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The Exeter Advocate, 1897-7-8, Page 5
THE Ozi ter bi of a#.e, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Office, MAIN -STREET, - EXETER, -- B,y the- - ADVOCATE PUBLISHING COMPANY, TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ?',r,tOne Dollar per a a0 if nnunom t if papaiidd, in Advance l,so 8dirextizii. ,g Rates oiz 2ippLca . tion No papercliscontinueduntil allarrearages are paid. Advertisements without specific directions will be published till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcieut advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, a,; and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers,'&o.for advertising, subsoriptions,etc.to blimade payable to Chas. I3. Sanders, EDITOR nxn PROP !Professional Cards. 1I. KINSMAN, L.D.S. & D. A. R. KINSMAN, G D. S., D. D. S., honor graduate of Toronto 'University, DENTISTS, Teeth extracted without any pain, or any - bad effects. Office in Fanson's Block, west side Main Street,Exl:ter. DR. D. ALTON ANDERSON,(D.D.S.,L.D,S.,) YJ honors Graduate of the Toronto. LTni- rsity and Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Teeth extracted without pain. All modes of Dentistry up to date. Office over Elliot & Elliot's law office -opposite Central llo tel -Exeter, ?€ediettl • Drs, J A. ROLLINS & T A. AMOS. J 1 Rosidonees, same as formerly OFFICES, Spackman,, building, Main St, Dr, Rollins' office; same as formerly -north doorbuilding-south door. Dr., Amos office, same May 1st. 1893 T. A Rollins, M. D. T. A, Amos, M, D VIa.T. P. MCLAUGHLIN, MEMBER OF ll the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Accouch- eur. Office, Dashwood, Ont. Legal. IVH. COLLINS, BARRISTER,SOLIGIT- • OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Ofmoe--Over O'Nei1's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LFLDICKSON,BARRIST ER, SOLIC ITOR, • of Supreme Oourt, Notary Public, Con- veyancer, Commissioner, 8,o.Mone y to loan Office-Fanson'S 1310ek,Eseter ELLIOT, ELLIOT & MAC liENZIE. BAR- RISTERS, ETC., Conveyancers, and Money to Loan at 5 and 5% per B. V. ELL LOT, FRED.ELLIOT, M.MA01tENZIE- AltctionCCrS BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auot- I,• ioneerfor the Counties of Perth and o Sales promptly ptry faitte the to and terof ms re gales promp 1p conbale.Sales arranged. at Post office. ehelsea. insurance. E ELLIOT, Insurance Agent, Main St. Exeter WANTED I can pay ton dollars • week-ly to a lady of ma- ture age, refinement and tact to spend her me in good cause. T Fl. LINSCOTT, Toronto, Ont 642. TAILORING CHEAP AND NOBBY.. EXETER MARKETS. (Changed every Wednesday) Wheat per bushel ......... ......... $005 to 06 Barley 22 to 28 Oats 18 to'L0 Peas 35 to 4.0 Butter ' 10 to 13 Es Potatoes perbag 96 Onions .. 40 Red Clover Seed per bushel $4,00 to 9;4.50 Hay per ton 7,00 to 8,00 Dried Apples per lb 21A Turkeys 7 Ducks 3 Geese 5 Chicken • 5 Wool per lb.., ............................. 17 "The Hang -dog Expression " looks of a " ready made,"" haud- me-down " suit of clothes is enough to disgust the Prince of Slovens. NO FIT, ?tS NO STYLE, r�>< NO GOOD. Sl A tailor•made suit, cut. made and fitted to the contour of your form is certain to look right. AND "WEAR`��� Parts of machinery which accurately fits withstand se- vere service and parts that do not fit wear out quickest. Same with clothes, Choose your cloth and we do the rest. Prices small as Stitches. Bert. Knight. m Sarsaparilla as a blood purifier and build- ing up medicine leads . everything ever produced. It is positively the best. Others may make the, same claim. But there's this difference: We prove it. Not by an- tiquity, but by Merit. Not by what but by Hood's parillo ® It has ord of we say, what Sarsa- does. a rec- Cures unequalled in medical history. It positively, perfectly and permanently cures when all other medicines fail. That the keen discrimination of the people recognizes its merit and the cures by Hood's Sarsaparilla, is shown by the tact that they Sar sopa- erence and buy Hood's lig rilia in pre. to the ex - elusion of all others. Hood's Sarsaparilla has a larger sale than all other blood purifiers. It wins con- fidence everywhere because the state- ments in ite advertising and testimonials are verified by all who take it. No other medicine has ever received such praise, or so many voluntary testimonials of won- derful cures. No other medicine possesses :AT IRE NEW BUTCHER SHOP 6 --FORS Beef Lamb, Pork, Corned Beef, Sausage and Bologna. Fish Poultry and Game in Season. A discount of 5 per cent. in Cash, or 7 per Sent. in Meat will be allowed on all cash purchases. Call and try •r' . our new system. Case. pant for Hides. Brill the peculiar combination, proportion and process used in preparing Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, and which give it merit peculiar to itself. This is the secret of its wonderful power, of its wonderful sales, of its won- derful hold upon the confidence of the people. This is why it cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Catarrh, Rheumatism, all Humors, Kidney and Liver troubles, Dys- pepsia, That Tired Feeling, builds up the nerves, creates an appetite and strengthens the 'whole system. Its merit, its sales, its One Door outh.of LDAY Prop OENTRA- HOTEL, a THE PERFECT TEA ures Make Hood's Sarsaparilla the One True Blood Purifier. Sold by all druggists. $1. Prepared only by C. T. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. Hood's Pills the hest family cathartic and liver stimulant. Easy to take, easy to operate. All druggists. ?livens. FOR TWENTY-SEVEN YEARS. DUNN'S BAKINO POWDER THECOOI�'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE 11* CAI\ A'0... PYNY v PECTORAL Positively Cures COUGHS and COLDS in a surprisingly short time. It's a sci- entific certainty, tried and true, soothing and healing in its effects. W. C. McConmsr, & Sou, Boucllette, Que., report in a letter that I'yny.}'aetomi ,meet Mrs O. Carcase of chronic cold In chest and I,I on,ldat tubes, and else cured W. G. M Cumb,r ut' n long.etaudln. cold, Ain. J. H. Hort, Chemist, 5a8 Yonge St., Toronto, writes: ' Asa general cough and lung syrup I'ynv- Pectenl is a most bomb:ti le preparation. It has given the utmost satisfaction to all who i hare tried t, teeny having spoken to me of the benefits derived from Its use in their:aucilioS. It is suitable for old or young, b,big pleasant to the taste. Its sale with the hos h•^en wonderful. a71,1 I „a5 always rec01110cnd it as a 6..te and reliable cough medicine.' large Dottie, 25 fits. DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., L'rn. Sole Proprietors 1110arREAL vi TITE BIG '1INI\ G STRIKE THE ORDER TO QUIT WORK I$ BEING OBEYED. About Two Hundred Thousand Men At:. fected-Deserted Coal Mines In the I11f• nols District. Pittsburg, Pa., July 5. --The great struggle of the coal miners was inaugur- ated throughout the Pittsburg district to -day, but it will be impossible to tell anything about the true situation before to -morrow, as this is a general holiday and worn: is suspended in all the mines of the district. This was a day of mass meetings. Meetings wore held in nearly evex'y mining settlement that was repre- sented at Saturday's convention in this city, and the miners were implored .not to falter in the great struggle that has begun. What effect the meetings will have cannot be determined until Tues- day morning. When it is learned just how many men refuse to go to work, then the magnitude of the great strike will manifest itself. In speaking of the strike, President Bolan said: "The coming week will be a busy one. I have every reason to believe that with the exception of a very few mines the suspension will begin. The men realize that this is the fight of their lives, and from the expressions of deter- mination I hear on all sides, I have evex'y reason to believe the strike will be successful." "How long will it last?" "That is a difficult question to an- swer. But of one thing you can rest assured: Wo are in. good condition to spay out all summer. By good shape I mean that we have warm weather and a pros- pective P lake trade coal in pective big demand o sight, which makes the time much more opportune than in winter. There is an erroneous impression that by reason of so many industries being shut down there will be little demand for coal. It is not generally known that the supply of coal for the manufactories in the Pittsburg district is but a drop in the bucket when compared with the lake trade, which supplies the markets where coal mines are practically unknown." Morris, 111., July 5. -In compliance With the general orders, the miners of the Wilmington coal fields, including all Grundy county ,mines, went on strike to -day. '1'he Bracevillo miners decided to square up places, refusing, however, to load coal. Some Italians at Carbon Hill refused to strike, and in consequence a mine was partially operated to -day. Other mines have practically been on strike several days. The siege promises to be, a long one. TURKS CAPTURE KALABAKA. The Village Pillaged and Destroyed After a Stubborn Fight. Athens, July G. -The Turkish troops, after a sharp fight with the inhabitants, have captured the village of. Iialabaka, although within the territory occupied by the Turkish troops, was under Greek administration. The attack was made last Thursday by a body of Turks and Albanians, 2,000j strong. The inhabi- tants fought desperately, killing many of the Turks, but were finally overpowered. Most of them fled to the mountains. The others have probably been massacred or taken prisoners. The Turks, after pillag- ing the town, destroyed it. Constantinople, July 5. -The Sultan now shows signs of yielding on the ques- tion of the rectifications of the Turkish frontier. The Ambassadors expect nego- tiations for peace will be resumed to -day or Tuesday, when it is hoped everything will be settled in accordance with the views of Europe. Wm, Cattles, of Woodslee, reported to the Windsor police that be had been robbed by his hired man of $120 on Saturday. He sold a lot of pork and put his pocketbook on the table, He says his attention was diverted for a minute, and when he looked around the pocketbook was gone, along with the hired man. Saturday night a young lad named John Rowley had a narrow escape from drowning at Brantford. He was bath- ing in the tail -race, when he was car- ried beyond his depth, and being a fee- ble swimmer, be sank, His body was recovered in a few minutes, and under the direction of a doctor who cbauced to be near at hand, young Rowley was restored to consciousness. It was a very narrow escape, Cook's Cot of boor: Compound Is the only safe, reliable monthly medicine on which ladies can depend in the flour and time of heed. Is prepared in two degrees of strength. No. 1 for ordinary cases is by far the best dollar medicine known -sold by druggists, one Dollar per box. No. 2 for special cases -To degrees. stronger -sold bydruggists. One bow., Three Dollars ; two boxes, Pive Dollars. No. s, or No. 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 3 -cent stamps. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ontario. tolsold en il::eter 1131 everywhere in Canada by all responsible Drut;c i; ti3 THE FINS -ST TEA 1st T:tr WORLD FslOM Tblc. 7r41 PLANT TO THE YEA CUP . IN ITS r•:R'rl:M'PUcrTY "11Tonsocn" Teals parhal In der the supervision. ad iscdanclsoldb ., - them e,ftlle '1: ca growers, and IS ,,, i e 1. aapaMple'niihub�tqua.tt.tusc,ilridian�and Ceylon Teas. For that reason tory see that none but the 't cry fresh leaves go into Monsoon packages. T!1 l oni•y r11fonanon, perfectTea ,.can be sold at the, sathel.ru as i:iFcrto • tea, It is nut up in scaled cndd es of lb., 'r 1b. and 5 31s ;:Ir and sold In there ria ours at-,}oc,, roc. and 60c, If ^I 1 l c' rc1 eel's not l•eep }t, tell him to write to ST it F.L: 1.-I:A11LR"8.' (0., Li and 03 Front St. 'East. Toronto, This Hot Weather YOU ARE PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY EXHAUSTED. Paine's Celery Compound is the Great Builder and Re cuperator. As a rule there is no pain following physical and mental exhaustion and debility. You know you are weak, faint, lan- guid, have loss of memory, depression of spirits, with a waisting of flesh, Your troubles proceed simply from nervous exhaustion, and though you are not suffering from pain and agony, be assured your condition is extremely perilous, and demands immediate at- tention, That wonderful stream (the blood) that runs to every part of the body, supplying the most minute nerves and tissues, is foul aid poisoned, In your present condition your blood is not a life stream; it is a stagnent pool of disease and death. The healthy, hale and strong, that bear up during the hottest weather, and that are 'blessed d vi`b clean pure blood and steady nerves, are the peo- ple who male use of Paine's Celery Oompouud, the only medicine that re- vitalizes the blood, that fortfies the nervous system, that giyes perfect di- gestive power, sound sleep, and a new lease of life to those advanced in years. Paine's Celery Compound is truly the great modern elixir of life, and no won- der that doctors approve of it and strongly reccommend it. Why go on in wretchedness and misery when arch a medicine promises health, vigor and new life? We rec- commend you no untried remedy. Every bottle of Paine's Celery Com- pound is warranted to do the work it promises. There is health and life in every drop. Sent Down for Three Tears. Toronto, July O. -When John Gray Gibson appeared in the Police Court yes- terday, charged with larceny from the O'Keefe Brewing and Malting Company, of which he was secretary -treasurer, his counsel, R. S. Neville, withdrew Gray's plea and election. Prior to the last re- pand the prisoner wanted to be tried by jury, and pleaded not guilty. Yesterday Mr. Neville stated that Gibson was anx- ious to be tried by his Worship Mr. Kingsford, and pleaded guilty. After hearing the addresses of Mr. Neville and Crown Attorney Curry, Mr. Kingsford imposed a sentence on Gibson for the theft of $50 from the O'Keefe Company on the 9th of July, 1895, of three years in Kingston penitentiary. On two other counts sentences of two years in the same institution were imposed upon him, all three sentences to run concur- rently. Rabies in Dundas. Dundas, July 3. -This town, in com- mon with several western Ontario towns, has a hydrophobia scare. .About six weeks ago a young lad named McKenzie was bitten by a dog belonging to his father and died shortly afterward. A post-mor- tem was held by the order of the Pro- vincial Board of Health and the medulla sent to Mr. McKenzie, Toronto, the head of the bachteriological department, for examination. The other day the Pro- vincial authorities sent Dr. Smith their finding in the case, stating 1t to be one of rabies. James McKenzie, an elder brother of the deceased, who was also bitten, has gone to New York to receive special treatment. Modern. Furniture. We have made a special effort to have our new styles of Furniture for the fall trade so attractive as possible. Our Latest Parlor Suits are marvels of beauty and are admired by all who have seen them. Our line of Dining Room Furniture is the best we have ever shown. Side- boards of many designs. Dining tables in great variety, We Sell Cheap. A Shooting Accident, Shelburne, July lst.-This morning Nelson Bellerhy, aged sixteen, accom panted by two sons of James McCoomb and by Joseph Marlette, all boys of about the same age, went fishiug at Primrose. Young Bellerby had ashot- gun with him and in traversing the woods he happened to slip and fall. He caught the gun by the muzzle and the triger coming in contact with a twig caused the charged to enter the upper Fart of his right arm as well as some twenty shot entering the chest, many of them penetrating the lung. A doc- tor was telephoned for, who attended to the i:ad's injuries, whose condition is rather precarious. Penny Postage to the Colonies Virtually Agreed 'Upon. London, July 6th. -Some important matters were discussed at the confer mice on Thursday., between Colonial Secretary Chamberlain and the colon- ial premiers. The leading subjects were a penny postage to all parts of the empire, the establishment of a naval ra serve in the colonies, and military co operation with England en the part of all the colonies. The conference brought out the suggestion that penny postage to the colonies be made an achieve- ment of the Jubilee year, This is tan• tamount to its acceptance, This means that a letter to New York from London would cost,5 cents, while a letter from London to Montreal would cost ti cents, A. more striking illustration of the dis- crepancy would be the cases of Detroit, Mich. and Windsor, Oitt. They -are only se pp erated by the Detroit River, but there would be 3 cents differeuce in the cost of sending, letters from Lon- don. Tuckersmith: Mr. Peter Mrtrrity has leased the Blake hotel for a term of years. aby's Second Summer is the time that tries all the care of the mother and all the skill of maternal management. Baby comfort comes from fat ; fat babies have nothing to do but to sleep and grow. If your baby does not seem to prosper, if he does not gain in weight, you must get more fat there. A few drops of Don't think because we keep nothing but the latest furniture that it is high priced, We sell cheaper than any house in town. R. N. ROWE [rARRHA, DYS$.NxTBRY, tied all BOWEL CO.2WPLAZN21$. A Sure, Safe, Quick Cure for these troubles is GiRt Melt (PERRY' nG'FIs'.) 143.Used Internally and Nxternaily. Two Sizes, 25o, and 60c. bottles. 143.430.+3•43.-43-64-K.14-43+43, Imperial Meat Market. Having purchased the butcher- ing Business of A. Loadman (Wood's Old Stand) we will be pleased to see all our old customers and as many new ones, Fresh Meat. each day will put on plump- ness ; fat outside, life inside, baby and mother both happy. Your baby can take and rel- ish Scott's Emulsion as much in summer as in any other season. For sale, by all druggists at goc. and,^pz.00. SCOTT & BOWNE, Toronto, Ont. We intend keeping' the very best of fresh meat, and it will be our first aim to please customers. Tenderloin, spare ribs, sausage, hams, bacon and everything usual' ly sold iu the factory can now be procured at the shop. Orders Promptly delivered. We intend conducting a cash business, the longest term of credit being one week, (a discount of 5`1. will be given for cash. C. SHELL,.- Prop. Family Medicine of the Age. Takers internally, it Curtis fliarnccea, Cramp, and Pain in the Stomach, Sore Threat, Sudden Colds, Coughs, etc., etc, Used Externally, it Cures Cuts, Bruises, Burns, Scaids, Sprains, Toothache, Pain in the Face, , Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frosted Feet, Ito article ever attained to such unbounded popular.. Ity.-Sallrn Observer. We can hear testimony to tho efficacy of the •Pain. ' in soothing the uo rnr. have an dku its magic eigo.ts ticle: O�'n0tn•: soeorsatpntn,'and know IL to bo Cr: good nr volt Aispatcb. Nothing bac yot aurpesscd the. Pal:-Itiiler, 115111111 to 41,8mostvatuabte famtlymedtetne now in use.-Teimeasee 0906x,: It has real merit ;d as a mortals of removing 1040, no mediane boar acquired a reputation equal to Parry navls' t'uin•Aillor. Nelopnri Armes. 13015aro of intitc+ti5bs, 13uy only tho gamble "PEARS 1)4.501. ! 8014 3700vwOro t largo bottles, $6c' V)ER Lu $t;; 11349 `•i'>1+fel + ISO coots Daciir,sette, Fare-A.clu•, Sciatic :'.tin i,: the gide, err. 1•:o,ltlly -ctrl:evil al.•l Cured Ly Tho � tl_ 5 st rnl flol 'aa.QIr'iE 5th; 11."en. lard Tang D. it L. D1.'uthni Pla::ter• U r n.••:,•,n;nin in 11,•. l,nck 1114 1,,,,11'.0(,.1 „nh,<s tf1111107 ror01n1ll.g5, a0 105•,1,', e hill mild rtn,4ly :111 to. t, tory :W1,111,13. s,1:i:.uurtls.'wu, 0dt. • Price 25c, DAVIS & T,AW11 ':CE CO., L•rn. Yr O2rictor6, 1.10 t, r af.a:.. FFF FR Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER THE SWEETEST MOST FRAGRANT, MOST REFRESHING AND ENDURING OF ALL PERFUMES FOR THE HANDKERCHIEF, TOILET OR BATH, ill DRUGGISTS, PERFUMERS AND GENERAL DEALERS. Iskilkkk THE PALACE '' WAR URABLL- (HEAP TCLOTHII\. ttA!a,„ G 11 11 1, A man must consider his purchase well these times; he must • buy where he can do the best. Look at some of these "figures: Pants inade to" order, all wool heavy tweeds $2.00 Suits 9,80 rive itota' $8.09 Black \V oletetz suis It spec- ial, $12,00 Our ,$20 blacks beat all others at $23. Conte and See for yourself. 0 0 '0 0© 0 0 0 0 0 0 i3 ()Belief for ®Lung 017'0Lubles EMULSION* Not C,ti N.SUT4iETSON ani alt ILE?P G ▪ DISEASES, EES. M1 3TT13D0 >r dbffi' )04000,, • Q rDYT9 l5; LOSS OE h1fl'P-'''+"A'L'$'F.. va" tiara benefits c o,ais 0. article aro ni05t anzni1es&. • W U:eatd of The • 'D,..l nm¢dsio,, thave got 3,) rid ofa bnz:icing c0U(311. whi 5. a.Id ttoub0 ocl 1010 ser over a year, and 51150 Wssmed ayside:ably'in. fru„lit.. I liked this L;tunIsio0 se well 10011. glad �. 11'hell 1100 time 0s;mo at;,tlud totake-It. o T. A, witIG;Ia11, O.n.,btontreal ; sip 8 IC. 1,.1:01 01 per Bottle DAMS fi 1.11-?PGi`1GE GO., 1.11), WotltRf,6 ® ®q, a " Q fb 0%)000 JAMES II.. GRIEVE SERVES YOU RIGHT_ If you go and pay more for furniture than you could buy it from us, that is your fault, but don't do it again. We lead in all lines- and can save you quite an item by dealing with us. New Premises. We are getting nicely settled in our new premises now and our stock is targe and varied. Undertaking a Specialty.. S. GIDLEY SOS, OPERA HOUSE RioCk Bicycles Bicycles 11 Bicyles I ! 1 Bicycle Pleasure. Are you seeking Bicycle pleasure 11 so, you should seek first a good wheel, We ca.n furnish you any of the best wheels made, at lowest prices Musical. Do you want anything in the musical line. We have a choice lot of Pianos and organs, call and In- spect them before buying elsewhere. A full stodk Of sewing machines, baby :car. Mages, etc. ate, Perkins St Martin. CENTRAL DRUG. STORE Those who have used Wina>n's Cough balsam 'pro- nounce it unequalled as a remedy for coughs, colds, and bronchitis troubles.. Winan's condition and cough powders for horses, the best in the' market, al- ways on. hand; also Aceto- benefaoto and Liniment, the naediorne so successfully used by Mr. Chas. Munro' Parkhill, in this and other towns, in: treatin and, m- iner various diseases. For sale here, C. LUTZ Drugitt