefully Filled Wholesale dealers in Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Woollens, Tailors' Trimmings, Men's Furnishings, &c., invite Dry Goods Merchants and Merchant ,Tailors to inspect their splendidly assorted stock which is maintained all the year round, eat' elk .4 Overalls, in Peady-Made Clothing, Pants, Overalls, Shirts, Etc., from our own Factory. • qtr '1?j TORONTO. Ali; '/•®'/"•%/P''/•./'/'./•f••�'/•,/•/•�,•/%/%%9•%®•/1r•// '►►���-4��►l-�i-+�►`+��+�►r�iil�►l-�+!•fes-etl�� • Nita: Nith• 'NW • The Moral Element. "It must take moral courage to defy convention as you do," The chanteuse gestured deprecatingly. "At the shrine of art," she answered, earnestly, "there is no place for the casuistical distinctions between the moral and the immoral." Such was her devotion to the high ideals of her calling, be it said in pass- ing, that it had taken no more than six brief rehearsals with her press agent be- fore she had become able to say those things. Dr. W. Geo, Beers, Montreal, Editor Dominion Dental Journal, writes: "Dr. levers has been fortunate enough to pro- duce a preparation, which really has no rival, in the Materia Mediea of dentistry. I have investigated its merits, and find it, without exception, the most useful and convenient preparation for the pur- pose I have inet with. We know very well, too, that Chemists sell a lot of pre- parations which do more harm than good. From personal experience, 'and the unanimous verdict of Dr. Ievers' con- freres in Quebec city and Montreal, we have no hesitation in recommending Pheno-Banum or 'Quickcure,' not only as an invaluable addition to dental therapy, but as a family friend in emer- gencies, whore one cannot at once reaoh the dentist." His Real nlntive. Storekeeper—Did you ride 'way in here jes' ter buy that gallon uv whisky, Ab- ner? Abner—W'y, eonsarn yes hide, Silas 1 yew orter know I wouldn' leave my farm right in ther middle uv plantin' an' ride 'way in here just ter buy a gallon uv whisky. I kein ter town ter day pupus ter buy my wife a spool uv white cotton thread, an' gol darn my buttons of I hadn't clean forgot all about that thread until you spoke.—Judge. I have used Pheno-Banum or "Quick - cure" for sufficient time to thoroughly test its merits, In cases of ordinary tooth- ache, from exposed nerve, it is very, good; especially for children's teeth; in oases of inflammation of the root mem- brane, it is also valuable; and unlike most remedies, the longer I use it, the better I like it. I should not now wish to be without it. CLAYTON W. WELLS, L.D.S., Waterloo, Ont. Different Surroundings. Dunstan—Is Mrs. Loudleigh the talk of the seaside as she was of the opera all winter? Peters—Oh, yes; but we don't hear her so plainly here, as the sea makes so much more noise than Wagner, you know. Dr. S. J. Andres, Beaver Hall, Mont- real, writes: "I have used 'Quickcure' for many accidents this summer. One very bad cut from a scythe, was healed in a wonderfully short time—in one week cure was complete. For burns and sores, it is really far better than any remedy I know of; it is mild and safe to use', and it makes a spleudid plaster to relieve pain where Aconite or Belladonna might be dangerous if absorbed." Excellent Reasons exist why Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil should be used by persons troubled with affections of the throat or lungs, sores upou the skin, rheumatic pain, corns, bunions, or ex- terual injuries. The reasons are, that it is speedy, pure and unobjectionable, whether taken iuterually or applied out- wardly. The Ocean's Capacity. It has been computed by geographers that if the sea were emptied of its, wa- ters, and 'all the rivers of the earth 'were to pour their present floods into the va-• cant space, allowing nothing for evapor- ation, 40,000 years would be required to bring the water of the ocean up to its present level. Dr. Chas. E. Elliott, M.D., Quebec, surgeon Queen's Own Canadian Hussars, writes: "I have used Pheno-Banum (or, 'Quickcure') with much success in many cases of foul and suppurating wounds; especially in one case following vaccina- tion, which resisted all treatment for three months, that was quickly cured, by four dressings of the above. I am Low using it in many forms of skin diseases, and ulcers with apparent benefit." This is the most enlightened end of the enlightened. nineteenth century, and yet in deference to the superstition of many travelers the number thirteen has not been used in the numbering of the staterooms of a recently completed steam- ship sailing from New York How's This 2 We offer One Hundred Dollars Seward for any ease of Catarrh that cannot be enr'ed by Hall's Catarrh Core. F. S. CHENEY & CO. Props., Toledo O. We the undersigned, have known P J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him, perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists', Toledo 0. Welding, Finnan & Marvin, Wholesale Dreg - gists Toledo, Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken istternall ,, actin directly upon the blood anti mneous 1acaps o the tem u system. Price 76c. gg per bottle. sold b a� p y me. Dru lets T tl The Olin Gas and Gasoline Engines THE OLIN ENGINES FUEL.are made from 2 Horse Power to 40 Horse Power and may be run with gas- oline, manufactured or illuminating gas, producer or natural gas, As gasoline is niways an avail- able and economic•,, t fuel, the Olin engine was desi; tied with special reference to its use. The gasoline is taken from a tank (which mayor;' be located at e distance from and below the en :fue) 1 y- a simple pump For all Power Purposes1 SIMPLEST, STRONGEST, STEADTFST, MOST ECONOMICAL, and forced ,)ito a mixing chamber, which is kept bot by the exhaust, By this system eve secure a perfect vaporizing of tLe fluid which is mixed with air in use enterin, the cylinder and a low grade of gasoline may be used—in fact, aln,uat a kerva.ue. ADVANTAGES OVER STEAM. The first cost Is ,less than the cost of ins;ailing a steam plant of equal capacity. No boiler to keep in repair. No boiler -(louse or coal storage room required. No coal, ashes or cinders to cart and handle. No dirt, dust or soot. No fire or smoke. (Thersmoke nuisance is abolished). No steam or water gauges to watch. No danger of explosion. No skilled engineer required. No waiting to get up steam. No increase in insurance, but in the near future a decrease. THE OLIN GAS ENGINE MAY BE PLACED ANYWHERE IN YOUR SHOP. IT REQUIRES VERY LITTLE FLOOR SPACE. SOLE AGENTSFOR CANADA, Toronto Type Foundry Co., Ltd., Send for Descriptive Circular and Price List. TO R0 NJ TO. Grappling With the Difficulties. Caddy—Have you played much golf yet? Links—Oh, dear, nos I expect to be ready to play in another year. This sea- son I am giving to a study of the names of the things you use in the game.—Boston Transcript. An Old Gem Reset. "Wadsleigh is something of a fisherman, isn't he?" "Perhaps he le, perhaps he is, but in t3usiness matters I always found him per- fectly reliable. "—Detroit News. Social Cruelties. "Why do you have a plush chair on your piazza in such bot weather, Miss Julia?" "We have to have it. We always offer 1t to men whom we don't care to have stay all evening."—Chicago Record. Filling the Bill. Visitor—Say, old man, this pioture is absolutely meaningless. Artist—I'm glad to hear you say that. It is an illustration to a magazine poem. Evidence. Mrs. Smith—Yes, of course my hus band has plenty of money now, but he was pretty hard up when he married me. Mrs. Brown—He must have been. If UICKCURE' CURES ALL PAIN. SOLD EVERYWHERE 25c., 50c., and $1.00. WILL RUN A FARM LABORERS' AUG. EXCURSION 18 T ALL Fob TIONS INA And the Canadian MANITOBA Northwest. West of Winnipeg to and including MooseJaw, Estevan and Saltcoats. Frorn all Stations in Ontario, Windsor, Mattawa and East. Upon presentation of certificate at destination, properly filled silt and signed, Ticket for the return trip will be issued to starting point for 314.00: saaPull particulars and Leaflet from any Can- adian Pacific Ry. Argent, Splendid Equipment and Good Solid Work —Have placed the - 06, COW- AO% i x.40 OF TORONTO, Aelntthse antodoa. ssIitsts asmamn o�rme otreeacyhoeur sn,gmmoorne satnud women into good maidens than env tiller Can- adian Business Sehool. Get particulars, Enter any time, Write W B, SHAW, Principal. Youge and Gerrard Streets, Toronto, • TEN THOUSAND i Women in Canada use Indurat- ed Fibreware Pails and Tubs. They do this heotuse Indurated Fibreware: Is boopless, therefore cannot fall apart; Is seam- less, therefore cannot leak. No other kind of Pails and Tubs possesses these qualities—No other tia kind lasts as long. ASK YOUR GROCER "R INDURATED FIBREWARE The E. B. EDDY CO. Limited Hull. Montreal, Toronto. T. N. Q. 128 0♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦♦♦♦t•• We Always have on hand •••I • • • • • • a large stock of s 2D HAND ♦ MATERIAL ♦ in Type, Presses, s yp , ♦ Paper Cutters, • Stands, Cases, i