HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1897-8-5, Page 1TENTI YEAR. --522. THRASHING MACHINE OUTFIT NOR SALE, The undersigned offers for sale a splendid threshing maohine outfit. -Separator, engine, and boiler, tank, eta, The whole;outfit will be sold at a bargain and on easy terms. Ap- ply to TORN Sonaoanna, Dashwood. rJ EAOHER WANTED, Male teacher wanted for School Section. No. 4, Usborne, holding second-olass profes- sional certificate. Duties to commence Jan, 1;16,1898. Referencesregnired. Personal ap- lieation preferred. For further particulars apply to FRED I uxroa, Secy, Devon P. 0. (Int, FARMS PEIR SALE. ;'MONEY TO LOAN. The undersign ed. has a fewgood farms for sale chbap. Money to loan on easy terms. Jona SPACKMAN, Sanlwell's Block Exeter. FARMS, FOR SALE. Mr• Joseph Tetreau will offer for sale, at Grand Bend on Friday, August 20th, 1697 at two o'clock n. m., his two farms, being Lot 1,'B.Ooneessiou, Township of Stephen, con- taiuin . 01 acres; and Lot 1,, Concession St, Township of Stephen, containing 40 acres, Good house, barn and orchard on eaohfarm. andthe land in good state of cultivation. Terms made known on clay of sale or on ap- plication to John Sherritt, Harpley P. 0. Farm for Sale. • The farm of the lata arr. Thomas Shute, being Lot No. 14 in the 5th Con. ITsborne, containing 100 acres, is now for sale. It is most favorably located and is one of the choicest properties in the township, For particulars apply to JOHN SHUTE i and t Executors, Exeter E. 0. W.m. STAR Duca $- or to LEwis H. DICKSON, Barrister, Exeter. WANTED. Ants efn "Raneed uViiamoorniad Jubilee." Overflowing with latest and rich- est pictures. Contains the endorsed biogra- phy of Her Majesty, with authentic History ofher remarkable reign, and full account of the Diamond jubilee Only $1.50. Big book. Tremendous demand. Bonanza for agent. Commission 50 per cent. Credit given. Freight paid. Outfit free. Duty paid, Write quick for outfit and territory . TJIE DOMIN- ION COMPANY, Dep't, 7, 856 Dearborn St., Chicago. 8-t Voters' List, 1897. MUNICIPALITY OF TRE TOWNSHIP OF STEPHEN, COUNTY OF HURON. •'-Notice is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons mention- ed in seetions 5 and 0 o The Ontario's' Voter's Lists Act,1880, the copies required by said sec- tion co be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of the said Municipality tobe entitled to vole in the Municipality at elections for ][]embers of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elections, and that said list was first posted up at my office in Stephan on the 80th day of J uly, 1807, and remains there for inspection. Electors aro called upon to examine the said list, and, if any omission or any other errot'tare found therein, to take immediate proceedings to have said errors oorreeted ac- cording to law. 4latell this SUthday of july.1s07. Crlss'rl a PxotirY, Cr.Eux. ........... IC0AL 1 Stove Furnace Chestnut and Grate Do not fail to get our prices before plac- ing your order, see PESEIVING KTTLES Granite Enarnel. & silver Plated �. BiS4op & Sofl. . EXETER EXETER, ONTARIO, THURSDAY Blanchard. Samuel Bothwell, base line is still very ill with appendecitis.-Mrs. Len- nel Birtch was thrown out of the buggy while driving home from church on Sunday and was badly shaken up.- Fraser Miller, Mitchell Road, while run- ning along a plank on Saturday night, slipped and fell, cutting a large gash in his knee. Sodom Last Sunday the Sunday school was held in the upper story of the school house, having been some time ago fitted up for the Templars Hall. a very com- modious and suitable place. The rea- son for occupying this floor was in con- sequence of a new floor being in pro- gress in the lower part. Quite a num- her were present, as this was preaching day but no preaching. Many were disappointed. It is reported that the persons who usually conduct the ser- vices here, came,but seeing the floorless condition of the lower part returned to Exeter. Winchelsea , (Too late for last:week.) Lots of bad hay around here, -Fall wheat harvest has started and stopped until the October weather pulls up -- Miss Libby Wheatley has returned. from Exeter where she was the guest of Miss May. -One day recently Mr. J. D. Moore's team was left standing in front of Messrs. Jones & Hall's 'store and while the driver was in Mr, Robin- son's shop the team made a bold dash for St. Marys. They kept the road and ran about a mile before being captured. -Theother day Thos. Coward's team made a start from the cheese factory with a load of empty cans turning the wagon upside down and making a gen- eral smash of things. Honsall While Ed. Robinson was putting in the gas fixtures at the Centennial on Monday his step ladder slipped and he was thrown on a door with such force as to severely injure his leg. -In light- ing a gasoline stove at the residence of W. R. Hodgins on Saturday evening an ignited match accidentally fell into - the woodbox' which took fire, and as there was no ono in the kitchen •at the time a big conflagration would have occurred, but fortunately R. Coad notice ed,the blaze from his back shop win- dow and rushing in succeeded in put- ting the fire out with a few pails of water. Had he not noticed the fire when he did we would have bad a dif- erent story to tell in this issue. Thames Road. The fine weather has allowed the. farmers to get their fall wheat cut and they are now busily engaged in storing it away. -Miss S, Thorn, of St. Paul, is the guest of Mr. J. Allison, -Mrs. Par ish, of Essex, is spending a few months in the neighborhocd for the good of her health. -Miss J. Armstrong is on the sick list this week. -Mr. E. Hariton's driver had its both frot legs cut with a wire fence. -Quite a number from here were at Exeter seeing the Libby Glass Blowers perform but most of them had their presents demolished before they got out of the crowd, -Mr, apd Mrs. J. Westlake and family and Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman and family, •spent a few days at .the Bend last week. -Mr. G. and Miss H. Harlton were the guests of Mrs. G. Armstrong on Saturday and Sunday last. Greenway. Grand Bend Park. New arrivals registered for the week ending August 2nd: Dingly Dell- Mr. John McInnis and wife, Miss Lily McInnis, Mrs. W. McComb, Mrs M. A, Fanson, Mrs; Will Rigney, Mies Mary Passmore; Mrs. T. Fitton, Exeter; Miss Matthews and Rata Drew, Toronto; Mrs, T, l!, Glass and Master Willie Glass, London, Mrs, Wm. Northcott, Hay. Dotheboy's Hall -Ernest A. Humphries, Mrs. A. W. Humphries, Mamie Torney, Parkhill; Mr. Cartwright,Victoria, B4O.; Miss Carrie and Lettie Smith, Talbot. viile; Mrs, H. Spackman, Exeter. Idyl. wyld-Mr,. and Mrs. J. H. Grieve, and son Latimore, F. W. Collins wife and son, Miss E. Wood, ;Exeter; Mrs. Shel don, Detroit*,, Woodbine -Louie Craig, Birdie Brown, Flossie Burke, Mrs, Buree,London; Susie Weekes,Waterloo. Ivy Cottage -Mrs C. Gross, Vineland Camp "Hard Scrabble "-W. E. Brown ing, Exeter. Picnics : Cunningham picnic, Crediton, in all 15 persons. Methodist S. S. Parkhill, A. W. Hump hries Supt.. in all 160 persons. The building committee and several others of the new Boston Methodist church interest in the lighting, attend- ed an exhibition of the new light ex- hibited by Messrs Zuefie and Robinson, of Hensall, in Mr. Zwicker's store, °red- iton, last Wednesday evening. They were highly pleased with the light and if satisfactory arrangement and guar- antee can be made will try it,. The light is brighter than gas and much cheaper. -Mrs. A. Irving, of Thedford,. accompanied by Mrs. Patterson and her daughter, Aggie, visited W. J. Wilson and other relatives in this vicinity last weak, -Miss Lizzie Holn, of London, is home spending her holidays under the parental roof, -Miss Nellie McPherson visited friends in Detroit last week. i;entralia Wm. Kelly, who was shot by R. Cul- bert, is around again, apparently not much the worse for his late experience. -Last Sunday quarterly meeting ser- vices were held here and at Eden by Rev. S. Salton for the first time since he moved here. There was a good at- teudance at both services. -Rowdyism is still 'rampant in our village, as evidenced by an attack upon one of our citizens by a burley ruffian last Saturday evening, who should have been arrested at once, but that he frightened a child so seriously by his threatening actions, foul words and horrid oaths, that his parents are awaiting the result in order that ane other charge may be laid against him when he is taken in custody. -One day lately Mr, B Quarry's horse ran away on account of a buggy nnheel coming off, . and threw the occupants out, fortunatly without causing any ser- ious injury. -The G. T. R. here has reduced its working staff by discharg- ing one of the section men, Mr, G. Bay nha m is the victim of this change. -Miss Lymous, of London, is visiting,, at Dr, Shoults' and Mrs. Johnson and daughter of London at R. Cobleigh's. Zurich. Mr. John. Foster, wife and son, and Dir. W. Rupp and wife, of !Noon, Mich., attended the funeral of Dlr, Henry Wurm here, Wednesday. -Rev. A. Y. Heist, attended the Young People's As- sociation at Pittsburg, Penn., last week. -On Wednesday McArthur & Co,, moved their safe into Mr. 0. Hartleib's bank in the new block.-Ou Tuesday Mr. Rae, of McKillop, and Miss Sarah Raudel, of this place were united in marriage, the Rev. Thoe. Vallentine performing the ceremony. -Mr. Henry Wever left last week on bis wheel to visit his parents at New Dundee. -The Misses Maggie and Tillie Well are vis= iting under the parental roof at present. t p -A few days ago the six-year old son of Mr. F. Kibler was playing with a bi- cycle. when it fell. Iu some manner he got his arm tangled up and had one of his wrists broken. -The voters' list for Hay township, was posted in the clerk's office here on the 21st of July. There are S28 who are entitled to vote at both ielections to municipal elections end p the Legislatiye Assembly; 109 who are eutitled to vote- at municipal elections only, and 22 tvho are entitled . to yote at Legislative elections only. In other words there are 947 munieipal voters and 860 Parliamentary voters. There are 4S female voters and 511 who are eligible to serve as jurors. Mooresville Miss Donald, of London, is the guest of the Misses Gertrude and Edith Lewis at Adare,-Miss L. Thompson has re- turned home after spending a week vis- iting at Exeter, -Miss Crowley, of Lon- don, is visiting friends in this vicinity at present. -Quarterly service was held in the Nursery church here last Sun- day, There was an exceptionally large congregation. The duet by Misses Lewis and Donald, of London, was ren- dered in an efficient manner: -Mr, Jas. Drummond and Mr. • Murray Miller, paid our village a flying visit on Sun- day evening, -Harvesting is rushin dd.4 around her and some/ of the farmers will have their wheat threshed this week. -Mr, Johnston Atkins cut seven' acres of wheat which took ' forty two pounds of twine to tie it, This is the heaviest crop we have heard of: Dashwood. Our MAIL ARRANGEMENTS. -A. good deal of dissatisfaction exists here on ac- count of recent mail changes which have been made. Heretofore, 'Dash wood has had a daily mail from Exeter and also a daily mail from Parkhill. Exeter is only abouteight miles dis- tant from here, while Parkhill is double that distance. The carrier of the mail to Exeter supplied Sarepta and Hay post offices. while the Parkhill carrier supplied Mount Carmel.. and other plac- es on that route. The Exeter mail has been discontinued and a new contract has been made for the Parkhill route,` so that hereafter, all mail matter from this place will have to come by way of Parkhill. This will cause much inion veuience to the business men` of this place, as it will take three days for a letter to get to London or other outside. points and to secure a reply, whereas when the mail co Exeter was in opera- tion one day was sufficient for this. There is no doubt but the importance of this village and the large business being done here entitle it to t better mail 'ac- commodation than it will now' receives; What the post office department should do is to run a mail twice a day between Exeter and'Dashweod and transfer the Parkhill route to Shipka instead of to Dashwood, thus giving Shipka and the offices served from that, route a direct d rlv mail. An arrangement ofh this kindould �' cost s 0 t v ory little more, if any, than the present one and the p00peo- ple would be very much better served. This is what the 'people here should agitate for and they should not rest content until they get it. Crediton. Mrs, C. Beaveris ill with the sciatica, We wish her a speedy recovery. -Miss Wiggins, of Goderich, is the guest of Miss V. Banes. -Mr. and Mrs. Rodgers left for their.home iu London on Sat- urday after speeding a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. Fahner,-Mr. Wesley Trevethick, of Glencoe, is visit- ing his parents Mr. and Mrs. J. Treve- thick -Miss Mary Ellen Braun, of Howell, Mich., is the guest of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Braun, -Mr. Staibler, wife and family, of . Ohio, are visiting Rev. John Staibler,-Miss Het, man, of London, is visiting her brother, Mr, W. Heiinan.-Mr. and Mrs. Henry Either and sop have returned from Par- ry Sound District. Senior teams of Crcditou and Exeter played a base- ball thatch at Exeter on Thursday. The score being 10 to 10 in favor of Crediton. -A Woodham correspondent says:-- " ays;-.i Dr, Rivers who has been practising in our village for the past year, left last week for Crediton, where he has purch- ased the practice and property of Dr, Wieleett. During the past year Dr. Rivers bas made many warm friends in and around Woodham, and it was with feelings of regret that we learned of his removal. He will be greatly missed in the. Epworth League and Sunday School here for at the time of bis departure he occupied the positiot. of President of the Epworth League and teacher of the male Bible class; but our loss will be Crediton's gain, and they will find the doctor to .be a suc- cessful) and clever practioner as well as a right royal citizen, Bay Council Council mat an Aug. 2nd, all mem- bers present. The minutes of last meeting were read and confirmed. The Reeve and Councillor Moir, of Hensall, waited on the couneil regard- ing drainage matters, Afier explan- ations having been given by the depu- tation the council deferred action., A communication of the Council of Us - borne was laid before the couneil re- garding making a grant for a wire fence along the London road. The council was of the opinion that if they beganmaking grants in this direction numerous demands of :L similar kind would be made on the council. Coni munication filed. A letter from T. and M. Johnstson was read before the council, glaiming that a large volume of stagnant water is standiug on the road side near the property of Messrs.. Johnston In•'he letter it was claimed that the property of the said parties was iujured to a large extent; also the health of the public was endangered. The matter was laid over till next meeting of council, The Clerk was advised to notify George Snell to re- move an obstruction in the watercourse running through his land, lot 3, con. 5 An award, made by E. Cresswell, A. Bishop, and M. Lockhart arbitrators appointed on appeal by the County Council, regarding the dissolution of U S S No,10, Hay, and the village of Hensall. In this award the arbitrators have dissolved the section and have added that part of the section situated in HaytoS S No 2,arid S S No 14. Hay's share of the costs of the arbitrat- ion, $11, was ordered to be paid. The following rates were struck for the year 1897: -County rate $2712.34 or 1 3-5 mills on the $; Township rate 52460.91, or 1e mills; General School rate 520242,25, or 1 2 5 mills. The following amounts are required by the several School Sections in the Town- ship in addition to the general grant: - II S S No 1, $78.35; No 2, 5425; No, 3, 575; No. 4, 5110; No. 6, 125; No, 7, $545; No. 8, $105; U. No. 9, 5146 92; No. 10, $428.61; No. 11, 5150; No. 12, $260; U. No. 13, 5-; U. No. 15, 5-; No. 14, 5100; U. No. 16, 5280.23; Sep- erate No. 1, 5263.12. The arbitrators costs of U. S. S. No's. 10 and 16 was ordered to be added to the special levy of the respective. sections.: Checks were issued for the following amounts: - Angus McCormick,garvel contract S. B. 875.46; Geo, Kellerman, 872 yds. gravel S. B., 529 76 ; Jacob Oesch, com- mission work N. B., 5812; Jacob Gin- gerich, culvert Con. 10 and cedar $2.50 ; Grand Trunk freight shears for road grader 45 cents; Municipal World, marriage register and blanks 56.76 ; 1'. W. Hess telegram, good road's M. Co. 89 cents; W. Palmer gravel con- tract N B, 581; H. Bender, rep.culvert Con. 14, 51; Chas Grob keeping siek Wan 75 cents; Fred Hess, Sr., register - !hg Births, Marriages and Deaths 517 ; Fred, Hess, Sr., postage and stationary 57.12; J. Wagner commissioner work S. B. $3,75 ; S. Spencer statute labor returned 56.50; Wm. Consit gravel contract N, B., 584 ; J. Hagan wood for g. r working grader g d r„e hali$9,75;M.Ge, $1; B. Pfile culvert Con. 14 510; F. Seigner work on road grader 55,85; R. Carlisle culvert rep, culvert Con. 8 92 50; H, Ruppteam road grader der515.- 30,D. $ 15.- 30,D Blackwell rep. culvert C. R. 52; J. Stacey rep. bridge Con. 4 56; A. Bishop arbitrators award, Hay's share 511; N. Contine lumber 51.26; N. Masse rep, culyert and gravel. C. R. 5175; H. Magel team for road grader $10,80; T. Holden working road grader 52; J. C. Katbfl.eisch lumber 59 54. The coun- cil will meet` again on Monday, SeptSep 6th,` at 10 o'clock a, m, Fred Hess, Clerk. C. IL SANDERS, EDITOR. Stephen Council. Crediton, August 2nd, 1897, All present. Minutes of lest (fleet- ing read and signed. Sanders -Hicks, that J. Lawson be awarded the con- tract of the drain at $99, :including R. Robinson's township portion. Mr. Hicks to see to the adjusting of Dr. Wicket's account. Sherritt- Hicks, that the town- ship rate be 1e mills on the 5, That the clerk levy the usual school rates and other usual rates. After passing- the assingthe following orders the council ad- journed to meet the first Monday in September. G. Ford, gravel and work 539.17; S, C. Prouty, coin. 512.50; A, S. Bertrand. fixing hall 528; W, Huston, gravel 522.72; Sharrow and others, 522.50; F. Germett, road work 52 25; F. W. Farncombe, engineering 588.85; Express Co, 56.15; W. Atkinson, gravel contract 519.50; road machine, 5175; freight, 5802;W. Treitz, repairs 57 85; G. F. Eilber. coin, 57.50; T. G. Wein, coin, .55.75; T. Lawsou, bridge 571,50; W. D. Sanders, part for gravel 550; W. E Sanders, grading 52025; Jas Ford, grading' 53; lumber Goderich Co, 5191.03; L. Hardy, bridge 5294; legal advice, 52; G. Orange, gravel 522.02; James Hodgins, rep, cul, 51; W. Hand- ford, rep cul. 50e; G. HertzeL 2 culverts 58.40; W. Oliver, ditch 75e; M. Grebe, 4 S. R. 56.50; A. McGregor, 8 S. R, 51; ADVOCATE Printing Co., 534 84; F ll.bhl, com. 50; H. Essery, cul. and dog 516.50; 11. Wing, store account 516.50. Requisitions for schools are not all in yet and if clerks refuse to accept after August lot trusters have no alterna- tive but make the defficency good out of their private funds, Around About tis. Brussels; During a football match at Blyth on Wendesday Charlie Iieud all received a, severe kick in the groin which nearly proved fatal, but the at- tention of two doctors relieved him somewhat. After arriving home a doe• for was summoned and no serious re- sults are now anticipated. Parkhill: Master Albert Aiken, an employe in Laughton's grocery, hap- pened with a painful accideut Tuesday. He was going down cellar with some butter, when heanissed his footing and fell. In falling he threw out his hand which struck on a' large hook in the wall, and his hand was badly torn. Wing -ham: Another of those events which. are always interesting to the fair sex, was celebrated at the residence of Mr, Henry Cassidy, at Versehoyle ,Dereham), Tuesday, July 20th, it be. ing the marriage of Mr. IL B. Elliott, proprietor of the Wingham Tithes, and Mrs. Fanny Little, of Ingersoll. Rey. E. R. Hutt, performed the ceremony in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties. St, Marys: A quiet wedding took place Wednesday, at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hamilton, when their daughter, Maggie A„ was united in marriage to Mr. Alexander Mennie, of Toronto. The ceremony was per- formed by the Rev, J. B. Hamilton. of of the bride assisted Dundas, cousin by the Rev. A. Grant, of St. Marys, in the presence of the immediate relatives of the contracting parties only. The bride was assisted by Miss Love, of St. Marys while her brother, Mr J. R. Hamilton, B. A., of Brantford, supported the groom. Clinton: The Ontario Street Metho- dist Church was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wednesday, witnessed by a large number of the fair sex. The principals were Miss Annie Alexander, daughter of W. Alexander, and John Green; the bridesmaid was Miss Lulu Stanley, while Will Green acted ns groomsman, and Miss Jessie Green was maid of honor. Rev. B. Cleineut- per- formed the ceremony, after which the wedding party drove to Mr. Alexander's where dinner was served, the happy couple leaving on the evening train on their wedding tour. Seven drowning accidents' were re- ported from Manitoba on Saturday. St,Maxys : On Monday while: ,Mrf; John Patterson, was operating a binder one of his team dropped dead,. Lumley: Mr.John Slavin, who has been in a delicate state of health for `about tw.o years from the infirmities of old age, was taken worse last week and is not expected to recover: Whalen: Master Johnny Marsh had themisfortune to break his leg ea Ttiursday. While riding;• a horse at .,^. high rate of speed the animal suddenly stupped and reeled, thr-owing the boy to the ground, at the same time kick- ing him. Amputation was for a ti;1~c contemplated but the fracture is now doing well. Elimville: Tuesday, July 27tH, Ann Kettiewell, wife of John Hall, crossed. the bourne. Deceased• had been ill but a short time, dropsy being the cause of death. She had attained the age•of 61, years. The funeral on Wedbesday was largely attended. The sympathy of the community goes out fort Mr, Halls in his sad bereavement, St. Marys: While Wm. Barnett and his son Tommy, wero quarrying in the river on Monday they picked up just below the dam a human head. It was simply the skeleton devoid the loiyer jaw. An examination shows it to be in all probability the skull of a young woman. The second growth of teeth had been complete and vet they were not worn. Search failed to find any other parts of the body, and it is sup• posed this skull was brought down he the ice from farther up the river and deposited in the dam. Tired, 1Nervous Sleepless, Men and women -how gratefully they write about Hood's Sarsaparilla. Once helpless and discouraged, having lost all faith in medicines, now in good. health and" able to do my own work,' because Hood's Sarsaparilla has power to *enrich and purify the blood and make the weal-. strong -this is expec fence of a host of people. Hood's Pills are the best family Cathartic and liver medicine, Gentle, reliable, sure, InAtTliS eleLEAN-In Stephen, on July 25th, the wife of James McLean, 16th con,, of a son, PARDON. -In Centralia, on lstiust,, the wife of Wm. Pardon of a son. nit .utile , Es. THouinsoN-EL.LIS-On July 21st, at the Sylvan Parsonage, Parkhill, rly the Rev. J. Hart, John Thompson, of West Williams, to Evaline, daughter of Mr. James Ellis, D'IcGillivray. MENNIE-HAMILTON-At the residence of the bride's parents, Water street, on July 28th, by Rev. J, ]3. Hamil- ton, M. A, assisted by !Zee. A. Grant, B. A., Mr. Alex, Menai: , of Sudbury, Ont„ to Miss Maggie A. Hamilton, daughter of Mr. T. D. Hamilton, St. Marys. • WeragesiSoe.t-LAvAN -At the resis deuce of the bride's father, Clinton, on July 28th, by Rev. A. Stewart, E. Laird Williamson, of Toronto, to Mabel, second daughter of Mr. Thos. Layan. GREEN -ALEXANDER -At Ontario St., Methodist chureh, Clinton, on July 28th, by Rey. B. Clement, John Green, formerly of Goderich, to Annie, only daughter of Wm. Ales: - ander. ELLIOTT-LITTLE-At the residence o¢ Henry Cassidy, Dereham, on July 20, by the Rev. E. R Hutt, of Ingersoll, H. B. Elliott, proprietor of the Wing - harp Times to Jeannie Little, of Inger- soll. ngersoll. DEATIIS DuNSFORD-In Stockton, Cal, on July 11th, Emma Smale, relict of the late John Dunsford, aged 83 years. THE CHEAP CASH STORE, CREDITON JULY IS THE PLACE FOR AR NM. In order to clear our stock of summer goods we offer special prices in Dress Goods, Prints, Percales, Organde's Muslins, Planneletts, Cottonades, Lace Curtains, Muster's Curtainings, Art Muslins, Embroideries, Swiss Muslin* Corsets, Gloves, Laces, Hoisery, Etc. BLOUSE WAISTS A large selection of the latest styles from soc, up. GENTS FURNISHINGS Another lot just to hand. Nobby neckwear, Shirts, Hats, Gloves, Bicy- cle Suits, /lose and Sweaters. We also handle the Cle.:eland, Cresent and Welland Vale Wheels,, READY MADE & ORDERED CLOTHING • We have cut the prices ti clear before thegfall stock arriye5. We are bent on making a complete clearance of this season's goods at an early a date as possible. YOU WILL SOON, REQUIRE T N Call and examine our stock, oar prices 'wilinterest you. Our stock of Groceries, etc. is complete and our prices the lowest. Produce Talcen:aa Cosh for which Are pay the highest uinrl::ot prices, CICS. ZWICKE