HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-8-19, Page 1•0001•10•01,......"
Notice is hereby given that trespassing for
the purpose of moluug Lorries on the prem-
ises of the undersigned is strictly forbidden.
and all parties found on said Premises will
be prosecuted according to law.
PaonTv, Stephen.
The undersigned offers for sale a splendid
threshing machine outfit:Separator, engin e,.
and boiler, tank, etc. The whole : outfit will
be sold at a bargain and on easy terms. Ap-
ply 0 Jonsenitononn,
The undersigned has a few good 'farms for
sale oheap. *Atouoy to loan ou easy terms,
Joxi SrAmor
Samwell'S Block Exeter,
Lot 0, concession 3, township of tsborne,
.ig offered for rout 1.‘y the undersigned, It is
CIAG or the best farms in the township, con-
taininK one-hnudred acres and has every
convenience. This farm will be let, to d good
tenant for o. term of years and possession to
Plow will bo given immediately.
Apply to MAT. Xur.i.s.3.7,, DOV011..
Mr..Toseph Tanen will offer for sa1 t t
Urand Bend ou Friday, Atig,ust 20th. 1>-07, at
two o'clock p. in.. his two farms, being Lot
1, B. Concession, Township of Stephen, con -
tabling in acres; and. Lot IA, concession t,
Township of Stephen, containing b; acres,
Good house, barn and orchard on emir farm.
and the laud in good state of cultivation.
Terms made known ou day of sale or on ap-
plieation to John Sherritt, Ilarpley P. 0,
WANTED. Mrentit,f;,!'..'9X1r1 attn°iilir‘;
Jubilee." Overflowing with latest and rich-
est Mc titres. Contains the endorsed blogra-
Phv of Her Majesty, with authentic Bistory
rernarkalle reign, and full account of
the Diamond •Ribilee Only S1,50. Big book.
Tremendous demand, Bonanza for agent.
Commission 50 per emit. Credit given.
Freight paid. Omit& free. Duty paid, Write
quick for outfit and territory. THE DOMIN-
ION COMPANY, Delft, 7, b.; Dearborn St,.
The annual Harvest Home Thanks- Mr, George Brown has been sufer-
Notice of Rates
Per Annum a night per x6 0. P.
xst Parlor ' $2 So4-5c
Extra parlor x So 1-2
Dining Room, 2 75 x1.3
Kitchen 275 1-3
Bed room I. 75 2-5
Spare room x 56 • 1-6
Cellar, 8 0. P. 90 x -s
CORMOItellAL .1-4116-11T14.
der x6 C. P, per A,nnum or rk etsper night
Ito 5 $. 45o
5 to to 440
Jo to is 4 25
15 to go 410
4 00
25 and over 3 go
WIRING. General practice has proved it
— satisfactory for the con-
sumer to own everything within his Walls.
1110 aboye moderate rates are on thio basis
and in order to secure them the following
nominal truing charge is made with lamps
complete :
Cleat—suitable for stores al 3o per light
Concealed " " residences, i 70 "
To be paid in ten equal monthly install-
Or Sr 25, i6o cash on starting alights,
Any special information may be obtained
fret)) the uudersigned,
E. 0,0. TREMAINE, Mau.
A brass bend has been organized
here.—Mr. 0. Hartleib has moved, his
hardware stock lute his new store,—
air David Gottchalk has moved iuto
Sirs, Waiper's house.—J. O. Cringer
rich has bought the farm of the late H.
Weideman, for the sum of 84,25.—Mr.
H. Eicker attended a union Bible coa-
youtioi at C1'evcland last week.
Voters' List 1897.
STEPII,EN, COUNTY OP 111:1tON, Some time during Monday night or
Tuesday morning' entrance was gained
mitted or delivered to the persons mention- tO DOWnitig'S butchei shop by break
eul in sections 5 aryl 0 of Tito ()Merle's Voter's ing a puts of glass in the front window.
L Lists Act,18‘,0, the collies required by said see-
arm co be so transmitted or delivered of The contents of the till, amounting to a
list made purstuint to said Act, of all persons
a ppettring" by the last revised assessment roll rn .
little over $5, was appropriate. -0n
sit the said Municipality to be entitled to J. tieSnaV morning Jas. Whalen eland
vote in the Municipality at elections for
Members of the Legislative .A.ssem lily and at
Municipal Elections, and th at said list was
first posted. up a t my office in Stephen on the
3Oth da- ofauly, l$' end remains there for
Netice is hereby given that 1 have ,trans -
Electors are called upon to examine the
/ said. list, and, if arty omission or any other
orrery are founul therein, to take immediate
proceedings to have said errors corrected iia -
cording to law.
Da tett this 30th day of July. 1807.
CussTsu PuouTv,
and Grate
Do not fail to get
our prices before plao-
ing your order.
& Silver
one of bis best horses dead in the stable;
He had be -en alright the night before
and it is supposed he was killed by
lightning the big storm of Mon-
de,ht The buildinp, was not
loop &
1 EXETER . .
y g ,
struok but a.n open window near the
horseis head and another behind him Grand Bend Pak,
could account. for this. The loss is a
serious one for the owner.
giving dinner of the Boston Methodist
Church, will be held Wedeesday, Sept.
8th.—M, Y. McLean, M. P. P., of Sea -
forth, paid our village rt flying visit on
Saturday.—We are pleased to report
that May Wilson and Geo. Gleedenning
passed second forra examination with
honors.—The Post Master General has
sent our Postmaster a new hook entitled
" Condensed Postal Guide "to be sold to
the public for the small sum of 3 cents,
Thames Road.
Threshing is the order of the day in
this vicinity.—Henry Passmore pur-
chased a horse from W. Armstrong' last
week.—L Duncan spent Tuesday
in 'elitchell.—Charles Harris left these
parts for Manitoba last Wednesdas.—
Miss Polly, of Goderich, is visiting- at
Manse.—The Misses S. and L Musser
were visiting their brother last Satar-
clay and Sunday.—Wesley Armstrong
had one of his calves badly hurt
in the wire fence last week—Last week
while Arch. Bishop was eutting with
the binder the team became unmanage-
able and ran away. Mr. Bishop got
fastened in the macineery ltad was
dragged a cousiderable distance result-
ing in one of his hands being badly
cut and torn and a. thorough shaking,
up The hinder was also badly smash-
McGillivray Council
Council met pursuaut to adjourn
mat in Town Hall, McGillivray, 2nd
August. Present, J. D. Drummond,
Reeve; T. Prost and II Hutchinson,
Deputy Reeves1N, Grieves :And M. Mil-
ler, Councillors. Minutes of previous
meeting read, approved of and signed.
Prest—Miller, that in regard to the
communication of Fraser and Fraser,
re Artemus Bice's claim for damages,
this council agrees to pay Mr, Bice the
sum of 625 in full of all claims fordam-
ages and annoyonce in consequence of
any action of the Municipal Council of
the township of aIeGillivray.—Carried.
Miller—Prest, that the several accounts
amounting in all to 8498 58.—Carried.
Grieve—Hutelainson, that this council
adjourn to meet in the Town Hall oa
the first Monday in September at one
o'clock p. m.—Carried.
Wet. FaesEre Tp,
During the thunderstorm on Monday
lightning struck the barn of Mr. Geo.
B. Webster, Mitchell road, and set it on
fire, Another largo barn withiu 10
feet of it was also destroyed by the
Ilames. Mr. Webster was at his father's
at the time, About 8:30 the bolt struck
and in 10 seconds the whole building
was in a sheet of fiame. Mrs. Webster
ran to the stable and got out the horses
but everything else was a total loss.
Besides 25 tons of hay, 14 acres of
wheat, and a large quantity of last
year's grain, his wagons, harness im-
plements, etc., were consumed. Loss
over $3000; insured in the Blanshard
Mutual for $1100 on buildings and $600
on contents,—Mr. Arch McDonald, of
Thames con,, had his house, struck by
lightning and considerably damaged
on Sunday afternoon.
William Richardson, of Bicidulph, is
very ill with congestion of the lungs.—
Mr. Alexander Cunningham, ah ex -
teacher at No 2, was renewing old ac-
quaintances there last week. Ee is at
present teaching at Fairview, near Ot-
tawa] City.—Anthony Bennett, who
is engaged with the Smith & Bennett
threshing company, met with a serious
accident on Saturday afternoon while
feeding the machine. Pat Heenan, who
was cutting the bands, made a bad
gash across the back of his hand.—Miss
Eva Jensen, of Ludington, Mich, and
Miss Mable Darvel, of London, are the
guests of Miss Ella Revington.—Quite
a number of our young men intend
taking in the harvest excursion to
Manitoba.—Owing to the excessive
rains the farmers are very slow in fin-
ishing their harvest. Almost every
day we are treated to a dreoching rain.
—Mr John Glavin has rented his farm
on the 2nd con. of McGillivray, to Mr.
Thos, Caves, of TJsborne.—Mrs. Robbins
of London, is visiting at Mr. Dennis
Farmer's, McGilliv ray. a -James Ander
son, who was a delegate fitr Claude
boye I. 0. F. to Brantford last week, re-
ports a good time. --W.. W. Thonsp
son, who has been spending his vaca
tion with friends. near Mooresville, has
returned to his school, near Toronto.—
Mr, John Coleby, who has been visiting
his parents at Mooresville has returned
to his home in Michigan.—Mr. A Lang
ford, of London, preached at Nursery
on Sundays—Mr. Edsel Collies, of Clan-
deboye, who bad a surgical operation
performed on him in the London Hos-
pital a few weeks ago, is we are glad
to state able to be around again.—The
barns of Z. Tennant, near Lucan was
destroyed by fire on Tuesday night
last, together with all the contents, con-
sisting of all the season's grain that
was harvested and two horses Loss
about $2000. We ha Ve Lot learned
whether it was insured or not.
New arrivals registered atpark from
Aug. 4th to Aug. 14th —Mrs. G. Sam -
well, Mrs. H. Samevell, Exeter; Mrs. R.
Seldon, Ingersoll; Charles Greib and
family, Zurich; August Hill and
Crediton; Miss L. Smith Milver-
ton ; Miss Moyer, Wellsley, Misses Mary
Johnston, Blanche Petty, A. Petty, M.
Smallacorabe, Miss Reynolds, Hensall ;
L. Croysdale, Whitley York, S England
Mr. and laIrtf: J. Wright, Misses M
Wright, P. Wright, E. Wright, R
Wright and Mr. E. Wright and Miss E.
•Sutherland, Strathroy. The Rector,
choir, and bell ringers, of Trivitt Me-
morial church, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs.
Dan Dyer, Mrs. Perdue, Mr. and Mrs.
Shannon, John Hyndman, M. D., G. P.
Hyndman, Exeter; Mr. and Mrs. D.
Tennent, A. H. Talbot, Gordon H. Ten-
nent, Harlie Teunent, London; Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Huston and family, Miss
Mabel Kemp, Exeter; W. J. Clelland
wife and family, Stratford; James Mil-
ler and wife, Exeter, R. B. Hungerford,
London; W. T. Atcheson, wife and
children, Thomas Oke and wife, Robert
Sanders, Mrs. Fred Williams, Edward
Heanke, Mrs. Jas. Oke, Exeter; H. Gil-
christ, wife and family, Montreal, Que ;
Mrs. D. Stewart, A. C. Stewart, Ailsa
Craig; C. A. Paul and wife; Miss
Bertha and Willie Paul, Coldstream;
W. L. Brown and wife of the Free Pres
Londou; Henry Parsons and wife, J.
Stanla.ke and wife, Exeter.
ing the past week from a sore hand re
suiting; from a deep cut, which turned
to blood poisoning. --The infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Stonemen passed
away on Friday morning of last • week,
and the remains were interred in the
Rodgervilie cemetery on Saturday last.
Service was conducted at the home, in
whicli all the resident ministers took
pert 'rhe floral wreaths were meaty
and the funeral large, testifying to the
respect: and sympathy felt for the be-
rea,veci parents. --The briekwork ef
Messrs. Carlisle, Foss and. Millar's new
block is nearing completioo and when
finished will present a very fine appear-
auce.—Mr. Charles Manes, of this vile
lage, was united in matrimeny, 00
Monday evening last, in the township
of Brant, to a Miss McIntyre; of that
township. On Tuesday evening a re-
ception party was given the young
eeuple, at the residence of Mr. R. Ben.
gough, brother in-law of the groom.—
Thomas Welsh Lias sold his hand
sense brick house, on the west side of
the railway traeli, to Jantes Clark,
of the firm of Brown and Clark.—Mr.
°Task has exchanged his present dwell -
lug property with Mr, Peter Triggerron
who will shortly move into it. Mr
Welsh has purchased Mr, Triggerson's
present house from Mr. Clark, Thus
our village keeps constantly stirriag
and changing,—While working on the
roof of a building at Zurich, Alex. Tate
' tor had the misfortune to have it ladder
slip from under him and he fell on a
, pile of stones below, lighting on his
feet The cords of one foot IN ere badly
stretched. '
Miss Martha Clark, who has been vis-
iting friends here, returned to London
last week,—Jas. Carter is building a
new fence around his place which will
add greatly to its appearance.—A num-
ber of our citizens attended the exeur
sion to Sarnia. They report a good
time atlhough it rained every day,—
Harry Jell, wife and two children are
visitin,,o• his parents of this place.—Mrs
N. IVIcA.voy, of Exeter, paid a flying
call to our village Monday —Mrs. Grey,
of Loudon, is visiting friends around
town.—Mrs. O'Brien, of London, is vis-
iting friends in and around town,--
Messre. Geurge Sellars, Abe and Brittle
Cunningham, Mike Boyle, Wm, Gie
mour and Mr. Bradley, left for Mauito-
ba Tuesday morning. Success boys. —
A. very sad event occurred in our
neighborhood 00 Sunday last, it being
the sudden death of Wm. Morgan, of
the 4th con, of McGillivray, at the age
of 53 years. He was ell from an attack
of apeendicitis only one -week and dur
ing that time hopes were entertained
for his reeovery, but he died Sunday
afternoon at about 5 o'clock, Deceased
was highly respected as shown by the
large concourse of friends following at
the funeral. He leaves a wife and
three children te mourn his death, The
bereaved family have the sympathy of
the nom mum t
Ansa Or=
The death of Mrs. Absolam Peters,
took place on Saturday last. Mrs.
Peters has been a sufferer for years and
was in her tlSth year at the time of her
release. The funeral took place from
her late resideec'
e cou. 7, 'McGillivray,
on Monday, 'Jth iust, to Marr's Hill
cemetery and was largely attended,—
.A. Most pleasing social event enured on
Tuesday afternoon last at the residence
of Mr John S. Cameron, when his only
daughter, Miss Winoifred Irene, was
united in marriage to Duncan Macar-
thur, Esq, V.S., of Lynn Farm, East
Williams. The marriage service was
most impressively performed by Rev.
Dr, Dewar, pastor of the Presbyterian
.Geenrchee at Ailsa Craig ancl Carlisle.—
On Monday Councillor John alcNaugh-
ton, of East Williams was driving east-
erty on the Main Street of the village,
having two of his little girls with him
in an open buggy, the reins were held
with slackened hand and became cross-
ed Mr. McNaughton struck the horse
two or three times with his whip and
betweencrossed lines and the uuex
pecteci whipping the animal became
frightened and turned into McKenzie's
blacksmith shop, as the buggy struck
the sidewalk Mr. McNaughton was
thrown out, his head against the build-
ing, his body a,t full length with face
downwards, sustaining a fracture of the
nose and severely shaken internally,
Fortunately the horse and buggy en-
tered the shop without the vehicle
touching the door -posts on either side
and the little girls were unharmed al-
though much frightened. Had the
wheels collided with the post the results
must have been serious if not fatal.
Fullerton: A little Son of Mr. Con
rad Felz, fell off a fence the o her day
and broke one of his arms.
• Oentralia
Mrs, Wiliam Lewis and daughter,
Emma, returned home from Palmerston
on Wednesday, where they have been
on a visia—Mrs. Nichol and son, of
London, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Metz,—Mr. Graham, wife and
family, of London, are visiting Mr.
Wilson. Anderson.—Mrs. Giuter, ac-
companied by her family, of St. Cath-
arines, is visiting her father, Charles
Eilber.--E. B. Scott and daughter, Mad-
eline, of Philadelphia, Penn., are the
guests of Mr. and Mrs, Jacob Edber.—
Miss -Wurm. of Zurich, visited her
brother, Edward, last weeke—Mrst Shel-
ton, who has been visiting her permits,
Mr. and Mrs. 3, Trevethick, returned
to her home in Detroit Saturday.—Mr. I
and Mrs, W.Kuntz, of Exeter, were the
guests of Mr, and Mrs. Eilber on Sun-
day.—Richard Baker bas beet) engage
ed at Messrs Brown SePreeter's.—Word
was received from Columbus, Ohio, on
Friday that Christian Felber, broth-
er of Jacob, Christopher, Frederick' and
Charles Eilber, of this village, had died.
Deceased visited here last semmer.—
The grounds around the church luxe
been levelled off. --The publie school
opened on Monday.—The senior base-
ball club of Exeter, played the return
match, with our OW) here on Thursday.
The score being 18 to 10 in favor of
Crediton. On Friday the junior cltth
played a game at Exeter. rho Exeter
club turned out the better. The score
was 28 to 26,
(Intend...A for last woot.)
The flax mills haye starteti again.—
George Smith, of Berlin, is e isittng
bus brother Frauk,—Miss Dinah Woods
after a most pleasant t -kit of a foe
weeks with relatives and friends in and
around Urediton,,retureed to her home
in London last week.—Rev. D. Staebler,
wife and femtly, who have been visit
ing relatives, returned to their home
in Iowa on Monday.—Rev. ,S, 5'. Brown,
wife and family left for their home in
Big Stone City, South Dakota, ou Wed-
nesday, after spending a pleasent yistt
with their relatives.—Rev. Roeder and,
wife, of St Jacobs, are the guests of
arr. Samuel Brown.—A number of our
citizens attended the Children's Day
service at Dashwood on Sunday.—The
Hay Township Fire Insurance Co., held
their meeting at Bee -field on Saturday.
—Wilearn Lewis' new residence is
going up vapidly,
Brash car oflime just arrived on 'Tuesday
77th, at Centralia. station.
C W.Sucrru.
Mrs. Hanlon, who .has been very ill
is on the mend again.—Will Perseus,
who has been camping at Grand Bend,
has returned home looking well.—Mrs.
R. Handford and her son Ralph, left
on Tuesday for the North West, where
they intend staying three months.—On
Tuesday last a friendly game of base-
ball was played here between the mar-
ried and siegle men. It was hotly con-
tested at times but when the ninth inu-
tees was played the score stood 14 to 11
in favor of the single men. Hall and
Lee were the battery for the married
men, while Crow and Blackell acted
for the single men. The features of
the game were Billy Gormau's brilliant
fielding and Hall's pitching. A return
match will be played on Saturday next.
Geo. Grafton -umpired the game and,
gave good satisfaction.
(Intended for last week)
Nelson Hicks and C. W. Smith wheel-
ed to the Bond on Thursday evening
last and stayed all night. They report
a pleasanttirne.—Mr. Hewitt has taken
possession of the carriage shop here,
while Mr. G. Essery will devote his at-
tention to the livery.—James Holman,
an old resident of this community, but
for the past 13 years in Chicago is -Os-
iting his old associates bere—Nelson
Hicks left ou Monday for Norwich to
fill a position with his brother Frank,—
Russel Jones, of the G. T. R., has re-
turned from a visit to Detroit also his
sister, Miss Maud Jones.—New wheat
has beeu meshing in to A,. Hicks' store-
house the lastfew days, We have a
good grain market.
Grand Bend: Mrs. Will Oliver
stepped on a rusty nail one day last
week, and as a result has had a very
sore foot. If the necessary precaution
had not been taken soon after the
wouiid was inflicted blood poisoning
would have set in.
Dash -wood,.
Most of tha farmers in this section are
through cutting their grain with the
exception of the peas,—Threshing has
commenced and the shrill whistle can
be heard in all direetious.—eVe notice
several of the teachers for the various
schools throughout this territory hays
returned looking none the worse for
their summer vacation, Two of the
room in the village sehool are ready for
occupation while the other will not be
ready for about a week because the
seats were not ordered in time. How-
ever we think the two rooms plenty
roomy to accommodate all who will at-
tend during flax days.—Most of the
flax has been pulled and if the weather
continues fine the mill will soon be in
operations agam.--Last Sunday was
kept as a festive occasion by the Evan-
gelical people of this place. The church
was nicely and neatly decorated with
choice flowers and speaking in behalf
of Sunday School work was engaged
in by several who came from other
schools as well as people from the home
school. There were also songs and re.
citations. The quartette sang several
of their choice pieces. The choir ac-
quitted themselves in a very creditable
manner and made a good impressiou
on the audience. The collections fn 1: an
in aid of the mission cause amoauted
to over $30 whiches exceptionally good.
Mr. Mike Fenn was obliged to hav:it his
cow killed the other morning' as she
had gone mad. Nothing can be ac-
counted for it other than it is thought
she must have eaten something which
affected the brain.—Dr. McLaughlin
has been sweatiug himself almost to
death learning to ride a bilin, Doc.
says there's nothing like a good hone
and buggy for comfort.—Miss McLeod,
of London, is speeding a few days at
Mr. J. Kellermau's —J. Kellerosan sold
his fine span of chestnuts to Mr. J. Pre -
ter, for which he realized a good figure.
—Rev. Ehy and wife left on Monday
to attend a eamp meeting at Chtvelaridt
Mr, Peter McItetae has purchased from
Mr. Aug. Thou the stage and will now
go to Exeter three days each week, his
days being, Mondays, Wednesdays and
Saturdays This will be a great con-
venience to both towns and Mr IvIcIsaae
is deserving of a goodly amouut of pat-
ronage for his ut7dertaking. He also
has in connection a first-class livery
and is 10 every way prepared to meet
the requirements of the travelling' pub-
lic —Pota,toee promiees to be an abun'a.
ant crop in this section. Thoother
one of Mr, Godfred Nadigeris girls dug
from a single hill no Jess a number than
eighty-seven geed, sized potatoes. ' This
is urely a record breaker among- the
St. Marys: Joseph Cousies, while
engaged fixing his threshing machine
at William alstatier's farm, near John—
ston's lime kin, Downie, got his hand
caught in the machinery, the result be-
ing a broken fieger.
Winghara: The death of Mahala
Humphreys, beloved wife of Mr, John
Hill, took place ou Saturday. De-
ceased had hef,..n suiforing for some
ttme with a tumor and on Saturday
last an operation was performed from
the effects of wheal she never recover
Seaforth: Daring the thunder
storm on Sundev, the bares and out
buildings of George Lockhart, Atle
concession of aleKillop, about twn and
a half miles north of here, were struck
by lightning and the buildings and
their entire contents were completely
Wise MOD. "Know
It is folly to build upon a poor foundaA
tion, either in arehiteeture or in health..
A foundation of sand is insecure, and
to deaden symptsms by narcotics or
nerve compounds is egnally dangerous
and deceptive. The true way to build
up health is to make your blood pure,
rich and nourishiag by taking Hood's
Sarsaparilla. •
Hood's Pills act easily aud promptly
on the liver and bowels. Cure sick
VINCENT.—In Eeeter, on July 29, the
wife of L. D. Vincent, a a son (still-
KELLY.—Ill Exeter, on the Gth, inst. t
the wife of Hermin Kelly, ot a
WHITE,—In Exeter, oa the 6th. haste
the wife of M. J.White, of a.daughter.
FARNCOMB.—In London, on the 12th
inst., the wife of F. W. Farneomb, of
a son.
aloKBevez—Dontzen—In Clinton, on
August llth, by Rev. A. Stewart,
Angus McKelvie, of Liskeard, Ont,,
to Miss Jessie Dowzer, Clinton.
dance of the bride's parents, on Aug'.
10th, Duneau McArthur, Esq., V. S.,
of Lynn Farm; East Williams, to Miss
Winnifred Irene, enly daughter, of
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Cameron, Ailsa
HB.—In Parkhill, on August 7th,
Agnes Elizabeth Beget, aged 26 years
and two months
MORGAN.—On the 15tb. inst., Wm: Mor-
gan, of 4th con. McGillivray, aged
53 years? months and. 10 ddys.
e '
For the next 30 days we will offer our
Stock at greatly reduced prices to clear
and to make room for a large purchase
made for the fall trade.
1-1IGtIEST PRICES PAID F013 F111311/411 1310DT.iCE,
' .
/II." •
4`• '' • %ILA'''.